Christmas should not be celebrated, except as a day of atonement for all the harm brought upon the world by the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition, a tradition that began with a wrathful God that once flooded the world to destroy all life except for a boat load of survivors just because he was angry with the pathetic beings he created in his own image. Supposedly he created the world, but only because he is a bully that needs to be worshipped by his cloned children, who are severely punished if they choose to worship a different god, such as nature, and become romantic poets or philosophers or scientists.
His so-called chosen people, the Jews, used the belief that they are the raison d'ĂȘtre of a 14-billion-year-old universe to conquer the Canaanites and appropriate the Canaanites’ homelands, and nothing in their thinking and behavior has change since then. The Holy Land remains an open sore of human suffering.
Christians expanded the focus of that aggression to include all the peoples of the world and nature herself, which Christians consider to be either the devil’s workshop or raw material for their person use—and nothing more. And of course Christians, like the Jews and Muslims, cannot help fighting one another, each antagonistic group believing it possesses the truth, never considering the possibility that none of them possess the truth.
Islam is most noted today as a militant religion obsessed with fighting, having matured culturally no further than the pre-Renaissance Christians. Perhaps the greatest evidence of the failure of Islam is the internal bloodletting occurring today in Iraq and Palestine among various Islamic groups, which is not to imply that somehow Christendom has overcome its aggressive ways. It has not, as demonstrated by America’s own Christian Ayatollah, President Bush, and his religious war against the Iraqi infidels. And even the great bloodletting of the twentieth century was inspired by ideologies that can be considered offshoots of the Christian will-to-power.
As humanity approaches its end caused by societal decay, war, disease, and natural catastrophes such as global warming (actually global warming is becoming the mother of natural catastrophes), it becomes evident that the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God is a false God, a God incapable of creating harmony for humanity because he (appropriately named given he is the product of male chauvinism) has proven himself to be a God that inspires disharmony and chaos. But this negative capability in no way demonstrates his being all-powerful, for he has no power over his children without acting as a divine Santa Claus passing out such benefits as miraculous cures and eternal life. His weakness is demonstrated especially during Christmas when his followers abandon him to engage in an obscene bacchanalia of shopping and worshiping the god of consumption.
Nevertheless, those who celebrate Christmas are acting in accordance with their faith, believing they are entitled to everything, that they should not be denied a single wish. That is why Christian nations have intruded into the affairs of the Middle East, for the same reason they invaded and appropriated the homelands of the indiginous peoples of the world, because they believe it is their God-given right to do so, just as Jews believe God gave them the right to the homeland of the Palestinians. Of course, Muslims believe that they have the right to slaughter men, women, and children in the name of Allah.
The Judeo-Christian-Islamic God has brought horror upon the world; thus Christmas should not be a time of celebration, but a time of mourning and despair, especially given the fact that these theologies continue to sow their seeds of greed, destruction, and sorrow.
Christmas cannot be time of time of celebration until the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition has come to an end, but I am afraid that time will never come because, as that brilliant secular Jew Sigmund Freud explained in his The Future of an Illusion, these religions are security blankets needed by peoples who have not fully matured into adulthood. They truly are the God’s children. He would also say that their religions are inspired by the ego self (the I and the me). If there be such a thing as a true (i.e., good) religion, it would have to be one that promises the believer nothing but his or her own love for the world.