The day began with a sulfuric cloud descending upon the city of La Jolla. Eyes and throats burning, the locals wondered what was going on. What was going on was Condoleezza Rice had just flown into La Jolla, just like John Milton’s Satan flies into Eden, but Rice was followed by a yellowish acidic vapor trail.
Those who witness her descent said it was an amazing sight. Flames surrounded her body as if she was an asteroid. Fortunately she was protected by greenish-brown scales. On campus teachers tried to keep students from fleeing the reptilian spectacle, which would have left no one to attend the presentation. Especially frightening were the long claws protruding from her hands. Instead of feet she had hooves. And when she landed she let out a terrible screech that caused many ears to bleed. Once she landed her wings retracted but her tail continued to swish back and forth. One confused child ran into the tail and was cut in half. People rushed to aid the child but in the blink of an eye a forked tongue shot out and grabs the two parts of the child, one on each fork, and retracted, child and all, back into the mouth.
Smiling, she said, “I learned how to use my forked tongue when I was Secretary of State.”
Teachers and students watched in awe as George W. Bush’s former serpent made its/her way Velociraptor-like to the gym. One reporter asked a parent what she thought about the students apparently having no choice in having to see such a frightening sight. “It’s a remarkable opportunity. I skipped work to be here. How often does one have a chance to see one of Satan’s helpers?”
In the gym Condoleezza offered some advice on life. She told the students to follow their passions, saying that once she wanted to be a musician and that she was pretty good but then decided to become a mass murderer and war criminal.
Then the only black in the audience asked, “But wouldn’t have been more enjoyable to become someone like Etta James, who brought beauty and happiness into the world with her music instead of being Auntie Thomas to a dumbass, warmongering honky from Texas, George W. Bush?”
“You must be confusing me with that Uncle Tom Colin Powell. Believe me I got more balls than that Oreo or the prez. Powell bailed when things got bloody.
“He was a liar like you, right?”
“You better watch your mouth or else I’ll zap your black ass. But it’s true Powell was liar. But you see the difference me and Uncle Tom Powell is that I can lie with a clear conscience. You have to if you want to be a real Republican. And what’s wrong with a lie. It’s simply not telling the truth. Big fucking deal!”
One student asked how many people did she help kill. Flicking her tongue toward the audience, she said, “Thousands of men, women, and children. Maimed and tortured thousands more. It was a real bloody holiday.” Then she showed slides:
One student who raised her hand to speak held up a crucifix, apparently to protect herself from Condoleezza's demonic powers. "Honey," said the former secretary of state, "that cross won't do you any good. Don't you know Satan and Yahweh are pals? You need to read the Book of Job. It tells about how God and his sidekick Satan planned together how to torment Job. Those two were a real inspiration to all the members of the Bush administration. Where do you think we got the idea that torture is godly?"
The student put away the little cross and said, “But you help killed and maim lots of children.”
“Delicious,” was the serpent’s reply.
The lizard said she even considered becoming National Football League commissioner, but couldn’t pass up the opportunity to become a war criminal. “No fucking way the football field compares to the battlefield.”
One student asked if she wasn’t worried about being brought before the World Court. Condoleezza just hissed out a laugh and said, “America is above the law and has the nukes to prove it.”
When asked what inspired her to join the Bush administration, Condoleezza said that her hero was Eunice Rivers.
The student said she didn’t know her.
“She was the nurse who coordinated Tuskegee syphilis experiment.”
“Wasn’t that the experiment where white doctors gave placebos to black men infected with syphilis?”
“Exactly. I mean that must have been almost as much fun as water-boarding. And it taught those adulterous niggers a lesson. Damn shame Cain and Gingrich were in the study.”
“But you’re black.”
“Only on the outside, just like Eunice. Besides the victims of the killing I was involved in were brown-skin Muslims, hardly human you know.”
Rice told students that when they grow up they may not want to do what they want now. In her case she thought she wanted to be a pianist. She said she was good but not great, so instead of murdering Beethoven she decided to murder Iraqis and Afghans.
Then one student said he wanted to know more about her lying. A Flame shot from Condoleezza mouth and ignited the student. “Any other questions?” she asked. About that time the narrator decided to dumb down the conversation and talk about sports. Condoleezza revealed her Super Bowl pick, jinxing the San Francisco 49ers just as she and the rest of Bush's diabolical crew jinxed America.
No Code Pink at Bishop’s. Only Republicans were allowed into the event.
One student said that she thought the whole ‘follow your passion thing’ was kind of cool and that she never considered becoming a mass murderer because she didn’t think it was a real option. But now she understood that it was an option if she was willing to become a Republican and go into politics.
Later in the program Condoleezza was given the Eva Braun Achievement Award.
Some adults paid to have lunch with Condoleezza, but many became sick because she hung from the ceiling while eating—using her forked tongue to snatch morsels of raw meat from the plate. Apparently it was a delicacy flown in from Afghanistan.
After Condoleezza flew off, everyone let out a sigh of relief. One reporter asked a sixth grader what he learned from listening to Condoleezza. He said his history teacher had just finished discussing the Hannah Arendt’s idea of the banality of evil. “I didn’t really know what the teacher meant until listening to Condoleezza Rice. I mean like she reminded me of that serial killer in Silence of the Lambs.”
Inside the San Diego Union Tribune Condoleezza is shown laughing just above the Obituaries. That seems appropriate. Obviously the work of a stealth Democrat employed by the newspaper.
Fortunately the Dalai Lama has been called in to do a spiritual fumigation of the city.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Now Even Jews Know Why They Are Hated
Justified anti-Semitism
Just as I was beginning to wonder if my anti-Semitism was beyond the bounds of reason the Jews come to the rescue. I stand up and without shame declare myself an anti-Semitic. Why? First of all their idiotic religion destroyed Western Civilization when it neutralized pagan culture of the Roman Empire. I am not talking about people who dress in tiger skins and howl at the moon. I am talking about the Greeks and Romans, who together invented or develop every important aspect of Western Civilization. Then come along the Jews to halt progress for about 1500 years. If you want to know how that happened, turn off the television for a couple days and read Charles Freeman’s The Closing of the Western Mind.
People tend to believe that JudeoChristianity is an advance over the pagan religion of the Greeks. What fucking nonsense. As Edith Hamilton says in her book The Greek Way Greek religion wasn’t invented by bunch of spooky priests that look like Orthodox Jews but by poets and artists. And it was very much an individualistic religion. Each person could choose what to believe. There was no burning at the stake if you disagreed with the Church because there was no Church.
The Greek gods were simply life writ large. They were all the aspects of life (love, beauty, wisdom, fertility, craftsmanship, celebration or playfulness and a dozen other human qualities) celebrated and expressed in the perfection of the representative deity. All aspects of nature were worshiped as divine. Storms, lightening, earthquakes, rainbows, wine, etc. The Greeks worshiped life, whereas the religion inherited from the Jews worships death, a dead man on a cross. The Jews gave humanity a monstrosity of a god. If you don’t believe me read Exodus, the part where Yahweh inflicts Egyptians with numerous plagues. If you read it closely you will see that never is an Egyptian described killing a Jew. But Yahweh slaughters Egyptian children, adults, and animals. The problem is most Christians (Judaized goyim) don’t even read the book their idiotic religion is based on. Why? Because don’t read much at all.
If the Greek religion worshiped anything abstract it was perfection and excellence. But Americans don’t want to hear that. From the Jews they inherited an aversion to the truth.
Some thinkers include Judaism as part of Western Civilization. It’s not. It’s an ugly superstition that emerge in the East. And once Judaized, the Judaized pagans, i.e., Christians, spread the Hebrew plague throughout the world—destroying as many pagan cultures (such as that of the Native Americans) they could get their greedy, superstitious hands on. And they would do it all in God’s name. And spreading the Hebrew word was used to justify conquering people and taking their land. That’s how the Jews got their hands on Palestine when it was Canaan and then again after World War II. They justified the theft with their book of fairy tales.
And of course Judaism also morphed into Islam. Every Muslim is a converted Jew.
And they have invaded the U.S., corrupting Wall Street, Washington, D.C., Hollywood or anywhere else they inhabit. And they are leading the way to turn America into the world’s largest refugee camp because they will have absolute power once the goyim (gentiles) become a minority in their own country. To do this they are following the strategy of their modern-day Hebrew prophets, Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky,who believed in the principle "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." The way this works out is that the nations with the most ability (wealthy white nations) are obligated to turn their nations over to the people with the greatest need (the billions of black, brown, and yellow people from the dysfunctional, impoverished, over-populated nations of the world. The consequence the U.S. and Europe will soon look like Manchester, England. These Marxist have-nots will embrace Jewish Marxism in order to milk the political, social, economic systems for all they're worth. And they will (the Jews expect) idolize the Jews as their messiahs and liberators, all the while reducing goyim gentiles to political and cultural ineffectiveness. We've already seen that in the U.S. in the Judefication of Wall Street, Washington, Hollywood, and even Disney. The Marxist Jewish agenda can be seen in many parts of the U.S. and Europe. Here it is in Manchester:
People wonder why Hitler hated the Jews. One big reason was the Jew Karl Marx. Had their been no Marx there would have been no Hitler. After World War I communism had become a threat to Germany and everywhere communists were being led by Jews. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a fan Hitler. He did too damage to my people the Europeans. And his cure for the Jewish problem only made it worse.
He also hated Jews because they were corrupting German culture just as the Jews have corrupted American culture, especially via that cesspool of filth Hollywood, which could be called Hebrewood or Jewwood. I just watch the nihilistic Bad Teacher, one of hundreds of either filthy or stupid movies spewing out of Jewwood. Check out Black Swan (to watch a Jewish girl masturbate), The Kids Are All Right or The 40-Year-Old Virgin or No Strings Attached or Sex and the City or The other Guys or Love and Other Drugs or I Love You, Philip Morris, ad infinitum. Some of the productions are Jew productions; others aren’t. But it’s the Jews who turned Hollywood into a cultural toilet. And so America has been undergoing a cultural meltdown. Idiots like Obama and all the mentally challenged Republicans keep believing the threats to America are outside the country. But they are inside, and the Jews get a lot of credit for being the enablers of those threats—financial, political, cultural, and demographic.
Hollywood also serves as a propaganda mill for Holocaust movies, which serve as a cover for the misdeeds the Jews continue to commit since the Hebrew Occupation of Palestine in 1948. But we anti-Semites are not buying the propaganda because we don’t give a shit abut the 6 million that Hitler’s final solution got rid of. (By the way, only 10% of the people who died during WWII were Jews. Yeah, that's a lot of people. But millions of the others who died during the war died fighting Hitler, the Japs, and the other bad guys.) Why do we not give a shit? Because the Jews have proven ever since 1948 that they are unworthy of sympathy. Actually you can go back to the days of the Old Testament when Yahweh was inflicting plagues upon the Egyptians and slaughtering their children. Passover actually celebrates the slaughter of the Egyptian children.
What abut the Pharaoh’s attempt to kill the first-born of the Jews? At least he wanted to spare the girls. And like I said, it never says that he actually did kill any Jewish children, or any Jews at all, for that matter. Read the fucking Bible!
In the movie The Debt a Mossad agent tells a fellow Mossad agent whose about to beat the shit out of a Nazi butcher that Jews mustn’t become like their victimizers. BUT THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THE NAZI BUTCHERS. Read the Book of Joshua or 1 Samuel. And in the present obscene State of Israel the Zionists are the new Nazis and the Palestinians are the new Jews!
What in the fuck have the Jews contributed to civilization besides the Bible, which would unleash 2000 years of Abrahamic horror upon the world? Sure there are the big three Marx, Einstein and Freud—all trained by Germanic cultures. That’s the thing about the Jews. They are a parasitic people, today feeding like vampires off American and Palestinian blood. In ancient times they congregated in Alexandra (that’s right fucking Egypt) and got wealthy feeding off their host's culture.
Today the Germans are sacrificing billions to keep Europe from become bankrupt. How have the fucking Jews contributed to the betterment of the world since they stole Palestine? They haven’t. In fact, they have been the greatest source of disorder in the world since the end of the Cold War. The U.S. would be number two, in part because of the pernicious Zionist influence on U.S. government.
I wish the Germans would turn Auschwitz into an amusement park and get over their Holocaust guilt complex. Today the Jews should be the ones feeling guilty. BUT THEY ARE SUCH FUCKING NARCISSISTS THAT THAT THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF FEELING GUILT. Like the creepy Hebrews who spit upon little Jewish girls. If you think the Jews are incapable of using holocaust methods to do a little ethnic house cleansing then you haven't read the Old Testament. The Jews cleansed the Amalekite people off the map:
Now that I think about it, my antisemitism is perfectly justified. Insulated in their ethnocentric bubble Jews never could understand why they are so hated by everyone. Well certainly the Christians dislike them for getting Jesus executed. But I’m not a Christian (because I don’t want to be Judaized). The result of the Crucifixion was the spread of the mind-killing, idiocy-causing Hebrew virus that put Western Civilization into a coma until Greek civilization was rediscovered.
Back to the Jews’ asking Why? Why? It’s because Jews are arrogant and nasty. They don’t give a fuck about other people. And don’t for a minute believe their philanthropic hype. It’s a cover and a ploy that works really well on stupid Judaized Americans. But now the Jews can look in mirror and see the self-centered, selfish, narcissistic monsters the Palestinians always knew them to be. Let's begin with their chauvinism.
In an article titled “Israelis Facing a Seismic Rift" Ethan Bronner tells us about a pediatrics professor who won a prize for her book on hereditary diseases. Because of the presence of the health minister, Yaakov Litzman, an orthodox Jew, the professor (1) had to dress up in orthodox garb, (2) could not sit with her husband, and (3) could not speak at the podium—this a fucking professor. She couldn’t even accept the award herself but had to have a male colleague accept it for her. And what is Litzman’s claim to fame? He didn’t experience the Holocaust himself but he was born to Polish survivors of the Holocaust. That’s the Holocaust game all Jews play. It doesn’t matter if they didn’t experience the holocaust themselves. All that matters is that there is some biological connection with anyone related to the Holocaust, even survivors. In other words, the Jews will be milking the Holocaust cow for many more decades.
Apparently Litzman didn’t progress very far in his studies, nothing like the professor. In other words, not only does Litzman milk the Holocaust (which he never experienced) he milks the Hebrew's mythology for all its political and economic benefits, just as Jews do in the U.S. Criticize any Jew for anything thing not only are you an anti-Semite but insensitive to the pain and suffering caused by the Holocaust, even to those Jews born decades later in Israel or the U.S. It's a beautiful con.
In the article there is a photograph of Rabbi Dror Moshe Cassouto, who defends the orthodox way of life. No shit. The wife can’t be seen because she’s sitting invisible behind Yahweh’s spokesman. What the rabbi and the no-nothing health minister share in common is Biblically imposed ignorance. They think they know everything because they know the Bible and the centuries of commentaries on what the Bible says. Of course, they are not interested in critical commentaries, only those within the faith. That is why the Jews have never accomplished anything worthwhile. Because they already knew everything that was important, they had no curiosity about the world beyond what the Bible says about it. It has been a self-imposed retardation. Which is fine. I don’t care if people want to be stupid. However, unfortunately for Western Civilization the pagan world—which was the most learned at the time—had the Hebrew nonsense shoved down its throat by dumb-ass Judaized Roman emperors. Thus began the Dark Ages. There have been Jews who have made important contributions to humanity’s intellectual progress—but only recently. And those Jews were the products of Western learning.
The article also says that orthodox Jews are mostly poor. No shit. They can’t do anything useful to make a living. And they live off the dole. They don’t even have to serve in the military. They live the Marxist dream. They fuck, replicate, and spit on little girls. You want to know from whom the Arabs learned to treat their women like shit—from the Hebrews. Men were not enlightened about women in ancient times. But the gift of the Jew was the belief that treating women like domestic animals was sanctioned by God. That made enlightenment impossible because if God says men should treat women as domesticated animals then that's the way women should be treated. But anyone who has read the Old Testament knows that Yahweh is no moral authority.
Now let's take a look at how chauvinistic orthodox Jews treat little girls.
Here’s the story from Aron Heller. It’s about a shy 8-year-old Jewish girl:
“Naama Margolese is a ponytailed, bespectacled second-grader who is afraid of walking to her religious Jewish girls school for fear of ultra-Orthodox extremists who have spat on her and called her a whore for dressing ‘immodestly.’” Talk about dress. There is no creepier wardrobe than that of an Orthodox Jew. Take a look:
What a fucking freak show!
Back to Naama:
“When I walk to school in the morning, I used to get a tummy ache because I was so scared … that they were going to stand and start yelling and spitting,” the pale, blue-eyed girl said softly in an interview with the Associated Press on Monday. “They were scary. They don’t want us to go to the school.”
They are not only ugly but scary, brainwashed, lazy cowards. Here’s more from the Israeli toilet:
Ugly because they look like hairy gnome-like mutations that spit out acid, have hooves, one testicle (the women too) the size of a hen’s egg, a forked tongue, hook noses filled with cancerous boogers, which are eaten when studying the Torah. Fleas and other blood-sucking insects flee their beards only to fall to the ground where they die, kicking their little legs, poisoned. In an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood it is Halloween every day and the ghouls come out day and night hissing at and harassing little children. The women are basically baby factories. Baby boys suffer genital mutilation; women are lobotomized. And the women are to be pitied when you consider that they must copulate with hairy ape-like creatures, though many Jewish women have beards, the males and females are often hard to distinguish. Take another look at these creeps—who are the soul of all Jews.
The men know only one book, which means they know nothing because the book is filled with mythological nonsense and a history that mostly didn’t happen. Read Israel Finkelstein and Neil Silberman’s The Bible Unearthed. Or watch the documentary. (Being truthful, honest and decent human beings, Israel and Neil must be Jewish mutations. Their great ancestors must have been Greeks who were kidnapped and renamed by Hebrews trying to upgrade the Hebrew gene pool.)
Of course, if you are a believer in the Christian version of the Jewish fairytale (actually a horror story) you might want to skip that book and put your head back into the sand. That, however, is exactly how the spitting-on-little-girls Jews live, figuratively speaking, unfortunately, because the world would be a little less scary if their hairy head were stuck in the sand. But that might tempt a goy to get on a bulldozer and cut Jewish ass. Bad joke? Well take a look at this:
Nice people! In reality Israel is a ghetto insane asylum populated by twisted Hebrew Morlocks that come out of their caves—where burn sulfur incense and the read the Torah as if it were pornography—to spit on little girls—Jewish girls at that. Palestinian girls they make into meat pies. The Jews that do that are just like Abraham. They would willingly sacrifice their children if they thought Yahweh told them to do so. The Jews are the people who introduced fanaticism into the world. In a sense they were the monster-makers who produced Hitler: You are my creator but I am your master. Remember the story? If you do, you’re are a member of that select few of Americans who are culturally literate.
The ultra-Orthodox Jews are idiot savants sans savant. They are psychopaths who each day engage in self-brainwashing.
Now you know why the Jews never made any contribution to civilization. I’m sorry that book of lies called the Bible hardly qualifies. And all that beautiful poetry? It came from the Judaized English translators who beautified the language of the Bible when they created the King James version.
Let's lighten up. Check out the Jews in a hypnotic trance:
This Jewish Voodooism has nothing in common with Western Civilization. It’s like a rave disco party. It’s not about knowledge. It all about make-believe. In fact, there should be a Hebrew program at the Comic Con. They could show up as Satan and his devils or as Yahweh drooling at the mouth with his angels. There is also be David and Goliath, Samson, Moses with his magical staff (Sexy! :-))), maybe Abraham with his butcher knife (here comes Biblical Jason :-0 !!!), and the neo-Jews (Christians) could show up as Jesus the miracle worker, i.e., magician. Is it surprising that a Jew invented Superman? They’ve been dong that sort of thing when the Greeks were inventing their mythical figures. But the Greeks got over their mythological nonsense when they discovered reason.
The Jews worship the HOLY LIE because the lie makes them feel they are the most important people in the Universe. And they don’t like outsiders (or little girl insiders) disturbing their make-believe:
But you say not all Jews are Orthodox. The Orthodox Jew is the Jew in all its purity. He is the dark soul that dwells within every Jew. In every Jew lives a self-centered, selfish, narcissistic monster that is publicly expressed by the orthodox Jew. Even if they don’t believe the fairytale, they play along. I mean all Jews mutilate their male children as an Abrahamic sacrifice to Yahweh. What I’m saying is that all Jews spit on the nonJews just as Orthodox Jews spit on that Jewish girl.
Their horrific treatment of the Palestinian people is one example. And they love to see the Iranian people suffer and are hoping that America will turn its killing machine loose on the Iranians just as it did on the Afghan and Iraqi people. The Jews see these people in the same way Hitler saw Jews, as less than human. Why should Iran not have a nuclear weapon if the Jews get to have one? Iran has much more to fear from pit bull America, which Israel keeps on a leash. That’s why the U.S. leaves North Korea alone. Because it has the BOMB. What these little nations fear is Zionist-American imperialism. Of course, they have nothing to fear if they are willing to become Zionist-American lackeys, like Saudi Arabia. The U.S. is supposed to be all about freedom, so why did it sell all those expensive jet fighters to the Saudi dictators? Because the chauvinistic Saudis are willing to kiss Zionist-American ass. The Jews give a shit less about the rest humanity. They think the fucking Universe revolves around them.
Why don’t the Jews make a humanitarian gesture and say they are willing to give up their nuclear weapons if everyone else in the region is willing to do without them? The U.S. will protect Israel but who will protect Iran? Who protected the Afghan people? Who protected the Iraqi people? Nobody except themselves. But the Jews aren’t really about peace, progress, or humanity. They are only about themselves. They’re special so they deserve to have nuclear weapons.
I know the Iranians have a nut-case for a president: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But he is no worse than the Zionist fanatics who run Israel or the Zionist neocons running the U.S. government. By the way, what harm has the Iranians really done to others? The Iran-Iraq War was started by Hussein, who was treated favorably by the U.S. government at the time. The Israelis have slaughtered and oppressed the Palestinians. The U.S. slaughter Vietnamese, Afghans, and Iraqis. In 1953 it also helped overthrow a democratically elected government in Iran and installed the dictator Mohammad Rezā Shāh Pahlavi, the Shah.
In the last video Oreilly proves himself once against to be a nonthinking blowhard, who has been brainwashed by the Jews (that’s where the money is). He’s not a thinker but a propaganda artist, a rude one at that. There is no way Oreilly is gong to let the facts get in the way of his opinions.
But my point is that Iranians have had Westerners, especially the fucking colonialist British interfering in their affairs forever and primarily for money. The fear of communism has been used by Europeans and Americans as a ruse for invading other nations and/or overthrowing their government. Today the ruse is stinking Israel and the War on Terrorism.
If you want to see a quintessence of the Jewish personality and a microcosm of the Jewish people, watch the movie Shattered Glass. It’s a about the narcissistic, compulsive liar and Jew (a redundancy) Stephen Randall Glass. Glass thinks only about himself and lies to promote himself to others. The Jews have been doing that since they began telling stories about their being God’s chosen people. Glass never gives a shit about his colleagues (or friends, though to him, as with all Jews, friendship is a one-way street) at The New Republic magazine where he worked as a reporter. What is revealed in Glass is what Nietzsche would call the resentment (Ressentiment) that envious Jews have harbored forever toward nonJews, civilization builders such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, and Romans. Resentment is the soil out of which the fleur de mal of Judaism has flourished. Be sure to watch the 60 Minutes special feature.
Once you’re done with Glass, what Casino Jack and the United States of Money, about the Jew who fucked over the American Indians, Jack Abramoff.
And if you haven’t had to take your anti-Hebrew nausea medicine, watch Inside Job. It’s about the financial meltdown and its stars more Jews than a Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld comedy. You remember David, who thought it would be funny to crucify Christ a second time, this time by pissing on him:
That’s enough to make Christians want to crucify a Jew, this time a comedian!
More shit about the Jews
Famous people say about Jews:
How the Jews show their love for Palestinian children:
Jews and the Iraq War:
The Zionist Lobby’s control of the U.S. government:
How the Jews disgraced America before the world by making it a liar nation:
How they show their appreciation for America:
Would the world have been better off if Hitler’s final solution succeeded? Big time! The Palestinians would still have their homeland. A half-dozen wars in the Middle East would not have happened. 9-11 would not have happened. Thus the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would not have happened. Al-Qaeda would have fought the Soviets but not America. Wall Street, Washington, and Hollywood would not have been corrupted. America, Palestine, and the world could not have been worst off without the Jews and most likely much better off. And just imagine how much better off the world would have been if Jesus had not been born. Because without him the big lie Christianity is based on would not have been born and the pagans would not have been slaughtered or converted, the Crusades and Inquisitions would not have happened, the burning and drowning of witches would not have happened. Intellectual progress would not have been shut down for fifteen hundred year. In other words, the messiah of the West would have been the pursuer of truth, Socrates, rather than the pursuer of make-believe Jesus (actually "Saint" Paul's corruption of Jesus). Read Who Wrote the New Testament or The Lost Gospel by Burton Mack. Oh yeah, no Islam. No people has been as catastrophic for the world as the Jews have.
If you’re not an anti-Semite, you must be Jewish. :-)))
Just in: Zionist Alien-in-America Jew congresswoman declares Sesame Street off limits to Palestinian children
I guess you heard by now that U.S.Zionist Republican Congresswoman and alien (Cuban born) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Jew) has convinced the U.S. Zionist-run government to cancel funding for Sesame Street, even though affluent Nazi-Israel receives such funding. In fact, Israel has been the biggest recipient of U.S. foreign aid. Israel and Egypt have consistently received 1/3 of U.S. total spending on foreign aid.
Why? Because Zionist Jews have lock on the federal government and Judaized Americans. The dictator who ran Egypt forever received billions of dollars to bite his tongue when he was tempted to say that he wished Israel would just fucking disappear.
Now we have this alien Jew preventing Palestinian children from watching Sesame Street because Palestine wants a homeland of their own. The fucking Jews don’t want that because they plan is to make life so fucking miserable for the Palestinians that they will the concentration camp Israel has created for them. As far as Palestinian children are concerned, if you can’t shoot them or crush them in bombed buildings or put them in ovens, then you can at least deny them their quality time on Sesame Street.
The work of the Jew:
First Samuel 15:3 reveals the mind of the Jews and they worships
Pay attention, Yahweh speaking: “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”
God the Jews make being anti-Semitic easy!
Just as I was beginning to wonder if my anti-Semitism was beyond the bounds of reason the Jews come to the rescue. I stand up and without shame declare myself an anti-Semitic. Why? First of all their idiotic religion destroyed Western Civilization when it neutralized pagan culture of the Roman Empire. I am not talking about people who dress in tiger skins and howl at the moon. I am talking about the Greeks and Romans, who together invented or develop every important aspect of Western Civilization. Then come along the Jews to halt progress for about 1500 years. If you want to know how that happened, turn off the television for a couple days and read Charles Freeman’s The Closing of the Western Mind.
People tend to believe that JudeoChristianity is an advance over the pagan religion of the Greeks. What fucking nonsense. As Edith Hamilton says in her book The Greek Way Greek religion wasn’t invented by bunch of spooky priests that look like Orthodox Jews but by poets and artists. And it was very much an individualistic religion. Each person could choose what to believe. There was no burning at the stake if you disagreed with the Church because there was no Church.
The Greek gods were simply life writ large. They were all the aspects of life (love, beauty, wisdom, fertility, craftsmanship, celebration or playfulness and a dozen other human qualities) celebrated and expressed in the perfection of the representative deity. All aspects of nature were worshiped as divine. Storms, lightening, earthquakes, rainbows, wine, etc. The Greeks worshiped life, whereas the religion inherited from the Jews worships death, a dead man on a cross. The Jews gave humanity a monstrosity of a god. If you don’t believe me read Exodus, the part where Yahweh inflicts Egyptians with numerous plagues. If you read it closely you will see that never is an Egyptian described killing a Jew. But Yahweh slaughters Egyptian children, adults, and animals. The problem is most Christians (Judaized goyim) don’t even read the book their idiotic religion is based on. Why? Because don’t read much at all.
If the Greek religion worshiped anything abstract it was perfection and excellence. But Americans don’t want to hear that. From the Jews they inherited an aversion to the truth.
Some thinkers include Judaism as part of Western Civilization. It’s not. It’s an ugly superstition that emerge in the East. And once Judaized, the Judaized pagans, i.e., Christians, spread the Hebrew plague throughout the world—destroying as many pagan cultures (such as that of the Native Americans) they could get their greedy, superstitious hands on. And they would do it all in God’s name. And spreading the Hebrew word was used to justify conquering people and taking their land. That’s how the Jews got their hands on Palestine when it was Canaan and then again after World War II. They justified the theft with their book of fairy tales.
And of course Judaism also morphed into Islam. Every Muslim is a converted Jew.
And they have invaded the U.S., corrupting Wall Street, Washington, D.C., Hollywood or anywhere else they inhabit. And they are leading the way to turn America into the world’s largest refugee camp because they will have absolute power once the goyim (gentiles) become a minority in their own country. To do this they are following the strategy of their modern-day Hebrew prophets, Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky,who believed in the principle "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." The way this works out is that the nations with the most ability (wealthy white nations) are obligated to turn their nations over to the people with the greatest need (the billions of black, brown, and yellow people from the dysfunctional, impoverished, over-populated nations of the world. The consequence the U.S. and Europe will soon look like Manchester, England. These Marxist have-nots will embrace Jewish Marxism in order to milk the political, social, economic systems for all they're worth. And they will (the Jews expect) idolize the Jews as their messiahs and liberators, all the while reducing goyim gentiles to political and cultural ineffectiveness. We've already seen that in the U.S. in the Judefication of Wall Street, Washington, Hollywood, and even Disney. The Marxist Jewish agenda can be seen in many parts of the U.S. and Europe. Here it is in Manchester:
People wonder why Hitler hated the Jews. One big reason was the Jew Karl Marx. Had their been no Marx there would have been no Hitler. After World War I communism had become a threat to Germany and everywhere communists were being led by Jews. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a fan Hitler. He did too damage to my people the Europeans. And his cure for the Jewish problem only made it worse.
He also hated Jews because they were corrupting German culture just as the Jews have corrupted American culture, especially via that cesspool of filth Hollywood, which could be called Hebrewood or Jewwood. I just watch the nihilistic Bad Teacher, one of hundreds of either filthy or stupid movies spewing out of Jewwood. Check out Black Swan (to watch a Jewish girl masturbate), The Kids Are All Right or The 40-Year-Old Virgin or No Strings Attached or Sex and the City or The other Guys or Love and Other Drugs or I Love You, Philip Morris, ad infinitum. Some of the productions are Jew productions; others aren’t. But it’s the Jews who turned Hollywood into a cultural toilet. And so America has been undergoing a cultural meltdown. Idiots like Obama and all the mentally challenged Republicans keep believing the threats to America are outside the country. But they are inside, and the Jews get a lot of credit for being the enablers of those threats—financial, political, cultural, and demographic.
Hollywood also serves as a propaganda mill for Holocaust movies, which serve as a cover for the misdeeds the Jews continue to commit since the Hebrew Occupation of Palestine in 1948. But we anti-Semites are not buying the propaganda because we don’t give a shit abut the 6 million that Hitler’s final solution got rid of. (By the way, only 10% of the people who died during WWII were Jews. Yeah, that's a lot of people. But millions of the others who died during the war died fighting Hitler, the Japs, and the other bad guys.) Why do we not give a shit? Because the Jews have proven ever since 1948 that they are unworthy of sympathy. Actually you can go back to the days of the Old Testament when Yahweh was inflicting plagues upon the Egyptians and slaughtering their children. Passover actually celebrates the slaughter of the Egyptian children.
What abut the Pharaoh’s attempt to kill the first-born of the Jews? At least he wanted to spare the girls. And like I said, it never says that he actually did kill any Jewish children, or any Jews at all, for that matter. Read the fucking Bible!
In the movie The Debt a Mossad agent tells a fellow Mossad agent whose about to beat the shit out of a Nazi butcher that Jews mustn’t become like their victimizers. BUT THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THE NAZI BUTCHERS. Read the Book of Joshua or 1 Samuel. And in the present obscene State of Israel the Zionists are the new Nazis and the Palestinians are the new Jews!
What in the fuck have the Jews contributed to civilization besides the Bible, which would unleash 2000 years of Abrahamic horror upon the world? Sure there are the big three Marx, Einstein and Freud—all trained by Germanic cultures. That’s the thing about the Jews. They are a parasitic people, today feeding like vampires off American and Palestinian blood. In ancient times they congregated in Alexandra (that’s right fucking Egypt) and got wealthy feeding off their host's culture.
Today the Germans are sacrificing billions to keep Europe from become bankrupt. How have the fucking Jews contributed to the betterment of the world since they stole Palestine? They haven’t. In fact, they have been the greatest source of disorder in the world since the end of the Cold War. The U.S. would be number two, in part because of the pernicious Zionist influence on U.S. government.
I wish the Germans would turn Auschwitz into an amusement park and get over their Holocaust guilt complex. Today the Jews should be the ones feeling guilty. BUT THEY ARE SUCH FUCKING NARCISSISTS THAT THAT THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF FEELING GUILT. Like the creepy Hebrews who spit upon little Jewish girls. If you think the Jews are incapable of using holocaust methods to do a little ethnic house cleansing then you haven't read the Old Testament. The Jews cleansed the Amalekite people off the map:
"They were doomed to utter destruction; but though they suffered heavily, especially at the hands of Saul and David, the sentence was so imperfectly executed that there was a remnant to be smitten in the days of Hezekiah (I Chron. 4:43)." (Unger's Bible Dictionary )The Jews invented ethnic cleansing and passed it on to those other Abrahamic faiths, Christianity and Islam.
Now that I think about it, my antisemitism is perfectly justified. Insulated in their ethnocentric bubble Jews never could understand why they are so hated by everyone. Well certainly the Christians dislike them for getting Jesus executed. But I’m not a Christian (because I don’t want to be Judaized). The result of the Crucifixion was the spread of the mind-killing, idiocy-causing Hebrew virus that put Western Civilization into a coma until Greek civilization was rediscovered.
Back to the Jews’ asking Why? Why? It’s because Jews are arrogant and nasty. They don’t give a fuck about other people. And don’t for a minute believe their philanthropic hype. It’s a cover and a ploy that works really well on stupid Judaized Americans. But now the Jews can look in mirror and see the self-centered, selfish, narcissistic monsters the Palestinians always knew them to be. Let's begin with their chauvinism.
In an article titled “Israelis Facing a Seismic Rift" Ethan Bronner tells us about a pediatrics professor who won a prize for her book on hereditary diseases. Because of the presence of the health minister, Yaakov Litzman, an orthodox Jew, the professor (1) had to dress up in orthodox garb, (2) could not sit with her husband, and (3) could not speak at the podium—this a fucking professor. She couldn’t even accept the award herself but had to have a male colleague accept it for her. And what is Litzman’s claim to fame? He didn’t experience the Holocaust himself but he was born to Polish survivors of the Holocaust. That’s the Holocaust game all Jews play. It doesn’t matter if they didn’t experience the holocaust themselves. All that matters is that there is some biological connection with anyone related to the Holocaust, even survivors. In other words, the Jews will be milking the Holocaust cow for many more decades.
Apparently Litzman didn’t progress very far in his studies, nothing like the professor. In other words, not only does Litzman milk the Holocaust (which he never experienced) he milks the Hebrew's mythology for all its political and economic benefits, just as Jews do in the U.S. Criticize any Jew for anything thing not only are you an anti-Semite but insensitive to the pain and suffering caused by the Holocaust, even to those Jews born decades later in Israel or the U.S. It's a beautiful con.
In the article there is a photograph of Rabbi Dror Moshe Cassouto, who defends the orthodox way of life. No shit. The wife can’t be seen because she’s sitting invisible behind Yahweh’s spokesman. What the rabbi and the no-nothing health minister share in common is Biblically imposed ignorance. They think they know everything because they know the Bible and the centuries of commentaries on what the Bible says. Of course, they are not interested in critical commentaries, only those within the faith. That is why the Jews have never accomplished anything worthwhile. Because they already knew everything that was important, they had no curiosity about the world beyond what the Bible says about it. It has been a self-imposed retardation. Which is fine. I don’t care if people want to be stupid. However, unfortunately for Western Civilization the pagan world—which was the most learned at the time—had the Hebrew nonsense shoved down its throat by dumb-ass Judaized Roman emperors. Thus began the Dark Ages. There have been Jews who have made important contributions to humanity’s intellectual progress—but only recently. And those Jews were the products of Western learning.
The article also says that orthodox Jews are mostly poor. No shit. They can’t do anything useful to make a living. And they live off the dole. They don’t even have to serve in the military. They live the Marxist dream. They fuck, replicate, and spit on little girls. You want to know from whom the Arabs learned to treat their women like shit—from the Hebrews. Men were not enlightened about women in ancient times. But the gift of the Jew was the belief that treating women like domestic animals was sanctioned by God. That made enlightenment impossible because if God says men should treat women as domesticated animals then that's the way women should be treated. But anyone who has read the Old Testament knows that Yahweh is no moral authority.
Now let's take a look at how chauvinistic orthodox Jews treat little girls.
Here’s the story from Aron Heller. It’s about a shy 8-year-old Jewish girl:
“Naama Margolese is a ponytailed, bespectacled second-grader who is afraid of walking to her religious Jewish girls school for fear of ultra-Orthodox extremists who have spat on her and called her a whore for dressing ‘immodestly.’” Talk about dress. There is no creepier wardrobe than that of an Orthodox Jew. Take a look:
What a fucking freak show!
Back to Naama:
“When I walk to school in the morning, I used to get a tummy ache because I was so scared … that they were going to stand and start yelling and spitting,” the pale, blue-eyed girl said softly in an interview with the Associated Press on Monday. “They were scary. They don’t want us to go to the school.”
They are not only ugly but scary, brainwashed, lazy cowards. Here’s more from the Israeli toilet:
Ugly because they look like hairy gnome-like mutations that spit out acid, have hooves, one testicle (the women too) the size of a hen’s egg, a forked tongue, hook noses filled with cancerous boogers, which are eaten when studying the Torah. Fleas and other blood-sucking insects flee their beards only to fall to the ground where they die, kicking their little legs, poisoned. In an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood it is Halloween every day and the ghouls come out day and night hissing at and harassing little children. The women are basically baby factories. Baby boys suffer genital mutilation; women are lobotomized. And the women are to be pitied when you consider that they must copulate with hairy ape-like creatures, though many Jewish women have beards, the males and females are often hard to distinguish. Take another look at these creeps—who are the soul of all Jews.
The men know only one book, which means they know nothing because the book is filled with mythological nonsense and a history that mostly didn’t happen. Read Israel Finkelstein and Neil Silberman’s The Bible Unearthed. Or watch the documentary. (Being truthful, honest and decent human beings, Israel and Neil must be Jewish mutations. Their great ancestors must have been Greeks who were kidnapped and renamed by Hebrews trying to upgrade the Hebrew gene pool.)
Of course, if you are a believer in the Christian version of the Jewish fairytale (actually a horror story) you might want to skip that book and put your head back into the sand. That, however, is exactly how the spitting-on-little-girls Jews live, figuratively speaking, unfortunately, because the world would be a little less scary if their hairy head were stuck in the sand. But that might tempt a goy to get on a bulldozer and cut Jewish ass. Bad joke? Well take a look at this:
Nice people! In reality Israel is a ghetto insane asylum populated by twisted Hebrew Morlocks that come out of their caves—where burn sulfur incense and the read the Torah as if it were pornography—to spit on little girls—Jewish girls at that. Palestinian girls they make into meat pies. The Jews that do that are just like Abraham. They would willingly sacrifice their children if they thought Yahweh told them to do so. The Jews are the people who introduced fanaticism into the world. In a sense they were the monster-makers who produced Hitler: You are my creator but I am your master. Remember the story? If you do, you’re are a member of that select few of Americans who are culturally literate.
The ultra-Orthodox Jews are idiot savants sans savant. They are psychopaths who each day engage in self-brainwashing.
Now you know why the Jews never made any contribution to civilization. I’m sorry that book of lies called the Bible hardly qualifies. And all that beautiful poetry? It came from the Judaized English translators who beautified the language of the Bible when they created the King James version.
Let's lighten up. Check out the Jews in a hypnotic trance:
This Jewish Voodooism has nothing in common with Western Civilization. It’s like a rave disco party. It’s not about knowledge. It all about make-believe. In fact, there should be a Hebrew program at the Comic Con. They could show up as Satan and his devils or as Yahweh drooling at the mouth with his angels. There is also be David and Goliath, Samson, Moses with his magical staff (Sexy! :-))), maybe Abraham with his butcher knife (here comes Biblical Jason :-0 !!!), and the neo-Jews (Christians) could show up as Jesus the miracle worker, i.e., magician. Is it surprising that a Jew invented Superman? They’ve been dong that sort of thing when the Greeks were inventing their mythical figures. But the Greeks got over their mythological nonsense when they discovered reason.
The Jews worship the HOLY LIE because the lie makes them feel they are the most important people in the Universe. And they don’t like outsiders (or little girl insiders) disturbing their make-believe:
But you say not all Jews are Orthodox. The Orthodox Jew is the Jew in all its purity. He is the dark soul that dwells within every Jew. In every Jew lives a self-centered, selfish, narcissistic monster that is publicly expressed by the orthodox Jew. Even if they don’t believe the fairytale, they play along. I mean all Jews mutilate their male children as an Abrahamic sacrifice to Yahweh. What I’m saying is that all Jews spit on the nonJews just as Orthodox Jews spit on that Jewish girl.
Their horrific treatment of the Palestinian people is one example. And they love to see the Iranian people suffer and are hoping that America will turn its killing machine loose on the Iranians just as it did on the Afghan and Iraqi people. The Jews see these people in the same way Hitler saw Jews, as less than human. Why should Iran not have a nuclear weapon if the Jews get to have one? Iran has much more to fear from pit bull America, which Israel keeps on a leash. That’s why the U.S. leaves North Korea alone. Because it has the BOMB. What these little nations fear is Zionist-American imperialism. Of course, they have nothing to fear if they are willing to become Zionist-American lackeys, like Saudi Arabia. The U.S. is supposed to be all about freedom, so why did it sell all those expensive jet fighters to the Saudi dictators? Because the chauvinistic Saudis are willing to kiss Zionist-American ass. The Jews give a shit less about the rest humanity. They think the fucking Universe revolves around them.
Why don’t the Jews make a humanitarian gesture and say they are willing to give up their nuclear weapons if everyone else in the region is willing to do without them? The U.S. will protect Israel but who will protect Iran? Who protected the Afghan people? Who protected the Iraqi people? Nobody except themselves. But the Jews aren’t really about peace, progress, or humanity. They are only about themselves. They’re special so they deserve to have nuclear weapons.
I know the Iranians have a nut-case for a president: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But he is no worse than the Zionist fanatics who run Israel or the Zionist neocons running the U.S. government. By the way, what harm has the Iranians really done to others? The Iran-Iraq War was started by Hussein, who was treated favorably by the U.S. government at the time. The Israelis have slaughtered and oppressed the Palestinians. The U.S. slaughter Vietnamese, Afghans, and Iraqis. In 1953 it also helped overthrow a democratically elected government in Iran and installed the dictator Mohammad Rezā Shāh Pahlavi, the Shah.
In the last video Oreilly proves himself once against to be a nonthinking blowhard, who has been brainwashed by the Jews (that’s where the money is). He’s not a thinker but a propaganda artist, a rude one at that. There is no way Oreilly is gong to let the facts get in the way of his opinions.
But my point is that Iranians have had Westerners, especially the fucking colonialist British interfering in their affairs forever and primarily for money. The fear of communism has been used by Europeans and Americans as a ruse for invading other nations and/or overthrowing their government. Today the ruse is stinking Israel and the War on Terrorism.
If you want to see a quintessence of the Jewish personality and a microcosm of the Jewish people, watch the movie Shattered Glass. It’s a about the narcissistic, compulsive liar and Jew (a redundancy) Stephen Randall Glass. Glass thinks only about himself and lies to promote himself to others. The Jews have been doing that since they began telling stories about their being God’s chosen people. Glass never gives a shit about his colleagues (or friends, though to him, as with all Jews, friendship is a one-way street) at The New Republic magazine where he worked as a reporter. What is revealed in Glass is what Nietzsche would call the resentment (Ressentiment) that envious Jews have harbored forever toward nonJews, civilization builders such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, and Romans. Resentment is the soil out of which the fleur de mal of Judaism has flourished. Be sure to watch the 60 Minutes special feature.
Once you’re done with Glass, what Casino Jack and the United States of Money, about the Jew who fucked over the American Indians, Jack Abramoff.
And if you haven’t had to take your anti-Hebrew nausea medicine, watch Inside Job. It’s about the financial meltdown and its stars more Jews than a Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld comedy. You remember David, who thought it would be funny to crucify Christ a second time, this time by pissing on him:
That’s enough to make Christians want to crucify a Jew, this time a comedian!
More shit about the Jews
Famous people say about Jews:
How the Jews show their love for Palestinian children:
Jews and the Iraq War:
The Zionist Lobby’s control of the U.S. government:
How the Jews disgraced America before the world by making it a liar nation:
How they show their appreciation for America:
Would the world have been better off if Hitler’s final solution succeeded? Big time! The Palestinians would still have their homeland. A half-dozen wars in the Middle East would not have happened. 9-11 would not have happened. Thus the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would not have happened. Al-Qaeda would have fought the Soviets but not America. Wall Street, Washington, and Hollywood would not have been corrupted. America, Palestine, and the world could not have been worst off without the Jews and most likely much better off. And just imagine how much better off the world would have been if Jesus had not been born. Because without him the big lie Christianity is based on would not have been born and the pagans would not have been slaughtered or converted, the Crusades and Inquisitions would not have happened, the burning and drowning of witches would not have happened. Intellectual progress would not have been shut down for fifteen hundred year. In other words, the messiah of the West would have been the pursuer of truth, Socrates, rather than the pursuer of make-believe Jesus (actually "Saint" Paul's corruption of Jesus). Read Who Wrote the New Testament or The Lost Gospel by Burton Mack. Oh yeah, no Islam. No people has been as catastrophic for the world as the Jews have.
If you’re not an anti-Semite, you must be Jewish. :-)))
Just in: Zionist Alien-in-America Jew congresswoman declares Sesame Street off limits to Palestinian children
I guess you heard by now that U.S.Zionist Republican Congresswoman and alien (Cuban born) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Jew) has convinced the U.S. Zionist-run government to cancel funding for Sesame Street, even though affluent Nazi-Israel receives such funding. In fact, Israel has been the biggest recipient of U.S. foreign aid. Israel and Egypt have consistently received 1/3 of U.S. total spending on foreign aid.
Why? Because Zionist Jews have lock on the federal government and Judaized Americans. The dictator who ran Egypt forever received billions of dollars to bite his tongue when he was tempted to say that he wished Israel would just fucking disappear.
Now we have this alien Jew preventing Palestinian children from watching Sesame Street because Palestine wants a homeland of their own. The fucking Jews don’t want that because they plan is to make life so fucking miserable for the Palestinians that they will the concentration camp Israel has created for them. As far as Palestinian children are concerned, if you can’t shoot them or crush them in bombed buildings or put them in ovens, then you can at least deny them their quality time on Sesame Street.
The work of the Jew:
First Samuel 15:3 reveals the mind of the Jews and they worships
Pay attention, Yahweh speaking: “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”
And finally this from Wikipedia:
30,000 Palestinians Killed
"As of 29 February, the Gaza Health Ministry reports that at least 30,000 Palestinians (including over 10,000 minors) have been killed, over 70,000 injured, and 10,000 are missing under rubble, totaling over 110,000 casualties since the war began, which is about 5% of Gaza's 2.3 million population."
God the Jews make being anti-Semitic easy!
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