Tuesday, April 1, 2008

NATO’s Being Used as a Pawn by George Bush

Once again President George Bush shows that all he can think about is WAR. Now he is championing the expansion of NATO to include the former Soviet Union states of Ukraine and Georgia, which NATO needs as much as the U.S. needs more illegal immigrants.

So what is Bush’s motive? Well you might recall that Ukraine and Georgia were bribed into becoming part of the COALITION OF THE COERCED THE BRIBED for Bush’s war against Saddam Hussein, a war planned and promoted by NEOCON Jews (such as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Elliott Abrams, Abraham Shulsky, Scooter Libby, Ari Fleischer, to mention a few) who have infiltrated the American government and taken control of the Bush administration.

What did the Ukraine and Georgia contribute to Bush’s war? Ukraine: 1650 troops peek level, 37 at present. Georgia: 2000 troops peek level, 800-850 a present. Obviously their participation served the main purpose of fattening the list of the COALITION OF THE COERCED THE BRIBED to give official credibility to a war the rest of the world sees as both immoral and illegal. So what Bush is doing at the NATO conference is rewarding the Ukraine and Georgia for their unethical participation in the Iraqi slaughter.

The fact remains that all of the nations fighting on the side of America in Iraq are fighting on the behalf of Israel, whether they like it or not. Certainly, oil is an issue, but America bought oil from Hussein and continues to buy it from other regimes run by dictators or oligarchs, so oil was not the primary issue, especially when American oil companies are at present making obscene profits.

However, Bush’s Iraq War is in part responsible for driving up the price of oil by contributing to the decline of the dollar and alienation of oil producing nations such as Saudi Arabia against America. Let’s face it, why would any nation give a shit about how much American motorists are paying at the pump when American motorists have never given a shit about the tens of thousands of Iraqis killed and maimed by the imbecile Americans re-elected (after it was clear that Bush was guilty of war crimes) as president of the United States.

And what about those WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRIUCTION? Anyone with a brain knows that in reality they were WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION.