Wednesday, December 20, 2023

For Putin Is a Jolly Good Fellow


Putin’s Playground Kyiv, Ukraine   

Let's all sing:

" Putin is a splendid good fellow

     a jolly good fellow

     a jolly, jolly, jolly good fellow

     that nobody dare deny! La, la, la, la, la, la!!!"

Tsar Putin Devouring Ukraine!

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Satanic Hamas Laughs at Israeli Hypocrites!

"My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" 

All things are full of weariness; man cannot utter it.
All the works that are done under the sun
is vanity and a striving after wind.
In the place of justice, wickedness was there.
In the place of righteousness, wickedness was there.

I contemplated all the acts of oppression committed under the sun:
I saw the tears of the oppressed,
with no one present to comfort them.
Power was wielded by their oppressors,
and no one was there to comfort them.
Righteous people perish in their uprightness,
Wicked people grow old in their wickedness.

As a result, I regarded the dead as fortunate,
because they had already died
and thus were happier than the living
who were still alive.
But happier than both of these
is the one yet unborn
who has not witnessed the evil deeds
that are done under the sun.

At the hypocrisy of the Israelis. Says the Hamas Boss Man, “You think we are Satan's spawn, but we are not. We are your children. You accuse us of doing terrible things, but we learned to do them from you and your book which became our book and from your God which became our God. And this is what we learned from your book and from your God"

From the Book of Deuteronomy: “In the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods, so that you would sin against the LORD your God.”

Such hypocrisy!

From First Samuel: “Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.”

Such hypocrisy!

From the Book of Numbers: “Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.”

Such hypocrisy!

From the Book of Joshua: And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.” Such hatred that hates everything.

Such hypocrisy!

From the Book of Exodus: So Moses said, “This is what the Lord says: ‘About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.”

Such hypocrisy!

You complain about our slaughter of infants, children, mothers, and fathers, but we learned slaughter from you. You will not find mass murder or genocide in the Quran. The Quran does not condone the slaughter of infants, children, mothers, and fathers. The Quran says only “Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.”

Such hypocrisy!

You condemn us for hiding among Palestinian civilians. But you bomb them to kill us. You call us evil because we kill Jewish babies so that the Palestinians can have a home of their own but you kill Palestinian babies to kill us. We are all guilty of infanticide but we do not pretend to be innocent.

Such hypocrisy

But in fighting you we do as your book says and by doing so transgress the limits set upon us by the Quran. Yet, there are not limits for you. Even now as you destroy cities as your God destroyed cities with fire and brimstone. And you do the same.

Such hypocrisy!

From the Book of Genesis your God says this:  “Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.” Allah never did such thing. I wonder if we worship same God.

Such a sights warm the hearts of Israelis. They've hated us forever. It's all there in the their book the Old Testament:  “I will lay waste your cities. And you will become a desolation. Then you will know that I am the Lord." Again I wonder if we worship same God.

Such hypocrisy!

And you are the invaders, not us. Your ancestors came as Hyksos nomads and invaded disunited Egypt, set fire to the cities, razed the temples, squandered the accumulated wealth, who destroyed much of the accumulated art, and for two hundred years subjected the Nile valley. Finally, the rowdy Hyksos are driven out of Egypt. Says Manetho, an Egyptian historian of the third century B.C., “the Exodus was due to the desire of the Egyptians to protect themselves from a plague that had broken out among the destitute and enslaved Jews, and that Moses was an Egyptian priest who went as a missionary among the Jewish lepers.”

So driven out of Egypt the Israelites invaded Canaan and slaughtered the Canaanites, the ancestors of the Palestinians. Then foolishly your people started a war with Rome thinking your God would save you, but he did not. As with Jesus, he never does. You were scattered like dust in the wind. Then in 1948 you once against invaded our land the land that was ours before you first invaded it. And you invaded it because Hitler killed six million of your people. The Palestinian did not harm you, but you harmed them. It was Christians who killed you, not Palestinians. They treated you as your people treated the Canaanites and later Jewish Christians. You invaded Palestine with the help of Christian nations who felt guilty for how they treated you. So Palestine was invaded and Palestinian homes and towns were destroyed just as the homes and towns of ancient the Canaanites were destroyed. And the Palestinians were removed from their communities and homes and placed in reservations. You treated them as the Nazis treated you.

Such hypocrisy!

You hated us from the very beginning. When driven out of Egypt the first Canaanites you encountered were the Amalekites who attacked because you were invaders and you believed your God gave you permission to possess their land as an inheritance and commanded you to blot out the name of Amalek from under heaven. And your God sought their extermination. And now they no longer exist.

Such hypocrisy!

And when Shechem the Hivite fell in love with Dinah and took her your ancestors took revenge because she was disgrace, not for being raped but for having sex with a Canaanite pagan. The Hivites were willing to make amends by being circumcised to become Jews.  But your people killed every male and took their flocks, the cattle, the donkeys, and everything else in the city and in the fields because they hated pagans. They took everything of value, captured all the Hivite women and children, and carried off everything in the houses. You never respond with moderation because your hatred will not allow it. For you love never conquers hate. And from you we learned to hate. It was an outrage that a pagan would fall in love with an Israelite but not for the Israelites to take the pagan women to be slaves like Hagar the Egyptian slave of Abraham. Your celebrated King David had concubines, some he left to die, and his son Solomon had three hundred concubines. And David committed adultery with Bathsheba and arranged the death of her husband, his most loyal soldier Uriah the Hittite. Yet a tribe is destroyed because Shechem fell in love with a Jew.

Such hypocrisy!

In his play The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare tells how much you hate everybody, the hated goyim. Shylock the Jew is constantly saying about the goyim “I will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray with you” because he hates the goyim. The essence of such men is hatred, men who associate only with other haters like themselves united by an ideology of hatred.

Shakespeare is called an anti-Semite but he wasn’t. Unlike Moses and Ezra he celebrates the love between the Jew and the gentile. He has the Jewess Jessica fall in love with the Loenzo who loves her even though she is a Jew. And what was her father’s response? He says, “My own flesh and blood rebel” because it was a sin for Jews to marry non-Jews. He is like the prophet Ezra who tells the Jews who have married pagans, “Separate yourselves from the peoples around you and from your foreign wives.” Yet, Shakespeare’s play celebrates the love between the Jews and gentile. And in Romeo and Juliet  love overcomes the hatred of feuding families. For the gentile Shakespeare, unlike for you, love is able to conquer hate. The hater's daughter Jessica says love is blind because love comes from the heart not from an ideology of hate. And like Moses, Shylock says “I wish my daughter were dead at my feet.” Moses told his soldiers to “Now kill all the boys. And kill every Midianite woman who has slept with an Israelite man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.” You hated our ancestors as you hate us. Your ancestors took our girls as slaves and concubines; otherwise, they were meaningless to you. And you complain about being the victims of racism.

Such hypocrisy!

You believe anti-Semitism emerged ex nihilo from the minds of the goyim, but like everything it had a cause or causes in your case. The great Israeli historian Victor Tcherikover examines the causes of anti-Semitism in his masterful book Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews. And the causes are ancient, long before Shakespeare’s time. Tcherikover examines ancient thinkers who addressed the causes of anti-Semitism. But first let what he says about the Greeks serve as a preface: “What impelled the Greeks to oppose the Jews? National hatred in the modern sense did not exist in the ancient world, and much less religious hatred. The Greeks were familiar with many foreigners from abroad who had settled in their cities, but had found no need to carry on a violent attack against them. Why did they hate the Jews of all people?” (372). And from F.E. Peters about the Jews living in pagan Hellenistic Egypt: "The number of Jews in Egypt may have reached on million by Roman times, but whether the figure is accurate or not, the Jewish population of Egypt was considerable. Most of them lived in Alexandria [named after Alexander the Great, king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon] and grew cultured and prosperous" (The Harvest of Hellenism 296-297).

Here are the opinions of the ancients according to Tcherikover. The first is the Greek historian Hecataeus of Abdera (360 BC – 290 BC). He “remarks that Moses initiated a form of life encouraging seclusion from humankind and hatred of aliens,” including “the Jewish refusal to eat at Gentile tables, and this may have impressed him as incomprehensible pride and hatred of aliens” (360-361). 

Then comes Manetho, (flourished c. 300 BC), an Egyptian priest who wrote a history of Egypt in Greek. The Jewish priest and historian Flavius Josephus (c 37-100 AD) preserved “two extracts if very great importance for the present question” (361). First is about the Hyksos nation which “attacked Egypt and ruled it for over five hundred years. Forced out of Egypt, they turned toward Syria, and on their way there found the city of Jerusalem in the land of Judaea” (361). The brutal conquest of Canaan! The Jews were always invaders and aggressors. In the second extract Manetho says Osarseph, aka Moses, “forbade them [Jewish lepers] to associate with people not of their persuasion. He fortified Avaris with walls and sent an invitation to the descendants of the Hyksos who lived in Jerusalem to come to has aid in the conquest of Egypt. They obeyed him willingly and came to Egypt to the number of 200,000.... This rule [of the lepers/Jews] was of unparalleled cruelty; the lepers burned down towns and villages, plundered temples, defiled the images of the gods, converted shrines into shambles.” Ultimately, the king of ancient Egypt Amenophis drove the invaders out of Egypt (362). So the Jews did not have to escape Egypt. They were invaders driven from Egypt. Says Tcherikover, “His [Manetho] account of the Hyksos and the lepers explains to the reader the Jews’ origin. Amenophis expels the Jerusalemites and the lepers from Egypt and pursues them to ‘to the frontiers of Syria,’ and it is clear that the Hyksos returned whence they had come, to Jerusalem, and the lepers went with them” (362-363).   

Josephus says Osarseph “changed his name and called himself Moses” (362). “Manetho wanted to show his readers that the Jews’ ancestors, the lepers, had already publicly manifested the negative characteristics later inherited by the descendants: cruelty, hatred of customs of other religions,, the striving to seclude themselves from others and to find associates only among themselves” (363). Is this anti-Semitism? Of course it is. It means hatred of the people who hate you and brought conquest, death, and destruction upon your people. It is, in other words, hatred caused by cruel, villainous deeds such as those occurring in Gaza.

“The Jews told stories of Joseph as a wise governor of Egypt, whereas Manetho replied that he had ruined the country, polluted the shrines and persecuted religion.... The Jews claimed that God had brought them out of Egypt, while Manetho asserted they had been expelled the fro the country after they had ruled it brutally for thirteen years. Thus was created the first anti-Semitic book” (363-364). The question that arises is how does one write a positive book about a people who ruined one’s country? Is hatred of Nazi Germany justified? Of course it is. Is the hatred of Native Americans toward the people white people who destroy them and stole their homelands justified? Of course it is. Hatred is evil only when it has no cause. And should one love people who hate you? Hate breeds hate. It’s that simple.

In reference to Jewish misanthropy Greek politician, astronomer, astrologer, geographer, historian, mathematician, Posidonius (c 135 – 51 BC) relates the story that “when Antiochus Sidetes attacked Jerusalem, his courtiers advised him to exterminate the Jews completely, arguing that they alone of all the peoples refuse to come into contact with other peoples and regarded all of them as enemies” (368). Even if the story is only a legend reflects how the thinking and behavior of ancient Jews were  perceived by pagans, whom the Jews robbed, slaughter, and hated, which they celebrate in the Old Testament. Anti-Semitism is a coin with two sides. On one side is the hatred of the Jews. On the other side is the Jews hatred of all the non-Jewish peoples of the world. Tcherikover continues saying that the Greek rhetorician Apollonius Molon (c. 70 BC) "wrote of the Jews: 'They do not accept among themselves people who entertain different outlooks on Gd, nor do they wish to come into contact with those whose customs differ from their own'" (368). You complain that you are hated by others but you created their hatred. In other words, it appears that you do not wish to live without enemies, so you created a religion of war, rather than a religion of  peace. And when one of your own sought peace saying, "Blessed are the peacemakers," you crucified him and  corrupted his message .

Such hypocrisy

So there you have it, the roots of anti-Semitism are found in the thinking and behavior of the Jews. It didn’t appear ex nihilo. It had a cause. It's time for you to look in the mirror that is your history.

Such hypocrisy

And you hated Christians as much as you hated pagans, having their prophet Jesus who preached love crucified as a criminal. And Saul was your assassin who persecuted Jewish Christians. Then Saul became Paul who transformed Jesus' Christianity into a religion of hatred. His is the Christianity practiced by Christians, not the religion of Jesus. And once he became a Judeo-Christian he and fellow revolutionary Silas travel inland along the Via Egnatia to Philippi to subvert the pagans of the Roman Empire so they would destroy themselves. Their success is described in the  book of Acts: “And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily” (16:5). Their god of hatred had called them to preach the gospel of self-hatred and loathing to the pagans. The pagans caught Paul and Silas and to them to the marketplace to the rulers. They complained that “These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city, and teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans” (16:20-21). As it  would turn out, Paul caused more than just a little trouble. His ideology of hatred taught the pagans of Rome Empire to hate one another because he hated them. The destruction Paul caused is described by Catherine Nixey in her book The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical world. And yet we are the evildoers.

Such hypocrisy!

And you pat their backs and smile at American Christians with pocket bulging with $$$ when they come to Jerusalem their portal to postmortem paradise because you receive billions of $$$ each year in military goods from the U.S. But behind their backs you laugh at them because they like the pagans you hated theirs is a polytheistic religion (2≠1) and like the pagans they believe Yahweh impregnated a human girl (thirteen or fourteen years of age) as Zeus impregnated Alcmene who gave birth to Hercules. At the time, Mary was engaged to Joseph who sought to dismiss Mary quietly but Yahweh sent an angel to convince him to take Mary as his wife. Mary gave birth to a man who was also a God (human ≠ God) who died on the cross crying out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

We too laugh but do not pretend to be America’s friend. But how can you be and mock the God of the American Christians who are the greatest supporters of Israel by pissing on a portrait of Jesus?

Such hypocrisy!

And you pretend to be America’s friend but your Marxists have brought America to its knees. We’re told by one of your own, Ro’i, Yaacov Professor of History, Tel Aviv University,  that “Jews played a prominent role in the Communist Party from its inception” and “Jews were proportionately overrepresented in the RSDWP [Russian Social Democratic Workers Party] from the start.”


And like Paul destroyer of the Roman Empire, you tried to do the same to Germany with your Marxist ideology after World War I, but you only created a monster who sent you to death camps. You’ve been very good at creating monsters that turn on you and everyone else. And now you are the monster who turns hospitals into morgues and buries children under the rubble of your destruction.

Such hypocrisy!

Most important to you has always been to have a homeland of your own. That is what you sought once driven out of Egypt, a homeland of your own, which you took by violence. Yet, you do not understand the need of the Palestinians for a homeland of their own where they can be safe from you.

Such hypocrisy!

And today you turn the communication devices people such as doctors, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians depend on into explosive devices killing or injuring anyone nearby. That's the modus operandi of terrorists. Welcome to the terrorist club! Now it's clear that there is no such thing as collateral damage for Israelis, just as there weren't for the Old Testament Israelites. So now Israel joins the fraternity of terrorist organizations. Ha, ha, ha!!!

Such hypocrisy!

Netanyahu’s Playground, Gaza

We laugh at your self-righteousness.


Wisdom of Cows

The Old Man in the Moon smiles wryly thinking that the human species was the only one given reason, yet cows in the meadow show greater wisdom.

The Wisdom of the Cow
The friendly herbivore the cow is among nature’s greatest philosophers.
Some are very quick learners, while others are a little slower.
But he or she, as you will, is a lover of peace,
aggressive not by nature but only when necessary.
Being gregarious cows enjoy company
tolerant other species who live differently.
They share their meadow with other creatures
birds, goats, sheep, chickens, pigs, donkeys, mules, and horses.
They even welcome deer to their pasture.
Any nonaggressive creature is welcome.
They are massive creatures yet graceful gentle giants.
They are gently curious but not overly so.
Never greedy, they are content wherever grass grows.
They live stoically without complaint
nobly enduring snow, wind, and rain.
Unless one of their fellows die,
then they lament mooing mournfully.
Buddha-like they enjoy the simple life,
nonaggressive at heart unless aggressed, startled, or stressed.
Unlike humans they don’t make enemies among their own.
Cows have enemies but are not enemies to others.
They even serve as protectors of lesser creatures
such as goats and sheep threatened by hungry predators. 
They enjoy just being in the world
with family and companions
and enough of grass for grazing.
Neither reason nor ideology is needed.
Nor God to create enemies
where none existed before.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Hamas Victorious

My Generation's War
Every Generation gets at least one.
Oh foolish man!

The title asks the question “What is victory to Hamas and the Islamic Jihad?” I believe the answer is not what most people think, but is important because it explains why Israelis are bogged down in forever wars for which they are to blame. Israel is a nation that has been in a constant state of war since 1984. It has relied only on one solution—militarism, a bigger, more advanced military, which it has. It has never believed it had to compromise with the Palestinians because it could rely on advanced military weapons and financial support from the U.S. However, no compromise has meant no peace. In other words, the reliance on a super-military, which Israel has, means that Israel’s existence is guaranteed but peace for Israel is not. And the conflict between Israel and Muslims has reverberated around the world in two forms: terrorism and wars. So the conflict between Israel and Muslims has been a global problem in part because of Israel’s refusal to compromise.

The fact is Muslim jihadists do not fear super-militaries, be they Russian, American, or Israeli, because death and destruction don't intimidate Muslims. They are not afraid to die. Young Muslims have proven that repeatedly. Unlike for Jews, they get to go to Paradise if they die in battle. Israel and everyone should try to give them something to live for rather than to die for. The other issue related to the title of this article is what Muslims consider as victory. Victory is usually considered defeat of an enemy. Hamas knew it could not defeat Israel in a war.

The conflict is a modern David Hamas against Goliath Israel. David’s slingshot is no match for Goliath wearing bronze helmet on his head and a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels. On his legs he wore bronze greaves, and a bronze javelin was slung on his back. His spear shaft was like a weaver’s rod, and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels. That was just a story. In reality, against Goliath Israel’s modern arsenal, David Hamas’ slingshot can only enrage, not defeat.

David Hamas slingshot consists of 50 caliber machine guns mounted on pickups and AK-47, homemade rockets, Grenades, Paragliders, and Bulldozers. Here are the weapons of  Goliath Israel:

I do not mean to glorify Hamas, a terrorist organization, by associating the organization with David. David was not a good man. Just ask his faithful soldier Uriah. David took whatever he wanted be it concubines left to die or Uriah’s wife Bathsheba after having her husband killed.

And by the way, what caused the conflict between the Israel and the Philistines? The Bible tells us: “And I [Yahweh] will set your border from the Red Sea to the Sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the Euphrates, for I will give the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you shall drive them out before you” (Exodus 23:31). The Israelites imagined God gave them permission to take the lands of the Canaanites and the Philistines, so they did. Scripture has always been used to justify their actions, just as Christians used the same scripture to justify their conquest of the lands of Native Americans with the added justification of converting the heathens. Muslims did the same. In each case, the result was endless wars and killing of innocents.

However, defeat was never the purpose of Hamas’ attack on Israel. It had two purposes. The first was simple: to encourage Israel to destroy Palestinian communities killing thousands of civilian men, women, and children, thus by doing so transforming itself into a terrorist nation like Putin's Russia whose Christian priests sprinkle holy water on tanks that will destroy Ukrainian cities, churches, hospitals, businesses, museums, tanks that will terrify children and kill them and their parents, and their siblings, and their neighbors, and their friends.

And today Israel turns the communication devices people such as doctors, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians depend on into explosive devices killing or injuring anyone nearby. That's the modus operandi of terrorists. Welcome to the terrorist club! Now it's clear that there is no such thing as collateral damage for Israelis, just as there weren't for the Old Testament Israelites. How can there be when the goal is genocide? So now Israel joins the fraternity of terrorist organizations. Ha, ha, ha!!!

The second purpose was to make sure that Israelis live in a constant state of uncertainty and inquietude. In other words, their way of life is not that of most people but a constant state of preparation for the next attack. I don’t use words like fearfulness or anxiety because I don’t believe they apply to the social psychology of the Israeli people. Israel is more like Sparta than Athens. It is a nation-size military base. And militarism has seeped into every aspect of its culture and society.

Thus, a victorious battle for Hamas need only create a disturbance that continues the uncertainty and inquietude for Israelis. Thus, the Hamas attack was less an act of war than a terrorist attack. Of course, Israel considers the attack an act of war, which for Hamas is the desired result. In fact, for Hamas the more death and damage on either side the better. And it is here the dark side of Hamas's strategy is revealed. First, to Hamas 700 Israelis killed at the cost of 2,000 Muslims, fighters or civilians doesn’t matter. It is a victory because the goal was never absolute victory but creating uncertainty and inquietude among Israelis and preventing them from ever settling down to a normal way of life free of constant military concerns. Second, Hamas knew that a vicious terrorist attack would trigger massive retaliation from Israel that would destroy multi-use buildings that served as home and business and totally wreck communities, and of course kill numberless civilian men, women, and children who were ignorant of the attack and most likely would have been against it.

The strategy here is the demonization of Israel and Jews generally in the eyes of the world. To create a Terminator nation that inspires fear and loathing, but mostly loathing because people expect barbarism from a terrorist organisation but not from a nation that claims to be civilized. It has worked successfully and more than once. It is an ironic yet brilliant strategy similar to shifting the blame for the crime of rape from the rapist to his victim. The argument implies that the Israelis were responsible for the Hamas attack. The enormous human cost of the victim-is-to-blame strategy doesn't matter to Hamas. The strategy reminds me of King Agamemnon's sacrifice of his daughter Iphigenia in order to go to war. This is a form of nihilism in which nothing matters or has worth except an overpowering idea fueled by hatred. Israel's desire for revenge is similar in that it is fueled by hatred that has a similar nihilistic effect in that the value Palestinian life is nil.

The origin of the mindset of Hamas toward Jews is Muhammad, as illustrated by the massacre of Banu Qurayza, a Jewish tribe which lived in northern Arabia at the oasis of Medina: Yet, Muhammad was the creation of Judaism. The Jewish religion is most notable for creating where none existed before.

And isn't that what happens in the story Frankenstein? Victor Frankenstein created a creature from the dead. He then loses control of the creature, which becomes a psychopathic mass murderer. The loss of control was not Victor's intention, but it was Hamas' intention, to create a monster--war--from dead Israelis, a war that takes on a life of its own. Americans know that or should. A military superpower, the U.S. lost three wars against small nations: Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Each war took on a life of its own, lasting 20 years each for the first two wars and  7 to 8 years for the third. Unending war is what Hamas wants for Israel. An important factor of those wars unlike Desert Storm (43 days) is that they were fought on the enemies' homeland. Also, with all four the U.S. could pack up and leave. Not possible for Israel. The enemy lives next door, so can renew violence at any time. Chaos theory can also be used explain Hamas' strategy. A horrific terrorist act serves as a butterfly flapping its wing resulting in a huge conflagration of death and destruction. The act was never the intended object for Hamas; the consequences were. The terrorist act was only a trigger.

Another story comes to mind and with it a painting. The story is the wise Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway, which shows how the First World War continued to affect those who had lived through it five years after the war ended. For Woolf memory affects the perception of reality. In the story it has a distorting somewhat nightmarish effect. The psychology of the people who endured the war is darken, even to the point of psychosis, as in the case of war veteran Septimus Warren Smith, whose broken life affects others such as his wife. This sort of malformation of people's lives and thoughts and of their culture that Hamas wants for Israel. I assume that Palestinians have lived for decades in the pathological state of chronic anxiety and gloominess described by Woolf. (And let's not forget that the perpetrator of the endless hatred and warfare is masculine aggression, not feminine wisdom. War is a game enjoyed by men and suffered by women and children.)

Yet, there is more. Woolf recognizes that because of masculine aggression the human species exists in a chronic state of insanity that is rare or nonexistent among other species. Wars come and go but always threaten. The subjectivity of humans allows humans to remember the horrific events and loss that they experience. Reason enables them to analyze and evaluate, morally, psychologically, and socially those events. For other creatures the frightening events are put out of mind until another threat emerges. Woolf’s story reveals how horrific events settle into the minds of individuals and societies to create chronic states of mental illness mild and severe.

Men who possess Woolf’s profound understanding that war is an insanity that creates other forms of insanity are rare exceptions among men. One of those men is the French artist Jacques-Louis David who illustrates in his painting The Oath of Horatii what Woolf describes in her novel:

Rome is threatened by Alba Longa, and three brothers from a Roman family, the Horatii, agree to end the war by fighting three brothers from a family of Alba Longa, the Curiatii. The painting illustrates masculinity’s love of conflict (not David’s intention) and the terrified, depressed state that war has on women—wives, mothers, daughters, sisters. What one doesn’t see in the painting is that one of the brothers murders his sister for weeping for one of the enemy whom she was engaged to. The difference of motivation is important. The brother’s motivation is an idea, patriotism. The motivation of his sister whom he murders is love. In this way, the painting captures an inherent difference between masculinity and femininity. The women represent love and life, the men hatred and death. The Israeli soldiers are like the brave Roman brothers who defend the homeland.

It is the deep chronic depression, anxiety, uncertainty, and dread suffered by the women that Hamas seeks to inflict upon Israelis and their society. Woolf saw both as two forms of insanity. She also understood that women are powerless to break the cycle, which only adds to the melancholy of the human condition. Thus the wisdom of animals—even predators who kill but don’t hate or hold grudges. The lion doesn’t hate the antelope it kills, and it kills only because it is hungry. Humans are unique in that they invent ideas that create enemies where none existed before and that create unnecessary reasons to justify killing one another. Doing so is a form of insanity, but the worst form that is common among humans and rare among animals is that killing fellow humans is clearly enjoyed by men. I say clearly because the masculine love of warfare is attested to in human history, stories, and mythologies.

An aspect of the masculine love of war is seen in the Internet’s almost celebratory illustrations of the technologies of war—most popular have been tanks (apparently the favorite of masculine viewers), missiles, drones, airplanes, and anti-tank weapons. These weapons have a Star Wars/Terminator quality that makes them amazing and even mesmerizing. The infatuation with these weapons is always masculine, which is troubling because the amazing character of the weapons encourages their use and further development. Their existence has a positive reinforcement effect: They are just too wonderful not to have. The B-2 Spirit stealth bomber is more amazing than God. One website present “12 new stealth aircraft currently heading toward service.” That doesn’t suggest that the end of war is coming anytime soon. Woolf would say that it is a masculine addiction that is insane. And she's right. Woolf suffered bouts of insanity, but she was far more sane—having achieved wisdom—than the men who wreck the world for people who just want to live their lives.

So it will be violence back and forth forever until a political solution can be reached, and only Israel can bring about a political solution. A demilitarized Palestinian state (Why not?) might have avoided this carnage and destruction. However, Israel always thinks militarism is the solution for lasting peace. It’s not. Justice is. The Israeli mindset is made clear in the biblical books Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua. What those books suggest is that Israelis can live with chronic violence and may consider it the norm for Israel, a part of who Israelis are. Violence has always been the Israeli solution to violence, and in the Old Testament the Israelites often initiate it. This is not a trait unique to Jews but to aggressive masculinity. Alexander the Great went on his rampage during the 4th century B.C., and the centuries that followed consisted of ongoing war, including ancient Israel being repeatedly invaded. Endless warfare seems very much the way of life for humans, but it is a game that masculinity enjoys playing. And in my opinion religious and secular ideologies tend to codify, encourage, and justify masculine aggression. The deities of the Abrahamic religions are all masculine and each is on the warpath against all of humanity.

Muslims inherited the aggressive ideology of Judaism, which seemed to perfectly complement the militant culture of the Arabs just as Christianity's militarism (Matthew 10:34-36) was adopted by the bellicose Roman emperor Constantine I. One characteristic shared by the Abrahamic religions when dealing with conflict is that violence trumps compromise. They accept violence as a normal part of life and their religious ideology reinforces or legitimizes that acceptance. Among Jews and Muslims the threat of violence serves as a unifying principle, thus publicly criticized but privately embraced. Even Christ said “Peace be with you!” but "I came to bring war not peace." Peace to the members of the Christ cult, war on nonmembers.

However, the Jews had crucified Jesus the man of peace, then transformed him into the ghost warrior Christ who would be adopted by Constantine to serve his will to power and by the Church to be used as an ideological foundation upon which to built their totalitarian society. Isolated from other ways of thinking the ideology forged by Jews—Paul and the Gospel writers—became a malicious virus that destroyed the minds of the pagans of the Roman Empire. The Jews first physically destroyed Canaanite cities, then crucified the man of peace who repudiated Judaism and sought a different way of living, one in which spirituality and morality entwine to create a more humane society, and then they unleashed malicious Christ virus upon the pagans. This small narcissistic, people-hating desert dwelling tribe created  an ideology—their only creation—that would destroy gentile world of multicultural tolerance. And out of the rubble emerged the Dark Ages.

But then occurred the boomerang effect: the monsters they created—Christianity and Islam—turned against them.  So another monster was needed, one that would destroy all the religions of the world. The new monster maker was the modern-day Moses—Karl Marx. So we now live in a world described by William Butler Yeats in his poem "The Second Coming":

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst   

Are full of passionate intensity. 

What might the world had been like had we listened to Socrates, Epicurus, Lucretius, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and Jesus? Simply put, without the ideologies of hatred it would have been better.

Worst of all is the nihilism lurking in the us-versus-them ideologies. Again the Old Testament illustrates: The “Israelites devoted the city [Jericho then Gaza today] to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys” (Joshua 6:21). The Canaanite pagans of Jericho had no moral rights because the Israelite religious ideology declared them an abomination to God. In other words, people who fell outside the protective umbrella of the Abrahamic ideologies were stripped of moral rights thus allowing them to be murdered without violated the “Thou shalt not kill” commandment. Ditto that for Marx's secular ideology Communism. The rights and value of the people declare enemies of the ideology (which could mean simply being nonmembers) were considered nil. Hatred also breeds nihilism. Sigmund Freud made it clear that any emotion can overthrow moral reason, be it hate or love.

And we must not overlook that Hamas’ strategy comes right out of Osama bin Laden’s playbook. The 9/11 terrorist attacks killed 2,977 people and injured thousands, but all that death and destruction was not bin Laden’s ultimate goal. The horrific attacks were to serve as a trigger to pull the U.S. into a much larger conflict. It was Uncle Remus' Tar-Baby tap. Retaliation resulted in the U.S. getting stuck for over two decades in war and disgrace. The disgrace emerged like an infection with the passing of time, intensified with the Iraq War based on a lie, and culminating with President Biden’s shameful and inept ending of the first war. The shame increased with the estimated 432,093 Afghan and Iraqi civilians who died in those wars. The number of United States troops who died fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had passed 7,000 at the end of 2019. To that are added the 933 deaths of contractors in Iraq.

So the 911 attacks were more than a single terrorist mission. They were a tar-baby trap set by Osama bin Laden. He understood that it would not have succeeded were it not for the impressionable, unsophisticated George W. Bush who allowed a cadre of militant mostly Jewish neoconservatives to do his thinking. As a Chicken-hawk who served in the Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, he was gung-ho for war as long as he did have to participate. His war-hero father, member of that Greatest Generation, had his war, so Bush Jr. wanted one of his own if it didn't involved him in the fighting. Bin Laden gave him that opportunity. Bush rushed in where wise men fear to tread. But with Bush one war wasn’t enough. He wanted two. After thousands of dead American soldiers he still hadn’t killed the master mind of the 911 attacks—Osama bin Laden. So much blood, treasury, and reputation wasted. And Joe Biden would add insult to injury with his bungled ending of the war with Afghanistan, once again proving that sometimes if not often America’s commanders-in-chief have been idiots. And it looks like we'll have a new idiot replacing the old idiot. Make America great again? Don't think so.

Hamas followed bin Laden’s game plan. It began with a horrific terrorist attack which was not an end in itself but a trigger to set off endless bloodletting and destruction. The ever angry and militant Benjamin Netanyahu was their George W. Bush. And the plan worked. Terminator Netanyahu unleashed Israel's military might against political concentration camp Gaza, one of two Palestinian territories, that does not have an army, navy or air force. Hamas killed 1,400 people in Israel. Thus far for Gaza: at least 44,976 people killed including 17,492 children; injured, more than 106,759 people; missing, more than 11,000 as a result. The Netanyahu-Israeli unholy war continues looking more and more like genocide. The Israeli blitzkrieg has destroyed beyond counting places of worship, residential units, medical centers, education facilities, industrial facilities, and media offices. However, the Israeli juggernaut is still on loose, so the horror the future holds can only be predicted. Here is an image of the destruction. That destroyer of cities Yahweh would be proud:

This is exactly what Hamas hoped for. And, of course, of course this is the moral nihilism that dwells deep with in Judaism and its offspring that has been triggered and revealed by Hamas’ terrorist attack. Hamas cares no more about the death and destruction suffered by Palestinians than it does for the Israelis it murdered. And Israelis feel the same about the Palestinians. Neither population has value to the other. What Hamas wanted to reveal was the Jewish root of the hatred, and Israel gave Hamas what it wanted. Hamas's two goals were forever wars for Israel and for Israel to disgrace itself on the global stage, which will mean more people will sympathize with the Palestinians than they will with Israel in spite of their hatred of Hamas, which is seen more as a political gang than a legitimate political organization. And to assure that it will continue to be hated, over the past week Israel launched over 800 strikes—including the infamous Netanyahu

—against liberated Syria and its heroic liberators.

Hamas’ other Tar-Baby trap for Israel: to trap it into killing children thus acquiring national disgrace. “Thou shalt not kill children” is the cornerstone of civilization. And of course not killing the mothers of children and women generally. To fail at this is to become utterly evil thus utterly uncivilized to the point of being utterly barbaric. In this way the Nazis became superlatively evil that couldn’t be concealed by their immaculate uniforms. Yet, they weren't the first. On a smaller yet no less horrific scale Americans killed in one way or another women and children of Native Americans and enslaved black women and children, a living death. Genghis Khan (an Alpha male on horseback using his sword to slaughter men, women, and children) comes to mind as a representative of pure masculine barbarism. Yet, it is important to recognize that the issue isn’t barbaric individuals such as Khan, Hitler, Netanyahu, and Putin but the homicidal archetype that dwells in the DNA of masculinity.

The Abrahamic deity isn’t a great role model when it comes to the moral rights of children. Moses, Yahweh’s spokesman is angry with his soldiers for allowing Midianite women to live: “Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. “They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord.... Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man” (Numbers 31:16-18). Hardly a morality mission statement. All the other Midianites have been slaughtered.

In Genesis Yahweh tells Abraham “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering” (22:2). Then Abraham “bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son” (9-10). An angel from heaven told Abraham to stop because “Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son” (22:12). So this famous story has nothing to with the immorality of killing children as an inviolable moral principle. It was just a test of faith implying that if God gives the okay killing children is acceptable. Besides, the biblical story couldn’t have continued without Isaac, the grandfather of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Thus, Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac was just a test of faith implying that if God gives the okay killing children is acceptable. Let's face it. He allowed his own son to be murder by Netanyahu's ancestors. But then all one has to do is interpret the killing of children as being justified if one believes God condones the killing, as in the case of Abraham and the killing of Midianite boys in the Book of Numbers. This is where religion becomes nihilistic, using God to justify horrific acts or to deny another people’s moral rights and moral value. One recalls that George W. Bush said that he had been on the prayer phone with God Who gave him the okay to invade Iraq, resulting in 186,901 to 210,296 violent civilian deaths.  

Then we have the case where “the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire” out of the heavens (Genesis 19:24). Reminiscent of what Palestinians are receiving from Israel's war machine, brimstone and fire in the form of modern weaponry. The point being that when God destroys a city he kills the children as well as the adults. And then there is flood that kill all of humanity except a single family, followed by “And that night at midnight, the LORD struck down all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on his throne, to the firstborn son of the prisoners in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed” (Exodus 12:29-38). Clearly, not killing children is not a universal prohibition in the Old Testament. And it must be kept in mind that Muslims also understand Islam to be the religion of Abraham. The Jews created an ideological monster—Judaism—that gave birth to other ideological monsters. God's chosen people are monster makers. They were chosen to do his dirty work.

In conclusion, it can be argued that as late as the 20th and 21st centuries the moral ban on killing children as a national policy clearly has not yet taken hold. However, I wish to argue that whatever the justification the killing (actually murdering) of children is evil and uncivilized thus those who engage in killing children are themselves evil and uncivilized. A note on evil is needed: Evil acts are actions that knowingly kill innocent, defenseless people (children be the most innocent and defenseless of all), and evil is made even more heinous when the killing is enjoyed by the killers, which seems to be the case for the followers of Netanyahu and Putin. Thus a nation or people who engage in the killing of children are both barbaric and evil. Hamas says to Israel "You call us evil because we kill Jewish babies so that the Palestinians can have a home of their own, but you kill Palestinian babies because you enjoy doing so and have since ancient times. Yes, we are guilty of infanticide but we do not pretend to be innocent."

Hamas as a terrorist organization is okay with being evil and behaving barbarically. It must be kept in mind that Hamas sacrificed Palestinian children to fulfill its mission to demonize Israel and trigger Israel’s holocaust war to ensure that Israel will be forever either under the threat of war or in a war. The underlying principle is the end justifies the means—an operating principle of all dictatorships. But morally that is not true when it comes to killing children, the means negates any good achieved by the end. (This goes for the child killer and kidnapper Vladimir Putin. He and Netanyahu will never be able to wash the blood of children from their hands.) Thus, the evil lingers from one generation to the next, as it has in the case of slavery and Indian killing for Americans and the Holocaust for the Germans. Of course, Netanyahu's Old Testament response is “Do not leave alive anything that breathes!. Completely destroy them all!” Kudos Netanyahu! Gaza has become a graveyard for thousands of children. The rubble serves as tombstones with some children buried alive. You've made Hamas victorious. Infanticide excused as collateral damage. This is what it looks like:

                    Netanyahu’s Bloody Gaza Playground

So, where is a solution to be found? I would say start with Socrates’ approach to dealing with issues—dialogue and reason. But he was executed by those who prefer violence to dialogue and reason. However, violence only encourages more violence. It creates a positive feedback or bad karma if you wish. It is a shame to be witnessing so much death, destruction, and waste in this conflict along with the one in Ukraine. It's really discouraging because it suggests that humans are incapable of controlling their fate because their leaders are men, the least wise and moral of the two genders, thus making moral and humanitarian progress even more impossible. As Edward Abbey said in Desert Solitaire, "Swinish politics, our ball and chain." A ball and chain that creates hells on earth for good men, women, and children. A ball and chain that repeatedly drags humanity back to the Stone Age.

To prove the point of this article and to show how little progress has been made between Israelis and Palestinians one needs only to hark back June 6, 2021:

The Old Man in the Moon smiles wryly thinking that the human species was the only one given reason, yet the cows in the meadow show greater wisdom.

The Wisdom of Cows
The friendly herbivore the cow is among nature’s greatest philosophers.
Some are very quick learners, while others are a little slower.
But he or she, as you will, is a lover of peace,
aggressive not by nature but only when necessary.
Being gregarious cows enjoy company and
tolerate other species who live differently.
They share their meadow with other creatures
birds, goats, sheep, chickens, pigs, donkeys, mules, and horses.
They even welcome deer to their pasture.
Any nonaggressive creature is welcome.
They are massive creatures yet graceful gentle giants.
They are gently curious but not overly so.
Never greedy, they are content wherever grass grows.
They live stoically without complaint
nobly enduring snow, wind, and rain.
Unless one of their fellows die,
then they lament mooing mournfully.
Buddha-like they enjoy the simple life,
nonaggressive at heart unless aggressed, startled, or stressed.
Unlike humans they don’t make enemies among their own.
Cows have enemies but are not enemies to others.
They even serve as protectors of lesser creatures
such as goats and sheep threatened by hungry predators. 
They enjoy just being in the world with their family and companions
and enough of grass for grazing,
neither reason nor ideology needed.
Nor God to create enemies
where none existed before.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Greta’s Song: It’s a Sad, Sad World After All

Thanks to men like
Vladimir Makarov Putin
Xi Jinping
Kim Jong-un
Bashar al-Assad
Isaias Afewerki
Ours is a world of desperation
A world of tears
A world of fears
With so much to fear
The future grows dim
It's about time we're all aware that
It's a small dangerous world after all
A small world threatened by MANiacs
A small world bordering on destruction
A small, small fragile world 
A small precious world after all.

There is just one moon
But many evil men
Just one golden sun
But so many stupid men
A smile means friendship
Our enemies do not smile
They wish to do us evil
Though the mountains divide
The oceans are wide
Nuclear weapons are only minutes away
It's a mad world after all
It's a small, mad world
A sad, sad world after all.

“This is all wrong.”

Poor little Greta Thunberg looked so desperate when at the age of 16 she addressed the United Nations. She believed the threat to her generation is global warming, when it’s not. Global stupidity of  men and their wars are. What threatens are the warmongers such as Putin & Co. and monstrous defense budgets that waste billions of dollars that could be used to help people rather than destroy them. Really, is global warming a more serious threat than the approximately 3,750 active nuclear warheads and 13,890 total nuclear warheads in the world? Greta, you worry about a climatic shift, and rightly so, but it would take some time. A nuclear war could be started tomorrow by political troglodytes such as the primordial brutes such as Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi Jinping.

“Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”

Measures must be taken to reduce carbon emissions. That is true, but measures are being taken to reduce CO emissions. However, there is a much greater threat to humanity. An immediate threat that could be triggered by evil men at any Global War. Global warming can be managed. It is being managed. But wars cannot be managed, only won or lost with death and destruction to both sides. And wars are started by MANiacs such as Putin who cannot be managed because they are MANiacs.

The threat of overpopulation. Today the global population is 8 billion, quadrupled that of 1900, 8 times that of 1800. To produce fewer CO2 emissions requires producing fewer children. And more people mean not only more carbon emissions but more poverty, more disease, more crime, and more death. You say, “I’m one of the lucky ones.” Yes you are, Greta. You live in a technological advanced country of 10 million people. Would 30 more million people improve Sweden’s quality of life? Would 30 more million people improve Sweden’s environment? I doubt it.

The threat of global stupidity. I see something more in your desperation, which is not Global Warming but Global Stupidity. By stupidity, I mean moral stupidity, the stupidity of the thug, the bully, the goon, the assailant, the attacker, the aggressor, the despot, all the thuggish warmongers, all the men who rule nations with great armies and nuclear weapons and oppressed populations. Compared to them global warming is a minor threat. You are correct to feel desperate and threaten because you and your generation exist on the cusp of a global war that would be massively destructive and would poison the environment beyond repair for human life. That’s what I think when I listen to your desperate words. 

“We are watching you.”

Greta, humanity has been watching the political world-wrecking thugs for over a century. And their destruction has always been war. You worry about people suffering and dying because of global warming, but 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the 1940 world population, died as a result of World War II, and it lasted only 6 years. And that war was unnecessary. It could have been avoided if stupid, immoral men had not chosen war over peace. Global warming has the excuse of being the result of the shift in production that occurred with the Industrial Revolution and the rapid growth industrial economies. It was not the result of cruel, stupid politicians. It wasn’t until 1988 that global warming was recognized as a threat. Yet, even after two world wars and the invention of nuclear weapons, Putin has proved that war remains a popular pastime for powerful stupid political and religious leaders. 

“This is all wrong.”

Of course it is, child, clearly wrong, the warmongering and monstrous defense budgets that waste billions of dollars that could be used to help people rather than destroy them. Having approximately 3,750 active nuclear warheads and 13,890 total nuclear warheads in the world is wrong for people who know right from wrong—but many men such as that political troglodyte and primordial brute Putin do not know the difference between right and wrong. Psychopaths never do.

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood.”

The men who have stolen your dreams and childhood think with minds destroyed by sinister ideologies and massive egos. They control nightmarish mindless armies eager to destroy and kill, and their nuclear weapons wait to be unleashed to commit infinite horror upon every form of life. They are political monsters, doers of infinite evil. I am sorry, Greta. It should not be this way, but evil is too powerful and good too weak. That is why humanity invented God, but the God they invented was masculine so took the side of evil.

“We are in the beginning of a mass extinction.”

Evil men have been extinguishing cultures and nations for thousands of years. You worry about global warming, but just consider how many thousands of cultures have gone extinct by violence during human history. The Audubon Society tells us that "Since settlers arrived in the United States, tribal nations have lost nearly 99 percent of their lands through treaty cessions, forced migration, theft, and devastating government policies designed to erode Native sovereignty and culture." And with the land went many tribal cultures. It was Moses who came up with the diabolical notion that the only people who deserve to exist are those who worship the Jewish God. He invented an ideology that had God declare that Moses’ people were the only people that deserved to exist in the world. If possible all the others should be destroyed. And as Nietzsche explained in The Antichrist the fuel that drove them was ressentiment and a hatred of all who think differently and the will conquer and persecute. The hatred and resentment were strongest among those who envied the greatness of great pagan cultures.

Were the cultures of the Native Americans great? They were not great in technology. Their greatness was their way of life and the wisdom that defined their way of life. They possessed wisdom that great technological societies have too often lacked because technological power fuels the will to power over others. Native American wisdom taught how to live in harmony with the natural world and how to live in beauty. Their wisdom was rooted in the Lebenswelt, the life-world, not in an invented artificial religious or secular ideology filled with hatred. At times their actions fell short of living wisely, but the wisdom remained in the culture to be rediscovered.

Hope for future peace diminished to zero with the arrival of the four Jewish ideologies—Judaism, JudeoChristianity, JudeoIslam, and JudeoMarxism. (I should add neoconservatism that caused the cruel and unnecessary Iraq War.) In comparison, the threat of global warming is not as horrific as you imagine it to be. Unlike the ideologies of hatred it is not driven by hatred. Climate can change to become harmful to life, but it has no desire to end life, no more than asteroids seek to extinguish life. Religious and secular ideologies of hatred are the creations of men and are as destructive as asteroids in part because they destroy the ability to use moral reason.

“You are failing us.”

We have been failing you for centuries. Your country selfishly failed the children of Europe by maintaining a policy of neutrality during World War II against one of the greatest evildoer in human history. Imagine all those children being sent to concentration camps. Wouldn’t they have said to Swedish people, “You are failing us”? The same selfishness is what drives countries to worry more about themselves than about the threat of global warming to other nations and nature's life-world. 

“But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal.”

I’m not so sure. Wanting industrial growth that causes global warming is not a betrayal. All young people want jobs and all the wonderful things that industrialization produces. You live in one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world; most of the children of the world don’t. Global warming is not a betrayal, but this is: “Total global military expenditure rose to $1981 billion last year, an increase of 2.6 per cent in real terms from 2019, according to new data published today by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.” Just imagine if that all those billions of dollars were spent on reducing CO2 emission. Even better, imagine a world without 27,671,000 soldiers (according to The World Bank) waiting to go to war.

That includes 5,166 warships for only the top 14 nations (“Largest Navies in the World 2022,” World Population Review). Another 146 nations also have warships. Add to that about 20,000 military aircraft. And to that some 73,000 tanks according to Forbes. You get the picture, Greta. In comparison to war, global warming is not so big of a threat. Most of all let’s not overlook the roughly 13,150 nuclear warheads as of mid-2021. I almost for forgot the 354 submarines, about 44 of which carry nuclear missiles. And Putin is proving to the entire world that a nuclear holocaust is quite possible because of deranged men like him. He has already murdered thousands of men, women, and children. Have you seen Putin's playground for children?

Yes, men who start wars are murderers. And he doesn't care about dead Ukrainian men, women, and children. I doubt he cares about the Russian soldiers he uses as cannon fodder. And Netanyahu doesn't care about Palestinian men, women, and children. He turns their hospitals in morgues.

“The eyes of all future generations are upon you.”

Two points. Future generations are not watching us because they don’t exist. The second and most important point is that evil men don’t give a damn about future generations. The men and women Putin has murdered will not produce future children. And he stole the future of the children he has murdered. Such men care only about their personal ambitions. They don’t care about how they will be seen by future generations as long as they get their way. Criminals don’t care about their reputations, or if they do like Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold they want to be remembered for their evil deeds not for good deeds that they were incapable of performing.

Most heinous of all, they don’t care about women and children. Like Agamemnon who sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to go to war (Euripides’ Iphigenia at Aulis, 406 BC), they will sacrifice women and children to war—as Brute Putin and Hamas and Israel are presently doing. What you say is what Euripides was trying to tell men 2,500 years ago. They didn’t listen. Few do. Their love of aggression and carnage makes them deaf to morality. It doesn’t exist for them. Such men are stupid to morality and compassion. They have no conscience and are incapable of feeling guilt. So, forget about their sympathetic side. The absence of sympathy is what allows them to be evil. That is why they are immune to appeals to human decency. If men don’t care about slaughtering men, women, and children, why would you think they would care about global warming? Besides, the machines of war are great consumers of fossil fuels. The gas mileage of tanks is very poor, about 0.6 miles per gallon.

“And if you choose to fail us, I say: We will never forgive you.”

One thing you learn from playing video games is the bad guys don’t give a damn about being forgiven. You are appealing to men who think and behave like the Biblical Joshua who took Makkedah. "He put the city and its king to the sword and totally destroyed everyone in it. He left no survivors." Or Judas who sold out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Will to power, greed and warmongering couldn’t care less about forgiveness. You believe the threat of Hell was invented to frighten evil men, but it was a Judas trick to frighten good men and women. The threat of Hell is a tool of manipulation and exploitation. Its motivation is not morality or concern for the welfare of good people. It is a tool of terror to manipulate believers and nonbelievers to remain loyal to the Christian ideology—not to frighten evil men into being good men. That can't be done. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold didn't fear death or Hell. The threat of Hell was a betrayal of the truth by men, always men, used to realize their will to power. That you have been mocked by the powerbrokers should tell you that much. And in the U.S. the Green New Deal is also political tool used by the oppressor. It’s a disguise that evil uses to appear good, a wolf in sheep's clothing . You may recall that in the story of “Little Red Riding Hood” that after the wolf swallows the grandmother whole he puts on the grandmother’s clothes to fool the girl. She is fooled and eaten. 

“We will not let you get away with this.”

You have no choice. You remind me of a mouse telling a giant voracious cat, “You won’t get away with eating me.” Then the cat eats the mouse. Maybe the cat will get sick and die, but the mouse will still be dead. Your threat is empty. 

“Right here, right now is where we draw the line.”

You remember Hitler, don’t you? Civilized nations drew the line, all except Switzerland and Sweden, and he crossed the line September 1, 1939. Again, your threat is empty. If the line is crossed, what will your response be? To draw another line? I don’t wish to mock you because the issue is serious, though my concern is war and yours is global warming. The problem is that you believe there is a simple solution when there’s not. There isn't a simple solution to my concern war or to yours global warming. As mentioned above, the world’s population continues to increase and everyone wants the same level of affluence that you have. (If you live to the age of 60, you will see the global population increase to 10 billion people!) Yet, according to the World Bank, “Close to 46 percent of the world’s population is already living on less than $5.50 a day.” Those people don’t produce a lot of CO2 gases but they do live poor lives.

And what reduces poverty and increases quality of life is technology, but 87 percent of all human-produced carbon dioxide emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil which technology depends on. Sorry, but wind, water, and sunlight cannot meet the demands of modern technology. It’s a complex system driven by greed, aggression, will to power, increasing population growth, societies driven by aggressive masculine ideologies, and masculine politics driven by the male id. Thus, telling complexity not to cross a certain line won’t work because it doesn’t hear you. So what is the answer?  I don’t know. I believe that is why one never sees a photo of Freud smiling. He saw that the problem was insolvable. How could it be otherwise when he believed that civilization, ergo civil behavior, is based on repressing the instincts of the id but doing so increasing aggressive behavior? And the id (of the male beast) can be repressed but not extinguished. How could a man smile who lived through two world wars that killed over a hundred million unique individuals? I believe that the self-destructive tendencies of men must first be addressed so humanity can work together in peace to solve such threats as global warming. Knowing the beast that lurks in men, I’m not sure that is possible. Until then the world will remain a sad, sad place after all.

I haven’t forgotten the role of good men and women who have fought evil men just as I haven’t forgotten the good Ukrainian men who have been fighting and dying fighting evil Russian men. You simply can’t rant and rave (as I often do). You must appeal to good men, but the threat of never ending wars must also be addressed. Accomplishing climate change mitigation will not end the threat of global war or nuclear war, which could be triggered tomorrow or next week by a mad man. Besides, work is being done to reduce the threat of climatic change. But the only thing that is being done to reduce the threat of war is building bigger and more sophisticated militaries. It’s the old Mutual Assured Destruction doctrine which is truly mad because bigger and more sophisticated militaries encourage mad men like Putin to start wars.

“The world is waking up. And change is coming, whether you like it or not.”

The world is waking up to an actual nightmare—another eruption of masculinity, but the noise that they are awakening to isn’t Global Warming but Vladimir Putin’s (AKA Czar Putin, Adolf Putin, Vladimir Makarov Putin, Vladimir the Terrible, and Genghis Putin) military machine destroying Ukraine and possibly triggering global war. (And now the Israeli-Hamas War!) Within men dwells the demon of doom. It is vicious, aggressive, and cruel. It loves one thing only—power over others. It is will to power. Morality has no effect upon the men in whom the demon has taken control and squeezed out any love for life. Putin is such a man. You see it in his face. The demon face! Such men are evil because their will to power is a threat to humanity and civilization. They are an affliction that has been with us always. They are the men who throw babies into the air and catch them on bayonets. Global warming is a threat, yes, but it is not a demonic will to power. It does not seek to destroy us. In fact, it is the result of life living beyond its means, wanting more in life, wanting more from the cornucopia of technology.

“My message is that we'll be watching you.”

Isn't that what Sweden said while it watched Hitler’s war machine ravage Europe? Fortunately, there were good men in the world who didn’t just watch but who died defending women and children from the armies of evil just as Ukrainian men die defending Ukrainian women and children from Putin’s evil armies. 

This is all wrong. I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet, you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!

You shouldn’t be up there crying about global warming when there are far worst evils the world murdering young people today, which Czar Putin and other monsters of death and destruction in the Middle East are proving. Their tanks don’t care what young people think. They kill young people intentionally. Global Warming may do that but never intentionally. And it is up to young people to change the world. They must find a way to give the world hope so their elders don’t give up on hope. It is up to young people—like you—to inspire their elders to do the right thing for everyone and for every creature, not just humans. Condemnation alone, however, creates only enemies. In your anger Jackie DeShannon would remind you to put a little love in your heart.

Another day goes by, and still the children cry
Put a little love in your heart
If you want the world to know, we won't let hatred grow
Put a little love in your heart. 

That was 1969 when young people wanted peace, more love and less war. The struggle continues. 

You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words and yet I’m one of the lucky ones... How dare you!

You’re angry and I understand. I too am angry. However, your words are simplistic—that of a child. Evil men have been stealing dreams forever. Yes, you are one of the lucky ones, but maybe not for long. “Several Russian amphibious warfare ships briefly moved into Baltic Sea waters, some of them coming uncomfortably close to Sweden. That, and a series of recent drone flights of unknown origin over the country’s nuclear power plants, has put Sweden on edge, reawakening longstanding fears of a possible Russian incursion” (France 24). Will Sweden look on if Russia invades Norway? Or Finland, that other member of the humanitarian superpower triune that sided with the Germans? You see why your words ring hollow, don’t you? It is always about your people, isn’t it? Though it seems Good Samaritan Sweden is now doing the right and brave thing by continuing to support Ukraine when others won't. I see a reassuring change in your peace-loving homeland. But the masculine lovers of war are many. 

It's a Sad, Sad World where War is Entertainment

And I fear that war has become entertainment for war-loving voyeurs. Of course, war has always been a source of entertainment all the way back to Homer’s Iliad and before. But the entertainment of war has undergone a revolution led by YouTube. No longer is war presented in words and movies. The revolution in communication technologies has made possible to view actual killing and destruction. Snuff videos are back and as popular as ever. Even more, lovers of the machinery of war can talk to their hearts continent, and there are many contented hearts, about the newest fighter planes and tanks and drones and artillery and small arms and special military units and then watch them all in action. Of course, showing torn, crush, mutilated, dead bodies of babies, women, and other civilians is forbidden. Doing so would lessen the entertainment value or would it? Also forbidden are criticisms no matter how true that are considered hurtful to viewers supporting one side or the other. Yes, it seems war is being treated as another sport—each side rooting for the hometown team no matter how evil. Of course, more war doesn’t end war only no war does that. But now that war has become an entertainment commodity, I doubt that will happen. Money speaks loudest of all. So what is the answer, Greta, in a mad world where masculine madness holds sway? Where many ghoulish mad men in control armies prefer war to peace as long as others do the fighting?

“For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal clear. How dare you continue to look away and come here saying that you're doing enough when the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight.”

Vitriol will not help your cause. Using rhetoric that wins friends, supporters, and allies is a more effective strategy. There have been plenty of nations working on political and technological ways to lessen global warming. Solution? Not if the world’s population continues to increase, and both liberals and religious conservative believe the Earth can accommodate billions more, when in fact it’s not accommodating present population now. The environmental threat to billions of people today is not global warming but a lack of resources such as arable land and water. Poor countries can't afford oil that cost $72.72 per barrel.

And the political threat comes down to three nations: Russia, China, and North Korea. If it were not for those 3 nations global defense spending would not have been $2,240 billion last year, an increase of 13 percent in Europe because of diabolical Putin's war. That money could be spent on dealing with the causes of global warming. What about the Muslim threat? I think if you stay out of their homelands and keep them out of yours, they are not a threat. They may continue to kill one another (or not), but that will not trigger a global war or a nuclear war, especially if Israel and Iran could manage to tolerate one another and if Israel could grow a conscience and give back to Palestinians a piece of their homeland that was taken from them. (Isn't it weird that the Iranian-Israel clash is between two religious ideologies rooted in the idol-smashing philosophy of Abraham who would have sacrificed his son to God? Not really.) Because of masculine aggression there is a chance that W.W.III will happen before a serious global warming crisis occurs. Putin could trigger it at any moment. China and North Korea are be happy to serve as his allies. And who are running the show in all three countries? Diabolical men. 

“You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency, but no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that. Because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act then you would be evil and that I refuse to believe.”

Clever rhetoric, but rhetoric is not a persuasive argument. And in this case it isn’t even persuasive rhetoric. You seem to believe that ending global warming is as simple as flipping a switch. It’s not because billions of people, not just political leaders, want the very things the production of which causes carbon emissions. You have those things already, but are willing to deny others those things. Let’s shift the focus back to War: “Several studies have found a strong positive correlation between military spending and increased greenhouse gas emissions, with the impact of military spending on carbon emissions being more pronounced for countries of the Global North (i.e., OECD developed countries).

“Accordingly, the US military is estimated to be the number one fossil fuel consumer in the world” (“Environmental impact of war,” Wikipedia). So war is a multiple problem: (1) It kills people and destroys homes, schools, hospitals, businesses, and cities. (2) It wastes essential resources. (3) It is a huge polluter. (4) And what it destroys has to be rebuilt using diminishing resources and causing CO2 emissions, both of which could have been avoided had there been no war. After Adolf Putin’s slaughter of Ukrainians and the destruction of their cities, perhaps you could do a study of environmental impact of Vladimir the Terrible’s private war. 

“The popular idea of cutting our emissions in half in 10 years only gives us a 50 percent chance of staying below 1.5 degrees and the risk of setting off irreversible chain reactions beyond human control.”

Tell that to the Ukrainians or to the Palestinians who no longer have a place to live because their homes are now rubble! And have you ever considered a chain reaction that leads to global war? Study the causes of WWI.

“Fifty percent may be acceptable to you, but those numbers do not include tipping points, most feedback loops, additional warming hidden by toxic air pollution or the aspects of equity and climate justice.”

This is called gobbledygook, like Judeo-Christians and Judeo-Muslims threatening members of other religions with the fires of Hell when the only evidence for Hell is found in scripture, which doesn't qualify as evidence. Yes, you belong in the classroom or you might want to visit Ukraine or Palestine to conduct a poll to get their opinions about global warming.

Video Games and the Truth about Human Evil in the World

The truth is revealed in video games. In Mass Effect the Reapers = a pure form of mechanized masculinity. Unbridled masculinity fueled by the will to power has always been the greatest threat facing humanity. Like the Reapers such men (today it is Pestiferous Putin and his army of husks (a once human organisms transformed into a deadly monstrosities) care nothing about family, children, or women. They are killers, destroyers, and controllers. In Kill Zone it’s the Helghast Empire (think Russia) has launched a blitzkrieg. In Half-Life 2 (the greatest game of all time, by the way) the evil empire is the Combine (think Russia, China, and North Korea) under the control of G-Man (a government man as usual), think Vladimir Putin,  Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong-un. Evil is written on each man’s face! Gordon Freeman is the hero. His name reveals what he is all about and what the evildoers are against. And we don’t want to overlook Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 which stars mass murderer Vladimir Makarov the very embodiment of Putin, slaughtering people at an airport. Putin’s airport is the Ukraine that consists of businesses, schools, hospitals, and residences. Of course, hiding in his billion-plus dollar palace, his life is not in danger. Like LBJ and G.W. Bush, he’s a coward.

Slave States China, Russia, and North Korea


China is a slave state. Its people are loyal automatons programmed from cradle to grave. They are devoted and well-behaved as one would expect from automatons. The Chinese government has transformed entire cities into factories. The entire nation is an industrial complex. They are also smart, family devoted, dependable, drawn to difficult scientific disciplines, and non-complainers and non-whiners unlike those complainers and whiners lucky enough to live in humane nations such as the U.S. and France. The precision and quality of the productivity of the Chinese people are to be admired. Americans, on the other hand, are deficient in all those areas. However, the Chinese are not the big, creative thinkers as they once were. They do not excel in intellectual, philosophical, scientific, or artistic innovation. And though they have a genius for technology and its applications, they are plagiarizers. And unlike American culture, theirs is boring. Unfortunately Judeo-Marxism crushed the two Chinese cultural forms most admired by Westerners: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism.

Still, their government is evil, and the people will robotically serve its evil ends. The Chinese’s Winter Olympics reminded me of Hitler’s 1936 Olympics. The most significant aspect of both was the willingness of other nations, in particular Western nations, to kowtow to the Chinese evil empire. Ditto that for the Russian Olympics. Three truisms that cannot be ignored about China are the following: (1) It is an enemy of Western civilization even though its strength has been built on Western science and technology and Judeo-Marxism. (2) One day in the future it will invade Taiwan. (3) It will continue to intimidate and/or dominate nations in the Pacific Rim region. This intimidation caused humanitarian superpower Australia to spend $70 to $170 billion for 8 nuclear submarines. Such a waste of money and not a threat feared by China. Australia has a population of 25 million. China can lose that many people fighting the Australians and still have a billion plus left over. Australia would have been better off with 2 nuclear powered submarines with nuclear missiles. Being able to destroy cities is the only thing the evil empires China, Russia, and North Korea fear.


Russia is also a slave state. Its people are suppressed and programmed like the automatons of China. Russia depends totally on its natural resources. All it mental and financial energy is devoted to Putin’s military. Russia is essentially a military base. It creates nothing intellectually, culturally, and technologically that is of any interest to the rest of the world. It is at one with Putin and Putin is as uninteresting as a human being can be. Russia’s glory days occurred in the 19th century. Judeo-Marxism destroyed the Russian soul and it hasn’t recovered. I’ve read that like G.W. Bush, Putin keeps a Bible bedside, most likely reading, if he reads at all, the part of the Old Testament devoted to the conquest of Canaan. He would have no use for Jesus.

Putin wants Ukrainians murdered so that Russians can move into their homes, as the Jews did when they invaded Palestine. The Jewish Bible taught the world ethnic cleansing so that thuggish dictators are able to destroy other cultures and peoples with a clear conscience. Ditto that for Judeo-Marxism. If you’re not a Marxist, then you are an enemy. However, dictatorial thugs like Putin and the Maoists politicians of China or the pathological oppressor Kim Jong-un don’t have a conscience, so keeping it clear isn’t a problem.

They are all Satanic. Satan did evil because he enjoyed doing it. Satan is the personification of evil, and the fundamental characteristic of evil is the absence of morality. Evil is the opposite of morality. Unfortunately, Satan wasn’t an ex–nihilo creation. His prototype was men who enjoyed doing harm. Like his creator, Yahweh, he is the projection of masculinity. Fortunately for humanity, not all men are Satanic. But enough are to prevent the world from ever eradicating evil men whose threats of disorder keep the world in a constant state of fear and trembling.

It's a sad, sad world after all. That was Freud’s conclusion, which seems to be the case given the present state of the world. Freud illustrates how difficult it is even for a very smart man to be morally wise. He supported World War I: “Freud's initial response to World War I was patriotic, and he closely followed the unfolding events of the war. Two of his sons volunteered for duty in the Austrian army” (“Sigmund Freud: Conflict & Culture,” The Library of Congress). And, “His first response to the declaration of the First World War in 1914 was an unexpected one. He was enthusiastic, as if he was reliving the military ardours of his boyhood, when he would play war games with toy soldiers and plan his own military campaigns” (“Sigmund Freud, war and disillusionment,” Young Poets Network). That 's really sad! The question that looms large is how can anyone be enthusiastic about war, either as an aggressor or defender of one's homeland?

But it was Jewish ideology that taught humanity how to program a population to be automaton citizens. When Korah complains to Moses, “You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is with them. Why then do you set yourselves above the Lord’s assembly?” (Numbers 16:3). In other words, Moses behaved as a dictator. As a result of Korah complaint, his followers and his clan are destroyed by God. All cultures inculcate their members with traditional ways of behaving and thinking. The difference is that Jewish culture was totalitarian and based on an ideology. Questioning the ideology or the priests who represented the ideology was not allowed and punished by death, as Jesus found out. What was new was oppression and censorship based on an ideology. The Jewish ideology would be passed on to Judeo-Christians and to Judeo-Muslims who would treat dissenters in the same manner Moses treats Korah and would use Jewish scripture to justify doing so. Maoist China adopted Judeo-Marxism and was as intolerant of criticism and disobedience as was Moses. Sixty to eighty million people died because of Mao’s policies. In all four cases, ideology is used as a program, similar to a computer program, to program citizens, thus transforming them into automatons. It is also used to justify punishing nonbelievers, skeptics, and heretics.


North Korea is also a slave state. Like Russia, it is a military camp. Its sole existence is preparation for war. It has nuclear weapons which are the sole pride of the nation's chubby (unlike his underfed vassals) godfather Kim Jong Un. As a human society it is boring, interesting only as a pathology. It produces nothing intellectually, culturally, or technologically that is of use or interest to the rest of the world. North Korea comes closest to the former slave plantations in America. And no matter how orderly a national slave plantation is, it's not a civilization. It’s a dystopia.

War and the Triune of Evil

Russia, China, and North Korea each have targets for war. Bully Russia has already launched a war against little Ukraine. Russian tanks have crushed beneath their tracks men, women, and children . Russia snipers explode the head any Ukrainian—man, woman or child that gets in their sights. Russian missiles have been destroying cities. That Russian soldiers have been throwing Ukrainian babies in the air and catching them on bayonets is an unverified rumor. You believe I go too far, but this is what Will Durant tells us in his The Age of Louis XIV about the Cossacks' killing of Poles, Ukrainians, Jews and others: 

Killing was accompanied by barbarous tortures: the victims were flayed alive, split asunder, clubbed to death, roasted on coals, or scalded with boiling water. . . . The Most terrible cruelty, however, was shown to the Jews. They were destined to utter annihilation, and the slightest pity shown to them was looked upon as treason. Scrolls of the Law were taken out of the synagogues by Cossacks, who danced on them while drinking whiskey. After this Jews were laid upon them and butchered without mercy. Thousands of Jewish were thrown into wells, or buried alive. (467)

No reason to wonder what binds Poles and Ukrainians: they are bound by blood spilt by Russians.

Greta, you’ve just looked into that dark cauldron of masculinity that Freud called the id, though apparently he believed it existed equally in both men and women. It doesn’t, and he made that assumption because he couldn’t see beyond his own masculinity. Women too have their primordial emotions and impulses, but they originate in sensuality, love, birth, and child rearing. Greek goddesses tell us a lot about the feminine. Here are just a few: Achelois, moon goddess whose name means “she who washes away pain”; Antheia goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes; Aphrodite goddess of love and beauty; Demeter goddess of agriculture, fertility, sacred law and the harvest; and your favorite GAIA primal Greek goddess of Earth. The ancient Greeks valued equally the masculine and the feminine.

Judaism is a masculine religious ideology that worships a tyrant of masculinity. It is the deification of the masculine id. Apostle Paul, who converted pagans to the neoJudaism, Christianity, didn’t care much for women or Earthly existence. You might know that to him the central goal in life was to escape worldly existence for existence in the postmortem. But don’t despair. There are plenty of good men who want to serve the Good, not God. What is the Good? Mother Earth, nature, men and women, love and children, home, neighborhood, community, and civilization. There are good men who are not slaves to the masculine id because they serve morality and other human being. They are altruists. You need to appeal to them or else you have no chance of realizing your goal of preventing nature from becoming unbalanced and chaotic.  

Unlike cowardly Putin hiding in his fortified castle, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, wearing helmet and flak vest refuses to evacuate: “I need ammunition, not a ride,” he bravely says. While chicken hawk Vladimir the Trembler hides, brave Ukrainian soldier have been giving Putin’s Russia a bloody nose. And Ukrainian women? “More than 60,000 Ukrainian women serve in the Ukrainian military defending their homeland against Russian aggression. Tens of thousands more do their part to help their country as journalists, paramedics, teachers, politicians and artists.” The women and their children are certainly worth fighting and dying for.

China wants to capture Taiwan, a civilized democratic nation that means no harm to anyone. Communist thug Xi Jinping Chairman of the Central Military Commission has already sent three dozen war planes over Taiwan to frighten women and children. Once China has completed its carnage in Taiwan and transformed the island nation into a re-education camp that will transform the Taiwanese into obedient husks, then China will seek control of the entire Pacific Rim and beyond.

The pathetic leader of North Korea has his sights on South Korea and Japan, but essentially Kim Jong-un is a chubby Chinese puppet. Still he is a dangerous puppet since he is a psychopath in control of nuclear weapons, but then aren’t they all. No question mark needed. 

America, God’s Savior of the World? No

The Slaughtering of Native Americans

During America’s history, its orators claimed that America would show the world what a civilized nation is: “As a ‘Poem on the Rising Glory of America’ had foretold as early as 1772, Americans believed their the ‘happy land’ was destined to become the ‘the seat o empire’ and the ‘final stage’ of civilization” (American History: A Survey, Alan Brinkley, et al. 194). It has failed miserably. As an American born during World War II, I really wanted to be able—like those former Americans—to present my country as a hero to the world. It was but only briefly after that war. Europeans came to North America not too long ago. America is only 245 years old. China is about 4000 to 4200 years old, and still has not learned how to behave in a civilized manner.

One would have thought those invading Europeans and later the Americans would have been grateful and benevolent having inherited by theft a part of the world that really was an Eden. But no. The slaughter of the Indians began almost immediately. For example, on May 26, 1637, the Pequot massacre occurred. A pre-dawn attack on Mystic Fort that left 500 adults and children of the Pequot tribe dead; soldiers set fire to the structures and burned the remaining people there alive. (Wow! That sounds just like what Russian soldiers are doing in Ukraine.) The killers of the Indians were Puritans, so mentally possessed by the Jewish ideology of the Old Testament that preaches that such slaughter is divinely justified. The slaughter of the native peoples would be repeated throughout American history—always justified by Jewish ideology. In the end, The National Archives tell us that "that between 80% and 95% of the Native American population died within the first 100-150 years of European contact with the Americas" ("Native North Americans: What was early contact like between English colonists and Native Americans?"). 

One of the worst was the Wounded Knee Massacre December 29, 1890, just after celebrating the birth of Jesus. Why was it that Americans never matured morally? Because the so-called Good Book declares that being the enemies of God pagans (who never considered themselves or anyone else as enemies of God) have no moral rights; thus, God (i.e., Yahweh, Christ-God, or Allah) condones their slaughter.  Of interest here is that Mao used the JudeoMarxism to justify the slaughter of millions of his own people. And it is well known that Putin is a God-fearing Christian—or at least pretends to be. And Little Big Man George W. Bush believed he was doing God’s work when he had the American military machine invade Iraq  on March 19, 2003, 366 years after the Pequot massacre occurred. It is always God’s work, never Jesus, though he did say that he came not to bring peace but the sword. And Christians followed his words. It's a sad, sad world, Greta, because men never change.

The Enslavement of African Pagans

On August 20, 1619, the first enslaved Africans arrive in Jamestown, kidnapped by Christian Portuguese, and bought by Christian English colonists. And why not? The Bible condones slavery as long as one’s own people are not enslaved. Apostle Paul said, “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ” (Ephesians 6:5), not “Earthly masters of slaves, set your slaves free or burn in Hell!” JudeoChristians considered both the conquest of the Indians and the enslavement of Africans as being justified in two ways. The first is the eradication of the Indians was an eradication of evil that was an abomination to God. Second, Indians who were not killed and slaves who did not die were given the glorious opportunity to be converted to Christianity.

No Respect for Nature’s Creatures

And then there is this, a single example of Americans’ hatred of wild nature—and attitude so different from that of Native Americans and other pagans: “In addition to being driven of most of their land, the Plains Indians had also lost the economic base of their society. For countless centuries they had acquired food, clothing, and shelter from the meat and skins of the buffaloes, who had roamed across the Plains in immense herds totaling person 13,000,000 animals. But the white [JudeoChristian]men  almost exterminated them within a quarter of a century. Buffaloes made easy targets, and shooting them, in many instances for pure love of killing, became a popular sport. In 1883 government agents, after scouring the Plains in search of the vanished herds, reported that the number had been reduced to less than 200” (Henry Bamford Parkes, The United States of America: A History 424).

Wisdom and truth from John (Fire) Lame Deer: “The Buffalo was part of us, his flesh and blood being absorbed by us until it became our own flesh and blood. Our clothing, our tepees, everything we needed for life came from the buffalo's body. It was hard to say where the animals ended and the human began.” Thus, celebrating  calf would have made perfect sense to the plains Indians. The Smithsonian tells us that “bison not only provided American Indians with food, shelter and tools, but a model on how to live. To American Indians, bison also represent their spirit and remind them of how their lives were once lived, free and in harmony with nature” (“American Bison and American Indian Nations”).

As for myself, I am presently eating a chicken & cheese sandwich with mayonnaise made from oil, egg yolks, and lemon juice or vinegar. The bread is made from wheat flour. I am also drinking water and coffee. Nature provided all the ingredients of my meal with the help of farmers. Being supernatural, God played no role in creating the ingredients of my lunch. 

Christians, on the other hand,  saw nature as an evil setting to escape from. To Apostle Paul nature was the realm of the flesh and matter, both of which he hated. He preferred the nebulous realm of the spirit. Because of Paul's teachings, Christians hated their worldly existence and couldn’t wait to escape from it via death in order to live in the postmortem spiritual realm forever praising God. Thus it is not surprising that Americans had no moral qualms about exterminating the native peoples of North America or the buffalo. That they didn’t see their behavior as immoral is baffling until one considers Judaism’s hatred pagans because they worshiped the multiple deities of nature. Note that the story of the Golden Calf is about Jews who wanted to return to venerating nature. When Dictator Moses saw them singing and having a good time he orders his priests to murder them. Yahweh joins in the slaughter. It made sense to pagans to worship nature. Nature, not God, was their great provider.

Apostle Paul said, “Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Galatians 6:8) And “The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so” (Romans 8:7). “For while we are in this [Earthly] tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling... [and we] know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:4-6). For Paul the material world was the flesh world that one needed to escape from.

Jesus said, “If you would be perfect, go sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me” (Matthew 19:21). Both men were celibate rejected the conventional life of falling in love, marrying, having children, working, and providing for one’s family, and looking forward to growing old with one’s grandchildren. Paul considered sex evil—ergo, having no children was the ideal life.

As the realm of the flesh nature was seen as evil, Satan's playground; thus people—such as Native Americans—who worship nature were evil. Jesus said “follow me,” in other words surrender oneself not to an Earthly way of life but to a religious ideology. Women were better off living in convents, monks in monasteries, and priests living unmarried. I do find it strange that this negative attitude toward the flesh didn’t prevent celebrating the Eucharist—the symbolic eating Jesus’ flesh and drinking his blood, considered cannibalistic to the Romans.

Also astounding was the inability of the Americans to see the beauty of wild nature. But no, wilderness was evil and must be tamed. Republicans, more than Democrats, see nature as nothing more than a repository of raw resources. One recalls Donald Trump’s attempt to Open Arctic Refuge to oil and gas development, a move that overturned six decades of protections for the largest remaining stretch of wilderness in the United States. To do this the Trump Administration attempted to reverse nearly 100 environmental rules. For that alone he and the Republican Party deserved to lose the election.

Republicans wear contact lenses with dollar signs so all they see in nature is money, money, money. That’s what makes them environmental scrooges and impossible for lovers of nature and wildlife to vote for. I vote for neither party. How can I vote for Democrats who hate me, hate my mother and father, aunts and uncles, and ancestors, just ordinary working people who as far as I know never owned a slave or killed a buffalo. Thus, I hate both parties equally; that’s call equity. Was that vitriol, Greta? I guess you and I are more alike than I first realized.

America as a Role Model for Peace

Don’t think so. The entire history of America is a history of warfare. Americans even engaged in slaughtering one another during the Civil War, which again was triggered by an economy that depended on human beings being considered private property. America’s wars were usually wars of aggression. Seldom were they Good Samaritan Wars. After World War II began, Americans grudgingly got involved only because of the Japanese (Hitler’s allies) attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, two years after the war started, September 1, 1939. Americans would have allowed Hitler and his allies to gobble up Europe. America’s attitude was that of Sweden’s and Switzerland’s. In Good Samaritan fashion Britain and France entered the Second World War following the German invasion of Poland in September 1939.

Ditto that for World War I which started 28 July 1914. The Germans invaded Belgium 4th August 4, 1914, and the Good Samaritan British declare war on Germany the same day. I might be an American but my heroes are the British. The Americans enter the war April 4, 1917, or 2 years, 8 months, 8 days later because of Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917. That reminds me of the illegal alien Fiston Ngoy raping a woman on board a metro Philadelphia train as 10 bystanders on the train did nothing but pull out their phones to film the assault.

At least the women did their part in both wars while the U.S. waited on the sidelines: 

When Americans consider other nations being invaded by Germans or Russians, they think mostly about the men, but women and children are always affected by war. And there were the female spies of World War II:

The video game Velvet Assassin was inspired by Violette Szabo, executed at Ravensbrück concentration camp, 1945. Motivated by the he Blitz, a German bombing campaign against the United Kingdom in 1940 and 1941, during the Second World War, that killed and maimed mostly civilians, she enlisted in the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) on 11 September 1941. Americans were twiddling their thumbs waiting for a selfish reason for entering the war.

They Returned as Heroes

The American men and women who fought the war were heroes. And they returned to America wanting a better America, one that reflected their own goodness and sacrifice. But the betrayal started early by two of the great men of the war: “UK prime minister Winston Churchill and the Eisenhower administration (the vice president was Tricky Dick Nixon) decided in early 1953 to overthrow Iran's government” (“Operation Ajax,” Wikipedia). Eisenhower had the CIA participate with the British government to overthrow the democratically elected government of Iranian Prime Minister Muhammad Mosaddegh, who died under house arrest.

The coup d'état was called Operation Ajax. The motivation of the coup was — to put into power a pro-British-American puppet government, the dictatorship of the Shah, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, that would ensure British Petroleum would continue to control Iranian oil production. Is it any wonder that the people of the Middle East hate America? We believed Eisenhower and Churchill to be wise men. They weren’t. Apparently wisdom and politics are incompatibles. Yet, the coup had other supporters. Political stupidity would be powerless were it not for the fact that stupid politicians always have stupid supporters that are easily led. 

Lyndon B. Johnson’s Cruel & Unnecessary War

LBJ became president because the lecherous adulterer John F. Kennedy was assassinated. LBJ was a chicken-hawk blinded by JudeoChristianity. Johnson made illegal and immoral political decisions because he had become thoroughly Judaized growing up in the Texas Bible-belt . Johnson’s family were Christadelphians, who believe the Jews are the chosen people (they actually chose themselves as Yahweh’s chosen people), that Jesus is the Messiah, and that the Kingdom of Israel would be restored as prophesized in the Bible. (There is no hope for humanity when people willingly believe such invented nonsense.) This is why President Johnson ordered the recall of American planes sent to rescue the USS Liberty that had been attack by the Israelis “with the comment that he did not care if every man drowned and the ship sank, but that he would not embarrass his allies,” meaning Israel. (“USS Liberty incident,” Wikipedia(Israel an ally? Since when? Israel is an ally only to itself. Isn't that the other meaning of the Good Samaritan parable?) Two questions: first, who side was he on? Second, did LBJ consider Israel a religious or a political ally? Political allies don’t behave as enemies.

Johnson was a member of the Disciples of Christ. So Johnson lived in two worlds or histories—one factual and the other mythological when he launched the Vietnam War. History has shown that religious mythology influences the way humans think thus the way they behave. For example, I assume Johnson thought of himself as God’s Commander in Chief, as did the Christian Roman emperors and European kings, and as did President George W. Bush did when he became president. And certainly Muslim political leaders throughout the ages have thought of themselves in that way. Johnson believed that he was engaged in God’s war against godless Communism. Thus, the collisions of two Judaisms.

The consequences: 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties. Vietnam lost between 171,331 and 220,357 men, defenders of the homeland reminiscent of the homeland defenders of the Iraq War. As many as 2,000,000 civilians were killed. Until the war in Afghanistan the Vietnam War (1955 – 1975, 19.4 years) was America’s longest war. What you see here is not wisdom but the reign of folly. Look a Johnson’s face and you will see that same evil of stupidity that you see in Putin’s face. 

The Situation Didn’t Improve

The war made millions of young Americans and adults realize that America’s political system would not allow America to become one of good guys that so many Americans wanted after World War II. The sleazy slippery slope initiated by LBJ would continue.

Richard Nixon of Watergate infamy became president. Like Trump, he tried to cheat democracy. He was a rotten tooth in a mouth of rotten teeth.

Then came Jimmy Carter, a good man who was no match against the corrupt, immoral stupid politicians occupying the political swamp that Washington had become.

Then came the savior of the Republicans Party (until Trump) Ronald Reagan who granted amnesty to approximately three million immigrants who were in the United States illegally. In Washington crime does pay. Upon signing that act of surrender at a ceremony held beside the newly refurbished Statue of Liberty, the first step was taken toward immigration debacle that has pretty wrecked America.

Then came George H. Bush who after Gulf War could have legally removed from power the evil Saddam Hussein, who in Putin fashion tried to conquer a tiny country (Kuwait). Hussein should have been hauled before the World Court for crimes against humanity. The Iraqis would have rejoiced. But Bush Senior decided to keep Saddam in power to keep Iran at bay and to keep Iraq stable. And then there was all that oil to be considered. So the U.S. government betrayed both Iran (a second time) and the Iraqi people. Again no wisdom, only stupidity. Bush Jr. would seek payback because his daddy had become a laughingstock among the Hussein cult. Besides, like LBJ he was on the prayer phone with the Almighty so believed would be a winner with God’s help, just as the Jews believed when they started the war with the Romans. Though eventually a Jew would destroy Rome in David and Goliath fashion—not Jesus but his false apostle Paul, with the help of the Judas Emperor Constantine I who used the Christian ideology as a weapon to realize his will to power.

But before Bush's destruction of Baghdad came lecherous, decadent Bill Clinton who turned the White House into a whorehouse with the help of a Jewess Judas who used Bill’s penis as a dagger to stab him in the back. It is about this time that the U.S. government became a circus of demented clowns and America increasingly became a Gotham City. Hollywood would grease the downward slope with endless decadence and contempt for anything and everything American.

Bill’s decadence made possible for the return of Bush family led by the Little Boy Bush Jr. A boy dressed as a man so inept that he would create endless America destroying havoc unknown since LBJ. He did LBJ one better by getting America into two very long, cruel, unjust, totally demoralizing, America degrading wars at the same time, in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Iraq War was totally unnecessary but little George Custer Bush wanted to make amends for Daddy big screw-up. The cost of his presidential malpractice was astounding coming from a village idiot. His private and totally unnecessary war with Iraq caused at least one hundred thousand civilian deaths, as well as tens of thousands of military deaths, including 4,431 total American deaths and 31,994 wounded in action. (Actually, George Jr. should have been hauled before the International Court of Justice as a war criminal.) His war in Afghanistan would result in 2,401 United States military deaths and 20,752 American service members wounded. And Bush boy didn’t even kill the master mind of the 9-11 attacks, Osama bin Laden! Not only that he encouraged illegal immigration by waving the Mexican flag to immigrants crossing the Rio Grande. He used a little American flag as a handkerchief.

Bush had made such a mess of things that a black man who like Kamala Harris wasn’t even an American black whose ancestors had been slaves, but an imported black Barack Obama. With a name like that he had no chance once in office. All the haters of black people came out of the woodwork. Still, he did do what Bush boy couldn’t do: he took out Osama bin Laden. And the hated Obama not only had Osama bin Laden killed, he ended the wet foot, dry foot policy for Cuban immigrants—which Republicans supported. This policy meant that Cubans who reach the U.S. could become automatically U.S. citizens. Republicans supported the policy because of their hatred of Castro. They didn’t care about the demographic impact on the U.S. only about their ideology. Republicans have never really been against open borders (the Koch family, for example). They saw illegal immigrants as cheap labor, more consumers, and bigger profits. However, Obama’s vice president would drive the final nail into America’s coffin by completely opening America’s borders. I didn’t think any politician hated the country that much.

But before then came the narcissistic flimflam man and illiterate joker (as in Batman) Donald Trump. It was as if a combination of the Kardashians, the Hollywood Hillbillies, and the Addams’ Family had moved into the White House with a MacDonald’s vending machine in every room. Trump wasn’t an American president but a cult leader. His rallies proved that much. They were carnivals of sycophants looking and behaving like the guests on The Jerry Springer Show. That is what America has become. Anyway, they made sure that America would never be great again. The slippery slope had become a free fall.

Finally, we hit bottom with Joe Biden the walking bedpan. Who would have ever thought such a man could become president, a sniffer of young girls, a man lost in the maze of his own mind, a man who life has been a long Walter Mitty fantasy, and a man who thoroughly hates everything about America and whose administration consisted of other haters of America. He cares more about aliens crossing the border in hordes and Ukrainians than he does about Americans. Actually, Biden has no people. He is a willing tool of the cancel-America hater. Watching him one sees a hollow man, a scarecrow made of chaff standing alone watching strange birds consuming the bounty planted by working men and women. If one looks at his legacy one find nothing noble. He ended the war in Afghanistan by suddenly leaving like a husband walking out on his wife and kids leaving them to fend for themselves. Besides that, he abandoned enough military equipment to arm a small nation but would in up in the hands of the enemy. Go figure!

At least Donald Trump pretended to be an American. The revelation is that Trump and Biden are the proper figureheads of what America has become. They are strawmen incapable of inspiring or leading Americans. The nation has become like a 1000 piece puzzle of which none of the pieces fit together. They are broken men who can’t fix the country because it’s beyond repair in part because Americans no longer agree on what the country should be. The Biden administration believes that if enough money is given away the country will fix itself. One realizes how bad the situation is when one tries to imagine America’s future  and the only thing that  comes to mind is helter-skelter. 

Dead Men

At night do evil, stupid men ever look up at the stars, marvel at mountains, meadows or lakes?  No. They are too trapped in their bloated egos, ideologies, wills to power, greediness, pathological narcissism, and other obsessions to experience the world with appreciative awareness. They are dead men, the walking dead, hollow men, husks who believe they see and understand but are blind and trapped in stupidity. One cannot feel sorry for these dead men no more than one can feel sorry for the cancer that kill men, women, and children. The harm they’ve caused is unforgivable. That is the other reason Hell was invented, in hopes that evil men who go unpunished in this world will get their just reward in Hell. But there is no Hell thus no final justice. The only Hell is the one created by men such as Putin and the others mentioned above. Qoheleth the preacher saw the truth of evil and injustice over two thousand years ago: 

All things are full of weariness;
a man cannot utter it;
the eye is not satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear fill with hearing.

Again I saw all the oppressions that are practiced under the sun.
And behold, the tears of the oppressed, 
And they had no one to comfort them!

In my vain life I have seen everything;
the a righteous man who perishes in his righteousness
and the wicked man who prolongs his life in his evil doing. (Ecclesiastes) 

Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard Disgrace themselves

The extent of America’s self-centered decadence is reveled in a Tucker Carlson segment titled “Tucker: Does Biden want war?” It is a loaded question implying an unjustified assumption of guilt. Its purpose is to slander Biden even when he does something good and right, and by doing so he disgraces himself. That is all we get from the Republican Party and its supporters in the news media. Ditto that for the Democratic Party news pundits. Objective, respectable newsmen such as Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow no longer exist. Today’s news agencies have become propaganda mills, each side representing political ideologies, not news per se. News provides a platform that enables the two groups to go after one another and to espouse the ideologies and political celebrities they represent. This us-versus-them mindset is also part of Washington politics. The conflict has little to do with concern for the American people. They are simply spectators who can really do nothing but look on. Votes don’t matter nor does viewership. What Americans get is all bad. There are exceptions, a few politicians who work outside of Washington and subterranean news commentators who broadcast on YouTube platforms until deleted. However, this episode sadly reveals the petty character of America’s decadent self-centeredness.

Jake Sullivan, Biden's national security advisor, says he can’t predict what is going to happen in the Ukraine and wisely tells Americans there to leave. Even Ukrainians have been leaving by the tens of thousands. But Carlson is quite willing to offer predictions of the future if by doing so he can criticize Biden. The show implies that Biden wants war with Russia. That’s incorrect. Biden said that no American troops would be sent to Ukraine. What Biden actually said was that if Russia invades NATO countries, America would support those countries. Of course, a Republicans like Carlson care nothing about Europe. Trump represented that view.

And I’m sick and tired of hearing that if Trump had been president the invasion wouldn’t have occurred. Trump withheld military aid from Ukraine. And Putin isn’t afraid of Trump and is certainly not worried the U.S. military being sent to defend Ukraine. To defend Europe, yes, maybe, because it would have 30 NATO states fighting on its side, two of which have nuclear weapons. Carlson asks how would a war with Russia make America stronger and more prosperous. Another loaded question. Becoming stronger and more prosperous are the reasons evil nations go to war. Many Americans thought the same way when Hitler’s war machine was invading Poland. “Getting involved won’t benefit us.” But the British and French didn’t ask that question. They chose to go to Poland’s aid. Carlson’s position reminds one of the 10 bystanders on a metro Philadelphia train who watched and did nothing while illegal alien Fiston Ngoy raped a helpless woman. Each was probably thinking “If I try to stop the beast I might get hurt.”

Do nothing Carlson says that the Europeans are not concerned about a Putin blitzkrieg into Ukraine. The truth is that they have been concerned for years that the diabolical one would invade another country because having the imagination of a virus or bacterium that is all Vladimir Makarov Putin thinks about—invading, hurting, harming, causing misery. So unlike Trump’s withholding, military supplies to Ukraine, Europe has been sending military aid, have imposed stiff sanctions (even from the always neutral selfish Swiss), and have been accepting thousands of Ukrainian war refugees—not immigrants, there’s a difference. Over a half million into Poland, which unlike America knows what it’s like to be under the iron heal an aggressor.

Elon Musk, a friend in deed when needed, activated SpaceX’s Starlink satellites over Ukraine after a request from the embattled country’s leadership to replace internet services destroyed by the Russian attack. So different from the self-serving Russian oligarchs. Musk creates wealth; unlike Putin and the Russian oligarchs who steal their wealth from the wealth that belongs to the Russian people. Musk serves the good of the ordinary people of Ukraine; Russian oligarchs serve Putin, the destroyer of the ordinary people of Ukraine. By serving the Ukrainian people Musk serves moral good; by serving Putin the Russian oligarchs serve evil and by doing so become even more evil than they were before.

 For Carlson there is no reason to aid Europe because Europeans mean nothing to him. No matter that NATO Allies went into Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. No matter Great Britain, Poland, Ukraine, RomaniaDenmarkBulgariaCzech RepublicAlbania, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, etc. were American allies during Bush’s idiotic Iraq War. I suppose that if Putin invades Poland, which evil Putin would love to do, Carlson would say America should do nothing. The flimflam man Trump has praised Putin whom he considers a friend. Really? How can one be the friend of someone who thinks and behaves like Stalin? And we know how Trump feels about the Ukrainians, having withheld military aid from them just because their president wouldn’t find dirt on Biden’s dirty son. So now the dirty boy is the son of the president. Such a move left Ukrainians more vulnerable to Czar Putin and his husks.

That’s the reason Trump lost to the pathetic drooler Biden. Trump cares only about one thing—Trump. He is no more American than Biden or Harris or Pelosi or Schiff or the other hollow men and women of the anti-America Democratic Party are. They are all rich celebrities for whom Washington is a reality show. The themes are greed, narcissism, ideology, corruption—truly like the TV series the House of Cards starring the sex sleaze Kevin Spacey. Americans are nothing more than the audience. Remember the fake clap Pelosi gave Trump? To the politician performers Washington is Saturday Night Live, a big fucking joke on the American people.

Tulsi Gabbard says Biden could have prevented the conflict by telling Putin that Ukraine won’t become a member of NATO. Nonsense. It’s not about NATO membership but Putin Russian expansion, as were Putin Russia’s invasion of Georgia in 2008 and Putin Russia’s invasion of Crimean and the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine in 2014. Putin Russia’s War in Donbas during which Russia launched a coordinated political and military campaign against Ukraine, the result of which was 14,000 killed. President Macron spoke to Putin and Czar Putin told Macron that nothing could stop the invasion.

Gabby Gabbard sounds a lot like Hitler’s sycophant Neville Chamberlain who played a role in the Munich Agreement of 1938 which ceded parts of Czechoslovakia to Hitler and is now the most popular example of the foreign policy known as appeasement. She and Carlson twist facts and pretend to know what’s going on just to go after Biden—who showed more gumption than they by warning Vladimir Makarov Putin to stay out of NATO nations. Biden also said, “I thought it was critical that there not be any doubt, none whatsoever, about U.S. support for Ukraine in the war,” and he has committed billions of dollars, artillery ammunition, TOW anti-tank missiles, tanks, air surveillance radars to help protect the Ukrainian people from aerial bombardments,  howitzers, helicopters, and tons of other weaponry to Ukraine. Go, Biden! I say. Good deeds deserve praise just as bad deeds deserve condemnation. It is a shame, however, that the seven billion dollars’ worth of military equipment left behind in Afghanistan wasn’t kept for Ukraine. Nonetheless, even if Americans don't love America, the Ukrainians do.

Gabby Gabbard says that sanctions are a modern day siege. And that is much worse than Russia’s Blitzkrieg into Ukraine? Jesus! Whose side is she on? She says that it is the Industrial-Military Complex that wants war with Russia. What?! The America industrial-military complex like Putin is in favor of only wars against small nations, not against one with over a million soldiers and a total nuclear warhead inventory of 5,977 - the biggest in the world. Even those greedy stupid self-serving bastards know better than that. Only a know-nothing FOX toady would be stupid enough to say such a thing. I used to have some respect for these two talking heads, but I see they are on the Republican payroll. They are all fake. Everything they say is scripted even Carlson’s fake laugh. How sad it’s all become like a surreal carnival fools.

Poor Gabby Gabbard reminds me of Biden, a nobody who so badly wants to be a somebody, which really is a common theme in Washingtonthough Putin the Pathetic also comes to mind. Politicians are the only people who can become celebrity stars without doing anything but getting enough votes. She feels so sorry for the Russian people. Why? THEY ARE THE INVADERS! Would she have felt sorry for the German people during W.W. II? Why is it that she can’t tell the difference between invader and the invaded? Even if Biden wanted the war, Putin is the one who went to war. And then FOX toady Babbler Carlson jumps in to repeat “Why aren’t the Europeans afraid?” They are. Clearly, Carlson has spent little time in Europe. Living in on fantasy resort Gasparilla Island how can he know their fears? To be fair to Carlson, he had no choice given the zombie hit-squads Antifa and Black Lives Matter have been hunting conservatives. For conservatives, especially Republicans, big cities have become like Raccoon City in Resident Evil. That shows just how far mighty America has fallen into a Charles Manson state of Helter Skelter. 

The Greatest Generation

In this video FDR’s words could be those of Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Before becoming president he was comedian. Like most ordinary people he is a family man who just wanted live life and have some fun. But the world is full of evil men like the diabolical Putin who won’t allow ordinary people to live peacefully and have a little fun. These are men with big egos and big plans that require domination and destruction of other people who just want to be left alone. Yet, in America today the Great Generation of Americans are hated for being Americans. It is sad to see how far America has fallen from that generation. When World War II ended it was a moment for America to decide to become a wise, humane society, which it failed to accomplish. It didn’t choose–or the politicians didn't–to become wise and humane but to be foolish and inhumane. The anti-Vietnam War counterculture saw the wrong choice had been made. They wanted free speech, equality, world peace, and the pursuit of happiness and love, not unnecessary though profitable wars. But like the youth of your generation, Greta, they were ignored. So they dropped out, turned on to drugs imported from south of the border, and transformed themselves from a counterculture of love and peace to one of hate and self-loathing.

And Ukrainians have been afraid for years. One can see that reality doesn’t matter either of the two talking heads. They are prevaricators who twist reality to drum up hatred of the Democrats—who don’t need their help because most Americans believe that the Democrats have betrayed them and the country. To Democrats, the word American is a slur. And actually their Trump-like, heartfelt concern for the Russians will have the counter unintended effect of their having become recruiters for the Democratic Party. It's called the tar baby trap. In this case the two dolts got caught in trap they themselves set! What they have forgotten is that most Americans don’t like bad guys. And making Biden and his ilk the bad guys and Russians the good guys has a boomerang effect that makes the two talking heads look like evil sympathizers.

And you can see how they twist the facts in Gabby Gabbard contradiction: Europe want Ukraine in NATO but that will never happen. Why? Because Europe does not want Ukraine in NATO. The reality is that were it not for Russia, which was once the Soviet Union by the way, there would be no need for NATO. Then Babbler Carlson jumps in asking why Americans would want Ukraine in NATO. What! Most Americans never gave a shit about Ukraine because most of them didn’t know that there was such a country, though thanks to Putin now they do, just as they didn’t know that there was a Vietnam or Afghanistan or Iraq. Most Americans think Europe is a nation. Babbler Carlson’s constant refrain is “IS THERE SOME BENEFIT TO AMERICA?” The 10 bystanders on a metro Philadelphia train probably asked the same question: “Would there be some benefit to me rescuing the woman being raped?” The Good Samaritan could have asked the same question, but he didn’t: 

A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. “Look after him,” he said, “and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.” (Luke 10:30-35)

What was the benefit? The satisfaction of helping a person or any creature who is suffering. It’s called altruism. It’s a moral good.

Then Gabbard says she has a hard time with anyone saying “We are defending Democracy.” Sorry, Gabby, but it’s about defending mothers and their children from Vladimir Makarov Putin’s war machine. War should never be about defending an abstraction. So where did you get that idea? Who said we must go to war with Russia to save Ukrainian democracy? Democracy doesn’t work in the U.S., says Putin laughing out loud. To both of you talking heads it’s all about Biden. That is all American people get from mainstream news: attacks on Trump and attacks on Biden. Yes, both are fools who should have never been presidents but are because the America is decadent like Russia run by wealthy oligarchs, and wise men rarely become politicians, the American political system is broken. The world is bigger than Trump and Biden and a hell of a lot more interesting.

Gabby Gabbard complains that Biden has supported authoritarianism which she says (correctly) is going on in the U.S. today. But the implication is that Republicans never supported authoritarian regimes. Give me a break! They have repeatedlylike Saudi Arabia, which deserves a lot of credit or the 9-11 attacks: "Of the 19 Al Qaeda terrorists who hijacked four U.S. commercial airliners on the morning of September 11, 2001, 15 were citizens of Saudi Arabia." See "House of Bush, House of Saud," Wikipedia.

But notice that Gabbard’s last shot is at Ukraine, that being an authoritarian regime its people don’t deserve our support. Former comedian Jewish Zelenskyy became president of Ukraine after a landslide election victory in which he received 73 per cent of the vote. How is that an authoritarian regime? With 39% of the world’s Jewish population, the Americans would never elect a Jew as president—though they have elected plenty of comedians. It was authoritarian Russia that invaded democratic Ukraine. It is not about authoritarianism but about women and children being killed by bullets, bombs, and rockets. So what we’ve witnessed here is propaganda from FOX/Republican talking heads, not unlike the propaganda spewed out by CNN & Friends working for the Marxist Democratic Party. 

Most Pathetic Tucker Carlson

In a YouTube broadcast titled “These are the realities that actually matter,” Biden’s puppet Jen Psaki makes the point that standing up for our values has costs. Fair enough says Carlson but then asks, “What are our values and what is the cost.” He answers the questions: Gas prices are our values and the increase in gas prices would be an unbearable cost paid. Then comes the kicker: $5 for a gallon of gas is “a tragedy for a lot of people.” No, $5 a gallon of gas is not a tragedy. And would be less burdensome if the U.S had decent public transportation like that of France, whom Republicans hate more than any other nation. This is a tragedy: 

The mass exodus of refugees from Ukraine to the eastern edge of the European Union showed no signs of stopping Monday, with the U.N. estimating more than 520,000 people have already escaped Russia’s burgeoning war against Ukraine. (AP News) 

Most of the refugees are women and children who have been forced to abandon their homes. Most of the men—many civilians—have stayed behind to fight. Like Homer’s Hector in the Iliad, they are the good defenders of homeland and family. A tragedy is a woman being raped on a train while 10 other passengers look on. That is the tragedy born from me-generation decadence. From The Guardian “Children, teachers: civilian casualties of the Ukraine conflict.” That’s a tragedy. In addition, the article says, “The truth, they say, is the first casualty of war.”

Back in the U.S. as Gabby Gabbard and Babbler Carlson illustrate that the truth has been a casualty of political claptrap for decades in the U.S., going as far back as the Vietnam War—certainly much farther such as when American generals told Native Americans that they would honor treaties. One news source claims “Day 5 of Russia-Ukraine war: Over 5,000 people, including 14 kids, killed so far, say reports.” That’s a tragedy because it was unnecessary, the result of an evil will to power and conquest. Of interest, the citizens of European countries providing Ukrainian freedom fighters with support already pay $6 to $7 a gallon for gas (France $7.67, Germany $7.42, Greece $7.54, Poland $5.84, etc.). And unlike Americans, Europeans depended heavily on Russian oil and gas exports, but they are not wimping out by whining that an increase in gas prices would be a tragedy. 

The death of the diabolical Russian Reapers of course is not a tragedy but a victory against evil. Willingly or not, those who serve evil are themselves evil. The sad, sad lesson here is that things will never change. Evil men such as wormy heart Putin will always be with us just as cancer will be. They are as much a part of the human condition as are old age and death. So good men, who care about women and children, must always be ready to confront evil because though evil cannot be finally defeated the good can be defeated.

The good news for you, Greta, is that all that bloodshed caused by Putin-Russia has spurred in Europe green energy development and installation. New French law will blanket parking lots with solar panels:  "It will require all parking lots larger than about 16,000 square feet — able to hold roughly 50 American-sized cars, and more French ones — to build raised solar-panel canopies covering at least half of the surface of the parking lot. (Michael Birnbaum, The Washington Post):

Shadehouses covered with solar panels are seen at Disneyland Paris in Marne-la-Vallee.

"The measure could add 10 nuclear power plants’ worth of solar panels atop parking lots." See, America, socialism need not equal communism and can create jobs and improve lives. See, Putin-Russia, a nation can choose to be like France a creator  or a like Russia a destroyer. Go France!

For Gabby Gabbard and Babbler Carlson the only war worth worrying about is the war between the Democrats and their talking heads and the Republicans and their talking heads such as Gabby and Babbler. In a YouTube piece titled “This is moral blackmail,” Babbler Carlson works very hard to convince us that morality is being used to encourage action that is evil, a tragedy. It’s as if moral awareness is burdensome just as higher gas prices are a tragedy. What really angers the Babbler is that Biden is taking the moral high ground which means the Babbler’s do-nothing position (because doing something would be burdensome) takes the moral low ground. And the talking heads—Gabbard & Carlson—claim that Biden wants a war with Russia is logical fallacy—an appeal to fear and a distortion of the truth. 

Kristi Noem Gets It Right

In her commentary “This is what Biden Gave Putin,” Kristi Noem, a rare decent, intelligent, and America-loving politician got it right because she doesn’t loudly declare that Biden wants a war with Russia. She’s not looking to smear Biden—he does that just by being who he is. She just looks at his bad policy. First, Europe and the U.S. should have been focusing on energy independence so they don’t have to be enslaved to Nazi Putin. Poor little Greta Thunberg was hoping that the first priority for the world would be preventing global warming because being just a kid who still believed in the goodness of adults she couldn’t face the real threat to humanity—masculine aggression, global stupidity, and the threat of a conventional war going nuclear. The most pressing priority is and always has been national survival, meaning the survival of people today in the here and now. She’s disappointed in huMANity. And she should be.

If there were no evil, uncivilized men in the world such as Harbinger Putin, then we could focus on the civilized matters such as the environment. But these evil entities won’t allow that. When it comes to survival—right now—environmental considerations are secondary—national borders are primary. So responding to the demands of the leftist anti-America coalition led by death-to-America Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her fifth column Democratic squad, Biden arbitrarily canceled the Keystone Pipeline putting thousands of ordinary Americans out of work and jeopardizing the energy survival of America and its ability to help Russian dependent countries in Europe. Bedpan Biden rotting brain was ripe for subversion, just as was G.W. Bush tiny brain was ripe for subversion by Jewish neoconservatives.

Read in this blog for more of the ugly truth about America’s decline and fall from not a very great height.

Credit card company shill Biden was always more about self-promotion than about being wise. Poor Greta, allowed herself to become a slave to a global warming political ideology that would compromise America’s energy independence, which will be sorely needed if the diabolical Putin and his army of husks invade Sweden. (Will we still be able to buy IKEA? ask Babbler Carlson. What a tragedy if not. RIP Sweden.)

To address Czar Putin cyber-attacks Kristi Noem says the U.S. needs to develop cybersecurity and notes that South Dakota has a university doing just that. She focuses on issues rather than being a Republican attack dog mauling Biden. And unlike Babbler Carlson, her interviewer Stephen Doocy (a friend to America in spite of serving FOX) at least recognizes that Russia’s strongman Putin as an evil man who has evil destructive plans for Europe and the U.S.

Even attack dog Hannity gets it right. He knows that Biden is not a friend to America and points out that America’s import of Russian oil double last year under Biden. He says in spite of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and his war crimes the U.S. continued to import 500,000 barrels of oil every single day—when America shouldn't import anything from Russia or China, for that matter. As a practical matter, it's like feeding  a pet crocodile. Eventually, the feeder becomes its supper. Or as a moral matter, it's like doing business with Hitler or Stalin or Mao. Why do we continue to empower our greatest threats to us and world peace—Russia and China? Ignorance, decadence, and greed are why. To his credit, on March 8 President Biden announced a ban on U.S. imports of petroleum, coal, and natural gas from Russia. One can dislike Biden but good deeds should be praised whether or not you like the person. A principle neither Republicans nor Democrats follow. Their principle is a good deed done by a political opponent is to be condemned as an evil deed. Still, instead of finding ways to free Europe from the evil empire of Russia by providing European nations with gas and oil, Biden put a pause on oil and gas leases in America the very same day the rabid bear invaded Ukraine. That act deserves condemnation.

The logic deeds: Good deeds should be praised. Bad deeds should be condemned. However, good deeds cannot compensate for bad deeds. And evil deeds negate good deeds. In the end, like it or not, a person is a composite of good and bad deeds or all good deeds or all bad deeds. And they are all a matter of free choice, so there are no excuses. Thus, people who commit evil deeds during their lives end their lives in the evil category in spite of their good deeds. 

What about the Green New Deal? It's a program you would love, and just might be good for the country. But it reveals why nothing good can get done for the country. Its leader is hate-America Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who uses a good idea as a weapon kind of like the fake clap Pelosi gave Trump. Because perhaps a good idea (if its cost was reduced) comes from a American hater who uses the program to antagonize Republicans and their supporters and thus it failed failed to advance in the Senate though half the country was in favor of it. America is a divided country, no just politically, most countries are like France but culturally. The Democrats and the Republicans are like the Hatfields and the McCoys. They don't just disagree but hate one another, consider one another enemies. In spite of political differences the French are still united enough to come together over programs that benefit citizens and the environment. In other words, political rancor will not prevent  programs that benefit the country—such as universal health care, public transportation, and renewable, non-polluting energy—from being passed. In the U.S. political rancor does result in the welfare of the country being ignored. You see, Greta, I've known for a longtime that American political systems has been broken for a very long time, but I believed that after World War II it would get better. I'm sure many Americans believed that would happen after the Civil War. It didn't then or after War World II. It has only gotten worse. However, what I didn't realize until recently is that not not only is the political system broken but the country itself is broken—fragmented into pieces, more precisely. And it is beyond repair. It has become a nation made of multiple hostile fragments of ethnicities, histories, cultures, religious and secular ideologies, and political systems. In such a social morass a unified nation and culture cannot emerge. Originally Christianity unified the country but with pernicious effect. The united states are no longer united as they briefly were during the great war I was born into. Chaos has come again to America, and what has emerged is a society that exists in state that Thomas Hobbes describes as bellum omnium contra omnes, "war of all against all." So you and I both have something to be sad about.

In the Hannity piece Biden says we must start seeing ourselves for who we are: “Fellow Americans.” We're not fellow Americans. There is no such thing. Biden has just allowed a million plus non-Americans into the country, none of whom identify with America, have no roots in American history or culture, thus cannot be nor ever will be “fellow Americans.” Even he, Harris, and Pelosi are not fellow Americans because they are not American at all. They hate America and their supporters and fellow Democrats hate America. They laughed as America burned. Harris is a paper American, a fake black American, with no roots in American history most importantly slavery. Pelosi is an anti-American Marxist. And Biden hates America because Americans never have and still don’t recognize him as having any more substance than a depleted credit card. A shill for the credit card companies who sent Americans into bankruptcy who overused their credit cards to pay medical bills. That’s no way to win friends. There is nothing American about that triune. It’s as if the country is being ruled by Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

These are heroes and patriots: “Ukraine Invasion: Volunteers queue to join Ukrainian army”

America has become a gutted country. How is possible that U.S. citizens would do as the brave Ukrainians are doing when half the population rejects America, the other half feels betrayed by the government, and the millions of leftovers are from other countries to which their loyalties lies. They are in U.S. for the cornucopia of free benefits given to them by the Biden government. Really, how is it possible to be patriotic in a country whose inhabitants burned cities and are applauded by Democratic politicians? The Republican Party is no longer the party of reason and responsibility but a religious cult that worships money and hates homosexuals. With Trump it became a carnival of the surreal with the cultural, philosophical depth of a tractor pull, which is great for lovers of machines such as dragsters and hot rods which I adored in the fifties, but not for a political party: 

The Republican Party was once a party of rational conservatism, of moderation, and love of homeland. Its worldview was based on commonsense, not on ideology. But it was hijacked religious fundamentalism and the cult of mammon, which should have been incompatibles. The Democratic Party was once a party of the people—factory workers and farmers—but today has become a Marxist cult that is no longer a party of the American people. Both parties drifted away from the America that emerged from that terrible war. And America was lost.

Foreign Volunteers Join the Fight for Ukraine

Sounding a lot like Neville Chamberlain, let’s do nothing wimpy Carlson says (in his “This is moral blackmail“ commentary) that as a result of the Putin’s war on Ukraine “we could see many Americans die.” You know, Carlson, there are many Americans who are willingly risk their lives each and everyday for a moral imperative and to save the lives of others. A total of 96 firefighters died while on duty in the United States in 2021. Of those deaths, 59 were volunteer firefighters. The same year a total of 35 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty. Again the same year a total of 14 service members died due to hostile actions. In the Ukraine thousands of able-bodied men (ages 16–49) became soldiers. They don’t worry about increasing prices at the pump. The Babbler simply ignores Biden’s having said no American troops will be involved in Ukraine. What more is Biden expected to do, cut off his pinky finger to prove that he means what he says? But for Babbler Carlson it’s Biden, not Putin, who is the enemy.

Putinspeak: “The Europeans are coming! We must invade Ukraine!”

The idea that Europe is a threat Russia’s national security interest is nonsense. Yes, Napoleon and Hitler invaded Russia but they had also invaded European nations. Putin has already undone the nation as Stalin had done before him. Other than Russia there are 44 countries in Europe. None of those countries fear one another, but all of them fear Russia because Russia is a Europe-hating aggressor nation that has been under the control of maniacs since 1917. The Reason for the hatred is that Russia’s leadership hates the fact that European nations are not authoritarian dictatorships thus offer a humane, civilized contrast to what Russia has been since since the communist revolution—a totalitarian society.

Unlike Putin Russia, Europeans are not the war-loving people they once were. And today, unlike Russia’s husk people, they are enjoying life too much to want to go to war with one of the world most powerful and brutal military machine (known to shoot down passenger planes just for the fun of it). That’s all Russia is, a military based. Why does Russia, territorially the largest nation in the world, have an economy smaller than Italy? Because the Russians are lobotomized Morlocks who work in armament factories. Russia's wealth comes from nature in the form of diamonds, gold, oil, gas, and trees, not from the ingenuity and creativity of the Russian people because they have never been allowed to thrive.

They engage in no innovative intellectual, technological, artistic, and cultural creativity. Their Olympic Games athletes are hormonal cyborgs. JudeoMarxism was scalpel used to perform an ideological lobotomy on the Russian people and under thug Czar Putin, the nation never recovered to its former glory days of the 19th century. Yes, it was a time with oppressive czars but loads of artistic and intellectual creativity. Now there is just Czar Putin without the creativity. There were gulags under Stalin; now the entire country is a gulag and the Russian people are mindless slaves to the super-wealthy oligarchs who spend stolen money on a hedonistic lifestyle and luxury yachts:

“France seizes yacht linked to Russian oligarch at Mediterranean port”

It’s weird that Russia became communist to cleanse the country of exploitative czarist pigs who kept Russians poor. But communism kept the people just as poor but also made them boring. So it was overthrown and now the czar is back and exploitative capitalism is keeping Russians poor. What was prevented was to allow the talents of the Russian people to flourish. Decadent ostentatious displays of wealth are always disgusting but at least American movie actors (movie stars are extinct) and entrepreneurs earn their wealth rather than just appropriate from the people as do Vladimir Makarov Putin’s cronies. Really, Russia has become a mafia nation with Czar Putin playing the part of godfather. France has also been confiscating oligarch’s palaces and bank accounts in France. Go France!

I lived in Europe for eight years and never came across anything made Russia, yeah a lot of stuff is made in China because China might be a totalitarian nightmare but it produce quality stuff because its people are all about quality in the sense of quality in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values by Robert M. Pirsig. In fact, I’m writing on a Lenovo computer that I bought 9 years ago for about $300. I will never buy another Chinese computer, or anything else made in China if possible, again because China is a Marxist bully run by communist thugs who threaten the small nations of the Pacific Rim. I can't boycott made in Russia stuff because there is nothing to buy from Russia. The only quality in Russia is the military, which has been performing like a Lada in Ukraine but is still a doomsday machine. (The world is truly depressingly weird, Greta. You and your generation deserved better.) Evil, ignorant, selfish adults have failed all of you.

The quality of life is better in Brazil as long as you don’t get kidnapped. Like Rocket Man Kim Jong-un, the only way for Vladimir Makarov Putin can get attention is by grabbing his crotch and threatening to nuke civilized societies and to invade a small nations, though in the case of Ukraine one with friends. Russia has no friends. China, North Korea, Iran, and Syria are not friends and have no friends because hating doesn’t win friends. Whereas Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy is seen as a hero in his country and on the world stage, Vladimir Makarov Putin is seen as a demented murderous thug because that is what he is. He is a Russian version of Al Capone, a gangster, nothing more. People love comedians and hate gangsters. 

What about America?

A question that causes nausea in most Americans. America’s rapid decline is visible in its recent presidents, men who are pathetic laughingstocks. When listening to FDR one realizes that the country has declined 100%. We were unable to deal Covid-19 in a unified, dignified manner. The country collapsed like a decadent house of cards. China knew it would. Putin probably thought America would be too decadent to care about Ukraine. But old man Biden cared and that's all it took to open the cornucopia of us support. The truth is that Putin's invasion of Ukraine is both a bloody land-grab and a live-fire military exercise. He overlooked the fact that the civilized world hates bullies, or more likely he didn't care thinking he was invincible. That is why there are no warmongering leaders in Western Europe. Adolf Putin is a warmonger cut from the same cloth as Hitler. After Hitler and Mussolini Europe was done with warmongering leaders. Europeans only want peace, affluence, and a healthy environment. They have been working hard to bring about all three, whereas Putin is a destroyer of all three. Russian culture has the appeal of a dollar store. 

American Decadence Is a Tragedy

Because of its decadence America no longer serves as the great hope that the civilized world depended upon. And Americans couldn’t care less as long as they can buy their gas cheap and buy their cheap made-in-China stuff. If China was to slaughter a half million Taiwanese, which it wants to do and take the island, America couldn’t go to war with China. It lost to China during the Korean War when America was at its peak. Mao deployed around 250,000 Chinese “volunteers” fighting as the People's Volunteer (LOL) Army. American soldiers were the best but ran out of bullets fighting endless Chinese husks. Besides, war with China would mean Americans could no longer buy cheap made-in-China stuff—or would it? They would rather let the Chinese Godzilla swallow Taiwan.

China cannot be defeated conventionally but could be defeated easily and bloodlessly economically, but that would require American corporations making nothing in China and American consumers buying nothing made in China. But in Carlson’s terms not being able to buy cheap made-in-China stuff would be a tragedy on the scale of the Holocaust. Americans have become China’s junkies thus unable to make even a bloodless sacrifice. Russia also could not be defeated by America if such a war meant invading Russia. Napoleon failed and Hitler failed. Russia is having difficulty fighting the Ukrainians because Ukrainians are fighting for their homeland and the soil of their ancestors. The way to confront the Russians without sending troops is to isolate Russia from the civilized world so its only so-called friends would be Syria, China, North Korea, and Iran. (Yuck! That totalitarian cult is as appealing as collection of drug cartels and pedophiles.) No manufacturing in Russia, no trade of manufactured goods, no Russians allowed to enter the U.S. or European countries, and Russians already there who leave those countries would not be allowed to return.

The additional bonus would be no Russia crime organizations like the Red Mafia. Yeah, yeah, what about the Italian Mafia? Okay, but with the Italian Mafia come Italians and their wonderful culture—handsome men, beautiful women, food that is impossible to live without, a culture that brings a smile to one face. Americans flock to little Italys avoid Little Odessas having watched Eastern PromisesThe Equalizer and Taken 3, or played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The thing about the Italians in The Godfather is that even the bad guys have class. Italians have class—look at Dean Martin  and Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, and endless other classy Italians. Russian? A no-class culture of thugs. What else comes to mind? The Bolshoi Ballet? An orphan from a more civilized time. The state of the Russian state can be seen in the face of its leader. No class, dull and soulless. Uncivilized nations should be unwelcome among civilized nations. Russia is listed as an European nation. It isn’t. It once was, but no longer. It’s a rogue nation like North Korea. It's not even a nation but an criminal organization run by oligarchs.

The IKEA Episode

Sweden developed some moral backbone and told its companies not to do business with Russia. In good old WWII fashion IKEA balked at doing so. Greed before morality was its motto. But the Swedish government told IKEA tough shit. Do as you are told. So wimpy IKEA closed the manufacturing plant and put the employees out of work, but said it would continue to pay them. What? The goal is to put them out of work so the Russian government would have to pay them unemployment—not to put them on an extended vacation while Russian soldiers slaughter Ukrainian men, women, and children! Besides, the hands of all Russians are dirty, bloody really, unless they rebel against the evil doing of their evil president.

During the Vietnam War when America was engaged in doing evil under the auspices of evil politicians (only two senators, Wayne Morse (D-OR) and Ernest Gruening (D-AK) had the moral backbone to vote against going to war), young people took to the streets and protested. Protesting evil LBJ’s Vietnam War, students at Kent States were shot down by members of the National Guard. That is how to absolve oneself of the evil doings of one’s nation. And there were thousands young protesters during the Vietnam War. Of course, though evil, America was not a totalitarian society in which presidents engaged in assassinations of critics. 

America: no longer “a shining city upon a hill”

That was hardly be the case when Americans (in name only) were setting fires to American cities. Let’s face, America was never perfect, often not even close. Still, America was the best hope for the civilized world because only it possessed the power that could protect that world from dictatorial thugs like Putin. But that power for good was squandered by evil men such as LBJ and Bush Jr. and the politicians who did their bidding. The eyes of people from all over the world have been on America, and what they have witnessed is its rapid state of decay, a country in which $5 a gallon of gas is considered a tragedy.

The streets are lined with drug addicts, homeless, and the insane as recently noted by Dave Chappelle, who asked a question that can apply to America as a whole: “What the f—k happened to this place?” Corporations serve greed and evil ideologies. Politicians have become husks, deluded, self-serving, corrupt, and decadent. The old decent America still exist—mostly in small towns outside of big sin cities like L.A., Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, and New York—as it always has. Its goodness is consider antiquated. Who are the old decent Americans? They are the men and women devoted to family and work, who want to be good, though often fall sort because they are human. Still, they prefer to seek goodness and reject evil. They want to be the kind of people others can depend on.

They are farmers, fishermen, teachers, doctors and nurses, cops, soldiers, scientists, and teachers. They are good neighbors and believe it’s better to be a poor Good Samaritan than rich, powerful, and evil. I believe this because I’ve known these people—all of them as family, friends, fellow workers, and acquaintances. Some were foolish or misguided but none of the people close to me were evil, and some were perfect in their goodness and willingness to suffer and sacrifice for others. Unfortunately, the power and influence of common people is limited, and being law-abiding they have been easily tricked and deceived, thus betrayed, exploited, and manipulated by evil men. 

The Impossible Task before You, Greta.

You’ve already gotten a lot of blowback to your ideas. So have I. That’s because people prefer a beautiful lie to an ugly truth—usually about their behavior. Charles Darwin got blowback because of his theory of evolution. But he was devoted to finding the truth. Personally I find his truth beautiful because I prefer my origin to be all creatures great and small, male and female to a deity (Yahweh) that embodies pure aggressive masculinity and who declared war on the world seeking global conquest and dominance over all of humanity. Darwin said in a letter that “I work from a sort of instinct to try to make out the truth” (Charles Darwin by Cyril Aydon 208). His pursuit of truth is what made him different from most men who preferred a self-aggrandizing lie that the purpose of the entire Universe (actually an ugly). Darwin did not believe the animal origin of humans was an ugly truth. That his ancestor was an “ouran-outang” quite pleased him (Aydon 128). He loved plants and animals as much as he loved people. The reasons why should be obvious. The greatest enemies of humans are humans.

Your greatest enemy is masculinity that doesn’t want to be told what to do especially by a girl. What you want is inconsistent with what political systems and corporations run by men want. They want more wealth and more power, not less. In a way, what you are asking is similar to asking drug cartels not to sell drugs. Such men don’t care about creating a better world or about future generations. They care only about wealth and power. Their philosophy is carpe diem, seize the day by the throat if necessary as long as you get what you want.

Then you have those billions of people who live in an alternate reality—invented but no less real to them. Take JudeoChristians as an example. Why would they care about the environment and the old Earthly ways of living when Apostle Paul—the most influential hater of nature—tells them  every Sunday that the Rapture will occur any day now with all Christians being taken into the clouds to be with Jesus and his angels? You might recall that Paul says that the “earthly tent” isn’t worth saving because it is evil. That Earthly tent is the nature that Darwin loved. How can we believe Paul? He tells us that he got the information straight from the horse’s mouth—the resurrected Jesus when the he paid him a visit. Expect all Christians to ignore your warnings because they believe every word Paul says in his letters—written 2000 years ago! So they must be true. Just like the creation of life story in the book of Genesis must be true because it was written 2,600 years ago! In fact, Catholicism is an institution founded on Paul’s words, the words of Jesus who was, however, interested only in inspiring a spiritual kingdom in the here and now. But once an organization has power, it wants to keep it. There is no way it's going to say, "We got it wrong. Time to take the red pill and wake up to the truth."

If you are wondering what any of this has to do with your concerns about climate change, it’s this. The focus of religious believers is not on their Earthly existence but postmortem existence. That is the case not only for Christians but also Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and others representing most of the world’s population. Thus, global warming isn't an important issue to them. It might even be good because whatever happens is part of God’s plan. If the world blows up tomorrow, it was God's plan thus good. America's Armageddonites would like to see the end of the world come sooner rather than later. Thus, your appeals to preserve the world for future generations are meaningless to them.

This is also true for the Islamic ideology. The central focus of the Quran is the afterlife that offers, like Christianity, two destinations: paradise and a fiery Hell. Wikipedia  says, “Among the different terms and phrases mentioned above that refer to hell in the Quran, Al-nar (the fire) is used 125 times, jahannam 77 times, jaheem (blazing flames) 26 times, (23 times by another count)" ("Jahannam"). Paradise is referenced approximately 147 times. Clearly, Muslims would be more concerned about the afterlife than about global warming in this life, which most likely would not seriously affect them.

The same is essentially true for Buddhism and Hinduism and their concern with reincarnation or the transmigration of souls. My point is that these religious ideologies are impervious to worldly concerns unrelated to the afterlife.

Another problem is the us-versus-nature of the dominant Abrahamic religious ideologies. Judaism is the originator of the us-versus-them religious ideology. The "us" were the Hebrews and "them" were the pagans. As enemies of God pagans counted for so little that they could be cleansed from the Earth. JudeoChristianity adopted the same mindset toward not only pagans but also Jews and later Muslims or any religion that wasn’t Christian. JudeoIslam, which adopted the Old Testament ideology, continued the say us-versus-them way of thinking. And Marxism was the secular version of the us-versus-them ideology. Important here is that the “them” are not a concern for the “us,” yet for your mission to work requires altruistic concern for all of humanity—especially future generations. That concern isn’t present in cultures that live according to an us-versus-them ideology. All such ideologies claim to be ideology motivated by love but their dominant theme is hatred.

You also appealed to the United Nations. In fact, very few nations of the world are united. Here the problem is nationalism. Nations are first and foremost concerned about their own people. Again the us-versus-them mindset is present. Putin and his Russian sycophants are not concerned about the Ukrainians, whom they consider to be “them,” who are nothing more than an abstraction. Your appeal to reduce carbon emissions is based on Good Samaritan altruism. The ideologies just mentioned are essentially “all about us” selfish ideologies.

You can see why it’s a sad, sad world. Life is a tragic affair because being made of flesh and blood all creatures are susceptible to physical disease and injury. Humans and some animals suffer mentally. Death is the end of life for all living creatures, and death already makes life a tragic affair.  But what makes the world a truly sad places are the evil and stupid men who cause unnecessary suffering or fail to prevent preventable suffering thus add to the tragedy of life. There are good men and good women like yourself, but the evil of evil men often seems overwhelming. And their evil adds unnecessary suffering and sadness to the suffering and sadness that comes naturally to humans.

So, what is the solution, Greta? I don’t know. I would say just keep on promoting what you think must be done to improve the environment for everyone (including nature’s creatures) today and for future generations. You possess moral and practical intelligence, more so than the men you are trying to influence, men who are deficient in both. Today the great concern is the threat of artificial intelligence. You and I know that the greatest threat human existence is not artificial intelligence but is one that has been with humans their entire history—masculine intelligence made defective by powerful irrational instincts, desires, and emotions. Human reason is like Saint Anthony affected by demons—not supernatural demons but the demons of irrationality. Unfortunately, we don’t have a wise artificial intelligence like Gort in the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still to get selfish, indifferent men to do what is right. For you, the issue isn’t whether you will win in the end but your choice to live your life as a Good Samaritan rather than like the men who beat and robbed him. You don’t want just stand by like the 10 bystanders on the train did nothing while a woman was being raped. It is a sad, sad world, but people like you make it a little brighter.