Tuesday, August 17, 2010

News Flash, Barack Obama is George Bush in Blackface


America’s obsession with war and military technology has been pathological for a long time, but now it’s time to declare America insane, suffering from a form of military psychosis, an obsessive-compulsive disorder, one characteristic of which is a suspension of genuine ethical thinking. All that America does—invading other nations, torture, killing of civilians, etc.—is all for the good. Because America believes its intentions are good, its every action is thought to be good. And its intentions are good because it says its intentions are good. America has, in other words, deified itself. Like Yahweh it decides what is right and wrong, what is good and evil. And what might appear to be evil to others, such as an American soldier killing a girl's family, then raping and killing her, is not really wrong. The soldier was only acting under stress at having seen one of his fellow soldiers killed.


Me Talk Like Gandhi, Kill Like Bush.

Rumors suggest that Obama, like the warmonger he replaced, has had the military import blood from Afghans slaughtered by U.S. Cyberdyne soldiers. The blood is then stored in a large reservoir to be used by Obama for bathing and general hygiene. It’s even rumored that he will have an authentic Afghan Bloody Mary to begin the day, using bones from small Afghan children as stir sticks.

And apparently he is following the Bush tradition of having collateral damage barbecues, a feast popular among U.S. soldiers who tire of their diet of can meat. Halliburton has provided portable rotisseries that can be used in the field. There is nothing like an Afghan shank and Bloody Mary after a long day of mayhem and slaughter. And dried Afghan tongue is considered a delicacy among the troops.

And Wikileakia has released emails that suggest that America’s Commander in Chieftain has installed a drone controller in his game room so he can take control of armed drones himself and destroy villages. He’ll put on his leopard skin and a pair of blood-soaked gloves once worn by his hero Idi Amin. In fact a secret picture of Obama at a Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting shows just how much he has fallen in love with the art of war, though slaughtering Native American-like warriors with Cyberdyne weapons is hardly a war, but still a lot of fun. However, some liberals might be disappointed to see how much their candidate for peace has changed since he took office:


“I love reality video games. They’re just a lot more fun when you know the splatter is for real.” In fact, it has been leaked that the American chieftain has had video cameras attached to all military aircraft so that he can watch the action close up. There is nothing better than soaking in a warm bath of Afghan blood, drinking an authentic Afghan Bloody Mary and watching the disintegration of Afghan bodies. That’s why the U.S. does not bother to count the Afghan civilians and freedom fighters killed by U.S. cyborgs—there’s just too damn many pieces.

Bloodshed International, an international proWar organization inspired by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, has suggested scooping up the remains and weighing them. A ton of Afghan remains equals 20 to 30 Afghans, depending on the number of children killed. Besides, if you saw Restrepo you know that most Afghans are mostly skin and bones. They might as well be killed anyway, i.e., American cyborg soldiers are really putting them out of their misery.


U.S. cyborg soldiers don’t look quite like the TERMINATOR, but they are just like IT. They are nothing but flesh and killing machine. Sometimes the flesh is inside the machine: killer jet and helicopters, tanks and other weaponized vehicles. Sometimes the flesh is on the outside: killer drones or infantry using advanced firearms (sniper rifles, machine guns, belt-fed automatic grenade launchers, etc.). Like the Terminator they can use technology to hunt down and kill their targets. Check out our cyborg soldiers at play:


Killing hasn't been so much fucking fun since the days of the blitzkrieg! In most cases the Afghan freedom fighters are not much better equipped than the American Indians were two centuries ago (killing dem redskins was a blast too), fucking Talibanis running around in dresses and carrying AK-47s and archaic rocket launchers. They ought to be embarrassed. But what can they do? Cut off noses, I guess. U.S. gangbangers are better equipped. The documentary Restrepo really tried hard to make the soldiers’ job look dangerous, but compared to the danger facing the Afghan freedom fighters the Americans’ risks are minimal—like one out of two or three hundred. Isn’t that the kill ratio? Less than a 1,000 U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan compared to over 8,600 civilians killed. What a cool war—the slaughter of the innocent. Where did good American Christians learned that? The same place the Muslims did. From the Jews:

Isaiah 13:15-16:
Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.
Another good idea for better bloody living from Yahweh's chosen people.

It's the godly thing to do. HOWEVER, these people had nothing, nothing, nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks, so let's admit that we are really killing them for fun and profit. And the Taliban?

“BRITISH troops are to scale back attacks on the Taliban after killing 7,000 insurgents in two years of conflict, defense sources said last week.” This is from an April 13, 2008 Sunday Times article. It’s hard to find precise statistics because killing Taliban is like killing prairie dogs. Nobody gives a shit, even though the Taliban had little or nothing to do with the attacks on 9-11. You may not like them, but Americans didn’t like the Indians when they slaughtered them. Thus, the Taliban are savages, therefore, they should be destroyed by U.S. cyborg troops and by the U.S. puppet government in Afghanistan using its soldiers who are basically hired killers because they need the money. As long as the killing goes on, the body count doesn't matter. All you can really find out is how many precious American or British soldiers have died, and the British have never been a friend to the people in the region. Who really are the Taliban? Religious fanatics (like the Puritans who settled America) but also freedom fighters who are dying to get the high-tech colonizers out of their country. Why are we really there? Because we can be.

And the fucking U.S. Government calls the war Operation Enduring Freedom. What a fucking joke. It should be called Operation Enduring Slaughter. Just like in Vietnam. The U.S. Government and the Americans who support this kind of behavior make me sick. ENDURING FREEDOM! You know the U.S. supported the fucking French colonialists when they tried to recolonize Vietnam. And when the French were driven out the U.S. took their place. Why? Because the puppet government was run by a Catholic (Diệm) who persecuted the Buddhists. Read about it:

And who would John Kennedy, that womanizing, adulterous Catholic piece of shit, favor? Not the Buddhists, not the communists. Thus began America's Operation Enduring Freedom Vietnam. 2-4 millions dead Vietnamese later, the war ended. The same imperialistic shit continues in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The goons running the U.S. government and military are a bunch of arrogant dumbasses. And personally this country deserves all the bad shit that has been happening to it. (Hey, I just heard, another 1/2 million unemployed. Oh too bad :-( I hope fucking country does get overrun by aliens who will suck its coffers dry and destroy its communities and that the country tanks economically. I almost think that perhaps there is a god—punishing America for its bloody hubris and stupidity. The thing that’s most bothersome is how fucking stupid Americans have become.

And that brings me back to the soldiers. The thing that stands out in the movie Restrepo is the idiocy of the soldier. For one thing that is not a single book to be found. They can read only porn and manuals. They are fucking tattooed beefcakes who have no knowledge of anything. Their little camp is a cultural black hole. The poor fucking Afghans make them look like a bunch of creepy chip 'n dale performer—you know with weapons to shoot up the audience. They want to pretend they are in a war situation, but if it was a war their little fort on top of a mountain would have been taken out by jets, helicopters, missiles, or drones, but only the brave Americans have that kind of equipment.

And when they finally go out on patrol and two of their guys get shot, they call in the killer copters to take out the village. The next day you see the dead and wounded civilians, some just children. Oh well, shit happens. But the slaughter is justified because they find some weapons in the village. Those fucking weapons were so junky you couldn’t sell at a gun show.


More doublespeak from BIG BROTHER BARACK:

"And I made it clear that by Aug. 31, 2010, America's combat mission in Iraq would end. And that is exactly what we are doing -- as promised and on schedule."


First of all Barack Bush Obama hasn’t added anything new to the timetable set by his mentor George Bush. Did you see that motherfucker waving his finger and sound like his other mentor Jeremiah Wright, who is actually a better man than Obama because he isn’t a FUCKING HYPOCRIT!

"The hard truth is we have not seen the end of American sacrifice in Iraq."

AMERICAN SACRIFICE! Fuck you! It’s the fucking Iraqi people who have been sacrificed on the altar of American hubris. Take a look, motherfucker:


97,172 – 106,047 Civilian deaths, and that’s a conservative estimate. American dead, about 4,300. But these people were soldiers who went to Iraq to get their jollies off. They were soldiers who fucking knew what they were getting into, who knew that while one slaughters the citizens of country sometimes they are able to get a little revenge. 50,000 U.S. soldiers died in the Vietnam War, which sounds like a lot until you consider... “Total civilian dead: ~4,331,000” That’s from Wikipedia.


Chickenshit YouTube, BIG BROTHER’S SYCOPHANT, suppressed the video content. Fuck you too, YouTube!

Take a look at our brave soldiers in action:


Can you believe it, those fucking Iraqis attacking with cell phones!

Back to the end of U.S. military operations:

“The 50,000 U.S. troops who will remain in Iraq will now shift their focus toward wrapping up what will be a more than eight-year war operation by the time it ends in 2011.”

BULLSHIT! First of all, U.S. troops will be going out on combat missions with the Iraqi troops. There’s no change there—except in wording. Second, what about the 86,000 contractors in the country. They will be staying—by outfits like Halliburton paid by U.S. taxpayers. So Cheney will still be making big Halliburton bucks. Jews and U.S. traitors profit big time from U.S. and Iraqi blood:


God I hate these people. Third, don’t expect the U.S. government to walk away from it Iraqi puppet government next year, unless the puppets can show the U.S. imperialists that they have everything under control.

Did you get the shit from the killers on the ground:

“But the news of a drawdown was a bitter reckoning for many young veterans in this country because the mission to stabilize Iraq is not yet accomplished, said Shane Kruchten, 26, a former marine from El Cajon who served with Camp Pendleton’s 5th Regiment during the war.”

Why would anyone care about what a fucking Marine has to say about the war? First of all, I’m sure that Shane’s only education is high school. Secondly, his job was basically to kill Iraqis fighting against the U.S. cyborg invaders. EVERYONE IN THE FUCKING WORLD knows that the invasion was ILLEGAL and a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. Just like the guys in Restrepo Shane isn’t a big thinker. Just because he joined in the CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY the dumb shit thinks he has some fucking insight.

Let me clue in Shane. Iraq was DESTABILIZED by him and his fellow cyborg soldiers. They fucked up the country worse than it was under Saddam Insane.


Check it out idiot boy. Just because you risked your life to kill Iraqis you think you were in the right. You weren’t. You served America’s version of Hitler, George W. Idiot Bush. Shane laments that in ten years the country will be pretty much as it was when we invaded. What idiot b boy doesn’t get is that we had no MORAL RIGHT to invade Iraq. In addition, if he ever read a newspaper before the war, he would have seen that we had everything pretty much under control. And don’t give me that bullshit that he went in to save Iraq. He didn’t even know what Iraq was. He joined the Marines to do a little killing. And then idiot boy brings up Vietnam, about which he knows apparently knows nothing. You dumb fuck, the U.S. supported Vietnam’s colonizers the fucking French. We weren’t interested in liberation. For Christ’s sake read a fucking book! Besides, the soldiers who fought in the crime against humanity called the Vietnam War had no fucking choice. You blew it, dude!

Oh yeah, why bother to quote Maj. Gabrielle Chapin? What makes her an expert on any fucking thing? She should be giving her spiel at Comic-Con. Chapin is quoted as saying “the Marines worked to stabilize Iraq with their U.S. and Iraqi allies with one goal in mind. ‘ That was the whole purpose of it—we leave.’”

I don’t what in fuck she means. First, we pushed Humpty-Dumpty Iraq off the wall, then sudden our great mission is to put him back together again and that makes us the good guys. WHAT FUCKING IDIOCY!



Sorry, Gabrielle and Shane, you both participated in war crimes. And if America wasn’t CYBERDYNE NATION, it would have been hauled before The Hague and charged with war crimes.


I guess by now you are aware of the Time magazines propaganda story about the girl who lost her nose. Personally I smell the presence of Jewish urine all over the story. Time is basically a Jewish rag—like most of the news and entertainment media in the U.S. And now the Jews have tightened their noose around the neck of the Supreme Court. Now it has three women, all aliens, two Jews and one Hispanic, and each one ugly as sin. I mean if all women were as ugly as those three I’d become gay. But I digress.

So now America’s reason for occupying Afghanistan and slaughtering it people with an array of weapons systems is to prevent women from losing their noses. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE.

And you might have read about Obama’s politically beneficial Citizens Medals. But one was to a woman who created a foundation to improve the lives of Afghan widows. Well maybe if American soldiers hadn’t been on a killing spree in Afghanistan for the past ten year, there wouldn’t be so many Afghans widows! This is just more feel-good bullshit, more pro-war, pro-occupation, pro-neocolonialist propaganda. FUCK! There’s no end to it. But I digress. Back to the girl without a nose.

How many thousands of Afghans has America killed to prevent the losses of nose! One civilian for every nose, or ten? And by the way, the Taliban are civilian fighters. They are just like our militia, who are being suppressed by BIG BROTHER USA.

I am no fan of the Taliban. They are nuts, but hey that’s their right. If they want to fuck over their women, that’s their right. But the WORLD’S POLICEMAN UNCLE SAM has got to have his say, especially when it so much fun—you know the TERMINATOR-LIKE slaughter of those silly guys running around in dresses and carrying AK-47s. It’s like the good old day of Indian killing, and buffalo killing, and wolf killing, etc.

And of course America is a model of gentlemanly treatment of women:

“The statistics [2008] show a 42-percent increase in reported domestic violence and a 25-percent increase in the reported incidence of rape and sexual assault.”

“[A]t least 248,300 individuals were raped or sexually assaulted in 2007, up from 190,600 in 2005, the last year the survey was conducted. The study surveyed 73,600 individuals in 41,500 households. Among all violent crimes, domestic violence, rape, and sexual assault showed the largest increases.”


You see in America we don’t cut of the noses of women because who wants to rape a noseless woman?

“The projected number of violent crimes committed by intimate partners against women increased from 389,100 in 2005 to 554,260 in the 2007 report.”

One half million women in the U.S. were victims of violent crimes. There must be a lot of closeted Taliban living in the U.S.

You know like the Texas man who went on a kidnapping women and girls rampage until a brave grandma stood up to him and gave her life to protect her granddaughter. It seems to me America has no business scolding the Taliban for cutting off the noses of unfaithful wives when America is overrun with creepy child predators like this guy and John Gardner who raped and killed two girls. I love it that we waterboard the anti-imperialism freedom fighter in Iraq and Afghanistan but let scum like Gardner spend the rest of his life in a prison hotel on the taxpayer’s dime. Believe me these predator types have it made: good food, TV, library, probably access to computers, and they don’t have to work another day in their life. Lots of people in China and Indian would love such a life. My point is that America is filled with millions of men who abused and kill women. Take another look:

“Of the 59,996 murders committed by women between 1976 and 1997 just over 60% of the victims were intimates or family members of the murderess. Among the 395,446 victims murdered by men during this period, only 20% were family members or intimates. Of course, that means that about 36,000 people lost their lives at the hands of a female family member and about 80,000 were killed by a male family member.

In conclusion, women are less violent than men. When they do act violently, they lash out against those they know and either love or once loved.”


Looks like a crime war is happening in the US. More Americans killed in two decades than U.S. soldiers killed in about a decade fighting in Nam. And we should be telling other people how to live?!!! And what about those two million inmates in our INDUSTRIAL INCARCERATION COMPLEX? In its article on “Crime in the United States” Wikipedia says “Since 1964, the U.S. crime rate has increased by as much as 350%”

Maybe those troops over there should be patrolling our streets here at home. You I’m not really all that worried about fighting Muslim terrorist here at home as much as I am about getting robbed, attacked, or killed by an America criminal. And if I am attacked by a Muslim nutcase I’m sure he will be living in this country legally—thanks to my alien-friendly government. For example:

“It is the first time that the Justice Department has publicly revealed criminal charges against two U.S. citizens, Omar Hammami and Jehad Mostafa, who have risen through al-Shabab's ranks to become important field commanders for the organization.”


More American IDIOCY!

Here are a few facts from a source that actually criticizes overstating the problem—really like the article does pictorially:

“The Straus, Gelles, and Steinmetz survey estimated that 2 million women were abused each year by their husbands.”

“Women Who Leave Their Batterers Are at a 75% Greater Risk of Being Killed by the Batterer than Those Who Stay. Women are more likely to be victims of homicide when they are estranged from their husbands than when they live with their husbands--BUT NOT A 75 % GREATER RISK. The risk of homicide is higher in the first two months after separation.”

“The FBI reports that approximately 1,500 women are killed each year by husbands or boyfriends.”


This is just a guess, but I’m thinking more women die at the hands of their husbands and boyfriends in good ol’ US of A than lose there noses in Afghanistan. Remember that old saying about living in a glass house and through grenades at other people’s glass house. It comes down to not being a fucking hypocrite. So why would a Jew-run magazine do such a thing? Maybe because they are a bunch of Zionist neo-cons who don’t want America to ever remove its huge fucking army from the Middle East.

You know those little America flags presidents and other phony American politicians wear on their lapels. I think on the backside of their lapels you will find a little flag of Israel. On the other one you will find a flag of Mexico.

Speaking of that national cesspool...


A Needham woman who lost her husband in the 9/11 terrorist attacks and then co-founded an organization to improve the lives of Afghan widows received the 2010 Citizens Medal from President Obama at a White House ceremony today. Maybe if the U.S. hadn’t over there for 10 years slaughtering the men there wouldn’t be so many widows. Don’t you just love the way the U.S. wrecks a country and then tries to make itself out to be a hero by dealing with the damage it caused in the first place. Of course, the two women take their cultural agenda (called CULTURAL IMPERIALISM) with them, which is to empower the women of Afghanistan, in other words, to transform them into American women. But it was that type of intrusion into other countries and cultures that caused 9-11 in the first place. AMERICA’S MISSION is to save the rest of the world from itself—whether they fucking want it or not. Oh but the women want it. I’m sure they do, but what about the male gender? Oh, we’ll just kill them!

That fucking arrogance is rooted in Christianity. That if you ain’t Christian you’s a heathen. Now it’s if you ain’t livin like an American, you just ain’t livin. And just how do Americans live?


So if we can empower those backward Afghans, the U.S. can put in a Wal-Mart, McDonalds, etc. and start make big bucks—not too big because they people don’t have much money, but they will spend their last Afghan dollar for a Coca Cola. And then the women will all look like this:


That is FUCKING EMPOWERMENT. Take off that burke bitch and get down and dirty! I can dig it, dig. And get away from those Talibani terrorist and hook up with a big boner American daddy!

More liberated cunt of the good ol US of Ass:


But Americans don’t give a shit whether other cultures want our NIHILISM and CHRISTIAN NONSENSE. As a result some of those folks get killed, AND DESERVEDLY SO. For example, a bunch of CHRISTIAN IMPERIALISTS from INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE MISSION got themselves killed. AND THEY FUCKING DESERVED WHAT THEY GOT! Notice how the organization tries to hide the fact that it’s basically PROSELYTIZING outfit. They are doing what Christians have been doing for ages: GETTING (BRIBING) OTHER CULTURES TO GIVE UP THEIR OWN RELIGION TO BECOME CHRISTAINS. That is what has gone on everywhere in the world. In America those fucking Christians did to the Indians. Like our fucking MAKEBELIEVE is truer than your MAKEBELIVE. So what happened?

“A total of 14 IAM volunteers have been killed while working for IAM in Afghanistan. The most recent incident occurred in August 2010 when Taliban militants ambushed and killed a team of 10 doctors and nurses who were returning from a medical care trip to remote mountain villages in northeastern Afghanistan. Among those killed were six Americans, two Afghans, one Briton, and one German.” (Wikipedia)

Those fucking people did not belong in Afghanistan. There were nothing more than a bunch of delusional, self-righteous Christian zombies. Filled with the Holy Spirit they believe they could do whatever they fucking wanted to do because they were serving God. Let’s not forget that George Bush thought the same thing when he decided to destroy Iraq with America’s Cyberdyne military. This IAM outfit present the image of a bunch of fucking do-gooders who just want to make like better for others—who just happen not to be Christians. Most Americans buy this shit because they too are Christian zombies who believe the Christian mission is to turn the rest of the world into Christians, which would me the rest of the world would not only be a lot dumber but really fucking boring. Anyone who has read a history book has seen the damage the Christian agenda has done, but Americans don’t read. Or if they do, they just don’t give a shit about the truth. You know like, Darwin was full of shit, though the American Christians who condemn his theory thinks genetics is a card game. I'm always amazed how people who believe in a totally unverifiable God (based on the world’s greatest work of fantasy) criticize Darwin's theory as being unsubstantiated. In other words, ‘FUCK THE EMPIRICAL DATA.’ Well unless the Christian is talking to a medical doctor who has just told him/her that the empirical data indicates CANCER!!!!!! Now the EMPIRICAL DATA seems tooooooo fucking real! Hey, forget about chemo. If you got cancer, it simply means God is calling you home. Get on board the chariot and enjoy the ride. ;- )))))

The point is always this: WHAT ARE THOSE AMERICANS AND EUROPEANS DOING IN OTHER PEOPLE’S COUNTRIES? They don’t fucking belong there, not even if they are allowed by some fucking puppet government. If any people have a right to FUCKING HATE European interlopers, it’s the Afghan people.

By the way, why are so many Americans who are upset about the Hispanic invasion of their country willing to accept our invasion of other countries?

I think the Presidential Citizens Medal should have gone to Pfc. Bradley E. Manning instead of that fucking alien Jorge Munoz, who has been delivering homemade food to illegal day laborers in Queens, N.Y. I consider this guy an ENEMY OF AMERICA for supporting those who are invading and destroying this country. Munoz is a fucking Columbian who moved to New York and obtained citizenship in 1987, along with his mother and sister (I’m thinking CHAIN MIGRATION). Hey, wasn’t that about the time of Ronald Reagan’s traitorous Immigration Reform and Control Act, which should be called Illegal Alien Amnesty Anti-American Act? By the way, his outfit is called AN ANGEL IN QUEENS. I call it SATAN IN AMERICA. Get this bullshit concerning Nunoz:

“But offers of work are few these days, and competition for jobs is intense. As winter approaches, a man can easily spend the entire day shivering and desperately hungry, because these day laborers, many of them from Mexico or elsewhere in Latin America, are not only poor immigrants in need of work; many are also homeless, or nearly.”

I say FUCK YOU. Go back to your own piece of shit of a country.

“‘We come here to look for work,’ said a 47-year-old Ecuadorean named Carlos Suarez as he hugged a cheap leopard-print comforter that serves as his bed. ‘ There is none. [WHAT!? Give me a fucking break. Like the guy breaks into your home and then complains there is no money to be stolen. Hey motherfucker, there are MILLIONS of Americans out of work. Take your Hispanic ass back to that shithole Ecuador, which your people turned into a shithole!] What can we do?’

Mr. Suarez says that he has sometimes gone days without eating and has on occasion survived only on bread. [The fucking tears are welling up in my eyes!] But for the past three months, he has eaten at least one hot meal a day, thanks to a former illegal immigrant [There you go. Obama is passing out medals to criminals. Of course he doesn’t give a shit because he is one of them, not us] who, with the help of his mother, has become a guardian angel for these workers.”



Check out this. The problem is getting worse. Could it be because the illegals kept on coming?


That’s the new America. Hey, let take a look at some of Jorge Munoz compadres who are wrecking America:

As far as I’m concern Jorge is troops of the Hispanic Armies of the Night that have been invading America.

You hear all that BULLSHIT about the benefits of diversity. Well Munoz’s New York is about as diverse as a city gets. A third of the city is foreign born, like Munoz himself. The largest groups being Dominican Republic, China, Jamaica, Guyana, Mexico, Ecuador, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, Colombia and Russia. Isn’t that terrific, America?! And ‘in 2008, there were 523 reported murders, a 5.2% rise from the previous year.’ (Wikipedia) 523 murders and we’re worrying about how many women losing their noses in Afghanistan? Idiocy! And New York isn’t the worst crime city in the U.S. However, the most dangerous cities are never gringo dominated cities. It’s always blacks and Hispanics. Camden, New Jersey, is right now America’s most dangerous city:

“The racial makeup of the city was 53.35% BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN, 16.84% WHITE, 2.45% Asian, 0.54% Native American, 0.07% Pacific Islander, and 22.83% from other races. 3.92% of residents were from two or more races. 38.82% OF THE POPULATION WERE HISPANIC OR LATINO of any race. 8.9% of the population is foreign-born. 7.1% of the population were Whites of non-Hispanic ancestry.”

You get the picture (America’s very bleak future!). But of course WHITE AMERICANS ARE TO BLAME. Just ask Obama’s favorite preacher. I agree—for being a bunch of dumb asses and not keeping the Hispanic hordes out of the country. Actually the only Americans who have the guts to take on the Hispanic Nation are black Americans.


Does Obama think he he’s going to bring the AMERICA and the ALIEN NATION occupying her together? If he does he’s a dumb shit. But he doesn’t because he doesn’t give a shit. He’s working for the ALIEN NATION because that is his nation. When I look at him I see not an American black but the Kenyan his mother fucked around with. Besides, he’s now the most hated man in America. I thought Bush would hold on to that title a little longer, but he’s dropped into second place. I voted for Obama because I hated and still hate the Republican Part Don’t worry I got plenty left for the Democrats...


That reminds me. We need to take a moment to remember Sen. Ted Stevens killed by Mother Nature. So she got back at one of her enemies:

“Stevens was a long-standing proponent of logging and championed a plan that would allow 2,400,000 acres (9,700 km) of roadless old growth forest to be clear-cut. Stevens stated that this would revive Alaska's timber industry and bring jobs to unemployed loggers; however, the proposal would mean that thousands of miles of roads would be constructed at the expense of the United States Forest Service, judged to cost taxpayers $200,000 per job created.”

He didn’t give a shit about nature or the American taxpayer. He was just another arrogant, lying, self-serving fucking U.S. politician. . Good for kudos to Mother Nature. Now if we could just get all of Washington’s DemocRAT and RepubliSCUM politicians on a 747 to fly over Alaska, maybe Mother Nature would do us an even bigger favor. :- ) ) ) Hahahaha Good riddance, you piece of shit!

As I said, I voted for the piece of shit now ruining the country—a proud tradition of U.S. presidents—because I hate the Republicans and didn’t want to vote for the old warmonger and his blowup bimbo. But what did I get anyway? Fucking alien-lover, warmonger John McCain in blackface!

[Just in, another crooked politician bits the dust. This time it’s the fat-cat political hack Dan Rostenkowski. He wasn’t as awful as the environmental terrorist Stevens, but he’s still dirty.]

Hey, since we are wading in the political toilet, did you hear about Ben Quayle, son of former Vice President Dan Quayle, unveiling a TV campaign ad Wednesday in his bid for Congress in which he calls President Barack Obama "the worst president in history.” First of all, Obama still isn’t the worst president in history. George Bush Jr. still holds that honor because Obama is having to repair the damage caused by Bush, including two fucking wars, a wrecked economy, and a government up to its ears in debt. You Ben Quayle are just another fucking self-serving political hack who will say any fucking thing to get into office—even lying your fucking head off. Wikipedia says that Ben Quayle is a businessman and Republican. There you go. Another wanna-be who can’t wait to join the Republican plutocracy. He could have at least served a little time in Iraq or Afghanistan. No way. His type rather serve on the corporate board of Halliburton.

And even if Obama was the worst president in U.S. history, Ben’s dad, Forrest Gump Quayle, would still be the dumbest fucking vice president in U.S. history—past, present and future, since I can’t imagine anyone dumber than him period. Okay, George Bush. But take a look at Bush’s twin in ignorance:


But thank god that George Herbert Walker Bush had some training in dealing with the mentally challenged. What I have to say to Ben Quayle is FUCK YOU, you phony fucking asshole. I’m done with voting, but if the Republicans run some asshole like Quayle, I’ll vote against the next the next Republican candidate for president, even if it means voting for Obama, whom I fucking hate. Because Obama isn’t a traitor. He isn’t a phony American. We know he’s working for the aliens, of which he is one. On the other hand, you have the traitors such as Kennedy, Bush, and McCain who wear the American flag on the outside of their lapel and the Mexican flag on the inside.


Therein lies the problem: U.S. politics attracts mediocrity—Quayle, Bush, and Palin being the most glaring examples, but the others are just as unwise. One problem is that the government is filled with LAWYERS and BUSINESS and MILITARY. There is no wisdom to be found here. The lawyer is a professional liar and rule bender. And the law is not the same as morality. Lawyers use the law in the way spiders use their web. Remember the O.J. Simpson case? And how many lawyers have been willing to put away an innocent man or defend a guilty man? Business people are interested only in making a profit. Like the hillbilly goons who own Wal-Mart they are quite willing to fuck over and exploit anyone do so. And of course the military is a bloodthirsty outfit. Just look at what went on in Vietnam and what is going on today. The military slaughter Americans—like they did the Indians—if they were given the order too.

This is why America has no future. It has gotten itself trapped in a Brea Tar Pit like situation. The tar is the worst form of mediocrity—the cruel and self-serving kind.

Check out Wikipedia’s Quality of Life Index:

1 Ireland
2 Switzerland
3 Norway
4 Luxembourg
5 Sweden
6 Australia
7 Iceland
8 Italy
9 Denmark
10 Spain
11 Singapore
12 Finland
13 United States
14 Canada
15 New Zealand
16 Netherlands
17 Japan

Why is it that such small countries with so little material and financial wealth can do a better job than America—the richest country in every way? Because the people who run those countries and the citizens themselves are wiser than those running and living in America. And the one thing these countries don’t have is the HUGE FUCKING MISERY INDEX that America has. Why are there 2 million people in U.S. prisons and probably another 2 that should be there? Why is there so much poverty, such a huge underclass, so much fucking violence, gangs in every city of any size, the lost of community individuality because of the franchising of America, and so on? Why is it that I now live in a fucking multicultural refugee camp where the graffiti removers have to work 24-7—which used to be an all-American community. And the place (can’t really call it anything else) doesn’t come close the worst places to live in the U.S. I now live in a no-place refugee camp. All the fucking businesses are franchises. All the fucking people are strangers, many of whom can barely speaka English. America is becoming spiritually dead for most Americans. I know the artsy-fartsy types at NPR think it’s so cool, like world music. I say fuck world music. (I hear NPR is now accept hair and gold teeth donations! ;-) I do listen to the station for its news and financial gloom in spite of Marxist we love diversity bullshit.) But most of them are outsiders, not really interested in raising a family or living in a community with green lawns and white picket fences. I get that, but these avant-garde types represent less than a percent of the population.

The problem with Americans is there vision of the good life is making money and buying shit. The fucking Africans cooking over an open fire have a great sense of the importance of traditional tribal culture and aesthetics than American do. Capitalism and Christianity reside at the dark heart of the American soul. Making money and buying shit is covered by the capitalism part. The Christianity part is fuck the here and now because it don’t matter. They don’t give a shit about the country or enjoying life. They are like the Muslims in that way. Give them a bible (or Koran) and prayer rug and they’re in hog’s heaven. They hate nature because the Devil and his cohorts live there and they believe God told them to destroy nature and pave over it and put up mini-malls. They also hate having too much fun. NO SMOKING, NO DRINKING, NO DANCING, NO POT, NO QUEERS, NO ABORTIONS, NO DARWIN, NO SCIENCE OF ANY KIND, NO READING BANNED BOOKS, NO EVERYTHING FUCKING THING except going to church, Wal-Mart, Six Flags Magic Mountain, and war. Oh yeah, NO FUCKING WISDOM. Disneyland is out because it caters to homos. I don’t go there because the company is run by Jews. I hold Jews responsible for three loads of bad shit, the greedy, Zionist Jews being one, the Christian disease being two, and the Muslim disease being three. I assume you know about the Abrahamic Brotherhood. It’s like a Religious Threesome Cartel.

I really don’t mind so much the local community church scene. I get that, but religion should always be a local affair. The Zionists and Neocons are a good example when religion breaks out of the community cage and takes over. Inquisitions, burning of witches and heretics, Galileo put under house arrest and poor ol Bruno burned at the stake, the various forms of colonialism justified as saving the souls of heathens, Indian killing, Crusades becoming a national pastime, which is all the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are—fucking Christian colonialist crusades. That’s all the establishment of the Zionist state was—a Christian sponsored crusade. When the Jews latched upon the civilized world (via a Roman emperor) it was like what happens when Dr. Jekyll drinks the potion that turns him into Mr. Hyde. A beast emerged and started its slow progress to conquer and eventually destroy the world. And it looks like that the U.S. and Israel have teamed up to accomplish that mission. To free all those righteous souls from earth’s tyranny. The shysters, profiteers, warmongers, religious fanatics—these are the sick motherfuckers steering America into an iceberg of its own making. How else can you explain a country having so much self-destructing so quickly?


That’s right, the Citizen’s Medal should have gone to Pfc. Bradley E. Manning. (I left off “Presidential,” which would have tarnished the medal.) The other awards were mostly Presidential Propaganda Medals. Did you notice that the media paid attention to only to three of the 13 awards: We love Afghanistan, illegal aliens, and the U.S. military awards. I mean you have to dig to find out about Mary K. Hoodhood who got an award for feeding hungry children in Grand Rapids, Michigan. So what happened to the city?

59.6% non-Hispanic White, 21.8% Black or African American, 1.9% Asian, 1.5% American Indian and Alaska Native and 8.7% from some other race. 16.4% OF THE TOTAL POPULATION WERE HISPANIC OR LATINO OF ANY RACE.12.5% OF THE POPULATION WERE FOREIGN BORN.

You see the trend. Soon Grand Rapids will be an Alien dominated city. I wonder how many of those kids are anchor babies taking food from the mouths of poor black and white kids. And by the way Hoodhood pointed out that she provides only dinner. The schools provide free breakfast and lunch—paid for by gringo Americans. I don’t mind caring for my own people—black or white—but I don’t like the idea of caring for aliens, especially those who invaded the country illegally and gave birth to anchor babies (bad seeds for the once United States of America).

Just another example of America’s never having so many problems that it can’t important more. America has become a BAD NEWS NATION. And the politicians are mostly to blame.


First Class Bradley E. Manning had the balls to do the right thing—which the warmongering motherfuckers running the country would not do. Obama says he’s all about transparency in government. He’s a FUCKING LIAR. He is Bush in blackface. And what about Hillary it takes a village Clinton? She plays the peace card but she’s a fucking phony:

“Clinton stressed the bipartisan legacy of U.S. arms control efforts stretching back to Republican President Ronald Reagan, and underscored Obama administration plans to SPEND MORE THAN $80 billion over the next decade to modernize and improve the U.S. nuclear capabilities.”

Does that look like somebody wanting to rid the world of nukes? Don’t believe her Russia. Keep your nukes. She and her blackface Bush are a bunch of fucking liars. God I hate these people. Where is a fucking asteroid when you need it? Why wasn’t Barack Obama bin Laden and his witch Hellary Clinton on that fucking plane with Stevens? Life is so cruel.

Back to my hero Manning...

“The more than 76,000 reports published by WikiLeaks, many of them brief and routine, provide new details about Pakistani intelligence agencies' assistance to Afghan insurgents, corruption in the U.S.-backed Kabul government, and numerous incidents of U.S. troops accidentally killing civilians.”

The American military and government is all about keeping secrets because there are all about causing carnage. I guess you hear that the U.S. military doesn’t want to leave Afghanistan. When you’ve killing and blowing up shit and playing with all the new Cyberdyne war toys you just hate to stop. Well, the killers Christmas need to come to end some time. Some Obama hack said that the military told the administration that it needed to give some thought to what the U.S.’s long-term presence in Afghanistan should look like, as if 9 fucking years isn’t long time! Oh but the soldiers always want to finish the mission—which is basically an imperialistic mission. To train an Afghan ELITE GUARD that can protect the puppet government the U.S. has put in place. And what was the mission in Iraq? Oh yeah, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. But since there weren’t any the mission came to be the liberation of Iraq from the dictator Hussein who has been replaced by the U.S. and a puppet government. There are still over a hundred thousand U.S. military and civilian contractors in the country, so we aren’t going anywhere. The REAL MISSION of the U.S. military is WORLD DOMINANCE. That’s about all America can do any more, bully people with its military. It doesn’t make shit anymore, not even decent (in both the artistic and moral sense) movies. It’s certainly not a financial role model or a cultural role model. It talks a lot about freedom, but it’s been unbridled freedom that has pushed America from the decline stage into the fall stage. America is a joke, but no one is laughing because it’s strapped with a half-trillion dollar killing-machine military.

That’s what sickened First Class Bradley E. Manning. He reminds me of the guy who tried to assassinate Hitler. He will disappear into the U.S. Gulag Archipelago or perhaps he’ll be put on an Extraordinary Rendition flights to a Black Site—which has been a favorite way of the U.S. government to avoid following international law and morality. See you can learn something from the KGB. The CIA learned a lot!

Here’s a look at one of the videos released to the public by Manning:


That those American heroes shooting civilian fish in a barrel. I tried to get this video on YouTube but they limit access to the video. Looks to me that YouTube has become a branch of the CIA.

Speaking of that fucking nefarious outfit I suppose you read about the 92 torture tapes destroyed by America’s KGB, aka, the CIA. Of course former CIA George My-face-is-rotting Tenet said that the U.S. doesn’t torture. When asked about water boarding he said he doesn’t discuss methods. But we all know that Georgie boy is a FUCKING LIAR—like when he claimed that the existence of WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION in Iraq was a slam dunk. Then he was given the MEDAL OF FREEDOM by that fucking moral monster George Bush, who should have be prosecuted by the World Court for his crimes against humanity.


You are doomed Amerika! And your sins will pierce your flesh like arrows. You have allowed yourself to become a beast.



See Obama floating in what like some Mao in the Yangsee River?

We’re going to have to carve is face into Mt. Rushmore. ;- (Hahaha). Just teasin. You do have to admit that Osama bin Laden—religious brother of Obama’s daddy—has to be laughin his head off at how fucking stupid Americans are. You have to give him credit. He tried to warn you about the Jews moving in and taking over. Hahahaha. Who would have ever guessed that his little 9-11 joke would completely undo America. He pulled the dummy puppet Bush’s strings like everyone else, including the Zionist Neocons. Osama’s genius was to use the Jew against America. He knew the Judas people could be relied upon to stab their American guardian in the back just as Judas did Jesus. The lesson to be learned from Judas is that the Jew hates the gentile.

That enough blog diarrhea. Need to flush it into cyberspace.