Now for lots of reasons I hate the GOP, the Grand Old Plutocracy party but they were right on to reject ending the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy (see the above San Diego Union-Tribune article). The rejection occurred because the perverse, anti-American Obama Administration and its Marxist collaborators in Congress tried to sneak by a couple pieces of fecal unAmerican legislation attached to a military funding bill—basically the acceptance of homosexuals and illegal aliens as true-blue Americans.
But with elections just around the corner those crafty Republicans saw what was going on. Queers are queer and illegals are illegal, and any legislation that forces Americans to accept the queer lifestyle as being as all-American as baseball or to legitimize the illegal-alien criminal parasites who are sucking the cultural and financial lifeblood from an already anemic America is subversive legislation.
First of all, most Americans dislike gays (actually hate them), and for good reason—many good reasons.
Gays like to portray themselves as queer Negroes, as if they are some poor minority with a legitimate complaint. They aren’t and they don’t. Blacks can’t hide their blackness, but gays can keep their queerness to themselves. Then they will say Jews could go into hiding. I’m sorry, as much as I dislike Judaism, queerism is not the same as a religion. It’s a lifestyle, and a decadent one at that:
That’s hardly anything like a religion (phallus worship perhaps) or ethnic group. What it is, pure and simple, is hedonism. I would say nihilistic hedonism. Have you ever notice that gay movies are basically sex tapes? The heart of gay culture is bathhouses and gay bars. Those are the churches where gays worship. For them communion is sucking cock or worse (to be explained in just a moment). Of course gay priests will do nasties in the church with children. And basically their religion is godless hedonism. Now I’m okay with the godless part, but living for sexual pleasure is fucking sick. Heterosexuals are also into sex, but they also raise families. In other words, they don't live for sex. And those who do are condemned as sexual perverts by other heterosexuals. Gays live for pleasure (sexual pleasure mostly) and anything else is usually given a sexual slant.
The gay lifestyle is one of sexually promiscuity. Now many heterosexual guys are as well, but as I said before heterosexuals consider promiscuity a sickness, or at the very least a profound form of decadence, whereas gays consider promiscuity a life’s calling.
Recently Terry Gross had this gay composer, Theo Bleckmann, on her show. During the show he said what when he heard July Garland sing “Some day I’ll wish upon a star” in the song Somewhere over the Rainbow what he said he heard was “I wish I were a porno star,” and of course Terry Gross giggles like a little girl, being the Jewish cultural nihilist she in fact is. I mean she has the filthiest people on her show and acts as if they are so fucking cool. Well they aren’t. They are simply filthy nihilists who mock everything. But that’s what queers do. They make everything filthy. You know the Jews and gays have ganged up in Hollywood to transform America into a Sodom and Gomorrah, and that’s why Americans consider them to be at war with American culture. They are the enemy. If you don’t believe me then just watch some of the Jew comedies and gay sex films that come out of unHolywood.
And by the way, it was the Jew Joe Lieberman who introduced the repeal of the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy. Lieberman is just like all the other Jews in the country who are committed to thinking up ways of destroying America. Of course, Lieberman is a neo-conservative Zionist who cares only about Israel and nothing about America. America has only one use and that is to serve Israel. And like his Marxist Jew buddies (and unAmerican traitors such John McCain who wrote up the ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY BILL with that other traitor Ted I’m-glad-you’re-dead Kennedy) he wants to turn America into a multicultural, international refugee camp nation in which Americans will be just another minority because then those sneaky Jews can really take over.
Just look at the Supreme Court—three Jews, one of whom, Stephen Breyer, nominated by Bill Clinton, would like to see the government decide whether Americans can own guns. In other words, Americans are to be defanged so that a Marxist-Zionist Big Brother Government can be established. And he has allies on the court. And you know that fucking Bill Clinton was getting his horn blown by the Jew Monica Lewdinsky. I mean the Jews will do anything for power and control and Americans, like Clinton and Bush, will help them get it if the price is right.
And you wonder why Hitler hated the Jews. He didn’t just hate them. The little man feared them, and rightly so. The thing is people hate what they fear. A truth America's see no evil-hear no evil pollyanna multiculturalists refuse to accept, like Republicans' denial of global warming. In both cases people will keep on ignoring the truth until the truth hits them in head like hatchet. You skinheads out there don’t get the wrong idea. I fucking hate Hitler. He destroyed Europe, including Europe’s backbone, resulting from a Holocaust guilt trip. The Jews forget that it was gentiles who saved their undeserving asses. And what have the Jews done for humanity except infect it with three forms of mental illness: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? Well it also has wreaked havoc upon the world since the founding of the illegal state of Israel.
Isn’t it weird how all of the chaos the world is dealing with today (including the 9-11 attacks and their aftermath) can be tied to the Jews? The War on Terror is all about the Judaism and its two demented children Islam and Christianity. And what is the Holy Land? Fantasy Land, a place of make-believe like Disneyland. And then figure in Marxism—the brainchild of a Jew and Hitler going nuts because of the Jews and Jewish Marxism had infected his country. So he goes to war and does the Holocaust thing, but then loses the war so half the Jews flee to the unHoly Land and steal Palestine from its rightful owners, the Palestinians, radicalizing a billion Muslims. The other half flees to America where they are now in the process of overthrowing it. Why is America being flooded not only by Hispanics but millions of Muslims? America’s obsession with Israel and the Hebrew role playing fantasy called Christianity. (Muslims play a different but very similar since all three fantasies are war games.)
And most recently you have that Iranian nutcase Mahmoud Ahmadinejad apparently trying to sucker punch America into attacking Iran resulting in another war, perhaps World War III, if Lieberman and McCain get their way. Consider all the centuries of chaos linked to the Jews and their egotistical fantasy (GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE, just in case you forgot). But consider most of all the chaos of the past hundred years. How much better off the world would be if the Hebrews had disappeared in the desert 3000 years ago, and the Bible had never been written and Jesus would never have been born. Then perhaps we would all be peaceful living Buddhists.
Homo Sex
Some sick facts from:
“Men having sex with other men leads to greater health risks than men having sex with women not only because of promiscuity but also because of the nature of sex among men.”
"Male homosexual behaviour is not simply either 'active' or 'passive,' since penile-anal, mouth-penile, and hand-anal sexual contact is usual for both partners, and mouth-anal contact is not infrequent. . . . Mouth-anal contact is the reason for the relatively high incidence of diseases caused by bowel pathogens in male homosexuals.”
What kind of sex do queers have? Take a look if you've got the stomach:
a. Anal-genital
“The end result is that the fragility of the anus and rectum, along with the immunosuppressive effect of ejaculate, make anal-genital intercourse a most efficient manner of transmitting HIV and other infections.”
The list of diseases found with extraordinary frequency among male homosexual practitioners as a result of anal intercourse is alarming:
Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C
b. Oral-anal
I know. It’s hard to believe.
"Rimming" is the street name given to oralanal contact. It is because of this practice that intestinal parasites ordinarily found in the tropics are encountered in the bodies of American gay men. Combined with anal intercourse and other homosexual practices, "rimming" provides a rich opportunity for a variety of infections.”
“Men who have sex with men account for the lion's share of the increasing number of cases in America of sexually transmitted infections that are not generally spread through sexual contact.”
c. Human Waste
I know, you thought it couldn't get any worse. But it does:
“Some gay men sexualize human waste, including the medically dangerous practice of coprophilia, which means sexual contact with highly infectious fecal wastes.”
d. Fisting
"Fisting" refers to the insertion of a hand or forearm into the rectum, and is far more damaging than anal intercourse.”
And the morally indifferent pinkocrats are trying to get us to believe these sadomasochistic libidious, hyper-sexual, lascivious, lecherous perverts are normal! I don’t think so. They are fucking abNORMAL. The sex life of gays makes Resident Evil look like family movie.
“‘The whole thing is a political train wreck,’ said Richard Socarides, a White House adviser on gay rights during the Clinton administration.”
I don’t so, Socarides. There are good reasons not wanting to associate with gays—especially in bathrooms and showers. Socarides is gay himself. I don’t even want to know about his sex life.
Think about. Would any normal guy want to go to a gay doctor for a rectal exam or have him handle his testicles. I fucking wouldn't. What he shoves up my ass might not be his finger! (A little humor is need midst all this perversion;-)
Of course the SDU-T article says that the tattooed video slut Lady Gaga, our boys overseas masturbation queen, recommends the DADT policy be repelled so that our GI can know what it’s like to take a shower in a San Francisco bathhouse. Man, if America is taking advice from modern-day Delilahs, America will end of like Samson—culturally, morally, and spiritually blind. Which already seems to be the case. Not even from the Republicans did you hear any condemnation of the homosexual lifestyle. God knows what might be waiting in their own closets. Besides, queer votes, like those of the illegals the Dream Act will give citizenship to, is still votes. Thirty pieces of silver is still thirty pieces of silver. Here's America’s most popular culture queen:
Trade in that old Bible for a Gaga video or the book SEX by that other American slut queen Madonna. And you wonder why the Taliban would rather die than to see their daughters and sisters grow up to become a Gaga, Madonna, Hilton or Lohan slut queen.
Have you ever considered why gays join the military? The lesbos get to hang out and take showers with what is to them the opposite sex. The gays get to do the same. I mean to a gay guy being in the shower with a bunch of G.I.s and goggling their penises, that’s fucking Heaven. But to a heterosexual male knowing the queer G.I. with a hard-on is looking at his penis like it was a cigar or his ass like it was a vagina, that is asking too much of a soldier. It might even throw him into a rage.
Let’s take a look at the conclusion of the article about the health risks of queerdom. There are also cultural risks:
“The societal implications of the unrestrained sexual activity described above are devastating. The ideal of sexual activity being limited to marriage, always defined as male-female, has been a fence erected in all civilizations around the globe. Throughout history, many people have climbed over the fence, engaging in premarital, extramarital and homosexual sex. Still, the fence stands; the limits are visible to all. Climbing over the fence, metaphorically, has always been recognized as a breach of those limits, even by the breachers themselves. No civilization can retain its vitality for multiple generations after removing the fence.”This guy is right on. Do you want your society to stand for something decent or do you want it to become a porn circus—because that’s what America is very quickly becoming. We don’t have any fucking right to be in Iraq or Afghanistan telling those people that they should become like us. We are fucking sick—and one of our cancers is queernoma.
We are told that “Syphilis cases in San Francisco spiked upward last year [2008], ending a three-year decline in rates of the sexually transmitted disease.”
The queer culture is a disease culture. Sorry, that’s just the way it is. And don’t get me wrong. I’m not one of the right-wingers who don’t want gays to marry. I don’t give a shit if they want to play house. The right-wingers are some of the most corrupted, immoral, self-serving people on the planet. Born again and stupid George Bush the warmonger and Casino Jack the Judas Abramoff are excellent examples of the moral vacuity of American conservatives. On the left of course you have Bill Suck My Dick in the White House Clinton. My point is let the fucking queers do their nasties to one another in the privacy of their versions of Sodom and Gomorrah (like Hollywood and San Francisco), but keep them out of my fucking shower.
Don’t you get it? Working with a queer in an office is one thing. Having to share a bathroom and shower with it is another. If you’re going to allow homos in military showers with heterosexual men then you might as well let all male soldiers shower with the female soldiers. It’s the same fucking thing.
And don’t give me this shit about homosexuality being natural just because queers are born queers (and not all the guys living the homo lifestyle were born queer, just horny). Check this out:
Two-headed dog. Yeah it came into the world that way but that doesn’t make it normal. And Cookie’s abnormality is her two heads. Okay, I lied. Cookie is not a real dog. The photo is fake. But I figured if the U.S. Government can go to war based on fake photos then why can’t I use a fake photo to make my point? The thing is there are all kinds of physical abnormalities that come into the world “naturally.” Here’s a real (I think) two-headed dog:
There is also the famous case of the two-headed girl, which out of respect I did not include in this rant. Sure we should respect her, but you see she is only physically deformed, not ethically, spiritually, or psychologically deformed, though I’m sure her (their) life has been emotionally difficult. However, just because she (they) was born with two-heads doesn’t make the situation normal. On the other hand, homosexuals are ethically, spiritual, and psychologically deformed. Actually I am referring mainly to the behavior of male homosexuals because I can see why women might seek to remain out of harm’s way by retreating to the safety of their own gender. Women don’t rape, batter and kill. That’s a guy thing—and women are very often the victims.
There is also another big difference. Nobody (well there is always somebody)—most people would not want to be two-headed if they were given the opportunity. But that’s not the case with homosexual perversion. It does have a sexually, hedonistic perverse appeal to some decadent heterosexuals. Let’s face it, some men even want to be serial killers or sodomites. I’m not sure which is worse. So now you see the perversion showing up in American culture. The message is clear: Why live a boring normal life with you can become a pervert?
Like now many movies show guys and girls kissing—as if that’s normal. You know like Sean Penn in Milk. Or Magnum P.I. Tom Selleck kissing Kevin Kline in the movie In and Out. Or Mr. Baseball Dennis Quaid kissing some guy in Far from Heaven. And how about the granddaddy of all homo filmsBrokeback Mountain? And the guy who was getting his ass shafted (or maybe he was doing the shafting), Jaked Gyllenhaal is now playing in a popular Disney film: Prince of Persia. In Brokeback the Prince plays princess to Heath Ledger, or was it the other way around. Talk about causing the kiddies a lot of moral confusion.
But I’m not confused The queer life isn't normal. Take a look and ask yourself is this what you want your sons and daughters to see at the movies:
As any Freudian will explain sexual desire will make people do awful things. Things like child pornography, child molestation, rape, kidnapping girls for the sex trade, priest fondling the children they are supposed to serve, and on and on. Sexual desire can become like a drug addiction that leads one’s life into all sorts of immoral activity. All you have to do to see that is look at the sexual vomit on the Internet or that comes out of Hollywood.
For homosexuals to plead innocent is just plain bullshit. It is not a lifestyle in which sex plays a part; it is a lifestyle in which sex is the entire show. So why are guys attracted to guys? Because unlike most women, guys are horny 24-7. And most women think about having children and committing themselves to something more than just getting fucked. The homosexual life is not only a sick life but a selfish life and one that takes joy in tearing down the values of those who believe family, children, and moral decency are more important than getting a fist shoved up your ass.
And if the fucking Democrats think they can legislate our acceptance of perversion, hoping that someday we will embrace the queer as one of us they are dangerously wrong. In that regard they can learn something from the Muslims. Fuck with their culture and they will destroy you. And they are right because if you don't have your culture you've got nothing. And that means you got nothing to lose!
There is more to this politically perverse story: The Dream Act attachment. But that will have to wait. Writing about the perversity the government tries to foist upon the American people is like swallowing your own vomit. You have to take a break.