Monday, December 26, 2011

Avi Spiegel: Another Clandestine Pro-Israel Agent

So I see this article in the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune titled “A Professor’s course comes alive” and notice that the professor is Avi Spiegel:

“Avi Spiegel, a sharp student of the Middle East, found himself in a new position in January: teaching a class on its history and politics as uprisings utterly changed both in one country after another.”

Right away I’m fucking doubtful. This guy is obviously a Jew, so how much objectivity are we going to get from him? I’ll tell you—none. Avi says,

“It became clear that these young people were more than just protesters. They were literally marching themselves free of authoritarianism.”

Blah, blah, blah. Like the big deal in the Middle East is authoritarian regimes and not fucking Israel. What a fucking whitewash. Israel is the big tumor on the Middle Eastern landscape. All those fucking authoritarian regimes, like the one in Egypt, were financed, supported, and tolerated by the West as long as they kept their fucking mouth shut about the oppressive policies of Israel.

The Middle East would not be a tender box were it not for the Jewish occupation of Palestine and the meddling of the fucking colonialist nations such as France, fucking Great Britain, and the U.S. The Palestinians were bullied into accepting the Jews by countries—in particular the U.S. and Britain—who didn’t want them. Can’t blame them. However, the U.S. ended up with as many Jews as there are living in Israel, and look how they have corrupted Wall Street, Washington, Hollywood, the judicial system, etc.

Had there been no Israel there would not have been a half-dozen wars or 9-11. Why so many wars? Because the Hebrews invaded the Palestine after the WWII just as they invaded Canaan in the Old Testament. Just as Jewish Marxists invaded German driving Hitler off the deep end. Of course the Jewish invasion was okay because a book of fairytales, the Bible, said it was okay.

The article makes no mention of Avi being Jewish nor of Israel. It’s just another example of proJewish propaganda. Avi is presented as just a great professor only interested in his students' love of learning. My guess most of his students are Jewish or neoconservative types. What fucking B.S. It says he spends a lot of time in the Middle East, giving the impression he hangs out with Muslims. I don’t think so. My guess is most of his time in the Middle East was spent in Israel.

Having Avi lecture on the Middle East is like have having Josef Mengele lecture on the medical care in the German concentration camp.

Avi just wants to give the impression of a Jew truly interested in events affecting Muslims, when in fact he is a propaganda artist for Israel. You see Israel is a fucking Jewish ghetto that ranks in popularity with North Korea, which at least doesn’t create a lot of deadly turmoil out side its borders. No one likes Jews, so the Jews have to work very hard at appearing likeable—when in fact they are not. They have a Zionist agenda and every Jew in the U.S. is part of that agenda, an agent of Israel. They are shape shifters.

Here’s what USD Web site has to say about him:

“He is currently completing a book on the next generation of political Islam, based on his extensive fieldwork (conducted in Arabic) among young activists from both legal and illegal Islamist movements.”

I just bet he’s keeping an eye on the Araabs. But here is something else:
Dear Jewish Community Leaders,

Many of you know me from my days as President Clinton's liaison to the JEWISH COMMUNITY. After leaving my position as Special Assistant to the President at the White House, I lived and worked in Israel for four years. I returned recently to take up the post as Senior Advisor for Middle East and Jewish Affairs for the Kerry campaign. In the coming days, you will also be getting to know my DEPUTY, AVI M. SPIEGEL. AVI JUST FINISHED GRADUATE SCHOOL, COMPLETING HIS LAW DEGREE AT NYU AND A MASTER'S DEGREE IN THEOLOGY FROM HARVARD. AVI AND I FIRST WORKED TOGETHER AT THE WHITE HOUSE WHERE HE ASSISTED IN OUR JEWISH OUTREACH EFFORTS.

I have already been in touch with many of you throughout the past weeks and months, and I hope to continue to stay in close touch with all of you throughout the course of this campaign. This promises to be a long and exciting campaign season, and Senator Kerry needs your help. JOHN KERRY’S RECORD ON ISRAEL IS SECOND TO NONE...

Every Friday from now until November 2, we will be sending you important information relating to John Kerry and the Jewish community... This week, we have attached a document entitled "John Kerry: STRENGTHENING ISRAEL'S SECURITY AND BOLSTERING THE US-ISRAEL SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP." [In other words, being Israel pit bull which will get Americans entangled in 2 wars because of that born-again nut case George W. Bush.] ...

We are also in the process of building national and State Jewish leadership teams comprised of prominent national and local leaders in our communities...

We have already had our first organized meeting with the Massachusetts Leadership Team. Since they have known Senator Kerry the longest, they are in a unique position to articulate the SENATOR'S LONGSTANDING PERSONAL SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL AND HIS RECORD ON ISSUES OF CONCERN TO AMERICAN JEWS. [I.e., the fucking Jews have hijacked the U.S. government, and neocons (Zionists lovers) will take control of the White House not under Kerry but Bush. You see it doesn’t make any difference whether Americans vote Republican or Democrat. Either party is more concerned about satisfying the desires of wealthy Jews and Israel that about serving Americans].

Thank you all again for your continued support and optimism. Your help in this campaign will be instrumental, and I very much look forward to working with all of you.

Shabbat Shalom,

Jay K. Footlik
Senior Advisor on Middle East and Jewish Affairs
John Kerry for President

So I’m not buying that Avi is an objective observer of Middle Eastern affairs. I’m sure what he gives in class is a Zionist spin on the doings in the Middle East. The Jews are saints, having never done anything wrong (other than occupy Palestine). The Zionist/Neocon/born-agains want us to believe that all the problems in the Middle East are the result of those Islamic tyrants, whom the U.S. and Israel had no problem supporting as long as the went along with the Hebrew occupation of Palestine. The Jews are just innocent bystanders. :-)))) HAHAHAHAHAHA

I hope student political science students aren’t required to take a class from Avi in order to graduate. That wouldn’t be fair to Muslim students, especially Palestinian students. In fact, a Muslim should be teaching the course since the ARAB SPRING is about ARABS! Or at least the course should be team taught.

This blog another one of those responses that the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune is willing to publish on its web site as long as you are willing to give your name and get fired from your job. So what the paper gets are favorable responses or critical responses that sound like compliments. No one dares question Jews. They are as sacred as the crucifix in Zion America. What a fucking joke.