As of Barack Obama’s election, Thanksgiving Day became history for Americans because that day America was officially given away to the aliens. Those who will be giving thanks for the great American giveaway are the Jews and illegal aliens and their offspring.
First and foremost to celebrate are the Zionist Jews, such as Sen. Lieberman, who have longed for the day America became a minority-majority nation because they knew then that they would effectively have control of the country. Unlike Americans, the Jews know all about survival. They have been doing it for thousands of years, whereas Americans have been doing it for a few hundred years (and have forgotten how to survive or compete, as if struck suddenly by Alzheimer’s disease (the Jews still know how to do both)). The Jews already have control of the various financial, political, legal, and media nerve centers of America. What they want, besides money, and if you’ve following the news, the money experts are usually Jews, is for America to become a multiculturally dominated nation, which just happened with the Obama election, and to use American’s military might to defend the illegal and, for the most part, heinous State of Israel.
The Obama election indicated that the Jews finally got their way. And I voted for Obama, whom I actually admire, because I couldn’t bring myself to vote for the traitorous Sen. McCain (I don’t give a damn that he was a prisoner in an immoral and illegal war) who coauthored, with that other American traitor Ted Kennedy, the Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill. And did you notice that Judas Lieberman was at McCain's side during the entire election, because what the Jews living in America want in the presidential office is a pro-Israel, pro-illegal alien warmonger? And as it turns out it looks as if with Obama they are getting a warmongering wolf is sheep’s clothing. Have you noticed that the Jews have already gotten control of the Obama presidency? Well, just take a look at some of his appointments.
First, there is Rahm Emanuel, whom Obama selected to be his White House Chief of Staff. Emanuel’s father is an Israeli Zionist who was a member of the Jewish terrorist group Irgun. Then there are Timothy Geithner, selected as Obama’s Treasury Secretary; Lawrence Summers, selected to head the National Economic Council; and Paul Volker, chairman-designate of Obama’s newly formed Economic Recovery Advisory Board. As you can see the Jews already have a collar around the neck of the president of the new alien-controlled America.
So you can see the Jews are rejoicing this Thanksgiving because they have effectively taken control of America, which means America will remain the guardian of the illegal State of Israel and by doing so remain a pariah among the nations of the world for supporting a nation that has confined the Palestinian people in Jewish concentration camps. But the Hispanic Nation will also be joyful this Thanksgiving in Amexica. They have defeated the gringo, who was stupid enough to believe that a minority of Hispanic invaders could never defeat the almighty gringo. But the illegals knew better because they knew that all they needed was to be able to provide enough votes to swing the national election one way or the other and they would have either candidate on their side (or in their pocket). The last presidential election proved their strategy correct. It was a win-win situation for Hispanics. If McCain had won, they would have had Mr. Amnesty as their president. And having Obama as their president they have representing them a leftist, half-alien whose philosophy is forgive and forget because it is not his nation that will be forgotten, but the nation built by the American people.
On the front page of the Wednesday edition of the San Diego Union-Tribune was a picture of America’s future on the front page, a Latino kid dressed up in Indian headgear. The truth is that the Hispanics have nothing to do with American history other than being America’s adversaries, which they still are, given that they have been invading the country by the millions. And once they get here their propagandists start demanding their rights, such as señor Navarrette saying in his propaganda column the same day that “Hispanics deserve much better from Obama.” No, what Hispanics deserve is to be run out of the country they invaded. I wonder if the Señor actually thinks any gringo is convinced by his Latino self-promotion. He is miffed because the son of Hispanic immigrants, Bill Richardson, wasn’t selected by Obama for Secretary of State. In support of Richardson’s qualifications the Señor quotes Janet Murguia who is the head of Americans’ archenemy the National Council of La Raze. I think what Señor Navarrette really wants to do is not convince gringos but anger them. In this regard, he is successful. Still, Obama threw the Hispanic Nation a bone by choosing Richardson as his Commerce Secretary, which is a hell of a lot more than Americans got, which was to be thrown overboard the U.S.S. America.
What can Americans expect to get from the Hispanic Nation? Well, first of all consider why millions of Mexicans and other Hispanics have chosen to leave their homelands south of the border. They left because they—the Hispanics themselves—have culturally trashed their homelands. Mexico’s biggest exports to America are drugs, violence, criminality, and gangs, in other words, dysfunctional culture. In today’s newspaper this Thanksgiving Day is a story titled “Hundreds gather to pray for peace.” Where? Tijuana, of course. Why? The “city is reeling from hundreds of slayings and kidnappings as drug gangs battle for dominance.” That’s what the children of Americans have to look forward to—an America criminalized by Hispanic dysfunctionality. The Hispanics are like the Cowbird, which lays her eggs in the nests of other bird species, who then raise the young cowbird. As I recall, the baby Cowbird gobbles all the food and pushes the offspring of the host bird out of the nest. If that is not completely true of the Cowbird, it is true of the behavior of the Hispanic invaders—as any American, like myself, who is living in a barrio that was once an American community. Where have all the other Americans gone? In search of an American community—an endangered species, because Hispanics are more like fish than birds, producing prodigious numbers of offspring, all of whom are given nonAmerican U.S. citizenship.
Oh America! Your days are numbered. From this day on Thanksgiving Day will be Americans’ Day of the Dead, celebrated by eating crow, weeping and gnashing of teeth, wearing sack cloth and wailing. It shall be a time of remembrance, a time of resentment—toward those who betrayed you. Recently I saw a photo of an old weeping W.W.II veteran who had fought to save America a half-century ago. I thought of how Americans today have dishonored the memory of those veterans—by surrendering the country to the alien hordes who have now claimed it as their own.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Barbara Bush Hospitalized: Who Really Cares?
Barbara Bush is hospitalized. Why should I care about the woman who brought mass-murderer George W. Bush into the world? Admittedly she is not as bad a Victor Frankenstein who brought his assembled creature into the world, but Frankenstein’s creature did less harm to the world than George W. Bush:
Who is responsible for deaths of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians here and abroad and the suffering of millions of people in Iraq.
Who has allowed drones to destroyed villages in Afghanistan, maybe killing a few “suspected” terrorists, but certainly killing innocent men, women, and children.
Whose warmongering has transformed America into an Evil Empire, not simply in the minds of the peoples of the world, but in reality, because let’s face it, when the final body count is tallied, even Osama bin Laden will look like a piker compared to George W. Bush.
Who stabbed Americans in the back by allowing, even encouraging, the alien invasion of the United States of America that has transformed America into an Alien Nation, evidenced by the recent election of Barack Obama, the first president of the United States of Aliens.
Who has thought more about making rich people richer than protecting the food, water, and air Americans eat, drink, and breath or helping Americans keep their jobs and homes.
Who has allowed God’s creation—nature—to continue to be destroyed and desecrated.
Who is full of God talk but has done nothing but evil.
I’m sure Barbara Bush has been a loving mother, but so have most the mothers of mass murderers. Like the mothers of other infamous leaders, such as Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, and Idi Amin Dada, whatever good she might have accomplished will remain hidden in the shadow of her son’s evil.
To the media I say keep Barbara Bush’s suffering to yourselves. It’s a joke when there is so much horrific suffering going on each day because of the monster she brought into the world.
And as it turns out she underwent surgery for an ulcer, which is exactly what her son has been to Americans and the rest of the world, a bleeding ulcer, except in Bush World others do the bleeding while he lives the life of royalty. And what about the millions of elderly Americans who can’t afford to get the medical treatment and medicines they need—and whose children weren’t mass murders? The answer is that in Bush World life isn’t always fair, kind of like those CEOs getting million dollar bonuses even as their corporations fail and their employees lose their jobs and homes. Tough shit for them, but we’re supposed to be concerned about Barbara Bush. I don’t think so.
Who is responsible for deaths of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians here and abroad and the suffering of millions of people in Iraq.
Who has allowed drones to destroyed villages in Afghanistan, maybe killing a few “suspected” terrorists, but certainly killing innocent men, women, and children.
Whose warmongering has transformed America into an Evil Empire, not simply in the minds of the peoples of the world, but in reality, because let’s face it, when the final body count is tallied, even Osama bin Laden will look like a piker compared to George W. Bush.
Who stabbed Americans in the back by allowing, even encouraging, the alien invasion of the United States of America that has transformed America into an Alien Nation, evidenced by the recent election of Barack Obama, the first president of the United States of Aliens.
Who has thought more about making rich people richer than protecting the food, water, and air Americans eat, drink, and breath or helping Americans keep their jobs and homes.
Who has allowed God’s creation—nature—to continue to be destroyed and desecrated.
Who is full of God talk but has done nothing but evil.
I’m sure Barbara Bush has been a loving mother, but so have most the mothers of mass murderers. Like the mothers of other infamous leaders, such as Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, and Idi Amin Dada, whatever good she might have accomplished will remain hidden in the shadow of her son’s evil.
To the media I say keep Barbara Bush’s suffering to yourselves. It’s a joke when there is so much horrific suffering going on each day because of the monster she brought into the world.
And as it turns out she underwent surgery for an ulcer, which is exactly what her son has been to Americans and the rest of the world, a bleeding ulcer, except in Bush World others do the bleeding while he lives the life of royalty. And what about the millions of elderly Americans who can’t afford to get the medical treatment and medicines they need—and whose children weren’t mass murders? The answer is that in Bush World life isn’t always fair, kind of like those CEOs getting million dollar bonuses even as their corporations fail and their employees lose their jobs and homes. Tough shit for them, but we’re supposed to be concerned about Barbara Bush. I don’t think so.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The End of America - Thanks to George Bush and All the Other White Men Who Betrayed the Country
If you don’t like the way the election turned out, don’t blame Barack Obama. Blame those who betrayed America, men like George Bush who embraced the alien hordes, who thought more about making a profit than preserving America, who worried more about the survival of Israel than the survival of America, and who have forever betrayed black Americans (especially in the nigger-hating South). As a result, you cannot see your face in the America you have now because these men allowed the American waters to be muddied by millions of alien invaders.
Don’t you remember George Bush holding Mexican babies and waving the Mexican flag? Well it was profit-seeking white men like George Bush who wanted the cheap labor that the Hispanic hordes would provide and so threw open the gates to the Hispanic and the other alien barbarians clamoring to invade America. It was white politicians who catered the Hispanic vote, though it meant stabbing America in the back. On the last day of the campaign John McCain stood with Mel Martinez, Cuba’s senator of Florida who worked with McCain to push the death-to-America amnesty Immigration Reform Bill.
You remember McCain’s campaign slogan, AMERICA FIRST. The truth is that slogan was nothing more than political propaganda used by white politicians like McCain to dupe gullible Americans into believing that he really cared about America. To politicians like Bush, McCain, and Ted Kennedy, in other words most white American politicians, preserving America has been the least of their concerns. Mel Martinez didn’t sell out America because he isn’t an American. He’s a Cuban loyal not to America but to the HISPANIC NATION that is eating out the heart of America. And America was not betrayed by Barack Obama. Just look at his name and you see that he too is an alien. Americans didn’t elect a black American but a half Kenyan living in America. His black father’s ancestors were not slaves, and he was a Muslim, not a Christian. Obama still has seven half brothers and sisters in Kenya. Obama may be black skinned, but he is not American black.
And what about Obama’s mother? Well, her life is a cautionary tale for America. She renounced her Americaness to embrace the alien, marrying first a Kenyan and then an Indonesian who was also a Muslim. She turned away from America and embraced the alien, yet the marriages failed, just as America’s marriage to the aliens who have been invading her will fail. Like Obama’s mother white America has wedded itself to the millions of aliens who have been invaded her since World War II. And Americans have just found that the new America looks more like Obama than themselves. For one thing, Obama’s mother had only two children but his father had eight. That’s why at the end of this century America will have become Acirema, a nation unrecognizable to Americans (glimmers of that future America can be seen on reruns of the TV program The Shield). But don’t blame Obama or the aliens who have been overrunning country; blame the white American men and women who were willing to sell out the country for a buck or a vote. Men like George Bush and John McCain.
The mantra of American conservatives has been “America First,” but their actions have spoken otherwise. (Democrats don't even pretend to put America first.) For example, they have consistently put the welfare of Israel before that of America. They have committed America to defending and preserving the illegitimate State of Israel while allowing the destruction of American by a process of alienization. Even now, America is fighting Israel’s battles in Iraq and Afghanistan. And the 9/11 attacks would never have happened had American not become Israel’s attack dog. The Bush administration was totally infiltrated by Israeli operatives such as Elliott Abrams, Jeffrey Berkowitz, Josh Bolten, Michael Chertoff, Douglas Feith, Ari Fleischer, David Frum (Bush’s speechwriter), Lewis Libby, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and numerous other Zionists.
Seemingly, Bush’s commitment to the Zionist state is motivated by his having been indoctrinated by evangelical Christianity, which believes that the END TIMES have arrived (and they have for America as the election has shown) and also by his subpar intellectual capacity. You remember Lennie and George in Mice and Men. Lennie was the big stupid guy (Bush and America); George the little smart guy (Israel and its Jewish operatives in the U.S.) who ends up shooting Lennie in the head. That’s what the Zionist Jews have done to America: shoot her in the head with Zionist-neoconservative nonsense so she can’t think for herself. Like Lennie America has become a killer nation hated and feared by the rest of the world. And don’t blame Obama for that. Blame the Jews and the white Americans who have surrendered their souls to Jewish Mephistopheles such as Richard Perle, Irving Kristol, William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, et al.
Apparently, evangelical Christianity has the ability to make the people it infects stupid thus vulnerable, and the Jews have taken advantage of this condition. Evangelicals think they care about America, but they don’t. Their religion comes first, and Israel is central to their religious beliefs; thus Israel comes before America in their clouded, convoluted thinking. What Jews care most about is money and Israel. America isn’t even on their radar because Jews are not Americans because their country is Israel. Jews live in America the way parasites live in the intestines of their hosts. This is not true only of America but of every country inhabited by Jews. That is one of the reason Jews are despised by their hosts. In 1840 there were 15,000 Jews in the U.S. Ergo, most the Jews living in the U.S. today are aliens or the children of Jewish aliens who recently migrated to the U.S. They are hardly a part of American history, and since the founding of Israel their contribution to the welfare of American society has been similar to the AIDS virus’ contribution to the homosexual population. They have weakened America’s immune system (politically and legally), leaving it vulnerable to the aliens of the world seeking to enter America and alienize her cities and communities.
And who was also by John McCain’s side in Florida and apparently everywhere else McCain traveled? McCain’s good friend mentioned in his concession speech, Joe Lieberman, a Zionist operative in the U.S. Senate. McCain loves to portray himself as an American patriot, but his commitment to Zionists such as Joe the Jew Lieberman shows that he is not a patriot but a traitor, like Bush and all the other white so-called Americans who have sold out America to Israel. Why do you think William Kristol (a supporter of the Iraq War) wrote an election-day article titled “Liberals Should Welcome McCain Win”? Because Kristol is an unAmerican neoconservative Zionist Jew who believes that a black man with Hussein for a middle name might not be as gullible and stupid as the white men who have been digging America’s grave with shovels provided to them by Israeli operatives who call themselves Jewish Americans.
And let’s not forget that McCain and the Jews living in America walk lockstep when it comes to illegal immigration. You remember that it was John McCain and Ted Kennedy who created the amnesty bill for illegal aliens. That’s exactly what the Jews in America also want—to bring an end to America, which happened when Obama was elected the first alien-American president. He represents what Americans have become: half American and half alien. By the end of the century, it will be difficult to get even a half-American elected present.
McCain’s sidekick Lieberman is a good example of a Jew who seeks the end of America. He joined McCain in urging an overhaul of immigration laws to legitimize the flow of workers from Mexico and provide them with a pathway to citizenship. Why are Jews in favor of the overthrow of America as a country run by Americans? Because Jews are a minority that considers other minorities as allies against the old American regime consisting of mostly Christian European stock. In a nation of minorities, including Euro-Americans, the Jews believe they will be able to run the country because they are the smartest guys on the block. And it seems the Zionists will retain their control of the U.S. Government. President Elect Obama has already chosen Rahm Emanuel to be his White House Chief of Staff. His father, the Jerusalem-born Benjamin M. Emanuel, was a member of the Irgun, a militant Zionist group considered a terrorist group by the British. It's difficult to imagine a more alien, unAmerican combination planning the further demise of the country created by the Founding Fathers, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington. Oh how far the mighty America has fallen!
But don’t blame Obama, the child of an alien father and a mother who spurned America, for the end of America. Americans can blame only themselves for allowing armies of immigrants, legal and illegal, to invade America and take control of its political process. Young Americans are thrilled with the Obama election, as they should be. They have had to put up with stupid, greedy, venal warmongers for eight years who were never on their side in the first place. But when they are McCain’s age they will see that the newcomers are actually a Trojan horse (like Homer’s or the computer virus) that will alienize America to such a degree that they will become strangers in their own land. I live in a barrio that was once an American community, so I know of what I speak.
The way the alien Trojan Horse works is that once it arrives it seeks to bring in more aliens like itself. Take for example the Somali Amina Farah, a resettlement case manager with the International Rescue Committee (the brainchild of Albert Einstein). Farah came to the U.S. as a refugee 11 years ago. Since then “she has helped thousands of people [aliens] acclimate to life in America.” She was just honored for her accomplishments as a resettlement case manager. In other words, she has repaid America for bringing her in, educating her, providing her medical care, etc., at American taxpayers’ expense by helping to bring in more Somalis to create Somali urban villages where she can feel more at home in the country that gave her shelter. Thus, Amina, like all the other aliens who have been allowed to invade the U.S. during the past half-century, has been busy transforming American communities and cities into alien enclaves.
And how much has America benefitted from the invaders? The wealthiest Americans have benefitted, but ordinary Americans have seen their communities blighted by social and cultural decay, and the alien-American divide grows greater each day. Hispanic communities are plague with gangs, crime, drugs, sexual perversion, and dysfunctional schools. In other words, American each day becomes more like Mexico. Americans now must learn Spanish as a second language in order to communicate with the members of the Hispanic Nation that is now metastasizing across the American landscape. The disease metaphor is appropriate because the spreading of the Hispanic Nation on American soil means the demise of America. The relationship is antagonistic just as the relationship between a healthy body (existing in an unimpaired state) and a pathogen is antagonistic. America’s cultural integrity is being destroyed. And don't yourselves, Hispanics living in America are loyal only their homelands and hate the gringo, as Hispanic anti-gringo organizations such as La Raza and MEChA make clear.
Another example of the alienization of America is the growing Muslim population in America, now 6 to 7 million. There is nothing more alien to American society than Islamic culture or the noise of the Islamic call to prayer blaring out over loud speakers 5 times a day. It’s as if its purpose is to drive Americans from their communities. And if you think Muslims don’t believe the Islamification of America (or Europe) is the will of Allah, then you’re as dumb as George Bush.
But don’t blame the invaders. Americans are the ones responsible for the alien Trojan Horse that just brought America to its demise. And what are the Republicans and Democrats going to do about it? Nothing. The tipping point has been reached, the avalanche has begun, the USS America has struck the alien iceberg and is now sinking into the sea of oblivion. That’s why I voted for Obama. He didn’t betray America. The other guys did.
Good-bye, America. Hello, Acirema!
Don’t you remember George Bush holding Mexican babies and waving the Mexican flag? Well it was profit-seeking white men like George Bush who wanted the cheap labor that the Hispanic hordes would provide and so threw open the gates to the Hispanic and the other alien barbarians clamoring to invade America. It was white politicians who catered the Hispanic vote, though it meant stabbing America in the back. On the last day of the campaign John McCain stood with Mel Martinez, Cuba’s senator of Florida who worked with McCain to push the death-to-America amnesty Immigration Reform Bill.
You remember McCain’s campaign slogan, AMERICA FIRST. The truth is that slogan was nothing more than political propaganda used by white politicians like McCain to dupe gullible Americans into believing that he really cared about America. To politicians like Bush, McCain, and Ted Kennedy, in other words most white American politicians, preserving America has been the least of their concerns. Mel Martinez didn’t sell out America because he isn’t an American. He’s a Cuban loyal not to America but to the HISPANIC NATION that is eating out the heart of America. And America was not betrayed by Barack Obama. Just look at his name and you see that he too is an alien. Americans didn’t elect a black American but a half Kenyan living in America. His black father’s ancestors were not slaves, and he was a Muslim, not a Christian. Obama still has seven half brothers and sisters in Kenya. Obama may be black skinned, but he is not American black.
And what about Obama’s mother? Well, her life is a cautionary tale for America. She renounced her Americaness to embrace the alien, marrying first a Kenyan and then an Indonesian who was also a Muslim. She turned away from America and embraced the alien, yet the marriages failed, just as America’s marriage to the aliens who have been invading her will fail. Like Obama’s mother white America has wedded itself to the millions of aliens who have been invaded her since World War II. And Americans have just found that the new America looks more like Obama than themselves. For one thing, Obama’s mother had only two children but his father had eight. That’s why at the end of this century America will have become Acirema, a nation unrecognizable to Americans (glimmers of that future America can be seen on reruns of the TV program The Shield). But don’t blame Obama or the aliens who have been overrunning country; blame the white American men and women who were willing to sell out the country for a buck or a vote. Men like George Bush and John McCain.
The mantra of American conservatives has been “America First,” but their actions have spoken otherwise. (Democrats don't even pretend to put America first.) For example, they have consistently put the welfare of Israel before that of America. They have committed America to defending and preserving the illegitimate State of Israel while allowing the destruction of American by a process of alienization. Even now, America is fighting Israel’s battles in Iraq and Afghanistan. And the 9/11 attacks would never have happened had American not become Israel’s attack dog. The Bush administration was totally infiltrated by Israeli operatives such as Elliott Abrams, Jeffrey Berkowitz, Josh Bolten, Michael Chertoff, Douglas Feith, Ari Fleischer, David Frum (Bush’s speechwriter), Lewis Libby, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and numerous other Zionists.
Seemingly, Bush’s commitment to the Zionist state is motivated by his having been indoctrinated by evangelical Christianity, which believes that the END TIMES have arrived (and they have for America as the election has shown) and also by his subpar intellectual capacity. You remember Lennie and George in Mice and Men. Lennie was the big stupid guy (Bush and America); George the little smart guy (Israel and its Jewish operatives in the U.S.) who ends up shooting Lennie in the head. That’s what the Zionist Jews have done to America: shoot her in the head with Zionist-neoconservative nonsense so she can’t think for herself. Like Lennie America has become a killer nation hated and feared by the rest of the world. And don’t blame Obama for that. Blame the Jews and the white Americans who have surrendered their souls to Jewish Mephistopheles such as Richard Perle, Irving Kristol, William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, et al.
Apparently, evangelical Christianity has the ability to make the people it infects stupid thus vulnerable, and the Jews have taken advantage of this condition. Evangelicals think they care about America, but they don’t. Their religion comes first, and Israel is central to their religious beliefs; thus Israel comes before America in their clouded, convoluted thinking. What Jews care most about is money and Israel. America isn’t even on their radar because Jews are not Americans because their country is Israel. Jews live in America the way parasites live in the intestines of their hosts. This is not true only of America but of every country inhabited by Jews. That is one of the reason Jews are despised by their hosts. In 1840 there were 15,000 Jews in the U.S. Ergo, most the Jews living in the U.S. today are aliens or the children of Jewish aliens who recently migrated to the U.S. They are hardly a part of American history, and since the founding of Israel their contribution to the welfare of American society has been similar to the AIDS virus’ contribution to the homosexual population. They have weakened America’s immune system (politically and legally), leaving it vulnerable to the aliens of the world seeking to enter America and alienize her cities and communities.
And who was also by John McCain’s side in Florida and apparently everywhere else McCain traveled? McCain’s good friend mentioned in his concession speech, Joe Lieberman, a Zionist operative in the U.S. Senate. McCain loves to portray himself as an American patriot, but his commitment to Zionists such as Joe the Jew Lieberman shows that he is not a patriot but a traitor, like Bush and all the other white so-called Americans who have sold out America to Israel. Why do you think William Kristol (a supporter of the Iraq War) wrote an election-day article titled “Liberals Should Welcome McCain Win”? Because Kristol is an unAmerican neoconservative Zionist Jew who believes that a black man with Hussein for a middle name might not be as gullible and stupid as the white men who have been digging America’s grave with shovels provided to them by Israeli operatives who call themselves Jewish Americans.
And let’s not forget that McCain and the Jews living in America walk lockstep when it comes to illegal immigration. You remember that it was John McCain and Ted Kennedy who created the amnesty bill for illegal aliens. That’s exactly what the Jews in America also want—to bring an end to America, which happened when Obama was elected the first alien-American president. He represents what Americans have become: half American and half alien. By the end of the century, it will be difficult to get even a half-American elected present.
McCain’s sidekick Lieberman is a good example of a Jew who seeks the end of America. He joined McCain in urging an overhaul of immigration laws to legitimize the flow of workers from Mexico and provide them with a pathway to citizenship. Why are Jews in favor of the overthrow of America as a country run by Americans? Because Jews are a minority that considers other minorities as allies against the old American regime consisting of mostly Christian European stock. In a nation of minorities, including Euro-Americans, the Jews believe they will be able to run the country because they are the smartest guys on the block. And it seems the Zionists will retain their control of the U.S. Government. President Elect Obama has already chosen Rahm Emanuel to be his White House Chief of Staff. His father, the Jerusalem-born Benjamin M. Emanuel, was a member of the Irgun, a militant Zionist group considered a terrorist group by the British. It's difficult to imagine a more alien, unAmerican combination planning the further demise of the country created by the Founding Fathers, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington. Oh how far the mighty America has fallen!
But don’t blame Obama, the child of an alien father and a mother who spurned America, for the end of America. Americans can blame only themselves for allowing armies of immigrants, legal and illegal, to invade America and take control of its political process. Young Americans are thrilled with the Obama election, as they should be. They have had to put up with stupid, greedy, venal warmongers for eight years who were never on their side in the first place. But when they are McCain’s age they will see that the newcomers are actually a Trojan horse (like Homer’s or the computer virus) that will alienize America to such a degree that they will become strangers in their own land. I live in a barrio that was once an American community, so I know of what I speak.
The way the alien Trojan Horse works is that once it arrives it seeks to bring in more aliens like itself. Take for example the Somali Amina Farah, a resettlement case manager with the International Rescue Committee (the brainchild of Albert Einstein). Farah came to the U.S. as a refugee 11 years ago. Since then “she has helped thousands of people [aliens] acclimate to life in America.” She was just honored for her accomplishments as a resettlement case manager. In other words, she has repaid America for bringing her in, educating her, providing her medical care, etc., at American taxpayers’ expense by helping to bring in more Somalis to create Somali urban villages where she can feel more at home in the country that gave her shelter. Thus, Amina, like all the other aliens who have been allowed to invade the U.S. during the past half-century, has been busy transforming American communities and cities into alien enclaves.
And how much has America benefitted from the invaders? The wealthiest Americans have benefitted, but ordinary Americans have seen their communities blighted by social and cultural decay, and the alien-American divide grows greater each day. Hispanic communities are plague with gangs, crime, drugs, sexual perversion, and dysfunctional schools. In other words, American each day becomes more like Mexico. Americans now must learn Spanish as a second language in order to communicate with the members of the Hispanic Nation that is now metastasizing across the American landscape. The disease metaphor is appropriate because the spreading of the Hispanic Nation on American soil means the demise of America. The relationship is antagonistic just as the relationship between a healthy body (existing in an unimpaired state) and a pathogen is antagonistic. America’s cultural integrity is being destroyed. And don't yourselves, Hispanics living in America are loyal only their homelands and hate the gringo, as Hispanic anti-gringo organizations such as La Raza and MEChA make clear.
Another example of the alienization of America is the growing Muslim population in America, now 6 to 7 million. There is nothing more alien to American society than Islamic culture or the noise of the Islamic call to prayer blaring out over loud speakers 5 times a day. It’s as if its purpose is to drive Americans from their communities. And if you think Muslims don’t believe the Islamification of America (or Europe) is the will of Allah, then you’re as dumb as George Bush.
But don’t blame the invaders. Americans are the ones responsible for the alien Trojan Horse that just brought America to its demise. And what are the Republicans and Democrats going to do about it? Nothing. The tipping point has been reached, the avalanche has begun, the USS America has struck the alien iceberg and is now sinking into the sea of oblivion. That’s why I voted for Obama. He didn’t betray America. The other guys did.
Good-bye, America. Hello, Acirema!
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