B.S. from Gov. Brown
“Saying it would save existing jobs and create new ones, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law legislation to require Amazon.com and many other out-of-state Internet retailers to collect sales taxes on purchases by California customers.”
Brown should have vetoed the bill instead of signing it. Now he has given Amazon.com and California taxpayers a reprieve for one year. My advice is get the hell out of California while you can afford to.
Brown's justification is political B.S. The fucking government simply wants more of our money. Californians are already paying the highest state income tax in the country (8.25%), federal taxes, and the highest sales tax in the country at 7.25 percent. Now we have to pay more taxes. I fucking hate California and Jerry Brown and will soon be getting out of it when I get the fuck out of the country, which has gone to alien hell.
Brown says the tax will create new jobs. How in the fuck does he figure that? You mean all those disappeared bookstores and record stores will come back? Bullshit. He said it would bring back and save brick and mortar stores. Small businesses? Bullshit. It might benefit Wal-Mart and Target types of stores but that’s all. And it’s not as if those stores haven’t driven a lot of small stores out of business. I still won’t fucking shop at the BIG BOX stores. For one thing they are fucking depressing (and evil in Wal-Mart’s case). I don’t like to go shopping because in the alien refugee camp I live in I see how much of America has disappeared.
The Mexican Sponsor of the Bill
The bill was sponsored by hammer & sickle Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner who believes it's a matter of fairness. To quote Marx: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. In other words, rape the taxpayer to pay for those most in need—in particular the millions of illegal immigrants who have invaded the state and their anchor babies.
That's why Mexican Assemblyman Charles Calderon, a politician for the Hispanic Nation, cosponsored the bill and has worked for even broader taxation of on-line retailers.
In the face of strong evidence that this trick would most certainly put many small e-retailers and internet affiliates out of business, legislators continue to pursue what they claim will be a $200 million windfall of tax income. AB 155, one of the online tax bills authored by Assemblyman Charles Calderon, would change the definition of a “retailer” to include any group “that performs services in this state in connection with tangible personal property to be sold by the retailer.”And I just bet he has an illegal parent or grandparent hiding in the closet. You see California has become a state not of the United States, which is shrinking, but of Mexico. And these Mexican operatives know what they are doing. Take a look:
The strategy is simple. Suck as many dollars as possible from the gringo to benefit the Hispanic Nation in California. It’s a trick that goes back to Karl Marx. As the Hispanics gain power, they will pass socialistic bills that will take revenue from Americans and give it to the Hispanics. If Americans don’t like it, they can leave the state, which then becomes further Hispanicized. It’s a win-win situation for the Hispanics. Lose lose for Americans.
Brown: Illegals Sucking up Gringo Tax Dollars Is Okay if It Gets Me Re-elected
Brown said the new law will "create tens of thousands of jobs and inject hundreds of millions of dollars back into critical services like education and public safety in future years," We know the new jobs is just more political bullshit. But what about education and public safety in future years? For whom? That brings us to the real reason for the tax. The government needs more of our money because it has totally mismanaged the state. Its biggest fuckup has been to allow millions of illegals into the state. Illegal aliens get to use all the public services. Illegal kids get to go to public schools. Mexican national can go to California colleges without paying out of state tuition (a privilege not even Americans get).
And the explosion of Hispanic gangs and the Hispanic crime wave has overwhelmed police departments, the justice system, and the jails and prisons:
“Criminal gangs in the USA have swelled to an estimated 1 million members responsible for up to 80% of crimes in communities across the nation, according to a gang threat assessment compiled by federal officials... The gang population estimate is up 200,000 since 2005.” (http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-01-29-ms13_N.htm)
As you know Hispanics have taken over in California and the illegals and their anchor babies need a lot of public services. And Jerry Brown is just another alien-ass kissing, self-serving unAmericans politician.
The 60% Factor and Traitorous Politicians like Brown
Gringos are a minority in California (40%) and Brown knows it. The 60% factor simply means that politicians have to kiss Hispanic ass if they want to get elected or re-elected. Even if the Hispanics are only 20 to 30 percent of a state’s population, that’s enough to give the Republicans or Democrats the majority of votes they need to win. Ergo, democracy no longer works for Americans. So Brown (like all the other traitorous American politicians) throws in with the Hispanics and says tough shit to Americans.
Hispanic Invasion and the Domino Effect
I predict that from this moment on every five years another American state will become a Hispanic controlled state—just as California, Florida, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas have. Nevada and Colorado will be next.
By 2050 the Hispanic population in the in the U.S. will be larger than the entire population of the U.S. in 1940 and there will be 20 million more Hispanics living in the U.S. then are living in Mexico today. However, Mexico will remain almost 100% Hispanic. Also, when that occurs, European Americans will have become a minority in there own nation, which will no longer be their nation.
Americans who have their heads in the sand (most Americans) are the ones who don’t believe that the Hispanic takeover hasn’t been orchestrated and supported by the Hispanic Nation within the country, the Mexican government outside the country, and by leftist groups, such as the Jewish Multicultural Movement. And while these Americans have had their heads in the sand (or up their asses), they have been run over by an alien lawnmower in part being pushed by their U.S. government, corporate, and military agents serving their own interests by serving the invaders—i.e., JUDAS AMERICANS.
Republicans Are Just the Same, Just Bigger Liars!
That's right, the Democrats aren't the only unAmerican politicians. Take for example Republican Rick Paleolithic Perry, governor of Texico. He knows that the future smells like refried beans. He opposes a border fence and signed a state Dream Act. In other words, he’s all for letting children of illegal aliens living in Texas to attend college at in-state tuition rates when he should have sent the criminal parents packing back to Mexico. Oh, I forgot. Because the border was not secured, Americans are now a minority in Texas...I mean Texico, which has become another Mexican state., i.e., Texas demographically seceded from the Union.
Resistance 3 and the End of America
The video game Resistance 3 shows what is happening to America. It’s being taken over by aliens. In the game the aliens are the Chimera (think Hispanics), who have all but wiped out the human race (Americans). Nowhere is safe for pocket of survivors (American communities).
But the threat in the the real America isn't an less scary:
In America there is no resistance. State and federal governments are either being run by unAmerican Judases or have been commandeered by aliens. California is no longer an American state. It, like Texas, now belongs to Mexico and the Mexican politicians running the California state government (and ruining California for Americans) know it. And they want as much of the gringo’s money they can get. Viva Mexico!
Oh yeah, there is one difference between the video game and the real America. In the video game Americans win their country back. In the real America... Well, let's just say it's a sad unAmerican ending.
Americans are becoming like the Palestinians—losing their homeland. Maybe we will be able to apply to the U.N. for a state of our own. Or maybe the aliens will allow us to live on reservations, though I don't think so. :-)))
The end is near, America! And it’s your fucking fault.