China’s Chernobyl
disease was first identified December
2019 in Wuhan, China. That’s what makes it a Chinese virus. Doctors in Wuhan
were being threatened by policy for sharing information about the outbreak. A
Chinese doctor who tried to issue the first warning, Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist
who contracted the virus while working at Wuhan Central Hospital, was the first
to issue a warning about the disease. December 30 he sent out a warning to
fellow medics and was told to stop making false statement by Chinese
authorities. He died as a result of having been exposed to the virus. The first
case of the COVID-19 occurred in mid-November. National security adviser Robert
O’Brien claimed Wednesday that an initial cover-up of the coronavirus in China
“cost the world community two months” and exacerbated the global outbreak. (“China's
virus response likely cost world two months: White House's O'Brien,” Health News, March 11, 2020)
the cover-up? For the sake of appearance is one reason—to protect the image of
a communist utopia. The Chinese communists hoped they could contain the
outbreak before it could escape to the rest of the world. Of course, what
resulted was a tarnishing far worse than would have been the cause had the Chinese
announced to the world that they had a problem that the rest of the world might
prepare for a pandemic. Can’t really blame the Chinese for viral eruption—or perhaps
we can. “Scientists first discovered that coronaviruses originate among bats
following the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (sars) in 2003” (“From
Bats to Human Lungs, the Evolution of a Coronavirus,” Carolyn Kormann, The New Yorker, March 27, 2020). And
the Chinese have a nasty habit of eating bats: “Specific bat species eaten in
China include the cave nectar bat, Pomona roundleaf bat, Indian flying fox, and
Leschenault's rousette” (“Bat as Food” [Yuck!] Wikipedia).
any case, the action of the Chinese government was, like the Soviet cover-up, was
deeply immoral. It was not a matter of defending the nation from attack but to
defend the nation’s image—which really isn’t all that great anyway, like that
of the USSR, and today’s Putin-Russia. China’s action was the direct opposite
of the Good Samaritan principle—altruism. Its consequences have been and will
continue to be greater harm and death than was necessary. And for what? An idea—a
false one at that, which China is perfect.
China’s Chernobyl Is Worse than
the Soviet Chernobyl
is a big difference from the Chernobyl event that spread radiation and the
spread of the Chinese coronavirus (yeah, I’m rubbing it in, so what?). As radioactive
material such as dust disperses its potency lessens. “According to the
official, internationally recognized death toll, just 31 people died as an
immediate result of Chernobyl while the UN estimates that only 50 deaths can be
directly attributed to the disaster. In 2005, it predicted a further 4,000
might eventually die as a result of the radiation exposure” (“The true toll of
the Chernobyl disaster,” BBC/Future). And most of the people affected were
Russians and Ukrainians. The number could be much higher, but unlike with the
Chinese corona virus most of the world was not affect. As of today,(March 27,
2020) 559,086 people have been infective by the Coronavirus. 25, 274 have died.
The cost of fighting the consequences of the virus will most likely be a few
trillion dollars not to mention millions of worker no longer allowed to work
and thus make a living. And China did all this just to prevent its reputation
from declining further. Though the cover-up might have been mostly for local
consumption: All’s well in the totalitarian paradise.
Wenliang the heroic Chinese whistleblower doctor who tried to warn the world
was threatened by the Chinese government has died from the Chinese virus he
attempted to warn the world about.
A Chaotic America’s Attempt to
Fight the Coronavirus
recently, a Miami man received a $3,270.75 bill after going to the hospital
feeling sick following a work trip to China. (He tested positive for the
seasonal flu, so did not have the new coronavirus, and was sent home to
recover.) (“America's Health System Will Likely Make the Coronavirus Outbreak
Worse,” TIME.) The bill was not unique but most likely will discourage many
Americans from visiting doctor (if they have one) and encourage many to
self-medicate with pseudo medicines or just rely on prayer. The big bill for a
doctor’s visit suggests that much of the medical system still cares more about
profit (typical of corporate America) than about the health of the nation
during this pandemic.
A Government Healthcare System
government run health care system is better situated bureaucratically to deal
with a pandemic than is a patchwork of healthcare providers interested in the
bottom line. And a socialized medical system DOES NOT MEAN the absence of private
medical care providers—private self-employed doctors, private clinics, and
private hospitals. But in a national health emergency, the government system
can provide nation-wide centralized management.
War versus Health Care
sure could have used the three trillion dollars G.W. Bush blew on his war with
Iraq, not to mention the endless trillion-dollar war with Afghanistan. These were wars
that were supposed to be about saving Main Street America but weren't. They
were all about the military-industrial complex and benefiting already rich war profiteers. The American
government would rather waste trillions of dollars on fighting endless wars
that do not serve American interests. For decades now, warmongering has controlled
of the federal government, beginning with the Vietnam War. As much wealth and
attention should have been paid to healthcare in the U.S. as to the military.
Plagues are a vicious, deadly enemy that attacks Main Street America directly.
A Divisive Political System
the U.S. is not functioning in a unified fashion to deal with the pandemic. The
battle between the left and right, between Democrats and Republicans continues
to rage, especially in an election year. This very political war is the reason
there is no unified medical system in place in the U.S. New York Governor Cuomo’s
request to President Trump for ventilators was turned down. Did bad politics
play role in the rejection? Most likely. Cuomo has taken every opportunity to
bash Trump (yes, he deserves bashing). Just as Pelosi, Schiff, and Schumer
tried to destroy Trump with their coup d'état impeachment. Besides, who makes ventilators?
Most likely China.
Department of Commerce study found that 97 percent of all antibiotics in the
United States come from China. I assume that is probably true for other medical
technologies. Why would the U.S. put itself in such a vulnerable position?
Greed from the county’s economic oligarchs. The greedy fatcats don’t care about America. See
Tucker Carlson’s YouTube article on Paul Singer, an oligarch who destroyed an
American community.
Greed and a lack of patriotism. And just another reason why Americans don’t
like New York City—the U.S.’s epicenter for unAmerican greed and the anti-American
Marxist insurgency.
greed of fatcats in the U.S. is the reason for this: “China dominates the
global market in pharmaceutical ingredients, they control American health care.”
Again, see Tucker:
A Nation Divided
there are the geographical divides. New Yorkers want help from the Republicans
but work against ICE’s attempt to round up illegal aliens. The same goes for
sanctuary states and cities such as California and San Francisco and L.A. Given
sanctuary to immigrants who enter the country illegally (i.e., invade) is seen
as anti-American. Certainly, multiculturalism has help prevent the people of
the U.S. to come together to fight coronavirus. Multiculturalism has resulted
in a lack of national pride, cohesion, and patriotism.
The Decadent Selfie Generation
youth has responded to the pandemic by throwing coronavirus parties to spread
the disease. To do so is not only unpatriotic but to collaborate with an enemy that
threatens the health and welfare of millions of people.
The Prognosis for the country?
fighting the virus and afterwards. Once the corona virus goes away, America
will still be sick, broken, and deteriorating.