Thursday, June 24, 2010

Idiotic America

“Gulf oil spill: Judge won't budge on deep-water drilling moratorium”

“The New Orleans federal judge who on Wednesday struck down the Obama administration’s six-week moratorium on deep-water drilling refused a government request to delay that decision Thursday.”

No shit. We’ve been reading that all the judges in Louisiana work for the oil companies. This fucking country has more corruption than Mexico.

“Many Gulf Federal Judges Have Oil Links”

Read it for yourself:

Judas judge with oily fingers:

“In 2008 Feldman had financial holdings with Transocean, the company that owned the faulty oil rig. [6] According to the Fiscal Disclosure Report required by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, Judge Feldman in 2008 had holdings in BlackRock ($12000- $36000); Ocean Energy ($1000 – $2500); NGP Capital Resources ($1000 – $2500); Quicksilver Resources ($5000 – $15000); Hercules Offshore ($6000 – $17500); Provident Energy; Peabody Energy; PenGrowth Energy; RPC Inc; Atlas Energy Resources; Parker Drilling; TXCO Resources; EV Energy Partners; Rowan Companies; BPZ Resources; El Paso Corp; KBR Inc; Chesapeake Energy and ATP Oil & Gas.”

This country is suffering from Jew rot. Jesus saw it. We see it.

Unfortunately for America the rot isn’t just Jewish. Republican Plutocracy Party is full of Christian rot. The Democrats are rotten in other ways, such as wanting to turn the nation into a Marxist multicultural refugee camp. And the American people are not much better. They too are greedy, clueless, and indifferent. They are celebrating America’s soccer victory even while there country continues its two crimes against humanity, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Like that LATTE CLUB that calls itself the TEA PARTY PATRIOTS. Where were the TEA PARTY PATRIOTS when George Bush decided to invade Iraq for oil and on the behalf of Israel? Nowhere to be seen. And who did they vote for after when the War Criminal George Bush ran for a second term? They voted for him. And why weren't they out protesting with the Minutemen against illegal immigration? Because they hire illegals to mow their laws and watch their kids. If they have a business, they hire illegals to work for them. They are all about money. Take a look. This is what they want:
The Contract lists 10 agenda items that it encourages congressional candidates to follow:
1. Identify constitutionality of every new law: Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does (82.03%).
2. Reject emissions trading: Stop the "cap and trade" administrative approach used to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants. (72.20%).
3. Demand a balanced federal budget: Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax modification. (69.69%)
4. Simplify the tax system: Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words -- the length of the original Constitution.(64.9%).
5. Audit federal government agencies for constitutionality: Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in an audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities. (63.37%)
6. Limit annual growth in federal spending: Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. (56.57%).
7. Repeal the health care legislation passed on March 23, 2010: Defund, repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. (56.39%).
8. Pass an 'All-of-the-Above' Energy Policy: Authorize the exploration of additional energy reserves to reduce American dependence on foreign energy sources and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation. (55.5%).
9. Reduce Earmarks: Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. (55.47%).
10. Reduce Taxes: Permanently repeal all recent tax increases, and extend permanently the George W. Bush temporary reductions in income tax,capital gains tax and estate taxes, currently scheduled to end in 2011. (53.38%).
(From Wikipedia “Tea Party Movement”)

Nothing about caring about others. Nothing about not engaging in immoral wars. It’s all about money. Their slogan is STOP SPENDING MY MONEY. Yeah I get that. But what about STOP THE KILLING IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ? Not interested. This is what they don’t care about:

They think they are patriots because they don’t like Obama, but they aren’t. They are spoiled affluent Americans who don’t give a shit about anything but their fucking pocketbooks. The worst they have had to face in life is when Starbucks runs out of raw sugar. They don’t give a shit about whether all Americans can get medical care. They don’t give a shit about the homeless or the environment. So of course who would they like to have for president? Airhead Sarah Palin. Why? Because they are a bunch of airheads. Because they are a bunch of selfish, uneducated dumbfucks. Check out Palin on the environment:

She’s a fucking environmental terrorist who cares only about money. She would be a perfect candidate for the Republican Plutocracy. On the war in Iraq her thinking mirrors that of idiot boy Bush.

Getting back to the TEA PARTY PATRIOTS, for whom political protests are like Tupperware Parties. Here’s some of them talking raw politics:

I recently watch a documentary titled COLLAPSE:

Now the TEA PARTY PATRIOTS, like Michael Ruppert in the documentary, are against the U.S. Government just throwing money at the problem—which at best will be a temporary fix, and may even do more harm than good. However, unlike Ruppert, the TEA PARTY PATRIOTS had no problem with the Bushean CULTURE OF GREED that led to the collapse of the American economy. As I said, they are just a bunch of selfish dumbfucks. NEVER EVER would this bunch become like the MINUTEMEN or our militia patriots such as:!v=hdkX5Zsqjmk&feature=related

Of course the Marxist, anti-American organizations, run by Marxist Jews, like the SOUTHERN LAW POVERTY CENTER, condemns these groups for wanting to preserve AMERICA FOR AMERICANS. I personally love these guys and girls:

You won’t see any of the TUPPERWARE PATRIOTS among this gun totting chicks. The TUPPERWARE PATRIOTS are a bunch of phonies. If they represent mainstream America, then the country doesn’t deserve to survive. And it won’t. :-)


Saturday, June 19, 2010

BP's Oil Spill: Bad Karma Catches Up with U.S.

More accurately bad karma catches up with the U.S. and Britain. The U.S. is learning what the British should have learned a long time ago: that there is always negative payback back for being the bad guys. The U.S. is learning that lesson from the invasion of Iraq and the prolongation of the Afghan War. I’ve read that the Russians are now helping us fight the Afghan fighters.

“BRUSSELS - NATO has opened an alternate supply route to Afghanistan via Russia and central Asia — a critical development that gives it the ability to bypass the previous ambush-prone main routes through Pakistan, the alliance said Friday."

Remember when we helped the Afghan fighters fight the Russians?

Back to BP. Once upon a time BP was Anglo-Persian Oil Company. When the Iranians wanted to nationalize their oil industry, Britain said no way and got the U.S. to help overthrow the democratically elected government in Iran. I will let you read all about it from Wikipedia:

“In 1951, after the assassination of prime minister Ali Razmara, Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh, a high ranking official and prince of Qajar Dynasty, was elected prime minister by a parliamentary vote which was then ratified by the Shah. As prime minister, Mossadegh became enormously popular in Iran after he nationalized Iran's petroleum industry and oil reserves. In response, The British government, headed by Winston Churchill, embargoed Iranian oil and successfully enlisted the United States to join in a plot to depose the democratically elected government of Mossadegh, and in 1953 President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized Operation Ajax. The operation was successful, and Mossadegh was arrested on 19 August 1953. The coup was the first time the US had openly overthrown an elected, civil government...”

“[Mossadegh] is most famous as the architect of the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry, which had been under British control since 1913 through the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) (later British Petroleum or BP). The Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. was controlled by the British government. Mosaddegh was removed from power in a coup on 19 August 1953, organised and carried out by the United States CIA at the request of the British MI6 which chose Iranian General Fazlollah Zahedi to succeed Mosaddegh. The CIA called the coup Operation Ajax after its CIA cryptonym, and as the 28 Mordad 1332 coup in Iran, after its date on the Iranian calendar. Mosaddegh was imprisoned for three years, then put under house arrest until his death.”

(Maybe now people can understand why Iran wants the bomb. To protect itself from nations like Britain and the U.S. Iran didn’t have the bomb in 1953, and looked what happened to it. Iraq didn’t have the bomb and looked what happened to it.)

America and Britain were willing to be villains for BP and black gold. And the god of karma thought it’s time for a little payback since those two countries just can’t learn how to do the right thing. And isn’t oil the real reason we invaded Iraq? That and the Jews who stole the Palestinian homeland (in which the two big players were again Britain and the U.S.). But Americans don't get that some people value their homeland and don’t want it (or its resources) stolen by invaders.

Two wars and dirty beaches—that’s a lot of bad karma. And if the last president, oil-loving, morally deficient George Bush, hadn't been so willing to behave like the British and American politicians who overthrew the duly elected Iranian president in 1953, America wouldn't now be ruled by a half-alien, Kenyan president, perhaps America's final dose of pay-back karma, because after Obama there won't be much of America left.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Traitors Among Us

Remember in the movie of the Alamo when those who will fight with Americans must step across the line. Now we are told that,

“Attorney General Terry Goddard says Friday that his office plans to withdraw as the state's lawyers in legal challenges to Arizona's new immigration law.”

What has happened is the president of the ALIEN NATION, Kenyan Barrack nonAmerican Obama has--of course--sided with the alien armies invading this nations. And why not: he's not one of U.S.:

"The Obama administration has decided to file a lawsuit to strike down a new Arizona law aimed at deporting illegal immigrants, thrusting itself into the fierce national debate over how the United States should enforce immigration policies."

And ambitious political sycophants like Señor Benedict Arnold Terry Goddard have no intention of defending America. In other words, if he had been at the Alamo he would have sided with General Santa Anna. Today America has been infiltrated by leftists multiculturalists who are seeking the destruction of American society and culture either for power and wealth and to carry out the Marxist agenda of creating a multicultural proletarian soceity. They will side with the alien armies that have invaded the country and brought with them a reign of cultural destruction.

I live in barrio California that is sinking as fast as the Titanic. And the iceberg that has torn open its sides is HISPANIC and the sea is a deluge of illegal aliens and their anchor babies. The state is overrun by welfare recipients and Hispanic gangs. The Hispanic cancer is eating the guts of the once greatest state in the U.S. These are the people Señor Benedict Arnold Terry Goddard will do nothing to prevent from conquering the United States of America, when it’s his job to enforce American law, the only defense America has against the ALIEN HORDES overrunning the country:

NIGGERS GO HOME! and HONKIES GO TO HELL is the message from the HISPANIC NATION that is taking control of America with the help of traitors like Señor Benedict Arnold Terry Goddard!v=u9qff-6Rxy0&feature=related

This is what Señor Benedict Arnold Terry Goddard envisions for America:!v=5w3e1TQh5mc&feature=related

The Census Bureau tells us that there are 50 million Hispanics in America and the growth rate is 10% a year. Today there are 110 million Mexicans in Mexico. By the end of this century there will be more Hispanics living in America than there will be living in Mexico. This is the overthrow of America and Señor Benedict Arnold Terry Goddard is all for it.

Señor Benedict Arnold Terry Goddard does not want to enforce the laws defending America. To him and his entire ilk I say FUCK YOU, TRAITROS!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Clinton Urges Caution in Aftermath of Gaza Flotilla Raid

Israel’s Secretary of State Hillary Golda Meir Clinton on Tuesday appealed for caution by all those involved in the aftermath of Israel's lethal raid against a flotilla that tried to deliver humanitarian aid to the blockaded Gaza Strip Concentration Camp, famous for its use of STAR OF DAVID CONCERTINA RAZOR WIRE that will cut a small child six different ways.

Zionist Clinton said “I think the situation from our perspective is very difficult and requires careful, thoughtful responses from all concerned.” Notice how that response compares to the SUSPECTED North Korea attack on a South Korean MILITARY vessel, that killed soldiers, not civilians. The United States of Israel strongly condemned North Korean’s action, but not Israel’s attack on a vessel bringing supplies to the Palestinians imprisoned in the Gaza Strip Concentration Camp.

Just another illustration of the fact that Jews now run the United States of Israel, and have for decades. Remember the USS Liberty? Of course you don’t because you are just another dumb fuck American dat don’t know no history, and that’s why you have lost your nation:

“A former Navy attorney who helped lead the military investigation of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that killed 34 American servicemen says former President Lyndon Johnson and his defense secretary, Robert McNamara, ordered that the inquiry conclude the incident was an accident.” (

The TRUTH is the Jews believe they are DIVINELY CHOSEN PEOPLE, therefore above any law except God’s law, but they are the chosen ones to define God’s law. That works out really well for them.

And actually the U.S. Government has become infected by the HEBREW DISEASE. It’s called Christianity (the 3rd of these evil twins is Islam). What Jews are good at are making excuses for acting immorally. The U.S. is also pretty good at it too, but no one but the millions of minimally educated Americans any longer believe the U.S. Government.

Notice that Hillary Golda Meir Clinton was so outraged by the North Koreans’ sinking a South Korean ship, but she was all about SINKING AN ENTIRE NATION: IRAQ.

No doubt North Korea is a little nutty. The arrogant U.S. Government has done everything possible to make the country nutty, and always in the name of helping the oppressed people. BULLSHIT. We’ve always been okay with dictators as long as they were on our side.

Check out creepy Donald Rumsfeld with Hussein:

North Korea, like Vietnam, just had the wrong political philosophy—that of a Jew, by the way, KARL MARX. And look what we have done to Cuba. The U.S. has turned the entire country into a GUANTANAMO PRISON CAMP, in the name of helping the Cuban people, just like the Jews have turned Gaza into a CONCENTRATION CAMP.

Here’s Hillary Clintonstein defending attacking Iraq, a nation that had committed no act of aggression against the U.S. or even threatened it.

In her speech she says that Hussein could alter the political landscape of the Middle East. BULLSHIT. And who should be responsible for the landscape of the Middle East? The Middle Eastern nations or the United States of Israel? And talking about ALTERNING THE LANDSCAPE OF THE MIDDLE EAST, the nation that has done that most in recent history has be ISRAEL, but of course Secretary of State Hillary Golda Meir Clinton isn’t going to criticize a nation that is funded by BILLIONAIRE JEWS now occupying America, just as the Jews are occupying Palestine.

Is Clinton a friend of the Jews? Big Time. Just look at her husband’s record:

What did she tell the Jews at a big gala dinner?

“This organization for more than a century has been a voice for THE ASPIRATIONS OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE for a SECURE AND DEMOCRATIC HOMELAND. We saw the pictures flashing before us on the screen – THE FACES OF THOSE WHO HAVE MADE ISRAEL THEIR HOME AND THOSE WHO HAVE MADE AMERICA OUR HOME. You have fought for the CORE VALUES that make this country great –equality and religious freedom, civil rights and women’s rights, a freer, fairer nation in which every child has the opportunity to live up to his or her God-given potential.”

Deconstruct: "THE ASPIRATIONS OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE" is to control America and by doing so make themselves the most power people in the world—which they have pretty much achieved given the U.S. is conducting two wars against Islamic nations. (And just how many Jews have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. I wager not many. They are too interested in getting on the fast track to becoming billionaires. They know that their dollars are what control America.)

—except for the Palestinians whose land was stolen from them by the Jews. Democracy mean for the Jews only—even in the United States of Israel. It doesn’t matter how Americans vote; the Jews still run the country.

“THE FACES OF THOSE WHO HAVE MADE ISRAEL THEIR HOME AND THOSE WHO HAVE MADE AMERICA OUR HOME”—i.e., those who have stolen the Palestinian homeland and control of the American government.

The Jewish ring in the American nose:!v=RlcE-TmYPmQ&feature=related

Did you see NOAM CHOMSKY in the video? Recently he wasn’t allowed in Israel. Why? Because the Jew, there or here, don’t like the truth. Let’s face it, their whole culture is based on a lie, a self-promoting fabrication: JUDAISM.

The interesting thing in all this is the SPARTAization of the Jews. The Jew used to be pretty smart and would occasionally make a real intellectual contribution to the world. They even produced some great thinkers such as Spinoza, Marx, Freud, and Einstein, all of whom gave up the ridiculous MAN IN THE SKY religion. No more of that. They have become a Sparta-like people and can brag only about their commandos and black ops creeps. And even they are a minority. Most of the Jews are fat, greedy slobs who worship MAMMON or religious nut cases with long crazy beards, pigtails, funny hats, and mortician suits. When they are not thinking about money and the sky daddy, they think about is war, violence, national security, the enemy, etc. You know before they built FORTRESS ISRAEL on the Palestinian homeland, they weren’t hated by the Muslims—no more than any other people. Now they have a BILLION HOLY WARRIORS hating their guts.

You have three types of culture:

ATHENIAN: Culturally creative

Example: France (After Vietnam the French wised up.):

SPARTAN: Militaristic Cro-magnon:

Beautiful Israel:!v=ams37NN2ajg&feature=related

The new Israelis:

: Culture in self-destructive chaos:

The video mentions Americans being killed. No they were Mexicans who either entered America illegally or one or both their parents did. Most the Mexicans living in the U.S. are illegal—the sin of the parents being passed on to their anchor babies and anchor babies’ babies.

The Jews have always been a greedy people. We’ve seen that in the U.S. But once they were able to steal Palestine, they went fucking nuts. They have become a demented people—and various dangerous because the now control the world’s most powerful military—the U.S. military.

Back Clinton’s BLOW JOB SPEECH. I guess because her husband god a blow job from Monica Jewinsky she had to blow some Jewish cock. Anyway, she refers to the Jews’ “CORE VALUES?!” The fucking Jews don’t have any core values, unless they have a dollar sign on them. Look at how they used Wall Street (Greed Street) to fuck over the American people. Look at the sleaze that comes out of Hollywood. It’s a fucking toilet. Look at how the NEOCON ZIONISTS convinced idiot boy Bush to attack Iraq.

(Are you ever going to grow up, America?)

They are a sick people. Watch the movie Defamation:

And here again is that Jew Larry David pissing on Jesus:

God I hate that motherfucker.

Like I said, they believe they are above morality, so it’s okay to hate Jews. They have EARNED your hatred. And Hillary? She doesn't give a shit about you America. Like her husband and all the other D.C. fat cats they're having too much fun congratulating themselves and living the life of the lavish life. Here's the queen blessing rich people:

She must be talking about the GOD OF MAMMON or the GOLDEN CALF. Apparently she never read what Jesus had to say about the rich getting into the Heaven.

Here's Queen Clinton living the good life:

To such people all Americans, black, white, and red, don't fucking matter. The aliens, the Jews and themselves are the only ones that matter.


Wake up, skinheads. If you want to get back at the Jews for all they bad stuff they’ve done, get rid of those swastika tattoos. HITLER WAS A FUCKING JERK. He wreck Europe, caused the destruction of thousands of architectural marvels, help to destroy the German people, and spread the Hebrew disease to the U.S. and Palestine. As long as you worship Hitler, you are a dumb fuck. Hitler was to the German people what George Bush was to the American people: a destroyer, not a leader.

So sign up a your local community college, take some writing classes, and start researching the harm the Jews have been doing for millennia (a millennium = 1000 years!). You begin with the Old Testament. Then switch to the Jew’s monster (just like in Frankenstein) Christianity, which spawned thousands if not millions of monsters, such as the Christian Roman emperor Justinian I—who outlawed pagan worship (like those Teutonic deities you like so much) and closed down schools of philosophy. He also persecuted the Jews, but that’s what they get for creating a monster, and that’s exactly what happened to Victor Frankenstein. So all the bad shit that happens in the world caused by Christians originated with the Jews.

And don’t forget the twin monster, Islam. It is an offspring of the Jews as well.

Discussing modern times you can explain the Zionist takeover of Palestine and the U.S. What happened to the U.S. after WWII that turned America into an Evil Empire? The Jews is what happened. They took over U.S. foreign policy. George Bush is a Jew in Christian drag. And what about that other Evil Empire (and all the smaller ones), communist USSR? The Jew Karl Marx created those monsters.

You see anti-Semitism can be justified. You can argue that no people has done as much harm to the world than the delusional (WE ARE GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE) Jews.

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I will update that rant. It's a dirty job, but some energetic anti-Semite needs to write this book. And why am I anti-Semitic? Because the Jews have ruin my country, that’s fucking way, just as they have ruined Palestine.

Write the fucking book so that in 50 years when America is no more, having been replaced by the ZIONIST-MARXIST dream to turn America into a MINORITY DOMINATED NATION controlled by them, American children will know who destroyed their country.

Oh yeah, who’s going to write the book? He can’t be a Jew, Christian, or Muslim. And a Buddhist or Taoist would say fuck it. Let it go. Maybe an existentialist, a patriotic existentialist, a truth seeker, a SUPERMAN! He will have to be a superman to stop the Jewish infection. Christians and Muslims really can’t because they are infected. You would think some smart Iranian would write such a book, but he can’t because he is infected. And one of the symptoms of the infection is the inability to see what is false and therefore the inability to see what is true.