In the same edition of the San Diego Union-Tribune is an article titled “Insurgents kill 9 U.S. solders in Sunni strongholds.” It should read “George Bush kills 9 U.S. solders in Sunni strongholds” because President Bush is responsible for every person killed in the Iraqi War. It is his war. And Bush has killed so many people that perhaps he is not a warmonger but has actually achieved the status of war monster.
Of course, no one in room expected to hear any wisdom from these two shinigamis. Being in the same room with Olmert and Bush is like being in the room with two sociopaths. If they are unarmed or in a cage, you ignore their rantings, but if they are armed then you pay attention. Bush and Olmert are both armed sociopaths; their weapons are their nations’ militaries. It even could be argued that Israel has been a sociopathic state since its inception, a monster given life by Great Britain and the U.N. (actually a collection of lesser nations that made up the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine). What they released upon the world was a monster not unlike that created by Victor Frankenstein. The creation was a crime and its aftermath has been one of warfare, repression, destroyed lives, and international instability. Perhaps the best is to come: World War III.
Serving as Israel’s ally has made America an anathema in the Middle East and an enemy to a billion Muslims, for the legitimate reason that Muslims see Israel’s existence as a violation of international law and a continual act of terrorism. George Bush, a born-again nut case believes that by standing by Israel he is carrying out a higher law, which is literally nonsense. In the words of Olmert, who looked very much like a zombie in a suit, the Palestinians must recognize the right of the state of Israel to exist. The question is What right? A right given by a motley crew of insignificant nations (specifically Canada, Czechoslovakia, Guatemala, Netherlands, Peru, Sweden, and Uruguay)? More nonsense. Recently on NPR an Israeli woman answered the question by saying God gave the Jews the right to Palestine, which is the ultimate nonsense. Whose God? She might as well have said that the Elder Scrolls by Bethesda Softworks gave the Jews the right to Palestine.
In other words, claiming one’s people has a right to something because their God gave them that right is a ploy Jews have been using since the good old days of the Old Testament when Yahweh's miraculous intervention, enabled the Jews to annihilate the Canaanite populace. (Europeans and Americans used the same justification to destroy the Indian nations and confiscate their homelands--using the same game book, the Bible.) This is the picture that the two warmongers probably had in mind when they invaded the Muslim nations Lebanon and Iraq: God is our sword. To be fair, that is also a favorite phrase among Muslims.
But if Yahweh is on the side of the Jews, then they should not need the help of the United States. Not only do they have Yahweh’s help but also nuclear weapons and the support of wealthy and politically influential American Jews. (Without this influence it is doubtful the U.S. would be involved in the Iraq War. Google
Considering warmonger Sen. John McCain said that it would be fine with him “to have a U.S. military presence in Iraq for 100 years” (Bush is comfortable with 10 years), the American people might want to ask themselves how many trillions of dollars, how many thousands of lives (obviously the sacrifice of millions of lives would be all right with these warmongers), and how much disgrace is worth Iraq worth.
I believe that the Islamic war against the U.S. would cease as soon as America stopped meddling in Middle East affairs. The 9-11 attacks occurred primarily because the U.S. had a military presence in Saudi Arabia, and secondarily because of U.S. support of Israel’s occupation of Palestine. If America pulled out of the Middle East, those people would go back to killing themselves, which seems to be their favorite pastime when not under the thumb of a dictatorship such as that of the Saudis or that old bad guy and political realist Saddam Hussein. Of course, it is a good idea to keep the Muslims out of one’s own country. The U.S., France, Great Britain, and Spain have suffered as a result of disregarding that bit of commonsense, which is simply, Keep the enemy outside the city gates. The flip side is, of course, not to invade other peoples’ homelands and cities.
One reason touted for U.S.’s being in Iraq is oil, but fighting a trillion-dollar war for cheaper oil does not seem to make much economic sense, especially when oil is not all that cheap anyway. Of course, war profiteers such as Vice President Cheney’s Halliburton make a bundle either way. That Americans foot the bill in blood and dollars to make obscenely wealthy moguls wealthier is beyond me. It almost seems that most Americans are not any smarter than the man they elected to mislead them.
Could they make that mistake again? Why not? They did twice with George W. Bush.