Why’s that? Because America is dirty. It would be like letting a pedophilic priest babysit your children. American military aircraft have been destroying villages and killing men, women, and children in Afghanistan for a decade, and almost that long in Iraq. Most recently U.S. helicopters massacred nine Afghan children. In addition:
Over the last month, at least 65 Afghans have been killed by U.S./NATO forces, prompting mass outrage and demonstrations. Hundreds of people protested in Nanglam after the massacre, as have people in other villages and towns after other similar atrocities. The reason there is popular support for those fighting the occupation is quite obvious.Afterward, out of the public eye, Gen. Terminator Petraeus said that the parents set their children on fire to frame the U.S. force. Hey, General, it's your fucking killing machine that has been occupying another country for ten fucking years!
Believe me, just because these guys wear a uniform doesn't mean they are intelligent, morally or otherwise. The Nazi wore cool uniforms too. And keep in mind how many parents and children have been fooled by the priestly frock.
America lost its moral credibility or authority a long time ago (the Vietnam War). All it has today is its monstrous war machine, a Frankenstein monster created in its own laboratories.
Oh yeah, did you notice how Gadhafi’s son Seif al-Islam (that’s a terrorist-sound name if I’ve ever heard one) used the Bush-Obama terrorist-threat alibi for the use of deadly violence. He said the nation of Libya is being “held hostage by terrorists.” There you go. One man’s rebel is another man’s terrorist. If the Obama administration defends the rebels, it will also be defending the terrorists who are attempting to takeover the country.
And what is the difference between the rebels in Libya and the Taliban in Afghanistan who are trying to drive out the U.S. led imperialistic coalition? And in Iraq the rebels were called terrorist insurgents, who were also attempting to drive out the American imperialist who had no cause to invade the country in the first place.
By the way how is Iraq doing after the U.S. military destroyed most of the country? Not very well. But now they have a democratic government. Well, they have an American puppet government that the people can’t stand. The people have been protesting the fact that the living conditions in the country are that of a third-world nation. Last month 17 people were killed for their engaging in democratic activity:
The government's response to Iraq's unrest, which has fallen far short of the huge crowds elsewhere in the region, has been under scrutiny since 14 people were killed during the Feb. 25 demonstrations and the bodies of three more protesters turned up the day after.And today:
BAGHDAD – Several Iraqis among a crowd of protesters in Baghdad accused security forces Friday of detaining and beating them for taking part in earlier demonstrations calling for better services and a corruption-free government.But in America Iraq is ancient history. Americans are more concerned about the negotiations between the NFL owners and players. The sport? Greed Ball.
The same goes for NATO. NATO nations have been part of the killing spree in Afghanistan and Iraq since day one. And those fucking British have as much moral authority as Judas.
That brings us to another reason American foreign policies smell of sulfur: Israel. Israel itself can’t get into the game of international affairs because it’s the stinkiest, dirtiest nation of all. The only time you hear about the Israelis is when they are killing Palestinians or driving them from their homes, then destroying their homes, and then building barracks for Israeli citizens.
One question to the Muslim world: How long are you going to depend on Christian white men to come to your rescue? I mean there are a fucking billion of you. Why don’t you come to the rescue of the Libyan people? Of course the answer is simple. Your countries are run by sleazy Muslim dictators (many supported the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA).
You can’t depend on America. What does Obama do when the people of Egypt are fighting to throw off the chains of their dictator President Mubarak? He sends a Zionist Jew, Frank G. Wisner, to have a chat with Mubarak. What is the Jew’s conclusion? Take a look:
“Speaking on the BBC on February 5, 2011, he [Wisner] exceeded statements issued by the White House to date and insisted that President Mubarak should be allowed to remain in office despite widespread calls for him to step down.”
Of course! Mubarak is a Muslim Judas in the pocket of the Israel-America. Not only that, “After retiring from government service in 1997, Wisner joined the board at a subsidiary of Enron, the former energy company.” (Wikipedia) A fucking sleaze and of course he would be just the man to join the staff of the Kenyan hypocrite running and ruining the country (as were the Republicans before him).
And when looking at articles on no-fly zones I came across one that mentioned another Jew, Michael Rubin, a Middle East scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative U.S. think tank. Of course he advocates a no-fly zone over Libya to protect civilians, says the ban must include helicopter flights.
“Between 2002 and 2004, Rubin worked as a country director for Iran and Iraq in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, from which he was seconded to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq.”
Let’s face it, no fucking Jew should be involved in American foreign policy activities in the Middle East. The Muslims hate the fucking Jews, and rightly so. I consider it a policy not only one of intimidation but one of humiliation, just like this:
Having Jews involved in any aspect of Middle East foreign police makes Muslims feel like the man in the picture. And I think Americans and Jews know it and enjoy it. However when U.S. foreign policy has Jews all over it like flies on shit, laying maggot eggs for future Zionist-American imperialistic domination.
Well let’s just say that when Obama says in that MY-CHILDREN-I-AM-YOUR-LEADER tone of voice (triggering a universal gag reflex) I will be conferring with our NATO allies (the very same ones who transformed Iraqis and Afghanistan into killing fields)," the Muslim world and most Westerners simply hold their noses. Let’s face it, the coalition nations have been supporting the dictators for decades.
I hope the fuck that the people of Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc. throw off the chains of their tyrants so that they can finally free themselves from the neocolonialist policies of Zion-America and their collaborators.