Thursday, July 30, 2009

Obama’s White House Beer Summit: Run, Whitey, Run!

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Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July, American Independence Day No Longer

The Loss of American Independence
America lost its independence when Barack Obama was elected. Americans had been losing it for decades with the help of ILLEGAL-ALIEN LOVING POLITICIANS such as Edward Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, John McCain, George Bush and the MULTICULTURALIST JEWISH FIFTH COLUMN operating in this country since the post-war invasion of the Jews into America.

Americans have no party representing them. The REPUBLICANS serve BIG BUSINESS, which is interested only in cheap labor and lots of consumers. The DEMOCRATS are MARXISTS who seek to transform American into a leftist state. America now fits the Marxist cultural demographic ideal more than Russia does because Putin has saved the Russian homeland for the Russian people. The first step in preserving one’s homeland is to get rid of the Jews, who are aggressive multiculturalist revolutionaries, except for their the State of Israel of course.

For example, it was the Jews who were behind the anti-government demonstrations in Iran. Take Roya Hakakian, for instance, a Jew who lived in Iran until she was 18 and then came to America (which is now unfortunately home to a half-million Iranians) and became another suffering Jew celebrity. She is a founding member of the IRAN HUMAN RIGHTS DOCUMENTATION CENTER, and serves on the board of Refugees International, which means that like other Jews who have immigrated to the U.S. she wants to see millions of immigrants to come to America.

On NPR she confessed how she identified with Neda Agha-Soltan, the Iranian demonstrator shot during a demonstration. It was almost as if she had been shot. Such a drama queen! Actually it was the Jews and United States Government of Israel that instigated the street demonstrations hoping there would be blood in the streets to discredit Iran's anti-Israeli government. Roya Hakakian is not an Iranian but an Israeli operative, and like all Israeli operatives she wants to negate the enemies of Israel. Check out:

Our Benevolent Colonialist Leader
That’s right. Obama is a smart, nice man but is also the COLONIALIST LEADER of America. Yes, America is being colonized for the second time. The first by the Europeans and the second by a COALITION OF ALIENS led by the Hispanics. Wikipedia calls this SETTLER COLONIALISM: the conquering of a nation by settling it with one’s own people, in other words by changing the demographic to the invaders’ favor.

Welcome to UnAmerican Alien Nation (the UAAN)

Obama is the first president of the UnAmerican Alien Nation (the UAAN). He claims to be a black American, but he isn’t. His darkness comes from an alien Muslim father. His mother was barely an American since she preferred shacking up with nonAmerican Muslims. At least she could have done it with an American Black-Power Muslim. So Obama is barely an American himself and obviously knows it since he has gone over the side of the aliens. You may have noticed that he has been appointing as many Jews, Hispanics and other aliens to as many positions as possible. In other words, America is being colonized by aliens, the majority of whom are Hispanics.

The Sotomayor Knife in the American Back

The most obvious recent indicator of America’s loss of independence is Hispanic Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. The only advantage of having her on the court is that she makes Ruth Bader Ginsburg look like a beauty queen. I guess you heard that the pathetic Republicans, who have been THE worst betrayers of this country, have been arguing that Sotomayor should be repudiated because of decision concerning firefighters—rather than just saying that they don’t want an alien Hispanic sitting on the Supreme Court of America. It’s not that she is less qualified than the legally challenged weirdoes already sitting on the court. It’s the principle of the thing. It’s the American Supreme Court, not the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico (you know she all about the Puerto Ricans because in her heart she is a Puerto Rican Latina) or the Supreme Court of the Hispanic Nation (which it will quickly become with the help of your—not my—president).

Gringos with Dicks Suck!

You know Sotomayor hates gringo, especially the males. All the alien groups in America hate Americans. They believe Americans are the enemy of the Mexicans, the Puerto Ricans, the Iranians, the Palestinians, the Vietnamese, the Chinese (most recently echoed by Assemblyman Paul Fong who claims that the Chinese built America and Americans should apologize for having them do their laundry), and on and on and on. And in most cases the have good reason because Sotomayor is right to think white men are stupid. I agree completely with her. It’s white men who allowed her parents and the other alien enemies of America to immigrate into this country (mostly for profit purposes, more recently for political benefit—any vote is good even if unAmerican).

White Politicians Enable America to Be Colonized
It was white men who repealed laws to keep the nonAmerican, nonEuropean aliens out of the country. And it was white men who created the conditions for a half-alien to be elected president of the United States. But keep in mind that it was the rich and politically powerful who wanted the aliens in this country, not ordinary Americans who hated the aliens from day one. The U.S. Government has rarely truly acted on the behalf of the American people. And that’s more true today than ever before.

America’s Colonialist Leader, Barack Obama
Our colonialist leader, Barack Obama, said recently something like “We Americans feel the pain of the illegal immigrants living in the shadows.” John Benedict Arnold McCain is always saying something on the behalf of non-Americans like “We Americans feel the pain of the Iranian decedents.” Bullshit! And that goes double for the HALF MILLION Iranians that the likes of McCain have allowed into America. McCain and his ilk are all about grandstanding for aliens, but stab Americans in the back.

And what are the Iranians occupying America doing? They’re out in American streets showing their support for their brothers back home (though they are too comfortable her and chickenshit to fight the battle in Iran). You see, they are Iranians at heart, not Americans, just as Sotomayor is a Puerto Rican Latina at heart, not an American, just as Chairman Wannabe Paul Fong is a Chinaman at heart, not an American (he can’t stand Americans or their laundry).

The Puerto Ricans, the Mexicans, the Iranians, the Chinese, and all the other aliens living here despise America—and will continue to do so until they own the country, and that day is not far off. In fact, that day is here. It arrived when Obama took the oath of office from Chief Justice John Roberts. (Remember Roberts blew it during the inauguration ceremony. So maybe Sotomayor is right about the white guys. They are stupid, and Socrates would say they are even more stupid for being stupid and thinking themselves wise. You see this clearly when you listen to Right-Wing talk radio. But the ones in Washington, D.C., are not just stupid but to be traitors as well, and I hope they live in infamy for the rest of time—as the American politicians who sold out America.

Our Glorious Leader Kisses the Hispanic Nation’s Butt
I guess you read about President Obama kisses the Hispanic Nation’s ass at the 2009 National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast. You see crime does pay in America. The illegals and their offspring get an audience with the president of the United States because they broke American laws millions of times, first when they entered the country illegally and everyday after that. And how much has America benefited? Take a look.

The Gift of the Hispanic in Barrio California

Barrio California is passing out IOUs because it’s got the largest Hispanic population in the U.S. who has sucked the system dry in a thousand different ways. You got an elderly person living at home? The Hispanics have millions of them, most born in Mexico. Then California will put you on the payroll for taking care of the grandparents. The Hispanics have gutted California financially. They have flooded the social welfare programs, they get medical care that most Americans can’t get because they are making too much money, like $25,000 a year, they have flooded and terrorized the schools and require special programs because they don’t talk English so good and need a free lunches, they have flooded the prisons because for them crime is a way of life (just take a look at south of the border if you don’t believe me), and so on and on.

And just think of the thousands of new state jobs that had to be created just to deal with these people, such as thousands of translators. And think of the millions of the city, federal, and state jobs they have taken because millions of government workers who can speak both Spanish and English are need to be able to communicate with the illegals. Have you ever notices that all the street construction is done by Hispanics. Why is that? One reason is that affirmative action requires that the government hire a hell of a lot of Hispanics, and if they are not illegal, then they are the offspring of illegals. And what about those poor unemployed Americans? Sorry, this is Barrio California.

The Gift of the Hispanic in Barrio San Diego

Using the San Diego Union-Tribune Let’s take a look at one day in Barrio San Diego—July 1.

HEADLINE: “Man, 24, Found Guilty of Tot’s Torture Death.”
“A Guatemalan man accused of torturing and killing his girlfriend's 2-year-old son in 2005 was found guilty yesterday of first-degree murder and other felony charges in Vista Superior Court. Jose Maurice Castenada, 24, also was convicted of torture, felony child abuse and assault on a child in a manner likely to cause great bodily injury in connection with the death of Cesar Razo."

HEADLINE: “Border Tunnel Being Dug for Smuggling, Feds Say”
“U.S. officials believe cross-border tunnel under construction west of San border crossing was being dug to smuggle people and perhaps small amount of drugs. The tunnel’s entrance in Tijuana, located east of Smugglers’ Gulch.”

HEADLINE: “Encanto Slaying Suspect Arrested by Baja Police”
“TIJUANA: A man wanted in connection with the fatal shooting of a woman at a birthday part in San Diego was arrested by Mexican authorities.” Name: Christopher Anthony Sanchez, 19.

HEADLINE: “Bodies of Six Found Tortured and Shot”
“MORELIA, Mexico—Police yesterday found the remains of six people tortured and shot to death near Apatzingan in Michoacan state, which is a focus of the government’s war against drug cartels. Once person’s head was decapitated.”

The fact is that Mexico is a lot worse than Iraq or Afghanistan because at least those societies still have a culture intact. (Check out It's from L.A. Times' series Mexico Under Siege. Now it's become America Under Siege because Mexico has become a nation of criminals, and crime is their biggest export to the U.S. That kind of nihilistic violence is native in America only among the blacks:

Mau Mau Blacks also on the Rampage

HEADLINE: “7Detroit Teens Shot, Wounded at Bus Stop.”
Who were the shooters? Black thugs. There's more.

HEADLINE: “Couple’s Property Found at Suspects’ Home Slain”
“When investigators searched the dwelling of four Camp Pendleton Marines suspect of killing a fellow Marine and his wife in October, they found the couple’s wedding bands, watches and clothing, homicide detectives said yesterdays.”

The four killers were black Marines (you know, the FEW and the PROUD). They are charged with the execution-style slayings of Marine Sgt. Jan Pietrzak, 24 (who’s white), and Marine Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak (who’s black), 26, who were found gagged, tied and shot in the head on Oct. 15 in the living room of their home in Winchester, in Riverside County southeast of Los Angeles. The woman was raped.

The amazing thing about these two stories is that BUNCHES OF BLACKS are always involved. It’s the MAU MAU SYNDROME. The blacks may not like the phrase, but that’s what they have become. Oh you say, but look how whites lynched the black man and killed the Indians. Yeah, I get that. But the thing about blacks is that they slaughter one another just for fun, like the war rape the Tutsis and Hutus engaged in (Check out “Rwandan Genocide” at Wikipedia.). At least when whites did that sort of thing it was for religious or political reasons.

America's First Self-Destructive Importation of Illegal Labor

In addition, the blacks were another nonEuropean import. It looks like that with the importation of HISPANIC KILLERS history is repeating itself. And the left-wing multiculturalists can’t figure out why white people don’t want BLACKS and HISPANICS moving into their neighborhoods. Why do you think Quiana married the white guy? For the same reason black people move into white communities—to get away from their own. The truth is, America would be a paradise without the blacks and Hispanics. They have destroyed America’s cities and the Hispanics continue to multiply and spread the destruction.

Procurator Obama Reassures the Alien Lawbreakers

Getting back to our Colonial Commander in Chief, Procurator Obama told his Hispanic alien comrades that he was “proud” to have nominated Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Well, why not? He’s one of them—the first Alien President of the United State (though I had the taste of vomit in my throat writing that). He also addressed the problem of increasing hate crimes against Hispanics. Give me a fucking break! The country is occupied by tens of thousands of violent, homicidal Hispanic gang members and the problem is hate crimes!

That's nothing but kiss-ass rhetorical bullshit. He said that “we the people of faith” are committed to the millions of illegal existing in the shadows. Well I say fuck your faith. From what I see, we live in a Darwinian world and Americans are losing the battle of the survival of the fittest, because they’re no longer fit. The Hispanics are winning with their gangs, babies, and disease (two more died of the Mexican flu Monday), and with the help of the self-serving traitorous unAmericans serving in the U.S. Government.

Finally, Procurator Obama said, that “he also wants a new system that would streamline the immigration process for those [illegals] already in the country to become legal residents.” In other words, he wants to sign the Surrender of America to the Hispanic Nation.

Biden and Betrayal in Iraq

And as we speak The Credit Card Companies Champion, Vice President Joe Biden, Obama's monkey, “presided at a naturalization ceremony at one of Hussein's former palaces, where 237 U.S. service members [think alien mercenaries] were sworn in to become American citizens. Biden extolled America's diversity and its destination as a refuge for immigrants, saying newcomers are the ‘lifeblood’ of the country and that 'there's always room for more.'” In other words, America has become a refugee camp for all the aliens of the world, especially if they are willing to fight our illegal wars. Did you really think Biden is any different than his boss alien alien-lover Obama? Remember it was Biden who stood up for the usury credit card companies against the American people.

America Is Dead Is the New Meaning of the 4th of July

With Obama’s DECLARATION OF SURRENDER and Al Franken’s senatorial win in Minnesota, giving the Democrats the necessary majority to steamroll over the Republicans (who in fact only fain opposition), it looks like the Jewish multicultural, colonialist agenda for America is now on the fast track. Isn’t it interesting that the Iraqis have been celebrating getting their country back from the invaders just when the aliens are bereaving Americans of their homeland. That’s a lot to celebrate this 4th of July.