Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Pope Meets the Dope

The Pope Meets the Dope

That’s right the Pope arrives in America to meet with the President of the United States. This holy man shows up wearing a white dress and red shoes, looking absolutely ridiculous. The scene was so unreal I expected to see flying monkeys swarming about these strange beings from the Dark Ages.

During a speech to American Bishops the Pope warned of the “subtle influence of secularism.” Heaven forbid that America ever grows up and puts away its childish beliefs and religious security blankets. I mean Americans expect their children to quit believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy but they keep on believing the in the man-god Jesus (though he couldn’t prevent himself from getting nailed to the cross), virgin births, devils and angels, and old man Yahweh sitting high above mankind like old man Zeus waiting to cast all the human sinners into a burning lake of fire.

Basically, secularism is the inability to believe in fairytales. If what these guys really represented any truth whatsoever, they could wear business suits instead of dressing up like Trekkies. How anyone could have ever believed that Americans were a commonsensical, can-do people is beyond me. Culturally and mentally they have progressed no further than a tribe of Hottentots (whose religion was in fact more logical than that of the Americans because at least the Hottentots worshipped something real--the forces of nature—and were thus much more respectful of nature than Americans have been). And of course the poor Hottentots were invaded and destroyed by peace-loving Christian Europeans, the Dutch, who traded their diseases for the Hottentots’ land. Sounds a lot like Christian America’s killing off the Indians and buffalo or in Iraq spilling blood for oil and Israel.

Of course, Christian America has every right to invade (conquering looks out of the question in Iraq) a country populated by the believers in a false religion, though I haven’t yet figured out how one can prove the validity of Islam or Christianity. But when it comes to religion (unlike science) hard evidence and logic are considered the tools of the devil to tempt people into secularism.

Perhaps I am overlooking the gifts religion has showered upon humanity recently.

The gift of Catholicism to America has been hundreds if not thousands of molested children by a bunch of sicko priests. The Church has also been a prime mover in created sanctuaries for the illegal immigrants invading America because the Catholic Church is running out of believers (except for pedophiles) and priests. Could it be that Americans were beginning to see the light? The fact is the Catholic Church is at war with America and can’t wait until the country is populated by a majority of Hispanics because Catholicism has always been most successful among the uneducated.

Then there is the gift of Protestantism, most recently in God’s servant George W. Bush, who was brought to and kept in power by born-again Christian lemmings. And where has our great Christian leader led America? Into a quagmire of war, poverty, and infamy. And where is God when Saint George needs him most? Maybe nowhere.

Then there is the gift of Mormonism. If Mormon-World was a theme park it would be a house of horrors. “Daughters honor your fathers by marrying them when you are twelve or thirteen years of age.” “And mothers you must serve your husbands by remaining barefoot, stupid, and pregnant—and of course by letting your husbands fuck your daughters.” Oh yeah, the Mormons also believed that Africans were descendants of Cain and Ham, who, according to the Bible, displeased God and were cursed (revealed to everyone by their black skin). Sick, sick, sick.

Then we have the Jews, God’s chosen people, apparently chosen to make the modern world a big mess. The Jewish faith, and thus the Jewish people are not unlike Pandora’s Box that released all the evils upon the world. However, the Jewish Box is just one of many religious boxes. The establishment of the State of Israel (which was really a religiously motivated and justified action—God’s chosen people deserving the return of their homeland) has released all sorts of evils upon the modern world. Doing so was like beating an Islamic hornet’s nest with a stick (the Jewish people being the stick and the beater being first and foremost a demented America that had come under the sway of the Jews living in America).

And what have Americans gained by siding with the Jewish usurpers of Palestine? Nothing but the loss of blood, money, and reputation, most recently in the form of the Iraq War. Have you forgotten that Saddam Hussein was Israel’s greatest enemy? What is the connection between Americans fighting in Iraq and Israel? The answer is Neocons.

Who are the Neocons? “The first major neoconservative to embrace the term was Irving Kristol [a Jew], in his 1979 article "Confessions of a True, Self-Confessed 'Neoconservative.'" Kristol's ideas had been influential since then 1950s, when he co-founded and edited Encounter magazine. Another source was Norman Podhoretz [a Jew], editor of Commentary magazine from 1960 to 1995. By 1982 Podhoretz was calling himself a neoconservative, in a New York Times Magazine article titled " (“Neoconservatism,” Wikipedia)

It is persuasively claimed that the neocons presently control the American government through their Christian servant George W. Bush. The neocon cabal includes individuals inside and outside of government, both Republicans and Democrats. A partial list: Joe Lieberman, Richard Perle, Ari Fleischer, Josh Bolten, Ken Mehlman, Dov Zakheim, Paul Wolfowitz, Lewis Libby, Elliott Abrams, Douglas Feith, Michael Chertoff, William Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, Midge Decter, Charles Krauthammer, Jonah Goldberg, and David Horowitz.

Whether Americans like it or not, America has become the whore of the Jewish people. American soldiers in Iraq are not shedding blood to protect America or even for oil. They are being killed and maimed for Israel and Jews living in America, who rightly believe that Americans are a bunch of schlemiels.

Then there’s the gift from Islam. What Muslims worship most is war, apparently because it’s the quickest way into Paradise. However, Islam is like the San Francisco Tiger, Tatiana, whose space was violated by what it considered to be an alien species. Stay out of their territory and you will not expose yourself to their militant violence. And keep them out of your country for the same reason. The 9-11 attackers were Muslims living in America (who were motivated by the presence of Americans infidels in Saudi Arabia and by America’s support of the Jewish occupation of Palestine). And the French and British have learned that the Islamic presence in their homelands is nothing but a recipe for trouble—forever.

So we watch as the Pope is welcomed by the dope and consider the nasty joke religion has played on the world. Would a secular world be any better? Couldn’t be any worse.

Let’s face it--any normal person watching religion at work can only conclude that it is a disease of the brain. It distorts the religiously infected person’s perception of reality, causing him or her to believe that the world is populated by invisible beings such as gods, ghosts, spirits, devils, angels; to believe impossible actions to be possible, such as creating the Universe in six days, the dead living again, walking (barefoot or wearing sandals) on water, and a spirit getting a flesh and blood woman pregnant. (By the way, was God the first derelict father? Jesus seems to think so when he’s hanging on the cross.); and to believe that an old white man can look good wearing red shoes.

Religion also causes people to believe that immoral acts are morally acceptable as long as they are committed in the name of religion, for example, the killing of heathens, witches, infidels, and homosexuals or the taking lands belonging to others. It’s all good if it’s done in the name of religion. If Abraham had killed his son Isaac, he would have gotten off by simply claiming that God told him to do it. And how do know if the voice you hear is God’s voice, such as when President Bush prayed for divine guidance before he had America invade Iraq? The reality is you don’t and it doesn’t matter anyway as long as you believe you are doing God’s will. Like I said, it’s a mental disease.

Friday, April 11, 2008

George Bush Kills Thousands, but Laura Bush Saves One: So All Is Well in Gotham City, U.S.A.

Did you read that touching story in the recent April AARP Bulletin about how an interview with Laura Bush on heart health in the July/August 2007 edition of the magazine helped save a woman’s life? And as a result the nurse who told Mrs. Bush of the story was invited by the First Lady to the 2008 State of the Union address.

How sweet! :-)

Now let’s see how Laura’s fortuitous good deed compares with the effects of her husband’s war on human life in Iraq the same year. 1015 American soldiers were killed in 2007, which means the year Laura saved one life her husband killed 1015 American soldiers. Then, of course, there is the number of wounded and injured, which is usually 10 times higher than the number of deaths. And then there are the 1000s more of Iraqi men, women, and children killed and injured that year.

Using the logic of the popular news media, it all seems to balance out nicely; so the First Couple should be able to continue to sleep soundly and the First Lady can continue to smile in public. However, I suggest she stop wearing red dresses. They make me think of the torn and bleeding bodies of American soldiers and Iraqis that we never see in the American news media. Obviously, you don’t want to make people feel uncomfortable, sad, or angry when you are trying to sell them something.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Supreme Sacrifice

Today I read about an American soldier killed while saving the lives of his fellow soldiers. His sacrifice was called the supreme sacrifice. And it was in so far as he gave his life so that his fellow soldiers could live. However, the problem with talking this way is that it is intended to somehow sanction through personal sacrifice the destruction of Iraq and its people and to remove from soldiers their responsibility in that destruction.

The sister of this soldier said that her brother was a man “solid in his beliefs but one who didn’t preach patriotism.” I find that to be a very vague sentiment for being willing to participate in an immoral and illegal war that has accomplished nothing other than death, injury, destruction, and the waste of vital American resources.

Patriotism has nothing to do with the war in Iraq unless being patriotic means doing whatever your demented president wants you to. Certainly, the soldiers who served Hitler were patriotic and often heroic, but that is beside the point. They served evil and by doing so became the instrument of evil.

The fact is this soldier died in the service of evil (George W. Bush), which is not to say his action was unheroic. It wasn’t. However, had he been stationed on the American border with Mexico protecting Americans from the thousands of illegal aliens who invade this country each day, then he would have served a genuinely patriotic good: protecting America from invaders.

As is, he served only empty abstractions that came out of the mouths of petty politicians. There is no doubt in my mind that this soldier was a human being of far greater worth than those who sent him to Iraq and wasted his life on their nefarious schemes.

And now we hear Senator McCain saying that we are morally obligated to remain in Iraq because “a precipitous withdrawal could unleash sectarian tensions--leading to a full scale civil war that could destabilize the Middle East.” Well he should have thought about that before voting in favor of the war and wasting billions of taxpayers’ dollars and the lives of those who sought to serve the good, not the twisted ambitions of the evil men such as McCain and his commander in chief. But that would be expecting too much from a man who participated in a war that killed 2 million plus Vietnamese.

The sad fact is beyond saving the lives of his comrades, this hero died for nothing, or worse, for evil, and the family should be mad as hell at the U.S. Government for betraying them and their son.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

NATO’s Being Used as a Pawn by George Bush

Once again President George Bush shows that all he can think about is WAR. Now he is championing the expansion of NATO to include the former Soviet Union states of Ukraine and Georgia, which NATO needs as much as the U.S. needs more illegal immigrants.

So what is Bush’s motive? Well you might recall that Ukraine and Georgia were bribed into becoming part of the COALITION OF THE COERCED THE BRIBED for Bush’s war against Saddam Hussein, a war planned and promoted by NEOCON Jews (such as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Elliott Abrams, Abraham Shulsky, Scooter Libby, Ari Fleischer, to mention a few) who have infiltrated the American government and taken control of the Bush administration.

What did the Ukraine and Georgia contribute to Bush’s war? Ukraine: 1650 troops peek level, 37 at present. Georgia: 2000 troops peek level, 800-850 a present. Obviously their participation served the main purpose of fattening the list of the COALITION OF THE COERCED THE BRIBED to give official credibility to a war the rest of the world sees as both immoral and illegal. So what Bush is doing at the NATO conference is rewarding the Ukraine and Georgia for their unethical participation in the Iraqi slaughter.

The fact remains that all of the nations fighting on the side of America in Iraq are fighting on the behalf of Israel, whether they like it or not. Certainly, oil is an issue, but America bought oil from Hussein and continues to buy it from other regimes run by dictators or oligarchs, so oil was not the primary issue, especially when American oil companies are at present making obscene profits.

However, Bush’s Iraq War is in part responsible for driving up the price of oil by contributing to the decline of the dollar and alienation of oil producing nations such as Saudi Arabia against America. Let’s face it, why would any nation give a shit about how much American motorists are paying at the pump when American motorists have never given a shit about the tens of thousands of Iraqis killed and maimed by the imbecile Americans re-elected (after it was clear that Bush was guilty of war crimes) as president of the United States.

And what about those WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRIUCTION? Anyone with a brain knows that in reality they were WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION.