Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Syria Receives Fresh Arms from Nefarious Russians

And America never supplies dictatorships (like Saudi Arabia) with arms! Such fucking hypocrisy.

Come on, all the countries involved this drama love this shit. It enables them to prance about on the big global stage. Hillary Clinton, for example, loves to shoot off her big mouth at the Russians, because it’s an election year and the Russians are America's favorite bad guys. Two points. First, what do you expect from President Vladimir Stalin Putin? He’s a fucking dictator. Dictators stick together. Second, the U.S. has done everything possible to get the Russians to hate us, so they will always oppose us. That’s one thing the U.S. is really good at—making and keeping enemies so that there is no future for world peace.

Here’s from America’s fat lady:

“U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on June 12 that the United States was ‘concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from Russia to Syria.’ She said such a sale ‘will escalate the conflict quite dramatically.’” Blah, blah, blah.

Actually the solution is simple. Syria should be completely cut off from the rest of the world, by nations who oppose Bashar Al Assad’s slaughter of his own people. In other words, don’t allow Syrians to travel to other nations (unless they are fleeing the regime). Don't allow them to buy from or sell anything to participating nations. Don’t allow their airplanes to land in Western nations. Totally isolate them. However, from what I’ve read the U.N. can’t even agree to do that.

And of course, many nations won’t stop doing business with Syria if that means a loss of profit. And the Muslim leaders (mostly dictators themselves) are slow to do anything expect spend money they don’t earn. And if stable Muslim nations (like all those oil rich nations) in the region won’t step forward to do the right thing, then why should Western nations? Of course, they won’t because they’re dictatorships as well.

The only difference between Saudi Arabia and Syria has been the recent revolt in Syria. Both are dictatorships where creepy families consider the nation their backyard and their people surfs (the slaves are imported labor) and women concubines. But America has no problem dealing with Saudi Arabia. It had no problem dealing with Syria as long as the people were repressed without bloodshed. (Of course, America is all about causing bloodshed in those countries. But how else are we to test our latest weapon systems, such as Augustus Obama's favorite kill toy—the killer drones?)

In other words, the West should make Syria persona non grata and then just wait. Treat Syria as a non-nation. But the West has no patience. Always looking for a quick solution, which often turns out to be a long non-solution (like how are things working out in Iraq and Egypt?).

Yeah, Muslims die. But just consider how many hundreds of thousands of Muslims the U.S. has killed “saving” Iraq.

Both Muslims and Jews (in particular Israel) are like the tar baby. Once you get too close it’s almost impossible to get uninvolved. So you should do what you can at a distance and take care of things at home (like haven’t you noticed that things have gone to hell in both the U.S. and Europe?).

And most of all don’t fall for the nonsense that the Syrian people are good people being exploited and massacred by a malevolent regime. As far as I’ve read millions of Syrians actually support Assad. And when a Muslim government isn’t killing the people, the people are killing themselves. Look at what’s been going on in Iraq. And as soon as the Egyptians were liberated Egyptian men went on a rampage against the women.