Tuesday, June 26, 2012

American Idiocy June 26, 2012

Reporting from San Diego Union-Tribune, aka, U-T-Military & Defense (I’m not shitting you), SDU-T Barrio News, SDU-T Better Business Bureau, etc. In other words, the newspaper is more of a special-interest flyer than a newspaper.

High court tells America to go fuck themselves

The not-so-Supreme Court tells Americans that their states cannot defend them against the hordes of illegals invading the country by the millions, where they give birth to their anchor babies and start collecting benefits. As you know President of the Alien Nation, the man from Kenyon, Obama, just gave amnesty to millions of illegals who have been living illegally and parasitically in the nation. Americans, you’ve been betrayed and are now fucked and on your own.

Surprised, Facebook users get Jewed

Facebook (aka Jewbook) users have just discover that the Facebook Sanhedrin decided to replace personal email addresses with Facebook addresses without letting the goyim know what was going on. What do you expect from Big Brother Zuckerberg and his little brothers? What is the business of Facebook? I call it information usury. It mines information from its users, like taking the gold fillings and hair from the dead (in the case of Facebook, zombies) to sell to despicable types who, like the Facebook Information Cartel, are more interested in making money than in morality. I believe there is a giant HAL like computer—called Ark II—beneath Jerusalem containing all the information on the goyim of the world, which can be sold or turned over not only to corporations and organizations like the ACLU but also U.S. Government. You’d think the goyim would be disgusted enough to give up the Facebook habit. But they can’t. They are addicted, and many are just plain stupid, as any Jew knows.

But no one should be surprised. Two thousand years ago the Jews lobotomized the pagans. And today millions of their Judaized followers in the U.S. eagerly await World War III and the Rapture that will follow. And that has given them control of Washington, D.C. They can make Obama and Romney dance just like the girls at strip bars. All they have to do is show the green or call upon the goyim faithful. They totally took over the government when that lobotomized born-again retard from Texas was in office.

Remember the movie Invaders from Mars? Americans fall under the influence of the INVADERS from Mars (today they come from south of the border). In the movie the aliens gain control by implanting mind-control crystals at the base of the skull, indicated by a red mark. If you look at the back of the neck of American Rapturites, including George Bush, you will see a red Star of David, meaning the individual has been Judaized, a form of religious lobotomization.  That's how Israel and it Jewish infiltrators became America's puppet masters, by turning millions of Americans into Israeli collaborators. And of course they have taken control of Wall Street and Hollywood, much of the media, including Facebook. I’m afraid all you Facebook users have been crucified by Big Brother Zuckerberg and the Facebook Sanhedrin even if you don't wear the mark of David. Ha, ha, ha. :-)))

I’m gong to flush this, but I’m not done yet. You can’t imagine how much idiocy there is in the news each and every day. If you’re an American, you probably can. Anyway there’s plenty of shitiocy left but I’m developing mental hemorrhoids.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Syria Receives Fresh Arms from Nefarious Russians

And America never supplies dictatorships (like Saudi Arabia) with arms! Such fucking hypocrisy.

Come on, all the countries involved this drama love this shit. It enables them to prance about on the big global stage. Hillary Clinton, for example, loves to shoot off her big mouth at the Russians, because it’s an election year and the Russians are America's favorite bad guys. Two points. First, what do you expect from President Vladimir Stalin Putin? He’s a fucking dictator. Dictators stick together. Second, the U.S. has done everything possible to get the Russians to hate us, so they will always oppose us. That’s one thing the U.S. is really good at—making and keeping enemies so that there is no future for world peace.

Here’s from America’s fat lady:

“U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on June 12 that the United States was ‘concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from Russia to Syria.’ She said such a sale ‘will escalate the conflict quite dramatically.’” Blah, blah, blah.

Actually the solution is simple. Syria should be completely cut off from the rest of the world, by nations who oppose Bashar Al Assad’s slaughter of his own people. In other words, don’t allow Syrians to travel to other nations (unless they are fleeing the regime). Don't allow them to buy from or sell anything to participating nations. Don’t allow their airplanes to land in Western nations. Totally isolate them. However, from what I’ve read the U.N. can’t even agree to do that.

And of course, many nations won’t stop doing business with Syria if that means a loss of profit. And the Muslim leaders (mostly dictators themselves) are slow to do anything expect spend money they don’t earn. And if stable Muslim nations (like all those oil rich nations) in the region won’t step forward to do the right thing, then why should Western nations? Of course, they won’t because they’re dictatorships as well.

The only difference between Saudi Arabia and Syria has been the recent revolt in Syria. Both are dictatorships where creepy families consider the nation their backyard and their people surfs (the slaves are imported labor) and women concubines. But America has no problem dealing with Saudi Arabia. It had no problem dealing with Syria as long as the people were repressed without bloodshed. (Of course, America is all about causing bloodshed in those countries. But how else are we to test our latest weapon systems, such as Augustus Obama's favorite kill toy—the killer drones?)

In other words, the West should make Syria persona non grata and then just wait. Treat Syria as a non-nation. But the West has no patience. Always looking for a quick solution, which often turns out to be a long non-solution (like how are things working out in Iraq and Egypt?).

Yeah, Muslims die. But just consider how many hundreds of thousands of Muslims the U.S. has killed “saving” Iraq.

Both Muslims and Jews (in particular Israel) are like the tar baby. Once you get too close it’s almost impossible to get uninvolved. So you should do what you can at a distance and take care of things at home (like haven’t you noticed that things have gone to hell in both the U.S. and Europe?).

And most of all don’t fall for the nonsense that the Syrian people are good people being exploited and massacred by a malevolent regime. As far as I’ve read millions of Syrians actually support Assad. And when a Muslim government isn’t killing the people, the people are killing themselves. Look at what’s been going on in Iraq. And as soon as the Egyptians were liberated Egyptian men went on a rampage against the women.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Kills: Terrorists 19, Team America 18

That’s right, it’s been a close race between the U.S. kill teams and the terrorists. Recently Team Terror took a brief lead even thought they lack the advance kill technology of Kill Team America, especially that ace killer the predator drone, operated by veterans who have trained for years playing Gears of War.

Team Terror planted a bomb that ripped through a Pakistani bus on Friday, killing 19 people, including seven women and a child, on the outskirts of the northwestern city of Peshawar.

That beat Kill Team America by one death. A “coalition” airstrike killed 18, including women and children, in Logar province. Kill Team America is always gracious enough not to take full credit for its kills. Still with all that support from its loyal killer allies you’d think they could have outdone Team Terror. Unfortunately the United States Army sergeant who methodically killed at least 16 civilians, 9 of them children, was not available. Damn shame.

An airstrike was called in by U.S. troops after they came under fire while pursuing A TALIBAN FIGHTER in a village in the Baraki Barak district. You got to love the overkill of Kill Team America—calling in the air force for a single fighter. Thank god there were civilians in the area. Can you image losing to the terrorists 19 to 1? Disgraceful!

Fortunately America’s new action hero Captain America Barrack Obama, dressed in leopard skin, wearing a bone through his nose, and carrying a Masai warrior spear, his albino monkey nearby chewing on a credit card, has been cheering on Kill Team America. Of course he wears this getup in the official KILL ROOM where he will be perusing his kill list for another drone strike.


It’s been said that there are a number of Republicans on the list, but drone kills are not yet allowed in the U.S. When it comes to that I guess I’ll have to build a drone shelter. As you know drone-happy Obama took out Al-Qaeda’s number two man by the name of Abu Yahya al-Libi.

Who was Abu Yahya al-Libi? A scholar:

We are told that “Al-Libi's importance, and the significance of his death for al-Qaeda, can be traced to his KNOWLEDGE OF SHARIA, which enabled him to serve as a RELIGIOUS SCHOLAR for the organisation. Few individuals in the organization were qualified to hold such status. AL-LIBI STUDIED SHARIA UNDER PROMINENT SCHOLARS in Mauritania in the 1990s. Members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group sent him there to study religious jurisprudence, according to former leaders in the Libyan group."

His job? Propaganda.

“Al-Libi's public role included issuing religious pronouncements that ATTEMPTED TO JUSTIFY AL-QAEDA'S POSITION ON CRISES IN THE ARAB WORLD, such as Somalia, Iraq, Palestine and the Maghreb.”

Apparently Libi was embittered was animated by an ideology that was virulently anti-Western. And Libi knew how to package his views and communicate them. In other words, he was a good talker. His job was that of a propagandist. So you better watch what you say (i.e., no thinking outloud if your thoughts are anti-American). Don’t be bad mouthing the U.S. or sympathizing with the Muslims who hate America for it Rome-like agenda in the Middle East, or else Augustus Hussein Obama will be sending a drone missile crashing down upon your house, hopefully catching the entire family at dinner in order to inflate Kill Team America’s score.

This is reality on-line video gaming at its best.

By the way, why would somebody like Libi hate the U.S. Like how many dictatorships has the U.S. supported in the Middle East? Well there’s the Saudis, Bashar Assad of Syria, El Sayed Mubarak of Egypt, the Shah of Iran, whom we help put into power, Yemen’s dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh, and even Saddam Hussein. The list goes on. Apparently the U.S. has no problem supporting dictators as long as doing so serves U.S. and Israeli national interests and the dictators don’t become to big an embarrassment. That’s how Rome worked and America and Augustus Obama are only following in Rome’s footsteps. Rome killed Jesus to keep the natives pacified. The U.S. assassinated Islamic savior bin Laden.

Osama bin Laden didn’t like America’s imperialistic policies in the Middle East, just like he didn’t like the Soviets occupying Afghanistan, so he and his crew sucker punched the U.S. on 9-11. He thought he was doing what the Maccabees did when they fought against the Seleucid Greeks who were doing the imperialism thing in the Palestine or the Zealots who fought the Romans occupying the Holy Land and killed their collaborators. Was he deluded? History seems to be on his side. The West has been interfering as colonialists and opportunists in the Middle East forever. Maybe the Muslims have had enough.

So the game continues and Team Terror took a big lead then on 9-11. But Kill Team America caught up with two big wars and tens to perhaps hundreds of thousand of Muslims—men, women, and children—raped, imprisoned, tortured, and killed. Now that’s payback. SCORE ON, AMERICA!

But rag-tag Team Terror fights on. Probably will as long as the U.S. occupies the Muslim homeland, one of the things that got bin Laden all upset.

P.S. For more information on Kill Team America check out the San Diego Union-Tribunes Sunday Stars and Stripes edition called U-T Military + Defense. Most recently the big story featured Muslim castrating female Marines. The Taliban better gird up their loins and take cover. These female Marines can blow off a tentacle at a thousand yards.

And the killing goes on, THANK GOD!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Gringo Deconstructing Border Rescue

The story is from the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune, sometimes known as Stars and Stripes San Diego Union-Tribune  (you must have noticed the new MILITARY + DEFENSE section) or the  Vatican San Diego Union-Tribune (I expect a return of the RELIGION section but now it will be SCIENCE + RELIGION) or the Chamber of Commerce San Diego Union-Tribune (Memorial Day Sales!!!), etc. In other words, the San Diego Union-Tribune is a politically correct advertisement-propaganda junk-mail newspaper designed to financially benefit itself (its owner Mr. Manchester Millionaire).

In this case the purpose is to celebrate and promote multiculturalism and the loving bond between Mexico and the U.S. Why, given the biggest export from south of the border has been illegal aliens and their anchor babies, gangs, and drugs, which have wreck the state (is wrecking the nation) economically, culturally, and socially?

Hispanics represent a third of San Diego’s population and given the Hispanic friendly U.S. government (Democratic and Republican) California is on its way to becoming a Hispanic state, already is in places such as L.A. So Manchester can read the $$$ signs of future. One of the main principles of capitalism is don’t offend consumers, not even if they are wrecking your country, because profit, not your country, is what capitalism is all about.

And don’t expect wisdom from millionaires. Americans are constantly confusing cunning with wisdom.

Okay, here’s the article. Actually the story is covered twice. Again its purpose is to promote the loving bond that exists between Mexicans and gringos. (In reality that bond doesn’t exist, thus the need for the propaganda.)

“A critically injured 4-year-old AMERICAN BOY was lifted over a fence at the Mexican border, into the arms of U.S. Border Patrol agents who helped save his life Monday, federal authorities said Wednesday.”

Actually he’s a Mexican boy. Big question: who are the parents? This from the May 31st article:

“The child was hit by a car in Jacume, Mexico. About 8:30 p.m., agents MET THE FAMILY at the border near Jacumba, where the boy and his 18-year-old American cousin were lifted over the fence.”

What the article leaves out is part of its sly rhetorical cunning that most Americans are too stupid to pick up. But it seems that THE FAMILY lives in Mexico. The boy has an American cousin, but there is no mention of where the families live in the U.S. SO I assume that the boy and his cousin are anchor babies.

“Agents performed lifesaving measures on the boy. He was airlifted to a hospital and later listed in stable condition, Border Patrol officials said.”

This is supposed to be a feel good article, but I don’t feel good about it. So this kid gets hit by a Mexican driver, apparently a hit and run, probably running from a crime scene. And instead of being sent to a Mexican hospital, where he might have to pay, he’s sent to a gringo hospital where he won’t have to pay because his parents live in Mexico (but Americans will have to pay).

This from the June 1st article “Border No Barrier to Agent Rescue.” Obviously this is a really feel-good follow up article.

“FRIENDS OF THE INJURED BOY’S FAMILY had contacted Baja California Secretary of Public Safety’s command and communications center, pleading for help, said Jerry Conlin, a Border Patrol spokesman in San Diego. Mexican authorities reached out to the patrol’s international liaison, who told them to bring the boy to a designated stretch of the border fence.”

So I want to know where is the FAMILY? In Mexico? Or the U.S. Something smells fishy. What I see is WHAT IS NOT BEING SAID.

“The boy is Marcos Antonio Ramirez, a U.S citizen who was visiting FAMILY in Jacumé, a rural community east of Tecate.”

Lot’s of emphasis on the boy being a U.S. citizen WHO WAS VISITING FAMILY IN JACUMÉ. My guess is the parents are MEXICAN NATIONALS who had Antonio in San Diego, most likely at an emergency room in order to drop anchor in the U.S. Is it any wonder that the Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population, ahead of, not Americans, but Asians?

The gringos are being pushed to the back of the bus and will soon be America’s new “niggers.” I call it Karma. And will Romney call for an end of automatic U.S. citizenship if born in America? Fuck no. He’s a politician, and politicians are mostly concerned with themselves. And certainly alien Obama won’t end automatic citizenship for aliens born in the U.S. He is one of them.

“The situation was so dire and desperate,” said Gonzalez, who has been with the Border Patrol for six years. “You’re not thinking about nationality, gender, age. All you know is that there is a human being in desperate need of help.”

Certainly Gonzalez isn’t thinking about nationality. Where were his parents (grandparents) born? To me it looks like the fox watching the henhouse. Who are now in desperate need of help are Americans, whose homeland is being overrun by aliens. Of course, the media tries to convince us that it’s a good thing and that our real enemy is al Qaeda. But only a dumb ass would buy that BS. It’s hard to find hard data on how many al Qaeda members are in the world. But most agree there are 100 in Afghanistan (so why are we there?). But I’m willing to say there are 10,000 worldwide, most likely an overblown estimate. There are approximately “704,000 illegal immigrants in Los Angeles County.” Only God knows how many anchor babies. So who is the real threat to the U.S. Hispanics have taken over New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. And certainly most of California and soon Colorado and Nevada. Their threat isn’t as dramatic as the 9-11 attacks but is permanent. Who is the big threat? How many Americans in America have been robbed, injured, or killed by al Qaeda? But...

“In addition, violent crime and drug distribution and possession is also prevalent among illegal aliens. Over 25% of today's federal prison population are illegal aliens. In some areas of the country, 12% of felonies, 25% of burglaries and 34% of thefts are committed by illegal aliens."


“A helicopter then arrived to airlift the boy and his 18-year-old cousin to Rady Children’s Hospital – San Diego. Carlos Delgado, a spokesman for the medical center, said the patient was listed in critical condition Thursday.”

So who picked up the tab for that? And still no mention of the residence of the parents.


“We’re here to SECURE THE BORDER REGION,” Carr said. “This is not what everybody thinks about. There are so many facets that contribute to the safety and SECURITY OF THE BORDER region, and this is part of it.”

The fucking border has never been secured. And America has dug itself in a very deep alien hole that it won’t be able to dig its way out of. The borders have rotted away, the border states have been overrun by Hispanics (California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas), which have become staging area for the Hispanics to invade the rest of the nations. The Hispanic Nation is well established. And by the end of the century gringos will be a minority in their country. AND THEY FUCKING DESERVE TO BE. Welcome to the new America:


How does it feel America to know you’ve lost your country while fight windmills in Iraq and Afghanistan to fund the Military-Industrial Complex? You know stupidity can cause bad karma, and that is exactly the karma America creates—both on the right and left. I used to lament the disappearance of the country into a swamp created by its own stupidity. But no longer. Now I rejoice: America is dead, no longer shall she live. :-)))