Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Suzann Petterson, Welcum to the Slut Club

The Slut

After much serious thought Suzann decided to like all the other women who have sold their bodies to the meat media. The newest Miss Slut said, "A lot of the best athletes in the world have done it, and I thought it was great to be asked. I thought about it, being naked and all, but I never really considered not doing it."

Of course you never considered not doing it. That’s what sluts do, well at least the prostitute version: they sell their bodies. Interestingly slut comes from a Norwegian word meaning MUD. Of course the implication is that a slut is dirty because she sells herself for filthy lucre. But another way of looking at it is that a slut reduces herself to her materiality. Now I’m probably going way beyond the intelligence of a golfer who like handling a stiff rod and hitting a ball into a hole... ooh that feels so good. I wonder if she ever played golf with the Tiger. :-))

So there she is lying like a slab of meat on the floor. Dude, take a look for yourself:

She’s a real porker. This is pornography, so says the dictionary: obscene... photographs... especially those having little or no artistic merit. There’s no way that the photo of Suzann Porky has any artistic merit. It’s just a turn on. In her case it might be called porcnography.

The CBSSPORTS.COM article says, “The photo above was taken during a five-hour shoot in Cocoa Beach, FL, where Pettersen said she was in her birthday suit the entire time save a few moments wrapped in a towel.” Egotistically parading her body as if she were a Botticelli Venus rather than just another sex toy drooled over by men like Larry Flynt. If a lot of guys were present there must have been a sign saying: CAUTION: SPERM SLIPPERY FLOOR. The towel was probably used to absorb leakage caused from being the object of masculine sexual desire.

Then: "The photographer asked me if I felt comfortable being naked in front of a camera, and I went, 'Well, here I am.' You kind of get used to it. It's like a role game. You do what they ask and that's it.”

Just like the sea of pornography on the Internet. Don’t mind the bulges in the pants of the guys. That’s why you're here.

Finally: "This was a great opportunity for me. If they present the photos in the right way, which I'm sure they will do, there's not going to be anything to be embarrassed about or to criticize."

No. In an amoral world there is nothing to be embarrassed about. And sluts do what they have to do to make money, even if they are already rich.

Now one could say that it’s none of my business what Miss Slut does with the meat that is her body. Sorry, she put her meat before the public, so it is our business. You see the thing is this that Miss Suzann Slut is a big athlete hero to a lot of girls. No matter that she can’t carry on a conversation except about long hard things, balls, and holes. She is still a hero to a lot of girls who want to be famous golfers but who will not. But Suzann’s message to all those girls is that YOU MAY NEVER BE A BIG GOLFER BUT ANY GIRL CAN BE A SLUT. So if Bobby Gotoffstein asks to see your boobs for five dollars, go for it.

The Hebrew Slut Factory

Who is responsible for turning Suzann into a slut? ESPN The Magazine: The Body Issue (a.k.a. The Masturbation Issue). And who is behind this magazine? The Great Hebrew Slut Factory, which is basically unHolywood. We all know that Hollywood is run by Jews and Hollywood is the biggest slut factory in America: All-Americans girls in; All American sluts out. I believe the latest slut is Kristen Stewart, who shows her tits in the movie On the Road. She said she always wanted to do it—you know like fucking, but getting paid a lot of money for doing it helps. Kristen Dunst is also in the movie. She slutted out in Melancholia, or maybe before. I can’t keep up with all the sluts Hollywood produces. I’m sure the Hebrews can wait to get their hands on Dakota Fanning, maybe to be USED in a movie about a pedophile who abuses a young girl tied to a bed for years. The purpose of the move will be to show the horrors of such evil men... Yeah right! The purpose is to ENTERTAIN such men.

Anyway, ESPN The Magazine is 80% owned by the Walt Disney Company. Oh how America has fallen into the pit of sin dug by you know whom. At the entrance of Disneyland should be a big Star of David with a flashing dollar sign inside.) The Disney Temple of Sin is run by Hebrew CEO Bob Iger, and before him it was controlled by Michael Eisner. How did this Sanhedrin every take control of such an American institution? The same way they took control of Wall Street, D.C., and Hollywood—HEBREW CUNNING.

But no big deal. It’s just a Hebrew thing. Yeah right! The Jews have the Midis Touch. What they touch turns to money for them and to shit to whomever is touched. Just  look at Wall Street. Look at Washington, D.C. Israel now controls foreign policy, but Americans fight the wars. Billy Big Dick Clinton got touched by Monica Lewdinsky's lips. She got rich and Bill got disgraced and the country got born-again in the holy Hebrew waters George Bush. And Hillary Clinton BITCHES about the Russians not condemning the Syrian government but she doesn’t support the Palestinians who had their homeland taken by the Hebrew hordes. Why? Because her daughter married one of them. And Suzann my-meat-on-display may not think Hebrew Midis Touch will affect her (other than increase her bank account), but the next time she about to make a crucial putt she may hear whispered from the gallery slut, slut, slut.
Enough, I have to flush this blog and go vomit. :-)))
P.V. Most recently the big news in tennis has been Serena Williams. She joined ESPN’s meat parade in 2009. Take a look:

Monday, July 9, 2012

Obama’s Phony Taliban Threat versus the Real Threat at Home

Taliban Windmills and U.S. War Games

The Taliban have never been a threat to Americans, except to the U.S. cyborg soldiers who have invaded their homeland. And they really aren’t much of a threat to them. USA Today says, “In all, 2.38 million Americans have served in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars so far. More than 1 million have deployed more than once.” 2,980 U.S. soldiers have died in Afghanistan and 4486 in Iraq. The chances of being killed are about 1 in 3000. (I understand that not all troops are combat troops.)

So it’s dangerous but just enough to attract the homicidal personality brought up on violent movies and video games, but not so dangerous to discourage him or her, since American women seem to want to get in on the killing. And it pays very well with lots of benefits. In other words, being a U.S. soldier isn’t as nearly as bad as being a U.S. coal miner.

My point is simply this: the Taliban have never been a threat to Americans who are not members of the U.S. forces occupying Afghanistan. And nowhere have I read that the Taliban (or any Afghan) had anything to do with the 9-11 attacks. Okay, so what is the big threat to Americans each and every day? Criminals, especially the thousands of Hispanic and black gang members. Each and every day I read about Hispanics and blacks engaged in criminal violence in San Diego County. This is the sort of thing I’m talking about:

From July 9 Union-Tribune San Diego, Public Safety

“Sheriff’s deputies on Sunday were searching for a man suspected of sexually assaulting a woman in Imperial Beach...

The woman described her attacker as a 6-foot-2-inch-tall black man in his 30s weighing about 170 pounds and wearing a white shirt and dark shorts, the officials said.”


From July 9 U-T San Diego, Public Safety

“Three People Robbed at Gunpoint; Suspect Arrested with Shotgun”

"Authorities arrested a man suspected of robbing three people at gunpoint early Thursday...

The victims, two men and a woman, told the deputies a man had pointed a rifle at them as they got out of a car and demanded their belongings.

Deputies searched the area and found 20-year-old Hernan Cruz, along with a loaded shotgun and a ski mask, in a yard down the street, Martinez said. Cruz was arrested on suspicion of robbery and assault with a deadly weapon."


From USA Today online:

“in announcing the indictments in the death of [U.S. Border Patrol] Agent Brian Terry, handed up in Tucson, the Justice Department offered rewards of $250,000 each for information leading to the arrest of the four suspects: Jesus Rosario Favela-Astorga, Ivan Soto-Barraza, Heraclio Osorio-Arellanes and Lionel Portillo-Meza. a fifth suspect, Manuel Osorio-arellanes, was arrested after the deadly shootout Dec. 14, in southern Arizona”
So movies like No Country for Old Men and Savages pretty much got America’s future right!


But it’s not just the Hispanic gangs and drug cartels. Today there was also an article on the crime epidemic in Chicago:

“(CBS News) CHICAGO - Violent crime in America has fallen for six straight years, with homicides last year down nearly 6 percent [Big deal!]. But in Chicago, there have been 275 homicides this year, most of them gang related. The nation's third-largest city had 17 shootings this past weekend alone.

At the Cook County Trauma Center in Chicago's Stroger Hospital, one ambulance after another delivers victims of the gang violence that just won't stop.

The unit treats about 1,500 gunshots and stabbings a year.”

Now I know that we white folks have plenty of criminals of our own, many of whom become priests, coaches, or sexually perverse serial killers like John Albert Gardner, who should have been euthanized. That means happy death. In other words, we all would have been happy if he had been executed. The thing is America already has plenty of criminals to deal with (2 million in prison and only god knows how many in jails, on parole or probation, or just haven’t been caught yet) and the number is growing. So we don’t need to be importing more.

The Real Terror Is Here, not over There

But Obombthem Obama would have us believe that the BIG THREAT lurks in the badlands of Afghanistan and Pakistan, as if sudden thousands of al-Qaeda and Taliban warriors will be invading the U.S. on hang gliders. It’s nonsense, but also BIG BUSINESS nonsense. Obombthem Obama is the present CEO of Military-Industrial Complex, Inc., a multi, multi billion dollar business funded by the American taxpayer. So it’s necessary to keep up the Orwellian hype that we must fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them here. But everyday in every American city Americans are having to fight or flee from them over here. This from

“However, the figures themselves are astounding for Brits used to around 600 murders per year. In 2010 - the latest year for which detailed statistics are available - there were 12,996 murders in the US. Of those, 8,775 were caused by firearms.”

In other words, more Americans were killed by guns in 2010 than have died in the Afghan and Iraq wars.

From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data on the U.S. (2008): “Number of emergency department visits for assault: 1.8 million.”

Earning Blood Money while Americans Bleed

What America is doing over there is making a lot of money for the millions of employees of U.S. war industries, financed by U.S. taxpayers, while here Americans are feeling increasingly threatened by an ever increasing number of criminals, most coming not from over there but just south of the American border.

Would it make any difference if Mitt Romney became president? None whatsoever.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

“Learning about Art from Surfing Madonna” Ha, ha, ha...

More U-T San Diego Nonsense. The editorial board reminds me of football coaches in high schools that teach courses like American History or English 101, though they’ve never taken a college course in either subject. Here’s the article/editorial:

The bane of Encinitas officialdom, the Surfing Madonna mosaic, is now at peace in a commercial courtyard next to a coffeehouse and a surf shop.

This piece of guerrilla art was too hot for City Hall and too religious for state bureaucrats to find and keep a home on public property.

But artist Mark Patterson’s work captured the public’s fancy. Its new home invites sipping coffee and pondering the message of the brightly colored glass squares. Does the gold leaf around Madonna’s head suggest that surfing is a religious experience? Or do the words “Save The Ocean” implore what should be our next crusade?

Patterson, in a roundabout way, taught us that public art need not be created under public rules or sponsorship. The final resolution taught us that public art need not be on public property.

Encinitas Mayor Jerome Stocks is tired of the whole affair. Still, even he concedes it is now “an iconic piece of Encinitas lore, as much a piece of civic pride as the boathouses, La Paloma Theatre, the Encinitas Street Sign or Self-Realization Fellowship Temple.”

We could use more of this private variation of public art, with the marketplace helping decide what is worthwhile.

This piece is mostly talking-head gargle, the kind of thing that the media does to keep milking some meaningless topic, like the Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes melodrama. The issue with Surfing Madonna is mostly about being bad art than being religiously controversial. Art can be controversial but first it must be art. Here’s my take on the monstrosity.  

The Surfing Madonna and the Miraculous Birth of an Artist

I hate being the spoilsport (not really) but I have a lot of issues with the Surfing Madonna. The first issue is the idea that the artist can display his work in a public space just because he wants to, meaning that he shares the philosophy of in your face graffiti artists. Legitimate (because they obey the law) artist apply and qualify to have their work publically displayed. I believe the public has a right to agree on what is going to be displayed on the walls of their living environment.

Ignorance is no Excuse for Stupidity

The “artist” Mark Patterson said he chose the original spot to display the mosaic because he thought nobody would care about it. Maybe he should have inquired to determine whether or not anybody cared about what kind of art should be placed in that spot or any other public area.

The Art of Non-Art

The Surfing Madonna is referred to as a work of art. In the broadest sense of the word I suppose we must consider it a work of art—an object produced for human entertainment. I do not consider it a work of beauty nor a work appealing for its aesthetic values:

It falls into the category of graffiti art, but to my mind hardly comes close to the best graffiti art, such as:

The Surfing Madonna lacks the polish, sophistication and edginess the best graffiti art.

SDU-T writers have tried to give Patterson some credibility by pointing out that he attended a prestigious art school in Italy that offers expert training in mosaics. Oh please, he was there a month! AND, then after spending thousand dollars the piece has become UNINTENTIONALLY famous.

Are reporters that fucking gullible today? The guy did it to attract attention. That he has attracted as much attention as he has is due to the media hype and what’s in the image. If I did a mosaic Mohammed in drag I’d get a lot of attention too.

Desecration as Postmodern Playfulness

I suppose Patterson considers his “Suffering Madonna” as playful, postmodern expression. But a serious Catholic would consider it a desecration of the Virgin Mary. But Patterson knows that exactly what you do if you want to attract attention. It’s been a strategy of artists since the beginning of the 20th century. If you want people to pay attention, be offensive. Of course the master of insulting (insluting, is perhaps a better word) the Madonna is the pop artist Madonna.

Here’s the Madonna Paterson slanders:

It Ain’t about Religion...

One bystander said, "I think it is an iconic image for 'Save the Ocean' and I think it bypasses all religion and everything." Obviously Ms. Clueless hasn’t taken a class in logic. What in the fuck does a Madonna on a surfboard have to do with saving the ocean? Nothing! But if the artist says it’s so then it must be so. Furthermore, how in the fuck does an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe bypass religion? The Virgin Mary isn’t a cartoon character like Minnie Mouse. The image of her on a surfboard doesn’t bypass religion. It mock it, degrades it. Makes it fucking meaningless, but everything has become meaningless in America. And what in the fuck does “bypasses everything” mean? It doesn’t mean anything because it’s just word without thought.

The Modest Hypocrite

Patterson said, “I’m not a public figure, I don’t feel like a public figure and suddenly becoming one is a little spooky.” Bullshit! He did what he did to attract attention. He’s certainly not like the artists of the Middle Ages who worked anonymously for the glory of God.

Lawyer Spin

From Patterson’s lawyer: “Gerschler [the lawyer] refutes both of those claims. He said the Madonna is a cultural icon that is part of our society. He also said classifying a stained-glass mosaic as ‘graffiti’ is inappropriate given Patterson’s craftsmanship.”

Claim one: The surfing Madonna is not a religious symbol but a cultural icon. I don’t see how “cultural icon” excludes religious icon. Furthermore Our Lady of Guadalupe, who’s on the surfboard, is not an icon of American society. It’s an (religious) icon of Mexican culture. Patterson said he’s not a Catholic—so he’s just fucking with the Catholics’ religion. You would think priests would morally condemn the insult to the mother of God. But given the Church has been a sanctuary for pedophiles, it has lost its moral authority. Personally I’m amazed that Mexicans aren’t outraged, but I assume they consider it’s just another iconic anchor to American society so they’ll let it pass.

Patterson must have known that the Our Lady of Guadalupe would make gringo politicians nervous about taking down the work. Heaven forbid that they offend the Hispanic Nation. I mean it took twenty years before the gringo politicians did anything in Azusa, California, to stop the Latino gangbangers from doing the ethnic cleansing thing to Black Americans. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/07/azusa-13-bust-latino-gang_n_872623.html )

Why not Mohammed riding a surfboard? We all know the answer to that question.  ;-)

Claim two: The mosaic is not just graffiti but a work art given Patterson’s craftsmanship, like he’s another Michelangelo. The lawyer needs a seeing-eye dog. Give me a break. Here’s what a beautiful mosaic looks like:

But lawyers will say all kinds of outrageous things to defend their clients. We know that from the O.J. Simpson and the Caylee Anthony trials.

However, why did Mr. Modest feel the need to get a lawyer? Why didn’t he just keep his mouth shut or step forward and say tear it down if you want? We all know why: he playing the $fame game$.

Saint Patterson’s Inspiration

He said his inspiration was to save the ocean. Give me a fucking break. How in fuck is picture of a surfing Madonna supposed to save the ocean? No, the purpose of the stated inspiration was to give the appearance of good intention. It’s a cover, in other words. The people who will save the oceans are not some mosaic doodler but scientists and surfers. What about politicians? They’re only interested in saving their jobs, not saving the country much less the oceans. Now if people who visit the mosaic are healed from cancer and have missing limb grow back, then maybe it will help save the ocean.

Poor Patterson Needs a Job or maybe a Talk-Show Gig

At the time Patterson was unemployed.

An unemployed guy who doesn’t want to go back to his well-paying, humdrum job. That wouldn’t be an incentive to pull a publicity stunt with a mediocre work of art that get’s a lot of attention because it desecrates a sacred (to treat with irreverence) icon and is put on public property, would it? :-)))

This is what Patterson has desecrated:

That’s a real work of art!

A Random Guy with a Vision

“‘I’m just a random guy that happens to be an artist,’ Patterson said, ‘that had a vision and hoped it would be a blessing to the community.’”

Jesus complex! Wasn’t Jesus a random guy carpenter who had a vision that he believed would be a blessing to the community? First of all, it hasn’t been a blessing to the community. At most it has provided for a little diversion and entertainment—but neither are to be confused with what is a blessing. I’m okay with the entertainment aspect of Patterson pseudo-blessing. But he and his SCARY LAWYER ( 8- () ) think it’s more than entertainment. It something profound in the way the Dead Sea Scrolls are profound, not like the appearance of Jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich. Why is it profound and capable of being a blessing to the community? Because it’s the mother of Jesus on the surfboard, not Lady Gaga? This is some serious shit. Will the oceans be healed if a tear from the eye of the Surfing Madonna is carried to the sea and released?

Was this vision like Saint Paul’s or Saint Teresa’s visions of Jesus? Or was it a postmodern vision that can occur if you light a few candles and incense and smoke a little Buddha weed? I’m sorry, I don’t buy it. I think he is a random guy who pulled a publicity stunt that would make an undeserved name for himself as an artist—underserved because I don’t find the Surfing Madonna to be a remarkable work of art. Its power of attraction comes from its combining the conflicting images of the holy Madonna riding upon a object of play. He could have just as well put her on a skateboard or motorcycle. The other gimmick was to illegally place this postmodern image, which many people would find offensive, on a public space. That’s all it is—a quasi-artistic gimmick.

What should have been done with it? It should have been torn down because it was put up illegally—at the artist’s expense. It can be accepted as an artistic stunt, like most graffiti, that can be allowed to exist temporarily, but that’s all. Otherwise, I might put up a mosaic showing the Virgin Mary after having a sex change operation.

What’s most interesting about this story is the paralysis of the local government. It reminds me of the “problem” with the seals in La Jolla. If politicians can’t stand up to a mosaic graffitist, then there’s no chance they’ll stand up against the army of illegal immigrants that have invaded the country (that hard to do for local officials when the Feds are welcoming them with open arms). It’s weird how overseas, like Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. Government simply crushes any opposition. But over there politics, public opinion, morality or even the law can be ignored.

Just more American idiocy here and over there.

Patterson on the Cross!

Patterson says, "The people who have expressed love for that mosaic – it's just unbelievably touching to me. It makes me cry, frankly. You know I get choked up thinking about it because it's just so overwhelming," he said. Forgive them they for they know not what they do not Patterson nor editorialists. Patterson, however, knew exactly what he was doing: pulling a big stunt that everyone fell for and gave him a lot of underserved recognition.

Some info was taken from: