And let's face it, bullying Russia is the only reason for having NATO military exercises in that SHIT HOLE of a country being run by the American puppet Mikheil Shitkashvili. He wants to be a big shot on the world stage but doesn’t have the right country—like riding a donkey in the Kentucky Derby—but who knows the tar baby was able to get NATO involved in his backwater country. Read about the scum and America’s backing of him for yourself:
When Mikheil Saakashvili was elected President in 2003, he made his goals clear to return the two breakaway [Ossetia] regions of Georgia under central control. He chose NATO, especially the U.S. as his key allies in foreign policy, in exchange he received financial and material support from western countries. U.S. advisers started to train Georgian forces to make them professional in unequal style fighting against militants under the aegis of "War on Terrorism." Georgia became the third largest participant of U.S. coalition in terms of numbers after U.S. and U.K. Georgia received free weapons from U.S., Israel, Germany, and Baltic states. The country's military budget, replenished with U.S. aid increased steadily since Saakashvili's entering to office. (Wikipedia)
That’s right. The members of Bush’s coalition were bribed. So now we have to prop up a tin-horn president in a two-bit country. Go figure. Oh, I forgot. The sheeple of America don’t figure but just go along for the ride and hope things turn out all right, like they have in Iraq.
But what do the nations of NATO know? They can’t even keep the fucking Arabs out their countries, like castrated Britain allowing the Muslims in Hyde Park to shout DEATH TO THE QUEEN. Instead of being in Georgia, the British army ought to take control of Britain while there still any of it left and return it to the British people.
But saber rattling is just too irresistible. And the U.S. and Europe are telling Pakistan how to behave. Fucking hypocrites. The U.S. continues to slaughter Afghan men, women, and children in the name of the WAR ON TERROR. And bully America has its spy ship in the South China Sea to antagonize Red China. That’s the American motto: Do as I say, not as I do (like owning nuclear weapons). And here at home the country is being overrun by illegal aliens and their spawn. And of course none of the citizens of these countries want any of this. Remember Bush’s favorite butt Tony Blair who got Britain involved in the Iraq War against the wishes of the British people? And now the retard is playing the BIG SHOT in the Middle East. But since when did democratically elected governments pay any attention to the people they represent? Never.
The solutions are simple, but the ego maniacs running the countries are STUPID FUCKS. Take France’s idiot president Nicolas Sarkozy's getting France back into NATO against the will of the French people, but of course like Mikheil Shitkashvili he wants to grandstand—put on the big show. Now France has lost its independent voice—one that could have at the very least pointed the rest of the world in the direction of peace. But Nicolas Big-Balls Sarkozy doesn’t want France to be considered a sissy, though the French people could care less. It’s amazing how fucking politicians think they can wear a country like a suit of clothes—in America Nixon and Bush come to mind right away. And now we have Obama doing the same thing, turning America into his own private agenda. And I really don’t see much difference between him and Bush. Bush was the six-gun, cowboy hat image; Obama loves being strapped and wearing lots of rhetorical bling bling. If he were really a man of peace he wouldn’t be playing chicken with Russia and China.
THERE’S NO FUCKING HOPE. All politicians suffer from George Bush Warmongeringitus. It’s like playing a reality video game. The politicians are at the controls and the soldiers are no more important than the AI soldiers in games. Politicians don’t want peace, wouldn’t know what to do with it. War games are too much fun. Europe and the U.S. would like you to believe that the Muslims are the only people suffering from warmongering brain-rot. No doubt about it, Muslims are all about killing. The holy way of life for them is HOLY WAR, but the Westerns are really no different, just better at concealing their love of mayhem. The world is in worse shape now than it was in the fifties and sixties because politicians are just as stupid now as they were then, but things are a lot more chaotic now that the West has gotten the Muslim hornet’s nest stirred up. And remember the day when NUCLEAR WEAPONS were okay—because only the West had them. Now they are a problem, but only in the hands of the religious nut-cases, which would also include Bush & God, Inc. Just wait until the Hispanics and Drug Cartels take over America, you know when America becomes Amerxico. That should be interesting.
I always dreaded NUCLEAR WAR, but now I’m all for it. Bring on the END TIMES and put the FUCKING WORLD OUT OF ITS MISERY.
By the way, should gays be allowed to marry before the holocaust? No fucking way. No reason to be nice just because the world is coming to an end.