Sunday, November 15, 2020

It’s over, America

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!” 

Trump and the Republicans

Trump lost because he brought defeat upon himself—with the support of the Republican Party. He is a money worshiper supported by special interest groups such as the crew of fanatical Old-Testament Christians. He’s a disgusting self-centered, unfeeling, narcissistic flimflam man who couldn't care less about Americans. He is the wizard in the Wizard of Oz and the Republican Party his crew of monkeys.

Trump betrayed America and American patriots. We needed a hero and we got a egotistical fool. This was the first election in which the platform of the opposing side (the Democrats) was hatred of America. All Trump accomplished was to intensify that hatred. The close-minded, gay-hating, women oppressing, money worshiping conservatives of the Republican Party have been as disastrous for America as have the abolish-America Democrats. Trump? He never gave a damn about America. The Republican Party has never been about Main Street America but always about Wall Street and Israel.

Trump, the phony American, won because Americans—the people who still believe being an American is okay—are scared the death of the Marxist, revolutionary, pro-immigrant, anti-American Democratic Party. They just couldn’t drink the Democrat Kool-Aid. The vote for Trump was an act of desperation. That’s not a good way to win an election. Having a moderate, reasonable, compassionate, inspiring candidate to vote for is. Trump is none of those things. The Republican Party was too stupid and corrupt to come to its senses and get rid of Trump. Thus it deserved to lose White House.

Trump blew it and behaved in a way that has benefited enemies of America within the nation and alienated America's friends abroad. And the Republican Party is no better. Republicans are laughable fools. They've disgraced conservatism and patriotism for decades. Like them, Trump is neither a conservative nor a patriot. 

Trump Is Totally Untrustworthy and Vindictive

He is a Iago to everyone, especially to the American people he pretended to serve. All he ever served was his oversize EGO. When he came into office he negated any program implemented by Obama regardless of the merit of the program. A rational conservative is a critical, practical, evaluative thinker. He considers how well a program is doing and then acts to leave it as is, improve it, or cancel it. Not Trump nor the Republican Party in regards to Obama’s programs. When they came to power, they considered Obama their nemesis. They were uninterested in how his programs benefited Americans. Trump and the Republicans have three motivators: 1. money and power, 2. Old Testament Christianity (i.e., religion of hatred and oppression), and 3. a hatred of Obama. No matter that Obama was infinity a better president than George W. Bush, whose time in the White House was a complete disaster for America. In addition, Trump is incapable of critical, analytical, practical reasoning. He was essentially a puppet for the decrepit, totally corrupt Republican Party. In addition, he has to play the big man, even if it means being a buffoon and disgracing America.

Trust is a quality totally lacking in Trump. He will betray anyone to benefit himself or if he believes the person has betrayed him—as terminated Defense Secretary Mark Esper and cybersecurity official Chris Krebs most recently found out. He demands loyalty but he is loyal to no one. Most recently he wanted to bomb Iran to bequeath a war to the Biden administration and the American people. Democrats and Republicans would be fighting the war. In that sense he is like Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Makarov Putin. He constantly claims about being stabbed in the back but he is the greatest of back stabbers—a Judas. And who did he betray most of all—Americans. What Democrats don’t understand is that Trump became president because he was Americans’ last hope. There was no other choice. He was the best the Republican Party could cough up, the other candidates being truly a basket of deplorables. That alone revealed how moribund the party had become. Of course, the Democratic Party was never an option because Clinton made it clear that to Democrats Americans are the deplorables. She and her party wanted us destroyed. That became clearer in the second election. 

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!"

The New America Will Be UnAmerican

The Squad is America’s Future

The new leadership will be the Red Guard Democratic party made up of politicians like will be led by the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and so on. They are a fifth column and their platform is to abolish America. They come in various colors but what they share in common is a hatred of Americans and America. They don’t want to improve America but to abolish it. Their plan is to transform America into a society like that of New York City and Los Angeles where the white populations are 29.4% and 35.1% respectively and will continue to decline. No matter that Americans don’t want to live in an alien environment. Like blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims they want to live among their own people, not among descendants of immigrants from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Guyana, Belize, Grenada, and Haiti, Latin America, and sub-Saharan Africa; or in an Islamic no-go zone for infidels; or in a barrio among Mexicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Salvadorans, Dominicans, Guatemalans, Colombians, Hondurans, Ecuadorians and Peruvians. But that tough shit for Americans because it’s going to happen and has happened in hundreds of cities and many of the most populated states. 

The New America Will Be UnAmerican

 Resentment and Marxism

American patriots are hated by non-Americans and once-American collaborators. The U.S. government controlled by the left will have them marginalized. Today, the percentage of patriots and defenders grows smaller. None of this would have happened had third world nations not been allowed to invade the U.S. Third-world have-nots resent the success of Americans and often hate us because cruel and arrogant behavior of our government—not realizing that most Americans have no control over their government and hate it as well. We learned during the Vietnam War that our government is not to be trusted. But we are also hated by anti-capitalist Marxists who had entered the country after the Russian Revolution and established New York City as Jewish Marxist headquarters,* that has now taken over the Democratic Party which has become the go-to party for the have-nots from the third world—represented by such Marxist firebrands as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib. The Marxist ideology has declared successful, patriotic Americans as the hated, oppressive bourgeoisie and the have-nots from foreign lands as the new proletariat. Thus the U.S. has become a divided country with half of its population disassociating itself from America—its culture, its history, and its people. Patriots can't save the country. Like California it is too far gone. 

*Read “When New York City Was the Capital of American Communism,” The New York Times.

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!”

White-Wing Terrorism: Laugh Out Loud!

During the elections called white-wing terrorists were claimed to be the big threat to America. And whites had been on a killing spree of blacks. They were accused of killing 272 black victims over a period of 27 years. Yet, “According to FBI data, 4,906 black people murdered other blacks in 2010 and 2011.” That’s only a two-years period. How can that be? Watch The Wire. It shows how. And what about the gang violence? Here is a statistic: “Over 2,300 homicides were gang-related in the United States in 2012.” And most of the gangs are black and Hispanic. Thus, patriot groups are not a serious cause of violence in the U.S. and will not and cannot overthrow the U.S. government. The violence in the streets witnessed over the past few months—the burning, looting, pulling down of statues—was not the work of conservative Americans but of Black Lives Matter and Antifa. There is a reason why the safest states in America have predominantly white populations. Whites are generally law abiding—at least until they become politicians. And fearing an ethnic group is not the same as racism. Most American—though not all, unfortunately—are not racist, but they do fear blacks. From what they have seen in the news, why would they not? Again, what the television series The Wire shows is that blacks have far greater reason to fear other blacks than they have for fearing the police (who, I admit, are often jerks and just plain mean).

Americans are not interested in overthrowing America. They fear its being overthrown by people who hate them. It will be the left that will do that with FBI support. All patriot groups can do is defend their communities at least until the federal government sends in gunships with the Squad followers manning the machine guns. 

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!”

 Like It or Not, It’s Your Fault Whitey

The left’s plan is for Biden to have a stroke, the sooner the better. That is when the fun will really begin. That when America gets flushed down the Democratic toilet. And really And it’s getting harder and harder to care. America is becoming a nation of ruins while politicians look on. It has become a dying nation bloated with corruption. Biden’s win will put it out of its misery. It’s a joke on white and black Americans that Harris isn't a traditional black American with slave ancestors, meaning—LOL!—that she really isn’t a black American but a paper American like all the other millions of recent immigrants. Her family has no connection whatsoever to American history or culture. They just participated in the Great America Giveaway. And who has been minding the store while America has been invaded? Who has been willing to fight wars in Vietnam and Iraq but unwilling to protect U.S. border? White men. Don’t blame the invaders. And this has been going on for a very long time—such as the 1917 Jones–Shafroth Act (the diabolical work of two old white men) which granted Puerto Ricans born on or after April 25, 1898, U.S. citizenship and would give us the anti-American revolutionary AOC.

Harris’ parents are highly educated, which also excludes her from BLM's Riot & Looting Club. Still, like AOC she is a Marxist leftist who will along with drooling Biden drive the final nail in America's coffin. All the other nails having been driven in by white American male politicians such as Biden. Greedy white fat-cat capitalists, war-profiteers, and corrupt politicians have allowed this catastrophe to occur. Consider the Vietnam War and all the other wars to protect Main Street which they didn't. Instead Main Street America would go to ruin and enclaves filled aliens whose family history isn’t American and they themselves have become unAmerican. 

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!”

Hollywood: Marxist headquarters West Coast

Hollywood became a cultural toilet that didn't flush but overflowed cinematic waste and propaganda. Why they were corrupting the American soul, Hollywood Marxists taught Americans to hate America because they hate America. The presidential election was a choice between two disasters for the nation, guaranteeing that the nation would be beyond saving. The election was a choice between which weapon to use to kill the nation. The slow death offered by the Republican Party and the quick death offered by the Democrats. How did the country come to this? Self-serving politicians and narcissistic billionaires are how.

As a patriotic, rational conservative I didn’t want to vote for Trump, but I also didn’t want Biden and his crony Harris running the country because unlike Trump they want to abolish America. I hoped that after four years in office that Trump would become a patriotic adult and care more about the American people and what is important to them. Instead he continued to worship the Golden Calf of big business, which has shown it cares nothing about Americans. It may be that Trump is impervious to fellow feeling.

The heart and soul of a person is revealed in his or attitude toward nature. Like his nature-hating son Donald Trump Jr., Trump Sr. is indifferent to nature. Trump is essentially a money-worshiper who is otherwise a nihilist. He has no feeling for nature or wildlife. He sells off national parks, wildlife reserves, and national monuments to soulless oil corporations. Those lands belong to the American people, not to him. I would even argue that animals have a right to a home. They've been here longer than we have. An illustration: “Trump dramatically cut the size of two protected areas in Utah—Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments—in the biggest reversal of public land protection in history.” Now he wants to sell oil rights in Arctic Refuge. Trump is the kind of man whose understanding of nature is limited to a golf course. Thus, no heart, no soul.


A hollow man

A stuffed man

Headpiece filled with straw

Voice loud and meaningless

As the rattling of tin cans

Shape without form, shade without color

Gestures of a display window automaton

Eyes that do not see; ears that do no hear

Lost, violent, and soulless

A hollow man, a stuffed man.

So the American people—the people who don't hate America--were faced with the horns of a dilemma: both of which were bad. The weird good was the lesser of two evils, both of which equally evil. 

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!”

 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Are Not Americans but Anti-American Revolutionaries

In Biden’s Words:

Part I: “We are a nation of immigrants. That's who we are. That is not hyperbole. We talk, teach our kids we're a melting pot. The god's truth is, we are a melting pot. It is the ultimate source of our strength; it is the ultimate source of who we are. What we've become. It started all the way back in the late 1700's. There's been a constant unrelenting stream of immigration. Not in little trickles but in large numbers.

First of all, the people who immigrated to North America “back in the late 1700’s” were culturally quite similar. They were Christian and shared the values of Western Civilization, i.e., European civilization. Yet, even they didn’t get along, resulting in a number of wars being fought on the soil of the New World. Thus Biden is blindly optimistic, though in fact all we are getting from him is self-serving political rhetoric. The new immigrants share little in common with Americans. They come from totally different and often contrary cultures. Some are agreeable and not hostile to American culture—such as the Chinese, South Koreans, Vietnamese, and Filipinos. Others—represented by The Squad—are.

Second, the new comers reject the melting pot. They refuse to be melted. Instead they create enclaves that mirror the homeland. Thus, America is no longer a melting pot. And immigration is no longer the ultimate source of our strength but our greatest weakness as recent riots and the political scene testify. Today the country’s weaker than it has ever been. They are not the ultimate source of who we are. The invaders don’t want to be Americans. The one thing I’ve learned is that politicians don’t rank very high in intelligence. Logic tells us that Islam and Christianity are inimical to one another. They will never get along because their ideologies won’t allow it. They want to abolish America. And in the case of Hispanics, they hate the gringo often for good reason. Only delirious politicians would overlook those differences and believe their words of wisdom make an irresolvable problem go away. They only need to look at history and the world today to know that ethnic and religious conflict are is irresolvable and wishing the conflict away doesn’t work. There is a reason why homogenous states in the U.S. are the most peaceful, ditto for Japan. Of course, an ethnically homogenous country can be fraught with incompatible religious ideologies.

In any case, it’s pretty clear that the melting pot isn’t working in the U.S., which has become a nation of enclaves and gated communities. A revealing observation is the hypocrisy of the wealthy left that condemns Trump's wall, a wall to protect America, the homeland of Americans, while they themselves live with their wealthy neighbors in exclusive, protected gated communities kept safe by a private security. In his article "The Rainbow Coalition Evaporates" Steven Malanga addresses the issue of Hispanic gangs engaging in ethnic cleansing of black communities. Unlike the wealthy left, blacks are too poor to live in gated communities. And whites are helpless when it comes to dealing with gang-ridden Hispanic barrios emerging in the midst of once American communities. One example is the MS 13 gang terrorizes any community it’s located in. Immigration, illegal in this case, is the reason Albuquerque ranks as one of the top ten most dangerous cities in the U.S.: the influx of Hispanic immigrants. The wealthy liberals live behind walls, as do the wealthy in country like Mexico, Brazil, and Columbia—i.e., criminalized societies. What is good enough for the wealthy in the U.S. isn’t good enough for average Americans black or white--to feel secure and to live among their own.

Part II: “An unrelenting stream of immigration. Nonstop, nonstop. Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 we'll be an absolute minority in the united states of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock. That's not a bad thing. That's a source of our strength.” Most likely he is disappointed that his goal of 2017 wasn’t reached. But with Harris he will speed up the demise of Euro-Americans.

That reminds one of what Kennedy said about the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965: "The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants,” lead supporter Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) told the Senate during debate. “It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.”

The state of America today contradicts both Democrats. What Kennedy and LBJ the warmonger initiated was the ethnic balkanization of America. Ronald Reagan contributed to the balkanization of the country with his Immigration Reform and Control Act that gave amnesty to three million illegal aliens. Despite the bill’s name, “the population of illegal immigrants rose from 5 million in 1986 to 11.1 million in 2013.”America is not stronger today because of the immigrants, but weaker. Oh yeah, we still have our big military, but now it has to be used to keep order on Main Street America. Riots, looting, arson, assassination of police, invasion of communities, censorship, rampant crime, a corrupted federal government, a program to abolish America and replace it with a Balkanized multicultural state are signs of deterioration, not strength. One nation, indivisible? No longer. 

Immigration Is Never a Good Thing

It wasn’t a good thing for the animals that roamed North America before humans arrived. Most of those animals are now extinct as a result. It wasn’t a good thing for the Native Americans who were decimated by the new immigrants from Europe. It wasn’t a good thing for the Egyptians with when Hyksos invaded and “set fire to the cities, razed the temples, squandered the accumulated wealth, destroyed much of the accumulated art” (Our Oriental Heritage 152). Wikipedia says, “Josephus, and most of the writers of antiquity, associated the Hyksos with the Jews” (“Hyksos”). “Manetho, an Egyptian historian of the third century B.C., as reported by Josephus, tells us that the Exodus was due to the desire of the Egyptians to protect themselves from the plague that had broken out among the destitute and enslaved Jews, that Moses [an Egyptian name] was an Egyptian priest who went as a missionary among the Jewish ‘lepers’ and gave them laws of cleanliness modeled upon those of the Egyptian clergy” (Durant 302). Wikipedia says, “According to Josephus's version of Manetho, when the Hyksos were expelled [my italics] from Egypt, they founded Jerusalem” (“Hyksos”).  So who else could they have been but Jews? Freud agrees. Read his Moses and Monotheism.

Did the Egyptians benefit from the Hyksos and Jews? Did the Canaanites benefit from the Jews who immigrated into Canaan? Or later when they immigrated into modern Palestine? The Biblical story about the invasion of Canaan is perhaps the most important story about the value of immigration. And the ancient Jews learned about the benefits of immigration as a host population when Judea was invaded by the Macedonian Greeks and the Romans. There are no examples of immigration being a good thing for a territory’s host inhabitants. It’s all there in the Old Testament. And why is it considered good for humans when invasive species are never considered good for the native species.

Part III: “The American dream. A generation from now, as I said, things will change even more. It's not merely that we're a melting pot, but we're proud to be a melting pot. With that we've made a lot of mistakes, but we've also made a lot of progress. We've learned a lot of hard lessons. But the most important lesson we've learned, we don't always practice it, is that inclusion counts. Let me say that again. Inclusion counts.”

The only problem is that the country is no longer a melting pot but a land of warring tribes. Americans and the immigrants from Europe (in 1960 84% of U.S. immigrants were born in Europe or Canada) were all for the melting pot because they were members of Occidental family—that family that is Western civilization.

Part IV: “And it's not going to be easy. But it's necessary. And I know from my discussions in Belgium last week, all of Europe is trying to figure this out right now. Because again, although there's been a good deal, there's been a significant amount of immigration over the last 40 years, 50 years into Europe from all over the world, it is a newer phenomenon. There's a lot we can do.

Yes, Europe has been invaded, the increasing crime rates and endless terrorist attacks attest to that. And the future is not going to be easy because there is no solution.  Some problems can’t be fixed. Eight states—South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas—depend on the Ogallala Aquifer for water. About 27% of the irrigated land in the entire United States lies over the aquifer. “It was reported in 2020 that the aquifer would be "dry" within twenty years” (Wikipedia). Once the water is gone, it can’t be replaced. The same is true for the demographics shift occurring in the U.S. which is in the process of abolishing America. Once balkanized, the country can’t be unbalkanized. In fact, Biden want’s America undone. Why? Resentment. He was always second best, a mediocre politician.

Was he ever on the side of Americans? Ask Elizabeth Warren. She believed that accumulating credit card fees, hospital bills, student loans, and mortgages that were placing the squeeze on middle-class families and that, for debtors, personal bankruptcy was not an escape hatch; it was a lifeline. Biden represented the credit card companies that were destroying Americans with crushing debt and championed a bill that made bankruptcy impossible because those credit card companies were located in the sate he represented—Delaware. In 2002, Elizabeth Warren called out Biden for his “energetic work on behalf of the credit card companies.”

Listen to Biden to know whose side he is on: 

Part V: “I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but to unify.” Sound good but behind Biden are Antifa, Black Lives Matters, protesters and rioters, and others who voted for you because they want America abolished, as he does as well. Unity! You must be kidding. What would the basis of unity be? On the one side you have the haters of America who don’t want any USA at all. On the other side, you have the people that the Democrats hate and want abolished—the Deplorables. The unity that the Democrats want is for white Americans to surrender their nation, to loathe the fact that they are white and American, and to grovel before Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and The Squad. It like seeking to unify Jews and Muslims by having Jews convert to Islam and surrender Israel—in other words, to become what they despise and give up their homeland—which they are now protecting with walls and strong immigration laws.

The invaders don’t have to give up anything. They set up their ethnic enclaves and keep their homelands. Americans are the ones who must give up their national homeland and its culture and live in American enclaves. Their enclaves are never safe from further invasion. To preserve their ethnic culture means violating anti-segregation laws. Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims are able to keep their enclaves culturally homogeneous through fear. White Americans would be at risk in the black ‘hood, Hispanic barrio, and Muslim no-go zone. The graffiti says KEEP OUT! Asians keep their cultural enclaves homogenized by being culturally impenetrable. Visiting China Town is an enjoyable experience but not a place an Occidental could ever call home.

Besides, there is no foundation for unity. A multicultural society is contrary to a unified society. A society such as Switzerland is unified by a long history and shared Western roots. The novel Submission by French writer Michel Houellebecq reveals the unity Muslims want for France. The leftist planners for a multicultural America didn’t want unity in the first places and still don’t. There is no foundation for unity. The word “America” is meaningless to them. It is evil, something to tear down. At best America is a meaningless notion to the newcomers, irrelevant to what they want—which is to set up enclaves of their homelands, celebrate their own cultures, and make money.  And how can there be unity with a constant influx of immigrants from different cultures from around the world. Unity is just a word used by a politician. No one believes it. The riots have nullified it. 

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!”

 In Kamala Harris’ Words

Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris encouraged the rioters destroying American cities to keep going, saying, “they’re not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after Election Day, and they should not.”

What was the rioting all about? “After Lancaster police fatally shot a man armed with a knife last Sunday, Black Lives Matter descended on the city, turning a protest into a full-fledged riot. The mob vandalized police cars, lit fires, looted, hurled bricks at a police stationhouse and spray painted ‘Death to Cops’ on a wall.” “The man killed by police was Ricardo Munoz, 27, who had been arrested in March 2019 for knifing four people — two men, a woman and a 16-year-old boy” (The Washington Times).

It is interesting how the left conveniently overlooks the criminal records of the people killed by police, giving the impression that the police are going around killing innocent people of color. Remember the George Floyd killing that set off months of rioting. Who was George Floyd? Between 1997 and 2005, he was convicted of eight crimes. He served four years in prison after accepting a plea bargain for a 2007 aggravated robbery in a home invasion. From GreatGameIndia: 

1. George Floyd moved to Minneapolis in 2014 after being released from prison in Houston, Texas following an arrest for aggravated robbery

2. On May 25, 2020, Floyd was arrested for passing a counterfeit $20 bill at a grocery store in Minneapolis

3. He was under the influence of fentanyl and methamphetamine at the time of arrest

4. George Floyd was the ringleader of a violent home invasion. He plead guilty to entering a [pregnant] woman’s home, pointing a gun at her stomach and searching the home for drugs and money, according to court records

5. Floyd was sentenced to 10 months in state jail for possession of cocaine in a December 2005 arrest

6. He had previously been sentenced to eight months for the same offense, stemming from an October 2002 arrest

7. Floyd was arrested in 2002 for criminal trespassing and served 30 days in jail

8. He had another stint for a theft in August 1998 

“Just funny how so many people, politicians, and celebrities are parading him around like a martyr, painting huge murals of his face all over significant buildings, when he was a scumbag, at least in my opinion, for what he did to this pregnant woman” (Reddit).

Who was worse, George Floyd or his killer Derek Chauvin? First of all, both men were evil. Who was the most evil? I assume Chauvin did not intend to kill Floyd, but did intend to torture him, which resulted in his death. Floyd, however, terrorized a pregnant woman, which puts him in the same category as pedophiles. And one can logically assume he would have killed her and her baby if he thought doing so was necessary. The left is as guilty of judging according to color as they claim whites are. To them all people of color are innocent even if they commit crimes. To them White = Evil & Colored = Innocence. And Derek Chauvin should be and mostly was condemned by white people. His behavior was evil and disgraceful. He was not an officer and a gentleman but a brutish thug.

Kamala Harris, however, approves of the behavior of brutish thugs—such as rioting, burning, killing, destruction of private property, et cetera--if it comes in a darker shade, and believes it should continue. For how long? Until America is abolished. In any case, her attitude reveals a hatred of white Americans unless they collaborate with the left.

Kamala Devi Harris is a welfare for all, open-borders Marxist Democrat who seeks a multicultural revolution in the United States to transform hated white Americans into a minority. She believes all illegal aliens should get citizenship; thus entering the country illegally and borders don’t matter. She has expressed support for San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy of not inquiring about immigration status in the process of a criminal investigation. She and Biden now want to make America a sanctuary nation. They believe like other Red Guard Democrats that white Americans are the new bourgeoisie and the millions of immigrants that have invaded the country and like her have no roots in its history or culture are the new proletariat that Red Guard Democrat Party will use to bring about the revolution, especially now after the defeat of the buffoon Donald Trump. The Democratic Party should change its name to the Marxocracy Party. I wonder if George Soros will be appointed secretary of state. 

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!” 

The Reality of the Vote

Half the people who voted Democrat weren’t voting for Biden and his Marxist crew that seeks to abolish America. They were voting against the Trump monstrosity and his family and against the swamp dwelling Republicans stuck in a tar pit of greed and the corrupt Old Testament Christianity of hate, wallowing in the muck of special interests just as their ancestors the robber barons and their political puppets did during the Gilded Age.

The other half who voted for Trump were not voting for him but against puppet Biden and his merry band of riotous anti-American revolutionaries. Americans, who now make up only about half the population were caught between Scylla and Charybdis. The winners, Biden and Harris, say they want to unite America. No they don't. They want America abolished. 

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!” 

The Coup: Takeover When the Skeleton Is Gone

Are Pelosi and other Red Guard Democrats preparing to remove Biden from power? No. They only need to wait for the Grim Reaper to do what they want do. Biden is already half dead. The plan is for Harris the Marxist Hammer to take over once Biden become totally rather than just partially incompetent or has a stroke. He often looks like a stroke happening. There is no way he’ll last four years. The Dems only need to be patient. More relevant is that Harris' parents are immigrant. What we are witnessing is the immigrant takeover by the country, supported for years by leftist Democrats. Yes, America is a nation of immigrants but the new immigrants don't want to become Americans. They want to abolish America. The Dems needed troops to pull this off and they used the open borders to get the troops. So now America is only one heartbeat from becoming an alien nation. That's great for the aliens, not so much for Americans. 

Then the Republicans didn't care because as today all that matters to them is greed. But Trump had to go. Americans must suffer a great defeat to see if a great messianic patriot-liberator will show up. He or she would have to create a new party. There are no capable, loyal Americans in the Republican Party. And the Democrats are all about abolishing America, turning it into a N.Y.C., L.A, California and New Mexico. Bill Maher believes Americans are leaving California because of high taxes. They are leaving because California is no longer America. But they will be replaced by immigrants from south of the border who will become Democrats. That is why the Republican Party is dead in California. Americans have abandoned the state in droves—including Ben Shapiro:

Like it or not, we are heading to a post-America America. Kamala Devi Harris represents that: She has no connection with American history, her mother being from India and father from Jamaica. And Biden can't wait for white Americans to become a minority in the country their ancestors built with the help of blacks. 

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!” 

Post-America America Has Arrived

Theirs will be a post-American administration. Might as well get used to it.  That will come and white men made it happen by fighting wars over there and not protecting Main Street America (LBJ and Bush Jr.) and opening the floodgates to immigrants legal and illegal (LBJ, Ted Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Bush Jr.). Worrying too much about Israel and not enough about US. (Why worry about America when we’ll all be rejoicing in Heaven, well not all.) Nevertheless, it was time to get rid of the creepy family occupying the White House. When desperate Americans voted for Trump, they weren’t voting for entire family. It’s as if the White House had been taken over by the Addams Family, worse really, more like the House of Borgia. Biden will have to have it fumigated. Trump couldn’t save America. He is a sign of America’s decay from top to bottom. The thought of looking at Trump and family for another four years is nauseating. Besides, post-America America has arrived. Might as well get used to it. 

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!” 

Margaret Renkl, N. Y. Times: Now that We’ve Won, What To Do with the Garbage

“But the 71 million people who voted for Donald Trump despite his incompetence, despite his lying, his bullying, his cheating, his racism, despite all the moral failings he proudly flaunts as virtues? Those people aren’t going anywhere, the poison-spewing right-wing media that created them isn’t going anywhere, and Donald Trump himself isn’t going anywhere. And it’s not remotely clear what the rest of us can do about any of that.”

My parents were not bullies, cheaters, and racists. “Not remotely clear” what can be done with the 71 millions who out of desperation voted for Trump. 71 million plus the kids is about 130 million, and perhaps another 30 million who didn’t vote for Trump but knew Biden and his Red Guard would be the end of America. 

Michelle Obama: What To Do with the Garbage Part II

“Let’s remember that tens of millions of people voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos, and division. We’ve got a lot of work to do to reach out to these folks in the years ahead and connect with them on what unites us.”

My parents, siblings, relatives, neighbors did not support lies, hate, chaos, and division, though it is true that Trump has a fanatical group of yahoo supporters. At best they are a few million—not 71 million. In my life I’ve known only one white racist. I know they exist and thrive in the South. He was well educated yet hated blacks with a passion. When I pointed out that America has often been unkind to black people, he would fly into a rage. I don’t know what set him off and avoided setting him off. Most of the Americans I’ve known were indifferent to blacks. If they thought about black culture at all, they thought it was a culture that existed in a state of depravity. Their understanding of black culture came from the news. Yet, they admired many blacks—musicians, actors, and athletes.  They didn’t know black culture during its classical era*, before gangsta culture took over such as shown in The Wire.

*When blacks had class:

But hate has come and continues to come with a passion from the left, from Antifa and Black Lives Matter, the shock troops of the Democratic Party. Conservatives weren’t pulling down statues, throwing Molotov cocktails, burning businesses and cars, looting, assassinating cops, and invading neighborhoods forcing homeowners to take up arms. What unites the Democrats? Hatred of America, hatred of white Americans, and Marxism. 

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!” 

Corruption of the Fourth and Fifth Estates

The Left news media—The Daily Show, NPR, Colbert Report, New York Times, NSNBC, CNN, PBS, Huffington Post, Washington Post, et al.—hated Trump, with good reason, and the people who supported him, not distinguishing between the yahoos and patriotic Americans who simply feared the Red Guard Democrats who hated them. Then there are the social media platforms—such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. They engage in propaganda and censorship. For example, YouTube has cancelled endless conservative commentators such as Black Pigeon Speaks, Stefan Molyneux, and Lana Jennifer Lokteff. The ones that continue to exist do so above a trap door that can open at any time. The operators of leftist programs want to determine how Americans think, limit their information, and believe conservative Americans are too stupid to think for themselves.

The moderate right news media has become less moderate and rational. Now we all know about the rabid right propagandists: Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, and Glenn Beck. But there were also moderate, rational conservative commentators:  Candace Owens, Steven Crowder, Tim Pool, and Tucker Carlson, whom I’ve spent a lot of time watching, they being the only option, really. But as the Trump era continued they too were becoming unconditional, irrational Trump supporters. They were giving up reason for propaganda. Why? Money? Didn’t want to offend their supporters, financial and otherwise? Who knows? The two most disappointing were Carlson and Pool. In any case, one of the effects of the Trump era is to corrupt the Fifth Estate. 

 “No borders, no walls, no USA at all!” 

Michelle Obama Speaks

“Let’s remember that tens of millions of people voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos, and division. We’ve got a lot of work to do to reach out to these folks in the years ahead and connect with them on what unites us.”

But the hate came from the left, from Antifa and Black Lives Matter, two of the most violent wings of the Democratic Party. Conservatives weren’t pulling down statues, throwing Molotov cocktails, burning businesses and cars, looting, assassinating cops, and invading neighborhoods forcing homeowners to take up arms. And what unites the Democrats? Hatred of America, hatred of white Americans, and Marxism.

For Michelle’s untouchables voting for Trump was an act of desperation. You she forgets what led up to the vote—a criminal cop killing a criminal black man resulting endless, America-hating riots and burning of cities. That told white Americans all they needed to know about where the follower of Biden and Harris stand—on a muddied, smoldering American flag. 

“No borders, no walls, no USA at all!” 

What Are Americans To Do Now?

Fight on until they win? No. It’s no longer about winning but retreating and surviving. The retreat has already been going on. Americans fleeing the big cities that have filled up with home-grown anarchists and American-hating immigrants. For white Americans it has come down to survival—moving to American communities haters have no interest in or have not yet invaded. Certainly it’s time to get out of the big cities glutted with white-hating proletariat. Americans are on their own now. Unlike illegal aliens, they can’t rely on the federal government for help.

Besides, Americanism says, “Rely on yourself just as your ancestors did, not the government.” Get educated and acquire skills that provide mobility. For a long while to come there will be American communities scattered throughout the heartland and international options if it comes down to that, such as Australia and New Zealand. Forget about the U.K. It’s already history. 

Ben Shapiro is leaving: “Why I'm Leaving California”: 

Perhaps the most disturbing book about Americans having to flee their communities in search of an American community is Frank Kyle’s crystal ball to America's future Su Casa Es Mi Casa. That’s what the alien invaders believe. It’s simply a matter of time. 

The Americans

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Last Cowboy Song

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