Thursday, August 18, 2011

Osama bin Laden: History’s Last Great Warrior

Kabul, Afghanistan: 30 American soldiers — Navy SEALs — died when their helicopter was shot down. Of course, a happy face was put on their mission by calling it a rescue mission, not for the Afghan people, though but for Army Rangers who were on a mission to kill Afghan freedom fighters. I’m sure the Taliban wish they could just get on the phone and call in the commandos, attack helicopters, jet planes, etc. But they get around pretty much on foot and often get picked off by predator drones.

As it turns out the SEALs were from the same unit that assassinated Osama bin Laden. There certainly is glee in the Nation of Islam tonight. And I doubt the rest of the world will be shedding tears for the Terminator Nations loss of a few killers.

The TRUTH is that America’s ten-year occupation of Afghanistan has been an ongoing crime against the Afghan people. “Statistics about civilian death tolls in Afghanistan are not available. However, it is estimated that between 14,000 and 34,000 Afghan civilians have lost their lives since the US-led war.”

And let’s not forget that the Afghan people had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks. None of the people involved were Afghans. And I have found no evidence that any members of the Taliban knew about what bin Laden was planning. But when America gets on a killing spree it won’t let the facts get in the way, like during the Vietnam War.

The SEALs that died are not heroes but professional killers serving a government of ghouls—including Barack Obama, whose Nobel Prize must burn his neck when he puts it on.

Bin Laden: The Last Great Warrior

The world suddenly seems emptier. The greatest warrior since ancient times has died. Osama bin Laden might also be the last great man of history, now that we live in the age of Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. we have all become mice.

Who can compare to him? The porno president Bill Clinton? That immoral, disgusting joke of a president George W. Bush? That Republican in black face Barack Obama (who may have been born in America but is only half America, and it’s not the black half but the white half of his momma who preferred to have her garden tilled by alien plows). Certainly not that Napoleon puppet Sarkozy or any of the pathetic recent prime ministers of no longer Great Britain, such as the ignoble, a fool’s fool Tony Blair.

The Assassins

A kill team of infamous SEALS, high tech assassins, Americas pride and joy, appeared from the sky to kill bin Laden. Of course, they invaded the sacred soil of Pakistan and killed the great man in the night. He was unarmed. Isn’t that the American way?

Desecraters of Others’ Homelands

No respect for the homeland of others. It’s a tradition that goes back to the destruction of the Indian Nations of North America and continued during the conquering of Mexico and colonialization period that began in the late 19th century. You know the war against and the slaughter of the Filipino freedom fighters. And the Christian inspired looting of China during the Boxer rebellion.

Hawaii is a typical example of America’s attitude to the rest of the world and its peoples. America wanted Hawaii, so it took it. In 1993 the porno President Bill Clinton signed an apology to the Hawaiian people, but didn’t give the islands back to them. It’s what is called in America good PR. I call it BS.

America invaded Vietnam because it could. And it did the same to Iraq. And religiously brainwashed America set aside morality in order to give the Judas people the homeland belonging to the Palestinians.

Morally Indifferent Americans

It’s strange that rarely do American question America’s belief that it can interfere in the affairs of any country on the globe. (An attitude inherited from the Christian nations of Europe.) What is the justification for America’s presence (direct or indirect) in the Middle East? The answer is simple: Israel and oil. Americans believe they have a Christian duty to protect the usurpers of the Palestinian homeland and a financial right (the PR phrase is national interest) to the oil in the region. American oil Mongols want to be filthy rich and American motorists want to drive gas guzzling SUVs. That’s enough justification for any form of interference in the affairs of Middle Eastern nations. Of course, such an attitude and the behavior it causes inspires hatred toward the U.S. and provides a raison d'etre for terrorism.

Oil was the reason America helped the Brits overthrow a democratically elected government in Iran:

The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, on August 19, 1953... was the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh orchestrated by the intelligence agencies of the United Kingdom and the United States as operation TPAJAX. The coup saw the transition of Mohammad-Rezā Shāh Pahlavi from a constitutional monarch to an authoritarian one who relied heavily on U.S. support to hold on to power until his own overthrow in February 1979.

Osama bin Laden may be dead but gas is still nearly $4 a gallon in barrio California.

America’s Will to Power Based on Religious Nonsense

Operation Ajax sums up ALL of what America is about, a WILL TO POWER based on the philosophy that MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. And in the shadows of America’s creepy, self-serving worldview lurks the Hebrew nonsense that corrupted Western Civilization two thousand years ago.

Some reading for the ignorant:

The Jesus Myth
by G.A. Wells
The Messiah Myth by Thomas Thompson
Who Wrote the New Testament by Burton Mack
The Bible Unearthed by Finkelstein and Silberman
The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand

What the Jew bequeathed to humanity is the biggest LIE ever told—a lie that has caused hundreds if not thousands of wars and millions of acts of barbarity against humanity. For this lie the Jews were finally punished by the Holocaust. But the Christian version of the lie has also been used as divine justification for the conquering of homelands of the pagans (such as the Indians and Hawaiians) just as the Jews used the lie to justify the conquering of Canaanite peoples.

The fucking Christians believed they were offering by force to the Chinese a religion superior to that Buddhism, Taoism, Zen Buddhism, and Confucianism—all of which are more spiritual philosophies than religions. Anyone who has read the Bible (and the other religions) knows that is plain idiocy.

Of course, there have always been conquerors, but now conquest could be morally whitewashed by justifying it in God’s name (Yahweh is really big on conquest and slaughter). In other words, the Jewish lie said that the world belongs to Yahweh’s people—that axis of evil, the Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The legacy of Judaism has been a horror story that continues today. The killing of bin Laden is seen by Jews and Christians as another victory of Yahweh over the false god called Allah, but Allah is their god. Muslims would be smart to purge the Koran of its Jewish elements. Believe me it would be a much better religion.

Israel-America against the World

Israel and America have united against the world. The post-Holocaust Jews spread to Palestine and America. (Actually Zionist, anarchist, and Marxist Jews had been invading the U.S. for over a century.) In Palestine they engaged in ethnic cleansing, causing a Palestinian exile or for the Palestinians who remained either second-class citizenship or life in concentration-camps communities. The Jews who migrated to America fell into basically three categories: Marxists, Zionists, or a combination of the two. And with revolutionary zeal they embarked upon a mission to take control of every important aspect of America’s financial system, government, and culture—resulting in the corruption of all three. In other words, America was/is their new Canaan.

Wall Street: The Fourth Temple

The ancient Jewish temples always had money changers. And a close reading of the Old Testament reveals that what the Jews really worship is wealth—land, cattle, sheep, goats, silver, gold, any fucking thing that can be stolen from other people. That fact pissed off Yahweh (the story of the Golden Calf), but he was just as greedy as his chosen people. I mean his temple was a veritable slaughter house. Wall Street has become a Hebrew temple populated by money changers. The U.S. Government (and legal system) has become usurped—left and right—by pro-alien, socialistic Marxists and Zionist inspired neoconservatives. In other words, Americans have surrendered their financial and political systems and thus their future to the machinations of Marxist-Zionist-Shylock cabal operating in America. (By the way, now the Jews claim Shakespeare was Jewish. There’s nothing they won’t try to steal!)

And because of the hedonistic values of the Jews, America has become a nation that celebrations depravity and debauchery. Just as the Jewish slut Monica Lewdinsky corrupted Bill Clinton, the Hebrew Nation transformed America into a hedonistic nation. (I mean was he set up by Jews Monica Lewinsky and Lucianne S. Goldberg?) No better illustration is the Jewish film Black Swan, a desecration and slutization of a true work of art Swan Lake. When the Jews began to arrive in mass during the 20th century and after World War II, they immediately when to work to transforming America into the United States of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Zionist Neoconning of America

Americans (with the help of the neocons operatives) were indoctrinated with the idea that Osama bin Laden could destroy America, even though his only weapons were a small crew of true believers, America’s lax enforcement of immigration laws, and a set of box cutters. Bin Laden knew he could never do that on his own. But he also knew America was destroying itself and he acted to speed up the process to punish America for its arrogant, unrelenting intrusion into the affairs of the Middle East. 9-11 was the first domino in that process. The other dominoes were the Jews, illegal aliens, the Military-Industrial Complex, brainwashed evangelicals eager for Armageddon, and your run-of-the-mill greedy, power hungry politicians. And the sound falling dominoes make is economic collapse, dead SEALs, being downgraded to a double AA nation, and everything falling apart on the home front.

Protecting Islam from the Culture of Greed and Sleaze

What bin Laden wanted was to protect his own people from American interference and cultural infection. Bin Laden saw America as the serpent in the garden seeking seduce Islamic society to a way of life based on materialistic and hedonistic values. He saw that America is a religious society in name only. Americans may believe in God but their way of life is secular and nontraditional. Their places of worship are shopping malls; their prayer rugs are in front of the television. But that was fine with him as long as Americans didn’t interfere in the affairs of the Islamic world. But America has never been satisfied with having one of the largest and certainly the richest homeland on the planet. Like Faust, America wants it all. And has built a military to get it.

America’s Hypocritical Me Generation Celebrates the Killing of bin Laden

The Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune shows a photo of thousand of America’s young people celebrating the death of bin Laden. To them the slaughter and torture of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans do not matter. They have no understanding of what led to the 9-11 attacks nor do they give a damn. What is important is they have another reason to party. They think bin Laden is the great terrorist. But once the bodies are counted, the 3000 that died on 9-11 hardly compare to the tens of thousands killed and maimed by the U.S. war machine in Afghanistan and Iraq since those attacks. Here are some of our heroes interrogating suspected terrorists (not the dead one, that’s just having some fun):

American youth are dumb enough to believe that somehow the killing of bin Laden is a victory over the man. I’m afraid not, no more than the killing of Jesus was a victory over him. Bin Laden can never be defeated by the United States. His victory is too great. It’s a lot harder to kill an idea than it is killing a person.

Bin Laden’s Ongoing Victory

Bin Laden Knew America Would Choose to Disgrace Itself

By ended the American post-Vietnam-War thinking that to engage in unjust and dirty wars is wrong bin Laden enable America to openly disgrace itself (with the help of neocon Jews such as Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol... never mind, just see for yourself: ).

America now believes more than ever that it is above the law and above morality. Whatever it does is right, and it has a propaganda machine that will convince Americans that its actions are just when in reality they are heinous. 9-11 was a moment in which America would choose to be a noble or ignoble nation. Under the reign of George Bush it chose the latter, as bin Laden knew it would. And by doing so destroyed its reputation in the world. Of course, unlike Othello, Americans care nothing about their reputation, not as long as they can use military and economic intimidation. In that sense they are a political version of a drug cartel. Allowing America to demonize itself and in the process destroy its reputation was only one of his victories over America.

A small example: To kill bin Laden the U.S. had to violate Pakistan’s sovereign air space, perhaps understandable give the situation. However, in the past ten years how often has U.S. air space been violated? My guess is none. How often has America violated the air space of other nations during that time? Hundreds if not thousands of times. Certainly many thousands of times if the Iraq War is included. The truth is America doesn’t respect any weaker nation’s space—be that air space or sovereign territory. That is why 9-11 occurred. Osama bin Laden simply said to himself enough is enough.

Looking for bin Laden America Ignored the Real Threats to National Health and Identity

Osama bin Laden has been able to distract America from the real threats to economic, demographic, and cultural health. While it has been focusing all its resources on the global war on terror, America has been undergoing a general decline. Illegal immigrants have poured across its southern borders and the Hispanic Nation has taken control of many areas of the country. Americans are already a minority in California, which has the larger economy than any other state in the Union. The public schools in L.A. consist of only 27% gringo students. By 2050 the Hispanic Nation will make up a third of the population and thus will have control of the U.S. Government given most elections are determined by a far smaller percentage. That will mean both parties will have to cater to the whims of the Hispanic Nation.

Do Americans Really Fear Islamic Terrorists more than They Do Criminal Gangs?

And what about the 774,000 gang members and 27,900 gangs active in the US? Oh don’t worry about them. Keep an eye out for the terrorists in lurking in the shadows. Ha, ha, ha. Here’s what USA Today tells us:

“Criminal gangs in the USA have swelled to an estimated 1 million members responsible for up to 80% of crimes in communities across the nation, according to a gang threat assessment compiled by federal officials.”

What in the fuck are the SEALS going to do about that? Not a fucking thing.

For example, about the same day bin Laden was killed two teenagers, a girl 14 and a boy 16, were killed in an Oceanside, CA, park. They were Hispanic, victims of the criminal plague their people bring with them from south of the border. Oceanside was once a decent America community but has now become a barrio. Last December there was a drive-by that killed an 18-year-old. The local school is offering increased counseling. What a fucking joke. Such counseling wasn’t needed before the Hispanic invasion. But America has been too busy killing insurgents in distant foreign lands to be protecting the U.S. border. Beside, Military-Industrial Complex, Inc. makes its big bucks overseas in the killing fields of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bin Laden Enabled the Muslim Invasion of America

And now there are 5 million Muslims living in the U.S. If you think they are all celebrating the death of bin Laden, you’ve got your head in the sand. A lot of them hate our guts:

And mosques have been popping up across the country:

The enemy within: Have you noticed that all the Muslims who have harmed or attempted to harm Americans on U.S. soil are here legally. What a fucking joke. And it’s bin Laden who is laughing in his watery grave.

In Many U.S. cities, Finding an America Is like Finding Waldo

New York City for example, that mecca for aliens. In New York City Americans are a minority: white Americans 33%. The number of black Americans is hard to determine because the large influx of Caribbean and African immigrants. But black Americans, like white Americans, are fleeing New York City to find shelter among their own people, those who share a common American history. In other words, America won’t be destroyed by terrorists. It will simply disappear in a sea of Asian, Hispanic, and African immigrants. Might as well throw away the American history books because these people have no connection with and don’t give a shit about American history—except perhaps recent violations of their homelands. Like the recent Civil War reenactments. Do you really think the Asians, Hispanics, Africans, and Muslims give a shit about the Civil War (especially when most Americans don’t)?

Bin Laden's Economic Victory

“The cumulative cost of the two [Iraq and Afghan] wars surpasses $1 trillion, including spending for veterans and foreign aid. Those costs could put increased pressure on President Obama and Congress, given the nation's $12.9 trillion debt.”

In the long term the Iraq War will cost America about 3 trillion dollars, in part because of G.I. benefits and medical care.

Michael Intriligator suggested that a similar calculation for the costs of the war in Afghanistan would indicate a long-term cost of 1.5 to 2.0 trillion dollars.

But think of the big bucks the U.S. war industry is making. Everyday hundreds of planes take off filled with supplies for the troops, all paid for by the American taxpayer. And neither war is yet over! But you don’t really care if you are employed by U.S.A. Military-Industrial Complex, Inc., the largest socialistic economic complex in the country, every bit financed by taxpayers.

And during the past ten years of squandering taxpayer dollars on two immoral, futile wars, China and the rest of the world has been beating America at its own capitalistic game. I recently saw an article on “The Top 10 Most Economical Cars.” Only one was American, the Ford Fiesta, “a front wheel drive Supermini/Subcompact manufactured and marketed by Ford Motor Company and built in Europe, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, China, India and South Africa” (Wikipedia). So much for the American auto workers—Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... This is too much fucking fun.

Hey but we killed bin Laden, and put him in a 3.7 trillion dollar plus body bag:
WASHINGTON -- The United States will have spent a total of $3.7 trillion on wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, costing 225,000 lives and creating 7.8 million refugees, by the time the conflicts end, according to a report released on Wednesday by Brown University.

Justice Has Been Done Say Our Double Talking President

Morally bogus Obama said “Justice has been done.” A fucking American president talking about justice! That’s like the swindler Jew Bernie Madoff talking about honesty.

Just Foreign Policy says that America caused the deaths of 1,445,590 Iraqis. And America has killed 8,813 civilian Afghans and seriously injured 15,863. 8,587 Afghan troops have been killed. In both wars approximately 5,554 U.S. troops have been killed. In other words, the wars been a turkey shoot for the U.S. military. I don’t feel any pity the U.S. soldiers. They joined the military for the thrill of the kill:

These guys are thrill-seeking, high-tech killers.

And basically America has remained untouched by the wars, whereas Iraq has been destroyed and has lost millions of its people, including most of its best-educated, highly skilled population. Afghanistan has been living under the terror of war for ten years. Before then it was being fucked by the Russians and the British. But that’s okay. It’s just too much fun killing in someone else’s backyard. But let’s not call it justice but cruel warmongering.

NO AFGHAN had anything to do with 9-11. Not one was involved in the attacks. Bin Laden and his al-Qaida were in Afghanistan fight the Soviets. If it took the creepy CIA 10 fucking years to track down bin Laden, do you really believe the Taliban knew what the genius mastermind was up to? If you do, you’re a fucking dumbass that believes any propagandistic shit that comes out of the mouths of lying politician. Any fucking dumbass would have known the evidence for weapons of mass destruction being in Iraq (presented by the disgraced Gen. Colon Powel) was shit. Problem is Americans don’t learn how to think in school. Haven’t you notices that Americans are becoming dumber, fatter, and sloppier? America has become a nation of tattooed slobs. I digress.

The Desecration of bin Laden

As soon as they knew the great warrior was dead the mice began to desecrate him, in the way that Achilles dragged the Hector’s body through the dirt. Hector knew he would die when he faced Achilles. Bin Laden knew that eventually he would. Both did what they did to defend their homeland. The Islamic homeland has been under assault by the West since the Crusades. After W.W.II the West decided to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, because neither the Europeans nor the Americans were all that thrilled about being invaded by millions of Jews, which is understandable give what the Jews have done to Palestine and America. Here bin Laden explains his motivation for the 9-11 attacks:
"God knows it did not cross our minds to attack the towers but after the situation became unbearable and we witnessed the injustice and tyranny of the American-Israeli alliance against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, I thought about it. And the events that affected me directly were that of 1982 and the events that followed – when America allowed the Israelis to invade Lebanon, helped by the U.S. Sixth Fleet. As I watched the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me punish the unjust the same way (and) to destroy towers in America so it could taste some of what we are tasting and to stop killing our children and women." ("bin Laden," Wikipedia)
And after the gulf war, the American government wanted to leave its troops in Saudi Arabia. That was the other reason bin Laden attacked on 9-11. The first attack on bin Laden’s character cam from the former CIA sleaze John Brennan. This is the sort of man who falls into the same category of moral scum as George Bush, Dick Chaney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, and Paul Wolfowitz. Just the names nauseate. We are told “Brennan spoke mockingly of bin Laden’s behavior, saying the al-Qaeda leader had cowered behind his wife.”

Except for brainwashed Americans, the world knows bin Laden was not a coward.

The New York City moneychanger Howard Lutnick said he was glad that bin Laden didn’t die naturally. I’m not a big fan of New York City’s moneychangers given they did a lot more damage to American lives than bin Laden—you know like millions of Americans losing their homes, jobs, and retire savings. The same arrogance that has raped the U.S. economy and gotten the U.S. embroiled in the Middle East is what bin Laden was fighting against. Bin Laden’s message was simple: WHY IN FUCK CAN’T YOU LEAVE US ALONE! Lutnick added,
After awhile, 10 years, you start thinking that -- my fear was not that he would die, but that he would die of natural causes and sort of act like he'd gotten away with it. Finally, it's here. I want to thank the military and the CIA, you know, for all their work. You know, people don't give credit to the leaders of Congress. You know, someone's got to pay for all these people going after this guy, and not stopping. Two years ago, they were still looking for him. And I think all of America, you saw today, all of America's really, really thankful for all of that work."

'Look, the American military, we found him.' They did a spectacular job finding him. And then he fought back, and you know what happens to criminals when they fight back. They end up where he ended up."

Of course that’s all bullshit. In fact, if his Zionist brethren in the unHoly Land hadn’t stolen the homeland of the Palestinians and the taken control of America’s foreign policy, 9-11 would never have happened. And who was Obama’s first White House Chief of Staff, the son of a Zionist terrorist, Rahm Israel Emanuel.

Of course, America right or wrong Fox News had to get in its own slurs of the great warrior. Here’s some of their jingoistic, hyperbolic propaganda:
Though the president offered only sparse information on the mission and the intelligence that led to it, details have since emerged about THE HEROIC ACTIONS of the small, ELITE TEAM dispatched to Pakistan by an order from the president last week. ...

At the start of the operation, four U.S.-owned and operated helicopters launched from a base in Afghanistan and dropped about 24 [40] men onto the grounds of the compound. One helicopter suffered a "hard landing" after experiencing a "flight control issue" and had to be destroyed on the site. [To the smiles of Military-Industrial Complex, Inc. Destroyed helicopters means more sells and greater profits from the American taxpayer.]

AT FIRST, BIN LADEN WAS ASKED TO SURRENDER. [Bullshit!] But a military official said he resisted. [How? Jujitsu? He didn’t have a gun and only one person did. ] In the end, he was killed in the ensuing firefight with a bullet to the head. ...

One woman used as a human shield was also killed, and two other women were injured. [We now know the woman shield is bullshit.]
It looks like the heroic SEAL assassins just killed people. But what do you expect. They are basically killer cyborgs that do what they are told to do, just like the one in The Terminator.

Did Obama Order the SEAL Killers to Assassinate bin Laden?

SEALS may not be very interesting guys to carry on a conversation with. Let’s face it, when they are not on the shooting range or carrying out a CIA mission surreptitiously and illegally, they are probably at the local bar or barbecue swatting their women on the ass and talking about guns and missions.

I would like to think they are a step above the CIA, an organization that is to my mind not only uninteresting but evil. They are very clever at what they do, like master chess players. And what they do—observe, capture, torture, and/or kill—is banal, in the way Hannah Arendt applied the term to evil. They are boring, unimaginative, ordinary men and women who unthinkingly serve evil and commit evil acts. Calculation is a major part of their thinking, but not wisdom.

For example, there was a recent article about a form Navy SEAL who wrote a memoir about his military experience. This is some of what you get:

“He writes about being so disoriented during the notoriously grueling, sleep-deprived “Hell Week” that he mistook a chow hall tray table for a buck deer and went after it with a knife.”

So this is the kind of guy who would go after a deer with a knife. I’m sorry, I’d rather read what John Muir, Basho, Thoreau, Cooper, Edward Abbey, and Joseph Wood Krutch or listen to what any family farmer or rancher has to say about nature than read or listen to a knife welding, deer killing SEAL. How about a passage from his book SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper:
Through my Leupold 10-power scope, I saw a militiaman 500 yards away firing through an open window at the helos. I made a mental note to keep my heart rate down and centered the cross hairs on him as my muscle memory took over — stock firmly into the shoulder, cheek positioned behind the scope, eye focused on the center of the cross hairs rather than the enemy, and steady trigger squeezing. I felt the gratifying recoil of my rifle. The round hit him in the side of the chest, entering his left and exiting his right. He convulsed and buckled, falling backward into the building — permanently. I quickly got back into my scope and scanned. Game on now.
No commentary needed. There is no wisdom here, not even anything I find entertainment. But there is one point to be made. The “militiaman was most likely shooting an AK47 at an American gunship, while he was being taken out by a sniper with a very sophisticated sniper rifle.”

The author was wounded during the Battle of Mogadishu. The following from Wikipedia describes actions on the part of the Americans that turn the Somali people against them. Nothing new there:
On July 12, 1993, a United States-led operation was launched on what was believed to be a safe house where Aidid was hiding in Mogadishu. During the 17-minute combat operation, U.S. Cobra attack helicopters fired 16 TOW missiles and thousands of 20-millimeter cannon rounds into the compound, killing 60 people including women and children. As it happened, General Aidid was nowhere in sight. The operation would also lead to the deaths of four journalists—Dan Eldon, Hos Maina, Hansi Kraus and Anthony Macharia—who were killed by angry Somali mobs when they arrived to cover the incident... Some believe that this American attack was a turning point in unifying Somalis against U.S. efforts in Somalia...
Sounds a lot like Afghanistan and Iraq. One more item having to do with the Second Battle of Mogadishu:
“Michael Zorick (the State Department's political officer for Somalia), who had been stationed in Nairobi, was reassigned to Chad after he sent a cable to Washington criticizing Washington's policy of paying Somali warlords.The Times stated, ‘The American activities in Somalia have been approved by top officials in Washington and were reaffirmed during a National Security Council meeting about Somalia in March’

On 7 June 2006, the Republic of the Congo's president and current African Union head Denis Sassou-Nguesso criticised the United States for its involvement in fighting in Mogadishu following his meeting with President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.”
In other words, another example of the U.S. sticking its military nose where it doesn’t belong in order to further its own interest. In this case, that of the War on Terror.

America had taken the side of the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (ARPCT), a Somali alliance created by various warlords and businesspeople. Sound like the kind of people who run Washington.

“The International Crisis Group, which had direct contacts with the warlords, said in June 2006 that the CIA was funneling $100,000 to $150,000 a month to the ARPCT.”

There’s the CIA again blowing taxpayers dollars to fund the U.S. Government’s will to power and global control.

America’s Primitive Values: Money, Celebrity, and Military

America’s celebration of the military and soldiers is hardly an indication of a culture of wisdom. The military mindset is what humanity has tried to overcome since the emergence of civilization five or six thousand years ago. Ancient civilization was dominated by militarism. Art, science, philosophy, commerce, agriculture, etc. have always been recognized as higher (i.e., more civilized) and preferred forms of human activity. But as in William Golding’s novel Lord of Flies the militaristic brutes will have their way, one bloody way or another.

Rome’s greatness and success as a civilization was compromised by its militarism. In that sense it was little different from the aggressive Germanic tribes that helped to destroy it. The same can be said for the ancient Greeks. The love of militarism that defined Nazi Germany is exactly the same that defines America. Militarism is civilization’s greatest disease and its most fatal because it is the one sickness humanity really doesn’t want to recover from.

And America is the most seriously infected nation in the world, given that its defense budget ($687,105,000,000) is larger than that of all the defense budgets in the world combined, 13 times larger than Russia’s and 6 times larger than China’s. And I have no doubt that China feels motivated to increase its military out of fear of the U.S. What makes the U.S. especially foul is that greed is an important part of militarism. Less like Rome which conquered for gain, America’s militarism financially feeds off Americans themselves. The military-industrial complex is a big part of the rot at the core of American culture and society. America is being eaten away from within. What Reagan knew what would happen to the Soviets and bin Laden knew what would eventually happen to America.

And of course being a bottom-feeding culture the true god of self-righteous Americans is money. Money, money, money is all you hear politicians talk about. And to appear godly they condemn gay marriage and abortion, both issues are really none of their business. First of all gay marriage is not destroying American culture. Gays’ sexual debauchery being flushed out of Hollywood (own and run by nihilistic, money-grubbing Jews) is a far greater threat. If you don’t believe me just watch Jim Dorian Gray Carrey in I Love You Phillip Morris, which celebrate a filthy, lawbreaking fag. Watching the film you will find yourself wanting retch each time you see Carrey smile. Ewan McGregor has now joined the Sleazy Actors Guild.

That brings us to America’s celebrity worship, which shows just how demented Americans have become, a nation of fucking adolescents. As the filthy pig Arnold Schwarzenegger (following in the footsteps of Bill Clinton and Tiger Woods) has most recently illustrated celebrities are not the same thing as heroes, though Americans have become so decadent that they are incapable of telling the difference. As we all now know Schwarzenegger was doing an Upstairs Downstairs routine, banging one of the maids. The narcissistic pig offered an empty apology (it’s part of the routine), but he’s still a millionaire and I’m sure he will be continue to bang chicks and make movies that the stupid American public will go to see just as the stupid Roman public went to see the gladiatorial games.

Celebrates ARE NOT heroes. They only pretend to be or are thought to be by the idiots that worship them. At one time many celebrities were heroes (Clark Gable, Jimmy Stewart, Amelia Earhart, etc.) but those days are forever gone. (Pat Tillman would be an exception. Just to show you how fucking ignorant, self-absorbed, and obtuse the American public is, the movie The Tillman Story, which reveals a lot about the dirty, dark side of the U.S. government and military, has made less than a million dollars. On the other hand, the filthy, degrading I Love You Phillip Morris has made over 20 million dollars and the degrading, pornographic Black Swan, staring the Hollywood slut Natalie Hershlag (נטלי הרשלג)—what, you didn’t know Portman is a Jew and Israeli citizen?—which defiles a great work of art Swan Lake.

Celebrities are simply people who get hyped in the media. If Kate Winslet goes on a strawberry diet the whole fucking world hears about it. Real heroes make big sacrifices without benefiting personally in order to benefit to other.

The People of Satan

Satan is a corrupter, and that’s what Jews do. They complain about skinheads spray painting swastikas on synagogues and Jewish gravestones, but they don’t mind shitting on other peoples’ cultures. Remember the filthy Jew Larry David pissing on Jesus?

And Jerry the Jew Seinfeld was in on the joke. Personally I wish Larry had pissed on Mohammad, for obvious reasons. Muslims would never piss on Jesus. So who is our real enemy? Then there is Borat, starring and directed by Jews. That movie pisses on all of America. America allows filthy Jews, that Hitler apparently knew were filthy, to escape countries where they are hated (and now we know why), and they show their gratitude by pissing on Jesus and mocking the country as a whole. And that's what they do in the Old Testament, constantly tearing down other peoples' places of worship and destroying their idols. And that's what Christian Jews did when they attacked pagans and went on a crusade to convert them to their idiotic religion.

What Would the World Be Like without Jews? :-)

Consider this one question. Would the world be better off today had Hitler killed all the Jews and then lost the war? There would be no Palestinian problem. Bin Laden would not have been pissed off about the U.S.'s support of Israel. 9-11 wouldn't have happened. The Iraq and Afghan wars would not have happened. A half dozen other wars in the Middle East would have been avoided. The Jews wouldn't be running and ruining Wall Street, Washington, and Hollywood. Ever since their inception, the narcissistic Jews have been a problem for other peoples, be they Egyptians, Canaanites, pagans, all the indigenous peoples slaughtered in the name of the Jew Christ, and the homeless Palestinians. Of course, Hitler came after the Jewish communist messiah Karl Marx. And let's not forget the Jew Leon Trotsky, and the hundreds of Marxists and Zionists allowed into America. President McKinley was assassinated by Leon Frank Czolgosz, who was inspired by the Jewish anarchist Emma Goldman. And now the Jews occupying the U.S. are the main backers of the multiculturalizaton of the nation. And what about Islam? It's a Jewish (Abrahamic) religion. That's right, the Jews gave birth to it, and most of its outrageous ideas can be found in the Old Testament.

Desert Storm and the Fake War on Terror

The U.S. Government and the Military-Industrial Complex, Inc. would like Americans to believe that the War on Terror is a real war. It isn’t. Even the initial invasion of Iraq didn’t fall into the category of being a war if “war” means a conflict between two genuine militaries—in other words, two war machines consisting of well-equipped army, navy, and air force. The forces in Afghanistan had none of these. Iraq had a military of sorts, but one that was totally overrun by America’s Star-Wars military machine.

In Persian Gulf War Hussein had a real military but it basically a shooting gallery for the American war machine. The actual fighting lasted about a month. U.S. forces suffered 148 battle-related deaths (35 to friendly fire). “An investigation by Beth Osborne Daponte estimated [Iraqi] civilian fatalities at about 3,500 from bombing, and some 100,000 from other effects of the war.” 20,000-35,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed. (Wikipedia)

My point is Hussein had a fairly decent army and got creamed by the American war machine. Thus, what has been going on for 10 years in Afghanistan and 8 years in Iraq has been pretty much a turkey shoot for the American soldiers. The indigenous fighters are so outgunned that the only way they can fight back is to use improvised explosive devices. Thus, America has been engaged in a ten-year killing spree and its soldiers enjoy what they do. There’s no reason to feel sorry for them when they get killed. Unlike Hussein’s soldiers (or Vietnam War Vets), they became soldiers by choice. From what I’ve read, 1.5 million men and women have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thus considering the number of American soldiers killed, the chances of being killed are 1 out of 3000. Not a huge risk. Probably similar to that of mountain climbers, who also do what they do for the thrill of it but don’t get the BIG BENEFIT package U.S. soldiers get.

Ergo, the War on Terror may be a war from the Muslims’ perspective, but is only war hype from an American perspective. For example, a day or so after the assassination of bin Laden, a U.S. military drone fired a missile in Yemen aimed at the U.S.-born radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, but the strike did not appear to have killed him. That’s not war but Terminator-like assassination: Let the machines do the killing. Apparently the U.S. Government has a kill list. And its favorite method of assassination is the terminator killer drone, second best special op assassins. However, “The defense official said the strike APPEARED to have killed two al Qaeda operatives affiliated with al-Awlaki.”

Don’t you just love that word: Appeared? How in the fuck would they know if someone didn’t examine the bodies? What all this does show is that America has become today’s creepy evil empire.

An Once of Caution Is Better than a Pound of Cure

If the 9-11 terrorists had been kept out of the country in the first place, the 9-11 attacks would not have occurred. In Great Britain we witnessed the downside of having an open-door policy for immigrants, especially those—like Muslims and Mexicans—who fucking hate Americans’ guts almost as much as the Jews despise the stupid American goys.

Oh by the way. “Al-Awlaki was born in New Mexico and preached at a mosque in Virginia before leaving the United States for Yemen.”

That’s right. If you don’t let them in the country in the first place, you don’t have anything to fear. They can’t hurt us if they are not here! Now we have millions of them living in the country. Like the Muslims in Britain they are taking advantage of all of America’s public services but still hate Americans and America anyway. Go fucking figure!

That Dirty Little Coward Who Shot Mr. bin Laden

The SEALs who assassinated bin Laden killed him unarmed. Nevertheless, they were well-trained assassins who would have died to bring him back alive if Obama said bring bin Laden in alive, especially given he was unarmed. That tells me it was an assassination mission. It was disgraceful, but functional, especially since whole operation was illegal, in violation of homeland of he Pakistani people, but like the Jews Americans don’t really give a shit about what the natives think about having their homeland invaded. Bin Laden was killed like the Indian chief Opechancanough, who was killed by a soldier, who shot him in the back while assigned to guard him. But the Muslims would have forgiven the assassination—but never treating the great man's body like garbage.

That makes Obama like all the other Indian killers in the American Indian Killers Hall of Fame.

Hector and bin Laden

Achilles dragged Hector’s body in the dirt, and U.S. officials are now doing the same with bin Laden’s reputation. They must demonized and disgrace the man they have killed thousands of innocent men, women and children to destroy. American officials always condemn the Muslim fighters for hiding behind women. They would rather them make it easier to kill them with predator drones, smart bombs, missiles, and helicopter gunships. This type of warfare is not cowardly? Of course it is. Take a look:

The American government expects the poorly protected, poorly armed, vulnerable Islamic freedom fighters to march to slaughter like pigs, chickens, and cattle. Then they would be brave. Of course, during the Indian Wars women and children offered no protections because American soldiers would kill them as well, such as at the massacre of Wounded Knee:
“Col. James W. Forsyth and the rest of the 7th Cavalry arrived, bringing the number of troopers at Wounded Knee to 500. In contrast, there were 350 Native Americans, of whom all but 120 were women and children.” ... In less than an hour, “at least 150 men, women, and children of the Lakota Sioux had been killed and 51 wounded (4 men, 47 women and children, some of whom died later)... Army casualties numbered 25 dead and 39 wounded.” (Wikipedia).
Shock and awe and overwhelming force has always been the military philosophy of the U.S. And nowadays the U.S. Military doesn’t bother to keep track of civilian casualties.

My Lai Massacre déjà vu

Which was the greater evil—the death of 3000—the perpetrators of which are all now dead—or the illegal, immoral Iraq War that has caused the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children, the perpetrators of which continue to live like spoiled royalty?

And by the way Achilles finally did the right thing by given Hector’s body to his father Priam for a proper burial. But the filth that operates the White House knows nothing of such noble, generous behavior. The Muslims are a warrior people and they would have forgiven bin Laden’s death. He was a warrior and knew that one day he would die. But the dumping of his body in the ocean as if it were garbage, that they will not forgive.

I suspect that Obama’s disgraceful behavior has condemned his two daughters to lives forever lived under the watch of Secret Service goons. Have you noticed that Bush doesn’t get out much? Of course he never was who enjoyed visiting other nations unless he was driven in an armored car with helicopters flying overhead. He was without a doubt a regular two-bit potentate.

Operation Geronimo

Native Americans have complained that the code named for the mission to kill bin Laden was called Geronimo. Why should President Obama give a shit about what the Indians think? President Thomas Jefferson didn’t give a shit:

His first such act as president order the U.S. military to forcefully expel the Cherokee people from Georgia even though at the time the Cherokee Nation had a treaty with the United States government which guaranteed its people the right to their lands. (“Jefferson.” Wikipedia)

Andrew Jackson didn’t give a shit either: “Perhaps the most controversial aspect of Jackson's presidency was his policy regarding American Indians, which involved the ethnic cleansing of several Indian tribes.” (“Jackson,” Wikipedia) Of course, Americans didn’t think what he did was controversial. They wanted the Indians exterminated, especially those Indian hating, nigger-hating, war-loving Southerners.

I think bin Laden was a Geronimo. Like Geronimo he was fighting for his people. First he fought against the Russian invaders of Afghanistan. And when the U.S. decided to park its troops in Saudi Arabia he decided to attack the U.S.

Jeff Houser wrote to Obama saying, "To equate Geronimo or any other Native American figure with Osama bin Laden, a mass murderer and cowardly terrorist, is painful and offensive to our Tribe and to all native Americans." A cowardly terrorist? Yeah like those cowardly terrorists who blow themselves up. Or the cowardly terrorists who killed themselves on 9-11.

What about bin Laden?

“After leaving college in 1979, bin Laden went to Pakistan and joined Abdullah Azzam to take part in the Soviet war in Afghanistan... Bin Laden continued to speak publicly against the Saudi government for harboring American troops, for which the Saudis banished him... By this time the infamous CIA was spying on bin Laden though he had committed no crime against the U.S. Of course, the corrupt dictators of Saudi Arabia (but friends of the U.S.) didn’t want bin Laden returning home. The cowardly bin Laden then declares war on the most powerful nation in the world for its s occupation of “the Land of the Two Holy Places [Saudi Arabia]."
America has been really good at occupying other nations’ homelands (just as the Cubans, the Filipinos, the Hawaiians, the Vietnamese, the Afghans, the Iraqis, or even the Native Americans!).

“On August 20, 1998, 66 cruise missiles launched by [brave] United States Navy ships in the Arabian Sea struck bin Laden's training camps near Khost in Afghanistan, narrowly missing him by a few hours.” Now that takes courage!

“In 2000, foreign operatives working on behalf of the CIA had fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a convoy of vehicles in which bin Laden was traveling through the mountains of Afghanistan, hitting one of the vehicles but not the one in which bin Laden was riding.” (Wikipedia)

The dictionary defines a coward as “a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.” This was hardly bin Laden. And what about the terrorist who faced the brave SEALs who assassinated the unarmed bin Laden: Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, bin Laden's courier. He “opened fire on the SEALs from the guesthouse with an AK-47 assault rifle where he and his wife were killed in the returned fire.” And what about “Bin Laden's unarmed 22-year-old son rushed towards the SEALs on the staircase and was also shot and killed?”

I think Jeff Houser is just a suit full of B.S., a big little man looking for a little attention so gets it off of the big men Geronimo and bin Laden.

Toxic America

The rest of the world now considers America a toxic nation better to keep at a distance:

Back to the Beginning

Bin Laden might be dead but his ghost is still killing American soldiers.

Mao Tse-tung second man in charge (Zhu De I believe) said he thought it would take 20 years for the people's liberation army to overthrow the more advanced military of Chiang Kai-shek (all three wanted, like bin Laden, to rid their land of the Western invaders and Western influence). The fighters in Afghanistan will fight the American occupiers as long as it takes—20, 30, 40 years. However long it takes. It doesn't matter. Americans don't understand that because to them their homeland isn't sacred but for sale—ideologically or monetarily.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Riots in Not So Jolly Old England ;-)))

Hey England, how’s that immigrant OPEN DOOR POLICY working out? Not getting much love from the dark side? Fucking London is looking a lot like Raccoon City overrun by voodoo zombies with a few wannabe infected Brits. Just what the country needs to attract tourists. I mean tourists visit jolly old England to hang out with jolly English people, not aliens from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Barbados, Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Anguilla, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Guyana, and other nightmare producing societies. Take a look at life in Jamaica:

I know that that these places suffered at the fists of Great Britain when it was great, but it’s really stupid to allow people who hate your guts to invade your country just because you have a guilty conscience. And that wasn’t the fault of the British people but the stupid fucking British government, the same one that was in cahoots with that sleazy, ghoulish fucking scumbag billionaire Murdock. ;-)))

That fucking pig ought to be put into prison with that psychopath Levi Bellfield who killed 13-year-old Milly Dowler and other girls.

And throw in that red-headed dead-child molester Rebekah Brooks. She deserves to meet Levi in person. It seems the British government doesn’t have the balls to protect the British people. Maybe it should have devoted more effort to protect England from invasion than playing the big man on the world stage by killing Iraqis and Afghans. ;-)))

Supposedly the whole mess started because one of them—Mark voodoo Duggan. Of course the police are to blame even though Mark was carrying a gun. Why was he carrying a gun in a nation where guns are rare (except among members of the dark side) and illegal. ;-)))

Now jolly Mark was an alleged drug dealer and gang member, and father of 4 was shot and killed by police officers in an armed confrontation. In other words, a drug loser with 4 kids. No matter—shackmate and brats can live off the British dole. ;-)))

Check this out from Wikipedia's "British African-Caribbean community," i.e., African-Caribbean community occupying the British homeland. My hateful comments are in the brackets.
While individuals with Caribbean heritage excelled [YEAH RIGHT! DON’T WANT TO TOO NEGATIVE.] in a variety of fields in British society during the 1990s and 2000s, many recurring issues continued to impact the African-Caribbean community as a whole. The police response to the 1993 murder of Black teenager Stephen Lawrence, by assailants that have yet to be convicted, led to an outcry from the community and calls to investigate police conduct. [THE HATE THE POLICE WHEN THEY DON’T DO THEIR JOB AND HATE THEM WHEN THEY DO!] The subsequent government inquiry, the Macpherson Report, was vigorously sought by Stephen's Jamaican-born parents and revealed evidence of institutional racism in the London Metropolitan Police Service, confirming the beliefs of many Black Britons. [WHEN IN THE FUCK SHOULD THE BRITISH LIKE JAMAICANS? THEY ARE NOT BRITISH BUT HOSTILE, PARACITIC ALIENS ALLOWED INTO THE COUNTRY BY THE CORRUPT BRITISH GOVERNMENT.] ;-)))

The community has suffered from an increasing association with gun-crime, [COMMITTED BY DARKIES] heightened by high profile murders, such as that of two young women shot outside a Birmingham hair salon in 2003. Several media outlets blamed a “gangster rap culture” in the community, [SKIP THE RAP. THEY’RE JUST GANGSTERS] though Assistant Chief Constable Nick Tofiluk of the West Midlands Police believed that the use of firearms is not an Afro-Caribbean issue alone, and has been on the rise throughout British society. [THE ISSUE IS IT’S A MAU MAU CULTURE THAT ENJOYS SMOKING WEED AND TAKING OTHER DRUGS, LISTENING TO BOB MARLEY, DOING VOODOO, LIVING OFF THE BRITISH SOCIALIST TIT, COMMITTING CRIMES, AND MOST OF ALL HATING THE FUCKING ENGLISH.] Tensions between African-Caribbean residents and British Asians in a number of regions have led to confrontations, notably violent disturbances in Birmingham in 2005 where groups from both communities fought and rioted over two nights.[ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF HOW IMPORTING HOSTILE TRIBES WORKS OUT REALLY WELL FOR THE HOST NATION.] There is also evidence of tensions between the African-Caribbean community and the growing number of African immigrants.[THERE’S JUST NO BOTTOM TO THE IMMIGRATION PIT THAT JOLLY OLD ENGLAND VOLUNTARILY JUMPED IN.] ;-)))

Some African-Caribbean people have left the UK, seeking a better life abroad, either back in the Caribbean or America. [THAT’S JUST WHAT AMERICA NEEDS, MORE ROWDY DARKIES. BLACKS COMMUNITIES ARE ALREADY THE MOST DANGEROUS IN AMERICA.] ;-)))

The 1970s and 1980s were decades of comparative turbulence in wider British society; industrial disputes preceded a period of deep recession and widespread unemployment which seriously affected the economically less prosperous African-Caribbean community. [LESS PROSPEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR CELEBRATED LAID-BACK APPROACH TO LIFE THAT FINDS EDUCATION BORING AND A NUISANCE. SO OF COURSE THEY ARE GOING TO BE POORER, THOUGH THEY WOULDN’T BE IF THEY COULD CONTROL THE RATE OF REPRODUCTION. SKILLS ARE WHAT GIVE PEOPLE POWER. THE INDIANS HAVE DONE QUITE WELL IN JOLLY OLD BRITAIN BUT THEY ARE ALSO WILL TO WORK HARD TO GET AN EDUCATION. AND WHY SHOULD THEY BE WELCOMED BY THE AVERAGE BRIT. THEY’RE NOT BRITISH. THEY ARE ALIEN TO EVERYTHING THAT IS BRITISH. AND THE BRITISH PEOPLE DIDN’T INVITE THEM INTO THEIR COMMUNITIES, THE FUCKING BRITISH GOVERNMENT DID. AND OPPRESSIVE POLICING! AFRICAN-CARIBBEAN COMMUNITIES ARE CRIME ZONES FILLED WITH CRIMINALS. THAT’S A FACT.] Societal racism, discrimination, poverty, powerlessness and oppressive policing sparked a series of riots in areas with substantial African-Caribbean populations. [THEY DO LOVE TO RIOT!] These "uprisings" (as they were described by some in the community) took place in St Pauls in 1980, Brixton, Toxteth and Moss Side in 1981, St Pauls again in 1982, Notting Hill Gate in 1982, Toxteth in 1982, and Handsworth, Brixton and Tottenham in 1985. [YEAH LOTS OF UPRISING. IF THEY DON’T LIKE JOLLY OLD ENGLAND WHY DON’T THEY GO BACK HOME? TO THE HEART OF DARKNESS WHERE THERE IS NO SOCIALIST TIT TO SUCK ON? NO FUCKING WAY.] ;-)))

The riots had a profoundly unsettling effect on local residents, and led the then Home Secretary William Whitelaw to commission the Scarman report to address the root causes of the disturbances. The report identified both "racial discrimination" and a "racial disadvantage" in Britain, concluding that urgent action was needed to prevent these issues becoming an "endemic, ineradicable disease threatening the very survival of our society".[22] The era saw an increase in attacks on Black people by white people. The Joint Campaign Against Racism committee reported that there had been more than 20,000 attacks on non-indigenous Britons including Britons of Asian origin during 1985. [OF COURSE THE BLEEDING-HEART LEFTIES RUNNING JOLLY OLD SOCIALIST BRITAIN WILL NEVER BLAME THE INTRUDERS BUT WILL ALWAYS BLAME THEIR OWN PEOPLE. THE BRITISH PEOPLE ARE POWERLESS 1984 PROLES IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY.] ;-)))

In many parts of Britain, African-Caribbean people have been recognised as being part of a distinct community. In the 1950s and 1960s community centres and associations sprung up in some British towns and cities with an aim to serve African-Caribbean populations. One such example was the African Caribbean Self Help Organisation (ACSHO) which was formed in 1964 in the district of Handsworth in Birmingham. These centres have often addressed issues that rise within the community, including perceived problems of police harassment and concerns about the housing of Black people, which was viewed as discriminatory during the early decades of mass immigration. The centres also allowed African-Caribbean peoples to socialise without risking the potential racial discrimination and aggression of "unfriendly pubs" [SO WHAT HAPPENS IS THE AFRICAN-CARIBBEANS—LIKE ALL THE OTHER IMMIGRANTS—FORM INTO ALIEN ENCLAVES AND THE RESULT IS A NATION OF WARING TRIBES. AND THE FUCKING LEFTIES’ DEMOGRAPHIC UTOPIA JUST DOESN’T QUITE WORK OUT BECAUSE THEY ARE (LIKE MARX) IDEOLOGUES WHO IGNORE OR ARE INDIFFERENT TO WHAT THEIR PEOPLE (THE BRITISH PEOPLE) WANT.] [OH YEAH, WHY SHOULD BRITISH PUBS WELCOME NONBRITISH INTERLOPERS WHOSE PEOPLE ARE DESTROYING BRITISH CULTURE. FOR EXAMPLE, THE OLD LONDON NO LONGER EXISTS. ITS BECOME A REFUGEE CAMP FULL OF HOSTILE ANTIWESTERNERS. ONE AUTHOR GAVE IT THE NAME OF LONDONSTAN.]
See Londonistan for yourself:

Here’s how immigrants add a little extra to what they get the British dole:

Police say such postings encouraged other people to join in the looting so don’t show off what you’ve stolen. The British police, like the rest of the British government, are fucking clueless. (Is castration a requirement to become a bobby? They look like a bunch of silly eunuchs out on the streets. At least the Jamaican police haven’t been castrated and are actually feared by criminals.) ;-)))

And the situation isn’t any better in the U.S. This is what the New York Times says:
Many of the gang members were not killed or arrested. Some fled [from Jamaica] to the United States, where they formed new gangs that they called "posses."
Today, the Jamaican posses are one of the most vicious criminal forces in America, Federal law enforcement officials say. They are major traffickers of cocaine and guns, the Federal authorities say, and have been involved in more than 1,400 drug-related killings in the United States in the last three years. #304 Federal Arrests The United States Attorney General, Dick Thornburgh, says there are 40 separate Jamaican gangs with a total of 10,000 members operating throughout the United States. In a series of raids last month, Federal agents and police arrested 304 suspected Jamaican gang members, mainly in Houston, Miami and New York. (By Joseph B. Treaster)
What are you going to do? At least Americans can arm themselves. I think British bobbies could learn something from American boobies:

P.S. The riots will inflame the hatred between Brits, aliens, and government. The Brave New World government planners blew it. They betrayed the British people by imposing upon them a leftist multicultural agenda. (And like it or not, only Anglo-Saxon-Western-European stock are not aliens in Great Britain. All others are interlopers.) Thus, EVERYONE IS FUCKING PISSED and a multicultural war is raging, sometimes silently, other times with great noise and violence.

The young Brits especially feel betrayed. The left-wing British multiculturalists (traitors) have allowed invading armies of aliens to steal Great Britain from the British people. Now the British can understand the anger of the Norwegian shooter Anders Behring Breivik. He rightly blamed the betrayers and traitors, not the invaders. Without a nation a young people have nothing to strive for, to feel a part of, to take pride in. One's culture and nation is supposed to be like God—there to give a person's life meaning when it may not working out so well at the individual level. Many criticize the young Brits for their decadent and aggressive behavior. Why shouldn't they choose a life of decadence and violence? Pride comes not only from the individual but from a national and cultural identity, but young Brits have watched their nation be given away and their culture polluted by aliens. So they just say FUCK IT AND FUCK YOU! ;-)))

The Prime Minister David Cameron showed how much the upper leftist crust cares about the British people by remaining on vacation in Italy while London burned. And what does he do when he gets back? Talk, talk, talk, talk. The British politicians are good at talking and doing nothing. What Great Britain needs is a military takeover that would purge the nation of the alien cancer that is destroying the nation's culture and causing anger, hatred, and resentment among the British young. The multiculturalists always wonder why British young people can't behave like the best of the aliens, such as the Hindu people. One answer is that aliens have no reason to be pissed. They are not the ones losing their nation. They can still identify with the homeland left behind. They are not a people without a country.

Jolly Old Britain is broken to bits like Humpty Dumpty—and no one in government can put Jolly Old Britain back together again. ;-)))