Saturday, November 11, 2023

Satanic Hamas Laughs at Israeli Hypocrites!

"My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" 

All things are full of weariness; man cannot utter it.
All the works that are done under the sun
is vanity and a striving after wind.
In the place of justice, wickedness was there.
In the place of righteousness, wickedness was there.

I contemplated all the acts of oppression committed under the sun:
I saw the tears of the oppressed,
with no one present to comfort them.
Power was wielded by their oppressors,
and no one was there to comfort them.
Righteous people perish in their uprightness,
Wicked people grow old in their wickedness.

As a result, I regarded the dead as fortunate,
because they had already died
and thus were happier than the living
who were still alive.
But happier than both of these
is the one yet unborn
who has not witnessed the evil deeds
that are done under the sun.

At the hypocrisy of the Israelis. Says the Hamas Boss Man, “You think we are Satan's spawn, but we are not. We are your children. You accuse us of doing terrible things, but we learned to do them from you and your book which became our book and from your God which became our God. And this is what we learned from your book and from your God"

From the Book of Deuteronomy: “In the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods, so that you would sin against the LORD your God.”

Such hypocrisy!

From First Samuel: “Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.”

Such hypocrisy!

From the Book of Numbers: “Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.”

Such hypocrisy!

From the Book of Joshua: And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.” Such hatred that hates everything.

Such hypocrisy!

From the Book of Exodus: So Moses said, “This is what the Lord says: ‘About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.”

Such hypocrisy!

You complain about our slaughter of infants, children, mothers, and fathers, but we learned slaughter from you. You will not find mass murder or genocide in the Quran. The Quran does not condone the slaughter of infants, children, mothers, and fathers. The Quran says only “Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.”

Such hypocrisy!

You condemn us for hiding among Palestinian civilians. But you bomb them to kill us. You call us evil because we kill Jewish babies so that the Palestinians can have a home of their own but you kill Palestinian babies to kill us. We are all guilty of infanticide but we do not pretend to be innocent.

Such hypocrisy

But in fighting you we do as your book says and by doing so transgress the limits set upon us by the Quran. Yet, there are not limits for you. Even now as you destroy cities as your God destroyed cities with fire and brimstone. And you do the same.

Such hypocrisy!

From the Book of Genesis your God says this:  “Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.” Allah never did such thing. I wonder if we worship same God.

Such a sights warm the hearts of Israelis. They've hated us forever. It's all there in the their book the Old Testament:  “I will lay waste your cities. And you will become a desolation. Then you will know that I am the Lord." Again I wonder if we worship same God.

Such hypocrisy!

And you are the invaders, not us. Your ancestors came as Hyksos nomads and invaded disunited Egypt, set fire to the cities, razed the temples, squandered the accumulated wealth, who destroyed much of the accumulated art, and for two hundred years subjected the Nile valley. Finally, the rowdy Hyksos are driven out of Egypt. Says Manetho, an Egyptian historian of the third century B.C., “the Exodus was due to the desire of the Egyptians to protect themselves from a plague that had broken out among the destitute and enslaved Jews, and that Moses was an Egyptian priest who went as a missionary among the Jewish lepers.”

So driven out of Egypt the Israelites invaded Canaan and slaughtered the Canaanites, the ancestors of the Palestinians. Then foolishly your people started a war with Rome thinking your God would save you, but he did not. As with Jesus, he never does. You were scattered like dust in the wind. Then in 1948 you once against invaded our land the land that was ours before you first invaded it. And you invaded it because Hitler killed six million of your people. The Palestinian did not harm you, but you harmed them. It was Christians who killed you, not Palestinians. They treated you as your people treated the Canaanites and later Jewish Christians. You invaded Palestine with the help of Christian nations who felt guilty for how they treated you. So Palestine was invaded and Palestinian homes and towns were destroyed just as the homes and towns of ancient the Canaanites were destroyed. And the Palestinians were removed from their communities and homes and placed in reservations. You treated them as the Nazis treated you.

Such hypocrisy!

You hated us from the very beginning. When driven out of Egypt the first Canaanites you encountered were the Amalekites who attacked because you were invaders and you believed your God gave you permission to possess their land as an inheritance and commanded you to blot out the name of Amalek from under heaven. And your God sought their extermination. And now they no longer exist.

Such hypocrisy!

And when Shechem the Hivite fell in love with Dinah and took her your ancestors took revenge because she was disgrace, not for being raped but for having sex with a Canaanite pagan. The Hivites were willing to make amends by being circumcised to become Jews.  But your people killed every male and took their flocks, the cattle, the donkeys, and everything else in the city and in the fields because they hated pagans. They took everything of value, captured all the Hivite women and children, and carried off everything in the houses. You never respond with moderation because your hatred will not allow it. For you love never conquers hate. And from you we learned to hate. It was an outrage that a pagan would fall in love with an Israelite but not for the Israelites to take the pagan women to be slaves like Hagar the Egyptian slave of Abraham. Your celebrated King David had concubines, some he left to die, and his son Solomon had three hundred concubines. And David committed adultery with Bathsheba and arranged the death of her husband, his most loyal soldier Uriah the Hittite. Yet a tribe is destroyed because Shechem fell in love with a Jew.

Such hypocrisy!

In his play The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare tells how much you hate everybody, the hated goyim. Shylock the Jew is constantly saying about the goyim “I will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray with you” because he hates the goyim. The essence of such men is hatred, men who associate only with other haters like themselves united by an ideology of hatred.

Shakespeare is called an anti-Semite but he wasn’t. Unlike Moses and Ezra he celebrates the love between the Jew and the gentile. He has the Jewess Jessica fall in love with the Loenzo who loves her even though she is a Jew. And what was her father’s response? He says, “My own flesh and blood rebel” because it was a sin for Jews to marry non-Jews. He is like the prophet Ezra who tells the Jews who have married pagans, “Separate yourselves from the peoples around you and from your foreign wives.” Yet, Shakespeare’s play celebrates the love between the Jews and gentile. And in Romeo and Juliet  love overcomes the hatred of feuding families. For the gentile Shakespeare, unlike for you, love is able to conquer hate. The hater's daughter Jessica says love is blind because love comes from the heart not from an ideology of hate. And like Moses, Shylock says “I wish my daughter were dead at my feet.” Moses told his soldiers to “Now kill all the boys. And kill every Midianite woman who has slept with an Israelite man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.” You hated our ancestors as you hate us. Your ancestors took our girls as slaves and concubines; otherwise, they were meaningless to you. And you complain about being the victims of racism.

Such hypocrisy!

You believe anti-Semitism emerged ex nihilo from the minds of the goyim, but like everything it had a cause or causes in your case. The great Israeli historian Victor Tcherikover examines the causes of anti-Semitism in his masterful book Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews. And the causes are ancient, long before Shakespeare’s time. Tcherikover examines ancient thinkers who addressed the causes of anti-Semitism. But first let what he says about the Greeks serve as a preface: “What impelled the Greeks to oppose the Jews? National hatred in the modern sense did not exist in the ancient world, and much less religious hatred. The Greeks were familiar with many foreigners from abroad who had settled in their cities, but had found no need to carry on a violent attack against them. Why did they hate the Jews of all people?” (372). And from F.E. Peters about the Jews living in pagan Hellenistic Egypt: "The number of Jews in Egypt may have reached on million by Roman times, but whether the figure is accurate or not, the Jewish population of Egypt was considerable. Most of them lived in Alexandria [named after Alexander the Great, king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon] and grew cultured and prosperous" (The Harvest of Hellenism 296-297).

Here are the opinions of the ancients according to Tcherikover. The first is the Greek historian Hecataeus of Abdera (360 BC – 290 BC). He “remarks that Moses initiated a form of life encouraging seclusion from humankind and hatred of aliens,” including “the Jewish refusal to eat at Gentile tables, and this may have impressed him as incomprehensible pride and hatred of aliens” (360-361). 

Then comes Manetho, (flourished c. 300 BC), an Egyptian priest who wrote a history of Egypt in Greek. The Jewish priest and historian Flavius Josephus (c 37-100 AD) preserved “two extracts if very great importance for the present question” (361). First is about the Hyksos nation which “attacked Egypt and ruled it for over five hundred years. Forced out of Egypt, they turned toward Syria, and on their way there found the city of Jerusalem in the land of Judaea” (361). The brutal conquest of Canaan! The Jews were always invaders and aggressors. In the second extract Manetho says Osarseph, aka Moses, “forbade them [Jewish lepers] to associate with people not of their persuasion. He fortified Avaris with walls and sent an invitation to the descendants of the Hyksos who lived in Jerusalem to come to has aid in the conquest of Egypt. They obeyed him willingly and came to Egypt to the number of 200,000.... This rule [of the lepers/Jews] was of unparalleled cruelty; the lepers burned down towns and villages, plundered temples, defiled the images of the gods, converted shrines into shambles.” Ultimately, the king of ancient Egypt Amenophis drove the invaders out of Egypt (362). So the Jews did not have to escape Egypt. They were invaders driven from Egypt. Says Tcherikover, “His [Manetho] account of the Hyksos and the lepers explains to the reader the Jews’ origin. Amenophis expels the Jerusalemites and the lepers from Egypt and pursues them to ‘to the frontiers of Syria,’ and it is clear that the Hyksos returned whence they had come, to Jerusalem, and the lepers went with them” (362-363).   

Josephus says Osarseph “changed his name and called himself Moses” (362). “Manetho wanted to show his readers that the Jews’ ancestors, the lepers, had already publicly manifested the negative characteristics later inherited by the descendants: cruelty, hatred of customs of other religions,, the striving to seclude themselves from others and to find associates only among themselves” (363). Is this anti-Semitism? Of course it is. It means hatred of the people who hate you and brought conquest, death, and destruction upon your people. It is, in other words, hatred caused by cruel, villainous deeds such as those occurring in Gaza.

“The Jews told stories of Joseph as a wise governor of Egypt, whereas Manetho replied that he had ruined the country, polluted the shrines and persecuted religion.... The Jews claimed that God had brought them out of Egypt, while Manetho asserted they had been expelled the fro the country after they had ruled it brutally for thirteen years. Thus was created the first anti-Semitic book” (363-364). The question that arises is how does one write a positive book about a people who ruined one’s country? Is hatred of Nazi Germany justified? Of course it is. Is the hatred of Native Americans toward the people white people who destroy them and stole their homelands justified? Of course it is. Hatred is evil only when it has no cause. And should one love people who hate you? Hate breeds hate. It’s that simple.

In reference to Jewish misanthropy Greek politician, astronomer, astrologer, geographer, historian, mathematician, Posidonius (c 135 – 51 BC) relates the story that “when Antiochus Sidetes attacked Jerusalem, his courtiers advised him to exterminate the Jews completely, arguing that they alone of all the peoples refuse to come into contact with other peoples and regarded all of them as enemies” (368). Even if the story is only a legend reflects how the thinking and behavior of ancient Jews were  perceived by pagans, whom the Jews robbed, slaughter, and hated, which they celebrate in the Old Testament. Anti-Semitism is a coin with two sides. On one side is the hatred of the Jews. On the other side is the Jews hatred of all the non-Jewish peoples of the world. Tcherikover continues saying that the Greek rhetorician Apollonius Molon (c. 70 BC) "wrote of the Jews: 'They do not accept among themselves people who entertain different outlooks on Gd, nor do they wish to come into contact with those whose customs differ from their own'" (368). You complain that you are hated by others but you created their hatred. In other words, it appears that you do not wish to live without enemies, so you created a religion of war, rather than a religion of  peace. And when one of your own sought peace saying, "Blessed are the peacemakers," you crucified him and  corrupted his message .

Such hypocrisy

So there you have it, the roots of anti-Semitism are found in the thinking and behavior of the Jews. It didn’t appear ex nihilo. It had a cause. It's time for you to look in the mirror that is your history.

Such hypocrisy

And you hated Christians as much as you hated pagans, having their prophet Jesus who preached love crucified as a criminal. And Saul was your assassin who persecuted Jewish Christians. Then Saul became Paul who transformed Jesus' Christianity into a religion of hatred. His is the Christianity practiced by Christians, not the religion of Jesus. And once he became a Judeo-Christian he and fellow revolutionary Silas travel inland along the Via Egnatia to Philippi to subvert the pagans of the Roman Empire so they would destroy themselves. Their success is described in the  book of Acts: “And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily” (16:5). Their god of hatred had called them to preach the gospel of self-hatred and loathing to the pagans. The pagans caught Paul and Silas and to them to the marketplace to the rulers. They complained that “These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city, and teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans” (16:20-21). As it  would turn out, Paul caused more than just a little trouble. His ideology of hatred taught the pagans of Rome Empire to hate one another because he hated them. The destruction Paul caused is described by Catherine Nixey in her book The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical world. And yet we are the evildoers.

Such hypocrisy!

And you pat their backs and smile at American Christians with pocket bulging with $$$ when they come to Jerusalem their portal to postmortem paradise because you receive billions of $$$ each year in military goods from the U.S. But behind their backs you laugh at them because they like the pagans you hated theirs is a polytheistic religion (2≠1) and like the pagans they believe Yahweh impregnated a human girl (thirteen or fourteen years of age) as Zeus impregnated Alcmene who gave birth to Hercules. At the time, Mary was engaged to Joseph who sought to dismiss Mary quietly but Yahweh sent an angel to convince him to take Mary as his wife. Mary gave birth to a man who was also a God (human ≠ God) who died on the cross crying out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

We too laugh but do not pretend to be America’s friend. But how can you be and mock the God of the American Christians who are the greatest supporters of Israel by pissing on a portrait of Jesus?

Such hypocrisy!

And you pretend to be America’s friend but your Marxists have brought America to its knees. We’re told by one of your own, Ro’i, Yaacov Professor of History, Tel Aviv University,  that “Jews played a prominent role in the Communist Party from its inception” and “Jews were proportionately overrepresented in the RSDWP [Russian Social Democratic Workers Party] from the start.”


And like Paul destroyer of the Roman Empire, you tried to do the same to Germany with your Marxist ideology after World War I, but you only created a monster who sent you to death camps. You’ve been very good at creating monsters that turn on you and everyone else. And now you are the monster who turns hospitals into morgues and buries children under the rubble of your destruction.

Such hypocrisy!

Most important to you has always been to have a homeland of your own. That is what you sought once driven out of Egypt, a homeland of your own, which you took by violence. Yet, you do not understand the need of the Palestinians for a homeland of their own where they can be safe from you.

Such hypocrisy!

And today you turn the communication devices people such as doctors, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians depend on into explosive devices killing or injuring anyone nearby. That's the modus operandi of terrorists. Welcome to the terrorist club! Now it's clear that there is no such thing as collateral damage for Israelis, just as there weren't for the Old Testament Israelites. So now Israel joins the fraternity of terrorist organizations. Ha, ha, ha!!!

Such hypocrisy!

Netanyahu’s Playground, Gaza

We laugh at your self-righteousness.


Wisdom of Cows

The Old Man in the Moon smiles wryly thinking that the human species was the only one given reason, yet cows in the meadow show greater wisdom.

The Wisdom of the Cow
The friendly herbivore the cow is among nature’s greatest philosophers.
Some are very quick learners, while others are a little slower.
But he or she, as you will, is a lover of peace,
aggressive not by nature but only when necessary.
Being gregarious cows enjoy company
tolerant other species who live differently.
They share their meadow with other creatures
birds, goats, sheep, chickens, pigs, donkeys, mules, and horses.
They even welcome deer to their pasture.
Any nonaggressive creature is welcome.
They are massive creatures yet graceful gentle giants.
They are gently curious but not overly so.
Never greedy, they are content wherever grass grows.
They live stoically without complaint
nobly enduring snow, wind, and rain.
Unless one of their fellows die,
then they lament mooing mournfully.
Buddha-like they enjoy the simple life,
nonaggressive at heart unless aggressed, startled, or stressed.
Unlike humans they don’t make enemies among their own.
Cows have enemies but are not enemies to others.
They even serve as protectors of lesser creatures
such as goats and sheep threatened by hungry predators. 
They enjoy just being in the world
with family and companions
and enough of grass for grazing.
Neither reason nor ideology is needed.
Nor God to create enemies
where none existed before.