Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tony Snow: Sorry, Tony, but millions of Americans Will Not Miss You

We will not miss you because we believe that you, like Ted Kennedy, who will soon be following your footsteps into that dark, endless night, participated in the betrayal of America. Kennedy will not be missed because he sold Americans out to the alien armies who have invaded the American homeland. You will not be missed because you went over to the Dark Side of American politics to serve as George Bush’s spin meister (though you had already sold your soul to the neoconservative propaganda machine long before you bartered it to George Bush and company).

George Bush said that you were loved in the White House. Maybe you were (though I can't imagine love dwelling in such a den of conspiracies against American people), but the White House is a very small place that has become an object of loathing to millions of Americans, especially under the reign of the Bush administration, which has continued to sell out America to Mexico, Israel, and U.S. war industries. Now America is losing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and her towns and cities to Mexico and other nations south of the border. Anyone in his or her right mind knows that the Mexicans and other Hispanics invading America are first and foremost loyal to their home countries (see; thus, those who support them support the enemies of America.

You were nothing more than just another propaganda minister for George Bush, whose job it was to give a positive spin (Snow job) on Bush’s nefarious policies that have continued the process of America’s self-destruction. The President lauded what he felt was your ability to bring a certain civility to a very contentious job, but contention and consternation are to be expected when you are defending the devil, even to a press paid not to offend news media owners, advertisers, or consumers of the sanitized news presented by America's occasionally contentious journalists. I’m sure the job of being Hitler’s propaganda minister couldn’t have been more compromising.

Sadly, the end of your life will always be associated with George Bush. Apparently you, the so-called philosopher, never read Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Illich or Sartre’s No Exit or Dirty Hands; otherwise, you would not have wasted the final year of the supposedly mature years of your life attempting to make a bad man look good. It’s hard to believe that you ever read Plato’s condemnation of the sophists; otherwise, you would not have become one yourself. You, like your mentor Rush Limbaugh and all the other hack sophistic rhetoricians who defend Republican and neoconservative evildoers for the sake of money, power, and glory, will live on, but only as a minor footnote to an infamous administration. (Say hello to Herr Koebbels, another lover of shock and awe.)