Thursday, June 26, 2008

Karl the Rat Rove on the Rampage against Obama

Did you see the opinion piece “It’s All About Obama” in the Wall Street Journal in which Mephistopheles Rove* whines about Barack Obama’s being the first to redesigned the presidential seal before the election. Who gives an S*H*I*T about the presidential seal? I don’t. What most people care about is the state of the nation, which is in shambles because of Republican scum like Rove. I mean this guy is a traitor who helped sell out Americans to moneyed special interests and the Zionist cabal that has taken control of the nation.

*Travis Barrett says in Gringo that Time magazine called “Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld The Three Amigos.” Then he went on to say, “I think The Three Diablos (Abaddon, Belial, Beelzebub) would be more accurate. Rove could be Mephistopheles. And the American people, who are they? The people who bartered away their souls.” And apparently they are still doing it.

We don’t know what damage Obama will do to the country (probably plenty but no more than I-think-I’m-having-a-stroke John McCain. However, we do know how much damage the lying, scheming, betraying Karl Rove and his retarded Faust George Bush have done. Thousands of Americans continue to lose their homes in a downward spiraling economy, American tax dollars and lives continue to be wasted in two idiotic wars (the Iraqi one being both immoral and fought on the behalf of Israel), America’s international reputation is now trashed (Karl Iago Rove being a man without character could care less about reputation), the American dollar is becoming as worthless as American products (such as their automobiles), and so on and on.

And now this fat piece of filth is criticizing Obama about a presidential seal already made worthless by Rove, Bush, and the other conniving Republicans who have been running and ruining the country for the passed eight years. Karl Scum complains that on the seal “Sen. Obama to make himself appear more presidential. But most people saw in the seal something else – chutzpah – and he's stopped using it. Such arrogance – even self-centeredness – have [sic] featured often in the Obama campaign.”

This conspiratorial S.O.B. has got a lot of nerve calling Obama arrogant and self-centered. The thing about Rove is that he may be clever but is basically a stupid man, the kind of stupidity that originates in a greediness for wealth, power, and influence. He reminds one of greedy Gollum in Lord of the Rings, a totally despicable creature—physically and morally. Just thinking about him makes one nauseous.

Pig Rove continues by saying, “Consider [Obama’s] treatment of Jeremiah Wright. After Rev. Wright repeated his anti-American slurs at the National Press Club, Mr. Obama said their relationship was forever changed – but not because of what he'd said about America. Instead, Mr. Obama complained, ‘I don't think he showed much concern for me.’"

Okay, Obama is a cunning, self-centered politician (like all the rest), but Rove and company make Obama look like a little leaguer when it comes to cunning and corruption. Besides, Rev. Wright’s criticism of America is right on. Blacks have gotten the shaft by America. However, they aren’t the only ones. Since Rove’s monster G.W.B. took office all (non-millionaire) Americans have been getting the shaft.

Then Karl the Rat Rove references his “former White House colleague Yuval Levin.” Who is this guy? Well, his mentor is Leon Kass, “the son of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. Kass described his family as a "Yiddish speaking, secular, socialist family" (Wikipedia). And Kass is a follower of another Jew, Leo Strauss, who thought it was okay for politicians to tell the people "noble lies," which the Bush administration told the American people to justify the Iraq War, instigated by the Zionist neoconservative fifth columnists who have taken control of America at every level imaginable.

That’s why American Jews have become known as the Judas people. They have betrayed America for their true homeland, Israel, and by aiding and abetting those armies of aliens who seek to transform America into a multi-alien nation. Of course, Levin is a big McCain supporter because McCain’s commitment to Israel is absolute, even if it keeps Americans in Iraq forever and also means bombing the hell out of Iran. And we know all about McCain’s love of illegal aliens (if loving them benefits him politically).

How did Americans ever get self-destructively bogged down in the Middle East? Because the Jews who migrated to America and their offspring now have America by the nose and they are bashing (with the help of Benedict Arnolds such as Rove) a hole in the bottom of the American boat that welcomed them onboard. But if Americans are too stupid to see that, then so be it. They deserve to sink with their country. Of course, the millionaire carrion feeders like Karl Rove will hitch their star to the Star of David, and make a good profit too off the killing of America.

Believe me, Obama’s redesigning of Presidential Seal is the least of Americans’ problems. What they should be worrying about is the redesigning of America into Alien Nation—with the help of the likes of Rove, Bush, McCain, Obama, and their Zionist friends.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ramblings on Why Americans Got the Decline and Fall Blues

Not much fun being an American today. Americans have allowed their reputation abroad suffer by electing (mostly out of pride and arrogance) a warmongering moron as president of the United States who has been the world’s biggest killer since the beginning of the Iraq War. Of course, maybe Americans just don’t give a damn about what the rest of the world thinks.

Think about it. America is no longer a world leader, just a global bully. Our economy is faltering, our currency has become like the pesos our schools are failing, our people are going broke and losing their homes, our communities are crime ridden, and our cultural way of life looks like that of Rome during its final years. China and Japan are a lot better than we are at the capitalism game. The make and sell real stuff. What Americans can still do is make money from money (on Wall Street, grow crops (in the heartland), and sell gaudy entertainment (in Hollywood*). What do we offer culturally that is inspirational, besides the remote possibility of becoming rich since America has been a war-mongering nation that celebrates a culture crudeness (eating contests and other forms of self-destructive consumption). Obviously we don’t, for the most part, no longer value cultural literacy other than movies, sports, video games, and popular music.

*Top movies today: Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, Zohan, Sex and the City, Indiana Jones, Iron Man, and What Happens in Vegas. These movies say pretty much everything about the death of culture in America. Popular music is no better. Of course, there is sport, like watching grown me hit a little ball in the US Open golf championship, which Tiger Woods’ performance has been called “courageous.” Of course the city that best represents the base character of American culture is Las Vegas. Oh well. :’ (

We pride ourselves on being a practical people but we are beginning to see the hole we have dug ourselves into by creating a society around the automobile. Actually, America is very much a carpe diem culture that celebrates people being able to do anything they damn well please and the future be damned (the mantra of conservative talk-show jokes such as Russ Limbaugh). Now there are millions of people living in the suburbs who must pay very high gas prices to go to work and to go anywhere else. Oddly, the conservatives who think of themselves as tough minded pragmatists have encouraged this kind of self-centered foolishness. They don’t believe there is an energy shortage, a pollution problem, or a global warming threat. Of course millions of people throughout the world are already suffering from all three. But conservatives don’t give a damn about other people. The destruction of Iraq and legal hell of Guantanamo prison illustrate that. The morality of Bush conservatives is unenlightened selfishness.*

*And then these phonies get all in a huff about gays getting married, which their own marriages fall apart more than half the time. The sexual behavior of gays is no less sick than that of most heterosexuals. Beside, marriage is just a word meaning to join in wedlock. You would think such a commitment would be praised instead of despised. Of course, the born-agains believe that God has a different view of marriage, but I say why should we pay God any mind when he is willing to watch millions of innocent people suffer and die or to allow one of his moronic believers (G.B.) destroy a country in his name, since Bush says he consults God on all matters. If God was just, he would have sent a tornado to kill Bush instead of a bunch of boy scouts. But if God did exist, he probably would intervene to allay human suffering. But he did, so I assume that he doesn’t exist.

And of course, conservatives believe scientists are their enemies, such as those who are warning against catastrophic effects of global warming. Ever since the 1960s and ‘70s scientist have warned that plentiful oil would come to an end within 30 to 40 years. Energy conservation and new oil fields delayed that prediction until now. Of course, the money-grubbing conservatives scuffed at their predictions. But Europe paid attention. Gas in France cost $8 a gallon but most people (excluding truckers) are not desperate because the French created one of the most universal and efficient transportation systems in the world. What has America been doing? Pretty much destroying America’s public transportation system. Remember the electric red cars that operated in L.A., Long Beach, San Diego, etc.? Who destroyed them? Big business: General Motors, Firestone Tire, Standard Oil of California, and Phillips Petroleum. At one time, virtually every city over 10,000 in America had at least one streetcar, before the invention of the automobile and the bus. About this, Larry West says,

Buses Were First Step to Ending Streetcar System GM first replaced trolleys with free-roaming buses, eliminating the need for tracks embedded in the street and clearing the way for cars. As dramatized in a 1996 PBS docudrama, Taken for a Ride, Alfred P. Sloan, GM’s president at the time, said, “We’ve got 90 percent of the market out there that we can…turn into automobile users. If we can eliminate the rail alternatives, we will create a new market for our cars.” And they did just that, with the help of GM subsidiaries Yellow Coach and Greyhound Bus. Sloan predicted that the jolting rides of buses would soon lead people to not want them and to buy GM’s cars instead. (See West’s “The Great American Streetcar Scandal,”

In addition Amtrak has suffered massive reduction in service. Conservatives don’t like the idea of any transportation system being subsidized by the government. As a result, America has one of the worst public transportation systems among developed nation. What Americans have instead of trains are highways. But France has both. And many parts of America must depend solely on highway transportation, regardless of how expensive gas is. In other words, American greed and unenlightened individualism have made it financially painful to get to work, go to a doctor, or visit friends and family.

Instead of preparing for the future, American would rather build more effective weapons and get involved in unwinnable destructive wars that have resulted in America’s losing friends and winning enemies. A recent San Diego Union-Tribune article on Predator military drones said, “During one 11-month period in Iraq, a squadron of Predators operated remotely by the Air Force flew 2,073 combat missions and fired 59 Hellfire missiles at ground targets.” The truth is America is fighting a cowardly war in Iraq. The use of drones reminds one of Helen of Troy’s lover Paris killing the great warrior Achilles by shooting him with an arrow from a high wall. American soldiers look like a bunch of brutal terminator-like killers in Iraq by using tanks, helicopters, jets, and drone to kill insurgents (and many women and children). It’s an absolutely one-sided war. In fact, the insurgents look a lot like the Terminator’s Kyle Reese fighting the killing-machine Terminator. In other words, to the rest of the world America has become Mordor lead by George Sauron Bush, and the American military dark destroyers to be feared throughout the world (except by nations that have nuclear weapons). Of course, most Americans would say that it would be foolish for Americans not to use their mechanized weapons of mass destruction. That would be true if the war had been justified rather than simply a show of military might on the behalf of the rogue State of Israel.*

*God how Americans hate the French and think them a bunch of quiche eating, wine drinking sissies. But one of the things Americans often notice in France is that they people really know how to enjoy life. They, like the Italians, have mastered the art of living. However, unlike Italians, the French are not an innately cheerful people. It is their culture that lefts them out of an almost German-like gloominess (unfortunately, the Germans never truly master the art of living, having preferring to be masters of the art of war). For the French, life is really good (maybe a little better than they can truly afford) in part because unlike the old USSR the French (and other European nations) took the best from socialism, and unlike the U.S., took the best from capitalism (and have given up wanting to be warmongering colonialists). The French people don’t have to worry about medical care (doctors still make house calls—certainly indicative of a humane society), the government requires that every French citizen receives one month of paid vacation, college is free (to students who work hard in high school, and if they don’t they can receive training in various trades), a terrific public transportation system makes it possible to do without a car if necessary, their towns and cities are beautiful because American cheap big-box, little box architecture isn’t allowed, the crime rate is much lower than that of the U.S. (the U.S. ranks 24 among nations for homicides, France 40 (by the way, Mexico ranks 6th , so expect the U.S. murder rate to continue to climb as the Mexican killers migrate north )), and the French way of life is slower (for one thing, they walk more than Americans do), and so on. America, on the other hand, has become a bad-news nation. Americans are stressed, frustrated, and aggressive. And all their present government can talk about is making war and making the weapons of war. Like Israel, America has become a modern version of ancient Sparta, whereas the French are much more like the Athenians (a people defined by a culture devoted to art, ideas, and living beautifully—and then destroyed it all when they decided to take the path of militarism, a path littered with carnage and destruction (Bush’s favorite promenade). In fact, America has become a lot like the old USSR, constantly celebrating its military might (the USSR did this with parades of soldiers, tanks, missiles, and war planes; in America the parade of military might occurs repeatedly in movies such as Iron Man). The militaristic USSR was, as a result, a culturally bankrupt society that had nothing to offer the world but death, destruction, and dread. America has become more like the USSR than the USSR, spending more money on its war machine than all the rest of the world combined. President Bush likes to promote the U.S. as the world’s protector and guardian of peace, but the rest of the world fears that America has gone over to the Dark Side and has become the greatest threat to world peace.

What a joke, that AMERICA would become Israel’s whipping boy. And how has that benefitted Americans? Most recently Israel’s Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz “set off an international uproar over the weekend by saying in a published interview that Israel will have ‘no choice’ but to attack Iran if it doesn't halt its nuclear program.” Once again it’s okay that the imperialistic nations of Israel and the U.S. to have nuclear weapons but not Iran, which is apparently is also on Ayatollah Bushmeini’s hit list. Iraq did have nuclear weapons and looked what happened to it. One result of Mofaz’s big mouth was a spike in the price of crude. And of course there is no longer any good will toward the U.S. left in the Middle East. During the Yom Kippur War “the Arab world imposed an oil embargo against the United States, Western Europe, and Japan for their support of Israel. By the early 1970s the great Western oil conglomerates suddenly faced a unified bloc of producers.” And the situation continues to deteriorate—all because of the State of Israel.

Not even the Israeli Jews like Americans—just their war machine and money. Israel is an ugly, nefarious, toxic nation, an f-ing sulfur pit that has created nothing but unrest and suffering. And Israelis believe they can do anything they damn well please because of the delusional, archaic notion that they are God’s chosen people. The great age of the Jews was over once the Jews decided to establish a nation of thugs.

America, if gas prices go to $6 a gallon this summer, you deserve it, not only for the harm you’ve done to Iraq and because you’ve allowed America to become aligned with the cancerous nation of Israel, but because you are down right stupid. America has become a dangerous joke played upon the world and the American people themselves. Perhaps the deadly floods, tornadoes, the housing market collapse, the slowing economy, the high gas prices, the invasion of aliens, etc. are divine punishment for being suckers. Take for example the story in the June 14 San Diego Union-Tribune on the immigration in San Diego, called euphemistically The New Americans Museum. Basically the museum celebrates the death of America caused by the influx of illegal immigrants. San Diego is fast becoming Mexico’s finest city but an alien dead zone for Americans. Apparently, if you can’t bring Americans to Tijuana because of the killings and kidnappings, then you bring Tijuana to San Diego (and hundreds of other cities across the country).*

*This is another area where the French have Americans beat by far. Unlike in America, French law no longer gives automatically French citizenship to the offspring of non-French immigrants. Unfortunately, they should have done change the law decades ago, because there are now in the country millions of Muslims who will not only out-propagate the French but will serve as an immigration magnet to tens of millions of Muslims living outside of France. However, at least the French learned their lesson, which is that Muslims bring with them Islamic radicalism, criminal behavior, a total disrespect for the French people (okay, they hate the French), and a love of rioting. I am not sure if the stupid English have learned their lessons, but Americans haven’t. Hispanic illegal immigrants continue to swarm into America, lay their eggs, which blossom into American gangbangers and Latino soldiers in service to the Hispanic Nation.Just for fun, let’s take a look at what the June 15th San Diego Union-Tribune CRIME WATCH tells us about life south of the border:

“Robbers Kill 1, Wound 3 Trying To Cross the Boarder: A group of Mexicans preparing to illegally cross the border near Campo was ambushed by armed robbers lat Friday, leaving one man dead and three other seriously wound.” One man was flown to a hospital in San Diego where Americans will be picking up the bill for the Mexicans’ lawlessness.

“Suspected Crime Boss Arrested in Ensenada: A former police official suspected of running an organized-crime ring was arrested at an Ensenada mansion during an early-morning police raid. Rosario Flores Rojas, who at one time was deputy director of the Ensenada Municipal Police, was wanted on federal kidnapping and organized-crime charges...Authorities said Flores is one of several former policemen who call themselves the Black Commandos, a group specializing in kidnappings and drug trafficking for the Arellano Felix drug cartel.”

There were also stories titled “Four Rob Rental Store, Get Cash, Electronics” and “Three Stabbing Incidents Leave 6 Men Hospitalized.” Of course, the Union-Tribune tries to avoid identifying ethnicity to avoid embarrassing minorities in our multicultural paradise. However, it was indicated that in one case “Gang detective are handling the investigation.” You can bet the gang isn’t called the Gruesome Gringos.

And who is responsible for this museum which attempts to legitimize the alien takeover of America? Her name is Deborah Szekely. Yep, you guess it, another Jew in favor of the multiculturalization of American society, a nation of minorities, which means the demoting of Americans to a minority voice. Yes, and Szekely is an immigrant herself. Szekely said that the museum is just in the acorn stage. I bet it is. Next will be a natural history museum where you can see the American people side by side with the Neanderthals. She said during “her travels she came across countless hopeful immigrants [and that] experience shape her views.” Yeah, bring the rest of the world to America. Szekely is known for her love of giving—yeah like giving away America to the rest of the world.

What is it about Jews that makes people think them a threat to their nation? That makes them the Judas People? I will tell you. The Jews have always been a Minority People who have hated (often with good reason) the Majority People. So they were drawn to political ideologies that would undermine the Majority People. Take for example, Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg, who were executed for having been found guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage in relation to passing information on the American atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. Julius was the son of Jewish immigrants and became a leader in the Young Communist League where he met Ethel, whom he married three years later. (See the Wikipedia article.) Why would the Rosenbergs be such a big fan of the Soviet Union? Well, you see the communists had destroyed the Majority People (the Russians) by transforming them into an artificial people no longer possessing a national and cultural identity. In other words, the Jews hoped that communism would neutralize cultural identities and in such an environment being a Jew would not matter. Getting rid of Christianity would hurt either. But communism became unpopular because people don’t want to surrender their cultural identity to a half-baked ideology. But the Jews did not give up their desire to bring down the rule of the Majority Peoples. The problem for them was how would they disguise their mode of operation, that is, put a positive spin on it to deceive the Majority Population into thing it was a good thing. The Europeans did the same thing to the American Indians, telling them that the destruction of the Indian Nations was a good thing because the Indians would get Christianity and civilization in return for the loss of their homelands. So the old communism was replaced by the new multiculturalism. And the new argument justifying the destruction of the Majority People’s homeland was that the multicultural society would be a better, more enjoyable society. In addition, the Judas people argued that destroying the dominance of the old culture (America) and replacing it with the new culture (the United States of Multiculturalism) was a moral imperative. Of course, these justifications are just propaganda (not unlike the propaganda you get from the representatives of the Hispanic Nation, such as Ruben Navarrette*) to convince the dull-witted Americans that the loss of their nation is a good thing. And apparently it’s working given Americans enthusiastic support of the traitorous presidential candidates.**

*Today (June 15) Ruben the Rat went after the all-American Clint Eastwood for not having blacks represented in his Iwo Jima movies. The real question is how many of the almost 7000 American soldiers killed on Iwo Jima were black. 0? 2? 5? The fact is that most the men killed were white Americans. But Ruben the Rat doesn’t like Anglo Americans and wants black Americans to side with the Hispanic Nation in its attempt to destroy the American nation. Ruben the Rat made it clear how he feels about Eastwood by calling him “Dirty Harry” and “an angry old man.” What is clear is that America is fighting a war on its own soil against the Hispanic Nation and Mexican and other Hispanic civilian armies pouring across the border. It is true that blacks got a raw deal during W.W.II, and they will have to decide if they should align themselves with America or with the Hispanic Nation as Americans try to keep the American flag flying here at home.

**You might have read that presidential candidate Barack Obama will travel to San Diego next month to join opponent John McCain in speaking at the annual convention of the National Council of La Raza, the political arm of the Hispanic Nation of America. The Hispanic Nation of America even has its own military consisting of tens of thousands of Latino gang members. Whichever one becomes president, Mexico will have another president running America.

How is it that the Judas people have the chutzpah (a Yiddish term by the way) to destroy a people’s nation. First of all the Jews are supremely arrogant (even more so than their Christian and Islamic offspring). They are, after all, God’s chosen people. So obviously they deserve anything they want. Also, Freud (a great and brilliant Jew by the way, but the age of the great Jews is over) would say that the Jews harbor a deep hatred of dominant populations who have succeeded in creating in the real world a national identity, rather than a phony identity based on a collection of fictionally enhanced stories that are pawned off as legitimate history. Let’s face it, when the Hebrews were wandering lost in the desert as God’s chosen people, the Greeks were busy creating the greatest civilization humanity has ever produced, and even before the Jews knew they were Jews the great civilization of the East, such as Egypt and Persia, has already established themselves as remarkable and sublime as any of the nations that would follow them in time. It’s no wonder Israeli Jews jealously hate their Middle Eastern neighbors, whose moments of grandeur have been over for centuries, but at least they had moment of greatness. The Jewish nation is like a flea jealous of the magnificent of the elephant upon whose back it rides. In other words, Jews suffer from a two-thousand year old inferiority complex. It’s no wonder that a Jew was the first to explore the complex (Alfred Adler).

It’s also no wonder that Jews place so much emphasis upon Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. They have plenty to atone for given that that they have been for the most part as nation of destruction and appropriation. Just consider the stories in the Old Testament that describe the Jews hatred and destruction of other peoples. And their Christian offspring have carried on the tradition of destroying the religions and cultures of other peoples and then appropriating their homeland. That is why the Jews are having such a good time is Palestine doing what they do best. It’s like déjà vu. Once again they are in the ancient lands of Palestine busy destroying the Palestinian people and the appropriation of their homelands. And now they’re busy doing the same thing in America, destroying the culture of the Majority People so that it will replaced by a majority of minority peoples.

Interesting, the same issue of the newspaper had a story on hate crimes, such as a swastika on a memorial plaque at an Israeli synagogue. Well, what do you expect? The Jews expropriate the Palestinians’ homeland; hoodwink America into becoming its bodyguard, costing Americans blood, money, and reputation; and are leading the way in the transformation of America into alienized society in which Americans will be just another minority. Why should people like Jews, who work so hard to destroy America by transforming it into a multicultural paradise? Keep in mind that the Mexicans still their homeland Mexico, the Puerto Ricans still have Puerto Rico, the Cubans still have Cuba, the Vietnamese still have Vietnam, the Chinese still have China, the Indians still has India, the Iranians still has Iran, the Filipinos still have the Philippines, and Kenyans still have Kenya, and so on for the other 100+ groups of aliens who have been invading the American during the past half century. But Americans are losing their homeland as their communities, towns, and cities become inundated by aliens. Thus hatred is bound to be on the rise because hatred is exactly what a people should feel towards those who are invading their homeland. Isn’t it interesting that the Jews themselves make such a big deal of having a homeland of their own, yet work so hard to destroy Americans’ homeland.

The anti-American Southern Poverty Law Center reported that “the number of hate groups in the United States is surging, up 48 percent since 2000.” Hey, like I said, that’s what happens when alien groups threaten the integrity of the nation with the help of those who were given shelter here (the Judas people). You might as well get ready for the New Age of Hatred in America. When a people’s nation and culture are threatened, hatred is the natural response. Just as one would naturally hate somebody like Judge Alex Kozinski, you know that ugly fat sick immigrant Jew judge who posted sexually explicit material on his personal website including footage of a semi-naked man cavorting with a sexually aroused farm animal.

But be warned Americans: keep your hatred of those who seek to destroy America (politicians, businessmen, leftist groups, and the invaders themselves) or else your life is over. You see to being an American patriot today is to be un-American. The American Benedict Arnolds and the alien invaders are the only “Americans” the U.S. will tolerate. So, being an alien living in America is great, but it sucks if you are an American having to watch America’s rapid decline and fall.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Memorial Day Blues

Memorial Day: Day of the Dead

Memorial Day was more depressing than ever this year. As you know Memorial Day is a day of remembrance, specifically for those who perished while in military service. “Remembering with Honor” was the headline in the May 27 San Diego Union-Tribune. To be honest I find that hard to do since our military has been transformed into a Combine-like force (a la Half-Life 2) and has been engaged in committing a crime against humanity ever since our demonic head of state, George Wallace Breen Bush had the U.S. military invade and destroy the Iraqi nation for the dumbest reason imaginable.

Weapons of Mass Deception

The Weapons of Mass Destruction were not a reason because there was no evidence of their existence, but an excuse. Let’s face it, even if Hussein had such weapons he was no more capable or willing to use them on us than say Pakistan or China would be. Furthermore, the weapons used to cause the destruction of 9-11 were box cutters and our own planes. And on what moral grounds does the U.S. have the right to demand of other nations what it is unwilling to require of itself: to give up nuclear weapons. Remember the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty which the U.S. had with the Soviets for 30 years until our warmongering, morally challenged president decided to pull out? And recently “More than 100 nations formally agreed to ban the use of cluster bombs but debate continued on loopholes that could benefit powers such as the United States, which has refused to take part in talks ...” (Reuters news). Pretty deegusting. What is the death toll of Iraqis killed in Bush’s little war (though a big war if you are an Iraqi)? Between 100,000 and a million. Probably around 300,000. I don’t get that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and his four alleged accomplices are going to trial for killing 3000 Americans in the World Trade Towers and George Bush isn’t even though he is responsible for the deaths of over 4000 American soldiers. says that there have been over a million Iraqi deaths caused by the war. Of course, Americans won’t believe that because the American war machine kills only insurgents. The thousands of innocent men, women, elderly, and children killed and maimed aren’t even human. They’re collateral damage.

The U.S. doesn’t keep track of Iraqi deaths pretty much for the same reason Texans don’t keep track of the dogs they run over. Because of Bush, it will be a long while before American troops can be honored again. Until that time, honor the old timers who fought in W.W.II, the Korean War, and Desert Storm. Those wars were morally justified and at least G. Bush senior wasn’t a homicidal maniac like his son. Sorry, Sen. McCain, the Vietnam War doesn’t make the grade of being either moral or honorable. Wikipedia tells us, “Over 1.4 million military personnel were killed in the war (of which [only] 6 percent were members of the United States armed forces), while estimates of civilian fatalities range up to 2 million.” (McCain like to brag about his experience, but apparently he learned nothing from his experience in the Vietnam War. But he has used his hero status effectively to promote his own career, in the say way the Jews have used the Holocaust to promote their own agendas.) Whose idea was the Vietnam War that killed millions of people? President Kennedy. In other words, Kennedy turned out to be a mass murderer, along with the help of LBJ and the American military, just as Gorge Bush and company are mass murderers.

Iraq, Israel, and the End of America

Back to the real reason for the Iraq War, except perhaps madman Bush’s wanting to accelerate the arrival of the END OF THE WORLD in order to witness in his lifetime the arrival at Station Earth God’s Rapture Express bound for Heaven (and if that were God’s plan, then God is as nuts as Bush). But it should be pretty clear to anyone with a brain that Bush and the American men and women in uniform are destroying Iraq for Israel. In fact, I suggest that all the members of the Bush Administration and congress should wear yarmulkes to show whose side they are really on.

You probably remember Bush’s visit to the Hellish Land of Israel to celebrate Israel’s phoenix rise out of the ashes of the homes, fields, and lives of the Palestinian people and to have a confab with that other mass murderer Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The Republicans call Sen. Obama the new Neville Chamberlain because he is willing to talk with Iran. One could call President Bush the new Stalin for doing business with that filthy lucre loving Zionist Nazi Olmert. By the way, you might have read recently that God’s chosen people have amassed 150 nuclear warheads. If, as American evangelicals believe, Israel’s mission is to bring about the end of the world, that would push Hitler’s Holocaust to second place in the list of crimes against humanity.

The Iraq War, Illegal Immigration, and the Judas People

To begin, the Iraq War has cost the American tax payer is $542,000,000,000. (Google “Cost of Iraq War: 2008” and watch the money clock tick.)

What Americans can mourn, in addition to the costs of the Iraq War and the demise of America’s status as a civilized nation, is the loss of their nation to the illegal aliens, who are flooding into America like seawater into a torpedoed ship. The torpedoes that are in the process of destroying the USS America were sent by American politicians, businessman, and Jewish pro-immigrant organizations such as the ACLU. Take, for example, Hillary Clinton’s winning Puerto Rico’s delegates. First of all, Puerto Rico is no more American than Timbuktu. American is Iowa and Nebraska. But because of some traitorous American politicians involved in the Jones-Shafroth Act of 1917 all Puerto Ricans are now given American citizenship. Another knife into the back of Americans. Clinton bragged to Puerto Ricans that she was the senator of one million Puerto Ricans living in New York and promised that if she became president that all Puerto Ricans would get to vote in the general election the next time around. Isn’t it interesting how these so-called Americans refer to themselves as Puerto Ricans, just as the Cubans living in Miami and the Mexicans living in L.A. refer to themselves as Cubans and Mexicans, not Americans. These people hate America and Americans. And the giant flag that is carried in the New York City Puerto Rican parade is, you guessed it, the flag of Puerto Rico, just as the Mexicans carried Mexican flags during their May Day protests. That’s the difference. Americans live in states and cities like Iowa and Des Moines. Iowa = America. Puerto Rico ≠ America. And Sen. Obama spoke Spanish when addressing the Puerto Ricans. The truth is that Americans have no one to represent them. Clinton, Obama, and McCain have all three betrayed America and Americans.

And what about the Judas people? Well we know they don’t give a dam about America or Americans, only about money and Israel. Recently, they have shown their lack of loyalty and gratitude to American by continuing to built illegal settlements even though the U.S. has asked them not to, all the while American soldiers die fighting on their behalf in Iraq. There is no better example of the death-to-America mentality of the Jews than Dov Charney owner and CEO of American Apparel. About Charney Wikipedia says the following:

“As early as 2001, American Apparel has been a vocal advocate for reform of U.S. immigration laws. On May 1, 2002 American Apparel shut down its factory to allow the company's workers, many of whom are immigrants, to participate in a pro-immigration rally in downtown Los Angeles. Dov Charney, a [Jewish] Canadian immigrant, also marched alongside the workers. In addition to participating in this and a variety of subsequent immigration protests, the company has run a series of ‘Legalize LA’ ads and billboards. American Apparel participates annually in the May 1st Immigration March and Rally in downtown Los Angeles. In 2008, they added a route from their factory that eventually connected with other supporters near the city hall.”

By the way, Charney is not only anti-American in his views toward illegal immigrants but he is also one of the Kings of Sleaze. His company’s magazine VICE is celebrates a culture of decadence, worse than anything Larry Flint published. Charney’s vision of America is its becoming the newest Sodom and Gomorra, a vision not so different from that of that other Jewish sleaze Calvin Klien. Then of course there is the Jewish pro-immigration cabal that now runs Washington (because the fact is, contrary to what the moronic American neo-Nazis and white supremacists would like to believe, the Jews are a hell of lot smarter the Anglo-European Americans running the country).

About Jewish involvement in the alienation of America the Prof Kevin McDonald says the following:

"Most important for the content of immigration reform, the driving force at the core of the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. Following the shock of the Holocaust, Jewish leaders had been especially active in Washington in furthering immigration reform. To the public, the most visible evidence of the immigration reform drive was played by Jewish legislative leaders, such as Representative [Emmanuel] Celler and Senator Jacob Javits of New York. Less visible, but equally important, were the efforts of key advisers on presidential and agency staffs. These included senior policy advisers such as Julius Edelson and Harry Rosenfield in the Truman administration, Maxwell Rabb in the Eisenhower White House, and presidential aide Myer Feldman, assistant secretary of state Aba Schwartz, and deputy attorney general Norbert Schlei in the Kennedy-Johnson administration." (Google “Jewish Organizations Behind Illegal Immigration Catastrophe,”

Small town America has also been under attack by the Jews and their Hispanic hoplites. Take for example Postville, Iowa, that once used to be an all-American community until it was invaded by consisting of Germans and Norwegians until 1987 when a group of Hasidic Jews, who immigrated to New York from Russia, invaded the community and started a kosher slaughterhouse named Agriprocessors. Since then, Postville has seen an influx of people, including many Ukrainians, Russians, Mexicans, Guatemalans and Filipinos. Thus, the alien magnet has been the alien Jews’ slaughterhouse. The Jews bring in the first generation of illegal alien slave labor who then bow down before their Hebrew masters. The alien offspring are given U.S. citizenship, and the once American community becomes a new minority-majority community, in this case, an alien-majority community, since the alien offspring with be Americans only in name. The new alien generation will become gangbangers, and in a decade or so Postville will become an alien ghetto suffering from rising crime rates and mounting social services cost, declining schools, and a disappearing American culture. Once the transformation is complete, the children of the Americans living in the community will leave and rarely or never return. So the old-time Americans can sit on their front porches with a shotgun in their lap and look upon the ruins of their once American community.

As you know, federal officials recently raided the Hebrew meat factory and said that they had detained 390 illegal immigrants after a raid on a meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa, in what they described as the largest single-site raid of its kind nationwide. The 300 people arrested represent almost one-third of the plant's 968 workers, and federal officials said the number of arrests could increase. The plant is owned by Aaron Rubashkin. And by the way, (1) both Aaron and Rabbi Moshe Rubashkin, his son, were found guilty by the National Labor Relations Board of repetitively collecting union dues from their employees of Cherry Hill Textiles, Inc. and then refusing to turn over those dues to the union. Rabbi Moshe Rubashkin later served a term in Federal prison for bank fraud and was released from prison one year ago. (2) In addition, Agriprocessors was subjected to serious charges of using inhumane methods of slaughter, of being unsanitary, of maintaining an unsafe work environment and of mistreating its employees. (2) And, finally, Aaron Rubashkin has been hiring illegals.

The result is that the town has been taken over by a Hasidic Jews and the third world illegal workers from Mexico and Eastern Europe that they imported to work at their meat processing plant and are dumping on the community. And the aliens and the Americans will never get along. One 19-year-old Mexican illegal said, "They [the Americans] don't like Mexicans...The people here, they don't know how to live with people who are different." Yeah, as if Mexico is some sort of paradise of social harmony. But it’s true, millions of Americans don’t like Mexicans, and they don’t because (1) they invaded America illegally, (2) their criminal gangs and general behavior are poison to American communities and schools, and (3) they are a drain on social services wherever they. Remember the what the Headcrab people did to Ravenholm in Half-Life 2? That’s what the illegals do to American cities. By the middle of this century Postville will be New Ravenholm—no place for Americans, not even for a superhero. And hey, let’s be honest: they don’t dislike us any less than we dislike them.

And yes the anti-American Catholic Church is standing firm on the side of the illegals and ready to offer the illegals sanctuary. “Father Nils Hernandez of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Cedar Rapids came to Waterloo after he heard about the raid. ‘This is inhumane,’ he said.” No, actually it’s very humane. The aliens are guilty of murdering an American community, and for that they should be given a life sentence in the shit-hole country they came from.

And of course Postville has it own American political turncoat supporter of emerging Hispanic Nation in his community. Postville Mayor, Robert Penrod, said, "There's people who hate the Hispanics, and there's people who don't like the Jews and would like to run them out of town." He’s right about that. Actually, America would be better off if both groups could be run out of the country. Think about it. HOW MUCH HAS AMERICA BENEFITTED FROM THE OLDER JEWISH AND THE NEWER HISPANIC INVASIONS? The two groups have destroyed this country. All you ever read about now is the trouble going on in the country caused by these two groups. Because of the Jews, America has wasted life, money, and reputation by being Israel’s hatchet man in the Middle East, as it is today. (And what do we get in return? Stupid Adam Sandler movies like You Don’t Mess with the Zohan. I swear to God that Sandler must be working for the Israeli Mossad. His mission? To destroy the American brain. And it seems to be working.) For their part, the illegal aliens have brought nothing but social turmoil to American soil. And believe me, things are going to get much worse and never better. Alien immigration has been a bitter cup of agony for Americans, but they are now finding out that the cup is also filled with hemlock.

When you consider how the Jews have betrayed Americans’ goodwill toward them, their having helped destroyed America’s reputation in the world along with the destruction of thousands of American lives in the Middle East in order to protect the illegal State of Israel (a Jewish version of City 13, a la Half-Life 2), where they engage in Nazis role-playing games in the homeland of the Palestinians—considering all that, you’ve got to wonder if Hitler was wrong seeing the Jews as a threat to Germany. Certainly they have done irreparable harm to America, with the help of America’s own fifth-column in Washington. Or perhaps like Victor Frankenstein Hitler’s Holocaust created a monster that is now a threat to global peace via its own weapons of mass destruction and because of its control over that demented Goliath the American military-industrial complex. Remember that graphic novel MAUS by Art Spiegelman that portrayed the Jews living in Germany as poor mice and the Nazis as cats. Well, I’m afraid the Jews have become rats in America.

Americans’ Future: Alienated in an Alien Nation

What will the future America look like if the Jews and the likes of Clinton, Obama, and McCain and the rest of the political ilk have their way? Like it or not, it’s New York City, the largest crime scene in the U.S. First of all, New York is one of those minority-majority cities, i.e., a city “in which people self-identified as nonwhite dominate demographically,” exactly the kind of city Jews want for all of America, a city where Americans (black or white) are just another minority. In addition, 36% of New York City’s population is foreign born, which is the general trend in America with the help of anti-American politicians and businessmen and Jewish and other minority-leftist organizations. 11.6% of the population is Asian, and 27% Latino, but if all the illegals were counted the percentage would probably be higher. Blacks represent 11.6% of the population, but probably many of those are non-American immigrants. And white non-Hispanic is 37%. In other words, for white Americans, living in New York is like being a tourist/stranger in another country.

Two images come to mind when I think about America’s future. The first is Winslow Homer’s painting The Gulf Stream, which depicts a black man on a small sailboat with a broken mast and a sea filled with sharks. That is the predicament for white, black, and red Americans, the only true Americans to my mind. Indians, Europeans, and black slaves is the demographic that begins the American story. All the others have little to nothing to do with the American Story. Of course, the boat is America, the lone figure, Americans, and the shark-filled sea, the sea of aliens (especially illegal aliens) that now threatens the integrity of America. The storm that destroyed the boat represents the illegal aliens and the politicians, businessmen, and leftist saboteurs who have betrayed the country.

The second image is a photograph on the first page of June 5 San Diego Union-Tribune of the audience at Qualcomm Stadium for the soccer match between Mexico and Argentina. It was as if the photo had been taken at a bullfight in Mexico City. These are the sharks that will consume America. Any American at the game would have to feel very lonely and threatened indeed.

And who is the mayor of New York City? That’s right, Michael Rubens Bloomberg whose father was a Russian Jewish immigrant. And who is (or should I say was) the governor of New York? Eliot Laurence Spitzer, whose grandparents were also Jewish immigrants. And how does Bloomberg feel about illegals? “Rather than costing city taxpayers, Bloomberg said illegal immigrants were an essential part of the U.S. economy, saying: ‘All the jobs that they do - who would fill those jobs? Nobody else is willing to do it.’" And what does Spitzer think? “New York State, home to more than 500,000 illegal immigrants, will issue driver’s licenses without regard to immigration status under a policy change announced yesterday by Gov. Eliot Spitzer.” Like Bloomberg, he welcomes them with open arms.

You get the picture. Eventually America will become alien minority-majority nation run by Jews (which is already pretty much the case given we have been funding and fighting Israel’s wars of occupation). The American story and Americans will soon become totally irrelevant. The only homeland that will matter will be Israel, which will, unlike the American borders, be protected by the might of the U.S. military. Only Americans will be without a homeland.

The Betrayal of America by the Entertainment Industry

Maybe Americans will learn to love having their nation occupied by aliens. Leftist Hollywood is doing its propaganda best to convince America that the alien invasion is a good thing, just like the Indians were told that the arrival for the Europeans was a good thing. And now that the Indians have their casinos, perhaps the European propagandists (Catholic priests and protestant ministers) were right. Have you paid attention to some of the titles coming out of the Hollywood propaganda mill? Border Crossing, Conspiracy (staring traitorous Val Kilmer), Clemente, Bella, Bordertown (Jennifer Lopez was awarded the Artists for Amnesty Award by Amnesty International for her role in the movie).

Many movies aren’t ostensibly pro-illegal aliens, but send the message subliminally through multicultural casting or indirect feel-good messages about the aliens. Take the King of California staring Michael Douglas. The feel-good movement comes at the end of the movie when a boatload of Asian illegals happily reach the California coast. In this film the Jewish influence is invisible until you do a little digging (thank god for the Internet since Hollywood and the news media are totally untrustworthy). Michael Douglas is the son of Kirk Douglas, who was born Issur Danielovitch, the son of illiterate, poverty-stricken Russian-Jewish immigrants in Amsterdam. Imagine Douglas riding the range wearing a Yarmulke instead of a cowboy hat and instead of sideburns payots blowing in the wind. That’s right that so-called all-American actor is another Jewish immigrant. It really is amazing how the Jews promote themselves through their movies as great Americans. It’s that Hollywood magic which is part of the media-driven matrix Americans are caught in like flies (stupid flies) in an ointment of lies.

Even great films critical of the Iraq War, such as Stop Loss and Valley of Ellah, have to propagandize in favor of the rise of the illegal Hispanic Nation and the decline and fall of the American Nation by including loveable and likeable Mexicans (forget about the tens of thousands of gang members now wreaking havoc in American communities). The only movie to get it right about the Hispanic invasion is No Country for Old Men. In fact, the Cohn Brothers (Yes, I know they are Jewish) seem to get it right about America, as in The Matrix. The American people live in a world of Maya (illusion created by America’s consumer and media driven culture and its lying politicians). In other words, Americans do not seem to have the will or IQ to take the red pill and face reality, and as a result are surrendering their homeland to those who are in touch with reality (which is much more Darwinian than Christian). Those two movies suggest that the Cohn brothers don’t have a very high opinion of Americans overall, and given the success of the Jewish people in the U.S. and the continuing decline of the American people, you can’t blame them. Asians must see Americans in the same way: stupid, hedonistic, and lazy. And you have to give the so-called Iraqi insurgents credit for believing their homeland is worth fighting for.

What you see going on is America being sold out. Any individual or organization that benefits from the aliens (basically in the form of votes and dollars) will side with the aliens. They are seen as consumers products, voters, cheap labor, new parishioners, buyers of movie tickets, and so on. That is how the corporate and political movers and shakers are literally selling out the country. And what do Americans get? Tacos and more tacos. I mean really, how have Americans benefited from the Alien invasion? Are Americans better off now than they were in the 1950s? No way. Life is now more expensive and uncertain than it has been since the Great Depression. In addition, millions of Americans are also losing their communities, and all Americans are losing their culture. Haven’t you noticed that everywhere you look, in the newspapers, on the television, in movies, even in the video games, that you no longer find America but the United Nations of America? Hey, that’s why I am so f-ing angry. I live in a city that is rapidly being transformed into a barrio. In many part of it, I am the alien, the tourist in alien hell. (And by the way, 3 out the 5 on the FBI’s MOST WANTED list for San Diego are aliens.) No, only the aliens have benefitted from the alien invasion. They migrate from all the hellholes of the world and lay their alien eggs and what comes out of the shell? A U.S. citizen (not an American). You know we jump on the French all the time, but they were smart enough to do away with the law that gives citizenship to any alien child born in the country. Think about it. If aliens from outer space landed in America and started laying their eggs, their offspring would be automatically U.S. citizens.

Is there a silver lining to this picture? Well it is a good time to being dying if you are one of those older Americans who lived through the depression and fought in that great war to save humanity (WWII) only to see their own country sunk by aliens. If America can be compared to the Alamo, American politicians, American businessmen, and the Jewish cabal (children of Jewish immigrants given refuge in America) are pushing open the gates to allow in the aliens hordes. Are the aliens deserving of our hatred for usurping the American homeland? Of course they are. Hatred isn’t an aberrant emotion. It has a purpose, which is to warn of an enemy who threatens the very survival of one’s communities and homeland and thus the survival of one’s family and fellow Americans. Turning the other cheek to the invading aliens is like turning the other cheek to cancer or attacking piranha. However, a different form of hatred is reserved for the betrayer. It is a special kind of loathing and disgust an American feels when he or she considers the betrayal of American politicians and businessmen who have encouraged and benefitted from the aliens’ destruction of the very homeland they were elected to preserve and protect.

The only hope for Americans is a Homeland Movement, the establishment of an American homeland. Of course, this will never happen. If such a movement occurred, the soldiers in Iraq would be brought home to kill their fellow Americans like the metro cops in Half-Life 2. Sadly, they would do it. That video game shows an America overrun by American devouring aliens and weird creature (but no so different from humanoid gangbangers). Read Travis Barrett’s Gringo for a more elaborate explanation of the connection between video games and horror movies and what is going on in the country today. Barrett seems to think that American kids are more connected to reality than their parents. But being cyberspace junkies (yes, as in The Matrix), it’s unlikely they will turn off the console or television or iPod long enough to do anything to save the country.

So what are the American sheeple* to do? Well, since they have made a suicide pack among themselves not to do anything about the creeping alien crud that is spreading across the country like kudzu, now they need only to choose how to finish off the country (as in They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? They now have only two choices: John McCain and Barack Obama. Barack Obama, let me remind you, is only half American, his father, O.B. Sr., came from Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya. So in Barack what you are seeing is not the first African-American becoming president of the United States but the first African-African becoming president. I would welcome an African-American if he would get us out of Iraq, stand up the Israel and its operatives in the U.S. (however, Obama has already acquiesced to the demands of AIPAC, which is now pretty much in control of American foreign policy), and send the illegal aliens packing. Certainly he couldn’t do any worse than Jorge W. Bush, who has brought the country to it knees except for its weapons of mass destruction, so that now America struts about the globe like some gangbanger packing a rod. And this is not to overlook Obama’s abilities. Yes, he is smart and articulate, especially when compared to that Texas 30 watt light bulb now running the country. However, being half alien himself we know he doesn’t give a damn about the America of Jefferson, Washington, or even Lincoln. And he certainly doesn’t give a damn about black Americans, who once again have become forgotten Americans as America experiences death by Hispanicide. So what does Obama offer Americans? Apparently what they desire: death. He has, like most other politicians, sided with the aliens, thus is pushing open the gates of Alamo America in order to allow the aliens hordes to flood in. The way I see it, choosing Obama is choosing the slow death. He will least get America out of Iraq where we might as well be using B52s to drop billions of dollars over the country (which we probably should have done in the first place). In addition, Obama, being a great orator, would give false hope to Americans, at least until reality reenters lives like a home invasion. So Obama would keep the country on life-supports a little longer. Imagine some American tourist stupid enough to travel to Mexico only to find himself lying on the side of the road, robbed and near death, flies, ants, and other insects crawling over and biting his face and body. It’s death by a thousand stings. He wants to do something, but he cannot; he can only wait for death. That is the rest of the American story if you vote for Obama: The slow death Hemlock Option.

John Brutus McCain offers the other method of national suicide. McCain loves the aliens as much as Obama and is just as willing to stab America in back and then give the alien blade a double twist. You see Obama is not a Brutus-like traitor. He is half alien, so we expect him to side with the aliens. But McCain is an all-American (or once was), yet he and Edward Chappaquiddick Kennedy worked together to make and sharpen the knife to be used on America and against Americans. The knife is called the Kennedy-McCain Immigration Bill. If McCain is elected, he will continue George Bush lemming-like policies, leading America over the cliff of failed domestic and foreign policies. Imagine Uncle Sam surround, like Caesar, by his enemies being stabbed by a dozen traitorous knives and you will get the picture of what has been happening to America and will continue to happen regardless of how you vote. But at least McCain won’t let America linger on its deathbed. Mercifully he will cut America’s throat while his fellow politicos, corporate types, priests and ministers, and the descendants of Judas stab him in his sleep. So what do you get if you vote for McCain? The quick death Brutus Option.

What will my choice be? You probably think that a fatalistic cynic like me will refrain from the futile act of voting. Of course, millions Americans haven’t been voting. Why should they when the only choice is between arsenic and Cyanide? Don’t get the wrong impression given by the smiling faces of the sheeple that you see surrounding the candidates. What television and newspapers don’t show are the millions of Americans who have given up on democracy but it’s not working for them in America. So you might conclude that if they have given up then to hell with them. But they are not going to go away. I predict that they will become another source of social chaos, like poor old Diane Craig, 64, who recent set fires in the restrooms of gas stations and a Starbucks to protest high gas prices. God bless her. At least she’s got more guts than our politicians. She is a true American. I predict that in the next few decades the America economy and morale will collapse, and when it does America is going to look a lot more like the Dawn of the Dead than Leave It to Beaver. So, to quote our demented president, let’s Bring it on by voting for McCain. America would become the most entertaining reality show in the world—imagine drinking beer and eating pizza while watching Rome America burn, that is, if you can afford the gas necessary to get to the store and the increase in food prices hasn’t by then transformed pizza and beer into caviar for the unemployed bicycle-riding American white-trash proletariat. Perhaps we should start stocking up now.

Then, everyday will be a memorial day.

*A term used all the time by conservative talk-show host Michael Savage. I think Randi Roads might also use the phrase, though she hasn’t been on in San Diego for a while because San Diego is a city filled with sports zombies and losing teams. Roads and Savage are alike temperamentally though opposites politically. That’s why I like them. They are both angry, and both will go after Democrats and Republicans. For example, Savage thinks Bush retarded and McCain dug up from some cemetery for dead old white men. These two are not money whores, i.e., talk-show hosts who follow the party line because doing so is lucrative. I agree with Roads when she’s bashing the Republicans and with Savage when he is bashing everyone. I agree with Savage only about 30 percent of the time on all issues, such as when he is going after politicians, illegal aliens, and Islamic infiltrators living in the U.S. and wanting to build a Mosque in every American community, in other words, turn the U.S. into Islamabad. We already know how well Islam works in Western countries like Great Britain, France, and Denmark. But the main thing I agree on with Savage is America’s becoming an alien dominated Gomorrah. He loves to tell stories about the good ol’ days in America when it was still America and had some class and values. Mike Savage is an angry American, like Howard Beale in Network, he is the “mad prophet of the airways,” America’s own Jeremiah shouting "I'm as mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Yet Savage is honest enough to know and say that we all are going to have to take it plenty from the greedy, un-American movers and shakers who control the country. I listen to Savage to hear his stories about the hard good ol’ days, to feel his anger, and to commiserate with him. He preaches not the end of the world but the end of America, which for Americans is the same thing, worse, actually, because one still exists as a homeless stranger in an alien culture that once was one’s own.