Monday, September 28, 2009

Maj. Gen. Michael Lehnert Loses Moral Ground

This is what is said in the San Diego Union-Tribune about this ethical phony:
“Saying the United States lost the moral high ground, the outgoing [RETIRING] Marine general who built and ran the Guantanamo Bay military prison in early 2002 said he quickly concluded that it was the wrong path and that the cells he constructed should be emptied.”
Got it. But did he speak out before he started collecting his retirement checks? If he didn’t, then he is an ethical phony just like all the hired guns who have been involved in the moral low ground of the Iraq War and the Afghan War. Let’s see, about a half million Iraqis dead since 2003:

About 4.7 million Iraqis have been displaced since 2003.

But who gives a fuck. They’re just a bunch of rag-heads no better than termites.

More about Maj. Gen Moral High Ground:
“‘I came to the conclusion very soon that this probably wasn't the right way to go,’ Lehnert, 58, said during a media round table yesterday. ‘Probably before I left Guantanamo, I was of the opinion it needed to go away as soon as possible.’"
But he didn’t speak out because he didn’t want to jeopardize those FAT MILITARY RETIREMENT CHECKS. So he speaks out now so he can get the big checks and not feel guilty for running a stupid, concentration camp for suspected enemy.

By the way, why doesn’t bully America give back to Cuba that piece of land it stole from them? Then maybe the Cuba in Miami could be relocated. I mean those Cubans are a greater threat than those rag-heads—unless the pus heads in Washington allow them to immigrate to the US. But they aren’t that stupid. YES THEY FUCKING ARE. Did you read that the National Institute of Mental Health said recently, “An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.” And they are all fucking politicians! Anyway, the Cubans in this country are doing a lot more harm than the rag-heads, at least for now. Check it out.

Back to Maj. Gen. Moral High Ground:
“Lehnert said the United States has a moral obligation to treat the prisoners humanely. He added that HE WASN'T IN CHARGE OF INTERROGATIONS, which were handled by a different task force.”
I smell guilt. He might not have been in charge but he knew what was going on. So why didn’t Maj. Gen. Moral High Ground scream his fucking head off?
Answer: those fat retirement checks. You know that if the Germans hadn’t lost the war that the guys managing the death camps would have been raking in big bucks. Death camp, torture camp—what’s the difference--immorality is immorality, cruelty is cruelty.

You know Bush and his Neocon goons would have put the rag heads in the ovens if they could have gotten away with it. Apparently they did get away with it because like Maj. Gen. Moral High Ground they are living like fat cats while Americans are losing their homes—not to the rug huggers but to the greedy motherfucking money changers whose form of capitalism is pornographic. I mean I don’t know who’s worse, guys who are into child porn or the guys on Wall Street or guys who participate in immoral wars.

Finally the truth is spoken: “If he thought that at the time, why didn't he do anything about it?” asked Colby Vokey, a former Marine defense attorney who served at Camp Pendleton before retiring last year.”

Before the interview Maj. Gen Moral High Ground should have been read his rights, like anything he said would be held against him. Leave to a lawyer to do just that. Hooray! for Vokey for not defending do as I say but not as I do Maj. Gen Moral High Ground. HYPOCRIT!

“Lehnert said he made his views known through ‘the appropriate chain of command.’” Yeah right! In other words, he whisper to military types like himself that there might be a problem with shit like waterboarding and throwing the Koran in the toliet knowing they weren’t rocking the boat until they got their pensions and maybe a tell-all book deal. The COURAGEOUS thing to have done was speak to the media—tell the fucking world that Gitmo is a fucking moral outrage.

Check out this video that shows a 16-year-old guy imprisoned in this secret prison for throwing a grenade at an American soldier in Afghanistan. Isn’t that what soldiers try to do—kill each other? Well he wasn’t dressed as a soldier. Most the people the American military kills are not soldiers but civilians defending their homeland. That’s exactly what Americans would do if they were invaded. Whoops! We are being invaded by Mexico and are doing nothing. Okay I got that wrong. By the way Muhammad Grenadazi is a Canadian citizen. HOW FUCKING STUPID IS THAT? Of course, now America is finding out that some of their Muslim imports are terrorists. What in the fuck good does it do to kill them over there and then bring them over here? You'll have to ask the anti-American pus heads in Washington.

Still, imprisoning a kid so that he can be tortured in order to get information is just plain idiotic and mean. He doesn’t know shit. This villainess sickness came out of the Bush administration which was filled with sicko warmongers and Jewish hate-the-Muslim neocons like that filthy Irving Kristol. I’m so glad he’s dead, though hopefully his ashes won’t be scattered. They’ll just stink up the air.

Kristol is another example of Jewish immigrants (his parents) given sanctuary in America and immediately begin taking over the country. No wonder Hitler feared the Jews. We defeated the fascist menace but not the Zionist menace. Look what they have done to America, for example, which would not be fighting the present two wars had it not been for filthy neocon Jews like Kristol, who turned America into Israel’s pit-bull. WHAT HAVE THE JEWS EVER DONE FOR AMERICA BESIDE GET IT INTO TROUBLE? (Not to mention what they have done to Wall Street and Hollywood.) As a result the country has become a laughingstock and an object of disgust and ridicule around the world, you know like JOKER THE JEW and his AMERICAN HENCHMEN. Sick, sick, sick.

Well Maj. Gen. Moral High Ground, I guess you are going to have to live with your guilty conscience because no one except other psychopathic conservatives buy your I’m-really-a-nice-guy bullshit. Think about it General. A handful of rag heads commandeer with box cutters three commercial jetliners and kill 3000 Americans. That’s an act of war? No army, no tanks, no air force, no navy—just a posse of terrorists. Give me a fucking break. We hype it up to war status and then invaded a country run by a maniac (our maniac was George Bush).

Results: tens of thousands of innocent people slaughtered in Iraq and thousands of dead innocent civilians in Afghanistan, and a country, like Iraq, destroyed by war. Take a look Maj. Gen. Moral High Ground:

It makes you ashamed to be an American (not you I mean Americans with a conscience). Yes, after 9-11 we needed to go in a punish al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but now what we are doing is obscene. Except to morally simple-minded Americans, the war in Afghanistan is an obscene show of technological slaughter. The country has become a testing ground for America’s un-heroic weapon systems such as the killer drones, in other words, America’s version of Cyberdyne Systems Corporation.

Check out the new American Robo Soldier:

Will they be passing out Medals of Honor to those guys?

Sorry General, you wasted your life as a soldier. Had you been seriously interested in defending America you would have joined the Border Patrol.