The article says,
“There is also the fact that many Americans worry that the beneficiaries of the Obama administration's stab at health care reform will include illegal immigrants, despite evidence to the contrary. People see hospital emergency rooms crowded with patients who they assume are illegal immigrants, and it feeds the public perception that the undocumented are burdening the health care more so than, say, U.S.-born citizens and legal immigrants.”
But the truth is that emergency rooms are where the illegals go to have their illegal babies and to be treated for illnesses at the expense of the American taxpayer—an expense that will last a lifetime for each illegal alien child that is born on American soil. In addition, probably most of those people who look like illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants.
The article goes on to explain that when a woman asked Obama (our alien in chief) if the universal health care bill would cover illegals, he said, “that they would, and made the case that afflictions such as infectious diseases need to be treated ‘regardless of immigration status.’”
So it doesn’t look as if the problem of illegals getting health care at American taxpayers’ expense is an imaginary issue.
But then article says, “The president is quite correct that it doesn't make sense to deny illegal immigrants emergency health care. He is also right that the issue of providing additional forms of health care to illegal immigrants hasn't been part of the reform discussion.”
Once again the problem of the criminals who entered this country illegally getting health care at Americans’ expense isn’t a figment of the imaginations of concerned Americans.
In its closing paragraph, the article says, “So why waste time complaining about something that isn't happening?”
WHAT! The point is it WILL happen. Besides, it’s already happening by millions of illegals who are already using American medical care at emergency rooms, government supported clinics, and jails and prisons.
Finally, we are told, “Opponents don't need to invent problems that aren't there, especially when doing so only serves to inflame passions and undermine the integrity of the entire debate. That serves no one.”
Bullshit! That is the old argument about doing nothing about illegal immigration in the first place. Let it happen. It's benefiting the country. Everything will work out fine, except now the country is overrun by Hispanic barbarians that are destroying American communities with their ignorance, gangs, crime, disease (Mexican antibiotic resistant tuberculosis and Mexican swine flu), depletion of social services, ruination of public schools, etc. Almost every dollar bill in the country has been tainted with Mexican delivered cocaine, distributed with the help of tens of thousands of Hispanic gang members. Fucking passions should be inflamed. Americans should be as mad as hell. Why? Take a look at why:
The compassionate clown T.R. Reid, author of The Healing of America, said on Marxist NPR that wealthy nations have a moral obligation to provide health care to all of its people.
1. First of all, the problem is that the illegals are not our people and their so-called legal offspring are not Americans either because they were given birth to illegally in this country.
2. Second, morality is a figment of the human imagination. Sure, in an ideal world it’s nice to believe that we should help our neighbors. But the fact is, America is no longer a nice place, in part because its government long ago abandoned its job of protecting America's borders. America is now a fucking Darwinian dog eat dog environment. I live in barrio California where the illegals have brought the state to its knees and I have to pay state income tax and “at 8.25%, California has the highest state sales tax, which can total up to 10.25% with local sales tax included” (Wikipedia). So the fucking national, state, and local governments are taking about half my income. THUS, I don’t give a shit about Reid’s nonsense about my moral obligation to others. My instinctual, not moral, obligation is to my family is what counts foremost. FUCK EVERYONE ELSE. It was the biblical moral nonsense of loving and protecting the poor alien strangers entering the country illegally that got us in this mess in the first place. In case you have forgotten:
The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.Bullshit!
3. I’m not WEALTHY. Most Americans are not wealthy. Millions of them are not working and are losing their homes. Am I willing to see them helped out? No if it means helping out millions of aliens who came into this country illegally and laid the eggs of America’s future destruction. You see that is the problem. The U.S. Government allowed the country to become rotten with aliens, thus ruining programs that Americans would otherwise support.
Back to the imaginary problem of universal heath care and the illegals. We are told there are 20,000,000 illegals in the country, probably more like 30,000,000. But what about their illegal legal offspring. From what I’ve seen in the barrio I live in the illegals have between 3 and 4 kids. That means that the universal health care system would be supporting (conservatively) 20,000,000 illegals (who are getting care already) and an additional 30,000,000 of their offspring. That makes 50,000,000 unwanted illegal aliens and their unwanted children (the offspring of illegal behavior).
BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! Just wait until our alien-loving (because he is half alien) president gets the AMNESTY BILL passed. Whoa! Now you can add grandparents, brothers and sisters... let’s face it all of Mexico is related. But let’s play it conservatively and just say the grandparents are brought over—2 grandmas and 2 granddads for each illegal. That would mean another 80,000,000 elderly aliens (needing a lot of medical care), which would be a total of 130,000,000 aliens (the original illegals, their children, and their grandparents) getting government supported health care. Of course, by that time the Hispanics will have gained complete control of the U.S. Government (check out the latest old gringo hating Supreme Court justice) and they will pass some sort of chain migration law that will allow all of Mexico into America, or just annex Mexico to Amerexico, and then Central America, and South America.
Why not. Hasn't that become America's mission, to save the entire fucking world by allowing all the aliens of he world to immigrant into America at the expense of American taxpayers (and at the expense of destroying the America that once was)? Of course, the forces behind this are GREEDY plantation-like corporations such as Wal-Mart looking for cheap labor and Marxist politicians (e.g., Hussein Obama and Ted Kennedy) who want to turn America into a proletarian state.
The TRUTH is the debate about the health care bill and illegal immigrants is not only not a red herring (a diversion from the real issue) but about the future of America. What is a red herring is the barrio San Diego Union-Union ’s opinion piece—or more precisely a piece of Hispanic propaganda.
You might want to check Obama Care in his multicultural America Dream: