Monday, February 4, 2008

America Loses in the 2008 Presidential Race

The future Americans are facing is clearly illustrated in the January 31 “Our San Diego” section of the San Diego Union-Tribune. On the front page is a pie chart showing the demographics of the Mid-City Division, an area in San Diego that forty years ago was an all-American community. Now, as the writer states, “Immigrants have settled there from Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Mexico, Russia, and Thailand.” In other words, Mid-City is no longer American, but an enclave of the Alien Nation spreading throughout the country.

The pie chart shows that 40% of the population is Latino, 13% black, 14% Asian, 5% other, and 29% white. Also, one finds in Mid-City Mosques and women wearing burkas (the long, loose garment covering the whole body from head to feet worn in pubic by Muslim women). In addition, property crime and violent crime in Mid-City increased during the past year and “Mid-City has the highest rate of domestic violence and the largest portion of gang-related violence in the city” of San Diego. In other words, this alien enclave is a hell-hole toward which America is slouching. Of course, the millionaires running for the presidency could care less since they can afford to live in affluent communities with private security.

The headline of the February 1 edition of the San Diego Union-Tribune read “Democrats go for the jocular vein.” But the truth of the matter is that McCain, Romney, Clinton, and Obama are going for America’s jugular vein, especially that of America’s children, who are being trampled beneath the alien welcome mat that has been laid by traitorous American businessmen (such as the traitorous Mel Key, president of un-American Golden State Fence Co., who was sent to prison for hiring illegal aliens) and politicians (such as the aforementioned). The fact is, aliens have destroyed Mid-City and will destroy the rest of America.

And so who will be the winner given that our choices will be McCain, Romney, Obama, and Clinton? Not America but the Hispanic Nation that now already occupies much of America and is growing by the thousands each day.

Senator John McCain

McCain does not want to wave the white flag of surrender in Iraq, but he is willing to wave it to the millions of Hispanics who have invaded America.

One of the main groups that supported John McCain is the Cubans who are in the process of taking over Florida. For example, Wikipedia tells us that between the years of 2000 and 2004, Lee County in Southwest Florida, which is largely suburban in character, had the fastest Hispanic population growth rate of any county in the United States. And the Cubans continue to legally migrate into America by land and sea.

And we know why the illegal aliens love McCain. It is because he, like his mentor Ronald Reagan, wants to give amnesty to 34 million illegal immigrants in America, plus their millions of children who have been given U.S. citizenship by America’s un-American legal system. (Google How Many Illegals are in the U.S.?)

The fact is McCain could care less about what Americans think and want. He has repeatedly said he will make choices based on his principles, not on polls. George Bush did the same. But what this means is that McCain will do whatever he damn well pleases, just as Bush did when he had America invade Iraq. To hell with what the American people think and want.

And why has Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed McCain? Because Hispanics will soon be the majority demographic in California. That is why Ruben Navarrette Jr., a spokesperson for the Hispanic Nation, refers to the “Governor’s wise words on immigration.” Interestingly, in the same edition of the San Diego Union Tribune is an editorial piece on “Tijuana Mayhem.” Well, Americans better be ready. The Tijuana mayhem is marching northward.

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney’s political ads in Spanish pretty much tell whose side he is on, and he even had his son Craig do the Spanish narration. It’s good that his son speaks Spanish because he will need in the future. However, I don’t think Mormons care all that much about the Hispanic invasion because they have their own private Mormon reservation: Utah, which takes its name from the Ute Indians who, unlike the Mormons, “endeavored to live in harmony with nature. They never killed more game than they needed and would try to leave the landscape in an unspoilt condition.” Unlike Americans, the Utes fought to save their homeland.

Senator Hilary Clinton

Hilary wins big, 50%, in Nevada. Why? The answer can be seen in a photo in which Hilary, wearing a big smile, is surrounded by Hispanic workers. In addition, she was endorsed by the crook and former HUD secretary under Bill Clinton Henry Cisneros, who had supported the Hispanic Bill Richardson before he dropped out of the presidential race.

In her debate with Senator Obama Clinton said that illegal immigrants should be given the opportunity to become legal residents and then citizens if they pay a fine and back taxes, in other words, after a slap on the wrist. She also said, “We will change this country.” She certainly will given the fact that when she was in San Diego she was introduced by leaders of the Hispanic Nation Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez and L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. No doubt after she’s done, Americans won’t even recognize the United Barrios of America.

Senator Barack Obama

Of course Senator Barack Hussein Obama is going to have great sympathy for the immigrants. His father was a Kenyan and he lived in Jakarta, Indonesia, with his mother and Indonesian stepfather. Though a Christian by faith, his name suggests that he would also have great sympathy for Muslims wanting to immigrate to America and set up their Mosques next to churches across the country, especially the millions of Muslims refugees created by the Iraq War.

Most significant, however, is Senator Ted Kennedy's support for Obama. Kennedy is the strongest supporter of amnesty for illegal aliens, support that goes back to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which opened the floodgates to immigrants. And of course he co-authored the McCain-Kennedy-Benedict-Arnold Immigration Reform Bill. Why would Kennedy be so supportive of people who have entered this country illegally? Perhaps he realizes that he is not liked by most Americans because of that dark, selfish deed he committed on a lonely bridge long, long ago. So he betrays Americans in hopes of gaining alien love. Sorry, Ted, but betrayal is never worthy of love.

So it looks like the Hispanic Nation will win the presidential election and the American Nation will lose. Americans who wish to preserve their nation have no candidate. That is why Ruben Navarrette Jr., a spokesman for the Hispanic Nation, has a lot to smile about. Even President Bush made it clear in his State of the Union address that he is on the side of the illegal aliens and the Hispanic Nation. Of course, like I said, Bush and other betrayers of America such as Ted Kennedy and John McCain are millionaires who are able to live unaffected by reality of the barrios that are spring up all over the country like mushrooms, and I don’t mean the kind we eat but the ones that explode and destroy cities, because that is exactly what the Hispanic barrios do to American cities.

What will happen to America once the illegal are legalized? The answer to that question is easy. The Hispanic crime wave will continue northward. Just take a look at the recent 3 ½ -hour gun battle that occurred recently in Tijuana. Let’s face it, if Americans don’t want to travel to Baja California because it is a dangerous, crime-ridden region, like the rest of Mexico, then why would Americans want America transformed into a Baja California by millions of illegal Hispanic immigrants? Already, 10% of the Mexican military is fighting a losing war against the Mexican criminals. Why the military? Because the police are corrupt. Even hundreds of Mexican soldiers defect from the army to become assassins for the drug cartels. And let’s be very clear about one thing. The Mexicans flooding into America are no different from the one who have destroyed Mexico.

And Ruben Navarrette J. complains about Americans who find Spanish “sickening” because it is everywhere they turn. What he does not understand is that Americans see the ubiquitous Spanish as an indication of the growing dominance of the Hispanic Nation. And why should anyone like the language of the people who have invaded his or her country. The truth is, Spanish sounds to the American ear as Hebrew sounds to the Palestinian ear. And Navarrette also complains about some American politicians, such as Tancredo, engaging in fear-mongering. Well, Americans better be afraid because each of the newly created barrios of the Hispanic Nation comes with at least one street gang and usually more than one.

I have seen the community I live in change in just that way. Twenty years ago it was pretty much an all-American community. Now most the school children you see on the streets are Hispanic. Gang graffiti is a constant battle, even on the city’s welcoming sign. It is becoming a community where Americans feel increasingly uneasy. Just ask Dr. Nancy Matthews what it is like having Hispanic neighbors. She was mauled by two boxers that had previously bitten other people. Their owner, Pedro Torres, was her neighbor. Even though the dogs were dangerous, he allowed them to be on the loose. County counsel George Brewster said, “The culprit in this case is the owner of the dogs” ("Dog-bite victim sues," 1/31 SDUT). Torres pleaded guilty to a felony. It is Torres’ kind of reckless disregard for others and for the law that Hispanics introduce into American communities.

Americans who can afford to are moving out of Hispanicized communities, only to be replaced by more Hispanic families because no American family wants to move into a barrio and have their children attend a schools populated by Hispanic ruffians.

What I am witnessing is the death of another American community. It is a unique form of ethnic cleansing being carried out by the millions of illegal aliens invading America.

American politicians will not stand up for America against Mexico and other south-of-the-border nations and their invading civilian armies. The politicians care more about the millions of illegal aliens than they do about millions of Americans. So Ruben Navarrette Jr. has every reason to keep on smiling. But America will become a divided nation, a nation at war with itself. If that is what un-American politicians want, then America’s bright future grows very dark indeed.