Seeing the photo of a dead Palestinian girl on the front page of the New York Times (1/5/09), I thought this might be a good time for considering reasons for being anti-Semitic. As of January 17, the Israeli Jews, with the support of Jews living in the U.S. and our morally challenged and biblically deluded president, have slaughtered “1,200 Palestinians, of whom 410 are children.” How many Jewish children have been killed? None as far as I know. 10 Israeli soldiers (4 killed by unfriendly fire) and three civilians have been killed thus far.
In a Washington Post article we are told, “Israeli soldiers flashed the victory sign yesterday as they began withdrawing from the Gaza Strip. Shellshocked Palestinians emerged from shelters and counted their dead.” The Israeli soldiers are happy. Why? Because hundreds of Palestinians are dead, thousands wounded. Hundreds of the dead are children, 1,500 injured, thousands traumatized. Certainly, the Jewish soldiers have a lot to smile about—anytime you can kill Palestinians like shooting fish in a barrel.
And of course special legal teams will be called out to defend Israeli soldiers against war crimes they committed against civilians in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli prime minister, grotesque Ehud Beelzebub Olmert, promised the country would "fully back" those who slaughtered the innocent women an,d children during the three-week murderous onslaughter. And it seems the Jewish forces of doom once again used two of their favorite hellish weapons cluster bombs and white phosphorus shells. Let’s face it, there is nothing that will brighten the heart of a Jew more than to see a Palestinian child ignited.
Are we shocked then that anti-Semitic attacks have been up around the world? The thing is people believe the Jews hate such attacks, but in fact anti-Semitic attacks are what the Jews live for; they give the Jews their identity as the world’s most persecuted people, which is then the source of their renown as a people. Without the swastika the Star of David would become as meaningless today as the faravahar of Zorastrianism, the religion whose ideas were plundered by Judaism and Christianity:
"Hidden by the looming shadows of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, Zoroastrianism seems a largely forgotten religion today. Yet this ancient tradition so powerfully influenced these other three faith groups that they would not exist in their present state if not for the teachings of Zarathustra, the prophet of Zoroastrianism." (From Publishers Weekly. See Paul Kriwaczek's study on Zarathustra's impact on Western religious history.)That’s the purpose of the INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY, to promote the image of the Jews as victims even as they victimize the people of Palestine. I for one am not buying that bill of goods. Some even doubt that the Holocaust really happened, believing that it is a Zionist promotional stunt to transform the image of the Jew from shyster to a collective version of the suffering Christ. And the fact that many countries have laws against denying the Holocaust just shows you the power of Jewish juggernaut. Speak out against the invaders of Palestine and the killers of Palestinian women and children, then your own government will put you in jail. That shows the extent of the Jewish influence in the legal and political institutions even in countries that came to the rescue of the Jews. I don’t deny that the Holocaust ever happened, though perhaps not so many Jews were killed as we have been led to believe, maybe Holocaust should be spelled holocaust, with a small h. And what’s the purpose of remembering the holocaust when the cluster-bombing, phosphorus igniting Jews apparently have forgotten its significance?
The Eight Reasons for Being Anti-Semitic
Below you will find eight reasons for being anti-Semitic, but only one is sufficient because they are BIG reasons. Some of you will not agree with all the reasons. For example, most Muslims care less about reason 2, the Jewish destruction of the American economy, because they believe Americans deserved having their economy destroyed for tolerating Israel’s destruction of the Palestinian people and for invading Iraq. And they probably wouldn’t agree with reason 6, the Judeo-Christian Tradition being the biggest and most dangerous hoax in the history of the world, given the fact that Islam is very much a part of that tradition. But there are still plenty of other reasons justifying their anti-Semitism, which I am sure they know already, such as Israel's being for Palestinians a national version of Abu Ghraib Prison. For this reason alone their anti-Semitism is perfectly justified. And that is why the first reason listed justifying anti-Semitism has to do with the harm done to the Palestinian people.
Reason 1: The Destruction and Slaughter of the Palestinian People.
The harm the Jews have done to the Palestinian people is reason number one for being anti-Semitic. First the Jews stole their homeland with the help of the filthy British: “British foreign minister Arthur Balfour issued the controversial Balfour Declaration of 1917, which promised to establish a Jewish state in Palestine in exchange for the Jewish financial support to the British in their war against Ottomans and Germans.” Yes indeed, if you need money just go to where the Jews are. However, Jewish money usually comes at a very high price. Just ask Bernie Madoff.
So the British got their blood money from the Jews and the Palestinians got sold out by their colonial masters. How many Jews were in Palestine at the time? About 11% of the population was Jewish. After the Arab-Israeli War, the Jews drove about 700,000 Palestinians from their homeland into refuge camps. This was Israel’s Final Solution: to use terror to drive the Palestinian people from their homes, villages, towns, and fields, just as the Europeans drove the Indians from their homelands. With the world looking on, they couldn’t very well send them to the ovens.
Another Headline: “A Palestinian girl who lost her legs and a boy who was blinded in Israel's attack on Gaza...” I am sure Yahweh is proud of his people knowing that they are following in his footstep—soaked with blood. Remember what Yahweh did to the Egyptians?
"And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for [there was] not a house where [there was] not one dead.”Sounds a lot like Gaza, except that the Jews are now doing God’s dirty work. But as you know, slaughter on the behalf of Yahweh has been a long and venerable tradition carried on by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. (See more in Reasons 6 & 7 below.)
“And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that [was] in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle. And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for [there was] not a house where [there was] not one dead.” (Exodus 12:29-30)
If the Jewish God is a homicidal maniac, then why would you expect his chosen people to be any different? And once the Jews got out of Egypt, the people of Palestine would be next on Yahweh’s kill list. And remember, Yahweh has already had a lot of practice—destroying cities and even wiping out life on Earth, except for a boatload. One could even argue that unlike many pagan gods, Yahweh hated Earth and all its creatures, that it was to him a video game that would piss him off when the AI became too smart for its own good or when the controller didn’t seem to be working properly.
How can you not hate the Jews for what they are doing to the people of Gaza? Of course, America did the same thing to the people of Iraq (“More than 600,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed in the U.S.-led war. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) also said two million Iraqis had fled to neighboring countries.”). And now we are gloating over putting back together the piece of the country we destroyed, claiming to be Iraq’s savior. Our philosophy of saving people is very similar to Yahweh’s, which is to destroy a village (or a town, country, people, or every living thing except for that boatload). And of course, George Bush and his criminal cohorts are also members of the Yahweh Doomsday Club, so the Star of David should be worn next to the American flag on their lapels.
The Jews are forbidding international reporters, for the same reasons I would imagine the Nazis didn’t want them in the concentration camps, but news reports coming out of Gaza suggest that Palestinian ambulances are now delivering bits and piece of Palestinian men, women, and children to... To where? Perhaps a mass grave like the Nazi’s used when they killed lots of people in one fell swoop (as when a killer drone launches its Hellfire missile into a school, hospital, apartment complex, home, anywhere its demonic brain chooses). The Jews are even taking out U.N. vehicles. God’s chosen people must be having a blast. I wonder if they have dropped listening devices so the Jewish people can listen while breaking their evening bread to the screams of the injured and dying Palestinians, the sounds of sirens delivering the dead and soon to be dead to the understaffed and overwhelm Gazan hospitals, the explosions, and the cyborg assassin drones passing overhead (made by Israel’s version of Cyberdyne Systems).
What the Jews have done to the Palestinians is reason enough to be anti-Semitic, but there are many more reasons, any one of which would be sufficient.
Reason 2: The Destruction of the American Economy.
David Dukes puts it this way: “Ben Shalom Bernanke, the Jewish head of the Federal Reserve told Congress and the American people that we must pass a 700 billion dollar bailout (theft) of taxpayer’s money that must be given to the Jewish-dominated international banks. At the same time the Jewish economic bosses don’t want to give a dime to the overwhelmingly Gentile auto industry that employs 2 million Americans!” I will just put it this way: Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff, Bernard Madoff... Bernard is the epitome of the Midas Touch influence the Jews on the American economy. Everything they touch turns to gold for them and to shit for Americans.
What does it mean? It means this: Jews using the American economy (and military) to enable Jews to achieve dominance in global affairs, dominance they believe they are entitled to as God very own people. In other words, Jews want Americans to pay and die for Israel.
But Madoff is just the tip of the Jewish iceberg that has dealt a debilitating financial blow to the Good Ship America. Just consider some of the other Jews who have been in control of America’s finances. Take for example the notorious Alan Greenspan (like Lieberman, a Jewish Dorian Gray whose hideous appearance reflects his evil machinations), who comes from a Hungarian Jewish family. He served five terms as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve overseeing the U.S. economy and another Jewish recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, from George W. Bush, of course.
About Mr. Greenspan, Joseph Stiglitz, winner of the Nobel Prize for economics, stated that Greenspan "didn't really believe in regulation; when the excesses of the financial system were noted, [he and others] called for self-regulation -- an oxymoron" (“Alan Greenspan,” Wikipedia). And according to the New York Times, Greenspan said he himself is blameless for the recent economic crisis. That means he is either a liar or as stupid as he looks.
And then there is Maurice R. Greenberg, former head and CEO of AIG, which the Fed just bailed out for 85 billion dollars. Wikipedia tells us that “By the mid-2000s AIG had become embroiled in a series of fraud investigations conducted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S. Justice Department, and New York State Attorney General's Office. Greenberg was ousted amid an accounting scandal in February 2005. The New York Attorney General's investigation led to a $1.6 billion fine for AIG and criminal charges for some of its executives.
And then there is Bear Sterns, a huge investment bank that recently collapsed under the weight of its greedy financial practices. The company was bought by J.P. Morgan, probably with some guarantees from the U.S. Federal Reserve, i.e., the American taxpayer. Bear Stearns was founded as an equity trading house in 1923 by the Jewish trio Joseph Bear, Robert Stearns, and Harold Mayer.
And by the way, who is in charge of U.S. Federal Reserve? Another Jew, Ben Bernanke.
The United States former Secretary of the Treasury was Henry Paulson, a nonJew (Christian Scientist—which is like being a Scientologist). I guess the Bush Administration thought you need to have a few nonJewish faces among the financial robber barons running the country so the American public doesn’t get suspicious, kinda like having a few white guys on the bench in professional basketball. However, Paulson is not as clean (or as free from the influence of usurious Jews) as he appears to be. He worked for Goldman Sachs, and Wikipedia tells us that “His compensation package, according to reports, was $37 million in 2005, and $16.4 million projected for 2006. His net worth has been estimated at over US$700 million.” He is hardly one of us. And who do you think he cares most about, ordinary Americans struggling to survive or the FAT CATS who made Mr. Paulson a multi-millionaire?
The usurious financial institution Goldman Sachs was founded in 1869 by German Jewish immigrant Marcus Goldman. The company made huge profits from sleazy mortgages and the growing real estate bubble, but was threatened with collapse when the bubble popped. Of course, the ones who made big money (like Paulson) were able to keep it, unlike the people who have been losing their homes. In this case, the fat cats will get bailed out and will be able to keep their private jets and mansions. Goldman's son-in-law Samuel Sachs, yet another Jew, joined the firm which prompted the name change to Goldman Sachs. You can see why Jews don’t want their children to marry nonJews. It’s to keep the money in the family, except that used to pay off the American Judases who get rich doing their dirty work then go into politics.
Finally, there is the financial firm of Lehman Brothers, founded by Henry Lehman, a Jewish German-American. Wikipedia tells us, “On September 15, 2008, the firm filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection; the filing marks the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.”
America has become a temple where Jews do their dirty financial business, in part to become rich but mainly to finance the Jewish global agenda. What is that? Take a look at reason number three.
Reason 3: Embroiling America in Middle East Conflicts.
Israel isn’t an ally of America but a liability. Israel as ally is a phony propaganda label used by Israeli lobbies like such as American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and pro-Israel, anti-America politicians. The U.S. doesn’t need Israel’s help and would be better off without it. It hasn’t help in the War on Terror. To the contrary, it was the original cause of the war.
Because its support of Israel America has become a pariah in the eyes of the world, suffered the 9-11 attacks, and is now embroiled in two wars, one in Afghanistan and one in Iraq. “Admitting for the first time that he ordered the Sept. 11 attacks, bin Laden said he did so because of injustices against the Lebanese and Palestinians by Israel and the United States.” Who got us involved in the Iraq War? Neoconservatives, who took complete charge of the U.S. government when born-again Bush took offices. Who are the Neocons? “The first major neoconservative to embrace the term, and considered its founder, is Irving Kristol, (father of William Kristol, who founded the neoconservative Project for the New [Jewish led]American Century).”
However, Norman Podhoretz is considered a cofounder. Wikipedia tells us that he is “the son of Julius and Helen Podhoretz, Jewish immigrants... Podhoretz's family was leftist, with his elder sister joining a Socialist youth movement.” Podhoretz was a big supporter of the invasion of Iraq because it posed a threat to the U.S., which is, of course, bullshit. The nation he was worried about was Israel. Podhoretz said, "George W. Bush (is) a man who knows evil when he sees it and who has demonstrated an unfailingly courageous willingness to endure vilification and contumely in setting his face against it." This, of course, is more nonsense. If Bush had a brain that hadn’t been poisoned by Jewish propaganda (beginning with the Bible), he would have seen that the greatest evil that threatens America is the influence of the Jews upon American politics, culture, economics, and society generally.
What is it that these Jewish ideologues have in mind for America? “The original neocons were a small group of mostly Jewish liberal intellectuals....” “Most neocons share unwavering support for Israel, which they see as crucial to US military sufficiency in a volatile region.” But don’t think this means that most Americans support this policy. Less than half of the American population supports the U.S. government’s support of Israel. Neoconservativism is a Jewish, Zionist movement that has established a death grip upon the U.S. government with the help of Christian zombies, in other words, brainwashed evangelicals such as George I-thought-I-had a-brain Bush, and run-of-the-mill warmongers such as the evil twins Dick Cheney and Ronald Rumsfeld, and Ms Evil, the black widower, Condoleezza Rice. The blood, money and reputation the Zionist Jews have cost America are reasons enough to be anti-Semitic.
And don’t expect any change with Barack I’m-the-sword-of-Israel Obama. All five of Obama’s candidates for the United States Secretary of the Treasury are all Jews. Recently, the Jewishness of Timothy Franz Geithner has been challenged, but I haven’t read anywhere that he has denied being a Jew. I can understand that he wouldn't want to admit being Jewish given the Jews' infamy today. (Geithner got the job, but is Geithner has been found to be Madoff dirty himself, having been involved in some financial misdealings, such as not paying taxes and having an illegal working as a housekeeper. Boy what rich people get away with, the very thing that would send the rest of to jail.)
In addition, Obama’s right-hand man, Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, is an über Jew whose father is Benjamin M. Emanuel, a Jerusalem-born pediatrician, once a member of the Irgun, a terrorist group that operated in Palestine between 1931 and 1948. That Zionist Emanuel will be advising Obama just shows the death grip Israeli operatives have on the U.S. government (and every other important American institution). And their main interest is not the welfare of the United State but of Israel and the Project for the New Jewish led American Century. America has become nothing more than a tool to Israel and its operatives in the U.S. The Jews are to America what Iago is to Othello, a false, dangerous friend.
Reason 4. Jewish Sleazification of American Film Industry.
“The largest media conglomerate today is Walt Disney Company, whose former chairman and CEO, was Michael Eisner, a man described by one media analyst as "a control freak." The Disney Empire includes several television production companies (Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television), its own cable network with 14 million subscribers, and two video production companies.” In other words, this company gives the Jews a lot of clout. And Walt Disney was not a big fan of Jews, so how did they get control of the company he built? Well, how did they get control of America?
As for feature films, the Walt Disney Picture Group, headed by Joe Roth (also a Jew), includes Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures. Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers, who have produced such ultra-raunchy movies such as The Crying Game, Priests, and Kids and distributed Zack and Miri Make a Porno starring the raunchy Jew actor Seth Rogen. The movie gets an “R” MPAA rating “for strong crude sexual content including dialogue, graphic nudity and pervasive language.
“When the Disney Company was run by the Gentile Disney family prior to its takeover by Eisner in 1984, it epitomized wholesome, family entertainment. While it still holds the rights to Snow White, under Eisner the company has expanded into the production of graphic sex and gratuitous violence.”
Jews don’t believe in anything but themselves, and America is the biggest joke ever to them. Many of their movies are all about tearing down American values. Jew Judd Apatow's 40-Year-old Virgin is a good example of Jewish nihilism. Another anti-American Jew movie is American Beauty. The heroes of the movie are a guy hitting on his daughter’s girlfriend, a pot-smoking voyeur, a couple of gays. The director’s (Sam Mendes) mother is Jewish and he is married to Kate Winslet, the soft-porn actress who stars in another sexploitation Holocaust guilt-trip film The Reader.
Winslet is also playing in another Jew movie, Revolutionary Road, which mocks the American way of life, you know, commitment to one’s job and family. The premise of the movie is that the traditional American way of life is boring and meaningless and leads to infidelity. The preferred lifestyle would be to drop the kids off in Nebraska, move to Paris, smoke pot, get tattoos, have sexual relations with men and women, preferably at the same time, read Lady Chatterley’s Lover in a cafe while masturbating under the table. In other words, be free America. That way the Jews will be able to continue to do what they have already done—steal your country—which they have convinced you isn’t worth saving anyway.
And if you enjoy the super-sick flick 40-Year-Old Virgin, try Knocked Up (also starring sex-sicko Seth Rogen), rated R “for sexual content, drug use and language,” another sick flick from the same sick Jewish mind that produced the first film. (Jews think that they can get away with making a movie that mocks American values just because it has a happy ending. However, Knocked Up is an informative movie because it does reveal the true sensibilities of Jewish culture, which are embodied by the young, male, foul-mouthed Hebrew slackers whose very existence mocks all decency. By the way, Rebecca Eckler is pursuing legal action against Apatow and Universal Studios on the basis of copyright infringement. Another Canadian author, Patricia Pearson, has also publicly claimed similarities between the film and her novel, Playing House. Jews stealing—I can’t believe it. “Believe it,” says Bernie Madoff.
If you could extract the soul of the Jewish people, it would like Amy Winehouse. Check out to see this poor, decadent, diseased, addicted, Jewish girl. But perhaps the best image expressing the Jewish influence in Hollywood is that of the Jewish director, Darren Aronofsky, giving the finger to the actor who made his movie The Wrestler a success, Mickey Rourke. That’s image pretty much expresses the attitude of the Jews toward Americans: Fuck you, you shmucks! (Check out: .)
Reason 5. Jews Seek to Transform America into a Minority-Majority Society.
The Jewish Minority-Majority agenda for America seeks to transform America in which the Americans who built America (Anglo-European Americans) will become a minority in their own nation. They will remain the dominate minority for a few more decades, but will soon be out-gunned politically by Asian, Hispanic, Middle-Eastern, and Jewish immigrants, millions of whom illegally invaded America. Of course, they have received additional support from traitorous American politicians and businessmen and from the anti-American, pedophilic Catholic Church.
About the alien inundation of America, Vanderbilt University historian Hugh Davis Graham in his book Collision Course: The Strange Convergence of Affirmative Action and Immigration Policy in America, says the following:
"Most important for the content of immigration reform, the driving force at the core of the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. Following the shock of the Holocaust, Jewish leaders had been especially active in Washington in furthering immigration reform. To the public, the most visible evidence of the immigration reform drive was played by Jewish legislative leaders, such as Representative [Emmanuel] Celler and Senator Jacob Javits of New York. Less visible, but equally important, were the efforts of key advisers on presidential and agency staffs. These included senior policy advisers such as Julius Edelson and Harry Rosenfield in the Truman administration, Maxwell Rabb in the Eisenhower White House, and presidential aide Myer Feldman, assistant secretary of state Abba Schwartz, and deputy attorney general Norbert Schlei in the Kennedy-Johnson administration."
Says, Prof Kevin McDonald, “Those who question the power and influence of the Israel Lobby are quickly labeled anti-Semites. The terms of choice for anyone who thinks the U.S. should have any restrictions at all on immigration are “racist" and ‘nativist.’" Of course, the argument here is that it’s okay to be anti-Semite or anti- anything else that threatens your homeland or the integrity of your culture.
And hell yes I’m nativist (the policy of protecting the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants). It’s astounding that the U.S. Government considers the right of illegal aliens equal to American citizens. But that is what the Jews have accomplished legally and politically. The Jews consider the illegal aliens as allies, who are similar to the Greek helots, slaves of manual labor. The Jews have nothing to fear from the Hispanics as long as they stay out of the barrios and avoid drive-bye shootings because the Jews are a hell of a lot smarter.
Have you been reading about the killfest the Mexicans enjoyed in their hellish homeland last year—a way of anti-life that Mexico and other Hisspanic nations have been exporting to the U.S. Some people argue that the Hispanic invasion has been good for the U.S. In what way? Economically? Yeah, right! Things are great now that all the cheap alien, mostly illegal labor and its so-called American offspring are now overwhelming U.S. social services. And what does America get in return? Gangs, drugs, violence and drop outs—in other words, multiply forms of social deviance. Imagine a person infected with antibiotic resistant tuberculosis giving CPR to an unconscious person (the state of the country under George Bush), and you have a pretty good idea of the effect of the Hispanic invasion upon the U.S.: Hispanic Consumption, a disease that eats away at the body politic.
What is needed now is an illustration of how the Jews are going about minoritizing America.
Remember the Jews who set up their kosher slaughterhouse in Postville, Iowa, and then hired a bunch of illegals to do their dirty work? The name of the unAmerican, sleazy outfit is Agriprocessors (more accurately, Kosher Slaughterhouse). It was founded by Aaron Rubashkin and run by his son rabid Rabbi Moshe Rubashkin. Born in Russia, Aaron Rubashkin was a Lubavitcher, a member of the ultra-Orthodox Hasidic sect based in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Crown Heights. So just like the Hispanics, Jew Rubashkin started breaking the law as soon as he arrives in America—because America doesn’t mean shit to him. It’s just a place to do business, illegal business.
I mean check the article from
“Waste Charges Could Send 2 Rubashkins to Prison”
“The son and grandson of the founder of Agriprocessors are facing potential prison terms on federal charges related to hazardous waste.
“Moshe Rubashkin of New York City pleaded guilty in February to a charge of illegal storage of hazardous waste without a permit. His son, Sholom Rubashkin, pleaded guilty to a charge of making a false statement to federal officials. Each of the men faces up to five years in prison and $250,000 in fines.
“The pleas were the result of a deal with prosecutors. As part of the deal, the Rubashkins will have to pay the government $450,000 as compensation for site cleanup work. [Done by the INS?]
“Moshe Rubashkin is the son of Agriprocessors’ founder Aaron Rubashkin. His son, Sholom, shares the same name as his uncle, an Agriprocessors executive who lives in Postville.
“The convictions stem from the Rubashkins’ ownership of Montex Textiles of Pennsylvania. In 2002, two years after the company ceased operations, containers of hazardous waste were being stored at the site without the required environmental permits.”
What else? Take a look, I mean these people are a disease: Aaron Rubashkin's son-in-law, Rabbi Milton Balkany was charged with misuse of almost $1,000,000 in Federal funds meant for disabled children. Obviously Rabbis are no more holy than pedophile priests. Judaism is a cover, Stupid! And Jews have been using their spooky religion as a cover for doing bad things to other people since biblical days. The Bible tells us the Jews slaughtered Palestinians in God’s name in what was nothing more than a land grab.
But we were talking about the Jews and the minoritization of America, in other words, the overthrow of America (a Marxist notion but remember most the Jews who immigrated to the U.S. were Marxists). Elizabeth Dilling tells us,
“Marxism, Socialism, or communism in practice are nothing but state-capitalism and rule by a privileged minority, exercising despotic and total control over a majority having virtually no property or legal rights. As is discussed elsewhere herein, Talmudic Judaism is the progenitor of modern communism and Marxist collectivism as it is now applied to a billion or more of the world’s population” (from The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today at And let’s not forget that Karl Marx was a Jew. And check out Moses (Moshe) Hess, “a secular Jewish philosopher and one of the founders of socialism.” (Wikipedia)
How is Jewish socialism related to the destruction of America by transforming it into a minority-majority society? Remember, Marx was a product of the Enlightenment, which believed that traditional cultures were the creation of happenstance and superstition. That’s why the Russian communists had no problem replacing traditional Russian culture with Marist ideology, which they thought was somehow scientific and rational. Marxist, secular Jews have the same attitude. That is how they are able to mock other cultures, as Jewish Hollywood loves to mock America and Americans. However, when it comes to Judaism, they are as irrational as everyone else, except they believe that Judaism is superior to all other cultures because it is made up of Jews.
So Jews have no problem ripping off Americans, or breaking American laws, or encouraging the overthrow of American society by transforming it into a minority-majority society. And apparently this with be a fait accompli considering that Barack Obama has now taken the oath of office. For traditional Americans the Obama inauguration was a funeral service for America and an inauguration of the United States of Aliens.
So, it looks like the Jews have succeeded in transforming America into a minority-majority nation in which white Americans have just been disenfranchised of their homeland. Of course, the Jews could not have pulled it off without the traitorous assistance of pro-alien American politicians such as Lyndon Baines Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Ted Kennedy, John McCain, and George Bush or that of greedy unAmerican businessmen. Obama didn’t take America away from Americans. They gave to him. And what he is now going to do is represent the Alien Nation Americans allowed emerge.
The multicultural and mostly alien quartet that performed at Obama’s inauguration illustrates pretty clearly that the America Americans built is finished, replaced by a new alienized America. Black clarinetist Anthony McGill was the only non-immigrant “American” performing. The others were pianist and Hispanic immigrant Gabriela Montero, Jewish immigrant violinist Itzhak Perlman and Chinese immigrant cellist Yo-Yo Ma. The symbolism of the quartet made it pretty clear that white America is now sitting at the back of the bus, as far away as possible from the steering wheel(that's what they get for allowing a nut case to be at the wheel for 8 years), which is now controlled by a half American, half immigrant Barack Obama.
Basically, Jews believe they can do anything they please because they are Jews. They are the Judas people (I mean this guy supposedly betrayed God), meaning they will betray anyone in the name of Judaism. They had Jesus killed because they thought he betrayed them by announcing to all of the world that if God does exist then he is the God of all people, not just of the Jewish people. But the Jews wouldn’t have any of that, even if it made perfectly good sense, because they think they are better than everyone else. Let’s call it Madoff Syndrome. Of course, even Jesus couldn’t help being a Jew. So just like his crucifiers he believed that his God and his religion were the only true God and religion. And the gentiles fell for it, just like the suckers who invested in money-messiah Madoff.
So what happened at the unkosher slaughter house? Immigration officials arrested and charged 270 men and women with aggravated identity theft, improper (a euphemism for fraudulent) use of Social Security numbers, and use of false identification cards. In other words, the Hebrew owners of the plant were doing the Judas sellout, except it was America that was being sold out. Why hire Americans at a livable wage when you can illegally hire illegals as slaves working for slave wages.
Then what happens? Protests and sob stories, of course. Consider what Nekessa Opoti (a Kenyan (like our new president), so we know whose side she (and he) is on) says in her article “Twin Cities Jews join hundreds in support of Postville workers”:
“More than a decade ago, Maria Morales entered the United States illegally. It was an arduous journey, one whose memory still conjures up feelings of intense trauma. As a university student in Ecuador, she did not see a path out of poverty. Morales is now an actively engaged American citizen. Last weekend, Morales joined a group of Twin Cities Jews with the Jewish Community Action (JCA) on a trip from Minneapolis to Postville, Iowa to protest a recent Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid on AgriProcessors, a kosher meatpacking plant.”
There’s the sob story. Forget the fact that Morales, like millions of other Hispanics, invaded America illegally and is now a part of the ever growing Hispanic occupation of America. Of course the pedophilic Catholic Church was there to do its part, which is understandable given the half-billion uneducated Catholics marching northward to realize the Jewish dream of destroying Americans’ control of their country.
Jon Tevlin says following in an article titled “There’s Something Bad in this Town” [Yeah, like Jews and Illegals]: “An immigration raid on a kosher plant has torn an Iowa community apart, and the fallout is spreading into the Twin Cities and beyond.”
He’s got to be kidding. The illegal aliens are not part of the American community. The Jews who illegally hired them are not a part of the American community. Nothing has been TORN APART. The three groups are distinct and will always remain so. The illegals and the Jews invaded Postville, Iowa, just as they invaded the U.S. And they are destroying the U.S. just as they have made a mess of Postville. Consider, for example, how many Hispanic immigrants are now on unemployment rolls living off American taxpayers. Consider how many billions of dollars of the stimulus package will go to employ Hispanics who entered the country illegally or their children. In this article there is a photo of 3 young Hispanic women and 7 children. The caption should say “DOOMSDAY FOR AMERICA.”
In another article titled “Twin Cities JEWS join the battle” (my emphasis), Tevlin writes, “On one side, a woman who was part of a group of Twin Cities Jews that helped orchestrate the rally offered a picture of the Statue [of Liberty] as evidence that America has always welcomed the downtrodden.” Bullshit. The Jews welcome the alien downtrodden in their attempt to minoritize American society. Americans are sick and tired of having to deal with the down trodden. We don’t want them or the Jews in our country. They are nothing but trouble. The Statue of Liberty should be removed and put in front of a country, like North Korea, that we hate.
Then Tevlin quotes Vic Rosenthal, executive director of Jewish Community Action, based in St. Paul: "For thousands of years, Jews lived by two rules: Welcome the strangers and don't exploit the worker." The truth is that Jews don’t have any right to be welcoming strangers into America because they themselves are recent invaders. Besides, what he says is more bullshit. The Jews haven’t had a country to welcome strangers into. The idea is propaganda used to convince the people of the countries in which the Jews were strangers (better yet, parasites considering the harm they have done to the U.S.) to accept them. And in the so-called Holy Land, they didn’t welcome anyone. The Jews were the land-stealing strangers: “And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God” (Genesis 17:8).
Rosenthal goes on to say, "We will settle for nothing less than a path for legalization, family unification, free migration of workers and immigrants, and equal protection for all workers." He said this to “a cheering crowd at St. Bridget's Catholic Church in Postville, which has become a sanctuary for the families of the 400 or so arrested undocumented workers.”
I say it pretty clear that Rosenthal and his army of illegal Hispanic Catholics are at war with Americans. And it looks like they have won, given the fact that American traitors, like George Bush, have allowed the Jewishfication of the U.S. Government. For eight years President Bush was bending over telling Americans to kiss his ass. And that is obvious the attitude of the Jews, like those who have no qualms breaking American law and contributing to the usurpation of the American homeland just as they usurp the Palestinian homeland. (Do you recall that the other guy who ran for president, Mr. Amnesty, was constantly being shadowed by his very good friend and Israeli operative, Sen. Joe Lieberman? And who has the new president’s ear: son of Zionist, Rahm Emanuel.)
A word of warning to America. The Jews and their alien armies are winning. All you have to do is take a close look at Barack Obama and his presidency. He is himself half Kenyan. He does not represent a success for black Americans because he isn’t one of them. Also, his appointees are a Rainbow Coalition of races. Americans have just been demoted to one spectrum of the rainbow. Obama decided to even keep the White House's Filipino-American chef, Cristeta Comerford, naturalized US citizen from the Philippines, who grew up in Sampaloc district of Manila. On the other hand, it does avoid the embarrassment of have a white cook—especially if she’s from the South. I mean he doesn’t want to be worrying at every meal that he might end up like Yushchenko. Still, that a Korean will be cooking for the president means another job taken from Americans. Just another example of America’s becoming history, becoming a multicultural puzzle, except none of the pieces fit.
The balkanization of America is the phrase that used to describe this national puzzle in which all the pieces will forever remain separated. Let’s face it, Americans haven do a great job of putting together the two black and white pieces, and Americans never considered blacks a threat to the nation as a whole, only to their neighborhoods (street gangs; crack houses; drive-by shootings; robberies; gangster rap and booty music; a preponderance of single, never wedded mothers; high rates of high school dropouts and prison drop ins; in other words an overall low tolerance for civil behavior in school, on the street, and in the home). Yet, dysfunctional black communities (or do they actually see their communities as being healthy?) could have been saved if (1) the alien hordes had not transformed the Civil Rights Movement into the Alien Rights Movement, (2) had the billions of taxpayer dollar not been wasted on cruel, needless wars and spent on improving the quality of life in black communities, and (3) had whites treated blacks as Americans. Too late. Now, with the help of the Jews, the money has been wasted on the War on Terror (a cover for the War for Israel) and the arrival of millions of illegal aliens have assured that white Americans themselves will become the new marginalized American Negro.
Americans marginalized black Americans but they still considered them to be Americans (except perhaps in the South where the sin of slavery originated in American because Southerners are all about blaming the victim when it comes to blacks) but feel very different about the other groups (who get jobs in the White House when they aren’t even Americans—black or white). Most Americans know that blacks are part of the three groups that make up America: Native Americans, African Americans whose ancestors were American slaves, and Anglo-European Americans. Dr. Brent Nelson tells us, “It is quite likely that, given current trends, the European American will find himself in a minority long before 2050” (
When that finally happens America will become a multi-borderline-personality that will forever be engaging in self-mutilation. There will not be an all-out war because the U.S. military has become a tool of the pro-alien, anti-American government and judicial system, which are under the control of Jews and other pro-immigrant groups (as we just saw in the case of Agriprocessors).
If you sent the aliens packing, America would heal because the aliens and their Jewish supporters aren’t Americans, and the traitorous Americans who want them here for profit or because they are simple-minded Christians who care nothing about the country because they can already see themselves riding a multicultural chariot to heaven shouting “Hallelujah!” as they head off into that good night are a minority. Of course, Catholic Churches would go out of business (going bankrupt financially for having gone bankrupt morally) without the uneducated Catholic hordes from south or the border. Eventually, America would recover from the loss of the anti-American Jewish-Catholic-Alien alliance, but it will not recover from its becoming a minority-majority nation. It will become like South Africa or Israel or one of those African nations where tribes are always in a killing mood.
One need only keep in mind that though 69,456,897 people voted for Obama, 59,934,786 Americans voted for John McCain, even though most of them loathed the Republican party for selling them out and basically ruining America. That means 59,934,786 very unhappy Americans. And if politicians think the law will unite a dis-united America, they are wrong—as they have been about almost everything. Washington, D.C., is like an insane asylum where the patients all dress in expensive suits.
Let’s do one more pro-illegal Jewish company, American Apparel. Once again the founder is himself an immigrant Jew, Dov Charney. Wikipedia tells us, “The company is known for a number of progressive policies including promoting immigrant rights and labor policies the company dubs ‘sweatshop free.’" In other words, Charney hires from the immigrant hordes who have come into this country illegally, serving himself and the invaders, not America. But why should he; he’s not an American himself. He says he checks for papers, but all illegals have papers. Wikipedia also tells us, “Charney has been subject to five sexual harassment lawsuits, four of which were dismissed or settled out of court while the fifth is still pending.” I know what you are thinking, just another sleazy Jew like Roman Polanski (born Rajmund Roman Liebling) who has been in the news recently over his fucking Samantha Geimer when she was 13-years-old. Well, you are right, in more ways than one. Like his Hollywood brethren Charney too glorifies the Culture of the Obscene, but he does so in a magazine appropriately titled VICE, which celebrates cultural debauchery and has been described as “porn-tastic,” which is distributed for free in American Apparel stores. The magazine can only be considered a cultural disease that originated in Montreal, Quebec, and spread to that social-cultural malignancy rooted on the east coast of America, New York City.
It’s interesting that what Israeli Jews fear most is the rapidly growing population of Arabs, but Jews have no problem with doing their best to undermine the demographic and cultural integrity of American society, as if to say, if we have to suffer a cultural-societal melt-down so will you.
I hope the Palestinians win because I feel the same way as they do about aliens (the Jews for the Palestinians) taking over my country—America—and that includes Arab, Iranians, Asians, Africans, and especially the multitudinous Hispanics. In other words, these aliens are to America as any threatening microbe is to a healthy body. What Jews have done in America is destroy America’s legal and political immune system, in the same way that HIV destroys a body’s ability to defend itself against viral infection. And for that alone, Americans are justified, like the Palestinians, to be anti-Semitic.
Reason 6: The Judeo-Christian Tradition: The Biggest and most Dangerous Hoax in the History of the World.
Bernie Madoff’s ability to scam runs deep in his people. You might even say it a Jewish Archetype. I say this because the biggest scam of all time is Jesus Hoax. Only the Jews could be clever enough to pull off such a deception. Hitler was a small fry by comparison with his Aryan superiority hoax. Let’s face it, he felt he had to kill the Jews because he feared them, feared that they would outsmart the Germans like Paris outsmarted Achilles, not fighting him on the battlefield but from afar. And the Jews are still kicking Aryan ass, just as they are kicking American ass, not by fighting them but by outsmarting them. I hate Madoff, but he is a fucking genius compared to our guy George Simpleton Bush, whom I actually hate more because he is a traitor. Madoff’s not a traitor. His people are the Jews. (Of course, the Jews who invested money with him got Jewed, but that’s what they get for trusting a Jew. (Don’t Jew and Judas have the same etymological root: thus Jew = Judas?)
So what is the source of the Judeo-Christian tradition? One book: the Bible. What the Jews did was to collectively write a story in which they were God’s chosen people. The only evidence of their special relationship to God is the book itself. And at the time the Jews were busy writing their feel-good, wishful-thinking fiction, they were surrounded by great nations who left their legacy in monumental architectural forms, great works of art, sophisticated cultures, and in the case of the Greeks the most remarkable flowering of human artistic and intellectual creativity.
The Israelites weren’t even a footnote to history. “What about Jesus?” you ask. We are told, “The primary sources for Jesus' life and teaching are the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.” In other words, he has no history outside the Gospels. And what was his big contribution to the history of ideas? (1) Love thy neighbor especially if he or she is a big loser and (2) believing in me is your ticket to Heaven.
And whom is this intellectual runt following? Buddha, Lao Tzu, Heraclitus, Democritus, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These thinkers are all about ideas, not fictional biographies. I mean that is really all the Old Testament is about: Jewish family history. And just how intellectual is the Bible? Take the creation story as an illustration. Supposedly the cosmos was created in 3950 BC. And about the same time so were Adam and Eve. Well what about the humans who had lived thousands of years before that time? The story about Adam and Eve is fiction, though the biggest fiction of all is God the Father. No doubt about it, having your cosmic daddy create the world just for you and later promising eternal life in FUNLAND after your time on Earth is over is a lot more appealing than the world according to science: that the world is made up of matter and energy, no soul stuff, meaning no God or souls to guarantee eternal life. Life is a brief phenomenon that has a beginning and a final end. If it doesn’t turn out the way you hoped or if you screw it up, too bad because there is no God to give you a second chance.
Let’s take a brief look at the wisdom of truly wise men rather than religious shysters. Buddha said the main truth we should be concerned about is human suffering and that humans should live in such a way as to minimize the suffering they and others creatures must endure. That is totally contrary to Jewish thought. The Jewish God is all about causing suffering and giving his chosen people permission to cause others suffering. Just for starters God destroyed all the living things upon the earth. Let’s quote the Good Book:
So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them." (Genesis 6-7)
Nice Guy. I mean like this was the first global holocaust. No wonder the Jews think it’s okay to turn their mechanized killing machines upon the men, women, and children of Gaza. If it’s good enough for God, it gotta be good enough for his Chosen People.
Buddha also said that a lot of suffering is caused by attachment rooted in ignorance, like the Jews and Christian’s attachment to the Holy Land based on a book of stories that could have been written by Isaac Asimov, a Jew who believed “the Bible represented Hebrew mythology in the same way that the Iliad recorded Greek mythology.” He said, "Properly read the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived." Unfortunately, he was wrong about that because the people who believe in the Bible are idiots compared to him (author of about 500 books).
NOTE: So what above Asimov and anti-Semitism? Is there a logical problem in liking, even admiring a person who belongs to a people despise? I don’t think so. The threat of the Jews is the threat of the JEWISH PEOPLE. There are Jews, perhaps, who don’t hate the Palestinians, but the Jewish people would destroy the Palestinian people if they could. The German threat to Jews during Hitler’s reign of terror was the threat of the GERMAN PEOPLE, not of every German person. The same is true for the Hispanic people invading the U.S. Many of them are very nice people, but the HISPANIC NATION is a threat to the integrity of America. So yes, I declare that it is possible, logically or any other way, to be anti-Semitic and still like some Jews. Imagine a firing squad consisting of 10 Jews about to execute a Palestinian. Let’s say 3 members of the firing quad do not want to shoot the Palestinian, but do so anyway because it is the WILL OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE.
Like the founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu, Buddha was doubtful about what people claimed as THE TRUTH, because he understood that the untrained mind—the minds of most people—is easily deceived for a host of reasons. Thus Buddha and Lao Tzu advised worrying about the state of your own soul and leave others alone so they can do the same and be wary of those who claim to know THE TRUTH (like George Bush, who led lemming Americans down the downward slope into the abyss of economic and cultural ruin and who was himself led by neoconservatism, the brainchild of Jewish opportunists, such as Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz ).
Getting back to Buddha’s teachings, there is his Noble Eightfold Path: right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. If you have been reading the newspapers you will know that the Jewish version (and that of its Christian offspring, especially as illustrated by George Bush, whose brain has been infected with Mad Jew Disease) is the Ignoble Eightfold Path: misunderstanding, delusional thought, self-centered speech, immoral action, greedy livelihood, destructive effort, mindlessness, and narcissistic, materialistic concentration.
The wise philosophers Heraclitus, Democritus, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were also doubters who believed that only the well-trained mind could find the truth, and one of the characteristics of the well-trained mind was its propensity to call beliefs into question. Socrates was the most famous for claiming ignorance and asking lots of questions, and his life was a testament to the wisdom of skepticism. One reason Plato and Aristotle were concerned about ignorance claiming itself to be THE TRUTH was that it usually ended in wars and social upheaval, a wisdom that remains lost to war-loving Jews and Christian warmongers, such as Ehud the Exterminator Olmert and George the Butcher Bush.
But there is much more. The Jews were the first cult of TRUE BELIEVERS. In other words, they believed that only they had the truth and any set of ideas contrary to theirs were false. At first their autocratic veracentrism was harmless because they were ignored as an eccentric group of desert dwellers who had very little to show for their existence except for a stone tablet with the Ten Commandments that they carried around in an ark. Big deal, like nobody heard about gods’ being jealous or about murder being wrong before the Hebrews!
However, Jesus would eventually show up and seek to universalize Jewish beliefs using his proselytizing salesmen, The Apostles, to spread the Good News, which would turn out to be the cause of a lot of bad news in the world. Jesus was not a wise man but a self-deluded fanatic. The real wise men questioned knowledge claims, not threaten the doubter with hell, fire and eternal damnation. And Jesus’ fanatical approach to the truth would be inherited by the so-called Christian West because of Bush-like simpleton Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus. Constantine considered himself responsible to God for the spiritual health of his subjects. In other words, with Christianity he became a religious autocrat, and thousands of wannabe tyrants would follow his footsteps. Of course, he began to use Jewish veracentrism against the Jews themselves. In other words, Constantine became a Jew in his thinking.
The repugnant truth is this: ALL CHRISTIANS ARE JEWS BY CONVERSION. And that is how the Jews set the world afire with religious intolerance and destroyed millions of people through the teachings of the Super Jew, Jesus. At first, Constantine protected Christians: “Constantine acquired a mythic role as a warrior against ‘heathens.’” Why? Historian Henri Grégoire says, “Constantine only developed an interest in Christianity after witnessing its political usefulness.” And history has shown that Christian doctrine works really well for tyrants who seek to conquer the world in God’s name, while getting rich and engaging in fun-filled war-games along the way. That sounds like the Religious Right in this country (but in reality the Religious Wrong, morally and factually, as illustrated by the former King of the Holy American Empire, George Bush).
Following in Constantine’s footsteps, Roman emperor Justinian I made war on heretics and he closed the Athenian schools of philosophy because he believed that they taught paganism. He built the famous Church of Hagia Sophia at Constantinople. At this point in time, roughly speaking, the Dark Ages would begin, that is, the age during which Reason was anesthetized by Hebraic Unreason.
The Age of Intolerance had also arrived and intelligent thought was forbidden, all because of that truly lost tribe of humanity, the Jews, who have remain as lost to this day, nomads of religious nonsense, but dangerous nonsense when it brainwashes stupid leaders who are the decedents of Constantine and Justinian I. In addition to the destruction of the intelligent thought that originated with the Greeks, what were some of the horrific historical periods caused by Hebrew delusional thinking? The Inquisitions. Yes there were many. They were tribunals of the Roman Catholic Church established for the investigation of heresy. However, the Protestants were no less murderous than their Catholic brethren in the use of torture, immolation, drowning, and other methods of tormenting those suspected of not embracing the religion of Super Jew, Jesus.
There was also the Crusades (military expeditions undertaken by European Christians in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims), which are continuing today, right? First step, return the hellish Holy Land to the Jews. Second step, open it up to American evangelical tourists, as a kind of Christian theme park. You know, follow in Jesus’ footstep while carrying a balsa wood cross and being beaten with a papier-mâché whip by a hired Hasidic Jew. (Oh man, what a fucking crazy world we live in.) Okay, back to normal (as one can be in a lunatic world). The New Crusades go by the God given, via the Bush-nut name WAR ON TERROR—i.e., those fucking Muslims again. Now, however, the crusaders are not brave soldiers fighting spear to spear, sword to sword, but Terminator Soldiers killing the infidels with tanks, attack helicopters, jets, killer drones, or any other weapon of mass destruction that God’s favorite people can devise. (See Reason 7 below.)
Then there was colonization of all the territories of the world by the so-called civilized, neo-Jewish (i.e., Christian) nations, which began about the time of the Renaissance, around 1415. You may recall that the good Columbus discovered America in 1492, the worst day in the existence of the indigenous peoples. For example, just 300 years after the Jamestown colony was established, the Indian Nations would be completely destroyed. Colonization had taken place before the Christian era, but now it was carried out in God’s name by the decedents of God’s chosen people, the Christians. Christians, like the desert dwelling Hebrews, thought theirs was the true religion and that they were thus superior people whose obligation it was to conquer inferior peoples and destroyed they paganistic ways—confiscating their lands along the way.
This religiously justified land-grabbing tragedy is clearly illustrated in the Bible:
“On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates –the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites.’" (Genesis 15:18-20)Now the Greeks and the Romans did the same thing, simply saying, “MIGHT IS RIGHT, TOUGH SHIT.” But the Jews wanted to be thieves and still believe they were a moral people. Anything else would have diminished their EGO IDEAL.
So the only conclusion possible is that the Jewish religious hoax has been a nightmare for non-Jews, non-Christians, and non-Muslims, such as the Persians, whose religion was Zoroastrianism. Interestingly, Wikipedia tells us that “Alongside Zoroastrianism other religions, primarily Judaism, Christianity and Buddhism existed in Sassanid society, and were largely free to practice and preach their beliefs.” And furthermore, The Jews “enjoyed a relative freedom of religion, and were granted privileges denied to other religious minorities.” The fate of the Zoroastrians was to be wiped out by that Islamic offspring of the Jews, Islam: The Islamic Jihadis mercilessly vandalized Zoroastrian Persia and wiped out Zoroastrianism from the land of its birth. (See, .) The truth is if Judaism and its gruesome siblings, Christianity and Islam, are about anything it’s conflict. They can’t even keep peace within ranks. The Jewish religious disease began to spread because the old-time Hebrews didn’t like the new Hebrew kid on the block, so they crucified him. But there was already conflict because that’s what happens when people disagree about that with is totally unknowable. For example the Sadducees and the Pharisees disagree where the soul survived after death. Of course there is no way to resolve the disagreement since there is no way the soul could be seen even if it did exist. It’s like arguing where God sees with eyes. The argument can’t be concluded because God, if It existed, lies beyond all human experience. These are the kinds of arguments that have been ongoing forever in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It would be laughable if it didn’t cause so much blood. Consider the conflicts between the Protestants and Catholics, between various groups within each subgroup, and between the Shiites and Sunnis. These religion preach peace, but that is bullshit. They love war, and the religion that gave birth to the whole bloody mess was Judaism.
For more on the dark side of the Bible check out: The Dark Bible at
Reason 7: The Jews are the Doomsday People.
The Jews more than any other people have contributed to the possibility of a global nuclear holocaust. The willingness to create nuclear weapons of mass destruction is rooted in the religious arrogance of Judaism. If you’re God very own people, then you can do anything you want and justify it by claiming to be the true servant of the true Lord. In other words, God’s people are above the common law of humanity because they are the followers of a higher law, which, by the way, they determine. We have already seen this in the biblical justification of the ancient Hebrews' theft of the lands of the Promise Land from their rightful owners and in the horrors caused by the Jews’ monstrous offspring, Christianity.
But once the Jews got their fangs into the neck of America they realized that they could pay the world back for treating them as odd-ball inferiors. Thus was born the Doomsday Men. First is Robert Oppenheimer, another Jewish import, who is known as “the father of the atomic bomb.” In reference to the tests of the atomic bomb he said, "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one...Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
The very dream of the Jews, it seems, is to become like their life-destroying deity, such as illustrated in the second letter of St. Peter: “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up” (3:10). Sounds terrific. If we could only know the day ahead of time, it could be declared a once-only holiday. I mean it doesn’t seem right that kids should have to be in school during the earth's destruction. But then it couldn't happen like a “thief” in the night. However, Palestinian kids in Gaza could tell us something about what God’s day of death and destruction will be like, the ones who survived, that is. And now the modern Israelites seek to become Armageddon’s trigger.
And there was also Leó the Lizard, a.k.a., Leó Szilárd, who conceived the nuclear chain reaction and worked on the Manhattan Project. Szilárd was born into a Jewish family from Budapest. He and that most famous of Jews, after Jesus, Albert Einstein, convinced Franklin Roosevelt to sign off on building the Atomic Bomb. Apparently, “Szilárd had read about the fictional ‘atomic bombs’ described in H. G. Wells's science fiction novel The World Set Free. This inspired him to be the first scientist to seriously examine the science behind the creation of nuclear weapons. As a scientist, he was the first person to conceive of a device that, using a nuclear chain reaction as fuel, could be used as a bomb.” So the nuclear monster weapon of mass destruction that now threatens all of humanity was the brainchild of a Jew. The original monster was Jesus, who brought about a worldview that would throw humanity into the dark ages. The Doomsday Jews would create a device capable of throwing humanity back into the Age of the Neanderthal.
Take a moment to fully appreciate the extent of the suffering caused by the Hebrew hoax, keeping in mind that it gave birth to the Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions, today’s 3 horsemen of the Apocalypse (Jesus being the fourth). And it is worth remembering that the Apocalypse is the brainchild of the ancient Hebrew mind, and the means to bring it about the brainchild of the modern Hebrew mind. And it’s not by accident that these religions have been and still are slaughtering themselves, because the root religion is a religion of violence and death. To make my point, I will quote a passage from Joshua:
“They [the Jews] devoted the city to the LORD and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.” (6-21)What is being describe here is the Jews slaughtering all the living things in the Palestinian city of Jericho. And the slaughter has been continuing in Lebanon and Gaza.
Next, we have Edward Teller, called "the father of the hydrogen bomb," truly the man who loved nuclear bombs because he wasn’t satisfied with the ordinary A-Bomb that destroyed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Teller was born in Budapest, Austria-Hungary, to a Jewish family. He left Hungary in 1926 and came to the U.S like a plague carried by the winds. We are told he “played a key role in U.S. defense and energy policies for more than half a century and was dubbed the ‘father of the H-bomb’ for his enthusiastic pursuit of the powerful weapon.”
Finally there is Herman the-Pig Kahn. Yes, he too grew up in a Jewish family. Kahn was a man who delighted in contemplating the death of millions. He truly was a holocaust man. Whereas Hitler imagined the destruction of the Jews, Kahn imagined the destruction of humanity. Wikipedia tells us, “Unlike most strategists, Kahn was entirely willing to posit the form a post-nuclear world might assume. None of the conventional issues bothered him. Fallout, for example, would simply be another one of life's many unpleasantries and inconveniences; even the much-ballyhooed rise in birth defects would not doom mankind to extinction, because in any event a majority of the survivors would still not be affected by them. Contaminated food could be designated for consumption by the elderly, who would presumably die anyhow before the delayed onset of cancers caused by radioactivity.”
These were the Jewish tumors that gave the world its nuclear suicide pill.
Reason 8: The Jews are the Voice of Environmental Terrorism.
The idea here is that Judaism subordinated nature to an object to be exploited. Humans have poisoned the air, water and land. They have driven thousands of species into extinction or near extinction. For example, the oceans are home to 97% of all life on Earth and yet “in conjunction with the predicted effects of climate change, activities such as ocean iron fertilization, seismic testing and bioprospecting threaten to undermine the ocean's ability to sustain life... Over fishing, destructive fishing practices, such as high seas bottom trawling, and other extractive activities have already resulted in serious declines in global fish stocks and marine biodiversity" (Google “World's Oceans In Crisis, Marine Experts Warn”).
On land, “The world’s rain forests could completely vanish in a hundred years at the current rate of deforestation.” What are the results of deforestation? (1) Increase emissions of CO2, the gas that contributes to global warming. (2) Dryer climate and loss of available fresh water. (3) Soil erosion. (4) Silting of water courses, lakes, and dams. (5) Extinction of species. (6) Desertification.
The arrival of Christianity at North America would result in an environmental holocaust. Species would be destroyed, often willfully, as would be wildlife habitat. Read The Eternal Frontier by Tim Flannery.
Enough! Discussing what humans have done to the global biosphere is too f-ing depressing. But before I leave this depressing topic behind you need to know the role the Jews played in mankind’s destruction of nonhuman life and the degradation of the earth. Let’s take a look at Genesis:
"And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’ And God said, ‘Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.’" (1:28-30)There you go. The Jewish God said it's all for you, humanity, to exploit as you please.
Of course, all the creature of the Earth may have to pay the final price for this piece of Hebrew arrogance if global warming kicks in enough to kill more than the polar bears. If so, God will destroy the earth twice, first with flood and second with fire (either global warming or nuclear warming). The latter will occur with the assistance of his chosen people.
Anti-Semitic Conclusion
The Jews gave humans the idea that they need not respect ANYTHING on earth because they are God’s people. The Jews created Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, the American global juggernaut and all the other monstrous totalitarians who would justify their actions by appealing to some higher divine law, be it that of divine God or a secular God such as the State. In truth, Marxism is the fourth sage of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic-Marxist tradition. First God spoke directly to the people, then indirectly though his son, Jesus, then though his prophet Mohammed, and finally through his secular prophet Karl Marx.
It is the arrogance, the over-weening pride, the hubris of the Jewish people that led them
to the destruction and slaughter of the Palestinian people,
to the destruction of the American economy,
to embroiling America in Middle East conflicts,
to the Jewish sleazification of the American film industry,
to seeking to transform America into a Minority-Majority society,
to pulling off the biggest self-serving hoax in the history of the world,
to the creation of doomsday weapons,and
to justifying environmental terrorism.
But these reasons were not the motivation for writing this blog article. The present slaughter of the Palestinians living in Gaza was. Words are the only weapons the world has against the Jewish ogre. Nothing can be done against its war machine. Any attempt to sanction its monstrous behavior in the United Nations is blocked by its monstrous creation and golem the U.S. What is said here is intended to be a sharp stick in the eye of the Jewish cyclops. I do not say what is said here because I am a big supporter of Islam or Arabs. I’m not. It’s hard for me to like any people who would destroy ancient images of Buddha as the Taliban did. And I don’t want them in my country for the same reason they don’t want us in theirs. To me the Call to Prayer sounds like the noise made by the Martians’ weapons in the movie War of the Worlds—totally alien and unsettling. Still, I admire their bravery in taking on the Jewish and American war machines. And we should keep in mind that the other reason Osama bin Laden went after America was that the U.S. Government wanted to keep troops in Saudi Arabia after the first war against Iraq:
" “Al Qaeda vociferously opposed the stationing of U.S. troops on what it considered the holiest of Islamic lands and waged an extended campaign of terrorism against the Saudi rulers, whom bin Laden deemed to be false Muslims.” Of course, they were, just as the U.S. politicians who have allowed America to become inundated by aliens are false Americans.
But the soft, decadent Americans haven’t had the balls to fight for their homeland, except for American soldiers, but they have been sold out by Israeli operatives who have taken control of the U.S. Government and are dying not for America (except in their own minds) but for Israel.
I’ve always wondered if Muslims have ever given much thought to the fact that Islam is the offspring of Judaism, which would make them something like Christians, neo-Jews. I mean if you can’t take the Jews seriously (except for their weapons of mass destruction), how can you take its offspring seriously. The Jews didn’t even invent monotheism. I believe either the ancient Egyptians or the Persians (Zoroastrianism) did, so why don’t the Arab and the Iranians go the way of their ancestors and stop playing the Jewish religious game which is the only thing that has keep Jews visible in history. Had others not bought into the Yahweh Hoax the Jews would have disappeared in the dustbin of history centuries ago and the world today would be suffering from the Zionist migraine.
And the Palestinian homeland would have been unlawfully invaded by Jews with the support of the so-called Christian nations and would not be continuously brutalized by the Zionist thugs of the world, because it is a global Zionist program (with, for example, millions of Zionist operatives living in New York City). Still, the Islamic freedom fighters (of Hamas and Hezbollah) have fought valiantly against the Zionist Deceptcons’ mechanistic war machine, just as the Iraqi freedom fighters have fought heroically against their aggressors, the mechanized forces of the U.S. military. The fighters are often called cowards for not confronting the Israeli and U.S. forces directly to be slaughtered in the streets and fields instead of hiding in residential and business areas. Well, I am sure they would if it were a man to man, rather than a man to tank, jet, gunship, or drone confrontation. Actually, the cowards have been those who hide behind armor and remote weapon systems. And then there are the Palestinian children maimed and slaughtered by the Jewish war machine. They alone justify being anti-Semitic.
Out of Love Blossoms Hate.
The issue of HATE SPEECH. Is this hate speech? First of all let’s be clear about one thing. Hate is as natural as love. If you want to feel the love, imagine your children (unless you are some twisted, demonic parent who kills them because he lost your job). And if you want to feel hate, well imagine George Bush, the man who more than any other helped bring America to her knees, where she is being sodomized by Zionist operatives, illegal aliens, crooked traitorous American politicians, and greedy Wall Street types like Bernie Madoff.
In fact, love and hate are closely related because we hate that which threatens what we love. Would it be wrong to hate someone just because of their religion, gender, color or sexual orientation? That depends. Let’s say Fascism is something like a religion (a belief system), then would it be wrong to hate fascists? One might say, yes if fascists do bad things to you or to those whom you love. And that’s the point. Humans are programmed to hate those who act in such a way as to be a threat to what they love (including themselves).
The Indians had no basis for hating the Europeans just because they were Europeans, but they had every right to hate Europeans when they came to destroy the Indians peoples and take their lands. The Palestinians have every right to hate the Jews. Blacks had every right to hate white people—who enslaved them and then ostracized them. But today white people may have reason to fear black culture and its celebration of sex, violence, gang life, disrespect for women, social irresponsibility, etc. Given the culture represented by B.I.G. and Tupac it’s understandable that many blacks would like to move into white communities and that whites would be against that happening. It all goes back to hating that which is perceived as a threat.
Another reason for hating is often that’s all the victim has left. The Palestinians can’t defeat the Israeli WAR MACHINE, which America build for them, and I suspect paid for. Approximately one third of American foreign aid goes to Israel. Why is that when the Jews should be self-supporting? It’s money for military hardware. In other words, Americans help to finance the Jews’ wars against the Palestinians and Lebanese. So really the one dependable weapon all Palestinians have against Israel is their hatred.
But it’s bad to hate. No it isn’t. First of all, hate enables you to fight against that which is a threat to you, your family, and your people. Otherwise, you would just give up when the odds become too great. What if the Palestinians loved the Jews who stole their country? They would lose their homeland for certain. Had the Iraqi freedom fighters not hated the American invaders, Iraq would have become an American principality. But because they hated Americans (because they were and are a threat to all that they love—family, friends, country, way of life), they fought and died. As a result, Americans have had enough loss of blood, money, and reputation and will be leaving. Hate, in other words, gave the Muslim fighters the courage to fight and by doing so to save Iraq for Iraqis.
That is also one reason the American response to the 9-11 attacks was so strong, because the attackers were consider a threat to America and thus to be hated and destroyed. But Bush convinced the American people that one war wasn’t enough, so America attacked Iraq for a little more revenge. No doubt about it. Hate can be misguided, but so can love. It happens.
Those people who say we should take Jesus’ advice and turn the other cheek need to read a little Darwin. Turning the your cheek to a lion will just get you eaten. Had the Iraqi freedom fighters turned the other cheek, Iraq would be America’s fifty-first state. The Jews turned the other cheek to the Nazis and look what it got them. So they decided to become like their former executioners.
One more thing about hate. In its strange way it is psychologically satisfying. I’m sure Freud (one of the few good Jews I was telling you about, like Asimov) would say it allows you to get back at your enemy if only in the fantasy world of your mind. A form of wish-fulfillment, which allows one to release a little psyche tension. In this sense, the emotion hate becomes a mental weapon used against those who threaten that which one loves. Thus, instead of shooting the perceived threat, which would mean the shooter would be punished, the threatened person simply hates. In that way, hate becomes an imaginary weapon, the use of which gives the hater some satisfaction.
So it seems hate is a perfectly normal emotion without which people would become willing victims. Oh but what if no one hated? That was the solution the hippies offered, but apparently the people with the weapons of mass destruction weren’t buying (the Chaneys and Rumsfelds of the world). And if you can still love Bernie Madoff after he has scammed your life savings and you and your wife are now selling pencils on the street, all the power to you. But if you are going to hate someone or a people it should be for the harm they have caused and threaten to cause those whom you love.