Thursday, May 7, 2009

NATO Exercises Stupidity in Georgia

THERE IS NO FUCKING HOPE FOR THE WORLD. Just look at the NATO nations playing their COLD WAR game with Russia. One thing is for sure. Europeans can expect to be paying a lot more for natural gas given Russia hold's the world's largest natural gas reserves. But what do the rich political FAT CATS care if the citizenry shivers? If I were Dmitry Medvedev I'd stick to Europe. And isn't NATO looking a lot like Geroge Bush's ridiculous coalition.

And let's face it, bullying Russia is the only reason for having NATO military exercises in that SHIT HOLE of a country being run by the American puppet Mikheil Shitkashvili. He wants to be a big shot on the world stage but doesn’t have the right country—like riding a donkey in the Kentucky Derby—but who knows the tar baby was able to get NATO involved in his backwater country. Read about the scum and America’s backing of him for yourself:
When Mikheil Saakashvili was elected President in 2003, he made his goals clear to return the two breakaway [Ossetia] regions of Georgia under central control. He chose NATO, especially the U.S. as his key allies in foreign policy, in exchange he received financial and material support from western countries. U.S. advisers started to train Georgian forces to make them professional in unequal style fighting against militants under the aegis of "War on Terrorism." Georgia became the third largest participant of U.S. coalition in terms of numbers after U.S. and U.K. Georgia received free weapons from U.S., Israel, Germany, and Baltic states. The country's military budget, replenished with U.S. aid increased steadily since Saakashvili's entering to office. (Wikipedia)

That’s right. The members of Bush’s coalition were bribed. So now we have to prop up a tin-horn president in a two-bit country. Go figure. Oh, I forgot. The sheeple of America don’t figure but just go along for the ride and hope things turn out all right, like they have in Iraq.

But what do the nations of NATO know? They can’t even keep the fucking Arabs out their countries, like castrated Britain allowing the Muslims in Hyde Park to shout DEATH TO THE QUEEN. Instead of being in Georgia, the British army ought to take control of Britain while there still any of it left and return it to the British people.

But saber rattling is just too irresistible. And the U.S. and Europe are telling Pakistan how to behave. Fucking hypocrites. The U.S. continues to slaughter Afghan men, women, and children in the name of the WAR ON TERROR. And bully America has its spy ship in the South China Sea to antagonize Red China. That’s the American motto: Do as I say, not as I do (like owning nuclear weapons). And here at home the country is being overrun by illegal aliens and their spawn. And of course none of the citizens of these countries want any of this. Remember Bush’s favorite butt Tony Blair who got Britain involved in the Iraq War against the wishes of the British people? And now the retard is playing the BIG SHOT in the Middle East. But since when did democratically elected governments pay any attention to the people they represent? Never.

The solutions are simple, but the ego maniacs running the countries are STUPID FUCKS. Take France’s idiot president Nicolas Sarkozy's getting France back into NATO against the will of the French people, but of course like Mikheil Shitkashvili he wants to grandstand—put on the big show. Now France has lost its independent voice—one that could have at the very least pointed the rest of the world in the direction of peace. But Nicolas Big-Balls Sarkozy doesn’t want France to be considered a sissy, though the French people could care less. It’s amazing how fucking politicians think they can wear a country like a suit of clothes—in America Nixon and Bush come to mind right away. And now we have Obama doing the same thing, turning America into his own private agenda. And I really don’t see much difference between him and Bush. Bush was the six-gun, cowboy hat image; Obama loves being strapped and wearing lots of rhetorical bling bling. If he were really a man of peace he wouldn’t be playing chicken with Russia and China.

THERE’S NO FUCKING HOPE. All politicians suffer from George Bush Warmongeringitus. It’s like playing a reality video game. The politicians are at the controls and the soldiers are no more important than the AI soldiers in games. Politicians don’t want peace, wouldn’t know what to do with it. War games are too much fun. Europe and the U.S. would like you to believe that the Muslims are the only people suffering from warmongering brain-rot. No doubt about it, Muslims are all about killing. The holy way of life for them is HOLY WAR, but the Westerns are really no different, just better at concealing their love of mayhem. The world is in worse shape now than it was in the fifties and sixties because politicians are just as stupid now as they were then, but things are a lot more chaotic now that the West has gotten the Muslim hornet’s nest stirred up. And remember the day when NUCLEAR WEAPONS were okay—because only the West had them. Now they are a problem, but only in the hands of the religious nut-cases, which would also include Bush & God, Inc. Just wait until the Hispanics and Drug Cartels take over America, you know when America becomes Amerxico. That should be interesting.

I always dreaded NUCLEAR WAR, but now I’m all for it. Bring on the END TIMES and put the FUCKING WORLD OUT OF ITS MISERY.

By the way, should gays be allowed to marry before the holocaust? No fucking way. No reason to be nice just because the world is coming to an end.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo: Celebrating the Demise of Gringo America



What a wonderful day of celebration for the Mexican civilian armies occupying cities across America. Just a few days ago the thousands of Hispanic socialists turned out for MAY DAY celebrations. HISPANIC WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! Doesn’t the phrase remind you of the good old days of the COLD WAR when on MAY DAY the streets would be filled with COMMUNISTS shouting UNITE! UNITE! DEATH TO THE AMERICAN CAPITALISTS! In America the HISPANIC NATION has taken the place of the COMMUNIST PARTY. But their enemy is the same: AMERIICA. Remember the slogan GO HOME YANKEE. WE HATE YOU. They still hate us.


If you saw the photo of the demonstrations you saw mostly MEXICAN FLAGS ( ) being waved, and a few token Americans flags, red, white, and blue camouflage. They cry out for their RIGHTS AS CRIMINALS. Criminals have rights too! They invaded the country illegally but they still deserve the right to be Americans and receive all the benefits the POOR GRINGO TAXPAYERS can pay for. The San Diego Union-Tribune has become the Hispanic newspaper of BARRIO SAN DIEGO. Everyday now Mexicans are on the FRONT PAGE and all over the OUR REGION section because it has become their region. In their coverage of the May Day Celebrations they tell us, “Young Latinos carried Mexican flags, banners, and placards demanding an end to immigration raids and calling for legalization for people they describe as ‘migrants without papers.’” No matter that these migrants without papers broke into America like burglars, bringing with them crime, disease, and various forms of social dysfunctionality. Let’s not forget that of the 10 MOST WANTED 9 are HISPANIC. ( Back in Tijuana police carried coffins of slain officers. That is what the Mexican has brought to America—a RESIDENT EVIL like cultural disease (BARRIO CANCER) that is eating its way through American communities.


In BARRIO SAN DIEGO you can’t find any place without the alien presence. The good ol’ American days are gone forever. Don’t bother to go to the parks and beaches. What you will find are clans of aliens and Hispanic gangbangers. Recently I took a trip to La Jolla thinking I might find a piece of America, but what I found at the Cove was a nest of aliens. All you want to do is put on your surgical mask, grab your kids and get the hell out—but go where? A REPATRIATION ACT is needed to rejoin Americans in the HEARTLAND. It’s too late for the coastal cities. The alien gangrene has destroyed all the American tissue. Only scattered cells remain, like the walking wounded on a battle field.


And don’t expect any help from the ALIENS’ GOVERNMENT that is now in control of America. Like one MAY DAY demonstrator said: “WE ARE THE ONES WHO GOT THE NEW ADMINISTRATION ELECTED UNDER THE BANNER OF CHANGE.” Were Americans involved in supporting the demonstrations? Only COLLABORATORS, like those Frenchmen who sided with the Germans who had invaded France. If you side with the HISPANIC NATION, you are a COLLABORATOR. CATHOLICS and PROTESTANTS who side with the millions strong hordes who have brought RUIN UPON AMERICA are COLLABORATORS.


I mean the ILLEGALS have to be ecstatic this CINCO DE MAYO. Take a look in today’s newspaper and you find that the ACLU (ANTIAMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION) is trying to prevent the Escondido police from rounding up the criminals who have invaded America. The article (“Checking Out Checkpoints”) says, “The American Civil Liberties Union has accused the Police Department of using driver's license checkpoints as 'fishing expeditions' really aimed at detaining and deporting illegal immigrants.” That’s how defenseless America has become. And who is the ACLU field and policy director? LATINA OPERATIVE FOR THE HISPANIC NATION, ANDREA GUERRERO. No surprise there.


That’s right, Americans can expect no help from their ALIEN-LOVING GOVERNMENT because it is no longer THEIR GOVERNMENT. Americans have no government at the federal level. Take Louis Caldera as an example. Multiculturalist Hussein Obama appointed Mr. Caldera to lead the White House Military Office in December. Caldera was the Hispanic idiot who authorized the idiotic Air Force One flyover of New York City, and he is the son of Mexican immigrants. Apparently Obama was not informed beforehand. Like most Hispanic aliens Caldera believes the Hispanic Nation trumps the American nation. As an American ask yourself why this Mexican should get the position of Director of the White House Military Office over an American. I think you know the answer: Your government isn’t yours. I think you can also ask if Caldera’s parents came into America legally.

And now the VOICE OF AMERICA is being silenced. Soon PRO-AMERICAN TALK RADIO will be history. Look at what happened to JAY SEVERIN, a conservative radio talk show host on TRAITOROUS WTKK-FM. He was suspended for SPEAKING THE TRUTH. He called Mexicans PRIMITIVES, which they are. Take a look at MEXICO. What do you see—AN ADVANCED CIVILIZATION? Take a look at the gangland barrios across America. They are not PRIMITIVE? All you read about in those communities is shootings, stabbings, robberies, drugs, dropouts, disease, etc. For example:

ESCONDIDO ---- A 17-year-old died Sunday after being stabbed during a fight at a house party on Felicita Road, officials said.

ESCONDIDO ---- ESCONDIDO ---- A 14-year-old Escondido girl was in serious condition after she was stabbed multiple times inside her home Sunday afternoon, a police lieutenant said.

ESCONDIDO ---- Police have arrested a third middle school student in the weekend stabbing of a 14-year-old girl, an Escondido police lieutenant said Monday.... Investigators have not determined whether the stabbing was gang-related, Carter said. The department's gang unit is investigating the incident.

Julian Austin Rodriguez of San Jacinto was pronounced dead at the scene, the medical examiner's office said.

Escondido police Lt. Bob Benton said police were called to break up the fight in the 2000 block of Felicita shortly before midnight.

“Although believed to number fewer than 500 in a city of more than 134,000 people, Escondido gang members have been linked to killings, shootings, stabbings, beatings, rapes, vandalism and drug dealing far out of proportion to their numbers.” (“Riding Herd on Gangs”)

Hispanic or Latino of any race were 38.7% of the population of Escondido. In other words, Escondido is becoming BARRIO, and when you got a BARRIO you don’t got AMERICA.

He also called them LEECHES. They leech off our emergency rooms, hospitals, schools, social welfare programs, etc. And how do they pay us back? With crime, disease, and social dysfunction. And finally he called them CRIMINALIENS. Of course they are criminals. They broke the law when they broke into America and break the law every day they live in this country. Just take a look at where they come from—a nation of criminals, from the very bottom to the very top.


So the Mexicans have a lot to celebrate this CINCO DE MAYO. There will be dancing in the streets, plenty of MARIACHI MUSIC (which to most Americans is like listening to an engine with a knocking rod) and lots of gangbanging hispanic gangsta rap, and of course plenty of NARCOCORRIDO music celebrating the drug cartels that are Mexican culture. It is a time when Mexicans occupying American communities that have been transformed into barrios can get back to their true heritage, which is not that of GRINGO AMERICA but of MEXICO. There will be mock beheadings and soccer games using soccer balls that look like the heads of Mexican police and politicians and kidnapped victims. Tattooists will provide gang tattoos for the kids. And later in the night will be tagging and drive-by shootings. And with any luck there may be a party crashed and a battle between the gangbanging guests and the gangbanging invaders. It’s a lot of fun.


In the past CINCO DE MAYO celebrated the BATTLE OF PUEBLA but today it is all about the BATTLE OF THE ALAMO, celebrated with piñatas of DAVID CROCKETT, JIM BOWIE, WILLIAM BARRET TRAVIS, and the most popular of all UNCLE SAM. And now ALAMO AMERICA is under attack and losing. LET’S ALL DRINK TO THE STUPID GRINGO!


The LAUGHING LATINO, Ruben Navarrette, is beside himself with laughter. In a recent article titled “Putting Themselves First,” he berates “Americans who foolishly think themselves entitled to things they haven't earned.” My question for the LAUGHING LATINO is whether the illegals are entitled to be American citizens when they didn’t play by the rules but just broke into the country. Well, apparently MEXICAN ILLEGALS and Americans are held to different standards. Its seems to me when it comes to breaking American laws the ILLEGAL PUT THEMSELVES FIRST. And who are they putting first when they come across the border and have their children in American emergency rooms? NOT AMERICA.

Being a propagandist for the HISPANIC NATION, he has to put in a plug for the ILLEGALS after berating the STUPID GRINGOS. Quoting an employer he tells us,
“The man said that he had tried ‘sometimes desperately to hire only native-born young men,’ [READ GRINGOS] and pay them well – $12 an hour for workers with limited or no skills and as much as $35 an hour for those with more skills. However, he said, native-born workers [READ GRINGOS] tended to demand the top wages even when they [READ STUPID GRINGOS] lacked skills, complained about the pace of jobs and missed work. It was, he said, as if they felt entitled to a job. Now, the contractor said he much preferred ‘first-generation immigrants, [RREAD HISPANIC SAVIORS OF AMERICA] legal and otherwise,’ who often have an ‘astounding work ethic, are willing to start at the bottom, will do the job as directed without complaint and will work until the job is done regardless of the hour . . . offering up a fair day's work for a fair day's pay.’”

What the LAUGHING LATINO overlooks is that those wonder FIRST GENERATION ILLEGALS are criminals—yes, hard working criminals. In other words, their WORK ETHIC is that of CRIMINALS. And they will break any American law they have to to get what they want from UNCLE SAM. And what about the SECOND GENERATION, the children of the illegal first generation? For the most part they follow in their parents footsteps, but without the work ethic. They become high school dropouts and gangbangers, fill our jails, juvenile detention facilities, and prisons. And like their parents they have lots of kids they can’t support or properly raise. Still, the LAUGHING LATINO has every reason to celebrate this 5th of May because America is a year closer to becoming a MEXICAN TERRITORY.




Monday, May 4, 2009

Mexican Influenza: 2020 Report on How Mexico Killed America

It was 2009 when the Mexican Influenza pandemic swept through the United States. “Seeming out of nowhere the flu appeared,” stated an early report. But it did not appear from out of nowhere but within the nation of Mexico, a poor, undeveloped nation wracked by crime, corruption, poverty and disease. The United States might have been spared except for the greed of its businessmen and the spineless ineptitude of its politicians who had tolerated for decades an unsecured border with Mexico.

Thus, the demise of America had begun decades before the Mexican Flu pandemic. Ever since after the end of World War II, American politicians had allowed themselves to be preoccupied with foreign affairs, lumped together as the Cold War. The nation seemed to delight in engaging regional wars that had little to do with America’s security, the most notable being the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Afghanistan War, and the Iraq War. Certainly, the terrorist attacks that occurred September 11, 2001, required a military response but not the full-fledged war that resulted. Only the war called Desert Storm seemed justified to halt Saddam Hussein’s naked aggression against a defenseless neighbor, the nation of Kuwait.

It is ironic that a nation that was spending more on its military than all the other nations of the world combined, left its own border with a basically lawless nation undefended. And, of course, I am speaking not of Russia or China, nations that have always protected their borders, but of the United States. Further irony is to be found in America’s seemingly being more obsessed with protecting Israel than protecting itself at home. One recalls that the 9-11 attacks were carried out by immigrants, attacks that would result in two very costly wars for the U.S. For decades the most powerful nation in the world allowed Israeli operatives to infiltrate the highest offices of its legal and political institutions, causing the government to focus more on the so-called Israeli-Palestinian problem rather than on the U.S.-Mexico problem. However, the only people in America concerned about Israel were the Jews living in America, Jews who for the most part had migrated to the county after War World II, and a large cult of radicalized Christians who, like the Heaven’s Gate cult, were expecting the end of the world. Amazingly these people celebrated as the plague struck down their families and friends—even their children.

Not only had the Jews living in America caused America to take its eyes of the real threat to America south of the border, but also aggravated the problem but encouraging the acceptance of millions migrants, legal and illegal, from nations suffering various forms of social, cultural, and biological disease, most especially Mexico. It’s believed that the Jewish agenda was to transform America into a multicultural society, which would then give Jews the upper-hand given their centuries of experience infiltrating the various power centers of their host nations. After the plague the Jewish population in the U.S. had become known as the Jewish Trojan Horse, just as the Mexican immigrants had become known as the Mexican Trojan Horse.

The multicultural agenda was supported not only by the Jews and Hispanics living in America, but also by Republican and Democratic politicians, the former’s motivation being political and financial and the latter being the Marxist agenda of neutralizing the effect of traditional identities to bring about a proletarian state. However, the Democratic Marxists sought not a proletarian state but a multicultural state lacking a single cultural identity, which meant the dominant American culture, had to be destroyed or at the very least debilitated.

And of course American business supported the influx of cheap foreign labor whose benefits (education, health care, etc.) would be paid for by the American taxpayer. The one group that had very little say in the alienization of their country was the vast majority of Americans. However, their lack of political will and general ignorance, that allowed them to be easily manipulated by pro-immigration organizations, contributed significantly to the loss of their homeland and to the plague that would eventually wipe out most of them.

The multicultural agenda came to fruition when Barack Obama became the first half-alien president of the United States. Almost as an omen the plague arrived just months after the victory of the multiculturalists. Yet, in spite of the deaths of thousands of Americans, President Obama would sign the Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill, which would give citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants, almost all Hispanic.

It was a time of great confusion. Hospitals and medical facilities were overrun. Gunfights broke out in the hallways. Drive-by shootings became a common occurrence. Gun sales soared. Small towns were invaded by large numbers of people fleeing the big cities. Home prices fell even further as the death toll increased causing millions of homes to become vacant and seemingly worthless. Gays rushed to be married so that they might die as religiously or legally conjoined couples, but their efforts were frustrated by the Christian cultists who wanted to prove their sanctity to God before the Second Coming. Conservative talk-radio hosts vigorously denounced the government, and finally the Department of Homeland Security cancelled dozens of right-wing talk-radio programs, which were classified as threats to national security.

But then a new controversy arose when the government required cremation of the bodies infected with the deadly Mexican Flu virus, because some Christian cult members believed that the body can only be resurrected whole or in the flesh, if you will. Then there was the skyrocketing rate of familialcide, even among those who had opposed abortion. Before the Mexican Flu outbreak there had been a number of cases of men killing their families and then committing suicide. The cause was assumed to be the economic downturn resulting in men who had lost their jobs killing the family they no longer could support. After the plague familialcide was committed to protect the family members from the plague itself and from the resulting chaos the society experiencing.

As millions of Americans died, American troops were pulled out Iraq, leaving the country to deal with the sectarian conflict that escalated as Americans returned to home. Troops were also pulled out of Afghanistan and the U.S. Government warned the people of Afghanistan that it would take extreme military action against the country if it became a based of operations for attacks against America. Most people understood the threat to mean the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Pakistan was also warned that if Islamic radicals took control of the government its nuclear weapons facilities would be destroyed by whatever means necessary. Once again it was understood that nuclear weapons would be used. Israel was told that it would have to deal alone with the problems facing it, most of which it had brought upon itself by not creating a Palestine homeland. If it wanted to take the risk of using nuclear weapons against its Islamic neighbors, it would have to deal with the aftermath alone.

The plague entered Europe though Spain, which had welcome with open arms immigrants from Mexico. Throughout Europe riots became an everyday occurrence. European governments refused to allow Americans to travel to Europe causing a further deterioration in the global economy, except for the sale of surgical masks, as tit-for-tat restrictions segregated America from other nations. Violence between native citizens and immigrants increased resulting inter-ethnic riots. Migrants, however, refused to be driven out because they knew they would receive better medical care in the host nations than in their former homelands. However, there were a number of cases reported that immigrants had been given placebos rather than antiviral drugs, which were becoming scarce.

America had been blamed for the collapse of the global economy because of its failure to regulate its banks and other investment institutions. In the U.S. the government was being was being criticized for allowing illegal immigration to occur for decades, flooding America with infected illegal immigrants. Had the plague been confined to Mexico it might have been contained. Also, America was criticized by its own people and the people across the world for spending hundreds of billions of dollars on weapon systems rather than devote billions of dollars to creating new vaccines and the facilities to rapidly produce them. The conclusion was that America valued money more than life. As a result, instead of being seen as the savior of the world, as it was after World War II, it was seen as the possible destroyer of Western Civilization.

Today we see that America is no more. Traditional Americans are no longer a majority, having lost millions of their people to the Mexican plague. The borders of the country are better fortified, mostly against Mexico’s violent gangs, but remain as porous as ever to civilians. In addition, the passage of the Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill gave newfound political power to Hispanics, who now claim America to be a Hispanic Nation. As a result new immigration laws have been passed allowing millions of immigrants into America each year. Perhaps the most influential was the Chain Migration Legalization Act of 2012.

In response to the country’s unprecedented change in ethnicity, from an Anglo-dominant to a Hispanic-dominant nation, traditional Americans tried to establish American-Only homelands for themselves but without success. There were at least a dozen cessation movements, the American Homeland Movement, the Heartland Movement and the American Reservation Movement (which would have created small American homelands, not unlike the Native American reservations, within each state). Had these movements occurred earlier with greater vigor, one or more might have been successful. However, once the multiculturalists took control of the government they block every such attempt.

Today, America is both a sad and frightening nation. It has become a nation of armed camps in spite of the government’s efforts to encourage amicability by using signs and banners in schools, on billboards, and in public buildings and parks having messages such as LOVE THY ENEMY and TURN THE OTHER CHEEK. Millions of Americans left the cities and moved to the heartland and these areas have become dangerous for Hispanics and other nontraditional groups. Trials for assault and murder against nontraditional Americans have to be moved out of the region to get a conviction, which is almost guaranteed in the Hispanic dominated areas of the country, which includes most of the big cities. Traditional American attackers face long prison sentences given the severe newly enacted hate-crime laws. The Hispanic dominated government has also attempted to confiscate firearms from American communities, but gangs of armed American insurgents have made the process very difficult. The warfare between black, Asian and Hispanic gangs is an ongoing affair in urban areas. Assassinations are common. In additions, tensions exist in segments of the armed forces that are still under the control of the traditional or white European Americans, especially the navy and air force. Most of the tourists who visit the country come from south of the border, no longer from Europe, and often choose to remain indefinitely on their open-ended tourist visas.

The great nation that was once America is no more. Who would have thought that a third-world nation such a Mexico would have been the one to kill it?