Ruben Navarrette Jr. said in a recent San Diego Union-Tribune column that San Diego is America’s most flammable region. That is certainly true in more ways than one. He also said that the city is “one of the most desirable and livable cities in the country.” But though that may be true for the growing Latino population, it is less true for the Americans living in San Diego, because though the fires are out San Diegans are still very much threatened by the fires of illegal immigration.
An American Halloween nightmare is having hundreds of Latino children knocking at the door and saying TREAT AND TRICK, and never seeing a single American child because their parents have either moved out of the city for greener, albeit dwindling, American pastures or have kept their children inside their grated homes for protection in what has become a alien and hostile neighborhood. The fact is, traditional American communities become barrios once illegal Hispanic immigrants move in, and barrios become infested with criminal activity, especially that caused by Hispanic street gangs. Just ask the black Americans who live in the community where 14-year-old Cheryl Green was murdered by a Hispanic gang member. (Travis Barrett’s novel GRINGO is dedicated to Cheryl.)
Even Navarrette, a true friend of and propagandist for illegal immigrants (he doesn’t believe local police should enforce immigration laws), acknowledges in his column that illegal Mexican immigrants are “suspected” of being out during the fires tricking the good citizens at Qualcomm Stadium by treating themselves to truckloads of relief supplies. Navarrette calls it a “despicable act,” but the illegal act that brought them into the country in the first place is an understandable illegal act of desperation that should receive the forgiveness of amnesty.
What this way of thinking overlooks is the connection between the crimes committed by illegal immigrants and their children and the crime of illegally entering the United States in the first place. Were the illegal aliens not in the U.S., they could not commit crimes in the U.S. And let’s face it, breaking the law is nothing new among illegal Hispanics immigrants, who break the law when they invade America (by land and sea), use forged papers to get jobs, drive without a license or with an illegal license, and so on and on.
For illegal immigrants, crime does pay, but Americans foot the bill in the form of taxes, medical costs (such as the $45,000 to $500,000 for each of the 11 illegal aliens in UCSD burn units?), criminalized communities, deteriorating social services (schools, hospitals, etc.), lower wages, and deadly diseases (for example, the two following news items: “HIV likely entered the United States through a single infected immigrant from Haiti, scientists said Monday” and “Several infectious diseases that are rare in the native US population occur often in the Latin American population”).
Why is it that illegal immigration has not been attacked with the same vigor as the fires were? The damage that illegal aliens are doing and will continue to do to America is far more severe. Americans who lost their homes to the fire can rebuild, but once American communities have been taken over by illegal aliens, they are lost forever. Mexicans living in America will soon celebrate the Day of the Dead. I expect that the Day of the Dead could become a national Latino holiday celebrating the demise of the old America and the rise of the new Hispanic Nation.
In his book STRANGERS, Travis Barrett describes an American family who suffers a house-jacking by illegal aliens. As they flee what was once their community, but now belonging to the invaders, the father is shocked to discover a Day-of-the-Dead photo in which his family have become skeletons. The story may seem far-fetched, but if cities did not have million-dollar graffiti removal programs, it would become frighteningly clear just how many American communities have become gang infested barrios. In fact, I suggest that the graffiti be left as a warning sign indicating the alien transformation that is rapidly occurring in the United States, a transformation that is not so unlike what is seen in zombie movies. Suddenly, one’s neighbors have become aggressive strangers.
I expect that by the end of this century, Americans will have become ghosts, like today’s Native Americans, haunting a nation that was once theirs. Then Halloween will be really scary and the Day of the Dead will be a celebration of America’s demise. Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
California Burns While Bush and Cheney Play the War Fiddle and the Democrats Play Dumb
California burns while Bush and Cheney play their war fiddle. Southern Californians sure could have used some federal help early on (a ¼ of a million residents were evacuated before President Bush even noticed the fires), but we all know the Feds have wars to fight and profits to make, but you would at least think that the American people would have grown sick of their government’s creating unnecessary disasters overseas when Americans have plenty at home to deal with, such as the housing market going bust and millions of Americans losing their homes as a result, the overall economy suffering from an economic influenza, the American dollar looking more and more like Confederate currency, gas prices going through the roof, the Midwest being pulverized by tornados, the South’s dying from thirst, Staphylococcal infections turning high school gyms into Petri dishes, and high crime rates holding steady (yes, the fires have brought out looters, which just goes to show you that the enemies Americans should worry most about are either homegrown or imported). Of course, federal indifference isn’t new to Americans living in California, who have witnessed their state being taken over by illegal aliens as if it were the Alamo. Why the federal inaction? Because war is so much more lucrative than fighting fires, crime, aliens, or bacterial epidemics.
So it’s to be expected that Vice (an appropriate title in this case) President Dick Halliburton Cheney would have his mind more on bombing Iran than on protecting Americans from real (as oppose to hypothetical) threats occurring on American soil. And we all know why President Fist-of-God Bush would love to bomb Iran—in the hopes of kick-starting W.W.III, as if all those mushrooming clouds would send a signal to God that it is time to send the Rapture Bus to pick up the faithful. The one value these two oily politicians share is getting the price of oil above $100 per barrel and getting war and oil profits into their pockets and into the pockets of their friends, and in that regard they have done a terrific job.
If left alone Iran is an unlikely threat to the U.S., with or without the bomb. However, Iran is very much like an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) that goes off if you trigger it. Iraq was such a device, which would have not harmed Americans in any way if our moronic president had not deliberately triggered it, and now it has been going off for almost five years, bleeding America of blood, money, and morale. If Iran had a nuclear bomb and a nuclear bomb exploded on U.S. territory, the U.S. would do to Iran what General Westmorland wanted to do to Vietnam—turn it into a parking lot. (And what was the reason we went to war against Vietnam, killing 50,000 American soldiers and over two million Vietnamese? What harm had Vietnam caused us?) Don’t you think it’s time for the American people to vote on big decisions such as going to war or whether or not illegal aliens should be allowed to stay in the country? Representational government doesn’t seem to work, and it’s Americans who pay the price in blood and dollars, not the politicians, who often treat American citizens as if they were aliens to be ignored.)
So who else is the Chaney-Bush let’s-bomb-Iran policy serving other than Greed and Profit? Israel, the occupier of Palestine, is the only nation in the region that is not pumping oil that the Administration cares about, and without question, Israel has been the most destructive IED that America has tripped over since 1949. Since the Jews swept through Palestine like the fires are currently sweeping through Southern California, America’s reputation in the Middle East has been in a nosedive and has now crashed and burned in Iraq. And how has Israel benefitted Americans? It hasn’t, except for Jewish Americans. And now the U.S. just might trip over the Iranian trip wire and kick off Bush’s eagerly anticipated W.W.III.
And for what? To save American lives? Don’t be silly. To save Israeli lives is more likely. Bush did say that to avoid World War III Iran must be prevented from going nuclear in order to prevent Iran from destroying Israel. Ergo, if Iran goes nuclear we can expect W.W.III. But the cause will not be Iran’s nuking Israel but Israel’s bombing the hell out of Iran and Iran responding in a variety of ways, then perhaps drawing third party nations such Russian and the U.S. into the fray. (And who knows, if the U.S. bombs Iran, perhaps the Islamic radicals in Pakistan will take over, giving them access to Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal.) However, let us be clear about one thing. Iran would never bomb Israel except in retaliation for its being bombed by Israel or by the U.S. because it knows that if it did so, Israel and the U.S. would gleefully destroy the Persian Oil Empire, hoping that what would be left would be unoccupied oil fields.
It really is amazing how Americans expect the Middle East to dance to an Israeli-American tune, but of course before Israel and America started playing the Middle East as if it were their fiddle, the European nations were treating the Middle-East as if it were private investment properties to be rearranged and exploited as they saw fit. You may recall reading about what the Europeans did to the indigenous peoples of North America. Okay, that’s history, but history continues to repeat itself—such as in Palestine, Iraq, and Iran (remember America’s puppet the Shah of Iran?)—because politicians, rather than populations, continue to call the shots (literally).
I suggest that Americans let Israel take care of itself and continue its repression of the Palestinians on its own bloody dime. Americans, such as those whose homes have been blown away by tornados or burned to the ground by fire, have enough to worry about. In addition, Americans, like myself, who are not waiting for the Rapture and who do not wish to finance its realization, have more to gain from Iran as a friend than we do from Israel, whose friendship is at best self-serving. Okay, Iran’s friendship would be as well, since self-serving friendship is what real-politics is all about, but all Americans can use Iranian oil and only a few million benefit from Israel as a Christian theme park. The present administration’s Middle-East policies have been what should be called stupid-politics, at least as far as their benefit for most Americans is concerned.
However, don’t think for a moment that the Republicans have a monopoly on stupid-politics. Take, for example the sponsor of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, Adam Schiff, whose California district is home to the US's largest ethnic-Armenian community, just another example of how the alien diasporas, be they Armenian, Jewish, or Mexican, continue to bite the hand that feeds them. Schiff’s self-serving resolution greatly angered Turkey, in part because since the genocide took place almost a century ago probably very few Turkish citizens had anything to do with it. Besides, I do not think it’s any of our business. If the Armenians living in the U.S. want to condemn Turkey, then I say, Go for it. That’s what the Internet is for.
As a result of the Democrats’ foolishness (what do you expect, they’re politicians), Turkey has sent troops into northern Iraq, getting some of them killed and captured as a result. What are we going to do about it? Who knows? But one thing we do know is that much of the U.S. supplies and manpower sent into Iraq to fight the Cheney-Bush War for Oil and Israel goes through Turkey. Why don’t Americans see that though the U.S. government keeps telling the American people that it does what it does for their benefit when it’s clear enough that it does what it does for profit and for the benefit of nonAmericans, such as Israelis, Armenians, and, of course, illegal immigrants.
The stupid-politics of America’s politicians, Democrat and Republican, is not limited to the Middle-East. Consider the U.S. government’s antagonistic attitude toward Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela. What is the basis for this attitude? Chavez is socialist who places the welfare of his own people above the ideologies and profits of American politicians and businessmen. As he says, his government is for the millions, not the millionaires. In other words, he doesn’t believe Venezuela should dance to the American fiddle. In addition, he is disliked as an autocrat, though a democratically elected one, just like the autocrats Bush and Cheney. What American citizens driving their bloated SUVs should consider is the fact that Venezuela provides up to 15% of U.S. oil imports.
Another example of Bush-Cheney stupid-politics is its alienation of Russia over the placement of an anti-missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic, ostensibly to protect America from Iranian missiles. Yeah right! Since when does Iran have the capability to send missiles armed with nuclear bombs to the U.S.? It’s clear to President Putin that the system is designed to protect against Russia missiles. More likely, its simply the American Military-Industrial-Complex flexing its muscles, whether or not the citizens of Europe and America believe it’s a good idea, considering, for example, that Russia has the world’s largest natural gas reserves, much of which Europe depends upon, and the largest nuclear weapons arsenal after the U.S. Having Russia as a friend rather than a foe would do more to avoid a nuclear holocaust than a few anti-missile bases in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Most recently, President Bush presented the Dalai Lama with the Congressional Gold Medal, and by doing so making China mad as hell. In making the award the president emphasized Tibet’s struggle for religious freedom, though ignoring the chief value represented by the Buddhist Dalai Lama, which is PEACE. (And let’s face it, Bush is not in favor of all forms of freedom, such as the freedom from torture; the freedom from being secretly kidnapped and imprisoned; the freedom to a speedy and public trial; the freedom not to be secretly spied upon (in the manner of the KGB); the freedom not to be black listed or blackballed (as in the case of Valerie Plane and Dan Rather); the freedom to be informed about what the government is really doing (such as its manipulation of scientific reports), which can be done only by congress; and the freedom to be informed about the foods, goods, and services that Americans pay for and use (why is the NASA report on airline safety being withheld?). And of course, the U.S. will keep doing business with Tibet’s oppressor, China, and continue to keep selling the Chinese government our debt in the form of treasury securities to finance the illegal war in Iraq because the U.S. government and U.S. business believe that government and business should be kept separate from ethics. It is, in other words, easier and more profitable to give a medal than it is to do the right thing.
The truth of the matter is that the Armenian Genocide Resolution and the awarding of the Congressional Gold Medal are political charades to give the impression that the U.S. government is actually doing something useful for the American people. But instead of wasting its time passing out medals and creating enemies and problems abroad, the U.S. government ought to be addressing problems here at home that American citizens struggle with each day, like the increasingly rapid spread of the MRSA bacteria, which killed 19,000 Americans in 2005. Americans have more to fear from this disease, fires, storms, floods, crime, illegal immigrants, and foreclosures than they do from terrorists. And if the American government was not so good at creating enemies, there would be fewer terrorists interested in harming Americans. If left alone, terrorists are usually satisfied with terrorizing their own people.
Wake up, America! It’s almost too late.
So it’s to be expected that Vice (an appropriate title in this case) President Dick Halliburton Cheney would have his mind more on bombing Iran than on protecting Americans from real (as oppose to hypothetical) threats occurring on American soil. And we all know why President Fist-of-God Bush would love to bomb Iran—in the hopes of kick-starting W.W.III, as if all those mushrooming clouds would send a signal to God that it is time to send the Rapture Bus to pick up the faithful. The one value these two oily politicians share is getting the price of oil above $100 per barrel and getting war and oil profits into their pockets and into the pockets of their friends, and in that regard they have done a terrific job.
If left alone Iran is an unlikely threat to the U.S., with or without the bomb. However, Iran is very much like an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) that goes off if you trigger it. Iraq was such a device, which would have not harmed Americans in any way if our moronic president had not deliberately triggered it, and now it has been going off for almost five years, bleeding America of blood, money, and morale. If Iran had a nuclear bomb and a nuclear bomb exploded on U.S. territory, the U.S. would do to Iran what General Westmorland wanted to do to Vietnam—turn it into a parking lot. (And what was the reason we went to war against Vietnam, killing 50,000 American soldiers and over two million Vietnamese? What harm had Vietnam caused us?) Don’t you think it’s time for the American people to vote on big decisions such as going to war or whether or not illegal aliens should be allowed to stay in the country? Representational government doesn’t seem to work, and it’s Americans who pay the price in blood and dollars, not the politicians, who often treat American citizens as if they were aliens to be ignored.)
So who else is the Chaney-Bush let’s-bomb-Iran policy serving other than Greed and Profit? Israel, the occupier of Palestine, is the only nation in the region that is not pumping oil that the Administration cares about, and without question, Israel has been the most destructive IED that America has tripped over since 1949. Since the Jews swept through Palestine like the fires are currently sweeping through Southern California, America’s reputation in the Middle East has been in a nosedive and has now crashed and burned in Iraq. And how has Israel benefitted Americans? It hasn’t, except for Jewish Americans. And now the U.S. just might trip over the Iranian trip wire and kick off Bush’s eagerly anticipated W.W.III.
And for what? To save American lives? Don’t be silly. To save Israeli lives is more likely. Bush did say that to avoid World War III Iran must be prevented from going nuclear in order to prevent Iran from destroying Israel. Ergo, if Iran goes nuclear we can expect W.W.III. But the cause will not be Iran’s nuking Israel but Israel’s bombing the hell out of Iran and Iran responding in a variety of ways, then perhaps drawing third party nations such Russian and the U.S. into the fray. (And who knows, if the U.S. bombs Iran, perhaps the Islamic radicals in Pakistan will take over, giving them access to Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal.) However, let us be clear about one thing. Iran would never bomb Israel except in retaliation for its being bombed by Israel or by the U.S. because it knows that if it did so, Israel and the U.S. would gleefully destroy the Persian Oil Empire, hoping that what would be left would be unoccupied oil fields.
It really is amazing how Americans expect the Middle East to dance to an Israeli-American tune, but of course before Israel and America started playing the Middle East as if it were their fiddle, the European nations were treating the Middle-East as if it were private investment properties to be rearranged and exploited as they saw fit. You may recall reading about what the Europeans did to the indigenous peoples of North America. Okay, that’s history, but history continues to repeat itself—such as in Palestine, Iraq, and Iran (remember America’s puppet the Shah of Iran?)—because politicians, rather than populations, continue to call the shots (literally).
I suggest that Americans let Israel take care of itself and continue its repression of the Palestinians on its own bloody dime. Americans, such as those whose homes have been blown away by tornados or burned to the ground by fire, have enough to worry about. In addition, Americans, like myself, who are not waiting for the Rapture and who do not wish to finance its realization, have more to gain from Iran as a friend than we do from Israel, whose friendship is at best self-serving. Okay, Iran’s friendship would be as well, since self-serving friendship is what real-politics is all about, but all Americans can use Iranian oil and only a few million benefit from Israel as a Christian theme park. The present administration’s Middle-East policies have been what should be called stupid-politics, at least as far as their benefit for most Americans is concerned.
However, don’t think for a moment that the Republicans have a monopoly on stupid-politics. Take, for example the sponsor of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, Adam Schiff, whose California district is home to the US's largest ethnic-Armenian community, just another example of how the alien diasporas, be they Armenian, Jewish, or Mexican, continue to bite the hand that feeds them. Schiff’s self-serving resolution greatly angered Turkey, in part because since the genocide took place almost a century ago probably very few Turkish citizens had anything to do with it. Besides, I do not think it’s any of our business. If the Armenians living in the U.S. want to condemn Turkey, then I say, Go for it. That’s what the Internet is for.
As a result of the Democrats’ foolishness (what do you expect, they’re politicians), Turkey has sent troops into northern Iraq, getting some of them killed and captured as a result. What are we going to do about it? Who knows? But one thing we do know is that much of the U.S. supplies and manpower sent into Iraq to fight the Cheney-Bush War for Oil and Israel goes through Turkey. Why don’t Americans see that though the U.S. government keeps telling the American people that it does what it does for their benefit when it’s clear enough that it does what it does for profit and for the benefit of nonAmericans, such as Israelis, Armenians, and, of course, illegal immigrants.
The stupid-politics of America’s politicians, Democrat and Republican, is not limited to the Middle-East. Consider the U.S. government’s antagonistic attitude toward Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela. What is the basis for this attitude? Chavez is socialist who places the welfare of his own people above the ideologies and profits of American politicians and businessmen. As he says, his government is for the millions, not the millionaires. In other words, he doesn’t believe Venezuela should dance to the American fiddle. In addition, he is disliked as an autocrat, though a democratically elected one, just like the autocrats Bush and Cheney. What American citizens driving their bloated SUVs should consider is the fact that Venezuela provides up to 15% of U.S. oil imports.
Another example of Bush-Cheney stupid-politics is its alienation of Russia over the placement of an anti-missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic, ostensibly to protect America from Iranian missiles. Yeah right! Since when does Iran have the capability to send missiles armed with nuclear bombs to the U.S.? It’s clear to President Putin that the system is designed to protect against Russia missiles. More likely, its simply the American Military-Industrial-Complex flexing its muscles, whether or not the citizens of Europe and America believe it’s a good idea, considering, for example, that Russia has the world’s largest natural gas reserves, much of which Europe depends upon, and the largest nuclear weapons arsenal after the U.S. Having Russia as a friend rather than a foe would do more to avoid a nuclear holocaust than a few anti-missile bases in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Most recently, President Bush presented the Dalai Lama with the Congressional Gold Medal, and by doing so making China mad as hell. In making the award the president emphasized Tibet’s struggle for religious freedom, though ignoring the chief value represented by the Buddhist Dalai Lama, which is PEACE. (And let’s face it, Bush is not in favor of all forms of freedom, such as the freedom from torture; the freedom from being secretly kidnapped and imprisoned; the freedom to a speedy and public trial; the freedom not to be secretly spied upon (in the manner of the KGB); the freedom not to be black listed or blackballed (as in the case of Valerie Plane and Dan Rather); the freedom to be informed about what the government is really doing (such as its manipulation of scientific reports), which can be done only by congress; and the freedom to be informed about the foods, goods, and services that Americans pay for and use (why is the NASA report on airline safety being withheld?). And of course, the U.S. will keep doing business with Tibet’s oppressor, China, and continue to keep selling the Chinese government our debt in the form of treasury securities to finance the illegal war in Iraq because the U.S. government and U.S. business believe that government and business should be kept separate from ethics. It is, in other words, easier and more profitable to give a medal than it is to do the right thing.
The truth of the matter is that the Armenian Genocide Resolution and the awarding of the Congressional Gold Medal are political charades to give the impression that the U.S. government is actually doing something useful for the American people. But instead of wasting its time passing out medals and creating enemies and problems abroad, the U.S. government ought to be addressing problems here at home that American citizens struggle with each day, like the increasingly rapid spread of the MRSA bacteria, which killed 19,000 Americans in 2005. Americans have more to fear from this disease, fires, storms, floods, crime, illegal immigrants, and foreclosures than they do from terrorists. And if the American government was not so good at creating enemies, there would be fewer terrorists interested in harming Americans. If left alone, terrorists are usually satisfied with terrorizing their own people.
Wake up, America! It’s almost too late.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Cuban Immigrants Find a New Way to Invade the U.S.
The Great American Giveaway and Travis Barrett’s Novels GRINGO and STRANGERS
Recently I read an article about how Cuban immigrants are taking a new route to the U.S. Because of the “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which gives them the ability to become permanent residents if they reach U.S. soil. So instead of trying to make it by boat, they enter Mexico, head to the U.S. border, and then ask for political asylum, which they will automatically get. Of course, the immigrants are financed by Cubans living in Miami.
It seems the Great American Giveaway is the giving away of America to aliens by the rich and powerful on both the left and right. Jimmy Carter is a good example of the Democrats’ giving away what does not belong to them but to the American people. Remember when President Jimmy Carter welcomed thousands of Cuban immigrants, many of them criminals and insane, during the Great Cuban Exodus of 1980? And the “wet foot, dry foot" policy was adopted by the Clinton Administration, and when Hillary gets in it will be the “any alien foot welcome policy.” Of course, the Republicans are no better, such as President Bush’s desire to give amnesty to all the millions of illegals in the country, because U.S. businesses are willing to give away America little by little when it is profitable to do so.
It seems that Americans have been abandoned, and by the end of this century the old America will be no more, as it is no more already in many parts of the country, such as Miami and L.A. As other peoples throughout the world struggle to preserve or long to have a territorial home, such as the Iraqi Curds and the Palestinians, Americans are allowing the giving away of their cultural home. Of course, the aliens see it differently, just as the poor thief tells himself he has a right to steal the rich man’s property. (However, Barrett explains that what the aliens are doing to Americans, Americans did to the Indians. He also explains that it is because such behavior is rooted in our evolutionary makeup, that no solution seems possible, since laws (moral or otherwise) and civilization do not seem to work. The only thing that seems to work is big guns at the border, bigger guns than what the invaders have, which the Iraqis lacked when the Americans arrived.)
In the end America will lose the war in Iraq, but that loss will seem insignificant to America’s losing the war against the millions of aliens who have been, are presently, and will continue invading her (legally as in the case of the Cubans or illegally as in the case of the Mexican). American will lose because Americans never really put up a fight. For most Americans today it will not matter too much, but I believe it will matter greatly to their children and grandchildren. Today, it means, for example, that programs like the SCHIP (State Children’s Health Insurance Program) will require American taxpayers to spend billions of dollars for the health of millions of children of legal and illegal immigrants. By the end of the century it will mean that Americans will have become the aliens and will be living in a new America in which their voice will be one minority voice among a chorus of alien voices.
Travis Barrett’s two novels, STRANGERS and GRINGO, give a frightening and pessimistic look at the problem of illegal immigration (for Americans, not for the invaders). He seems to believe the battle has already been lost because Americans pretty much surrendered from the very beginning because, apparently, they didn’t think the country was worth fighting for. If you want a reassuring examination of the problem of illegal immigrations, don’t read Barrett’s novels. In fact, that seems to be the way most Americans deal with problems today: by looking the other way and hoping everything will work out in their favor, like the war in Iraq.
Recently I read an article about how Cuban immigrants are taking a new route to the U.S. Because of the “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which gives them the ability to become permanent residents if they reach U.S. soil. So instead of trying to make it by boat, they enter Mexico, head to the U.S. border, and then ask for political asylum, which they will automatically get. Of course, the immigrants are financed by Cubans living in Miami.
It seems the Great American Giveaway is the giving away of America to aliens by the rich and powerful on both the left and right. Jimmy Carter is a good example of the Democrats’ giving away what does not belong to them but to the American people. Remember when President Jimmy Carter welcomed thousands of Cuban immigrants, many of them criminals and insane, during the Great Cuban Exodus of 1980? And the “wet foot, dry foot" policy was adopted by the Clinton Administration, and when Hillary gets in it will be the “any alien foot welcome policy.” Of course, the Republicans are no better, such as President Bush’s desire to give amnesty to all the millions of illegals in the country, because U.S. businesses are willing to give away America little by little when it is profitable to do so.
It seems that Americans have been abandoned, and by the end of this century the old America will be no more, as it is no more already in many parts of the country, such as Miami and L.A. As other peoples throughout the world struggle to preserve or long to have a territorial home, such as the Iraqi Curds and the Palestinians, Americans are allowing the giving away of their cultural home. Of course, the aliens see it differently, just as the poor thief tells himself he has a right to steal the rich man’s property. (However, Barrett explains that what the aliens are doing to Americans, Americans did to the Indians. He also explains that it is because such behavior is rooted in our evolutionary makeup, that no solution seems possible, since laws (moral or otherwise) and civilization do not seem to work. The only thing that seems to work is big guns at the border, bigger guns than what the invaders have, which the Iraqis lacked when the Americans arrived.)
In the end America will lose the war in Iraq, but that loss will seem insignificant to America’s losing the war against the millions of aliens who have been, are presently, and will continue invading her (legally as in the case of the Cubans or illegally as in the case of the Mexican). American will lose because Americans never really put up a fight. For most Americans today it will not matter too much, but I believe it will matter greatly to their children and grandchildren. Today, it means, for example, that programs like the SCHIP (State Children’s Health Insurance Program) will require American taxpayers to spend billions of dollars for the health of millions of children of legal and illegal immigrants. By the end of the century it will mean that Americans will have become the aliens and will be living in a new America in which their voice will be one minority voice among a chorus of alien voices.
Travis Barrett’s two novels, STRANGERS and GRINGO, give a frightening and pessimistic look at the problem of illegal immigration (for Americans, not for the invaders). He seems to believe the battle has already been lost because Americans pretty much surrendered from the very beginning because, apparently, they didn’t think the country was worth fighting for. If you want a reassuring examination of the problem of illegal immigrations, don’t read Barrett’s novels. In fact, that seems to be the way most Americans deal with problems today: by looking the other way and hoping everything will work out in their favor, like the war in Iraq.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Why George W. Bush will never receive a Nobel Peace Prize but should receive a Nobel War Prize
The creator of the Nobel Prize, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, the scientist who invented dynamite and whose work contributed to the development of high explosives, became increasingly concerned with the military use of his inventions. The general purpose of the peace prize is to recognize and encourage activity that contributes to the reduction of various forms of violence around the world, including war, terrorism, insurgency, and violent forms of crime.
George Bush, on the other hand, delights in weapons of mass destruction even as denounces them. Certainly, the U.S. military is such a weapon, as has been demonstrated in its destruction of the nation of Iraq. It is significant that the day before Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize the U.S. military had killed nine children and six women northeast of Baghdad. Of course, the military does not intend to kill women and children, but that is the problem with weapons of mass destruction: they cause a lot of collateral death and damage. Interestingly, “collateral” means “additional but subordinate or secondary”; thus the death of women and children is acceptable as long as the primary goal of killing insurgent leaders is achieved.
I do not blame the military so much as I blame the Commander in Chief. He sent this greatest of weapons of mass destruction, the United States Military, not into a war zone (though it became that), but into a city populated by civilians. Imagine President Truman ordering the use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima but with the caveat of not killing any civilians. Even if one believes that Truman made the wrong choice, one has to recognize that thousands of Japanese civilians were already dying in the American bombing of Japanese cities and that many thousands of American soldiers would have died if Japan was invaded. So, one can argue that there was a clear and present danger to thousands of Americans and Japanese if the war continued to drag on and that less innocent life would be sacrificed by using what might be called the first weapon capable of killing cities. However, the same justification cannot be used for the invasion of Iraq since neither the Iraqi people nor the Iraqi government was a threat to the American people, only to the Iraqi people, but not as nearly the threat the U.S. military has proven to be. Since the Americans arrived in Iraq, every day there has been a 9/11 day.
And the same day Al Gore was announced as a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates were getting the cold shoulder from Russian President Vladimir Putin because of the Bush Administration’s plan to develop missile defense bases in Poland and the Czech Republic. It is obvious that the Bush Administration’s obsession with warfare continues to undermine the world’s confidence in the sanity of the United States. Putin joked about militarizing the moon. Certainly, if that were possible, Bush and Cheney would have the U.S. military and Halliburton on the moon today. It was a sick joke, but since George Bush became president the world has been a sicker place.
If Al Gore is successful in getting the world to act to minimize the damage global warming will do to environments and economies, he will help minimize the violence, conflict, and general chaos that will most certainly plague many parts of the world. Even wealthy developed nations that now profit the most from producing greenhouse gasses will suffer as they are drawn into regional conflicts and have to defend their borders from millions of illegal immigrants fleeing degraded environments, failed economies, and ineffective and corrupt governments. Thus, developed nations such as the United States will benefit if Al Gore is successful in getting all the nations of the world to take the problem of global warming seriously enough to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gasses.
If George Bush’s efforts to use America’s weapon of mass destruction, the U.S. military, to bring freedom (the extreme form of which is chaos) to all of America’s enemies (a list that continues to grow), then we can expect to live in a world of unending suspicion, war, violence, and misery. If there were a Nobel War Prize, certainly George Bush would be a deserving recipient.
George Bush, on the other hand, delights in weapons of mass destruction even as denounces them. Certainly, the U.S. military is such a weapon, as has been demonstrated in its destruction of the nation of Iraq. It is significant that the day before Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize the U.S. military had killed nine children and six women northeast of Baghdad. Of course, the military does not intend to kill women and children, but that is the problem with weapons of mass destruction: they cause a lot of collateral death and damage. Interestingly, “collateral” means “additional but subordinate or secondary”; thus the death of women and children is acceptable as long as the primary goal of killing insurgent leaders is achieved.
I do not blame the military so much as I blame the Commander in Chief. He sent this greatest of weapons of mass destruction, the United States Military, not into a war zone (though it became that), but into a city populated by civilians. Imagine President Truman ordering the use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima but with the caveat of not killing any civilians. Even if one believes that Truman made the wrong choice, one has to recognize that thousands of Japanese civilians were already dying in the American bombing of Japanese cities and that many thousands of American soldiers would have died if Japan was invaded. So, one can argue that there was a clear and present danger to thousands of Americans and Japanese if the war continued to drag on and that less innocent life would be sacrificed by using what might be called the first weapon capable of killing cities. However, the same justification cannot be used for the invasion of Iraq since neither the Iraqi people nor the Iraqi government was a threat to the American people, only to the Iraqi people, but not as nearly the threat the U.S. military has proven to be. Since the Americans arrived in Iraq, every day there has been a 9/11 day.
And the same day Al Gore was announced as a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates were getting the cold shoulder from Russian President Vladimir Putin because of the Bush Administration’s plan to develop missile defense bases in Poland and the Czech Republic. It is obvious that the Bush Administration’s obsession with warfare continues to undermine the world’s confidence in the sanity of the United States. Putin joked about militarizing the moon. Certainly, if that were possible, Bush and Cheney would have the U.S. military and Halliburton on the moon today. It was a sick joke, but since George Bush became president the world has been a sicker place.
If Al Gore is successful in getting the world to act to minimize the damage global warming will do to environments and economies, he will help minimize the violence, conflict, and general chaos that will most certainly plague many parts of the world. Even wealthy developed nations that now profit the most from producing greenhouse gasses will suffer as they are drawn into regional conflicts and have to defend their borders from millions of illegal immigrants fleeing degraded environments, failed economies, and ineffective and corrupt governments. Thus, developed nations such as the United States will benefit if Al Gore is successful in getting all the nations of the world to take the problem of global warming seriously enough to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gasses.
If George Bush’s efforts to use America’s weapon of mass destruction, the U.S. military, to bring freedom (the extreme form of which is chaos) to all of America’s enemies (a list that continues to grow), then we can expect to live in a world of unending suspicion, war, violence, and misery. If there were a Nobel War Prize, certainly George Bush would be a deserving recipient.
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