has taken control of the nation.
A legion of shysters and pilferers
scour land destroying good
replacing it with evil.
I’m announcing the NATIONAL SANITATION PROJECT. We are going to purify the population of this nation. GUANTANAMO IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!! The purge will include people who suffer severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric problems such as gayism and lesbianism, other mental and physical conditions such as hearing and vision disabilities (regardless of corrective glasses and hearing aids), inappropriate skin pigmentation, people with missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, and dwarfism. NO MORE DWARFS PILOTING 747S!
Whitman’s Preamble
for those Bravest Ukrainian Soldiers
who lived through the fight
who pressed to the front and fell.
Pensive On Her Dead Ukrainian Heroes
Desperate on the torn bodies, on the forms
covering the battle-
fields gazing,
(As the last gun ceased, but the scent of the
As she call'd to her earth with mournful voice
while she stalk'd,
Absorb them well O my earth, she cried, I charge
you lose not
my sons, lose not an atom,
And you Ukrainian streams absorb them well
taking their dear blood,
And you local spots and you airs that swim above
And all you essences of soil and growth, and you
my rivers' depths,
And you mountain sides, and the woods where my
dear Ukrainian
children's blood trickling redden'd,
And you trees down in your roots to bequeath to
all future trees,
Ukrainian soil absorb my young Ukrainian men's
absorb their precious precious blood,
Which holding in trust for me faithfully back
again give me
many a year hence,
In unseen essence and odor of surface and grass,
centuries hence,
In blowing airs from the fields back again give
me my darlings,
give my immortal Ukrainian heroes,
Exhale me them centuries hence, breathe me their
breath, let not
an atom be lost,
O years and graves! O air and soil! O my dead,
an aroma sweet!
Exhale them perennial sweet death, years,
centuries hence.
* * *
Russia: A Devil Worshiping Nation
What an evil BULLY nation Russia is! With a population of 143.4
million people the largest nation in the world invades the much smaller nation
Ukraine, population 43.79 million, out of gluttonous greed for more territory
and Putin’s narcissistic Will to Power. In doing so it has destroyed a way of
life, children going to school, people going to work, people shopping or
visiting parks, neighbors chatting, kids at birthday parties, people attending
church, lovers celebrating their love holding hands walking along avenues, people
wanting to celebrate Christmas. Then arrives that Devil worshiping monster of
hatred who finds the civilized way of life horrid. He and his haters of life the Orc people have transformed Ukraine in a national graveyard. But today’s weaponized
Russia was destroyed long ago—first by a Jew then by the Devil incarnate Vladimir
Putin who laughs every time a child dies.
During Victorian Age there was an intellectual renaissance was occurring in Russia—in dance, painting, music, philosophy, and literature.
Living conditions for workers were hard but improving. Leadership did not come
from the top because Tsar Nicholas Romanov living in a bubble of wealth and
nobility was clueless to the conditions of the working people. Unlike Putin he
was not an evil, hateful man a prisoner of hatred of Western Civilization. He
was a Forrest Gump character who went with the flow as his world spun out of control.
The people who were transforming Russia into a modernized civilized nation were
the financially successful and sophisticated industrialists. As with other
nations, working conditions in factories were bad, but conditions were
improving as they were in other nations.
But then came the will-to-power priests of Marxism, Lenin, Trotsky,
Stalin and others. They were all lobotomized by the Karl Marx’s template ideology
used in China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and North Korea to cleanse nations of their
traditions and transform them into
Marxist Mechanized States in which the people serve as cogs in the Marxist machine.
The Russian spirit was destroyed and lost forever. Instead of
allowing the nation to flourish from within, from its own people and their
talents and traditions, they used Marx’s ideology to turn the Russia people
against one another in a civil war. The merchant class—known by the
Marxists as the hated bourgeoisie—business
owners, merchants and wealthy people who were leading the Russian Renaissance
were wiped out along with the nobility. A cultural void was created to be
filled by a nihilistic mechanized ideology that transformed the nation in arms manufacturing
factory and military base and the people in militarized automatons, their minds infected by
Marxism. Like Putin, the Russian Marxist leaders were at war with the world, as
is the way of all Jewish ideologies religious and secular—each a declarations
of war. The peasants living close to the land and the spirit of Jesus resisted
and were either destroyed or converted into drones for the Big Brother State. Of
course, the cruel system collapsed because it destroyed the Russian people
physically and spiritually. During the Russian Renaissance peasants were
becoming independent yeoman farmers.
They were people of the
Earth, people with souls, not cogs in a Marxist machine.
Then along came the Trump-like opportunist Putin who emerged from the Marxist rubble to create a national cartel no more sophisticated than a Mexican drug cartel and declared himself Russia’s Messiah, a new Ivan the Terrible. His henchman robbed the Russian people of their wealth and became the country’s swinish oligarchs. The nation became an oligarchy that served Tsar Putin and his rich cohorts. Those who spoke against Putin's tsarism were imprisoned, shot, poisoned, or disappeared. The Russian people became Putin’s Morlocks to be exploited and thrown into battle to serve his Satanic Will to Power then thrown away limbless or dead. Yet they worship him thinking he is their savior, but he is a modern incarnation of Satan whose priests sprinkle Holy Water on tanks and missiles to baptize the instruments of DEATH of men, women, and children.
* * *
Congratulations, Putin,
you narcissistic, satanic, nihilist incarnation of Devil! You and your morally
subhuman Satan-worshiping Russian sycophants have dirty hands soaked in the
blood of Ukrainian men, women, and children. You ruined another Christmas and
every holiday, every birthday party for every child, every good of every life
for millions of people—not just Ukrainians but all civilized civilizations
which Russia ceased to be with the arrival of communism. And all religious
faiths look upon you and your demonic followers with repugnance. You are not
the follower of the Devil but the Devil himself, the incarnation of evil. You are
the Satan who attacks Job's family killing family members, servants, and
domestic animals. That is exactly what you are doing in Ukraine. Job and his
family were good and Satan was the incarnation of evil—as are you. You are
Russia’s Satan and the Russian people are demons doing your bloody satanic
work in Ukraine. In the story of Job the family, servants, and animals return
to life. But the Ukrainian men, women, and children that your henchmen have
murdered will not return to life.
Christmas is not the celebration of God but of a mother and her child being persecuted as you more than persecute Ukrainian mothers and children: YOU MURDER THEM! The highest good of any society is it protection of women and children. The greatest evil committed by a society is the murder of women and children. Russia has always fallen into the latter category. Yes, America has been there as well, but now a few good Americans seek to pay for its past sins by defending the women and children of Ukraine. And you—you embodiment of evil—threaten to used nuclear weapons on cities filled with women and children. You, Putin, are the purest form of evil and the Russian people once again made a compact with the devil when they made a compact with you and by doing so have themselves become evil.
Putin’s Playground Any
Town Ukraine
Only dictatorial Satans like you, such as Kim
Jong Un, Xi Jinping, and Bashar al-Assad, admire your bloody work. You are
probably thrilled that you have joined the ranks of mass murderers such as your
hero Stalin, father of Holodomor, and Mao Zedong, killer of millions, and just
in time for Christmas. Yet, Germans are relieved that Vladimir Putin has
replaced Hitler as the most hated man on the planet, that the Wagner Group
consisting of bloodthirsty convicts has replaced the S.S. as the most hated
military faction in the history, and that the Russian people have replaced the
Nazis as the most hated people in the world (though Israeli are now a close second). You and your bloodthirsty
compatriots are hated because you and they deserve to be hated. Russia has done
nothing but harmed other people. Russia is a nation of hate led by the greatest
hater of all Vladimir Putin, the man who cannot smile.
Instead of death camps (reserved for your own
people) you use cellars to torture the people of the nation you have invaded.
Yes, you are hated and deserve to be hated. Russians even sided with Hitler
until he turned on them. Had Hitler not invaded Russia there might have been
concentration camps in the Gulags. You have thrown the world into turmoil and
anxiety. Even America is relieved that the hatred towards it (often deserved)
has been replaced by hatred toward Russians. Russians are now considered
Satan's (aka Putin's) spawn. You are killers of mothers of children, of fathers
of children, of siblings and friends of children, killers of uncles and aunts,
killers, killers, killers and destroyers of homes and businesses and schools
and parks where families took their children to play. All gone, destroyed by
you and your demonic followers. Killers and destroyers are what you are. Russia
has dragged Ukraine back to the Stone Ages, the age where Russia has been in
since the murder of the Romanov family. Yes, we hate you!
You and your Russian followers are a cancer that seeks to drag civilization back into the Stone Age. That is what you have done in Ukraine—returned a civilized nation to the Stone Age. Men killing one another; your men killing men but also women and children. And millions of beloved pets—cats, dogs, horses, goats, sheep and other creatures—you have slaughtered or have been abandoned to struggle on their own because of the Russian plague that has ruthlessly entered the country.
Fields that once were seeded to grow wheat, corn, and sunflowers, food for humans and animals, are now seeded by you and your monstrous followers with landmines that produce only injury and death. How diabolically grotesque you people are. That is why you are so depressing to the world. What do dead bodies of men, women, and children, the destroyed cities, and ravished fields reveal? They reveal the Russian mind. There are 57 malignant Satanic nations just like you in the world.
Your shedding the blood of Ukrainian men, women, and children spoils the brief happiness of Christmas by reminding us that evil like you and your followers lurks everywhere. I know it does not matter to you and your henchmen. Evil enjoy the death, suffering, and despair it causes. On Christmas Day you bombed Ukraine cities. Truly you are monsters:
Putin’s Zombies!
The Christmas gifts to the world from Russia are bullets, bombs, rockets, and killer drones and the dead bodies of men, women, and children. How many thousands of pets have died because you murdered their owners? You not only murder children but kidnapped them as gifts to families and friends back home. Only Russians would accept kidnapped children as gifts and would think that kidnapped children will love the people who have stolen them after murdering their parents.
Santa got caught by Russians last year, his reindeer slaughtered and eaten. He was tortured for attempting to bring toys and joy to Ukrainian Children. Grinch Putin is unhappy when people are happy. Such a miserable soulless monstrosity of a subhuman being. Such men—and they are always men—will do anything to spoil Christmas because Christmas celebrates peace on Earth and good will to men, women, and children.
Congratulations, Russia, for ruining Christmas again!!!!
Santa wanted to bring
presents to the Children of Ukraine, but instead Russian goons rained down
missiles and bombs upon Ukrainian homes. And while the civilized world will try to
celebrate New Years Eve, you and your militarized husks will continue the
destruction of Ukraine. Your legacy in history will be that of your hero and
mentor Joseph Stalin who unleashed the Holodomor Terror-Famine upon the
Ukrainian people, killing four million of them. And now you are doing the same.
Here is just one of your dead:
You Russians are no better than the Nazis. When
Hitler tried to take you out it was a case of one evil trying to destroy
another evil. It was like the German version of Bubonic Plague fighting the
Russian version of Cholera.
A Visit to Putin Castle
A visitor to Putin Castle saw this photo in
every room:
He told his guide that he found it quite depressing.
“Where did he get the photograph? I find it depressing.”
"Oh no," responded the tour guide. "Master Putin is
seen to smile only when he is looking at it. That is why it hangs in every
"Every room! How can you stand to see it everywhere you look
in this place?"
“Whatever makes Master Putin happy makes me happy. One of his
brave soldiers sent it to him just after he shot the woman in the other photo.”
“And who are those dead people?”
“Ukrainians, of course. Master Putin sends a signed copy to the
families of our brave Russian soldiers who have been murdered by Ukrainian
soldiers. There have been so many thousands of dead Russian soldiers that an
entire printing company is devoted to printing copies of Master Putin’s
favorite photograph.”
“Why? I must ask.”
“To cheer up the family by letting them know why a brother, boyfriend,
father, or son died in a foreign land.”
“And why did they die? Because Ukraine was about to invade
“No, no. No one believes that though they say they do. Otherwise,
it would be off to the Gulag for them. Why would any country want to invade
Russia? Dead Ukrainians is why Putin sent Russian soldiers into Ukraine. Master Putin
hates Ukrainians as he hates everyone except Russians. He’s a strange man, but
he is our master.”
“He is not so strange. He is evil. He is a necrophile.”
“A necro... what?”
“A person who loves to see people dead. And as an evil politician
he has the power to end lives like the lives of those people in the ditch. That
is what he loves. Like I said, your master is evil.”
“I think it is better that we talk no more about this. Otherwise,
we might end up with the people in the ditch or worse.”
"Or worse? What's worse than being dead?"
"There are things much worse than death. Before they died
those people suffered."
“Thank you for speaking with me. I believe it’s time for me to
leave if every room contains that photograph.”
“That is too bad. We were about to see Master Putin’s study. In it
the photograph is wall size and on all four walls. He calls his study his happy
“Study? No books, just that photograph on every wall?”
“No books,” said the guide with a smile. "Like your Donald Trump he thinks books are unnecessary to rule a nation.”
“According to his favorite picture, all that is needed to rule a nation are guns and men willing to use them.”
“So it seems. The Maser is a practical man. Are you sure you
don't want to see the happy room?"
"I'm sure."
"Would you like to see Mr. Navalny?"
"You have a sick sense of humor?"
"I do not joke."
"I know his body is missing."
"And I know where it is."
"Of course, in the dining hall."
"So he is alive?"
"I only said he is here."
"I have a bad feeling about this but I must ask, what is he
doing in the dining hall?"
"Sitting? Dead?"
"Of course. After Master Putin had his body embalmed, he had
Mr. Navalny join him for his meals."
"How? I don't understand."
"Mr. Navalny sits at the table with him, in a chair, well dressed
and all proper like."
"Does Putin talk to the cadaver?"
"Please! To Mr. Navalny? Of course, but mostly he yells at
"You have heard him yelling?"
"I heard him once yell, 'YOU BASTARD. YOU
"That's quite bizarre. Have there been others?"
"Many. I believe Master Putin enjoys the company of the dead
because they don't talk back."
"I think I should be going."
"Don't you want to say hello to Mr. Navalny?"
"No I don't. So I should be going. Thank you for your
"It's been a pleasure. I will show you the door."
"Thank you."
End of the Visit to Putin's Castle
The Good Samaritan people of Europe fight natural catastrophes such as floods and fires, with Poland, Austria, and Romania, Sweden, France and the other good nations sending sending planes filled with food and supplies and rescuers and doctors and nurses, and of course aiding Ukrainians. All the while subhuman Russians are on a baby-mother-father killing spree in Ukraine performed by Russian husks led by their beloved immoral monster the Great Satan Putin. The Russian contribution to the world is more suffering, destruction, death, misery, and anxiety. Nothing matters to the nihilistic subhuman Russian husks—the subhuman Orc people.
Russians are now the people most despised by the rest of humanity of which they are no longer a part. To be fully human, love, morality, sympathy, concern, and care are required—all lacking among Putin’s husk people. Dumber than dumb Satanic Putin complains about the possible invasion of Russia. Really? Who would want to invade a national cesspool full of zombies and vodka swilling cretins? Yet he invades other people's homelands. He is a puss filled carbuncle heinous to look upon. His subhuman monsters continue to unleash horror upon women and children. Russian monsters swarm over the Ukraine landscape like the glowing eyed zombies of Resident Evil.
Led by monsters for a century the Russian “people” finally became monsters. They can’t think only obey. They are themselves nothing more than militarized flesh bots. You say, “No, that can’t happen.” It did happen not too long ago when Hitler did the same to the German people—turning them into subhuman militarized flesh bots, tools of war, tools of death and destruction.
One asks how is it possible that a country that produced Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ivan Turgenev, great composers, and creators of the Bolshoi Ballet became a producer and creator of monsters led by a monster? The French Revolution led to a cultural-political flourishing. The Russian Revolution led to the creation of a Marxist totalitarian prison state build on the ruins of the traditional culture, a house of horrors for its own people and the world.
The artistic-intellectual culture was erased and
replaced, reduced to a modern-day stone-age institution operated by the greedy id-impulses of masculine aggression and oppression. The old culture is gone.
The new society is a military machine state in which behavior modification of its people is
achieved not by culture but by the operant conditioning theories of B.F.
Skinner, Ivan Pavlov, and Karl Marx, a kennel where humans are processed as
in Brave New World to serve not the state but an incarnation of the Devil. A
nightmare nation that collapsed into primordial chaos that gave birth to a
modern-day Moses with a scorched-earth policy of conquest. The old Russia is a
graveyard; Putin Russia is a return to a Stone-Age society run by chest-beating
alpha males whose only reading is weapons operation manuals. Russia has become
a nation of Morlocks—machine tenders and devourers of innocence.
That is how Russians became monsters who seek
only death and destruction and why doing good is beyond them. They cannot
comprehend goodness. It’s alien to them. They say they do not attack civilians
while attacking, maiming, and murdering civilians. As Europe attempts to
progress socially, culturally, and environmentally, Putin and his mindless
stone-age husks attempt to drag Europe back into the Paleolithic dystopia that
is Russia today.
1919 Russia invaded Ukraine led by Stalin
2022 Russia invaded Ukraine led by Putin
With Hitler, Russia invaded Poland led by Stalin
2022 Putin wants to invade Poland
1939 Russia invaded Finland and Stalin was
2022 Putin wants to invade Finland
1940 Hitler invaded Belgium, the Netherlands,
and Luxembourg
2022 Putin wants to invade Belgium, the
Netherlands, and Luxembourg
1940 Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway
2022 Putin wants to invade Denmark and
1940 Russia invaded Estonia, Latvia, and
2022 Putin wants to invade Estonia, Latvia, and
The pattern of evil is obvious: Stalin, Hitler,
and Putin
Evil men = Evil deeds!!!!
Putin invades Crimea and Ukraine. Stalin and Hitler are reincarnated into a single subhuman. Who will their avatar invade next? Deja vu! Deja vu! Deja vu! The evil of history repeating itself!!!! It is like a demonic spirit that lives only within men. And once again the Devil’s spawn run amok!!!! Dead men, hollow men, heartless men, men without souls. It's always men who make monsters of their nations.
Glowing eyed cretins from the Red Forest are invading. DANGER! All of Russia must be radioactive to produce millions of homicidal mutants. Russians are the radioactive people. Monsters created from radiation contamination. Must be, must be. That’s the only explanation.
Lord of monsters Putin laughed when he heard the story about a woman and her young daughter who had been hiding in a cellar under a bombed out building for weeks when Russian soldiers, I use the word soldiers with disdain, threw in a smoke grenade and when the woman and young girl emerged the soldiers shot them both! The young girl died immediately and the woman a day or so later!!!!
Rumor has it that Russian fiends are cutting the throats of their victims then draining the blood to make Bloody Marys. The blood of children is considered sweetest. After the Bloody Mary parities are over and the Russians have left, witnesses have found drained bodies scattered about on the ground next to vodka bottles. If Russian soldiers had wings they’d be vampires.
Another rumor is the Russian pilots are putting
victory decals on the side of their planes to indicate kills. Of course, they
don’t fight other planes only blow up homes, resident buildings, hospitals,
schools, and shelters. So they use decals with the image of a mother hold her
bloody child, like the Virgin holding baby Jesus. The Virgin must be weeping
tears for the Ukrainian victims, whispering to herself, “These devils aren't
Christians, barely human but servants of Putin Satan who deserve to burn in
Hell.” Radioactive monsters! Monsters all! Now Adolf Putin demands no more
weapons sent to Ukraine because Russian soldiers prefer to kill women,
children, and unarmed men. What a fucking do as I say not as I do hypocrite!!!!
“Invasion is wrong” he loudly proclaims, “unless the invaders are Russian!!!!”
He’s mad, a madman on the loose. I must write a letter! But to whom? Perhaps I
should draw!!!! Let's see a drawing of Putin the clown, an evil clown.
The evil clown on a bicycle
hated by all!!!!
On the nightly news was shown the aftermath of
small towns where the Russian troops have retreated from neighborhoods around
Kiye. The streets and sidewalks littered with civilian bodies lying torn and
shattered by gunfire! These were just civilians walking down the
streets and the Russian army opened fire on them killing them where they stood
and walked!!!! Now with brutal acts such as these I don't consider these
murderers soldiers! They’re radioactive mutants. Devils!!!! Do they feed on the
bodies as they lie in the street as zombies do? There is a terrible streak of
evilness in Russian soldiers that goes back to WWII and beyond. Such acts of
savagery go beyond the code of being a soldier! They are subhuman butchers!!!!
Butchers, I say.
“A young angel sings Let it Go inside
Ukrainian bomb shelter. My heart breaks. Some parts of humanity have so much
soul and other parts have none!!!! Oh the horror!!!! Fight the devils that
kill children who sing, bleed, and die. Fight them to the death. Death is
preferred to doing nothing while children are murdered by monstrous devils.
Poor girl! Children have nightmares, but she lives in one created by the
glowing-eyed beastmen from radioactive Russia.
The Pope is considering going to Ukraine to try
to stop the violence! How laughable! He is a bank manager and Vatican is his
bank. All he can do is kiss the Ukrainian flag. What good is that? He should
spit on the Russia flag, better yet urinate on it, even better shit on the
Russian flag as the Russians shit on Ukraine. Burn the flag. That’s what we did
when LBJ had Americans bombing Vietnam killing women and children, setting
children on fire!!!! Young Americans, and I was young then, let the world know
that not all Americans were radioactive, that not all of us were drinking the
government’s Kool-Aid. Some of us went to prison; some were shot down by the
radioactive National Guard.
Yes, once we too were guilty of inflicting
horror upon an innocent people. And LBJ broke the spirit of the nation with the
help of arrogant sycophant politicians. After World War Two we were reborn anew
because America’s greatest generation enabled America to be reborn. And that
Greatest Generation could have made America great in goodness, but then came
LBJ’s evil war. It was not a war rooted in hatred but a war rooted in
stupidity, will to power, and religious ideology. Eisenhower, Kennedy, and
LBJ didn't want the Buddhist Vietnamese to become Ho Chi Minh communists. No
matter that Catholic France had colonized the Vietnamese homeland. The French
were like American slavers who believed that making slaves Christians justified
Putin’s war is rooted in all three but mostly stupidity. Just look at his face. What do you see? Satanic vacuity. His brain is bouncing about like a BB in a boxcar looking to escape the darkness. When the Kennedy-LBJ war broke the spirit of the country, disillusioned young people dropped out and turned on to drugs and sex. What else is there when your country has become evil? Drugs, sex, and protests—and love-in and lots of great music. Well, there was one other thing that politicians rarely engage in. Young people were reading books and becoming educated. It was an American renaissance. Americans were hopeful and patriotic. And the Kennedy-LBJ war destroyed both. Look at us now. A nation in turmoil and filled with self-loathing, wanting to be good, maybe maybe not, yet not knowing what goodness is. Certainly the Three Stooges, Trump, Musk, and Vance, do not know. Trump wants to lead America to GREATNESS!!! rather than to GOODNESS. To both all three men are strangers. Like Putin, they are narcissistic hollow-men blown this way and that by their wills to powers.
Fucking politicians!!!! The bane of humanity!!!!
“Where is your God, Francis? Where is Jesus?
Those poor Ukrainians are fighting Satan and his evil spawn. Are they not the
enemies of God as well? Get on the prayer phone and tell God and Jesus that
they’re needed. Tell the LORD to cast down large hailstones from heaven on
Russians. That’s all we ask. Brave Ukrainian soldiers will do the rest. Why
doesn’t the Pope send his Swiss Guards to fight in Ukraine? Wouldn’t God be on
their side? All they do is parade around for tourists in showy costumes. Of
course, they wouldn’t fight Putin’s Nazis. They didn’t fight Hitler’s Nazis.
Even now cowardly Switzerland refuses to join NATO. A friend to no one and no
one's friend. Too busy counting gold teeth from Hitler's war. Phonies, all
I remember hearing stories about Russian
soldiers raping and killing women and other innocent people when they were
closing in on Berlin during WWII but I thought maybe they were enraged due to
the invading German troops who were also the Devil's spawn. Now I believe it
goes deeper than that. Russians have lived so long under repressive regimes
that there is within them a deep hostility and deep hatred that has become part
of the Russian psyche that comes out in their brutality towards others. As
a result, the reputation of Russians has gone down even further, down, down,
down in their place in the human race. I would rather not think about them
because when I do think about them I wonder if there is no hope for the women
and children who always suffer because of the mindless multitudes who served
evil men such as Putin and Hitler clones of evil.
Russians come from a part of the world where
violent pagan societies such as the Mongols, Tartars and Scythians and others
lived. The values and mores of those types of societies have become part of the
Russian psyche and maybe that is why deep down they are still very barbaric in
their actions and thoughts. Who knows? Maybe they are just
"bad actors." The terrible truth of the Russian psyche is revealed
by Will Durant in his The
Age of Louis XIV about the
Cossacks' killing of Poles, Ukrainians, Jews and others:
Killing was accompanied
by barbarous tortures: the victims were flayed alive, split asunder, clubbed to
death, roasted on coals, or scalded with boiling water. . . . The Most terrible
cruelty, however, was shown to the Jews. They were destined to utter
annihilation, and the slightest pity shown to them was looked upon as treason.
Scrolls of the Law were taken out of the synagogues by Cossacks, who danced on
them while drinking whiskey. After this Jews were laid upon them and butchered
without mercy. Thousands of Jewish children were thrown into wells, or buried
alive. (467)
The passage describes the Wagner Group. Both, however, emerged from the Russian cultural id. No reason to wonder what binds Poles and Ukrainians: they are bound by blood spilled by Russians. Interestingly, Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner Group had a moral epiphany and publicly announced that the government's justifications for invading Ukraine were based on falsehoods. As a result he met the same fate of Putin's other critics.
So now you have seen into the dark Russian soul,
and what have you seen? You’ve seen that virtue for Russians is cruelty,
killing, destroying, and hurting. And we offer more than words for evidence. We
offer Ukraine destroyed for everyone to see. There is your evidence validating
the dark soul of Russia. “Woof! Woof! Over 120,000 Russian soldiers killed and 170,000 injured so far. Feeding Putin's ego is a bloody business. I hope thousands more Russian killers of men, women, and children will be killed, which justice demands. Woof, woof, woof!!!!! Putin has made animals of all of us.
Jamming up the works, those fucking Chinese
launched cyber-attacks on Ukrainian military and nuclear targets shortly before
the Russian invasion. The wisdom of Confucius, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and Bodhidharma
fled China once the nation was lobotomized by Karl Marx’s ideology and Mao went
into a blood rage murdering millions of the own people. How odd that China
would surrender its Eastern wisdom to the Karl Marx’s Western version of
Judaism. China held its own against invading Christianity, Manicheanism,
Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Islam, but betrayed from within it fell to Marxism
as Russia did because it served Mao and his cohorts will to power. Thus,
mechanistic Marxism replaced organic Neo-Confucianism. Souvenirs of the old
wisdom that was once China are still offered in curio shops visited by silly
tourists who believe they are visiting the old China but are actually exploring
its carcass. Relics such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City are all
window dressing. The reality of China is a gulag workshop, like those in Russia
that emerged following the Marxist lobotomy of that nation.
But Russia and China weren’t the first
civilizations destroyed by the machinations of a Jew. There have been many. The
first was the Roman Empire which consisted of a plethora of amazing pagan
cultures, the Greeks and Egyptians being only two. Apostle Paul and his gang,
the other writers of the New Testament, lobotomized the Romans with Paul’s
self-serving ideological corruption of Jesus’ philosophy. Once Roman emperor
Constantine realized that Paul’s ideology could be used as a political tool to
indoctrinate citizens into an obedient mass, with the help of the Church that
threaten disobedience with the fires of Hell, the glorious pagan spirit that
was once the Roman Empire was extinguished. Its ruins can be visited in Rome and
Athens. If the domino theory applies anywhere, it applies here. Once Rome was
Judaized one pagan culture after another was cleansed of its traditional
culture by Christian and Islamic religious ideologies. Marx's version wasn't
new but was a secular version of an oppressive, us-versus-them ideology that
originated with Moses.
Traitors to humanity taking the side murderers
of women and children. The yellow peril is back. During my parents’ time it was
the Japanese who attacked Pearl Harbor, that day December 7, 1941 how it haunts
our soul!!!! I know the ships that wore the names of states, the USS Arizona,
USS Oklahoma, USS West Virginia, USS California, USS Nevada, USS Maryland, USS
Pennsylvania, USS Tennessee, USS Missouri... others forgotten though not
forgotten. Three thousand five hundred and eight-one brave soldiers and seamen
killed or wounded. Many civilians as well now forgotten yet not forgotten.
Like the Soviets, Hirohito took the side of
Hitler and now dragon face Xi Jinping takes the side of Adolf Putin. Why are
the faces of evil so ugly? Yevgeny Prigozhin certainly belongs in the ugliest
man contest. Now from the South China Sea emerges another
Godzilla, no longer a paper tiger but a monster on the prowl. The land where
Karl Marx killed Buddha. Poor Buddhist-Taoist Taiwan waits in fear the approach
of the Chinese Godzilla that will destroy its cities and drive its women and
children into bomb shelters where angel children will sing. And what will
decadent Americans think? Nothing as long as the war doesn’t prevent them from
buying cheap China products made for Faustian American companies—Starbucks, Apple, Walt Disney, Coca Cola and others with hands bloodied by dead women and
children. The Devil lies: China says all the people killed in Ukraine by
Russian soldiers is a hoax. Boycott the companies that serve the Chinese Devil
with the blood of Ukrainian children on their hands!!!!
China had one brief moment of wisdom under a
benevolent ruler, Emperor Huizong known for his promotion of Taoism and his
poetry, painting, calligraphy and music. His painting Pigeon on a Peach
Branch expresses an intelligent, spiritual appreciation of life absent
among the Marxist brainwashed leaders of today's China, especially the
Putinesque, Hitleresque, Maoesque, diabolical Xi Jinping. But what Huizong
created was destroyed by the diabolical Jurchens who like the Russians engaged
in looting, rapes, and massacres. The sensitive Huizong spent the last
eight years of his life in captivity. Thus, Taoist's philosophy would not be
the future of China but those who destroyed him would be.
Even India the land that gave birth to Buddha
supports the mass murderer Putin. Now we understand why Buddha had to leave the
land of his birth, a nation where wives are set afire and gang-rape is a common
pastime. There is no wisdom to be found in a country in which men respect cows
more than they do women. And since the entire Indian population is guilty by
association with the tainted Prime Minister Narendra Modi, evil supporter of
the diabolical Putin, they will be reincarnated in the next life as one and a
half billion fleas, their souls having been rejected by the plant kingdom as
too toxic to return even as a poisonous plant.
Politicians are like demented monkeys that see
no good hear no good speak no good. Nor do they see beauty or hear beauty or
think beauty. It was during the Vietnam War that I discovered Taoism
and Lao Tzu, a wise man in an unwise world that was no less wise than
today's world. According to Sima Qian, Lao-Tzu tried to convince people to
accept the wisdom of the Tao and live a harmony-creating way of life, but he
eventually understood they would never listen to him. Thus, he abandoned human
society to live in exile. The leaders of China ignore him as well. They prefer
the aggression and oppression of mechanistic Marxism. As a result they
transformed China into a national factory that transformed Chinese workers into
automatons, just the thing that Marx wanted to get rid of but his ideology
required--slaves. As a result of adopting the Western (actually Jewish)
unwisdom of Marxism, wisdom fled China and North Korea and for a time Japan but
returned to Japan when the country returned to the wisdom of Matsuo Bashล.
In today's China Communism is the opium of the people whether they want it or
not. North Koreans are controlled by the iron fist of dull-minded Kim Jong
Un who continues the family tradition of banishing wisdom from the North
Korean slave state.
Evil lurks everywhere, everywhere, I say. If I
have learned one thing in my life it is that!!!! Is there hope for humanity?
Only if good prevails over evil. Only if good men and women, young and old,
stand up against evil. Otherwise, the bloody, greedy maw of evil men will
continue to feed on helpless women and children. Reinhold Niebuhr said,
"Evil is always the assertion of some self-interest without regard to the
whole whether the whole be conceived as the immediate community, or the total
order of the world." That accurately describes Putin and men like him and
why civilized men and women must stand against him and his demonic ilk.
In his essay “The philosophy of Civilization”
Albert Schweitzer says that behind all phenomena is a will-to-live, certainly
this is true of organisms. Perhaps a will-to-be is in all phenomena. He believed
that one sees that simply by observing nature. Creatures feed off other
creatures as required by their will-to-live. Yet this does not imply a
conscious will-to-destroy in non-human creatures. The conscious will-to-destroy
exists only humans, and only in masculine DNA. Fortunately it does not dominate
the thinking and behavior of all men, though in enough men to wreck societies as
Russia is presently wrecking Ukraine.
Societies that cherish and respect the
will-to-live and will-to-be are civilized. Nations like Russia and China are
thus uncivilized in the way organized gulags and concentration camps are
uncivilized. They are barbaric because they deny their people their will-to-be,
that is, their will to self-realization, and they embody the will-to-destroy.
The denial of self-realization results from imposing upon citizens either a
secular or religious ideology or citizens being forced to live under an
oppressive tyrant who believes he knows best how his people
(yes, he believes the people belong to him which makes him a political
slavemaster) should think and live even though he is as ignorant and barbarous
as Homer’s Cyclops.
“An announcement has just come in. It’s
President Zelensky is addressing his people and the people of Europe: ‘Never
before have so many come together from all quarters of Western Civilization,
but not since Hitler have we faced an enemy such as this. The Russians will
show us no mercy. We must give them no quarter. They will terrorize our
populations. We must stand fast in the face of that terror. They will advance
until our last city falls, but we will not fall. We will prevail. Each of us
will be defined by our actions in battle. Stand fast. Stand strong. Stand
together. Zelensky out.'"
Putin has opened Pandora's box and he may
completely flatten Ukraine and kill most of its people. He may even win
the war. But winning isn’t what is important. What is important is being the
good guys fighting evil. And Putin's Russians are the evil guys fighting the
good guys, fighting heroes!!!! And the harm they've done cannot be undone and will not be forgotten. They
can’t give back the lives they have taken. They cannot undo the slaughter and
destruction they have caused. The guilt will be with them forever, perhaps not in
their eyes because they are dull-minded and morally blind, but in the eyes of
morally good men and women of the world.
If Putin’s Russians win they will not be heroes
to the world but only depraved degenerate villains. This may be the final
decline of Russian influence in the world for the modern media is exposing all
the terrible things the Russian hyenas are doing that they don't want world to
see! Ha, ha, ha! This war will show the world what Russia really is
or has become since lobotomized by Marx's ideology. A monstrosity, a land of
human flies and Putin is the lord of Russian flies! Ha, ha, ha!!! A
festering lesion spewing out infection. Its influence was always based on
the threat of war.
Devouring Ukraine!
Biden is speaking on the television. He says
he’ll be sending weapons to Ukraine who asked for them weeks ago! I hope
those bastard Russians die horrible painful deaths!!!! I would still like
to string them up by their heels and kick them in their faces with a heavy
steel toed boot now and then!!!! Maybe Biden is finally getting off the
pot where he ate ice cream after Zelensky spoke to the United Nations General
assembly more than once and continues to ask the U.S. and West for help! Maybe
Biden can't get off the pot without the help of cackling Nurse Harris. Laugh
out-loud!!!! The country has gone bonkers.
Zelensky called for the U.N. to either step up or break up for the so-called Security Council has done nothing and evil Russia and Godzilla China are part of this so-called Security Council which is truly a mockery. So maybe the impotent “wuss” called the U.N. has outlived its purpose since it can't live up to it!
“An all-American hero has finally awaken!!! Ice cream man Biden is sending advanced weapons to the Ukrainians for they are the ones fighting and dying while Republicans are whining and moaning about the price of Starbucks lattes and bragging on the genius of Vladimir Putin while the rest of the West are finally standing up by supporting Ukrainians war with the Russian Satan! Especially the Brits. Once again the Brits came through while America hung back wallowing self-destructive self-loathing and decadence. Just like World War II. When the German Nazis invaded Poland, the Brits declared war on Germany while America continuing to do business with the Nazis and would have done nothing had it not been for Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. As America's illustrious president Calvin Coolidge said, "The business of America is business," not altruism. RIGHT ON!!!! echo Donald Trump, Elon musk, and Vice President-elect what's-his-name.
We have behaved like cowardly Switzerland where
Adolf Putin is hiding his four children with his mistress living in luxury in a
chalet while Ukrainian women and children live in bomb shelters because their
homes have been destroyed by Russian war dogs!!!! WHERE'S THE JUSTICE? Western nations should put out the UNWELCOME MAT to all Russians. Russians with
dual citizenship should be told to give up their Russian citizenship or leave
Running scared Tucker Carlson and anti-hero
Republicans would have us adopt the strategy of chicken-shit Neville
Chamberlain (British politician of the Conservative Party!!!!) and do nothing
but continue to eat out and go on vacations as if nothing was happening in
Ukraine. He complains that the Democrats want Americans to hate Putin. We don’t
need the Democrats to tell us to hate Putin. The dead women and children that
his ghoulish troops have slaughtered make hating him easy. Hating evil is what
hate is for. It’s easier to hate him than it is to hate cancer because cancer
doesn’t know what it does. Putin knows what his goons are doing on his orders.
He relishes the blood in the streets, the destroyed businesses and homes,
schools, parks and playgrounds where children once played destroyed and
vacated, and what he loves best of all the genocide of the Ukrainian people.
And then who is next?
Tucker would have us do nothing. Tucker doesn’t
hate Putin because he likes and admires dictators even when they cause gutters to run
with the blood of innocent men, women, and children. His logic is that if Putin hasn’t hurt ME then there is
no reason to hate him. WRONG!!!! I hate Putin because he has sent his mindless
military husks to murder men, women, and children, to destroy their cities and
communities, hospitals and schools. If you can’t hate such a man, then you are
greater fool than Kamala Harris who encouraged BLM and Antifa rioters to
destroy racist America. Isn't that what Putin said about the Ukrainians, that
they are a bunch of Nazis led by a Jew! Laugh out loud! The man lost his mind
long ago and now functions off of his reptomammal brainstem. Yet he is admired by Tucker and the Three Amigos who will soon take control of the U.S. government.
Putin: “Where is my best friend Tucker Carlson?”
Trump: “He’s hiding under the table!”
Putin: “Why? This party is for him.”
Trump: “He’s afraid of the food. Thinks it might
be you know...”
Putin: “Silly boy! He knows that I only poison Democrats.”
Tar Baby Biden
has caught running-scared Tucker and the anti-hero Republicans: Biden hates
Putin so Tucker and the Republican cult love Putin. Biden considers Putin a
monster so Tucker and the cult defend the monster as a man much maligned by
Biden for political gain, which is true but doesn’t make Putin any less evil
and worthy of being maligned. It’s weird how much Tucker sounds like Orwell’s
Big Brother, Little Brother in Tucker’s case—twisting words to make evil appear
good. Tucker calls Ukraine a tyranny (totally unlike democratic Russia,
ha-ha-ha!!!!) thus an evil country that we should not allow to increase the
cost of gas in America or interfere with our going to dinner or going on vacation.
Heaven forbid!!!! I don’t care about Ukraine’s political system. I care about
the mass murder, the genocide, the ethnic cleansing of ordinary Ukrainians
young and old by mindless monsters from radioactive Russia. That Ukrainians are
victims of tyranny makes them victims twice over—by their government and by
Putin. Let’s make that thrice as victims of Tucker's verbal bullshit.
For Tucker the REALLY BIG QUESTION is “How will
the war affect the energy prices in the U.S.?" Everything will cost
more boohoo, oh me or my!!!! You might not be able to go on a vacation this
summer or be able to go out for dinner as often. Oh the horror!!!! Sorry,
Tucker, when we go out to dinner at Applebee's we don’t spend $200. And if we
don’t go on vacation we stay home and enjoy each other’s company. Slaughtered
men, women, and children, all innocent civilians are lying dead in the streets,
but no matter. All that’s important is increasing gas prices and the cost of
eating out and going on vacation.
Tucker & the anti-hero Republican cult make clear what has been clear to Americans forever: that what is all important to Republicans, more important than life itself, is the sacred dollar. It’s no wonder that the spiritually dead Trump represents their philosophy of life. The true religion of Republicans isn’t that of Jesus, certainly not that of the Good Samaritan, but that of money worshiper Judas. Clearly, Tucker & the anti-hero Republican cult put a price on being a Good Samaritan. If being a Good Samaritan is too expensive—then fuck it!!!! Walk on by. Ditto that for Tucker's anti-Good Samaritan twins "I don't give a shit about dead Ukrainian women and children" J.D. Vance and Sen. Rand Paul who describes himself as 100% pro life except when protecting the living is too expensive. With sand kicked in his eyes by bully Putin, Paul said that the United States should remain mindful of the fact that Russia remains a military power with long-range nuclear missiles. Neville Chamberlain couldn't have said it better!!!!
Let babies die. Let mothers
cry. Tar Baby Biden gotcha!!!! Feeling dirty feeling sticky!!!! Let the babies
die. Let the mothers cry. Time for a vacation. Gas up the Cadillac Escalade and
forget about all those babies over there dying from bullets and babies over
here drinking no formula or poison formula. Let them drink God-given mother's
milk say the Republicans!!!! No matter that Ukrainian mothers are injured or
dead. Tar baby Biden laughing. Mothers crying!!!! It’s crazy. Madness!!!!
Why would I feel good about a moral victory over
Putin—which is impossibly easy? That’s a hard one. Maybe because he is a
fucking psychopathic mass murderer of women and children. Sorry but the Republicans' hated
Girly Boy Trudeau is an infinitely better man than Putin who has women and
children terrified and slaughtered. Girly Boy Trudeau has stepped up
altruistically to do something rather than do nothing to help Ukrainians.
Whereas the self-serving philosophy of Putin's friends Tulsi Gabbard and
Scrooge Tucker is to do nothing while good men, women and children are
being slaughtered and their homeland is being destroyed and covered with
By choosing to do nothing they choose to be nothing. A hollow woman and a hollow man!!!! At least Girly Boy is a good Samaritan. Two lessons from the Bible. First, evil exists in the world and always will. The ancient Jews proved that by their ethnic cleansing, conquest, and looting of pagan communities. (A policy adopted by the Christian white man who invaded the Native Americans' homeland. Republican motto: If it was good enough for us, it's good enough for Putin.) They believed their God Yahweh gave them an excuse to slaughter and destroy: “The Lord has given you the city. And the city and all that is within it shall be devoted to the Lord for destruction.” And "utterly destroyed all in the city, both men and women, young and old, oxen, sheep, and asses, with the edge of the sword” (Joshua 6:16-17 &21). Probably the only passages from the Bible known by Putin who would have skipped the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Second, either one takes
a stand against evil or wimps out like Gabbard and Tucker and the rest of the
Republican cult thus allowing evil to be victorious without a fight. Jesus took
a stand and was crucified by those who argued that he should have just played
along. But he is recognized as a hero—defender of women and children—his
crucifiers are not.
Good people take a stand against evil people. To what extent is up to them. But to do nothing is to be nothing. Remember the Philly train when 10 bystanders stood by and did nothing while illegal alien Fiston Nogood raped a helpless woman? Those bystanders did nothing and are nothing. To defend or ignore Putin is to defend or ignore the work of the devil. Doing nothing allows the devil to do his dirty work—in this case terrorizing and killing innocent men women and children and destroying their communities. Putin is anti-life, anti-love, and anti-civilization.
Gabbard and Tucker strike out against tar baby Kamala Harris who stands up against demon Russians by telling them, "I say to all those who have perpetrated these crimes, and to their superiors who are complicit in those crimes – you will be held to account.” Bravo!!!! She makes Gabbard and Tucker look like selfish Neville Chamberlain sycophants to evil, ignoring the bodies of innocent men women and children scattered like litter on Ukrainian streets while complaining about rising gas prices. Of course, they are supporters of Donald Trump who made America worse than it was before he became president. Unfortunately, Good Samaritan Kamala lost the election and the Do Nothings won so babies will continue to die and mothers will continue to cry.
Biden caught you in his Tar Baby trap. You see,
Tucker, some of us patriotic American conservatives can hate "our"
(laugh out loud) government and still want to be Good Samaritans. Of course,
Biden doesn’t really give a damn about Ukrainians. Why would he when he doesn’t
give a damn about Americans—only about the alien hordes swarming across his
opened borders. American babies got no formula. “No problem. More babies coming
in from south of the border.” Madman at the wheel!!!! Like us, Ukrainians
are just pawns in a grotesque game of political chess. Ha Ha Ha the madness!!!!
"God bless the Brits!!!! When the Russian Nazis invaded Ukraine, little Britain was the first to offer support. America hung back again too busy opening made-in-China goodies delivered by Amazon.com. And what about U.K.’s gutsy Prime Minister Boris Johnson visiting the war zone to meet with Zelensky in Kyiv while Neville Biden was sitting in a White House stall reserved for the handicap wrapping himself in toilet paper trying to wipe his ass!!!! Commie comedian Bill Maher can’t praise Zelensky without making sex jokes!!!! Fucking decadent is what we are!!!!
But Biden finally caught on.
Maybe this “No border, no wall, no USA at all” lefty realized he could
make some political capital being the good guy so that when he is criticized by
Republicans they will get stuck in his Tar Baby traps and end up looking like
the bad guys, which they are. They're all self-serving phoneys. That is the
definition of a politician. Me first, my bread and butter party second, my
post-political career bread and butter special-interests buddies third, and
America my last but not least sugar daddy. What about, “Ask not what your
country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country”? That is a
question politicians—Putin and Trump come to mind—never ask themselves but
only ask of the people who they want to do their dirty work. Even better, what
about "What can you and your country do to help other countries in need—
like Ukraine"?
CNN reported that a group of amateurs helped the
Ukrainian army wipe out a bunch of Russian tanks and military equipment with
the use of drones, satellites and other electronics by guiding the Ukrainian
army to the Russians! The reporter said these amateurs are fighting
the war in the 21st century while the Russians are fighting it
in the 20th century and mentally living in the Dark
Ages! Go amateurs! Go!
For God Sake that man should be put out of
power! There's a story that Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich and
Ukrainian peace negotiators suffered symptoms of suspected poisoning after a
meeting in Kyiv. Old Putin the poisoner is at it again!!!!
And while destroying the Ukraine, Penis-head Putin shoots off a brand new intercontinental ballistic missile – "a nuclear weapon," he brags, that will "provide food for thought for those who try to threaten our country." He must have gotten the idea from George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Big Brother bombs his own country then tells his people that is why his totalitarian rule is necessary. Penis-head Putin starts war then tells his people that other countries hate Russians and want to invade Russia. The radioactive people of Russia are too brain dead to see that Russia, not the civilized world, is the invader. Who would want to invade Russia? The country has the appeal of a radioactive wasteland populated by zombies. All those ideas in the novel Big Brother—doublethink, thought Police, thought crime, Newspeak, and 2 + 2 = 5—were aimed at Stalin's Soviet Union and today applies to Big Brother's Putin's Soviet Russia. A "truly unique weapon" phallic man brags. Putin's brain exactly the same as his beloved rocket—a will to death and destruction!!!!
Rocket Man Penis-Head Putin
On Pravda television Putin propagandists bragged
on Russia destroying Paris, Berlin, and London in a matter of seconds. You
could see the joy in their faces. They were happy that Russia can destroy
Paris, actually hoping that will happen. Not even Hitler destroyed Paris and he
could have because his troops occupied Paris. But even evil Hitler loved beauty
because he was once an artist. His officers never looked like slobs as Putin’s
officers do. Apparently ironing boards don’t exist in Russia. Russians can no
longer appreciate beauty. The Bolshoi Ballet tried to teach them to love beauty
but that was like teaching a pig to bathe. Clearly, it didn't work. Russians
prefer bloodshed to ballet. The love of beauty was first destroyed by the
Communists who replaced it with propaganda. Then by Putin who finds only death
and destruction beautiful. They use the Bolshoi as a front to the rest of the
world to conceal the ugliness of Russia. To Putin and his national cult this is
And to them this is ugliness:
The beauty of ordinary people enjoying themselves.
If Russians knew Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and they don’t because they know nothing of beauty, they would think him and his paintings obscene. Renoir is the opposite of Putin because he loves beauty and Putin hates it. Renoir creates beauty in response to beauty. Putin transforms beauty into ugliness and thinks it’s beautiful. Only the gruesome is beautiful to Putin and his cult of destroyers. And the Russian people belong to his cult.
Such a twisted people!!!! Two thousand
years of civilization has been wasted on them. Birds know more about beauty
than the Russians do. Birds sing and dance and dress up beautifully when
courting. From birds Russians could learn a lot about what is important in
life. From warmongering Putin they learn nothing of value, only ugliness
and how not to live and think. That's because his mind is the same as Satan's.
Czar Putin Throws a Fit at France
“What do those fucking French think they’re doing—having fun, making people happy!!!! A Lavish boat parade, musical performances, high-energy song-and-dance acts, a cabaret medley from Lady Gaga, a tribute to “Les Misรฉrables blah, blah, blah. FUCK! Since when is life about song and dance and beauty and having fun loving one another? Life should be about bombing, destroying, hurting, and killing. Cรฉline Dion sings Hymne A L’Amour. What joke! We Russians sing the hymn to hatred. FUCK LOVE!!!!! I love war!!!! Those fucking French want to bring the world together to celebrate love and beauty. ME AND MY FRIENDS THE CHINESE, NORTH KOREANS, IRANIANS WANT THE WORLD TORN APART. WE WANT WAR!!!!
"Who do those fucking French think they are, having children watching light shows and dancing. I prefer to see their little bodies crushed in collapsing buildings and scattered on bloody sidewalks and streets. Fucking French!!!! They want the world united by love and games!!!! I want the world destroyed and all people made slaves like Russians to totalitarian regimes!!!! Those sissy French chanting love, love, love! I chant HATE, HATE, HATE!!!! My dupes think I love them. Turn away from me and they will feel the sting of my love!!!! Grrrr. Where are my beloved SATAN MISSILES? Make them ready. I want the city of love destroyed.”
When was the love
of beauty killed in Russia?
It was when the
family of Czar Nicholas II, last Emperor of Russia, was slaughtered by Russian
Marxists in 1918:
“Nicholas, his
wife, and his five children were all awakened at 2 a.m. on July 17, 1918, and
told to prepare for departure. They were gathered into a small room, where
Bolshevik soldiers fired upon them. Nicholas and his wife were killed outright,
but the others were not so fortunate. Soldiers used bayonets to carry out the
remainder of the executions. The corpses were buried at two separate sites and
were burned and covered with acid to prevent them from being identified”
(Patricia E. Daniels). Ghouls, ghouls every one of the murderer, their brains
infected by Marxist ideology that turned them into monsters. Karl Marx = Victor
Frankenstein. Both monster makers.
Czar Putin’s family
Killers of Ukrainian families. Bloodlust Dรฉjร Vu!!!!
Two Revolutions: Causes,
Motives, and Consequences.
Those two revolutions were the French and Russian revolutions. The causes were the same, a neglected, exploited population that experienced poverty, hardship, and oppression. Living in opulent isolation the leadership was indifferent to their plight. Added to that they were politically inept, though wise and beneficent political leaders are rare as rubies. The motives, however, could not have been more different.
The French one was homegrown ((Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Buffon and Diderot). For the Russians it was an alien import with roots in the totalitarianism of ancient Judaism that required total obedience to God and his priests, which for Marx God became the state and its priests, the political leaders of the Communist Party. For the French the motive (the intellectual rationale guiding the response) was the Enlightenment, an intellectual movement that celebrated reason and individual freedom. For the Russians it was Marx’s communist ideology that replaced God with the State and required the Russian people to serve the State and its controllers as its slaves. In place of reason would be Prophet Marx’s ideology. In place of individual freedom would be Kafkaesque servitude.
The consequences were equally contradictory. Shattering the shackle of the monarchy freed the French people so individualism and creativity could flourish. The only element removed from the traditional culture was the privileged class whose titles were conferred by descent or by royal decree. Brainwashed by Marx’s ideology, the Russian revolutionaries cleansed the homeland not only of its noble class but of its entire traditional culture, which was replaced by an artificial culture invented in Moses fashion by Karl Marx, a modern blueprint for a new society utopian in name, dystopian in reality.
Marx’s monster Joseph Stalin, Putin’s hero, killed 40 million of his own people (including people of the Earth traditionalists who rejected serving a political ideology, a.k.a. the Whites) and implemented one of the two most brutal totalitarian states in human history (Marx’s other monster being Mao Zedong, killer of 65 million of his own people. Yes, Chinese communist revolutionaries also cleansed the homeland of its traditional culture rooted in Buddhism, Taoism, Zin, and Confucianism and replaced it with a culture crated from an alien ideology—Marxism). The end of the Communist Party created a vacuum that demanded a savior.
It was really as simple as that. Don’t let the appeals to ideology, nationalism, and ethnophobia fool you. It comes down to simple-minded men playing their simple-minded bloody games. It’s Stone-Age thinking and behavior rooted in Stone Age masculine DNA.
The End of USA's Golden Age!!!!
Back in America two black men at the Oscars
almost got into a fight when Will Smith hit Chris Rock master of ceremony on
stage. I guess that Black Lives Matter message is only for white people! I mean
just in from the CDC: “Young Black males represent 2% of the total U.S.
population but accounted for approximately 38% of all gun homicide deaths in
2020.” They ain’t being gun down by whites!!!! Things have truly gone to hell.
The Oscars used to be entertaining but they like everything else today have
degenerated into Bedlam and Hollywood into Sodom. It’s become a
classless, sleazy town. I remember when the town had class.
I remember clearly growing up watching Orson Welles, Judy Garland ❤,Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire Mr. Class himself, Katharine Hepburn, Gary Cooper, Rita Hayworth, Gregory Peck, Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh, James Stewart, Claudette Colbert, Cary Grant, Lana Turner, Henry Fonda, Barbara Stanwyck, Gene Tierney, June Allyson, Spencer Tracy, Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift, and black actors too: Sidney Poitier, Harry Belafonte, Eartha Kitt, Lena Horne, lovable Hattie McDaniel in Gone with the Wind and Mr. Bojangles Sammy Davis Jr. The names break the hearts of those who knew them. They inspired. They showed Americans how they could be better, how to be classy, not trashy. And look at us now!!!!
You know what I mean if you saw those two black
girls dirty dancing at the Grammys, wallowing on the floor like two mating
walruses. That was as enjoyable as watching flies humping. God help
us!!!! It’s hard to believe that the same town produced Fred Astaire and
Ginger Rogers. Sex—not even sex but smut—has replaced love in Smutville. No,
it’s not that. In Hollywood sex ≡ love. They don’t know that love means more
than fucking. And it’s impossible to believe that they taught us about love in
movies like Our Town, Casablanca, and On the
Waterfront. Those were the days now long gone. Music wasn’t the only thing
to die in America. Movies too. Everything!!!! And once you lose your culture
there’s no getting it back. I’m glad those great actors aren’t here to see the
sleazy spectacle Hollywood and everything else has become. I’ve lived too long!
Where are the great leaders, where is Winston
Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Douglas MacArthur, General George Patton,
and Dwight Eisenhower? Nowhere!!!! We don’t make leaders like that anymore. No
more great men in politics, just puppets, clowns, and fools!!!! No great
leaders, not in America, no not in America. In Ukraine, yes, yes. One great
leader, Zelensky! A man who loves his nation more than he loves himself or
money or his brand name. A man who is loyal to his people rather than to an
ideology intended to destroy them. A brave man who fights to defend his
homeland against the invaders who would destroy it, rather than welcoming them.
“Say it ain't so, Joe.” Zelensky, Zelensky!!!! How sweet the name. "Oh,
Ukraine, how I love thee," he sings!
Mephisto Musk, former hero traitor turned.
Seeing right as wrong
and wrong as right
you seeks destroy us while
we fight.
Putin sees you with honor
while good people see you dishonored.
You only pretended loyalty to Ukrainians.
You were born with Judas’ eyes.
Elon Musk, your soul has died.
We are fighting and dying for our independence
so that our children might be free from tyranny
but you want them to wither under Putin’s
You’ve become Satan’s friend, Mephistopheles
The field is now covered with brave men’s blood
because you have confounded their heroic attack.
You gouged out the eyes of our brave soldiers
sent them blind into a night as black as your
Your time as a good man was brief.
You smell of sulfur and your Starlink
is used by Putin as the Devil’s trident.
With abundant silver you bought an island
a place to hide from your betrayal
But you can’t hide from yourself.
You have betrayed too many and too much
by choosing to serve evil rather than good.
Having done your best to sabotage Ukraine,
you’ve joined the Trump cult to sabotage America.
Go away, Putin-Trump lackey.
We're sick of you. Just leave us be.
And now Poland's Betrays!
Former good neighbor no longer.
A friend once but no more
watches indifferently
as Ukrainians fight and die
so Poland’s greatest enemy
won’t exist as a hostile neighbor.
Ukrainians fight and die for their independence
so that their children might be free from
yet you choose that they wither
under Czar Putin’s villainy.
Everywhere fields are covered with brave men’s
caused by evil Russians flooding into your neighbor’s
Yet you deny weapons to Ukrainian heroes
who fight and die weakening your greatest enemy.
Soon the Russians will be flooding into your
And how long do you think you can fight
the Russian hordes without friends and allies?
For now, you need not worry about ammunition.
But what about tomorrow?
You have friends and allies in Europe.
Were you attacked would you want
them to turn their backs on you
as you have done to Ukraine?
On the other hand, Good Samaritan Biden says he is installing the toughest sanctions, but Putin keeps rolling in the money, billions a day from gas and oil sales. Evil China has bought 47% of Russia's crude exports, followed by Evil India 37%, the EU good guys and Turkey have cut the import Putin's crude soaked baby's blood to 6%. European countries once continued to import oil and gas from Russia, giving the Russian beast-men a billion dollars a day. Now they realize that if Ukraine loses the war, they will be fighting the Russian hordes once Putin has rearmed his zombies. Poland's leadership's loyalty grows weak like Judas’ loyalty to Jesus. Poor Zelenskyy, another Jew betrayed. But not to despair. As Poland withdraws in its shell of make-believe invincibility, Swedish heroes come to the rescue!
And now that Nervous Nellie Rand Paul with his Moussed curls and a cult of spinless Republicans led by the hollowest of men. First, spokesman of the Republican Party tuck tail and run Tucker Carlson. Second the three betrayers of altruism and loyalty Trump, Musk, and what’s his name. How laughable that ancient Nancy Pelosi possesses the very virtues lacking in them. Compared to them Justin Trudeau is Rambo. Republicans have become substanceless chaff blown about by their philosophy of narcissism. It's no wonder that America has become a nation that can no longer inspire its youth or anyone else. It has become a hollow nation blown this way and that by endless squalls of self-centeredness. An ally at war with itself is an unreliable ally.
Germany, the richest nation in Europe only wanted only to make Mercedes-Benz, Audis, BMWs, and Porsches and get richer. Can't expect
too much from the Holocaust people who allowed a million West hating Muslims
into Europe but won't help one of its own. And to top it off, who was for years
Putin's boot-licking best friend? The former chancellor of Germany Angela
Merkel, hater of Europe, lover of Islam and Russia! Fucking Germany!!!! Will it
ever take the side of the good guys? No, never!!!! My mother’s brother died
fighting those Nazi bastards. So what is the answer????
Change of heart, apparently. The Germans have decided to
join the good men and women fighting evil Russia and to send much needed tanks
to Ukraine. They realize they must fill the void of goodness that will occur once Trump and Musk are at the helm of the USS America. (Doesn’t the Titanic come to mind?) Kudos! Thank you. Without you, Ukraine can't win. You are redeeming yourself, not an easy task
after starting two World Wars. I might even buy a used Volkswagen van so
popular during the era of love in American, an era sadly long gone. Now an era
of hatred dominates the country. If the Ukrainians can save their country
against Satan Putin and his demonic husks, I just might move there with my new
used Volkswagen van painted with flowers and peace signs.
The Ukrainians can't keep fighting until the
West develops its own energy sources. Windmills won’t
do the trick!!!! And those fucking Chinese!!!! They don’t care about the price
of oil and gas because we've made them rich by being addicted to
made-cheap-in-China shit. And soon they will be invading Taiwan. The year of
the rabbit my ass. The year of COVID-19 is more like it! Thank you, China! Decadent shit eaters
are what Americans have become!!!! How can the Chinese care about anything
good if they can serve devils like that other Rocket Man Foul Dung Kim Jong-un?
Thousands of Russian protesters, brave souls who escaped Putin’s mind destroying radioactive propaganda, arrested, beaten, jailed, then sent off to a Gulag. The whole fucking country is a giant Gulag!!!! See photo of protesters in a Putin Gulag. The guard is thinking why can’t I be in Ukraine looting homes and raping women?
But more brave souls continue to protest on the
streets of Russia. I say that name with a lingering bitter taste in
my mouth. The taste of blood!!!!
This war has really opened a can of worms for the poisoner. Putin's "evil empire" is being exposed to the world, all the hidden dirty money, exposed oligarch robber barons, who don’t earn their money but steal it from the country and its people. Social media and investigative reporters are all over the closed-door goings on at the Kremlin. Putin big push exploded in his ugly face and in the faces of his lackey robber barons!!!! All the facts and war crimes will be exposed to the world, not that evil Czar Putin gives a damn!!!! He has joined the likes of Vladimir Lenin murderer of three million Russians, Hitler murderer of 6 million Jews and endless millions of Europeans!!!! and Stalin who had twenty million of his own people murdered, and Mao the greatest murderer of the twentieth century perhaps of all time. And now his offspring are running his evil Marxist empire. Now you, Vladimir Putin, prancing about like a demented, mentally twisted czar, your penis-head sticking out of your expensive suit, living in your billion dollar fortress mansion while your Red Army pillages Ukrainian villages, towns, and cities shooting down civilians, raping women and little girls.
And now Putin wishes the passenger on an Azerbaijan Airlines a Merry Christmas and Happy New year by shooting the plane down on Christmas Day in Russian airspace. Political formality required that the Beast Man express his deep and sincere condolences to the families of the victims, which must have been difficult for a man totally void of human compassion. What a fucking hypocrite! He pretends to be sorry that one of his Satan Missiles killed 38 people when he has used his missiles to murder tens of thousands of Ukrainian men, women, and children. The injured are beyond counting.
Putin is a human cancer. He is incapable of sympathy, pity, humanity, understanding, charity, kindness, love, or tenderness. He is void of such feelings. He is what the idea of the Devil is intended to represent. There is not a single devil. There are many and Putin is just one, one though that plagues our world today. Russian gunners shoot down civilian aircraft because it's more fun when they can't fight back. (Like the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. 298 people on board murdered.)
Putin Russians love war because they are capable of nothing else. Russia’s glorious enlightenment died when Marxism infected their brains. That age of Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, and the great painters beyond counting is over!
Penis-Head Putin, you’ve traveled your entire life the road that leads away from wisdom. It's not that you were wise before. You were never wise. You have always dwelt on the dark side of stupidity. You're Stalin's offspring. Not all stupid men are evil men. America's political system is populated by stupid men and stupid women. Recently, the country has been overrun by stupidity. It is seen everywhere but mostly in the big cities, America’s Sodoms and Gomorrahs. LBJ was a stupid man—morally and otherwise, but not quite evil (intent does matter) even though he inflicted horrors upon the Vietnamese as you do upon Ukrainians. The evil man enjoys his evil, as you well know, Penis-Head. LBJ died of of guilty conscience. You won’t because you don’t have a conscience.
Vladimir Dimwit... Disrespectful? What's to respect? He is a bully, a Gestapo thug. It took years to build buildings for families and businesses that his cretin military destroyes in seconds. Stupidity destroys. Wisdom creates and preserves. The difference between wisdom and evil causing ignorance is the difference between 1 and 0. It's absolute. That is how far you are from wisdom. If you saw wisdom you would spit on it. No, you would murder it. Your infinite ignorance and unwisdom are witnessed in what you destroy and the people you murder—and horror belongs to you, Penis Head: the homes, business, hospitals, and schools of Ukraine and the murder of its men, women, and children. YOU ARE A CHILD MURDERER!!!! That is how unwise you are. You enjoy the death of Ukrainian children.You wallow in their dead flesh and blood. You would love to bathe in their blood! Perhaps you do.
For thousands of years good men and women have been struggling to create humane, livable societies. And because of their efforts modern, utopian societies of Europe such as Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, France, and Netherlands (not Russia) have been created. The successes since ancient Greece, however, have always been threatened and confounded by single, thuggish men like you who love war and hate peace. Who want to drag civilized nations back to the Stone Age or transform them into totalitarian nightmarish gulag states in which people cannot think for themselves, cannot pursue self-realization but must surrender their lives to the demands of tyrants like you.
You are a grave digger, Putin.
In the past year you have required thousands of graves to be dug for men,
women, and children. You and the tyrants like you are contrary to progress. You
represent retrogress. Modern technologies and bureaucracies do not make a
civilization. The Pawnee, Hopi, Zuni, and Pueblo were American Indian tribes
whose living standards were primitive compared to modern societies such as
Russia, China, and North Korea, yet they were civilized nations whereas Russia,
China, and North Korea are uncivilized because they are inhumane. And you, Czar
Putin, are digging a grave for yours and Russia’s reputation, just as Hitler
did for his reputation and the reputation of Germany.
If you were not protected by your hordes of
bloodthirsty fiends that you created, you maker of monsters, and your nuclear
weapons, you would be strung up by civilized human beings. You have banished
wisdom from Russia, made wisdom a capital offence. So now your nation, your
playpen, is a society of fools, the only wisdom existed among ballet dancers
and violinists who have fled the country for civilization. Russia has become a
place where ignorance and unwisdom thrive like a garden choked by weeds. You
have turned your people into monsters made in your image. And now they invade
and infect Ukraine, where your monsters of unwisdom rape and destroy. No one in
the universe thinks you wise. They know what you are—an evil fool who parades
himself as if he were wise. You think that stolid expression of yours is taken
for wisdom when the entire world sees only stupidity and evil. It's the same
look as that of the Green River mass murderer Gary Leon Ridgway:
Do you see the similarity, you evil moron? No, of course you don't. That would
require a modicum of intelligence which you lack. Look at you, dressed up like
a Nazi!!!!
You are a laughingstock and your so-called evil friends such as Bashar al-Assad, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un wash their hands
after shaking yours. You are the poisoner!!!! They scrub them until they bleed! Then they snicker behind your back and say to
TO BE HIS FRIEND! You are feared, but being feared is not a sign of wisdom but
just the opposite. You are like the father who beats his son and fucks his
daughter and locks his wife in a basement. And at this very moment, your goons
in Ukraine are murdering sons, fathers, boyfriends, and brothers; raping and
murdering daughters, mothers, sisters and wives. That is how far from wisdom
you and yours are. Evil knows not wisdom. You have no more understanding of
wisdom than cancer does. But you do not care. Evil enjoys being mocked and
hated. In the morning you look in the mirror and see Satan smiling back and are
Just in, another psychopath Russian soldier in
the news. He raped an elderly Ukrainian woman in her 80s in the house where her
invalid husband was bedridden. She pleaded with the soldier that she was old
enough to be his mother and her husband could do nothing to defend
her!!!! Then the soldier (truly a demented deviate, not a soldier, a
beast man in a uniform) shot through the door a few times after leaving her!!!!
And there are recorded messages of soldiers
telling their parents of how they stole items, damaged houses, hurt and killed
people and so on. Bragging to their parents of such things!!!! There
is something pathologically wrong with the Russian people!!!! Their minds
transformed by radiation that is everywhere. Monsters in human form!!!! Bloodthirsty
scavengers!!!! Bragging to their parents about their behaving like the monster
Frankenstein!!!! Something is wrong, very wrong, with this violent
and idiotic subhuman race!!!!
You Putin and all the other fucking political
thugs!!!! How can there be any peace in the world with monsters like you
emerging from the subhuman dung heap. You’re the reason the world needs heroes.
Yet, there are never enough heroes. Evil men like you create societies
populated by millions of subhuman (lacking moral sensibility) husks that do
their villainy!!!!
Putin, you just don't understand how you have
forever poisoned the landmass known as Russia. It’s a landmass, not a society,
once a civilization (as its artistic creativity confirms), but no longer. All
the leaders of Russia have been radioactive!!!! It wasn’t enough that
humanity was already suffering from made in China Covid-19.You had to start a
war to heap more misery upon the misery humanity was already suffering. Now the
world watches Russians slaughtering innocent men, women, and children and
leaving their bodies in the streets for homeless hungry dogs to feed on and
worries if maniacal Putin's war will escalate into World War Three. Russia and
China working hand in hand to increase humanity’s misery. Monsters!!!! Monsters
Civilians hands tied behind their backs, shot in
the back of the head, some decapitated!!!! Their bodies scattered in
the streets like cast off chaff!!!! Some bodies booby
trapped!!!! Mass graves with many victims with their hands still
tied behind their backs!!!! A woman and young child shot down. The psychopaths
who committed these heinous crimes should be brought to justice but not a quick
justice but hung by their feet until they die and every once in a while getting
kick in the face!!!! From now on I will experience a wave of nausea
whenever the words Russia and Russian are
mentioned to me. I will turn my face and spit!!!!
When Russia was pulling back its forces to reposition them was the time for the Ukrainians to go on the offensive if comatose Biden had given them enough of the right equipment and the freedom to use it as needed rather than walking in circles asking nurse Kamala to bring him another ice cream cone and change his diaper!!!! Inwardly she laughs at the pathetic white man. Yeah, if Biden would have gotten off the pot to get the missiles and drones to the Ukrainians it would have been a game changer. He didn’t. Too many unnecessary deaths because he was too slow.
All my dreams, pass before my eyes, a curiosityDust in the wind, all they are is dust in the windSame old song, just a drop of water in an endless seaAll we do, crumbles to the ground,though we refuse to see.Dust in the wind, All we are is dust in the windDon't hang on, nothing lasts foreverbut the earth and skyIt slips away,all your money won't another minute buyDust in the wind, All we are is dust in the wind.
And we got a war of our own. Subway train in Brooklyn attacked by a black gunman wearing a gas mask. Threw a smoke bomb onto the train. Twenty-nine people injured, ten from gunfire!!!! Some will die. A lot of blood! Blacks are still mad about gangster George Floyd getting murdered by a bent cop. No matter that he served five years in prison for aggravated assault that occurred during a robbery that had him entered a woman’s home, pressed a gun into her pregnant stomach while his five henchmen searched for drugs and money, that according to court records. A real paragon of virtue whose death inspired two years of riots!!!!
Was that justice or just having fun burning and looting? And when white men go on the rampage it means mass murder of gays, shoppers, students, or anyone else to empty a newly bought AR-15-style rifle into. 20,138 firearm deaths, excluding suicides, in 2022. Will it ever end? Time to refund the defunded police. We got a war on this side of the Atlantic. A Civil War. At least Ukrainians have a nation worth fighting for. America is no longer a nation but a collection of hostile tribes--Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Marxist, anarchist, and nihilist. Take your pick, but you won't find America. A confused, combustible mishmash is what American culture has become. But at least for now we keep our murderous mayhem within our borders.
Those idiot Russian conscripts and their idiot
leaders traveled through the Red Forest its trees glowing radioactively.
Vladimir Lenin Nuclear Power Plant, aka Chernobyl, designed and built by Soviet
Russia. Of course it didn’t work. They can’t build a fucking car or country!!!!
Ha, ha, ha. The Nuclear Propaganda Power Plant that is Russia should be renamed
Putin's Chernobyl Russia, the PCR, land of radioactive thinking, flies, and
Mindless Russian
soldiers digging trenches and holes for their tanks and wondering why they all
have blood coming out of their ears and noses. Serves them right!!!! I
wonder how many Russian soldiers will come down with cancer? Millions I hope.
Death to all those mindless conscripts!!!! Instead of invading Ukraine the
Russians should have worked on repairing Lada Russia. The country is broken
with a mad man at the wheel. Too much to expect from a country that can’t build a decent car. I'm thinking of the the infamous Lada, a money pit for owners unless they’re mechanics, but a
mechanic’s dream car. Always in the shop being repaired and leaking money from
its owner!!!! Lacks the power to pass a bicycle. Of course oligarchs drive BMWs
and Mercedes. They get a Merkel discount!!!!
If the Biden administration had gotten off the pot sooner and sent more of those cut throat or Kamikaze drones or whatever their name is to Ukraine might inspire Russian conscripts to ask themselves "What the fuck am I doing here?" You are there because Putin wanted a little war that has gotten bigger than he planned on. But he doesn't care because you're the ones in danger of dying, not him.
I heard a report that the Chinese are
sending surveillance reports to the Russians telling them where the drones are
being launched so they can take them out! Evil bedfellows huh! Bedfellows!!!!
The West needs to quit buying Chinese goods. It's like given money to the
church of pedophiles. It’s like drinking made-in-China Hemlock for Western
civilization. China’s junkies drinking made-in-China Hemlock!!!! As long
as long as China is aiding and abetting evil Putin-Russia we shouldn’t be
buying made-in-China junk!!!! How did Americans come to be so pathetically decadent
and spineless?!!!! Spineless junkies is all we are. Sickening."
But what did you expect from the U.S., the word "America" being passรฉ. The hordes coming across the open borders don’t give a shit about America. Why would they? It’s a gringo problem, the kind gringos create for themselves all the time. Besides, the invaders have enough of their own problems that they’ve created for themselves, such as drug cartels that pretty much define the culture that has become a narcoculture.
Nor do blacks care.
They live in ghetto bubbles where hip-hop culture thrives. The rest of the
world doesn't matter. Certainly white lives don’t matter and Ukrainians are
mostly white. Most white Americans (they now consider that phrase insulting)
don’t give a shit about their own country, so why would they care about a
country they didn’t know existed before Putin invaded it and increased the
price of gas to $5 a gallon?
And Putin’s
stormtroopers are doing what Antifa and Black Lives Matters were doing not too
long ago—burning and destroying cities, but they were destroying their own
cities!!!! Go figure! Whites don’t give a flying fart about Ukraine because it
never showed up on their smart phones or Facebook, so it couldn’t be too
important, not as important as hanging out, playing video games, and listening
to favorite bands on their made in China iPods and MP3 players. Their world doesn’t
extend beyond their in-groups. As far as they're concerned life is all about
ME. Reality is Me. What is most important is whether or not I’m enjoying being
Me. War is an adult hang-up, a downer. Of course broadcast news cares about the
war because war is big news, and big news is profitable. More war the better.
Seeing his
grandson sitting in a corner watching him, Grandpa says,
“Jimmy, what are you doing here?”
“Mom told me to check on you. She said you’re raving about the
Russians again. Grandpa, can you turn the television down. It’s too loud.
What’s going on with you, Grandpa? Why are you always raving about Russians?”
“Because they are a bad people doing bad things to the Ukrainian
people who are good people who just want to live their lives in peace.”
“Why do they do that?”
“Russians have always been bad. They joined up with Hitler after
he declared war on the world. But they paid a price for dealing with the devil.
So did the Jews for associating with the Russian communists hated by Hitler.”
“Dad says Russians are always the bad guys in video games.”
”That’s because they are the bad guys and always have been in the
real world. I don’t know when they’ve ever been the good guys. Maybe before
communism rotted their brains.”
“But we’re not the bad guys, are we? Americans are always the good
“About themselves, Americans prefer to hear pretty lies rather
than ugly truths. But I can’t lie to you, Jimmy. Americans have been as bad as
the Russians are today. They supped with the devil when they owned slaves. And
they paid a big price for doing so—the Civil War. Like you, I once believed
Americans were always the good guys. I was born when my dad and uncles were fighting
the Nazis and the Japs. So I thought just like you. Then one of our bad
presidents, there have been so many, started a war against Vietnam, a country
that was no threat to us or to any other country. It was fighting the French
who made Vietnam into a slave colony. That was called colonialism. An evil
practice. American boys were drafted to fight a war that made no sense to them.
“About that time black people in America wanted the same rights as
white people. In the South they were shot and set upon by dogs. That’s when a
lot of young Americans started wondering about America’s goodness and started
protesting. The government sicced the FBI on them. So like a lot of young
people I started doing some reading but not like the patriotic propaganda books
taught in schools. I read about the slavery and the Indian killing, about the
broken treaties, about our war with the Philippines, about all the dictators
that our government was happy to do business with if doing so benefited the
politicians and wealthy American fat cats.
“You know many American companies continued to do business with
the Germans after Hitler started World War Two. Like Chase-Manhattan Bank, Ford
Motors, Dow Chemical, a bad company during the Vietnam War, Coca-Cola,
Woolworth, MGM, Kodak, General Electric, Alcoa, and IBM. And those were only
some of the companies willing to supply Hitler’s war machine with supplies,
technology, and resources. Companies run by fat-cats who care only about
profit. Even now American companies do business with the Chinese who will one
day invade Taiwan and then there will be another war, maybe World War Three.
That’s the ugly truth about America.”
“But why did Americans do those things, Grandpa?”
“Greed, arrogance, human nature. Human nature isn’t good by
nature. I suppose both good and evil live side by side in people.”
“Is that why you rave so much, Grandpa?”
“I suppose it is. I’m angry that the world hasn’t improved much
after a world war of my parents. I’m angry because I believe you deserve a
better world. You deserve a better nation. Better leaders. Good leaders have
been few and far between in American history. The Ukrainians have Zelensky. You
have only fools! The American political system is a fool’s paradise. It’s the
fools who run counties who have made a mess of everything, who wreck the
“I don't know Zelensky, but I have you and you're not a fool. And
Mom and Dad. They're not fools.”
“No they're not. You’re right, Jimmy. The average American wants
to do the right thing. I don’t think that is true for the average Russian
because they never do the right thing, don't know anymore what the right thing
is. Problems occur when patriotism is put before morality. But patriotism isn’t
a moral principle. It isn’t a virtue. It’s good only when the nation’s actions
are good. Though politicians and their spin-doctors give evil the appearance of
good, all one has to do is peel away the lies to reveal the evil truth.
“Like that little warmonger George W. Bush getting us into a war
with Iraq saying their idiot leader Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass
destruction. That was a lie. It was a payback war for his daddy who made
himself a fool for not getting rid of Hussein legally when he had the chance.
So Bush Jr. killed thousands of American soldiers and thousands Iraqi civilians
just because he had a personal feud with Hussein. And Americans supported that
pathetic little man because they believed it was their patriotic duty. The only
duty one has is to do what is morally right. But like I said, I don’t think
Russians know what is morally right any longer. They forgot how to think for
themselves. They’re like children always being told what to do by some maniac
“But Americans can’t be as bad as the Russians.”
“No. Eventually, Americans come to their senses and vote the
foolish politicians out of power. The problem is that the old fools are
replaced by new fools. Politically, Americans always have to choose one fool
over another— Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Bush senor, Clinton, and then
the little warmonger Bush junior. Then out of the political quagmire emerged a
ray of hope—Obama. A lot of people thought things might get better. But they
didn't because political system gave up on better and so did the American
people. Scraping the bottom of the political barrel we got Trump then Biden who messed up things so bad up that we got Trump again worse than ever this time."
“So many fools, so few good men, huh, Grandpa?"
“Like in the video games Dad plays.”
“Why does he play those games? I’ve never asked him.”
“In the games you eventually kill the bad guys.”
“And in the real world there are always more bad guys.”
“What's to be done, Grandpa?”
“I don’t know, Jimmy. Things just keep getting worse. You know,
Jimmy, your great-grandmother was one of America’s Greatest Generation, as were
her brothers and sister. The men who didn’t fight were farmers or needed in the factories. She was a nurse
during the war while three of her brothers and her future husband fought in the
war. How did we come to this from that Greatest Generation? Your grandmother
was a nurse in a hospital where hundreds of good people work helping people who
were sick or injured. They helped Grandma when she got sick. Most ordinary
Americans are good like them, like your Grandma was. She was the sweetest
person ever.”
“I miss Grandma.”
“I do too, Jimmy. I miss a lot of things.”
“That happens when you get old.”
“You really are a smart boy, Jimmy. I'm a lucky old man to have a
grandson like you.”
"I love you, Grandpa. I’m happy. We’re okay, aren't we?”
“Yes we are, Jimmy. Tell your mom that Grandpa’s okay. Just too
much bad news on TV.”
“No more raving, Grandpa.”
“No more raving, Jimmy. No more raving.”
“Then come and see the Christmas tree. It's beautiful, Grandpa.
Come on!”
“I'm coming, Jimmy.”