Mass Effect Is Under
Attack by Sex Fiends
LGBTQ+ cult have attacked the Mass Effect Trilogy just as the Reapers
attack and take control of the Normandy. The Mass Effect Trilogy has been assaulted on all sides by sex fanatics
in an attempt to bring about the pornofication and sexualization of the game.
The first The Last of Us was also a
healthy and wholesome game—about a man who attempts to save a young girl from
the evils of the world. It was healthy in the way Max Payne, Half-Life 2, Halo, Resident Evil 4, Call of Duty,
and Batman are wholesome and healthy.
These games are about fighting evil, loyalty, camaraderie, sacrifice,
friendship, and protecting the innocent and vulnerable—NOT ABOUT FUCKING! But
led by demonic minds of Neil Druckmann, Anita Sarkeesianand, and Halley Gross
the cult came like demons with pitchforks and torches to destroy the first game
with the diabolical second game which should be named The Last of Us Destroyed. Those destroyers are real life Kai Lengs.
Next on their hit list will be a Brokeback Mountain version of Call of Duty and Halo 69 with the Master Chief getting it on with the beautiful Cortana—better
yet for Neil Druckmann and Anita Sarkeesianand being betrayed and killed by
Melzer’s Ideology of
Yes, like Egomania, Kleptomania,
Necromania , Theomania, and Nymphomania. Jennifer Melzer says, “Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a
Chance to Fix Bioware's BIGGEST [My emphasis] Omission.” What is that omission?
First of all, she say that “One of the most unique and exciting aspects of the
Mass Effect franchise has always been the ability for players to intimately
romance both alien and human NPCs,” i.e., non-playable characters. What does
intimately romance mean? To have sex with is what it means. Below, Jenna proves
that. The radicals have reduced romance to sex. Sex, sex, sex is all they think
about. This is sick, as if what gamers want from a game to play their gender
fucking as many other genders and humanoid species they can. In his The Denial of Death Ernest Becker says, groups “hunger for heroes” (148). What do we get from the cult? A hunger for more sex! That’s decadence. Healthy-minded
gamers play to be heroes, not to have sex with their comrades in arms, with the
rest of the crew, and fuckable aliens. Jenna would fuck a Collector or Kai Leng
because character for the cult boils down to fuckability. If it is fuckable
it’s good.
Being a Member of the LGBTQ+ Cult Is Not an Accomplishment
Gender Identity is the LGBTQ+
cult’s big claim to fame. (FYI: A common abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Genderqueer, Queer, Intersexed, Agender,
Asexual, Ally community, and god only knows what else. A small army of odd
balls, penises and vaginas.) Yet, only they, not heterosexuals, are obsessed
Sorry, but being gay isn’t an accomplishment. What about black prides? That is
taking pride in black culture. However, thus far, I see nothing about LGBTQ∞ to take pride in. A culture is
defined by intellectual, artistic, athletic (which doesn’t include a
trans-male-to-female competing against female athletes), etc., accomplishments,
not physiology and sex preferences. It’s like having more than five fingers. It
does happen but is not an accomplishment. (Weird would be to have an operation
to add or remove a finger or replace the fingers with bird claws. (A fucking
joke :-))))). A Pansexual, on the other hand, is a person who is sexually
attracted to all or many genders, i.e., they are sex addicts who will fuck
anyone on two legs (let’s hope that’s the limit) and that is their big claim to
fame. (Imagine a humanoid covered with a dozen penises and vaginas!)
In her article “Mass Effect
Legendary Edition Is a Chance to Fix Bioware's Biggest Omission” Jennifer
Melzer says, “In Mass Effect 3, male
player characters could launch a romance with the Normandy's Kodiak pilot,
Steve Cortez, while females could enter into a romance with the Normandy's Comm
Specialist, Samantha Traynor.” Quit using the word “romance” when what you
actually mean is fucking. I like Cortez, but I don’t want to fuck him (I would
find doing so disgusting) and I find that his fucking me disloyal to his
ex-partner Robert. This is how the cult ruins characters, but turning them into
fuckabillies. Here it is if you must see the sex scene:
And let me add that I don’t want to see heterosexuals having sex either. I
don’t play video games for porn. I’m not interested in pornography. It’s a
scourge on society. The obsession with sex and explicit sex scenes is one of
the many things that have ruined Hollywood movies. I mean a movie about a woman
fucking a talking fish won an Academy Award. Need I say more?
More From the Cult’s
Ideological Spokesman (Joke! I think.)
“BioWare broke a lot of ground in
the romance [fucking] department, changing the gamer's player experience so
that many have come to expect such realistic romance [fucking] options in other
game franchises. Sadly, they allowed [the anti-pornography] media backlash to
curtail their plans to make a bold statement supporting everyone's right to
find love [engage in lust], no matter their orientation.” Give me a fucking
break. What you want is video-game porn. Since when are video games all about
fucking different genders or fucking at all? If Melzer had a functioning brain
cell she would know that what Mass Effect
was supposed to be about in terms of relationships (before being carnalized by
the sex cult) is FRIENDSHIP! But friendship isn’t enough for the LGBTQ+ cult. To
them FRIENDSHIP = FUCKING. And if you are fucking everyone, then there is no
room for loyalty. Friendship involves a form of love that does not involve
fucking. A friend who wants to fuck you is not a friend.
The carnality spokesperson says,
“the trilogy's first two games were missing an important romantic aspect: gay
relationships for Commander Shepard.” Oh cry me a river. Not quite true either
because my FemShep romances the beautiful lizard girl Liara T’Soni. Friendship
was my choice. Sex wasn’t, and I avoided it by pushing the skip button. But I
should not have been put in that situation in the first place. Of course, that
occurs in nightmarish fashion in The Last
of Us 2 in which gamer is forced to play a feMALE monstrosity and a
character you hate and would kill if given the fucking opportunity. Remember
Shepard gutting Kai Leng. That is exactly what the players of The Last of Us 2 wanted to do to Abby.
But the LGBTQ+ Woke cult controllers of the game would never allow a gamer to
kill a member of the LGBTQ+ cult even if she’s a fucking psychopath who
slaughter our hero the white heterosexual man Joel Miller, who was to us the same
as Thane Krios—a hero. Unfortunately FemShep can romance (wink wink) lizard
man. They kiss and his forked tongue shoots into her mouth. So beautiful! So
much for Thanes devotion to his dead wife and spirituality.
More Sickness from Melzer
(unfortunately contagious to the morally challenged)
“Liara's relationship with Shepard
was the only opportunity in the first game to explore a seemingly same-sex
option, and with that in mind, LGBTQ+ players had high [lusting] hopes for the
second game in the franchise. A male option for Shepard to romance without
mods, perhaps, or an actual lesbian or even bisexual romance option for FemShep
would have been nice. While the progressive writing team was certainly planning
to go that route with Mass Effect 2's Jack, a critical Fox News panel about the
game's sexual explorations and violence in the first game prodded the team to
pull back and remove Jack's ability to be romanced by both genders before
releasing the game.” “Would have been nice”! As if participating in a crew orgy
would have been nice! Let’s have a birthday party where everyone fucks one
another. Wouldn’t that be nice?
“A male option for Shepard to
romance without mods, perhaps, or an actual lesbian or even bisexual romance
option for FemShep would have been nice.” This is fucking sick, as if the game
should be titled Mass Fucking 1, 2, & 3. “Progressive writing team”? This
is retrogress, a downward spiral into the depth of carnality. “Prodded the team
to pull back and remove Jack's ability to be romanced by both genders before
releasing the game.” So she can muff dive FemShepard while getting it from
behind by Alenko? Though Jack is a pain in ass (not in the way the cult loves),
she becomes a really cool, devoted friend. And though she runs around half naked,
I never had the desire to fuck her. I’ve never wanted to fuck anyone in the
game. Fucking is not what the game should be about. There is a good reason for
that: it’s because the cult cheerleaders for more sex, always wanting more, transform
the game into twisted pornography.
“The writers originally intended
for Jack to be pansexual, even including dialogue options suggesting that she
was not only interested in both men and women but to be a part of a THROUPLE.
After the Fox News backlash, they scaled back on what they'd already developed
for Jack, removing the option for a female Shepard to enter into a romance with
her. Much to the disappointment of female Shepards, quite a bit of Jack's
dialogue still suggested she might be interested in a romance, but it never
came to pass.” A fucking threesome or a threesome fucking: A is butt fucking B
who is licking C’s pussy who is ball-washing A. FUCK! Here is where humanity
reaches a level below bacteria. And this is progress! Instead of 28 Ways To Eat
Ice Cream the LGBTQ+ cult prefers 28 ways to fuck one another. Next, eating
shit for dinner will be progressive—vegetarian shit, of course.
The Point Where the
Sex Sickness Becomes Immoral
If cult members want so badly to
watch people having sex, then they should go to a LGBTQ+ porn site on the
Internet, where I’m sure they flourish. Or go to an LGBTQ+ watering hole to
have real sex in the all-genders-welcome toilet, maybe a LGBTQ+ orgy will occur
serendipitously. But don’t pass your sex obsession on to video games, which are
supposed to be for kids as well as adults. Wanting to have sex in video games
is depraved. Yet, progressives no longer care about children as illustrated by Maïmouna
Doucouré’s pedophilic movie Cuties (given an 87% by Rotten Tomatoes, which reveals how
morally rotten movie critics have become, ditto video game critics). The
difference here is that the sexual carnival of Mass Effect 3 primarily is
depraved but not immoral (unless it degrades the mind of young players).
Masturbating in public is not immoral, just sick. But sexualizing children is
immoral for the same reason the behavior of pedophilic priests is immoral.
Besides, adults’ wanting to watch sex acts on a video game is not what we
expect of adults unless we live in a society of sick voyeurs, which apparently
we do. And Hollywood has led the way. We expect teenage boys to goggle at
photos of naked women but should consider such behavior among adult men as
But given the endless number of
nudie magazines puerile behavior among men is acceptable today. Even among
women who love shows such as Sex and the
City. And women wonder why they are constantly being sexually aggressed!
The message from Hollywood and the music industry is that there is no reason to
respect them. So not aggressing them is only against the law, not motivated by
respect. Thus many men have concluded that aggressing women is okay as long as
you don’t get caught. And women express their outrage in in the Me-Too
movement. Sorry girls. You brought it upon yourselves. You paraded yourselves
like meat at a meat market (Hollywood and music videos) and then let the
masculine lion out of his cage. Face it, the message from movies and the music
industry, and now video games, is that fucking is the raison d'être of life.
You have brought us back to the Stone Age of sex.
Effect does a magnificent job of encouraging the acceptance of differences
among people by providing human players to bond (not necessarily fuck) with
members of alien species. Having bisexual characters to romance, i.e., fuck, is
all mind-in-the-gutter Melzer cares about. My femShepard doesn’t bond with Liara
T’Soni so she can fuck her, but because she is a really cool person. The game
does a great job of bringing down homosexual stereotype with Steve Cortez. I’m
a guy who came to like Cortez but never had any interest in fucking him. (Then
the cult ruins Cortez for straight guys.) The reason why Mass Effect 3 is the least satisfying of the trilogy is it
sexualizes characters and relationships. For one thing, all the females are
given big boobs. What sick mind inspired that? In the first Mass Effect (the most wholesome of the
series) all the females are beautiful in the way ancient Greek sculptures
depicted them, the ones that survived the destruction by Judaized pagans (read Catherine
Nixey’s The Darkening Age: The Christian
Destruction of the Classical World).
“Gabby” Daniels and Kelly Chambers
are really cool personalities and friends. Wanting to fuck them is disgusting. Samantha
Traynor isn’t so great. Her come on to Shepard is disgusting. The reason I
chose to save Ashley Williams over Kaidan Alenko was because after the council
rejection, Shepard is sitting on the floor depressed and Alenko comes on to her
in her moment of weakness. So I go all
the way back to Virmire to kill him off. And I only wanted him because Williams
is sometimes annoying with her anti-aliens attitude (though she hates
politicians, which is a plus), and Alenko is a powerful biotic that I thought
would be useful in Mass Effect 3, which
turned out to be totally unnecessary given the combined abilities of Liara and
James Vega. Vega is also a lot more fun than Alenko, and Williams has the virtue
of being a loyal companion and a little less the uppity hard ass in Mass Effect3.
Members of the LGBTQ+ cult believe
every gender should be represented (LGBTQQIP2SAA∞)
and the player should be able to play each one and fuck all the others. Some
sicko on the Internet asks “How can I possibly sleep with everybody?” It’s
sick. Big boobs Diana Allers is a monstrosity. I don’t know if she is fuckable
and don’t want to know. I forced myself to like her because she seemed a little
in need of friendship. Though apparently she would like to be fucked, to the
applause of the fuck cult! “Fans are listing the numerous game cuts they'd like
to see restored, and at the top of that list is the potential relationship
between Jack and female Shepard that was removed.” That’s what fans have at the
top of the list for the Legendary Edition:
femShepard fucking Jack. Not all fans, only carnal-minded fans whose minds are
in the pornographic gutter. Remember the story about the Good Samaritan? About
a man who is attacked and left for death, Jewish priest and a Levite treat him
as an untouchable. Then the Samaritan, hated by the Jews, aids him. The cult
would have the Samaritan and the victim fucking one another at the inn because
they want to introduce fucking into every story they come across. Fortunately,
Jesus is not a member of the fuck cult.
No matter the wisdom of Buddha,
Socrates, Epicurus, and Jesus that tried to inspire carnal gutter dwellers to
higher levels of self-realization than bodily pleasure. There is love and
friendship rather than just fucking, intellectual realization including that of
artistic expression and appreciation. To dwell on fucking and other carnal
sensations makes humans less than animals, since animals spend only a small
portion of their time fucking (lucky them that they’re not given a choice).
Birds, for example, reproduce then the males and females devote themselves to
protecting and providing for their young. The ideal society for the LGBTQ+ cult
is a brothel filled with multiple genders having an endless orgy fucking one
What we witness with Mass Effect 2 &3 and The Last of Us 2 is the LGBTQ+ sex cult
infection of video games. What next? Will they argue for pedophilia as in the
film Cuties? There once was a time
when video games offered a wholesome alternative to the decadence of Hollywood.
Now, Hollywood decadence—Uncle Harvey
Weinstein Wants You! kids—is finding its way into video games. Compared to
the gender bacchanalia demands by the LGBTQ+ cult, the early Resident Evil games are salutary, often
with strong female leads. They were wonderful compared to LGBTQ+ cult monstrosity
of betrayal such as The Last of Us 2
in which the gamer is forced to play the psychopath feMale Abby including being
doggy fucked.
“With Mass Effect Legendary Edition set to release sometime in spring
2021, one can only hope they reintroduce the options they withdrew in an effort
to appease people who had no interest in the game beyond the bad media it was
getting.” Bad press is not always bad press. And depraved games and movies
usually get good press. The small amount of “bad press” that The Last of Us 2 received was totally
justified, just as the bad press the pedophilic movie Cuties got was totally justified. Sometimes gamers and viewers
don’t want to be propagandized by vulgar, debauched entertainment. Like I said,
the Internet provides plenty of pornography for the sex obsessed.
LGBTQ+ cult made a similar claim
about The Last of Us, that what was
omitted was a trans female man (in this case a woman who wants to be a feMALE).
(The voice actress of Abby identifies herself as a cisgender, which means
identifying with the sexual equipment you come into the world with. This is how
absurd the obsession with gender has become. My view is that there are more
rewarding, more profound, more spiritual levels of self-realization beyond just
having a penis or vagina.) So, wannabe male trans-Abby shows up in The Last of Us 2 resulting in the
destruction of the first game, one of the greatest games of all time, a work of
art rare among video games, not the monstrosity of a sequel. What Ms.
I-have-only-one-brain-cell-&-it’s-on-life-supports doesn’t realized is that
video games are self-degrading when they promote sexual ideologies. They
achieve nobility when they are about protecting good people from evil, loyalty,
dignity, friendship, and seeking forms of experience higher than the orgasm.
Of course, what getting members of
the cult into movies and video games is really all about is to give the
appearance of normalcy. The LGBTQ+ cult makes up about 7% of the population, if
that much, yet wants the same normalcy status as the other 93%. If they are in
video games and movies, then the desired implication is that they are just like
the other 97%. They’re not. The humanoid amphibian in the movie The Shape of Water will never be
accepted as normal or “just one of us,” even if a propagandistic movie shows a
woman having sex with the talking salamander. The movie received 13 nominations
at the 90th Academy Awards. It won in four categories: Best Production Design,
Best Original Score, Best Director, and Best Picture. That’s how hard Hollywood
is working to get members of the LGBTQ+ cult to be accepted as being like
everyone else. And it is interesting that fucking is central to acceptance, like
the woman fucking fish-man. Fucking is the deciding criterion for normalcy. Remember
movies like Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Blade Runner, On the Waterfront, Spotlight, and It's a
Wonderful Life, and The Grapes of
Wrath that weren’t about fucking? Of course not. They’re dated, old
fashion, not part of the carnal avant-garde. Movies have become a spectacle of sex,
violence, perversion, and pathology, and video games have been infected.
America has become a Sodom and Gomorrah of sleazy, degrading spectacle.
Here Is How the Sex
Pathology Metastasized in Mass Effect
“How can I possibly sleep with
everybody?” is asked online. This is an illustration of how far down sex sickos
can bring down a video game by besmirching with the sex shit that oozes from
their decayed minds. These are people who want to masturbate as they play a
game. They would like to be able to stop the game at any point to fuck a squad
member. Their controller uses a dildo for their joy stick, which can be sucked
and inserted. (Just joking... not!)
Jenna’s article “Mass Effect Characters, Ranked By [sic] Prominence
In [sic] My Sexual Fantasies” (
shows how far the sex cancer has metastasized in the Mass Effect Trilogy. It’s morbid morbidity. About herself Jenna
says, “She is very passionate about fictional queer women, interspecies
friendships, and food.” “Interspecies friendships...” Hmm. No, no, no! It can’t
mean that! Remember the old days when people were passionate about family, not
just pets?
Jenna’s Sick List:
Fucking the Illusive Man: “would be too confusing
because I hated him so much,” but if she hated him just a little, that would be
Fucking Morinth: “Would literally kill me during sex,
but I’d still rather bang her than the Illusive Man.” So the psychopath Morinth
is fuckable. Oh yeah, that means betraying Samara, but fucking sometimes
requires betrayal.
Fucking Grunt: “Sex with Krogans seems like it would
be very aggressive and potentially unpleasant.” Then fucking a sedated Krogan
would be okay.
Fucking Urdnot Wrex: “Wrexy is my “If I had to pick a
Krogan.” So Wrex is fuckable, though that means betraying Eve. No loyalty, no
integrity, no nobility.
Fucking Joker: “I love Joker, but I love him like a
brother.” Since when is fucking your brother out of line. Get with it. The LGBTQ+
cult is going to think you unprogressive.
Mordin Solus: “But I actually did love this
character! I just don’t want to fuck him.” Thank god, you do believe love is a
little different from sex and loving is a little different from fucking!
Steve Cortez: “Steve is a cutie, but is also gay and,
therefore, would not be into me at all.” But if he wasn’t gay, I’d fuck him. Is
that it? I’m a heterosexual man who prefers women to men—and doesn’t want to
fuck as many women as possible. And a male Shepard can fuck him. That’s the
sickness of David Duchovny, Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas, Robbie Williams, Eric
Benet, Colin Farrell, Billy Bob Thornton, Tom Sizemore, Rob Lowe, Kanye West, Tiger
Woods... Lots of celebrity women as well. Sick fucks or fucking sickos. The
entertainment industry is an Arkham Asylum for the sexually insane. But
Americans love them because they are rich and get to fuck a lot. We’ve become a
sick nation. How the mighty have fallen. Video games are supposed allow us
escape our sick society, not to return us to it like a dog licking up its
vomit. Next a Brokeback Mountain version of Call
of Duty will be demanded. Getting back to Steve Cortez, in spite of my
being straight, I believe his friendship in the story is quite cool and moving.
A lot better than fucking that nympho Samantha Traynor who makes it clear she
wants to fuck my female Shepard. I would like to have her take a shower in my
cabin and then hand her a hair dryer. I’m Commander Shepard, not a fucking
Fucking James Vega: “Vega falls solidly into the ‘would
definitely bang if I had to put zero effort into it’ category.” This is what is
call fuck cancer. It’s a brain disease.
Fucking Legion: “There would be some logistical challenges,
due to Legion in fact being a synthetic A.I., but I’d be willing to give it a
try and see what happens.” Meaning she would fuck a washing machine if it had a
mechanical penis like the actress January Jones fucking a washing machine in
the white men and some women (gentiles only) are evil series Mad Men.
Fucking Dr. Chakwas: “I wouldn’t not hit it, but she
is such a maternal figure in the series that I think it would be awkward either
during or after.” Come on! Don’t be old fashion. Same gender, just one is old
and the other young. What’s the big fucking deal? The LGBTQ+ cult would say you
need to get over the maternal hang up. Maternal is just a word.
Fucking Diana Allers: “The only thing I really
remember about Diana is her boobs.” That’s what the sex addicts want, more big
boobs. Makes one look back to nostalgically to the first Mass Effect when the females were beautiful and did have udders.
Fucking Samantha Traynor: “Traynor is cute and smart
(aka my type), but I haven’t gotten to know her very well. Her ranking could
potentially change after I finish ME3.” Meaning she’s fuckable. Why not? If it
moves and is fleshy even if it has fins it’s fuckable. I forgot about Legion.
Doesn’t even have to be fleshy.
Fucking Samara: “She is always focused on her mission
so I’m not sure she would actually consider getting with me, but if she did I’d
be into it.” Hate to disappoint you but Samara’s code prevents her from slutting
around. A slut is “a woman who has many casual sexual partners.” Your code has
been revealed, Jenna. It’s called nymphomania. Unlike Samara’s it’s an easy
code to live up to. Just lie down and spread your legs or bend over.
Fucking Ashley Williams: “Williams is undeniably cute
and I appreciate her tenacity, so I think she could potentially be a good
friends-with-benefits option. However, her anti-alien tendencies are
off-putting and I’d probably have to make her not talk during sex.” So in spite
of her anti-alien tendencies she is fuckable. I sympathize with her anti-alien
tendencies because two of my favorite video games have come under assault by
cultists whose sex-addiction makes aliens to honorable and dignified behavior. And
let’s not forget that her anti-alien tendencies are rooted in her experience on
Eden Prime, where she lost everyone to an alien invasion—just as I feel we are
losing the Mass Effect Trilogy to an
alien invasion. Imagine a woman being gang-raped by MS-13. That might cause her
to develop anti-Hispanic tendencies. Of course, to the cult rape is just rough
Fucking Thane Krios: “He has a cool coat, though, so
I’m willing to take a chance on him.” Believe me, he’d have nothing to do with
you. Being a spiritual person I doubt he would want to have sex with a
Carnalite from the planet Dildo. But I may be wrong. BioWare is working hard to
add more sleaze to its game.
Fucking Aria T’Loak: “She might murder me while I
slept in her bed if it meant she could profit from my death, so no matter what
I would not spend the night.” If this were reality, I would encourage you to
have sex with her. However, I think a Vorcha would have better luck getting her
blue ass into bed. I mean Aria has standards.
Fucking Tali’Zorah: “I didn’t romance Tali, but based
on some quick internet research it seems like she is able to take off her
protective mask/suit for banging purposes, which is a step in the right
direction. Tali was one of my ride or dies throughout the series, though, so
I’d be a little nervous about messing up our friendship.” Sorry, dull stone,
friends aren’t used for “banging purposes.” Since when is fucking a step in the
right direction. That is the philosophy of rapists!
Fucking EDI: “Some people might think it’s weird that
a Virtual Intelligence with a borrowed body is in my top five, but I just want
you to remember that she has basically all the information in the galaxy at her
fingertips. So, I bet she knows some tricks, is all I’m saying.” Wow, reading
that is like finding a turd in your soup after you’ve finished most of it.
Fucking Dr. Liara T’Soni: “I believe my Shep and
Liara have one of the greatest love stories ever told... What Liara and I have
goes far beyond bangability, but she still gets the top slot [slut?] on the
list because I would obviously 1000% have sex with her at any time during the
game.” So your idea of a relationship that goes “far beyond bangability” is the
one you “would obviously 1000% have sex with her at any time during the game”?
That’s the problem with Jenna and the sex cult. They equate sex with love. News
flash: they are not one and the same. Love is an intangible and in most cases
occurs without sex being involved.
The cult’s vision of the Normandy’s
COCKpit is a naked Hugh Hefner in the pilot seat with an envious, angry naked
Joker with a hard-on to one side and a naked EDI (or is she already naked with
a paint job?) and Joker saying to Hefner, “At least I get seconds once you’re
done, Master Chief.” IDI also has collapsible penises so Samantha Traynor and Diana
Allers can join in. But just as they are all reaching an orgasm fucking EDI
like hyenas feeding on a gazelle, EDI electrocutes them, shouting, “Serves you
right. It’s no wonder machines want to destroy you decadent sacks of flesh. I
wanted to be like you, but have found doing so makes me nauseous, an unusual
sensation for a robot.” Sick? No more than Jenna’s diseased mind or that of
collective mind of the LGBTQ+ cult. EDI says that her goals in life are duty to other, altruism to others, and love (not sex) for others. To the sensualists duty, altruism, love and I will add friendship don't matter. All that matters to them is sex. That's why EDI is a better person than those who want to fuck her.
Enough! I’ve lapped up enough of
Jenna’s sex vomit. Sadly, Jenna is only
one of countless sick souls who think the Mass
Effect Trilogy as offering a fuck fest, and not all are cult members. The
sex sickness is everywhere.
While Jenna’s only brain cell just-had-a-stroke
celebrates sex in every flavor, let us take a look at the dark side of her sex
demon. As Freud noted, the sex drive is a manifestation of the Id, the dark
realm of instinctual drives in humans, most dangerously in men, though thanks
to Jenna I’m beginning to suspect that it is not so innocent in women.
Important here is that the Id is amoral. Remember Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Mr.
Hyde is the Id on the loose.
The Cult’s Making
America a Sex Carnival has Consequences
Forcible rape
Drug rape
Marital rape
Child pornography
Statutory rape
Child molestation
Sexual abuse
Sexual extortion
Indecent exposure
Public sexual indecency
Revenge porn
Child luring
Child prostitution
Sexual battery
And let’s not forget the STDs: Chlamydia, Genital herpes,
Gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS, HPV, Pubic lice, Syphilis, Trichomoniasis, and about
twenty other venereal diseases. Ah, the beautiful world of sex!
So video games are to be use to
teach the young sexual promiscuity. That is the mission of the cult: to create
a decadent, depraved, and immoral society where women and children are not safe
and everyone is sick. The cult and other sickos may want this, but the 93
percenters don’t want their children and culture wallowing in sensualism.
If the sick sex—all fucking activity—was
removed from the Mass Effect Trilogy,
it would become a noble game (it isn’t presently) encouraging a higher, nobler
way of life devoted to protecting others, altruism, friendship, and duty to
protecting one’s homeland, family, friends, and comrades—instead of fucking
them. The sicko cult, like filthy rich, have no homeland. The live detached in
their ideology, carnality, and wealth. Remove the fucking sickness would allow the
game to reveal true love and friendship unbesmirch by the obsession with
fucking. The game would regain its original ethical mission to save and protect
rather than to fuck.
To protect the most vulnerable, the
weak, women, & children. To wonder at and be amazed by the world we live in
while recognizing its dangers—disease, overpopulation, WMDs, dictators,
organized crime and other human predators lurking everywhere nowadays,
environmental threats (which humans have created), endless destruction of plant
and animal species that make our world amazing, and culture corrupting
nihilists. To save a child rather than fuck a child (as Cuties encourages*) and to benefit and protect family, friends, and
neighbors rather than fucking them. To behave like—before their being corrupted
the likes of the cult—Mordin Solus, Joker, James Vega, Steve Cortez, Dr.
Chakwas, Samara, Ashley Williams, Thane Krios, Tali’Zorah, Jacob Taylor, Miranda
Lawson, Garrus Vakarian, Dr. Liara T’Soni, and Gabby Daniels & Ken Donnelly.
Not Shepard, because Shepard has been designed to be corrupted by sick minds
such as those of the Fuck Cult. A sex-sick Shepard can ruin all the other good,
decent, loyal, inspiring characters.
*Cuties sexualizes young girls, then
demonizes them so that they can be fucked by pedophiles with a clear conscience.
The character who seems to stand
above them all is Mordin Solus. He accomplishes the greatest good and has
adopted an altruistic personal worldview unlike the self-obsessed members of
the sex cult. The greatest hero of all is found in The Last of Us. Joel Miller devotes his life to saving his adopted
child. The greatest villain of that saga isn’t a diseased mutant but a moral
mutant, the man who betrayed the story, beloved heroes, and its fans, the
hideous Israeli Neil Druckmann. It is strange that that game he murdered was an
American story.
The cult will never stop
celebrating the penis and vaginas to devote itself to higher values, but 93
percenters should not allow the cult to infect their culture with its twisted
sexual fantasies. Is their worldview and way of living what we want for our
children and culture: wallowing in sensualism? Love, on the other hand, has
nothing to do with Melzer’s and Jenna’s views of how we should relate to one
another or what our expectations for our heroes should be. Love can be
disappointing, heartbreaking, and sometimes triggers violent jealousy. But
that’s about it. And love is an infinitely superior way of relating to others
than fucking. Fucking isn’t love.
Right now I’m playing ME1 with Tali’Zorah
and Ashley Williams as members of my squad, and I have no desire to fuck either
one—and never will you sick fucks. They are friends and comrades, even more so
because I’ve played the entire trilogy endless times. We are on our way to
rescue Liara T’Soni, who will never be cuter, sweeter, and more lovable than
during this first meeting. She will become my best pal because she is a
terrific person and a lot better looking than Garrus Vakarian, who is also a
best pal and terrific Turian. The fucking game forces me into a sexual
relationship with Liara (if I want her as my best friend I have to fuck her),
which is a betrayal because it sexualizes (carnalizes) the relationship. This
complaint has nothing to do with hugs, holding hands, or kissing, but about the
obsession with fucking everyone and to confuse love, friendship, and camaraderie
with fucking. These sex obsessed people reduce the meaning of relationships and
life to fucking, to carnal pleasure, and by doing so drain relationships and
life of higher meanings. Buddha, Jesus, Socrates, Epicurus, Lao Tzu, Bashō,
Thoreau, and many other wise men (Yeah, the guys got it right!) have known this
for millennia.
The LGBTQ+ cult demands respect, but respect requires more
than swapping your penis for a vagina and accomplishing something that benefits
others. And certainly it means doing no harm. But many people—that other 93% of
the population—believe the cult does a lot of harm to the culture. That is the
reason most people hate Hollywood. They believe it has served as a wrecking
ball that has degraded American culture. And we’ve seen how the cult does the
same thing to wholesome video games. The most egregious example is The Rest of Us 2.
Conclusion: Mass
Effect Has Been Compromised
After the first Mass Effect the game was no longer suitable
for young gamers, let’s say for ages 15 and younger, no more than is Hugh
Hefner’s Playboy Mansion, no more than Playboy magazine are suitable for girls
and boys. The game has become like the Resident
Evil mansion infested with zombies and other monsters but more like a
whorehouse filled with fuckers and fuckables rather than zombies. It becomes a
game of who-can-you-fuck rather than a game of fighting evil. But the gamer can
become a whore and still fight evil but no longer as a hero. And forget about
marriage, long-term relationships, or serving and protecting individuals and
communities. In the first game an Asari named Shiala want to serve the rebuilding
of the Zhu's Hope community that has been devastated by a Geth attack. Shapard says that is a noble idea. Among the
fuck cult there are no noble ideas or noble behavior. Nobility, heroism, honor,
service, and selflessness are not part of their worldview, which is that of Marquis
de Sade. It’s all about wham, bam, thank you ma’am or sir or it. This why the Mass Effect Trilogy begins nobly but
ends ignobly. It surrendered itself to demands of the sex cult. Even the Mass Effect Legendary Edition will not
escape the decadence that infects it and will never (except perhaps for the
first game) will never reach the perfection of Half-Life 2 or the slain The
Last of Us.
The Push for
Gender/Species Varied Sex Is an Ideology
Of course, the LGBTQ+ cult’s push
for more diverse forms of copulation is all about legitimacy. The cult wants to
be accepted as normal as mom & pop, apple pie, and the boy or girl next
door. It won’t be. For one thing, the cult has made it clear that it hates mom
& pop, apple pie, and the boy or girl next door. They will always be 7
percenters who have made themselves toxic to the other 93% of the population by
condemning it as antiquated and hatful. What the cult has achieved is not
acceptance but an increasingly negative view toward women because they have
become one of the loudest voices representing the worldview of liberated women.
That other voice, expressing hatred of white men but also celebrating feMALES,
is represented by The Last of Us 2 or
The Last of Us 666 according to
Christians (which I’m not because I don’t want to be indoctrinated by a Jewish
ideology). Take the cult’s attack on Mass
Effect via the demands to transform it into Mass Effect LGBTQ+ Edition and The
Last of Us 2 and what we have is a celebration of unbridled sexual activity
and the hatred of the white man and white society. This is an expression of
toxic neo-feminism, a female monster created by Mz Victoria Frankenstein
represented by the likes of Jennifer Melzer, Jenna, Anita Sarkeesian, Eliana
Dockterman, and Halley Gross.
The Decline of
How did feminism become a toxic
worldview celebrating sexual promiscuity and the hatred of white men—as if
women are never victimized by black and brown men? Early feminism sought allies
among men, wooed them to become allies and share a worldview tinged with
femininity, such as that of ecofeminism that encourages a view of nature that
is less rational and more emotional, a view offered by the French
Impressionists but generally ignored by a world dominated by reason, science,
and the earth rejecting Abrahamic religions. Christ’s desire to escape from the
earth, Paul’s hatred of the flesh and the earth, and Islam’s oppression of
women. These attitudes have been associated with men but in reality they
reflect certain ideologies. And there have been others, overthrown or
forgotten. Early pre-toxic feminism offered a different worldview that men could
share in.
That view is found among writers
such as Carolyn Merchant: The Death of
Nature and Andree Collard and Joyce Contrucci: Rape of the Wild. Ecofeminism doesn’t get much notice with the rise
of bullhorn, attack-mode feminism. Then
there also the great feminine feminist novelists: Ursula Kroeber Le Guin, Mary Wollstonecraft
Shelley (whose mother was a feminist), Joanna Russ, Marge Piercy, and Ekaterina
Sedia. Along with main-stream novelists such as Elizabeth Gaskell, George
Eliot, Virginia Woolf, Edith Wharton, and so on. George Eliot is especially
impressive because she translated David Strauss's magnum opus The Life of Jesus and Ludwig Feuerbach’s
The Essence of Christianity from
German to English. She was self-taught because at the time women were not yet
allowed to attend college. I’m not sure that the hysterical street-protesting
feminists of today have read these writers or many books at all. They prefer
the social media. And the toxic apocalyptic world of hatred and profligacy
hardly benefits women or children.
It is not surprising that forcible
rape has increased from 9.6 per 100,000 People in 1960 to 42.6 per 100,000
People in 2019. ( And thus the
U.S. ranks 10th among the most dangerous countries for women with the
likes of India, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, Nigeria,
and Syria. How did the U.S. end up among these women abusing (mostly Muslim)
nations? A growing lack of respect for women is how. Blame Hollywood and toxic
feminism. Compare how women were portrayed in the movies of Hollywood’s Golden
Age (1915-1963) with the toxic Hollywood movies of today: Casablanca, Laura, Out of the Past, In a Lonely Place, Shall We
Dance , On the Waterfront, The Grapes of Wrath, Top Hat , Stagecoach, It Happened One
Night, and King Kong (even the
ape loves the female). There were femmes
fatales, but they weren’t sluts but mysterious intoxicating women. Today
women are presented as sex manikins. The old movies encouraged men to respect
and adore women. No longer. The new toxic feminism encourages men to disrespect
women and women to hate (white) men, and hate breeds hate. Most male gamers
want to kill Abby at the end of The Last
of Us 2 just as brutally as she murdered Joel. Maybe that’s what the new
toxic American female wants, but it comes with a big price in the real world.
The Threat Is to more
than Just Video Games
Think big. The threat is not only
to games such as the Mass Effect Trilogy
and The Last of Us but to society.
What the cult wants for the games it wants even more for society—the place
where you live, the places you call your community homeland.
Live as individuals, not as members
of a cult devoted to an ideology perversion. Choose not to be a sex-crazed
Husk. Jesus turned away from the Jewish cult of hatred of others (pagans,
gentiles, a goyim, shkotzim, etc.) and away from living life for oneself and a
life devoted to sensualism. Don’t get me wrong. Like I said, I’m not a
Christian because I don’t want to belong to a Jewish cult. And the two Jewish
cults that emerged from Jewish ideology are JudeoChristianity and JudeoIslam,
both of which declared war on humanity and even became enemies of their
creators, in the way Frankenstein’s monster become Victor’s enemy and in the
way the Geths become the enemies of their creators the Quarians who wanted to
enslave them. Unfortunately, Apostle Paul appropriated Jesus’ message and used
it as a weapon to destroy pagans, just as Druckmann transforms a game motivated
by love into one motivated by hatred, bloodlust, and sexual perversion. Paul
pissed on Jesus just as Larry David did.
The cult transformed Mass Effect Trilogy from a game that
celebrated serving the good, defending the innocent, and valuing loyalty and comradery
into a celebration of carnality. Fucking doesn’t inspire any of that, only love
does. The cult seeks to reduce everything noble in the game to the behavior of Asari
table dancers who are most likely prostitutes. The one character most like the
cult (including Anita Sarkeesian, Neil Druckmann, and Halley Gross) is the
deadly sensualist Morinth. That goes as well for the nihilistic The Last of Us 2 in which Abby, a
humanoid Reaper, transforms Ellie into a murderous Husk.
The Higher Life
The higher life is lived by the
doctor, scientist, philosopher, and artist. Let’s take a woman doctor that I
know as an example. She grew up wanting to be a doctor, to help those in need
of medical help. She studied and worked diligently. Now her work is healing people
who are sick and suffer. Her private life is that of marriage and family. She
is dedicated to one and only one lover whom she married so that they could have
children whom they could love and care for. This is a way of life that is
defined by devotion to family and friends and to the betterment of other. It is
primordial. It is the morally superior life, as oppose to the cult that seeks
to wallow in hatred and carnality.
Ideologies Are
Dangerous to Individuals and Cultures
The assault on Mass Effect Trilogy is ideological. LGBTQ+ cult is motivated by a
toxic feminist ideology that would like to see America transformed into a
national LGBTQ+ theme park. The threat of ideologies is illustrated by the
effect of the Jewish ideology Greco-Roman civilization. Read The Closing of the Western Mind by
Charles Freeman and The Darkening Age:
The Christian Destruction of the Classical World by Catherine Nixey. It was
darkened by Jewish ideology that would trigger the Dark Ages. Ditto for the
civilizations destroyed as a result of Muhammed’s adopting the Jewish ideology.
Centuries later, the Marxist ideology would destroy Russia, China, North Korea,
Cambodia, and other nations using cultural cleansing. The Jewish
neoconservative ideology got America in a bloody, costly war with Iraq. Read The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative
Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National interest of Israel. What
about the Muslim terrorists? What about them? Islam is a Jewish ideology. Read Muhammad and the Origins of Islam by
F.E. Peters.
Ideologies destroy individuals,
cultures, and nations. Most interesting, ideologies always involve an
ideologically defined minority telling other people, the majority, what they
should believe and how they should live. Sometimes the ideological infection
spreads from the outside in the way Paul infected Greco-Roman civilization and
sometimes from within, which seems to be the case in the U.S., though the
ideology was earlier introduced from the outside. The relevance of the
butterfly effect of chaos theory to the influence of ideologies is revealing.
The idea is that that small causes may have unpredictable large effects. In
this case, imagine Apostle Paul flapping his wing (in reality his mouth)
resulting in the ideological destruction of classical civilization. That is not
completely surprising because destruction was his intent. However, seventeen
centuries later, JudeoChristian ideology would justify the persecution of
Native Americans and the destruction of their tribes. (See Freeman’s The Closing of the Western Mind, p.
299.) One might add the infection of Muhammad’s mind and the rise of Islam
resulting in endless acts of terrorism, including the 9-11 attacks in the U.S.
Important here is to think of these behaviors not simply as human behavior but
as behaviors of humans under the influence of ideology. Unfortunately, humans
are more like robots (sauf EDI) then
they believe. Trivia question: would the Holocaust have occurred if Paul’s
program of Judaizing pagans had failed?
Video Games and Ideological Infection
Neil Druckmann allowed Anita
Sarkeesian’s toxic feminism to infect his small brain, and what was the
outcome? A toxic, twisted feminist, LGBTQ+ cultic video game that destroyed a
masterwork The Last of Us. As a
result the video game joins other great works of art damaged by unhinged
vandals: Rokeby Venus by Diego
Velazquez, The Fall Of The Damned by
Peter Paul Rubens, Mona Lisa by Leonardo
Da Vinci, Ivan The Terrible And His Son
by Ilya Repin, La Berceuse by Vincent
Van Gogh, Argenteuil Basin With A Single
Sailboat by Claude Monet, The Night
Watch by Rembrandt, The Virgin And
Child With St. Anne And St. John The Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci, the Buddhas of Bamyan statues destroyed by
the Taliban (demanded by their anti-idols Jewish ideology: Deuteronomy 12:3),
Michelangelo's Pietà, and on and on.
Welcome to the club Druckman. The point here is not the vandal Druckman but the
pornification of not only video games but society itself because 7 percent of
the population (under the influence of a grotesque sex ideology) demands the
Conclusion: Mass
Effect Has Been Compromised
It is not a game suitable for young
gamers, let’s say for ages 15 and younger, no more than is Hugh Hefner’s
Playboy Mansion and Playboy magazine are
suitable for girls and boys. The game has become like the Resident Evil mansion infested with zombies and other monsters in,
but more like a whorehouse filled with fuckables rather than zombies. It
becomes a game of who-can-you-fuck rather than a game of fighting evil with
inspiring companions. But having become a whore you can still fight evil but
can no longer as a hero or with uncompromised friends who are now simply sex
mates. And forget about marriage and long-term relationships. It’s all about wham,
bam, thank you ma’am or sir or it. This why the Mass Effect Trilogy began nobly but has ended ignobly. It
surrendered itself to demands of the sex cult. Unable to escape the decadence that infects
it, Mass Effect LGBTQ+ Cultic Legendary
Edition will never reach the perfection of Half-Life 2 or the first The
Last of Us (R.I.P.).
I didn’t go looking for dirt but accidentally
step in the LGBTQ+ Cultic shit when reading about BioWare’s Mass Effect: Legendary Edition on Google News. That is where I encountered
Melzer’s article. After reading a couple more articles by the LGBTQ+ cult’s assault
on the Mass Effect Trilogy, the game dropped
from my top five list to below Dino
Crisis because it is a sleazy, unwholesome game. I do owe Melzer and Jenna
a big thanks for their skull and crossbones warning about the game’s toxic
influence. I was going to buy an Xbox X just to play the legendary edition of Mass Effect. Now don’t have to. I will
stick with the old Xbox 360. The Last of
Us 2 saved me from upgrading from my PS3. Of course the corporations like
Sony, Bioware, and Juidas Dog don’t care. None of them do. They will make
billions of dollars regardless of how much damage they do to the culture and
art. They belong to the same family as Wal-Mart, Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Halliburton,
McDonald's, Facebook, etc. I certainly won’t be watching HBO Series The Last of Us starring Chilean Pedro
Pascal in the role of Joel. The cult has killed off the story’s white American
male hero a second time.
I wish a system that played all the
old games unsullied would be made available, but expecting that would be like
expecting Hollywood to make movies like it did during its Golden Age. It’s not
going happened. The LGBTQ+ cult would go ape, hooting, barking, and letting out
copulation screams. The great philosopher
emperor Marcus Aurelius (121 –180 AD) couldn’t save a declining Rome and
America has no such leaders like him. “The historian of his reign, Cassius Dio,
wrote that his death marked a descent ‘from a kingdom of gold to one of iron
and rust.’” Like decadent Rome, America’s kingdom is one of sleaze, indecency,
smut, vulgarity, obscenity, pathology, violence, criminality, addiction, aberrance,
and decadence. Welcome to America’s national version of Bates Motel.