The New York Post tells us, “An apparently drunk Kanye West callously stole the spotlight from country superstar Taylor Swift last night, moments after she won at the MTV Video Music Awards.”
That “Swift was giving her acceptance speech after copping the award for Best Female Video when West stormed onto the Radio City Music Hall stage, stole the microphone and dissed the beautiful young songbird, declaring that Beyoncé's "Single Ladies [Put a Ring On It]" should have won.”
Check out the attack of Mau Mau West:
If you haven’t seen the wholesome Beyoncé in action, check her out:
As you can see Kanye and Beyoncé are black, and Taylor Swift is a white country-western singer. What bugged the Mau Mau was the white country-western chick getting the award, because the Mau Mau hates white America.
The following video shows why Kanye wouldn’t like Taylor Swift. She just ain’t dirty enough.
Okay, Taylor Swift is no Martina McBride, but that's not the reason Kanye hates the white bitch. Let’s check out one of Kanye’s inspiring videos so we can get his view of women:
That’s pretty much black America’s twisted view of reality—though I’m thinking Taylor Swift wishes she were the girl with the shovel.
Beyoncé recorded “several Spanish records for the re-release of B'Day. Destiny's Child had already recorded a Spanish song and received favorable responses from their Latin fans.” So she’s a big hit with the Hispanic Nation who hates gringos as much as Cain, I mean Kanye does.
And of course Beyoncé sang America the Beautiful during the Obama inaugural opening ceremonies.
From white America’s perspective black America isn’t beautiful at all, but crass, immoral, and uncivilized. Actually, I think black men despise women—black or white.
And apparently black men aren't the only ones who like to mau mau white women:
A nostalgia moment: