Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Illegal Immigration in the Health Care Debate is No Red Herring!

Today the barrio newspaper the San Diego Union-Tribune ran a piece of alien-loving propaganda on its editorial page, titled “Imaginary Problem: Illegal Immigration a Red Herring in Health Care Debate.” This is to be expected from a newspaper that has gone over to the Dark (brown) Side. The opinion was probably written by the anti-gringo, La Raza loving spokesperson of the Hispanic Nation now occupying and destroying thousands of communities across America or what was once America but has become Amerexico—the notorious Ruben Navarrette, Jr.

The article says,
“There is also the fact that many Americans worry that the beneficiaries of the Obama administration's stab at health care reform will include illegal immigrants, despite evidence to the contrary. People see hospital emergency rooms crowded with patients who they assume are illegal immigrants, and it feeds the public perception that the undocumented are burdening the health care more so than, say, U.S.-born citizens and legal immigrants.”

But the truth is that emergency rooms are where the illegals go to have their illegal babies and to be treated for illnesses at the expense of the American taxpayer—an expense that will last a lifetime for each illegal alien child that is born on American soil. In addition, probably most of those people who look like illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants.

The article goes on to explain that when a woman asked Obama (our alien in chief) if the universal health care bill would cover illegals, he said, “that they would, and made the case that afflictions such as infectious diseases need to be treated ‘regardless of immigration status.’”

So it doesn’t look as if the problem of illegals getting health care at American taxpayers’ expense is an imaginary issue.

But then article says, “The president is quite correct that it doesn't make sense to deny illegal immigrants emergency health care. He is also right that the issue of providing additional forms of health care to illegal immigrants hasn't been part of the reform discussion.”

Once again the problem of the criminals who entered this country illegally getting health care at Americans’ expense isn’t a figment of the imaginations of concerned Americans.

In its closing paragraph, the article says, “So why waste time complaining about something that isn't happening?

WHAT! The point is it WILL happen. Besides, it’s already happening by millions of illegals who are already using American medical care at emergency rooms, government supported clinics, and jails and prisons.

Finally, we are told, “Opponents don't need to invent problems that aren't there, especially when doing so only serves to inflame passions and undermine the integrity of the entire debate. That serves no one.

Bullshit! That is the old argument about doing nothing about illegal immigration in the first place. Let it happen. It's benefiting the country. Everything will work out fine, except now the country is overrun by Hispanic barbarians that are destroying American communities with their ignorance, gangs, crime, disease (Mexican antibiotic resistant tuberculosis and Mexican swine flu), depletion of social services, ruination of public schools, etc. Almost every dollar bill in the country has been tainted with Mexican delivered cocaine, distributed with the help of tens of thousands of Hispanic gang members. Fucking passions should be inflamed. Americans should be as mad as hell. Why? Take a look at why:


The compassionate clown T.R. Reid, author of The Healing of America, said on Marxist NPR that wealthy nations have a moral obligation to provide health care to all of its people.

1. First of all, the problem is that the illegals are not our people and their so-called legal offspring are not Americans either because they were given birth to illegally in this country.

2. Second, morality is a figment of the human imagination. Sure, in an ideal world it’s nice to believe that we should help our neighbors. But the fact is, America is no longer a nice place, in part because its government long ago abandoned its job of protecting America's borders. America is now a fucking Darwinian dog eat dog environment. I live in barrio California where the illegals have brought the state to its knees and I have to pay state income tax and “at 8.25%, California has the highest state sales tax, which can total up to 10.25% with local sales tax included” (Wikipedia). So the fucking national, state, and local governments are taking about half my income. THUS, I don’t give a shit about Reid’s nonsense about my moral obligation to others. My instinctual, not moral, obligation is to my family is what counts foremost. FUCK EVERYONE ELSE. It was the biblical moral nonsense of loving and protecting the poor alien strangers entering the country illegally that got us in this mess in the first place. In case you have forgotten:
The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

3. I’m not WEALTHY. Most Americans are not wealthy. Millions of them are not working and are losing their homes. Am I willing to see them helped out? No if it means helping out millions of aliens who came into this country illegally and laid the eggs of America’s future destruction. You see that is the problem. The U.S. Government allowed the country to become rotten with aliens, thus ruining programs that Americans would otherwise support.

Back to the imaginary problem of universal heath care and the illegals. We are told there are 20,000,000 illegals in the country, probably more like 30,000,000. But what about their illegal legal offspring. From what I’ve seen in the barrio I live in the illegals have between 3 and 4 kids. That means that the universal health care system would be supporting (conservatively) 20,000,000 illegals (who are getting care already) and an additional 30,000,000 of their offspring. That makes 50,000,000 unwanted illegal aliens and their unwanted children (the offspring of illegal behavior).

BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! Just wait until our alien-loving (because he is half alien) president gets the AMNESTY BILL passed. Whoa! Now you can add grandparents, brothers and sisters... let’s face it all of Mexico is related. But let’s play it conservatively and just say the grandparents are brought over—2 grandmas and 2 granddads for each illegal. That would mean another 80,000,000 elderly aliens (needing a lot of medical care), which would be a total of 130,000,000 aliens (the original illegals, their children, and their grandparents) getting government supported health care. Of course, by that time the Hispanics will have gained complete control of the U.S. Government (check out the latest old gringo hating Supreme Court justice) and they will pass some sort of chain migration law that will allow all of Mexico into America, or just annex Mexico to Amerexico, and then Central America, and South America.

Why not. Hasn't that become America's mission, to save the entire fucking world by allowing all the aliens of he world to immigrant into America at the expense of American taxpayers (and at the expense of destroying the America that once was)? Of course, the forces behind this are GREEDY plantation-like corporations such as Wal-Mart looking for cheap labor and Marxist politicians (e.g., Hussein Obama and Ted Kennedy) who want to turn America into a proletarian state.

The TRUTH is the debate about the health care bill and illegal immigrants is not only not a red herring (a diversion from the real issue) but about the future of America. What is a red herring is the barrio San Diego Union-Union ’s opinion piece—or more precisely a piece of Hispanic propaganda.

You might want to check Obama Care in his multicultural America Dream:


Friday, August 14, 2009

Obama and the Arrival of the White Gringo Nigger

When did the multitude of white Americans cease to be just white trash and became white gringo niggers? When Plantation America ceased to be run by white Americans (or black or red for that matter), that is when the half-alien Hussein Obama became president of the United States, brought to power by alien armies and American traitors.

As the white man has been pulled down by leftist Jews, illegal aliens and traitorous Uncle Teds and Uncle Johns, you know like Ted Kennedy and John McCain, all those phony American liberals and conservatives who want to be loved by the aliens because they have come to hate their own people for their cruelty to the nonwhite peoples of the world. The whitey leftists feel guilty and to atone for their guilt they have sacrificed their children and grandchildren to the alien gods Karl Marx and Huitzilopochtli. Yes, the white Marxists want to destroy the old America and create a Brave New Multicultural Marxist America that is no longer America but a Marxist Dystopia. And then there were the greedy Americans who sold out America for cheap labor and the politicians greedy for votes, such as Ronald Reagan (who signed the Amnesty for Illegals, 1986), George W. Bush (Governor of the great Mexican state of Texas), and John McCain (senator of the great Mexican state of Arizona).

These are the unAmericans who have transformed America into multicultural plantation in which the white man is no longer the master but the nigger who must say Sí, señor and No, señor to the Mexicans and all the other aliens who have swarmed into the country to colonialize it in the names of Mexico and China and the Philippines and now Iraq and Pakistan and Iran and all the other colonialist nations that have established themselves on American soil because Americans didn’t have the will to fight for their nation, and so now wear the alien yoke about their necks. And soon the poor white gringo niggers will be wearing the Obama Care yoke around their necks and will be paying for the medical care of all those illegal aliens when they soon become legal aliens by the decree of America's black alien master.

Pitiful whitey has been pulled down as the aliens have been pushed up by the unAmerican legal and political systems run by Jews who harbor a hatred for the gentile for those centuries of oppression and humiliation resulting finally in the Holocaust. So the Jews got the gentile nations to support their Zionist dream of stealing the Palestinian homeland because the Jews knew that would inflame a billion Muslims against the gentiles of Europe and America. And now they are laughing up their sleeves as the Muslims have brought the gentile nations to their cowardly knees. And as the millions of Muslims and other aliens flood into the gentile nations, overwhelming them and taking over their courts, schools, and governments, eventually destroy gentile homelands, the Jews climb upon the backs of gentiles and whip them to toward their crucifixion.
How many Wongs, Rodriquezes, Husseins, Ho Chi Minhs, Mutubabas, and Cohens were at the inauguration of George Washington as the first president of the United States? How many Wongs, Rodriquezes Husseins, Ho Chi Minhs, Mutubabas, and Cohens fought in the Revolutionary War? How many Wongs, Rodriquezes, Husseins, Ho Chi Minhs, Mutubabas, and Cohens fought in the Civil War? The answer is these aliens, these recent interlopers, were missing when the country was being built. But now the Wongs, Rodriquezes, Husseins, Ho Chi Minhs, Mutubabas, and Cohens are running the white gringo nigger plantation that was once America. And do you think these people give a damn about the people who built the America—Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, Paine, Revere, etc.? Hell no. Unlike Americans they are all about their own people. While Americans are watching the miniseries John Adams, the Hispanics are watching the movie Che and dreaming about Reconquista and the overthrow of America. And when the white gringo niggers decide to run away from the alien plantation, where will they go? Where is the FREE STATE for exiled Americans? Nebraska? North Dakota? Give us a Free State and will go there. The conservatives talk a lot about FREEDOM, such as being free to choose one’s doctor. Well what about the FREEDOM TO LIVE IN A COUNTRY OF ONE’S OWN? Who gives a damn about choosing a doctor when you’ve lost your nation?

And when the white gringo niggers seek to rise up and throw off the yoke of servitude it will be too late because the Jews and their alien allies will control the most powerful nation in the world as they did when they got the white nigger George Bush to invade Iraq. Even now ask yourself who is the right-hand man of the half-alien unAmerican president? The son of an immigrant Zionist Jews terrorist. And the new Jewish-led alien America will cause big bombs to rain down on any nation that threatens Israel as God sent the plaques upon the pharaoh.

And what of dem white gringo niggas Americans—da pathetic kinfolk of John Adams and the other great American patriots? They ain’t goin’ do nothin’ cas dey is da new white niggas. If dey try da do sometin da master won’t use his whip. He'll send a drone to dat white nigga’s home and kil him and his family. Dem white niggas goin ta be squirmin’ like maggots, feeding off da carcass of da country dat once was theirs but came a plantation run by dem alien folk.

The gringo master is dead. Long live the white nigger!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor Confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court: Another 9-11 For America

The Hispanic Nation celebrates as America weeps. Sotomayor was confirmed to the Supreme Court by a Senate vote of 68 to 31. Of course, among the 68 were many back-stabbing, self-serving, unAmerican American politicians. These traitors are America’s version of Al-Qaeda operating in this country in the form of a fifth column seeking to transform America into an Alien Nation. The view of these politicians is give an illegal alien and piece of paper that says U.S. Citizen, and magically the alien is suddenly becomes an American.

And it was appropriate the death knell announcement was made by a Jew, Al Franken. The Jews have been the multicultural agenda’s spear tip driven right into the heart of America. As you know most the leftist multicultural Jews are recent immigrants or their offspring who immediately embarked on the conspiracy to control America’s economy, legal and political systems, and the media. Hollywood itself has become one of the main centers for multicultural propaganda.

The Jews have always tried to further their agenda by recruiting blacks, but it was not until the Hispanics and Asians Armies arrived, some legally, most illegally, upon American shores that the Jews had the political manpower to overthrow America. Which was achieved with election of Hussein Obama, who parades himself off as a black America but is not—because true black Americans can trace their roots back to slavery, something Obama can’t do. And let's not forget that Obama was the one who nominated Sotomayor for the Supreme Court and described yesterday's confirmation vote as "breaking another barrier and voting us yet another step closer to a more perfect union." "The barrier broken" was one of those barriers protecting America from aliens, "us" refers to the aliens, not Americans, and "more perfect union" means for the aliens but is otherwise nonsense. America has become a nation of waring factions.

Now Americans know how Osama bi Laden felt about American soldiers being based in his homeland of Saudi Arabia or how the Palestinians feel about the Jews invading their homeland. The big difference is that those Arabs valued their homelands enough to fight for them. And how does the U.S. Government protect America, by invading the homelands of Iraqi and Afghan people.

Now Alamo America is fighting hordes of aliens attacking every American community and institution. Sonia Sotomayor's being confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court was just another 9-11 victory against America. In fact, one could argue that compared to the combined forces of the Asians, Hispanics, and Jews are the greatest threat to America—not the Islamic terrorists, though bin Laden must love the Sotomayor confirmation. Like I said, it’s just another 9-11 against America. If you want to see what the future America will look like visit L.A., New York City, or any of the other hundreds of American cities overrun by aliens.

One article on the Net was titled: For Many Hispanics, Sotomayor Is a Hero. Of course she is a hero to the Hispanic Nation—because she is a threat to the American Nation (or what’s left of it). One sentence from the article said, “They [a group of Hispanics]said they like that as a Latina —even as a wise Latina— she will be a powerful voice for those challenging social disparities before the country’s top court.” In other words, a power voice for the Hispanic Nation because she is a lot smarter than those stupido gringos who don’t even fight for their nation.”

I couldn’t agree more.

What does all this forebode for America? Imagine a Thanksgiving Dinner covered with flies, cockroaches, and ants. That is what the Jewish, Hispanic, and Asian immigrants are to America--parasites feasting on what Americans made. America was made by Americans, not by Jews, Hispanics, or Asians.

Signing off from Barrio San Diego, Mexico California, disUnited States of Aliens,
One of the Vanishing Americans

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tim Conway Jr., Bill Maher and Stupid America

I happened to be in my car Sunday and heard part of the Tim Conway, Jr. radio show. My first thought was how did this guy get a radio show. Are there that many moron minuses out there?

When I caught the show he was asking how can there be global warming when there is unusually cold weather in New York City. Well first of all on the West Coast there has been unusually hot weather, so there, you fucking idiot. In other words, stupid, local weather conditions are not the evidence scientists use to determine whether or not global warming is occurring. They use average temperatures. And every scientist who isn’t the payroll of an energy company knows there is global warming. The question is whether it’s being caused by humans or is simply a natural, cyclical occurrence.

Now I don’t want to get into a discussion about global warming because it wouldn’t make any difference. People have been fucking up the planet in various ways for a long time, for example, by causing various forms of air, land, and water pollution and depleting or destroying hundreds of species, many of which they depend on. Humans can’t even maintain the communities they live in. Take for example the two Hispanic cities L.A. and Mexico City. Both are deteriorating cities, becoming uglier, more congested, more polluted, and nastier by the year. So there is no hope. Even if people believed there was global warming and that if they didn’t change their living habits, the human race would be doomed by the end of the century, they wouldn’t do a fucking thing. Most people in America are clueless about what’s going on, so you can imagine how clueless people are in those parts of the world where people can’t read and are waiting to get television, not to learn anything but to watch filthy Jewish Hollywood movies like 40 Year Old Virgin and The Hangover in which a baby is pantomimed masturbating.

Bill Maher said that America is stupid. Of course it’s stupid, and that’s because the human race is stupid. I mean they still believe in mythological beings, such as a giant person named God created the world, and when they die they will go to a better place where they’ll do nothing but look at God. I mean if you don’t have a body, how can you do stuff like skateboard? Or how can you even look at God if you don't have eyes? But I’ll get back to Maher in just a second. The only thing I wish to accomplish here is to make sure that everyone knows that Tim Conway, Jr. is stupid and that’s why he has a radio show.

Okay Conan Conway, you’re wondering how it can get colder some places if global warming is occurring. I know I can’t expect you to know much about science since your degree is in radio and television, meaning that you learned to communicate but didn’t learn anything to communicate, like Sarah Palin. Getting back to cold weather in global warming conditions, National Geographic News tells us, “The Atlantic circulation moves heat toward the Arctic, and this helps moderate wintertime temperatures in the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere,” in other words, stupid, keeps Europe abnormally warm given its latitudinal position.

Wikipedia tells us, “There is some speculation that global warming could, via a shutdown or slowdown of the thermohaline circulation, trigger localized cooling in the North Atlantic and lead to cooling, or lesser warming, in that region. This would affect in particular areas like Iceland, Ireland, the Nordic countries, and Britain that are warmed by the North Atlantic drift. The chances of this occurring are unclear.” Yeah, maybe it won’t happen. I hope it does because I want to see the end of the world before I die. The point is, stupid, global warming and local cooling can occur at the same time.

One more example for the mentally challenged Conway Nitwitty. In his book Future Evolution Peter Ward, a Ph.D. (people like Conway hate those letters) paleontologist explains “that catastrophe could come with a sudden cooling of Europe. At the present, Europe is anomalously warm for its latitude... If the glacial ice covering Greenland were to melt at a higher rate than it currently does, it would flood the sea surface in the regions concerned with fresh water.” The result would be, “The warm temperatures what these currents bring would not reach the shores of Europe and Europe would suddenly cool. Thus a strange paradox: global warming would ultimately cause a sudden cooling of Europe.” And the BBC tells us that the “Greenland Melt is speeding up.” And if that occurs, sea levels will rise by 26 feet. Also, the disappearance of the ice sheets, which reflect sunlight back out into space could contribute to a positive feedback loop... But all this is too complicated for simpletons like Conway to follow. When they start reading science they become sleepy and turn on the TV or radio.

Back to Bill Maher and stupid America. On the same show Conway had another idiot as a guest—Doug Steckler. Together these two moron minuses criticized Maher for calling America stupid. What were dumb and dumber’s arguments?

First they just made fun of the way Maher looks. This argument is called an ad hominid argument because it attacks the person rather than the person’s claim. Of course this is way over the heads of dumb and dumber. It’s like saying Stephen Hawking’s ideas are wrong because he is a cripple. (This form of argument is very popular on conservative talk radio where they spend most their time calling names. And by the way, I hate liberals, so don’t put me in their camp. As far as I’m concern they are all traitors. My hero is that wild man John Brown. He got hanged for trying a slave rebellion. What we need now is an American rebellion.)

Second, cretin Conway (see I can call names too) argues that Americans aren’t stupid because they invented the airplane and light bulb. Big fucking deal. The Germans were the smartest guys on the block before they became really stupid and followed Hitler, just as Americans followed George Bush. Of course Hitler was an orator, like Obama, and Bush had trouble speaking because he had trouble thinking. How about us taking a look at America right now.

1. Let’s start off with the fact that America got beat by one man: the GREAT OSAMA BIN LADEN. One guy got us into two wars. That happened because stupid Americans elected a stupid president: the pathetic george bush. And Osama is still kicking our ass because Americans are too pridefully stupid to get the hell out of Afghanistan and Iraq. So all the U.S. Government can do is play the word game, phrases like Iraqi Freedom and Winning the Peace and Leaving with Victory. The truth is that the people of Iraq hate our guts. We have created an enemy, which wasn’t there before. And we really don’t give a shit. You might have seen California college students protesting over increased tuition, but cared less about the invasion of Iraq.

2. The most powerful nation in the world has allowed itself to be Israel’s nigger. Tell me what good has being Israel’s nigger done the U.S.? The whole neoconservative conspiracy that caused the 9/11 attacks and got America into the two wars it is presently fighting was the brainchild of a Zionist immigrant to America: Irving Kristol (“the son of Jewish immigrants of Orthodox identity”), about whom, Wikipedia says, “Irving Kristol served as the managing editor of Commentary magazine and is described as the 'godfather of neoconservatism.'” So how could it come about that John Wayne’s and Henry Ford’s America could be Israel’s nigger nation? Ask a Jews. “Americans are schlemiels, schnooks, and schmucks.” You don’t believe me, just ask Bernie Madoff.

3. America is spending trillions of dollars fighting two destructive and idiotic wars. Like WHAT ARE WE GOING TO GET OUT OF THE IRAQ WAR? That question could have been asked at the very beginning. Before the war we had a dictator (named Hussein) who hated our guts but the Iraqi people thought we were at least okay. Now all the people of Iraq hate our guts (and Hussein is the name of our president). That doesn’t seem like much of a return on a one to three trillion dollar investment. Of course a lot of American soldiers were killed, but nobody really cares except for their families. I can’t, for example, name a single soldier killed in Iraq. The truth is, their lives were wasted, just as the lives of American soldiers were wasted in Vietnam. Isn’t America pretty stupid making that mistake twice? Remember what Bush said about getting fooled twice: “There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — [pauses] - shame on you. Fool me — You can't get fooled again.” And apparently the American people agreed.

4. The American economy has tanked. It is in debt to China for half a trillion. If Americans are so fucking smart, how did the communist Chinese beat them at their own capitalistic game?

5. America doesn’t make anything. Just try to buy something not made in China. All Americans know how to do is buy stuff with their credit cards. Thus, Wal-Mart is our big achievement. And what has Wal-Mart achieved? The destruction of millions of small business and thousands of small towns. Check out http://www.briancuban.com/is-the-walmart-deathstar-destroying-small-town-america/. Years ago National Geographic magazine did a terrific story on how Wal-Mart was destroying small town America. But who gives a shit if you can save 4¢ on a tube of toothpaste?

6. The American auto industry is crumbling because the Japanese build better cars. The Japs lost the WWII but have kicked our ass when comes to making just about everything that is electronic and automotive. And what they don’t make the Chinese do. Ask yourself one question: What would people of other nations want to buy of ours--other than our fast food, awful blockbuster movies, and nostalgia for the America that once was? Military hardware. That's where America excels--though apparently it doesn't help us win wars, just wrecking nations and killing a lot of innocent people. We'll never be admired for making and further developing weapons of mass destruction, just feared. But maybe that's all the America that produced the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld Axis of Evil cares about.

And just how well would America be doing if it didn’t import brain power from China, Japan, Indian, Europe, etc.? Not all that well. Why is it that at the University of California, San Diego 10,396 of the students are Asian (most of the Asians are immigrants or the children of immigrants) and 8,844 are white, even though there are far fewer Asians than whites in the general population? It’s because Americans are stupid in comparison. Of course the comeback is “Well, the Asians are Americans.” Yeah right! The truth is America has to import a lot of its brainpower and by doing so sacrifice its historical cultural identity.

7. That right, American students (which automatically excludes Asians and Jews) do lousy in school compared to other countries, though American students do better than students in countries like Kenya, Somalia, and Haiti, you know where all the parents suffer from some form of venereal disease and the lucky kids get a glass of water for breakfast. “The average science score of U.S. students lagged behind those in 16 of 30 [world's richest]countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The U.S. students were further behind in math, trailing counterparts in 23 countries.” For millions of American young people getting a college or even a high school degree isn’t as important as getting laid, getting a fix, or getting a tattoo.

8. America has allowed itself to be invaded by tens of millions of illegal immigrants, which is one reason California rants 48th in education. America likes to believe that people around the world admire America as an immigrant nation. Bullshit! They only want to immigrate to America for the same reason people visit Las Vegas. It were there is a lot of money and the stupid American government has been doing very little to keep out the aliens, and once they get here they can have lots of children and get on welfare and soon be forgiven for invading the country illegally in the first place.

Nations that take pride in themselves want to preserve their traditional demographic identity. Americans are stupid enough to believe that immigrants who come here will fall in love with the American story that began at Plymouth Rock. Bullshit! They could care less. Their loyalty is to their own people. Americans seem to be the only people in the world who are not loyal to their own people. And usually the newcomers either hate our guts (the Mexicans) or despise us (the Asians) or take over the country's legal and political systems, the news media, the entertainment industry, and the financial system (the Jews).

America likes to make fun of France but at least France does not give citizenship to the children of illegal aliens born in France. To do so is to turn one’s country into an ILLEGAL ALIEN MOTEL, like for roaches, but instead of poison America offers the invaders all kinds of benefits at taxpayers’ expense. And I believe the Japanese don’t even allow duel citizenship. Good for them. The Japanese understand that a nation cannot preserve itself on greed alone. They are a single people who take pride in their cultural identity, homeland, and heritage, and that is why they are tough competitors and their people aren't aliens in their own homeland. Americans think that greed alone will unite the country. I think the Wall Street Meltdown disproved that. Greed creates competition. It’s the national identity that unifies. America has become a disunified nation, which has weakened it, causing internal problems and making it less competitive globally.

What has happened to California is happening to the entire nation. California has become that glorious state of immigrants, and as a result the once premier state of the union is suffering a breakdown economically, socially, and educationally. It has one of the highest rates of unemployment, if not the highest, its schools have been destroyed by illegal immigrants and their children, its prisons are bursting at the seams, the state is in debt, crime is rampant in the streets of its cities, it’s experiencing an epidemic of ethnic hatred (which will NEVER go away), and on and on. How did all that happen? AMERICAN STUPIDITY!

9. Implied above but worth repeating. “The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population. But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners... 2.3 million criminals behind bars, more than any other nation.” Each prisoner costs taxpayers about $22,000 per year.

10. Maher thought the stupidity of America is illustrated by the fact half the country would have taken a chance with that airhead quitter Sarah Palin and would vote for her as president in 2012. That convinces me, but if you don’t like that argument how about half the American population voting for Obama? Either way at least half the country is stupid. But I go with Maher. The whole country is stupid.

Ten reasons for believing America is a stupid country are enough for now.

Then what do dumbass Conway and dumb-fuck Steckler have to talk about? They mock seventy-year-old waitresses, making fun of their angry attitude and swollen knees. They don’t consider that they might have to work because they need to supplement their pitiful monthly Social Security paycheck, which is all they have to live on because the Mr. America they married left them and the kids. No pity from these two idiots. No logic either. They complain about the crappy attitude of tired old waitress, but ignore their far worse mocking, degrading attitude toward these women. My mother was one of those old waitresses, and I think men who speak of old waitresses in that manner deserve to be lynched with their own intestines. But I’m sure God has a place in Hell for such men, the same level where he sends child molesters.

So it seems that Bill Maher is right. America is a stupid country. Conway and his idiot friend prove that much, but the fucked up condition of the country, fucked up by Americans, is additional evidence if you need it. And if that’s not enough, how about all those morons in radioland who listen to the likes of Conway and his retard guest?

But what Maher forgot to say is that America isn’t only stupid, its also decadent, as the popularity of sleazy Jewish movies and these mockers of old waitresses illustrate.