Friday, September 25, 2009

Hispanic Nation President, Obama, Presents His District 9-ing of America Plan

Should have got around to this earlier but blogging in America is like sewer surfing. Sometimes you just ain’t in the mood to smell the shit. :-(

“President promotes his health care reform at Hispanic lawmakers gala” is the title of the 9/17/09 barrio San Diego Union-Tribune article. The article begins by saying “Obama also salutes Justice Sotomayor. There is no doubt in my mind that Obama sees himself as the president of the Alien Nations now occupying America, the largest and most dangerous of which is the Hispanic Nation.

Check out the Hispanics who are turning America into Arkham Asylum, with Joker Obama in charge but no gringo Batman to the rescue, too many traitors in the DC shithouse:

He “told a Latino gathering yesterday that no one in the United States illegally would receive benefits under plans for a health care overhaul.” Of course that is bullshit. Illegals already receive medical care in this country.

Check out this:

Looks like free medical care to me. Okay, maybe the person getting the shot isn’t illegal, but she’s getting a free shot and I never have gotten a free shot. And if she was illegal, you know she could get the shot anyway. Getting the point here is that the HISPANIC NATION is getting a lot of free stuff paid for by gringo taxpayers. Now California university students are protesting the UC budget cuts. Hell only 27% are gringo. I for one am tired of paying the bill in California to educate the aliens who have invaded the state. Let them pay their own way.

Getting back to the great alien leader’s healthcare bill, what his medical bill will ensure is that all the illegals’ American born children will get medical care, no questions ask, which they pretty much do already. Also, passing the bill will mean that the millions of illegals in this country will qualify when their leader gets his ILLEGAL ALIENS AMNESTY BILL passed by the ant-American politicians in Washington, meaning Democrats and Republicans (don’t forget Reagan’s amnesty bill and alien lovers such as Bush and McCain).

Then we are told, “‘Our own royalty, somebody who we have become so extraordinarily proud of, somebody who I've just come to adore, and who is somebody who's going to make us proud for many, many years to come, because she's not term-limited, the newest justice of the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor,’ Obama said, bringing the room to its feet to applaud Sotomayor, who attended the dinner.’ "ADIÓS YOU STUPID FUCKING GRINGOS."

She’s not royalty to me or any other gringo American. What she is is a symbol of the Hispanic destruction of America, of all the millions of Hispanics who have invaded the American homeland with the help of traitorous politicians.

Then we are told, “He said the proudest moment of his presidency was when Sotomayor took the bench.” Of course it was. The aliens are his people. He's one of them. They brought him to power, so what you expect him to say? But it certainly wasn’t America’s proudest moment. It was a moment of shame and humiliation. The first thing he Obama does once in office is KISS ALIEN BUTT. As far as I’m concern, the appointment was telling Americans (red, black, and white—there are no others) to go fuck themselves.

Next Obama says, “As she lifted her right hand to take the oath, our nation took one step closer to fully realizing the founding ideals that the court itself was established to defend,” BULLSHIT! America took another step toward disappearing. And are the founding ideals of the court to overthrow America by an illegal demographic deluge? I urinate on the graves of the politicians that authorized giving U.S. Citizenship to aliens such as Puerto Ricans who hate the gringo. They are my enemies and always will be. They have their own fucking homeland. Leave us ours.

Then the alien chief said, “And across America, millions of children's sights are now set higher; their dreams are a little bigger. That benefits all of us.” Not gringo children. The Hispanic Nation Obama represents has its sights on the homes, schools, and communities of the gringo children. All our children can look forward to is the disappearance of their homeland under the Alien Deluge and being home schooled in an underground bunker.

This is what Mexican immigrants think about America:

Next we are told, “Part rally for his agenda and part reminder to a KEY CONSTITUENCY [read illegal aliens and their illegitimate offspring], Obama's speech to a packed ballroom promised help FOR THE LATINO COMMUNITY and the nation more broadly [read rhetoric for the stupid gringos]. He said the problems Latinos face cut across all communities, from crumbling schools to a devastated economy.” The truth is the cholo people have done the most harm to their communities. I hear on NPR today about class sizes being too large, 40 in LA. The expert said that the large class size is really hard on disadvantage student and second language speakers—in other words gangbangers and illegal immigrants or the children of—who can’t speak English and are illiterate in Spanish. Why does Vermont rank as the smartest state?

Because it’s 98 percent gringo. Why is California 47th ? Because it has become an appendage of Mexico.

Check out the real world of the Hispanic Nation:

You want to see why our disadvantage students don't do so well:

Then the great aliens leader said, “Todos somos Americanos... We are all Americans.” NO THEY ARE NOT AMERICANS. THEY INVADED THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY YOU STUPID FUCK! YOU’RE NOT EVEN ALL AMERICAN, ONLY HALF AMERICAN and apparently your mama hated the gringo otherwise your middle name wouldn't be Hussein.

Check out Muslims attempting to pass the U.S. Arab immigration test:

What was next? "'The American people did not send us to Washington to ignore problems just because they're tough,' said Obama, whose campaign slogan of 'Yes, We Can' borrowed from Cesar Chavez's 'Si, Se Puede'" I'm sure Americans are reassured that Obama's hero and role model was Cesar Chavez. The AMERICA PEOPLE are GRINGOS, BLACKS (whose ancestors were slaves, not Muslims), and American Indians. There are no other Americans, not as far as gringos are concerned. And what was Chavez talking about? THE HISPANIC CONQUERING OF AMERICA! Check it out stupid gringo!

And then the knife to the American throat: “‘All of you have made America more American,’ Pelosi said.” Fuck you, Pelosi. You may represent the anti-American gays in San Francisco but not the real un-diseased America.

Finally: Obama tell his alien audience: “I also don't simply believe we can ignore the fact that our immigration system is broken.” NO SHIT. And with him in charge it will remain broken.

Americans know now that they need to be wearing a gun in Obama's new DISTRICT 9 AMERICA.

Kudos to Dr. Michael Savage for recommending the Kel-Tec FREEDOM 380.

I disagre with Dr. Savage on most issues (he is a rabid supported or virulent State of Israel), but he’s right on about gangbangers and terrorists invading this country. The alien-loving U.S. Government isn't interested in protecting Americans—to the contrary it’s doing it best to see us become an endangered species in our own only habitat.

Lock and load because bad weather has arrived and it’s Alamo time in the USA.