Thursday, June 26, 2008

Karl the Rat Rove on the Rampage against Obama

Did you see the opinion piece “It’s All About Obama” in the Wall Street Journal in which Mephistopheles Rove* whines about Barack Obama’s being the first to redesigned the presidential seal before the election. Who gives an S*H*I*T about the presidential seal? I don’t. What most people care about is the state of the nation, which is in shambles because of Republican scum like Rove. I mean this guy is a traitor who helped sell out Americans to moneyed special interests and the Zionist cabal that has taken control of the nation.

*Travis Barrett says in Gringo that Time magazine called “Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld The Three Amigos.” Then he went on to say, “I think The Three Diablos (Abaddon, Belial, Beelzebub) would be more accurate. Rove could be Mephistopheles. And the American people, who are they? The people who bartered away their souls.” And apparently they are still doing it.

We don’t know what damage Obama will do to the country (probably plenty but no more than I-think-I’m-having-a-stroke John McCain. However, we do know how much damage the lying, scheming, betraying Karl Rove and his retarded Faust George Bush have done. Thousands of Americans continue to lose their homes in a downward spiraling economy, American tax dollars and lives continue to be wasted in two idiotic wars (the Iraqi one being both immoral and fought on the behalf of Israel), America’s international reputation is now trashed (Karl Iago Rove being a man without character could care less about reputation), the American dollar is becoming as worthless as American products (such as their automobiles), and so on and on.

And now this fat piece of filth is criticizing Obama about a presidential seal already made worthless by Rove, Bush, and the other conniving Republicans who have been running and ruining the country for the passed eight years. Karl Scum complains that on the seal “Sen. Obama to make himself appear more presidential. But most people saw in the seal something else – chutzpah – and he's stopped using it. Such arrogance – even self-centeredness – have [sic] featured often in the Obama campaign.”

This conspiratorial S.O.B. has got a lot of nerve calling Obama arrogant and self-centered. The thing about Rove is that he may be clever but is basically a stupid man, the kind of stupidity that originates in a greediness for wealth, power, and influence. He reminds one of greedy Gollum in Lord of the Rings, a totally despicable creature—physically and morally. Just thinking about him makes one nauseous.

Pig Rove continues by saying, “Consider [Obama’s] treatment of Jeremiah Wright. After Rev. Wright repeated his anti-American slurs at the National Press Club, Mr. Obama said their relationship was forever changed – but not because of what he'd said about America. Instead, Mr. Obama complained, ‘I don't think he showed much concern for me.’"

Okay, Obama is a cunning, self-centered politician (like all the rest), but Rove and company make Obama look like a little leaguer when it comes to cunning and corruption. Besides, Rev. Wright’s criticism of America is right on. Blacks have gotten the shaft by America. However, they aren’t the only ones. Since Rove’s monster G.W.B. took office all (non-millionaire) Americans have been getting the shaft.

Then Karl the Rat Rove references his “former White House colleague Yuval Levin.” Who is this guy? Well, his mentor is Leon Kass, “the son of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. Kass described his family as a "Yiddish speaking, secular, socialist family" (Wikipedia). And Kass is a follower of another Jew, Leo Strauss, who thought it was okay for politicians to tell the people "noble lies," which the Bush administration told the American people to justify the Iraq War, instigated by the Zionist neoconservative fifth columnists who have taken control of America at every level imaginable.

That’s why American Jews have become known as the Judas people. They have betrayed America for their true homeland, Israel, and by aiding and abetting those armies of aliens who seek to transform America into a multi-alien nation. Of course, Levin is a big McCain supporter because McCain’s commitment to Israel is absolute, even if it keeps Americans in Iraq forever and also means bombing the hell out of Iran. And we know all about McCain’s love of illegal aliens (if loving them benefits him politically).

How did Americans ever get self-destructively bogged down in the Middle East? Because the Jews who migrated to America and their offspring now have America by the nose and they are bashing (with the help of Benedict Arnolds such as Rove) a hole in the bottom of the American boat that welcomed them onboard. But if Americans are too stupid to see that, then so be it. They deserve to sink with their country. Of course, the millionaire carrion feeders like Karl Rove will hitch their star to the Star of David, and make a good profit too off the killing of America.

Believe me, Obama’s redesigning of Presidential Seal is the least of Americans’ problems. What they should be worrying about is the redesigning of America into Alien Nation—with the help of the likes of Rove, Bush, McCain, Obama, and their Zionist friends.