Americans have shown that they have been pushed around long enough by their high functioning moronic president, Wall Street Jews, and Zionist neoconservatives. And if the economy collapses, then maybe the members of the Hispanic Nation now occupying much of the country will return to their homes south of the border. CNN's Ali Vishnu tells us that Americans should let their representatives know that they must vote for the bailout, but just looking at him and the rest of the CNN staff tells you why Americans are sick of their traitorous government (except for a handful of patriotic Republicans who won’t kowtow to the traitorous Sen. McCain, who wants to turn America over to the illegals aliens who have invaded it). Americans are angry because America has come to look like CNN, which looks like the United Nations, staffed by names like Toobin, Aqui, Azuz, Blitzer, Gupta, Chetry, Nguyen, Zakaria, and Sanchez.
Take Wolf Blitzer as an example of how far the country has fallen into un-American hands. He is the son of Jewish refugees from Poland. “Blitzer began his career in journalism in the early 1970s in the Tel Aviv bureau of the Reuters news agency. In 1973 he caught the eye of Jerusalem Post editor Ari Rath, who hired Blitzer as a Washington correspondent for the English language Israeli newspaper. ... Blitzer also worked for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as the editor of their monthly in house publication, the Near East Report. While at AIPAC, Blitzer's journalism focused on Middle East affairs... In the mid 1970s, Blitzer also lobbied on behalf of AIPAC to better Israel's foreign interests” (“Wolf Blitzer,” Wikipedia). Just in case you don’t know, AIPAC is the Zionist organization that has been running the U.S. Government ever since and before the neocons took it over. (Google: "AIPAC - Zionists loyal to Israel in the United States - AOL Video.")
And even though the country is supposed to be on the brink of disaster, the government won’t be able to devote its full attention to the problem because of the Jewish holidays, as if the Zionist Jews haven’t caused America enough grief already. So, let the economy collapse. Then maybe Americans will wake up to the fact that they are threatened by mcuh more than just the usurers of Wall Street.