Barbara Bush is hospitalized. Why should I care about the woman who brought mass-murderer George W. Bush into the world? Admittedly she is not as bad a Victor Frankenstein who brought his assembled creature into the world, but Frankenstein’s creature did less harm to the world than George W. Bush:
Who is responsible for deaths of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians here and abroad and the suffering of millions of people in Iraq.
Who has allowed drones to destroyed villages in Afghanistan, maybe killing a few “suspected” terrorists, but certainly killing innocent men, women, and children.
Whose warmongering has transformed America into an Evil Empire, not simply in the minds of the peoples of the world, but in reality, because let’s face it, when the final body count is tallied, even Osama bin Laden will look like a piker compared to George W. Bush.
Who stabbed Americans in the back by allowing, even encouraging, the alien invasion of the United States of America that has transformed America into an Alien Nation, evidenced by the recent election of Barack Obama, the first president of the United States of Aliens.
Who has thought more about making rich people richer than protecting the food, water, and air Americans eat, drink, and breath or helping Americans keep their jobs and homes.
Who has allowed God’s creation—nature—to continue to be destroyed and desecrated.
Who is full of God talk but has done nothing but evil.
I’m sure Barbara Bush has been a loving mother, but so have most the mothers of mass murderers. Like the mothers of other infamous leaders, such as Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, and Idi Amin Dada, whatever good she might have accomplished will remain hidden in the shadow of her son’s evil.
To the media I say keep Barbara Bush’s suffering to yourselves. It’s a joke when there is so much horrific suffering going on each day because of the monster she brought into the world.
And as it turns out she underwent surgery for an ulcer, which is exactly what her son has been to Americans and the rest of the world, a bleeding ulcer, except in Bush World others do the bleeding while he lives the life of royalty. And what about the millions of elderly Americans who can’t afford to get the medical treatment and medicines they need—and whose children weren’t mass murders? The answer is that in Bush World life isn’t always fair, kind of like those CEOs getting million dollar bonuses even as their corporations fail and their employees lose their jobs and homes. Tough shit for them, but we’re supposed to be concerned about Barbara Bush. I don’t think so.