Being God's chosen people the Jews believe everything should be about them, and that is especially true on Oscar night. They have to steal the show. Why not? That's what Jews have a long history of doing, beginning with the theft of the homelands of the Canaanites and in this century the homeland of the Palestinians. And now they are in the process of stealing America from Americans. They've stolen Hollywood, Wall Street, the Supreme Court, the United States Government, even Disney (the Jews hate Walt because he hated them and they finally got payback!) and just about any other important American institution—except for the NRA. They prefer money, power, and the limelight, and they don't have to worry because the gentiles in uniform will protect them.
Visiting Hollywood is like visiting Jerusalem, and the Jews have turned it into a Babylon, cinema's sin city. And the Academy Awards ceremony is pretty much a Jew-fest. It's like watching an Oscar Bar Mitzvah. However, if you take a closer look at what's really going on, you’ll see that the Oscar ceremony is not only a celebration Hebrew cinema but also a celebration of pornography and other forms of decadence. Remember last year?
Jews Weasel into the Limelight
The Jews made sure that any Hollywood moment is about them. It’s part of the Jew’s PROPAGANDA OF IMPORTANCE. It is certainly an EGO THING. I mean only a Jew claimed to be God. And of course the Jews want everyone to know that they own Hollywood, which they do. That’s why it has become for the most part an anti-American cesspool.
Porn Central
First of all the 2010 program opened with the Jewish gay slut, gay porno star Brett Chukerman. Check it out for yourself:
You straight parents might want to have this picture blown up:
You know to inspire your sons to a different, twisted way of life. (And what's going on in the White House? I guess a steam bath will have to be installed for the Pres and his yummy new secretary.)
Brett’s companion was Playboy Bunny and Hispanic Lisa Guerrero. Check this little slut out:
Attention Soft Core:
Hard porn (beware):
Barbara Streisand
So what happened to Hollywood? The Jews turned it into a carnal sewer. And what happened to America? It’s gone drowned in the alien shit.
What originally inspired this rant was a photograph of BARBARA STREISAND putting her Zionist claw on KATHRYN BIGELOW during the Best Director presentation. Made me sick. If you don’t think Hollywood Jews don’t plan this sort of thing, you are just plain stupid. Of course they want to have one of their own present during the biggest moment of the awards. But what was disgraceful was that the war the movie The Hurt Locker is about was caused by the Jewish, Zionist neocons running the government during the Bush Administration and who are now running the present administration.
“Congressman James P. Moran Jr. of Virginia said that "American Jews are responsible for pushing the country to war with Iraq" and that powerful and influential Zionist leaders are manipulating Bush.”
Check out the role of the Zionist Jews in the Neoconservative moment in this country:
Go to Wikipedia for more information about neoconservativism. Of course, there are some Americans involved like Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. Let’s face it, the Jews and other aliens could have taken over the U.S. Government without the help of American traitors.
So at the very moment a gentile woman becames the center of motion picture acclaim, the Hollywood Jews send in super-Jew Barbara Streisand with her Fu Manchu fingernails to steal some of Kathryn Bigelow’s thunder. The Jews are like rats and cockroaches. Their malignant presence is everywhere.
Barbara Streisand’s was intended to send a number of messages. Certainly one of them was the reminder that HOLLYWOOD LIKE AMERICA BELONGS TO THE JEWS. And it does. Even the movies not made directly by Jews are financed by them. Money is how Jews gain influence in every aspect of American society. They understand that money equals influence. Of course, they like to put on that WE LOVE AMERICA image, when the truth is they use and dupe America. The Uncle Sam of the Jews is Bernie Madoff and Jack Abramoff—the Jew who swindled the American Indians (he considered them Canaanites):
“The Jack Abramoff Indian lobbying scandal is a United States political scandal relating to the work performed by political lobbyists Jack Abramoff, Ralph E. Reed, Jr., Grover Norquist and Michael Scanlon on Indian casino gambling interests for an estimated $85 million in fees. Abramoff and Scanlon grossly overbilled their clients, secretly splitting the multimillion-dollar profits. In one case, they secretly orchestrated lobbying against their own clients in order to force them to pay for lobbying services.” (Wikipedia)
God the Indians must hate the white man an awful lot or are just plain stupid to trust their affairs to Jews. But, you know how it is. When it comes to money the Jews are the man, just ask the man who guided the American economy to disaster Alan Greenspan.
You know I think a different kind of movie about the Jews should be made, called Swindler’s List, How the Jews Sold Out America. Here is just part of the cast:
What was the price? America—sold out to the highest bidders but he greediest sellers.
The Zionist Wars
The truth about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is they have nothing to do with protecting the American people and everything to do with destroying Israel’s enemies (and using Iraq and Afghanistan as testing areas for new ordinance, weapon systems, and military tactics), America soldiers are cannon fodder for the Zionists. And the United States Military has nothing to with protecting the American people. It has become War, Inc., like the militaries in South America that serve themselves and well-heeled businessmen or crooks.
Was the 2010 Oscar Night intended to send a message to Muslims? You bet. The Jews are still in control. It’s just that Americans are the ones dying in the Zionists’ Iraqi and Afghan operations, as seen in the movie Hurt Locker, not the Jews. The Jews are making a killing at the bank and in Hollywood.
Jews and the American Economic Meltdown
More on the Wall Street super Judas who led the way to destroying the American economy while making his fellow Jews and a number of American gentile traitors wealthy, yes I’m talking about ALAN PORTRAIT OF DORIAN GRAY GREENSPAN. If you don’t get the allusion then you shouldn’t have dropped out of high school. Take a look:
So that’s what God made in his image! Then God is a really ugly dude and I don’t want to go to heaven and have to look at him for an eternity.
Anyway, I heard on NPR that Greenspan announced in a paper (basically a whitewash paper) that he didn’t do anything to bring about the collapse of the U.S. economy even though that is a FUCKING LIE. Even the folks on leftist NPR said that much. Actually I trust the business part of the program, Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal. Those people seem willing to point out the bad guys—be they Republican, Democrat, or Jewish or Republicans, Democrat or Jewish. All fucking crooks.
Of course, they didn’t call Greenspan a greedy, dirty fucking lying Jew. That’s what blogs are for. Greenspan ran the Fed. for nearly 19 fucking years. And he was in favor of the Republican policy LET GREED RUN FREE, because it is Jewish policy, you know the money-changers getting rich of people who work for a living. GOD I HATE REPUBLICANS. LYING MOTHERFUCKERS—AND I’M TALKING ABOUT THE GENTILES, NOT THE JEWS. THE ONE WHO BETRAYED THE COUNTRY WHILE ALL DRESSED UP IN RED, WHITE AND BLUE.
You have to give the Democrats credit for not pretending to be Americans. They wear a hammer and sickle pin instead of the little American flag pin. What a fucking joke that lapel pin is.
Joseph Eugene Stiglitz says, “that Alan Greenspan ‘is right that this downturn is going to be the worst downturn in a quarter century, but he's largely to blame,’ adding ‘It's not just that he was asleep at the wheel, he actively looked the other way.’”
Why is it that anytime you’re talking about money you find Jews all over the place? Jesus was right, the Jewish religion really is MAMMON (worshiping the Golden Calf) and YAHWEH is just a cover goyish schmucks.
The Jews Minority Majority Agenda for America
That’s right. The Jews seek to turn America over to their alien allies and then they will be top dog on the American alien dung heap. Barbra herself said, “‘The Democrats have always been the party of working people and minorities. I've always identified with the minorities.’” Streisand has personally raised $15 million for [anti-American] organizations through her live performances.” (Wikipedia) Here, take a look at her beautiful minorities:
Personally, I consider her an enemy of the American people (yeah, yeah, the gentiles).
Recap of who the Jews really are:
An ethnic messianic complex: The Jews believe they are the chosen people to conquer the world, but they can only do it through surrogates. The first stage was to brainwash the world with their religion proclaiming them as God’s chosen people. This ensured that they would always be a player, though a hated one.
Second they learned in Egypt and Babylon how to infiltrate the highest levels of society and use money as a means of control and influence. In a sense, the Crusades themselves were a Jewish operation carried out by European surrogates. It failed (as the American Crusades are failing today), but then America came to power and the Holocaust occurred, and as in the crucifixion of Jesus it gave them unearned and undeserved status. Their moment had come. They had infiltrated the power centers of America which would become their divinely inspired protector.
The next step was to create a political agenda that would give them supreme power—and that agenda would be the NEOCONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT.
However, not all American gentiles had been deceived by the Jews program, so white America had to be marginalized. This task was left to the Jewish Marxists operating in America. Since America is a democracy and the Jews are not a populous (or popular) minority, they needed allies that could continue to increase their power and influence. They had already three powerful surrogates:
(1) The Catholic leftists represented by the like of Edward Kennedy (I'm so glad he's dead).
(2 The right-wing conservative evangelicals, represented by the likes of George Bush (who's already brain dead).
(3) The various anti-American Marxist-leftists such as the gays and lesbians, blacks and other various groups associated with the Democrat party.
What was needed to shift power completely away from Anglo-Saxon America was a massive influx of non-European aliens, especially those, like the Jews, who despised Americans of European ancestry. Thus the Jews became the biggest supporters of a MULTICULTURAL AMERICA. Its banner slogans are DIVERSITY IS GOOD, and those against the diversification of America are evil racists. (Kind of like the Indian savages who didn't want their homelands diversified by Europeans.)
The three Jewish centers of operation for the NEW ZIONIST-MARXIST ALIENIZED AMERICA are the following: (1) Wall Street—the financial center for Zion America. And New York City is the prototype of what the Jews want for America—a minority-majority population over which the Jews are the controlling minority. DIVIDE AND CONQUER! The city is saturated with Zionist and Marxist Jews. Keep in mind the Jews were the one who radically introduced Marxism into America. And they never abandoned their Zionist-Marxist roots.
(2) Washington D.C. The Jewish control of the U.S. Government goes back decades. For example check out Bill Clinton’s lover affair with the Jews (in addition to Monica Jewinsky, Lewdwinsky, however you spell her name):
It could be argued that they took complete control with their born-again puppet George W. Bush and his Neoconservative administration. And today the Zionist-Marxist dream has come true with the Zionist-Marxist-Alien dominated administration of Kenyon Barack Hussein Obama. His original right-hand man was not the Anglo idiot boy Biden, who is almost invisible, but Rahm Israel Emanuel (who now seeks to make Chicago his own little kibbutz):
“Emanuel was born in Chicago, Illinois to Jewish parents. His father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, a Jerusalem-born pediatrician, was a member of the Irgun [Zionist terrorist group]. His mother, Marsha Smulevitz, was the daughter of a Chicago union organizer. She worked in the civil rights movement.” (Wikipedia)
The Hollywood cultural cesspool is reaching throughout America—poisoning it with it Jewish inspired decadence.
Am I a racist? You can call me that if you like. I don’t mind because it is true, like the American Indians, I prefer to live among my own people, and I preferred Hollywood before the Jews turned it into a toilet. Even the Hispanics, blacks, Jews and Asians who move into Anglo neighborhoods do so not because they like Anglos; they just what to take what the Anglos have created and built—a functional society. The Hispanics, Africans, Jews, and Asians who have been invading America for the past century have come as thieves—to steal America from Americans.
But also I think of myself as a CULTURALIST. I don’t like black and Hispanic cultures. To me they are diseased and destructive. I don’t like Jews because I consider them decadent and enemies of America—leftist multiculturalists who seek to overthrow Americans as the dominant social-political-economic power in the United States. With the help of traitorous American power-brokers, such as George Bush, they have succeeded beyond even their wildest dreams. Their method is to cripple Americans, to weaken them politically, economically, legally, and socially. Americans are becoming marginalized by these very powerful alien forces.
Look at what has happened to Hollywood, which, like I said above, is today no more American than Tel Aviv, described by as “a city in W central Israel: one of the centers of Jewish immigration following World War II. 334,900.” Did you get that? A city invaded by Jews after WWII. Wikipedia tells us, “In the 1860s Jaffa's small Sephardic community was joined by Jews from Morocco and small numbers of European Ashkenazi Jews, making by 1882 a total Jewish population of more than 1,500.”
That’s right. A hundred years ago the Jewish presence was minimal. And the name of the city was JAFFA; there was no TEL AVIV! And Wikipedia explains that “The new [Jewish] arrivals were motivated more by ZIONISM than religion and came to farm the land and engage in productive labor.” These Jews were grubby LANDGRABBING ZIONISTS. And GRABBING AFTER MONEY AND POWER IS WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IN AMERICA.
Of course the stupid filthy British colonialists controlled Palestine at the time and allowed the Zionist conquest of Palestine. When the Arabs revolted against the ZIONIST INVASION the British sent warships and soldierS to protect the ZIONIST INVADERS. “Military reinforcements were brought in from Malta and Egypt”—that right the filthy British were in Egypt as well. (But now the British are getting a little Islamic payback at home. Ha, ha, ha!)
And that does sound a lot like America, where U.S. Stormtroopers will crush any American action against the millions of illegal aliens that have invaded and are destroying America. Now you know why Americans are flying planes into government buildings, traveling across the country to attack U.S. ferderalies, and shooting up the place in alien-overrun Arizona. Because most Americans (even those that haven't gone nuts)now know that their government no longer serves them but serves the millions who have been invading the country and who really hate Americans’ guts. Like I said, look who is president, Barack Dream-Act Obama.
Today, “Metropolitan Tel Aviv, with 2.5 million Jews, is the world's largest Jewish city.”
So the Jews built Tel Aviv which swallowed Jaffa like the whale swallowed Jonah and transformed the ancient pastoral region and its ancient city into a Zionist, urban hell hole for anyone but Jews. The name Tel Aviv means SPRING MOUND but only to the Jews. To everyone else it means ZIONIST DUNG HILL. And for it did to the Palestinians GREAT BRITAIN DESERVES TO BE DESTROYED BY THE MUSLIMS NOW INVADING IT! I'm repeating myself, but it's worth saying again. FUCK THE BRITISH! Oh, you don't have to. They are fucking themselves--financially and demographically, just as America has.
Do the those stupid fish and chips eating fucks really believe that the Muslims will forgive them for that crime against the Palestinian people which has threatened the stability of the world and embroiled the U.S. in Middle East quagmire caused by Britain and Zionist Jews. No way. NEVER! And I don’t say this as a fan of the Muslims. I don’t want to live around them either, just as the Palestinians don’t want to live near the Jews.
Yeah, I don’t like Jews for the same reason the Palestinians don’t. (And now the Islamic Jew-American haters are liberating themselves). The Jews destroyed the Palestinians' homeland (like the U.S. destroyed Iraq and is destroying Afghanistan)and now the Jews are destroying my homeland in a half dozen ways—but especially politically, demographically, and culturally. Just as the Jews have transformed Hollywood in to a filthy toilet, they are transforming America into a filthy cultural and demographic toilet.
Get Him to the Greek
Speaking of filthy, let's look at one piece of Jewish filth to come out of Hollywood, Get Him to the Greek—Rated R for strong sexual content and drug use throughout, and pervasive language. Take a peek:
More recently:
Sex and Other Drugs
No Strings Attached
The Kids are Alright
You ever get the feeling America being flush down a Jewish cultural toilet? Back to the 2010 Oscars.
Ben Stiller Mocking a Real Film Maker
Jews are all about mocking gentiles. In this case Ben Stiller is paraded out in Avatar mocking makeup:
Everything apart from Israel is a big fucking joke to the Jews. Avatar is not only an entertaining film, and technically innovative, it also has some serious themes, such an advanced technological military machine invading and destroying a people’s homeland because the invaders want it.
Gee, sounds like the Jews and the Palestinians, or America invading Iraq and Afghanistan. Yeah, a movie like that needs to be joked about so it isn’t taken too seriously. And who is the maker of the film being mocked: James Francis Cameron, writer and director of two cinematic masterpieces The Terminator and Aliens.
What is Stiller’s new film? Another Jewish angst movie—Greenberg, describe by one critic in this way: “It is always difficult to care for a film with a central character who is whiney, self-centered, and pathetic. This movie and Greenberg the character are no exception.”
But whiney, self-centered, and pathetic is what Jews are when not mocking, such as when Larry David pisses on Jesus (which I consider a capital offense) or arrogant Bernie Madoff pissing on Americans. And what about the Cohen brothers’ A Serious Man? No one but Jews take Jewish malaise. The movie is supposed to be based on the Book of Job. Job is another whiny Jew, but the writer had enough sense to suspect that the God idea is just nonsensical bullshit. In other words, if there is a God why life so shitty for most people. And by the way, why was God paying attention to a bunch of ugly desert rats, the Jews (unless they were a lot better looking then the braided, black bearded, black-hat wearing gnomes of today) and ignored the peoples of REAL CIVILIZATIONS such as the Egyptians and the Phoenicians?).
This year the Cohen brothers stole an American story of the old west and put a Jew in to play the led. Culture thieves.
But the Book of Job is also another good example of the Hebrew mind poison. You will notice that the Jewish God takes all the credit for nature being what it is. Like the Jews themselves, the greedy Fucker has to be the center of attention. So during the first part of the story you have to listen to the whiny Jew bitch about his life (maybe he has a mirror in the house so gets depressed each day when he looks into it--you know if he looks anything like Greenspan).
Then in the second part of the story you have to listen to the Jewish God brag about all that he knows and has done. Nature doesn’t get any credit. The Hebrew religion is one BIG FUCKING REASON Hebrew religious brotherhood of Jews, Christians, and Moslems doesn’t give a shit about nature. So for about 5,000 years the Jews have been pouring mind-poison into the ears of humanity. But what would you know about this, being a STUPID FUCKING GOY!
And Sunday you're going to get a lot more Jewish promotional propaganda at the 2011 Oscars.
I tell you, the fucking Jews are a sickness, and the infection begins in their twisted religion, which has spread throughout the world like a mental plague, producing religious war, genocides, pedophile priests, Kansas nut cases (like that fucking self-righteous Fred Phelps), Islamic holy wars (that’s right, the Hebrew gave birth to Islam). The Bible is a fucking horror story and it has been the cause of a lot of horrific history. Now I don’t believe in God, certainly not a fucking Jewish god that looks like Greenspan, but if he did exist I’m sure the Holocaust would have been his punishment to the Jew for creating him in their image: that of a twisted, diabolical cosmic tyrant.
America at High Noon
Essential reading:
The Transparent Cabal by Stephen Sniegoski
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by John J. Mearsheimer
The Palestinian Catastrophe: The 1948 Expulsion of a People by Michael Palumbo
The Bible Unearthed by Israel Finkelstein (The Bible is Jewish propaganda!)
Time to flush... swoosh into the Internet sewer.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Time’s “Why Obama Loves America”
Time‘s big fucking joke on America. The cover shows Reagan and Obama having a big laugh, probably in response to a joke about how stupid Americans are. It's a propaganda piece telling Americans that everyone should be happy.
Bullshit. America is fucked because of presidents like Reagan and Obama. They do have a lot in common. Both are warmongering presidents that have acted as CEOs for the Military-Industrial complex.
Reagan was a militaristic sick fuck. Of course, he never was in the military. More important, instead of being a leader for world peace he led America and the world back to the Neanderthal age.
Obama is no fucking better (though it won the Noble Peace Prize, go figure). He just as much a warmonger as Reagan, worse perhaps since he is following in George Bush’s crimes-against-humanity footsteps. He’s still got two wars going and loves the killing taking place in Afghanistan, especially those killer drones.
When a nut-case America kills 6 and wounds a congress woman it’s a NATIONAL TRAGEDY that brings out the president for a big memorial broadcast internationally. When America kills 35 people it’s good business. American workers build the missiles and the drones. And the civilian killed, well they’re just collateral damage. Of course we kill a few of the bad guys—the freedom fighters fighting the Covenant coalition troops who invaded their homeland 10 years ago and have been an occupation force ever since.
By the way, Obama has shown that he can be as much a criminal against humanity as Bush:
“The drone program had a busy year in 2009; under the Obama administration, there were 51 reported strikes in Pakistan’s tribal areas, compared with 45 during the entire administration of George W. Bush.”
We all know about Reagan’s signing the first traitorous 1986 illegal-alien amnesty bill, which gave 3 million illegal immigrants amnesty, but you don’t want forget about the millions of anchor babies that have been replicating ever since. Of course the bill was supposed to outlaw hiring illegals but their was no way the cheap-labor Republicans and Marxist Democrats were going to enforce that. Even the U.S. military recruits and hire illegals. Each year there’s that bill celebration of all the aliens in the military receiving U.S. citizenship.
Reagan said in front of the Statue of Liberty,
"The legalization provisions in this act will go far to improve the lives of a class of individuals who now must hide in the shadows, without access to many of the benefits of a free and open society. Very soon many of these men and women will be able to step into the sunlight and, ultimately, if they choose, they may become Americans.”
They’ll never be Americans. Only aliens living in America. But you can see why members of the Hispanic Nation, which is on the verge of taking over America, would love Reagan. A recent Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune explained that there is a bid to rename the San Diego-Coronado Bridge after Reagan. Guess by whom? Vince Vasquez, economist with San Diego's National University System Institute for Policy Research. Surprise, surprise!
Like Bush, Reagan’s loyalty to the Hispanic Nation was greater than his loyalty to America. Like Obama he was a phony, a political actor. Remember when he fired all those American air-traffic controllers. Well he could have sent all those fucking illegal aliens back home. But what did Reagan care? He lived on a big fucking ranch faraway from the graffiti and the Hispanics criminals terrifying once-American communities.
Supposedly there will be a big celebration during the Reagan Centennial Celebration. I’ll skip that farce. Why? Here’s why:
At that number Hispanics will control the political process because they don’t have to be the majority to do that. White Americans are still in the majority but they are always split down the middle—half Republican, half Democrat. Whoever wins must have the Hispanics on board. That was proven during the last election. Both presidential candidates were pro-illegal aliens. And look at the present president: a Kenyon. In other words, Americans have lost control of not only their government but the future of their nation.
We all know Obama can’t wait to sign the Dream Act, which would provide permanent residency to illegal and deportable alien students who graduate from US high schools—schooling and other social services paid for by the American taxpayer. Already thousands of children of illegal aliens and children who are in the country illegally are getting an education on the taxpayer’s dime. Illegal alien student in California pay instate tuition, where as American students from other states would have to pay out of state tuition.
In addition Obama is looking forward to passing an amnesty bill, basically a surrender to the Hispanic Nation. He wants to be remember as the president who served aliens, which he himself is one. He cares nothing for Americans. It’s a soft revolution that is occurring, and by the end of the century America will be no more. And Americans will be aliens in their own land.
So in regard to serving on the side of illegal aliens there is no difference between Reagan and Obama. Reagan helped continue the alien takeover of America and Obama will most likely finish the job.
Well Reagan was an actor and Obama has the silver tongue of a preacher. Both have the gift of gab to make Americans feel confident that everything is going to be just fine. Well, for millions of Americans everything stinks. Just consider far America has come since Reagan, downward that is. The Chinese communists are better at capitalism than we are. Except for food items, it’s hard as hell to find something that made in America. I drive an American brand-named car but...
That’s pretty sad.
And what about all that debt?
“WASHINGTON, Feb. 5 (UPI) -- The United States' $1.5 trillion budget deficit is leading the country to possible default on its loans, Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, said Saturday.
The Treasury Department has warned national debt will hit the $14.3 trillion mark this spring, which puts the United States at risk of defaulting on loans, The Hill newspaper said.”
Man o man, that’s a lot of red ink.
There are other commonalities shared by Reagan and Obama. Both love of the limelight and hobnobbing with the wealthy. Both have their boogiemen, communism for Reagan, terrorist for Obama. Both are willing to support dictators, unless the people bring down the government. Both love missile shields. Both like to pretend they're good ol' boys. Both are shown throwing the football. Americans are a real soft touch for Joe the plumber types, even if Joe's just acting. George Bush took the good ol' boy routine all the way to the White House. The country is in worse shape after Reagan, and it will be in even worse shape after Obama. Both make me sick.
I’m going to let Alfred W. McCoy have the last scary word about the Reagan-Obama America. I’ve selected a few items from his article “The Decline and Fall of the American Empire. I rate it PG. I.e., don’t read it to the kids, they’ll be living the bad new soon enough.
Well that’s progress. And we all thought maybe humanity—led by America—might change its destructive ways in the 21st century. No luck. America will tank economically, culturally, and socially, and there’s a good chance that it will contribute to the world ending with a bang rather than a whimper.
So what in the fuck are Reagan and Obama smiling about on the front of Time magazine?
Carpe diem!
Time to flush it.
Bullshit. America is fucked because of presidents like Reagan and Obama. They do have a lot in common. Both are warmongering presidents that have acted as CEOs for the Military-Industrial complex.
“With virtually all of American business clamoring for an increase in military spending, the [Reagan] Administration responded by initiating the biggest sustained peacetime buildup in U.S. history. Over [Fiscal Year] 1980-85, real military spending would increase 39 percent, while national defense budget authority would increase 5 3 percent. As a share of GNP, military outlays rose from 5.2 to 6.6 percent; as a share of the federal budget, they climbed from 23 to 27 percent. Significantly, the Reagan military budget was increasingly weapons- driven...”
A striking example of this was defense spending on strategic weapons. Contrary to Reagan's repeated claim that the United States had "unilaterally disarmed" during the 1970s, there had in fact been a substantial modernization and expansion of U.S. strategic forces during that period. In 1970, the United States had 4,000 strategic warheads. By the time Carter left office, it had 9,000 and the newer forces were substantially more accurate than the ones they replaced. Reagan inherited a strategic force capable of delivering, with a nearly 8o percent kill probability, more than 3,660 nuclear warheads against a wide range of "aiming points" in the Soviet Union, even after a massive Soviet first strike.
Over its first term, the [Reagan] Administration's nuclear buildup rose at nearly three times the rate of the overall defense program. Over fiscal 1980-85, budget authority for strategic weapons grew from $9.4 to $35.3 billion, an increase of 276 percent.
Overall, by FY 1985 the various Reagan budget cuts in social programs reduced social spending by about 10 percent, below the levels projected under prior policy (roughly half of what the Administration. initially sought); aggregate cuts on the nonmilitary side of the budget totaled about $175 billion over 1982-85. Especially given the emphasis on cuts in low-income programs (which, while accounting for only 10 percent of the budget, sustained one-third of all spending cuts during Reagan’s first term), their impact was profoundly regressive. Approximately half the benefit reductions achieved during the Administration’s first three years fell on households with annual incomes of less than $10,000; approximately 70 percent fell on households making less than $20,000. Households with incomes in excess of $80,000 carried only 1 percent of the burden….
Reagan was a militaristic sick fuck. Of course, he never was in the military. More important, instead of being a leader for world peace he led America and the world back to the Neanderthal age.
Obama is no fucking better (though it won the Noble Peace Prize, go figure). He just as much a warmonger as Reagan, worse perhaps since he is following in George Bush’s crimes-against-humanity footsteps. He’s still got two wars going and loves the killing taking place in Afghanistan, especially those killer drones.
As many as 2,043 people, mostly civilians, were killed in US drone attacks in northwestern parts of Pakistan during the last five years, a research has revealed.
According to the report, 134 drone attacks were reported in Pakistan’s FATA region in 2010 alone, inflicting 929 causalities. December 17 was the deadliest day of 2010 when three drone attacks killed 54 people in Khyber Agency. Two separate [drone] missile strikes carried out on January 6 KILLED 35 PEOPLE in Sanzalai village of North Waziristan.
When a nut-case America kills 6 and wounds a congress woman it’s a NATIONAL TRAGEDY that brings out the president for a big memorial broadcast internationally. When America kills 35 people it’s good business. American workers build the missiles and the drones. And the civilian killed, well they’re just collateral damage. Of course we kill a few of the bad guys—the freedom fighters fighting the Covenant coalition troops who invaded their homeland 10 years ago and have been an occupation force ever since.
By the way, Obama has shown that he can be as much a criminal against humanity as Bush:
“The drone program had a busy year in 2009; under the Obama administration, there were 51 reported strikes in Pakistan’s tribal areas, compared with 45 during the entire administration of George W. Bush.”
We all know about Reagan’s signing the first traitorous 1986 illegal-alien amnesty bill, which gave 3 million illegal immigrants amnesty, but you don’t want forget about the millions of anchor babies that have been replicating ever since. Of course the bill was supposed to outlaw hiring illegals but their was no way the cheap-labor Republicans and Marxist Democrats were going to enforce that. Even the U.S. military recruits and hire illegals. Each year there’s that bill celebration of all the aliens in the military receiving U.S. citizenship.
Reagan said in front of the Statue of Liberty,
"The legalization provisions in this act will go far to improve the lives of a class of individuals who now must hide in the shadows, without access to many of the benefits of a free and open society. Very soon many of these men and women will be able to step into the sunlight and, ultimately, if they choose, they may become Americans.”
They’ll never be Americans. Only aliens living in America. But you can see why members of the Hispanic Nation, which is on the verge of taking over America, would love Reagan. A recent Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune explained that there is a bid to rename the San Diego-Coronado Bridge after Reagan. Guess by whom? Vince Vasquez, economist with San Diego's National University System Institute for Policy Research. Surprise, surprise!
Like Bush, Reagan’s loyalty to the Hispanic Nation was greater than his loyalty to America. Like Obama he was a phony, a political actor. Remember when he fired all those American air-traffic controllers. Well he could have sent all those fucking illegal aliens back home. But what did Reagan care? He lived on a big fucking ranch faraway from the graffiti and the Hispanics criminals terrifying once-American communities.
Supposedly there will be a big celebration during the Reagan Centennial Celebration. I’ll skip that farce. Why? Here’s why:
“There are indications that in a few more decades, in 2050 to be exact, it is predicted that the Hispanic population in America will actually triple in size and will then be around 133 million strong. This number will bump up the percentage of the Hispanic population to 30% of the total population of the US. This kind of a projection may be attributed to the fact that the number of Hispanics in the US twenty years ago was only at 22 million, which makes it a little less than half of what their population is today. With the current rate of growth that the minority is showing and with the Hispanic community in the US ranking second in the world, second only to Mexico, it is then but reasonable for this projection to be made.”
At that number Hispanics will control the political process because they don’t have to be the majority to do that. White Americans are still in the majority but they are always split down the middle—half Republican, half Democrat. Whoever wins must have the Hispanics on board. That was proven during the last election. Both presidential candidates were pro-illegal aliens. And look at the present president: a Kenyon. In other words, Americans have lost control of not only their government but the future of their nation.
We all know Obama can’t wait to sign the Dream Act, which would provide permanent residency to illegal and deportable alien students who graduate from US high schools—schooling and other social services paid for by the American taxpayer. Already thousands of children of illegal aliens and children who are in the country illegally are getting an education on the taxpayer’s dime. Illegal alien student in California pay instate tuition, where as American students from other states would have to pay out of state tuition.
In addition Obama is looking forward to passing an amnesty bill, basically a surrender to the Hispanic Nation. He wants to be remember as the president who served aliens, which he himself is one. He cares nothing for Americans. It’s a soft revolution that is occurring, and by the end of the century America will be no more. And Americans will be aliens in their own land.
So in regard to serving on the side of illegal aliens there is no difference between Reagan and Obama. Reagan helped continue the alien takeover of America and Obama will most likely finish the job.
Well Reagan was an actor and Obama has the silver tongue of a preacher. Both have the gift of gab to make Americans feel confident that everything is going to be just fine. Well, for millions of Americans everything stinks. Just consider far America has come since Reagan, downward that is. The Chinese communists are better at capitalism than we are. Except for food items, it’s hard as hell to find something that made in America. I drive an American brand-named car but...
“Chevrolet’s Aveo has the makings of comic gold. It’s the cheapest car sold in America. It’s from GM, ever the stooge to straight men Honda and Toyota. And get this: despite being the first vehicle to feature in Chevy’s ubiquitous “An American Revolution” campaign, the Aveo is built in… wait for it… Bupyong, South Korea. Ba-dum ching!
From where else would the Aveo hail? Daewoo is responsible for its design, manufacture, and export (under such varied monikers as the Suzuki Swift+ and Holden Barina). Chevy’s sole Aveo contribution: the bow-tie badge. But let’s give The General some credit. While Ford and DCX have ignored the fast-growing subcompact segment, ol’ Number Two has been building Aveos since 2004. Well, sort of.”
That’s pretty sad.
And what about all that debt?
“WASHINGTON, Feb. 5 (UPI) -- The United States' $1.5 trillion budget deficit is leading the country to possible default on its loans, Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, said Saturday.
The Treasury Department has warned national debt will hit the $14.3 trillion mark this spring, which puts the United States at risk of defaulting on loans, The Hill newspaper said.”
Man o man, that’s a lot of red ink.
There are other commonalities shared by Reagan and Obama. Both love of the limelight and hobnobbing with the wealthy. Both have their boogiemen, communism for Reagan, terrorist for Obama. Both are willing to support dictators, unless the people bring down the government. Both love missile shields. Both like to pretend they're good ol' boys. Both are shown throwing the football. Americans are a real soft touch for Joe the plumber types, even if Joe's just acting. George Bush took the good ol' boy routine all the way to the White House. The country is in worse shape after Reagan, and it will be in even worse shape after Obama. Both make me sick.
I’m going to let Alfred W. McCoy have the last scary word about the Reagan-Obama America. I’ve selected a few items from his article “The Decline and Fall of the American Empire. I rate it PG. I.e., don’t read it to the kids, they’ll be living the bad new soon enough.
The demise of the United States as the global superpower could come far more quickly than anyone imagines. If Washington is dreaming of 2040 or 2050 as the end of the American Century, a more realistic assessment of domestic and global trends suggests that in 2025, just 15 years from now, it could all be over except for the shouting.Read the rest for yourself:
But have no doubt: when Washington's global dominion finally ends, there will be painful daily reminders of what such a loss of power means for Americans in every walk of life. As a half-dozen European nations have discovered, imperial decline tends to have a remarkably demoralizing impact on a society, regularly bringing at least a generation of economic privation. As the economy cools, political temperatures rise, often sparking serious domestic unrest.
The American Century, proclaimed so triumphantly at the start of World War II, will be tattered and fading by 2025, its eighth decade, and could be history by 2030.
Ordinary Americans, watching their jobs head overseas, have a more realistic view than their cosseted leaders. An opinion poll in August 2010 found that 65% of Americans believed the country was now “in a state of decline.
Similarly, American leadership in technological innovation is on the wane. In 2008, the U.S. was still number two behind Japan in worldwide patent applications with 232,000, but China was closing fast at 195,000, thanks to a blistering 400% increase since 2000. A harbinger of further decline: in 2009 the U.S. hit rock bottom in ranking among the 40 nations surveyed by the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation when it came to “change” in “global innovation-based competitiveness” during the previous decade. Adding substance to these statistics, in October China's Defense Ministry unveiled the world's fastest supercomputer, the Tianhe-1A, so powerful, said one U.S. expert, that it “blows away the existing No. 1 machine” in America.
Add to this clear evidence that the U.S. education system, that source of future scientists and innovators, has been falling behind its competitors. After leading the world for decades in 25- to 34-year-olds with university degrees, the country sank to 12th place in 2010. The World Economic Forum ranked the United States at a mediocre 52nd among 139 nations in the quality of its university math and science instruction in 2010. Nearly half of all graduate students in the sciences in the U.S. are now foreigners, most of whom will be heading home, not staying here as once would have happened. By 2025, in other words, the United States is likely to face a critical shortage of talented scientists.
To check China and extend its military position globally, Washington is intent on building a new digital network of air and space robotics, advanced cyberwarfare capabilities, and electronic surveillance. Military planners expect this integrated system to envelop the Earth in a cyber-grid capable of blinding entire armies on the battlefield or taking out a single terrorist in field or favela. By 2020, if all goes according to plan, the Pentagon will launch a three-tiered shield of space drones -- reaching from stratosphere to exosphere, armed with agile missiles, linked by a resilient modular satellite system, and operated through total telescopic surveillance.
Well that’s progress. And we all thought maybe humanity—led by America—might change its destructive ways in the 21st century. No luck. America will tank economically, culturally, and socially, and there’s a good chance that it will contribute to the world ending with a bang rather than a whimper.
So what in the fuck are Reagan and Obama smiling about on the front of Time magazine?
Carpe diem!
Time to flush it.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Dead Space America
For those of you familiar with the video game Dead Space you know it’s about alien infestation that turns humans into grotesque alien monsters called Necromorphs—already sounds like America. The alien infestation America is experiencing is already causing a lot of pathological behavior.
One reason is Americans are increasingly finding themselves to be strangers in a strange land. Because of the alien invasion Americans no longer feel at home or secure in what was once their homeland, which is not only growing more alien each day but more adversarial.
At the top of the social-economic pyramid you have those brainy Asians squeezing Americans out of universities, graduate schools, and high-paying high-tech jobs.
Further down the pyramid you have the Hispanic Nation, which has swallowed up millions of federal, state, and city jobs, along with millions of skilled labor jobs in constructions, manufacturing and elsewhere. And of course there are millions of Hispanics doing manual labor that cheap-ass, fuck-America American capitalists won’t pay a decent living wage for.
And there are millions of other aliens who are pushing all Americans to the back of the bus. Black Americans are being pushed out the emergency door onto the streets.
In addition the aliens have brought with them an incredible crime wave, causing Americans to bolt their door or flee from their graffitied, gang-ridden communities. Let’s take a look at some of the Necromorphs running loose across the land.
Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune 2/1/11
“Mom arrested in death of her 9-year-old daughter”
“Crystal Cardenas, 25, of San Diego, was booked into Las Colinas Women’s Detention Facility on a murder charge and is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday in San Diego Superior Court.”
“The family had moved into the apartment only a few days earlier. Elizabeth lived there with her mother, a 7-year-old sister, a brother who was born about a year ago, and her mother’s boyfriend, Lorenzo Castillo.”
“Court records show that in 2007, Cardenas was convicted of misdemeanor shoplifting, with prior convictions, and placed on three years’ probation.”
The picture of the little girl showed her throwing what appears to be a gang sign—itself a sign of dysfunctional parenting. But dysfunctionality is what Hispanic culture is all about. Just look south of the border.
That's why the cruise-ship industry is abandoning San Diego. Tourists aren't interested in visiting Mexico's ports of hell, where if they are lucky they'll only be beaten and mugged. If not so lucky, kidnapped and killed, an ear or little finger being sent to relatives back in the states who are thinking I TOLD YOU SO. The big adventure for tourists in Mexico is survival.
The mother dearest who used her kid as a punching bag is 25 and has 3 kids and a boyfriend. That's one definition of dysfunctionality. It's America's biggest import from places like Mexico.
And who’s going to pick up the tab for raising the kids? The gringo taxpayer, that’s who. The ones waiting for their delayed tax returns. I’m not saying gringos don’t have their nutcases. They do. But that’s why they shouldn't be importing more from south of the border.
Barrio 1/31/11
“5 bound with duct tape while robbers ransack home”
Isn’t immigration working out really well for America?! If you can’t get your hands on a plasma cutter or a line cutter for protection against alien home invasion then I recommend you go over to BIG 5 and pick up a .30 caliber M1Carbine Rifle. It’s got a lot of history and comes with a 10 round magazine. It’s a little pricey but you’ll be glad you had that baby on hand when with the alien Necromorphs (think morally dead) arrive at your front door.
A Feb. 1 BARRIO SDU-T Public Safety article titled “Robbers Strike Homes in Clairemont, Mission Beach” about the Mission Beach incident that “three men kicked in the door.” They pistol-whipped the occupant and stole a flat-screen television that was later found abandon. How about changing the section of the papers to Public Horror?
Obviously you will want to keep the ol carbine by your side. America is at war, and I don’t mean America’s terror war upon the Iraqis and Afghans but Necromorphs overrunning the country. Of course, American civilians care because they are the ones who are suffering. The Gov. and Big Business is on the side of the invaders. A lot of the people in the Gov. belong to Them, like the Kenyon commander in chief. America has become a videogame scenario, a fucking horror show. Anyone who thinks the country has progressed since the end of W.W.II is full of shit. I understand the lives of black Americans could have improved but the Civil Rights Movement became the Aliens Rights Movement.
AND WE DON’T HAVE A BLACK AMERICA AS PRESIDENT. I don’t get that Obama is on all the posters celebrating AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH. His blackness has no history in this country. He father was a Kenyon Muslim and his mother hated America—or at least American men. Any black person in this country whose ancestors were not slaves in America is a phony black American.
Oh yeah before I flush the blog into the cybersphere , I want to tell you to make sure you don’t buy the Kalashnikov at the BIG 5. It looks formidable but it’s a BB gun. It might work as a bluff, but if the Necromorphs find out after duck taping you they’ll castrate you and stick your testicles into your mouth. It sounds unusual, but it’s very common in the District 9 nightmare south of the border. It’s called the Victim’s Appetizer. It’s done just before they cut off the heads of the victim for a south of the border soccer game.
P.S. Why is it that SDU-T didn’t state in the Feb. 1 newspaper article that the home invaders were Asians and Hispanic? (The other article being on-line.) Trying to maintain that multiculturalism is a good thing facade? Don’t want to offend any customers or advertisers by suggesting the USS America is sinking in a cold alien sea?
Just keep the fucking carbine close by, America. No one is coming to the rescue. Certainly not the cops. All they do is write a report on what they found at the crime scene. And if they try to check the papers on a illegal aliens beating a child or robbing a home, the cop gets arrested.
Go figure!
Fear not, or a lot, the horror shall continue.
One reason is Americans are increasingly finding themselves to be strangers in a strange land. Because of the alien invasion Americans no longer feel at home or secure in what was once their homeland, which is not only growing more alien each day but more adversarial.
At the top of the social-economic pyramid you have those brainy Asians squeezing Americans out of universities, graduate schools, and high-paying high-tech jobs.
Further down the pyramid you have the Hispanic Nation, which has swallowed up millions of federal, state, and city jobs, along with millions of skilled labor jobs in constructions, manufacturing and elsewhere. And of course there are millions of Hispanics doing manual labor that cheap-ass, fuck-America American capitalists won’t pay a decent living wage for.
And there are millions of other aliens who are pushing all Americans to the back of the bus. Black Americans are being pushed out the emergency door onto the streets.
In addition the aliens have brought with them an incredible crime wave, causing Americans to bolt their door or flee from their graffitied, gang-ridden communities. Let’s take a look at some of the Necromorphs running loose across the land.
Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune 2/1/11
“Mom arrested in death of her 9-year-old daughter”
“Crystal Cardenas, 25, of San Diego, was booked into Las Colinas Women’s Detention Facility on a murder charge and is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday in San Diego Superior Court.”
“The family had moved into the apartment only a few days earlier. Elizabeth lived there with her mother, a 7-year-old sister, a brother who was born about a year ago, and her mother’s boyfriend, Lorenzo Castillo.”
“Court records show that in 2007, Cardenas was convicted of misdemeanor shoplifting, with prior convictions, and placed on three years’ probation.”
The picture of the little girl showed her throwing what appears to be a gang sign—itself a sign of dysfunctional parenting. But dysfunctionality is what Hispanic culture is all about. Just look south of the border.
That's why the cruise-ship industry is abandoning San Diego. Tourists aren't interested in visiting Mexico's ports of hell, where if they are lucky they'll only be beaten and mugged. If not so lucky, kidnapped and killed, an ear or little finger being sent to relatives back in the states who are thinking I TOLD YOU SO. The big adventure for tourists in Mexico is survival.
The mother dearest who used her kid as a punching bag is 25 and has 3 kids and a boyfriend. That's one definition of dysfunctionality. It's America's biggest import from places like Mexico.
And who’s going to pick up the tab for raising the kids? The gringo taxpayer, that’s who. The ones waiting for their delayed tax returns. I’m not saying gringos don’t have their nutcases. They do. But that’s why they shouldn't be importing more from south of the border.
Barrio 1/31/11
“5 bound with duct tape while robbers ransack home”
“CLAIREMONT — Five people were bound with duct tape while three robbers ransacked their Clairemont home on Monday morning, San Diego police said.
The break-in occurred about 9:15 a.m. when two ASIAN MEN and one HISPANIC MAN broke into the house on Mount Everest Boulevard near Mount Alifan Drive, said police Lt. Darryl Hoover.
The robbers threatened a man, three women and a girl with a handgun before commanding them to be quiet and restraining them with duct tape. The robbers took an unspecified amount of property as they went through the house.”
Isn’t immigration working out really well for America?! If you can’t get your hands on a plasma cutter or a line cutter for protection against alien home invasion then I recommend you go over to BIG 5 and pick up a .30 caliber M1Carbine Rifle. It’s got a lot of history and comes with a 10 round magazine. It’s a little pricey but you’ll be glad you had that baby on hand when with the alien Necromorphs (think morally dead) arrive at your front door.
A Feb. 1 BARRIO SDU-T Public Safety article titled “Robbers Strike Homes in Clairemont, Mission Beach” about the Mission Beach incident that “three men kicked in the door.” They pistol-whipped the occupant and stole a flat-screen television that was later found abandon. How about changing the section of the papers to Public Horror?
Obviously you will want to keep the ol carbine by your side. America is at war, and I don’t mean America’s terror war upon the Iraqis and Afghans but Necromorphs overrunning the country. Of course, American civilians care because they are the ones who are suffering. The Gov. and Big Business is on the side of the invaders. A lot of the people in the Gov. belong to Them, like the Kenyon commander in chief. America has become a videogame scenario, a fucking horror show. Anyone who thinks the country has progressed since the end of W.W.II is full of shit. I understand the lives of black Americans could have improved but the Civil Rights Movement became the Aliens Rights Movement.
AND WE DON’T HAVE A BLACK AMERICA AS PRESIDENT. I don’t get that Obama is on all the posters celebrating AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH. His blackness has no history in this country. He father was a Kenyon Muslim and his mother hated America—or at least American men. Any black person in this country whose ancestors were not slaves in America is a phony black American.
Oh yeah before I flush the blog into the cybersphere , I want to tell you to make sure you don’t buy the Kalashnikov at the BIG 5. It looks formidable but it’s a BB gun. It might work as a bluff, but if the Necromorphs find out after duck taping you they’ll castrate you and stick your testicles into your mouth. It sounds unusual, but it’s very common in the District 9 nightmare south of the border. It’s called the Victim’s Appetizer. It’s done just before they cut off the heads of the victim for a south of the border soccer game.
P.S. Why is it that SDU-T didn’t state in the Feb. 1 newspaper article that the home invaders were Asians and Hispanic? (The other article being on-line.) Trying to maintain that multiculturalism is a good thing facade? Don’t want to offend any customers or advertisers by suggesting the USS America is sinking in a cold alien sea?
Just keep the fucking carbine close by, America. No one is coming to the rescue. Certainly not the cops. All they do is write a report on what they found at the crime scene. And if they try to check the papers on a illegal aliens beating a child or robbing a home, the cop gets arrested.
Go figure!
Fear not, or a lot, the horror shall continue.
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