Gringos Got Nothing to Celebrate
That's because the little vatos' victory is a sign of THINGS TO COME! That's right, that Mexico’s Park View Little League Team Wins the Little League Championship illustrates the rising to power upon American soil of the (drum roll, please) HISPANIC NATION and the Hispanic euthanizing of old feeble America, a death that is a happy one only for Latinos.
To win the championship, first Mexico’s Park View vatos had to beat a number of American teams. During one of the final games you could hear the crowd chant Cholo Vista, Cholo Vista. Yes these heady times for the Aztlán Warriors, kicking gringo ass.
Poor fucking, stupid gringos got nothing to celebrate. Their cities, schools, governments, courts, the entire fucking country being taken over by the Hispanic Nation. The Cholo Vista Park View homeboys kick Taiwan's butt. Hey, but at least the Taiwan players have a homeland to return to that hasn’t been overrun by illegals. The Hispanic Nation’s vice president and Obama’s white monkey and feather bed liberal José Biden was there to root on the future warriors of the Reconquista of America.
I’m sure the Hispanic Nation’s hero and president Hussein Obama will have some flowery words of praise for the little Pocos Pero Locos, like FORGET THE ALAMO! All the other traitors in Washington have.
In Alamo America Hispanics taking over communities, governments, courts, and sports. Can a little league victory compensates for the loss of our nation? I don’t think so—except for those alien collaborators who can make money off the illegal invation.
You just have to learn to love the alien like that featherbed liberal Mike Lupica. He wrote the article titled “President Obama is the real target of Health Care Protesters, not Policy.” That’s right because Americans know that Obama is leading the way to the alien destruction of the United States of America. And Mike Lupica called the Americans protesting Obama’s health care program idiots. Well at least they are not COLLABORATORS! Mike is part of the American Fifth Column that is embracing the new multicultural America because it makes him a good living. You might have seen his new book about the Cuban boy who lives in the shadows like the millions of other illegals in New York City but wants to play Little League: Heat. Kissing the ass of the Hispanic Nation pays well. Lupica can afford to live in the posh, 95% white community of New Canaan, Connecticut with his wife, Taylor, their daughter and three sons. That’s right no barrio for Mike and his kids, just for all the non-wealthy Americans.
I know by now that the vatos locos from barrio Cholo Vista stomped the shit out of gringo Kentucky and New England, just like their people are stomping the shit out of team America. You have probably seen plenty of propaganda coverage of the team in the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune, which now devotes more space to what the Latinos are doing in barrios San Diego than to the gringos because the Latinos have taken over. The owners know where the beans for their burritos will come from in the future—if only the homeys learn to read English. Fuck it, they'll print the paper in Spanish. Everything else is.
One earlier article said, “Some wondered if Park View’s power might be negated by South Williamsport’s 225-foot fences.” Well hell know. That’s the thing about the Hispanics, they know how to get around fences, just ask the Border Patrol. Did you see the team photos in the August 22nd Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune? What you see are the faces of future America, names like Rios, Porras, Garcia, Ramirez, and Castro. And of course there are Oscar Castro and coach Ric Ramirez (think future president and vice president of the United States of La Raza). There are a couple of token gringos on the team to give the impression that Park View is an American team. But we all know it’s part of the Hispanic stealth attack on America.
My guess is that most if not all the members of the team can trace his linage to an illegal, which means there would have been no team if their illegal ancestors had stayed in Mexico. And as far as I’m concerned that should make the kids illegal also. But our alien-loving government could care less. Americans have no government. But the Hispanic God Father will soon allow the illegals to come out from the shadows. You ever asked yourself why they are in the shadows? It because that’s where criminals always hide.
So what is life like in Cholo Vista? Here is what one entry of the Urban Dictionary tells us:
Chula vista is a large city surrounded completely by a San Diego, an even larger city. The western part of Chula Vista(west of the 805 freeway) is one of the worst areas in San Diego, particularly west of Hilltop dr. and south of Naples st. It also has an very high population of methamphetamine addicts. the neighborhood of Castle Park has almost no streetlights and is considered quite dangerous at night. High gang activity.Here another.
City in the southern part of San Diego. All the pendejos in the area want to rep SD, but they are not from San Diego, so stop reppin' San Diego. The westside is full of non-creative, lazy-arrogant idiots who do nothing but lower property taxes and prefer to act like locusts instead of having goals in life & being civilized. No one there has an real street cred. They are all wannabees who make dickies & Air Force Ones annoying. The Eastside is nicer, but full of "fresas", "cremillas", & "sociales" who think wearing Abercrombie & Bitch, Hollister, & Polo make them better than everyone else while they party in TJ with their fake ass IDs at Tangaloo or Monte Picacho. Eastlake is full of minstrels who can't even where clothes that fit them. Chula Vista is not part of the city of San Diego & we should all be so thankful.I’m not sure I get all this, but it’s terrific poetry and makes me glad I live in the neo-barrio I live in, as bad as it is.
Two more from Urban Dictionary just for the excruciating fun of it:
WEST chula vista is the third most ghetto place in San Diego. The most ghetto place in San Diego is San Ysidro, then National City, then Chula. Come on, people.and
The most ghetto place of San Diego County followed closely by Escondido, Santee and Impiral Beach. Most refeer to it as Chula Juana.“Chula Juana!” You got to love it. This is the Hispanic tsunami that is washing over America. So much for the good ol’ American neighborhoods seen in Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best—i.e., civilization.
Do let the Little League propaganda fool you. The culture of Mexico and Mexicans occupying American cities is one of lawlessness. Take as an example the following New York Times article by Solomon Moore:
LOS ANGELES — A grand jury in San Diego on Thursday indicted 17 men suspected of being members of a kidnapping and death squad who are accused of killing at least 9 people from 2004 to 2007.
The Mexican-American squad, Los Palillos, kidnapped victims in San Diego County and held them for ransom in suburban rental homes, said Mark Amador, a county prosecutor. Mr. Amador said the kidnappers often killed their hostages whether or not they received money from the victims’ families and dumped the bodies around the county. The police said Los Palillos also used a vat of acid to liquefy two bodies.
The police raided a hide-out that was being used to hold kidnapping victims in 2007, after family members went to the police. Since then, the police have arrested nine members of the organization, including its leader, Jorge Rojas Lopez, who is charged with nine counts of murder. Mr. Lopez and eight other men are in prison for murder and other charges. Eight members of the group are at large, and three have been killed in gang violence since the investigation began two years ago, Mr. Amador said.
In the same edition of the barrio San Diego Union-Tribune celebration Park View’s Little League victory, there was also this article about Mexico: “Families Plant Crosses for Missing Relatives.”
TIJUANA — Family members of people who have disappeared planted 100 white crosses yesterday afternoon in an eastern ranch where a man confessed to having dissolved 300 bodies on orders of a drug cartel. ...
On Jan. 22, the Mexican military arrested Mesa López south of Rosarito Beach. He alleged that a leader of the Arellano Félix cartel, Teodoro “El Teo” Garcı́a Simental, had paid him $600 a week to dissolve bodies at the ranch, according to the federal authorities.
That’s the horror of Mexico, a horror exported illegally into thousands of American cities.
The gringo better move fast because those cities are disappearing as the anti-American U.S. government is importing hordes of aliens from the shitholes abroad and sending them into American cities with a multicultural mission: to get whitey to love the alien. But it ain’t going to work.
San Francisco Declare Itself an UnAmerican City
You probably read that the traitorous fags of San Francisco have declare the city a SANCTUARY CITY. No surprise there. We’ve always have know that fags hate America. Remember Brokeback Mountain. And fags wonder way real Americans hate their guts. Check out the article:
Who is one of the leaders of this ANTI-AMERICAN MOVEMENT? Supervisor David Campos, “An undocumented immigrant who spoke only Spanish, David grew up in the barrio of South Central Los Angeles.” Fuck you, is all I have to say to David, and I think MILLIONS OF GRINGOS like myself would agree. You are not an American. You are a criminal who entered my FUCKING HOMELAND ILLEGALLY.
But you stupid fucking gringos do get it, do you? You are fucking pathetic and deserve to lose your nation. You are nothing like your American ancestors. In fact you are a fucking disgrace.
Americans living in barrios like Cholo Vista are now just trying to sell their homes and move to an American city. Americans living in barrios like Cholo Vista are now just trying to sell their homes and move to an American city. Why would they want to leave a city like Cholo Vista, aka, Chula Vista? Well, first of all the city has become half Hispanic, and will soon end up like Hermosa, Chicago, where Hispanics are 84% of the population, and white Americans only 11%.
You might have heard the pro-immigration, pro-multiculturalism piece on NPR, the radio station that represents the end of white America. The story was about the United States government’s importation of aliens into the once American city of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The reporter couldn’t conceal her glee at the prospect of the town being inundated by aliens. From the report it seems that the city now has people representing 95 countries and 125 languages. For anti-American multiculturalists that’s progress. For Americans it means death. What brings the aliens to Sioux Falls? Well first of all the U.S. government and the American taxpayer. Who gets to comes. Well it ain’t just one persecuted individual but parents, children, and grandparents. The Kurd they interviewed said he has five children. Why not when Uncle Sam is paying the bills. He did lament that Americans didn’t know about his country, which he still considers his TRUE HOMELAND, just as the true homeland of the Park View Chicano warriors is SOUTH OF THE BORDER. I was in the car while I had to listen to this leftist, unAmerican propaganda and almost when into a fit of road rage. But that’s the truth of the matter. Those little vatos playing for Park View, they consider themselves Mexicans first and Americans only for the education, welfare, medical care, other benefits appropriated by the illegal Hispanic Nation.
Good bye, America!