Saturday, August 18, 2012

Romney and Ryan: Team Rapture

 Your worries are over. The Messiah’s vanguard Elder Romney and Pope Ryan have miraculously appeared upon the scene to save America from its godless ways. God will soon be back in the White House as he was in those glorious days of the George Worshipful Bush administration.


The basketball court will be replaced by an artificial Wailing Wall. Yarmulkes made from hundred dollar bills, provided by Sheldon Adelson, will be required dress for all the help to remind everyone who America really serves, God’s chosen people. Adelson also donated $10 million gift to the Restore Israel’s Control of America fund. When President Elder and Vice Pope get into office one of the fifty stars of the American flag will become the Star of David.

You might recall Rick Saint Santorum, a very sincere Catholic like Pope Ryan, and a true believer who sought to remove Obama from the White House throne. He lost out to Elder Romney but graciously endorsed Romney. Saint Santorum clearly stated the mission of the righteous when he said to an applauding audience of the faithful, “We will stand with Israel until every enemy of Zion has been defeated!” (Quoted in Victoria Clark’s Allies for Armageddon.)

Queers Unwanted

The Elder and the Pope say it is essential that they get into office so that the Rapture will not be delayed. If the Holy War against Iran is delayed Armageddon will be put on hold and no one wants that. Of course the military will have to be cleansed of its homosexual corruption. Sodomy is sin and should be punished by amputation. God has been punishing America with mass killings and deaths of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan because of the queering of the U.S. military.

Social Security and Medicare

To cut Social Security expenditures the Elder & the Pope will delay Social Security benefits to the age of seventy-five, at which time the recipient will also qualify for Medicare benefits. This plan should result in considerable savings for the government, money that then can be devoted to the military. 

Medicare in-country recipients will be offered free medical treatment at Oral Roberts Prayer Only Urgent Clinics to be opened across the country. Coupons for medical treatment in Mexico, 60% co-pay, will also be offered along with one-way transportation at a 20% discount. Seniors will also be given the option to opt out of the Medicare and receive free cremation at any of the Karl Rove Crematoriums. Donors of gold teeth, hair, and organs will receive a free inflammable Ronald Reagan lapel pin, men only. Women will receive a genuine plastic (flammable) Nancy Reagan brooch.

Seniors suffering from painful fatal diseases will be visited by Mormon missionaries for suffering-relief prayer and the opportunity to join the Mormon Church with an easy transfer of the senior’s life saving to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Transfer of funds may qualify spiritually reborn dying seniors for entrance into the Terrestrial Kingdom, the middle kingdom of the Mormons’ three heavens.

 Best of all would be to qualify for special dispensation, which would allow the sick and dying senior to qualify for the normally Mormons Only Celestial Kingdom. The only drawback for some might be that living forever in the Celestial Kingdom would be like living forever in Salt Lake City, lots of Mormons in other words. And the women won't be like the belly-dancing virgins of the Muslim paradise. They'll be dressed in pioneer women garb. The Mormon god is a stickler about that. However, Mormon men can bring all their terrestrial wives with them. Warning: the dresses cannot be removed. If you want that kind of heaven then become a Muslim. However, getting in isn't easy. Special dispensation requires a large Adelson-like donation  to a Mormon Republican Super PAC and I doubt that a senior on Social Security would have that kind of money.

For seniors who have fallen on hard times, like the IRS got all their money because they fell below the millionaire tax bracket, which allows special dispensation little to no taxes being paid by the wealthy, there is still hope. It's called the Telestial Kingdom, the lowest of the three heavens but what the heck, heaven’s heaven, right. The lowest heaven is better than what's below it. If penniless seniors can get their children and grandchildren to foot the bill, Telestial Kingdom is a real possibility. You're probably getting confused by now. Here's a diagram from Wikipedia should help:

File:The Plan of Salvation.jpg

I know, the Mormon heavens look a lot like a Club Med, but obviously God thought the Mormons were pretty special, real Latter-Day Saints, long after other people had been seduced by the wicked Enlightenment. However, as you can see, there is that other place. The place of Outer Darkness. This is where the Sons of Perdition go, mostly Democrats and Jews who didn't come up with a big donation. So poor Democrat seniors will want to convert to Republican Mormonism, the sooner the better, because you never know when the silver cord will be cut, perhaps by a nurse working for Pope Ryan's campaign.

That brings us to elderly Catholics. Under Pope Ryan's program they will be given the option to be visited by a Filipino or Hispanic priests to perform last rites. As you know there has been a short supply of Occidental priests due to the overreaction to the pedophilia scandal, which resulted in the Catholic Church's having to give perfectly good priests behind-the-scene desk jobs. Pope Ryan argued that the message and service of a tainted priest are not themselves tainted. Myself I don't see any problem. Obviously Catholic Priests wouldn't fondle an elderly, dying person, would they? Well, fortunately there are plenty of young, eager clean Mormon missionaries to take up the slack.

Atheists will be left on the streets to die with the queers and Democrats, after which they will be transported to the Outer Darkness, where they will be heckled from above by the spirits of former Tea Party members.

Global warming

About the problem of Global Warming? There is no problem because it doesn’t exist. The drought in the U.S. is just God punishing America for tolerating queers and having voted Beelzebub into the White House. In fact, rumor has it that God has sent the Elder and the Pope to take out the queer loving Obama. Some true believers say that the Elder and the Pope are in reality the angels Michael and Camael and that Obama is the anti-Christ. Here's what true-believers see, the reality beneath the human form:

The divine duo are out of this world. And if they get into office they may bring about the end of the world with Armageddon and the Rapture as the halftime show. Go team, Rapture!

Friday, August 10, 2012

An American rooting for China to win the Olympics

An American Rooting for China

Why wouldn’t I root for China? There is no longer an America. America is disappearing like a sugar cube in a pan of hot motor oil. I live in what was once an American community now a semi-barrio in a state being overrun by a variety of aliens, many if not most being illegals and their anchor babies. Look at what has happen to Anaheim, now known as Anaheimexico:

The nightmare people

The problem is that the Hispanics bring with them all criminal ways from their criminalized countries. And when the police try to enforce the law and some gangbanger gets shot then all Hispanic hell breaks loose. Anaheim, the home of Disneyland, used to be an American community. No more. It’s half Hispanic today and god knows how many Asians. But it’s no longer an American community. It has become an alien barrio and refugee camp:

“The 2010 United States Census[40] reported that Anaheim had a population of 336,265. The population density was 6,618.0 people per square mile (2,555.2/km²). The racial makeup of Anaheim was 177,237 (52.7%) White (27.5% non-Hispanic White alone), 9,347 (2.8%) African American, 2,648 (0.8%) Native American, 49,857 (14.8%) Asian (4.4% Vietnamese, 3.6% Filipino, 2.0% Korean, 1.4% Chinese, 1.3% Indian, 0.6% Japanese, 0.2% Pakistani, 0.2% Cambodian, 0.2% Laotian, 0.1% Thai), 1,607 (0.5%) Pacific Islander, 80,705 (24.0%) from other races, and 14,864 (4.4%) from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 177,467 persons (52.8%); 46.0% of Anaheim's population is Mexican, 1.2% Salvadoran, 1.0% Guatemalan, 0.4% Puerto Rican, 0.4% Peruvian, 0.3% Cuban, 0.3% Colombian, 0.2% Honduran, 0.2% Nicaraguan, and 0.2% Argentinean.”  (Wikipedia)

SORRY, that’s not America.

The illegals and their spawn said the violent protest were cause by typical gringo police  brutality. But here is the truth:
— A man whose shooting death by police helped spark violent protests in this Orange County city was one of those sought in a crackdown on a violent gang that resulted in dozens of arrests on Friday, police said

Manuel Diaz was a confirmed member of the East Side Anaheim gang, which was targeted in a series of raids that ended with 33 arrests, Anaheim police Sgt. Bob Dunn said. Another 20 to 25 suspects were in custody, he said

Letting the Hispanic good times roll

The reporters should be asking for citizenship papers, but that’s not allowed. It’s always the filthy gringo’s fault. Here’s the reality, the Hispanic nightmare that has transformed (with the help of the U.S. unAmerican government) an American city into a Mexican Ciudad Juarez:

Do Latinos even like Americans? Ha ha ha ha ha

Yeah, in the same way cancer likes women’s breasts:

Do they come to America to become Americans? Ha ha ha ha ha

Runner Leo Manzano draped himself in the Mexican flag after winning silver. Fox News said, "The scene highlighted one of those unique images that only the Olympics can provide. A moment where sport transcends borders and cultures."

Bullshit! There is no such thing as a Mexican-American, only American-American. In Leo case he was born in Mexico and most likely came into the U.S. illegally with his parents to benefit from American largess but remain in his heart a loyal Mexican. Let's face it. He was four when he came to the U.S. and benefited his whole life, including a college education from America. Mexico didn't do shit for him or most likely for his parents. It's fucking disgusting. And Fox is a good example of how the conservatives give a shit more about money (in this case viewers) than about America.

A long history of political betrayal

It’s hard to root for a country that has a long history of its government betraying its own people, in particular allowing the country to be overrun and turned into the world’s largest refuge camp by aliens. Take for example the U.S. veteran Wade Michael Page who killed the Sikhs. He was pissed that the country is being overrun by aliens. I don’t blame him. I’m pissed too. The Sikhs aren’t awful people, not fanatical killers like Muslims or even Christians for that matter. They are just aliens. It’s interesting that the anti-American organization that spies on pissed off patriots, like Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center, had been keeping their nefarious Big Brother eyes on angry patriots like Page. If the fucking Jews wanted a homeland so bad, why are half the world’s Jews living in the U.S.? Because it there is one thing the Jews like better than God, it’s money. Jesus knew that much.

Page understood that the U.S.S. America had hit a government iceberg and is sinking in an alien sea. Here are some of his mottos:

"Wake Up, White man, For Your Race, And your land," and "Wake Up People Or Your Gonna Die!"

And he’s fucking right. Look at New York City. It’s become the world’s largest city refugee camp. Control of the city was bought and paid for by a Jew. New York City is the future Jews and aliens have in mind for the entire country. But the government writes off Page as a domestic terrorist. Another incarnation of evil. End of story. The Kenyon legal shoe-shine boy Eric Holder call Page a terrorist and a man full of hate. Hate’s bad. Like the slaves should have loved their masters. The Indians should have loved their conquerors. The Syrian people should love their oppressors. The Palestinians should love the Jews who invaded Palestine and turned it into a concentration camp for Palestinians. No, Obama’s legal lackey’s got it wrong. Sometimes hatred is justified, like the invaded hating the invader. Next Holder will be outlawing hate and guns. Then Americans will be as defenseless as lambs during Passover.

The irony here is Patriot Page is the same kind of guy as the Taliban who are Afghan patriots trying to remove the American legions who have been occupying Afghanistan for over 10 years. And by the way did you know that as the U.S. military slaughters the Taliban probably at about the cost of a million dollars a kill, even more for those killed by an Obama drone, Chicago logged 440 homicides in 2011, down from 449 in 2010. How many Americans (not those occupying Afghanistan) have been killed by the Taliban? You know Claressa Shields the girl who won a gold medal in boxing. Well she's from Flint, Michigan, where already this year there have been 40 murders. No wonder she learned to box. Except boxing won't help against a Glock. And none of the murderers were Taliban or al-Qaeda. The military in Afghanistan aren't protecting America. They're just having a killing good time. It’s a fucking joke. And Chicago and Flint are just two cities. The fucking country is going to hell. Anyone who reads the newspapers know that. The real war is right here in the U.S. But don’t expect idiot politicians like Holder (that’s all he is) to get that. War is just too much fun and too lucrative.

But I digress.

Traitorous politicians

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, the first significant act of treason. Its authors were two leftist Democrats Emanuel Cellar and Philip Hart. About the bill Wikipedia tells us, “The 1965 act marked a radical break from the immigration policies of the past. The law as it stood then excluded Asians and Africans and preferred northern and western Europeans over southern and eastern ones.”

The traitor President Lyndon Johnson signed the bill at the foot of the Statue of Liberty as a symbolic gesture.

Traitor “Edward Kennedy, hastened to reassure [lied to] the populace that the demographic mix would not be affected; these assertions would later prove wildly inaccurate”

“Immigration did change America's demographics, opening the doors to immigrants from Mediterranean Europe, Latin America and Asia. By the 1990s, America's population growth was more than one-third driven by legal immigration, as opposed to one-tenth before the act.” (Wikipedia)

Immigration Reform and Control Act. This act had little to do with CONTROLLING the invasion. The traitorous culprit was the Republicans darling Ronald Reagan. It was an amnesty bill that forgave millions of aliens that entered and lived in the country illegally.

Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act. This traitorous act was the brainstorm of John McCain working with Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy. “McCain was a strong proponent of comprehensive immigration reform, which would involve legalization, guest worker programs, and border enforcement components.” Just because McCain is a warmonger Americans think he’s a patriot. Well he has done nothing to support Americans in his state of Arizona fighting an Alamo battle against the hordes of Hispanics invading the state. But they were also stupid enough to re-elect him.

Bill Clinton was getting blow Jewish blow jobs in the White House. Enough said.

Traitor George W. Bush says it’s okay to illegally invade America if your intentions are to work hard and succeed. Well, those were the intentions of the Europeans who invaded America and destroyed the Indian nations.

America’s king Hussein Obama. We all know that Obama could care less about Americans. Like the Jews he is in favor of America becoming and alien refugee camp. It is said he is an African American but that is misleading. His roots are Kenyon and Islam and have no connection with black Americans. In addition his native language is Indonesian. If a black person cannot trace his or her roots back to the slavery in the U.S. then he or she is not a black American. We all know Obama has sided with the illegal aliens and their anchor babies again Americans in Arizona fighting to keep Arizona American. Obama has already granted Amnesty to young illegals who have been parasiting off the American system. He says they are Americans in every way except on paper. No they are not. They are Mexican (or other) nationals living in this country as criminals. Next he will give amnesty to millions of others. HE IS ONE OF THEM.

Here’s the truth:

Mexico is seeks to take control of America by the end of the century or sooner. And it will because of the traitors running the unAmerican government.

Obama also thinks more about the Jews here and in Israel than he does about Americans. We know that he hates white Americans because we know all about the church he once attended. This from Wikipedia:

“During the initial years of the Obama administration, the U.S. increased military cooperation with Israel, including increased military aid, re-establishment of the U.S.-Israeli Joint Political Military Group and the Defense Policy Advisory Group, and an increase in visits among high-level military officials of both countries.”

The Jews don’t give a shit about America. They are parasites that feed off Americas. Israel has caused the U.S. more harm than Russia or China has. Of course the Judaized zombies in the Bible Belt are all in favor of the U.S. starting World War III on the behalf of Israel because those dumbasses think that they will be airlifted to God during the post-war Rapture.

Judas Mitt Romney is not better than Obama. You haven’t heard him condemn the illegals. He doesn’t dare. They fucking own the country. Moreover he too is in the pocket of the Jews. He just visited Israel to grovel at their feet and kiss their asses.

Romney Washing the Feet of the Jews!

Groveling is what it is, lapping up Jewish Vomit. It pisses off this gentile ton another fucking American politician genuflecting at the feet of the Jews. They must laugh like hell to watch the U.S. humiliate itself before the Jew. Check out Captain Mormon Romney at the prayer wall with one of the brainwashed orthodox Jews who spit on little girls:

Makes you want to puke. But what the ritual is all about is MONEY!

How does a Jew spell a sucker? Goyim.

What the Jew thinks about the goyim (that’s a Jewish word meaning dumbass gentile) can be found in Disraeli’s novel Tancred. Of course, most dumbass goyim Americans don’t even know who Disraeli is much less his novel. They should... Maybe not. Americans are so fucking gullible I think they are beyond saving themselves. I mean look at the country. With the assistance of their Hebrew enablers, aliens are overrunning it.

In the story a Jewess tells an Englishman “If you believed what you profess, you should kneel to us!” Of course that’s exactly what every American politician does because Jews control every aspect of America that gives them power and influence. With typical Jewish arrogance she goes on to say, “We have saved the human race, and you persecute us for doing so.” Many scholars would disagree. In his book The Closing of the Western Mind (or the dumbing down of the West) Charles Freeman explains how the Jews cast into darkness perhaps the greatest intellectual and artistic age in human history—that of Greco-Roman civilization. And for what? A book of lies and fairy tales.

The Jewess asks the goy who’s the superior race, the gentiles who have been duped into worshiping a Jewish god and a Jewish man claiming to be god or the duper or the Jews who have turned the goyim into Jew worshiping zombies? The answer is not that the Jews are superior (but apparently they are even if there is nothing to like or admire about them) but that the gentiles have been a bunch of dupable dumbasses. The Jesus’ worshipers should consider that most likely the Jesus they worship looked a lot more like Alan Greenspan and his mother like Golda Meir than the gentile likeness created by the Italian artists.

The fact is most people don’t like Jews and never had. There are a number of things that make them repugnant. They are an ugly people (no better or typical example than Disraeli), obnoxious, totally weird in their cultural rituals, absolutely narcissistic, offensive in their behavior, and their true believers are monstrous in their appearance, lifestyle, and beliefs—but they are the freaks upon which Jewish culture is based. Take a look for yourself:

Captain Mormon is more willing to fight for the Jews than for Americans. While he was a hatchet CEO he got rid of U.S. workers like a snake sheds its old skin. And apparently he doesn’t believe in paying taxes. Thus it’s pretty clear why he would be kissing Hebrew butt—money, money, money:

So Romney grovels before Jews like Sheldon Adelson for a fat donation. The thing about the Jews is they don’t have any friends except themselves. All their other “friends,” like Romney they had to buy. But it isn’t just Romney, the whole upper crust of the country has sold the country out to the Jews. Let’s face it. If the Temple was rebuilt it would be ringed by ATM machines and inside would look like a Hebrew stock exchange. That’s why I’ve become a fan of China. America has become a nation of goyim Judases.

Feeling fucking betrayed

Like Wade Michael Page I’m feeling betrayed and sold out, by my own country, sold out to Jews and legal and illegal aliens. Each day the alien refugee camp, with it gangs, corruption, dysfunctionality, and just plain aliens ways, spread across the country like a flesh-eating bacteria, enabled by fat-cat, traitorous politicians, greedy capitalists, unAmerican churches giving sanctuary to illegals, and a print and electronic media that spews out pro-alien, diversity, multicultural propaganda each and every day. It’s fucking sickening. And there is no escape for Americans. Indians at least have their reservations. Any place white Americans flee to the aliens follower and ruin their communities.

You see we are supposed to respect the alien communities but they don’t respect ours. We can’t escape them. America has become like a house fill with millions of ants. The aliens move in and bring their strange way. Fucking Muslim set up their bizarre mosques that blare out the call to prayer all day long. They are so proud of their monstrosity and strange dark-ages religion and think that non-Muslims will also feel the same way. We don’t. Every aspect of their culture is Martian. Recently I watch a British diversity propaganda film called Ae Fond Kiss. It’s about a Paki who falls for a blond anglo chick. Weirdly the film turns out to be soft porn, like watching the Paki banging the blond girl would make the situation more acceptable to the British and Pakis who hate each other. Anyway such propaganda doesn’t work. Unlike cowardly U.S. politicians British Prime Minister David Cameron says multiculturalism hasn’t worked in the U.K.:

Cameron however blames the larger society for not reaching out to the immigrant communities. Of course that’s nonsense. Reaching out to the immigrant communities is all social institutions do, that and protect the invaders. It’s the non-immigrants, the native citizens who don’t want to have anything to do with the alien invaders. Like all pathetic politicians Cameron believes there is a solution, a social-political solution. Then the problem will not go away. I say wake up dumbass. The problem won’t go away. Take a look:

Americans have seen their streets filled with aliens, hundreds of thousands of them. But Americans were too afraid to leave their homes. Afraid of the aliens and afraid of the authorities.

People are tribal, not multicultural

People are tribal. They don’t want to mix. We saw that recently in India where the Hindus and Muslim started killing one another. It’s all about tribe and the territory imperative. The fucking aliens have countries of their own. They fuck them up and so immigrate to civilized communities and fuck them up. What do you think Mexico is so fucked up? It’s the Mexican, stupid. But the politicians won’t listen. That one reason Great Britain has become a BIG BROTHER state with more hidden cameras then any other nation. You see the problem is EXPENSIVE. In the U.S. we just keep locking up people, 2 million: “Prisons cost taxpayers more than $32 billion a year. Every year that an inmate spends in prison costs $22000.” And it’s going to get worse, a lot worse.

Might as well root for China because I might as well be living in China or some other alien country. To be everything, which is what American politicians want America to become, a refugee camp for the world, which is to be nothing. The immigrants don’t care because they come from shithole countries (that their people turned into shitholes) that will always be worse than America as long as there are enough Americans to maintain law and order. Look at Mexico. It’s a hell-hole (made that way by Mexicans) that will always be worse than America because there are no law-abiding Americans to maintain law and order, i.e., civilization. And wherever the Mexicans or any other group of Hispanics create a Hispanic enclave, there is a decline in law and order. Such places become black hole where America disappears. Cancers on the American landscape.

I figure I’m an American only on paper since the country has gone alien. And a few good Americans winning medals or even the Olympics isn’t going to bring it back. I will still be living and shopping in a refugee camp. When I go to Target I will still be surrounded by Hispanics, Asians, and Muslims all dressed up in their garb. The Americans will be walking about in a daze as if they suddenly found themselves in the land of zombies. That’s right, living in America is becoming like living in a Resident Evil game. That is what Mexico is, reality Resident Evil.

Ain't any better for black Americans. What Page said about white Americans could be just as well applied to black Americans:

"Wake Up, Black man, For Your Race, And your land," and "Wake Up People Or Your Gonna Die!" The all black members of the U.S. women's 4x100-meter relay team won gold for America. But let's face it to Southerners and lots of Yankees like page those girls are still just "niggers." Most those homicides in Chicago are blacks. America doesn't give a shit about black people. Politicians do only when they are running for office. What government across the nation care about are all those fucking immigrants. They get a lot of attention. After the Indians blacks are the forgotten people. Now it's white's turn, and they deserve to be forgotten for their treatment of their red and black fellow Americans. And the millions of Hispanics now occupying the country don't just hate gringos but really hate black people:

I'm glad the black girls won gold. They deserve it. But I say fuck the country they represented.

So fuck Obama, fuck the Democrats and the Republicans, and fuck all of you who have helped turn America into a refugee camp.

Go China!
But we would expect the U.S. to be first in medals because U.S. high schools and college are athlete factories. That is not the case in the rest of the world. In China and Europe and elsewhere high schools and colleges are academic institutions, not athlete factories. In America high schools and colleges are social clubs, and the favorite activity is attending sports. All students attend football games; very few attend academic league competitions, too boring. Check out these less than golden facts about America’s “academic” institutions:

Twenty-five percent of Americans that start high school do not graduate. 

Thirty percent of high school graduates do not go on to college right after graduation.
Forty-three percent of students who start college will not graduate in 6 years. Women graduate at a six-percent-higher rate than men within six years, and outnumber men in higher education by a ratio of 3-to-2.   Go girls!

In 2008, the U.S. high school graduation rate was lower than the rates of the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Finland and Denmark.

That same year, the U.S. was the only developed nation where a higher percent of 55- to 64-year-olds than 25- to 34-year-olds had graduated from high school. Go gomers!

Other nations have caught up, and some have pulled ahead. Among this younger age group, 25- to 34-year-olds, all of the following nations now have a larger percent of college graduates than the U.S.: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Ireland, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Thank god the U.S. can buy some of this talent.

In mean reading scores for 15-year-oldsChina ranked #1 and the U.S. 11. In math, China #1 and the U.S. 26. Go China!

But don’t mean we’re dumb, does it?

29% of Americans couldn’t name the U.S. vice president, in a sampling of 1,000 U.S. citizens who took America’s official citizenship test.

No fair. Those people were drop outs. If you want to see the ones who stayed in school you have to go to Wal-Mart:

Go, China again! Ha ha ha ha.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Celebrating Freedom the American Way in Colorado

Cinematic Violence

James Holms killed 12 and injured 58 in his expression of pure American freedom. I thought he was pissed because that bony mannequin Anne Hathaway played Catwoman. God! That woman should only be doing toothpaste commercials. (Thank god for the video game.) But no, Holms just wanted to prove that he was true American expressing his freedom. That’s what America is all about, right! That’s what America is exporting to the rest of the world—FREEDOM!

Bloody Master of Freedom

Freedom is what America exports and no people are the masters of freedom as are Americans. We do whatever we fucking well please and if you don’t like it you can shove it. Remember the slogan of the Vietnam War, America, love it or leave it. The Vietnam War was a beautiful expression of American freedom: if we fucking want to go to war, engage in crimes against humanity, we’ll we fucking will.

What did Donald Rumsfeld says when the LIBERATED Iraqis were looting museums: “Freedom's untidy, and free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things.” There you go, crimes like declaring war on a country because the President (Bush in this case) wanted to express his presidential freedom. Hell Holms invaded that theater exactly as Bush invaded Iraq.

Porn Freedom in the White House

Remember Bill Clinton expressing his freedom getting a blow job from a Jewess. And freedom means being arbitrary, doing what moves you. Like Hilary Clinton bitching the Czar of Russia Vladimir Stalin Putin for not supporting U.N. sanctions against Syria, but of course Hilary and Caesar Hussein Obama have no problem ignoring the plight of the Palestinians because they are FREE to do so.

Freedom on the Road

Getting away from American NOBILITY for a moment, have you ever noticed American motorists expressing their freedom? They text and talk on the cell phones even thought doing so is dangerous and illegal. They don’t signal of course. They park in handicap parking even when the handicap person has been left at home. They are totally oblivious to other motorists because they are doing their own thing. They are realizing their freedom on the highways.

Just Plain Weird Freedom

And Americans express their freedom when men marry men and women marry women. And mom and dad can be mom and mom or dad and dad. And when women have other women’s babies or are fertilized by an unknown man. And men can become women and women can become men. And soon men will get a uterus and be able to have babies of their own.

Perverse Freedom

Freedom is coaches fucking their athletes and priests fucking the choir boys.

Freedom is what corporate raiders do, buy controlling shares, fire employees and sell the depleted company for millions. And then if they want they can run for president.

Let’s Fuck America Freedom

And what about all those millions of illegals exercising their freedom by entering the country illegally, using false documents, sending their offspring to American schools and medical facilities. You see once you cross the border you can do any fucking thing you want because America is a nation that celebrates freedom. Hell our president Caesar Hussein Obama will not allow states to interfere with the freedoms of illegal aliens. He even rewards the illegals for expressing their illegal freedoms.

Payback Freedom

Recently I returned to my car in a parking lot only to find that a car had pulled in so close to mine that I couldn’t get in on the driver side. I keyed the car. Normally I would do such a thing, but the license plate was Baja California. I knew right away that the owners of the vehicle most likely Mexican nationals living and working in the U.S. and having their children born here so that they could benefit from all the benefits of any American citizen, not simply health and educational benefits but so much more. The Mormon cultist Mitt Romney came under fire for criticizing the British a supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials. Romney said that was not something which is encouraging. Well, dumb ass, that is exactly similar to what the U.S. Government has been doing for the past half century. How else did tens of millions of illegals get into the country to have their tens of millions of anchor babies? But that’s what freedom is all about. So because the Mexican national expressed his freedom causing me to get into the car from the passenger side, I expressed my freedom by keying his car. That’s what freedom is all about, doing whatever you fucking please.

Dishonorable Freedom

And what about Staff Sgt. Luis Walker celebrating his freedom by engaging in rape, aggravated sexual contact and multiple counts of aggravated sexual assault? “According to prosecutors, Walker had sexual intercourse with 4 of the 10 female recruits.” Go for it, Sgt. Walker. Okay it’s against the rules of course, but rules and laws are to be broken. Freedom ain’t no fun unless there is some risk involve not just for the victims. And given that 20% of American women are the victims of rape or attempted rape, American men seem to be expressing their libido freedom enthusiastically.

“Walker is among 12 Lackland Air Force Base instructors investigated for sexual misconduct toward at least 31 female trainees.” That’s a good sign that the pursuit of freedom is quite healthy among American males, especially in the military, where U.S. women soldier are more often the victims of sexual abuse from U.S. soldier than victim of the other enemy.

Cowardly Freedom

And if you can’t rape the one you want then kill the one you’re with. And what about that killer of Afghan women and children Robert Bales. Seventeen Afghan civilians shot and killed, at least 9 of which were children and others were women. The bodies of some of the victims were burned and five other injured. Bales was involved in promoting village stability operations. In other words, kill all the villagers and the village will become stable. It’s the old American approach learned from the Vietnam War—destroy the village to save it. I’m sure Bales killed dozens more before he got around to his killing for freedom spree. He certainly deserver the American Medal of Freedom. He might have been an inspiration to James Holms.

Goonsquad Freedom

And there is no need to rehash the rape, murder, and torture that went on in Iraq. That place was a real playground for freedom realization. Remember water-boarding, it’s as much fun as snowboarding. The CIA is the American agency that expresses freedom most completely. Morality, law—fuck them. They just get in the way of freedom. Remember Extraordinary rendition and torture by proxy? Those were the good old days. America chose to realize its freedom by kidnapping whoever for whatever from any country and send the victim off to a facility to be rendered mentally and physically. The U.S. did because it could. That’s what fucking freedom is all about.

Killing for Kicks Presidential Freedom

Did Holms have a kill list? Being president means having a freedom to kill list. You might have seen a photo of the P-40 Warhawk fighter used by American and British airmen when America was still America and Britain was still British. The plane often had the design that looks like a shark’s head with shark's teeth painted on the air scoops.

Today Hussein Obama, America’s Kenyon president, fires off drones at SUSPECTED TERRORISTS, whether they are in a car with the family or in a village where a wedding might be taking place. There are rumors that these drone missiles bear the face of a smiling Obama. When the children see the missiles they cry out OBAMACIDE! OBAMACIDE! And everyone runs for cover.

Then the wedding becomes a funeral. But at least America’s Kenyon leader has express his freedom, just as George Bush did when he attack Iraq. There is no purer expression of freedom than taking the life of another human being, except perhaps that of first torturing the human being, what is know as CIA freedom.

Hussein Obama loves blowing up people with his drones yet hypocritically he’s thinking about restricting Americans freedom to own GUNS just when they need them most, that is, when the country is being overrun by angry gringo-hating Hispanics and their armies of gangs.

Hollywood Pimp and Slut Freedom

“Kristen Stewart [the slut]’s fling with her Snow White and the Huntsman” director, Rupert Sanders [adulterous pimp], is the latest cheating scandal that has rocked Hollywood and shocked fans [lobotomites] around the world.” Let’s face it he saw her tits in On the Road and decide that since she came out as another Hollywood slut he might as well get his cock sucked by her and give her the old pump job.

That’s what Hollywood celebrates: SEXUAL and VIOLENT FREEDOM. It is SIN CITY run by amoral Jews who believe mammon is the greatest good. Sure, fucking Stewart would be like fucking a meat mannequin. Mannequins are pretty brainless objects. I mean she dropped out of school when she was in the 7th grade. You can’t talk to it. All you can do is fuck it. Oh yeah, Stewart has been romantically linked to co-star Robert Pattinson. He probably doesn’t mind sharing his meat or maybe he does mind kissing the lips that have been around another man’s cock. To mind, however, would not to be committed to freedom.

Cum on, so what if she sucked another man’s cock? Being a slut is an expression of freedom, freedom from loyalty, from faithfulness, from morality, from all those other restrictions of one’s freedom. Let’s face it, Kristen’s message to American girls is EMBRACE YOUR FREEDOM BY BECOMING A SLUT LIKE ME! Slut = Freedom.

Okay, enough of the Hollywood whorehouse.

Does too much freedom lead to chaos?

Many cultures think so. That’s why traditional cultures fear the influence of anything-goes America. Traditional cultures are designed to limit freedom, and therefore are contrary to America’s radical individualism and laissez faire approach to everything. You might remember Bush setting Wall Street free with deregulation. The Hebrew money vampires went fucking crazy. It did end up through the financial world into a crisis but that’s what freedom is all about. Freedom has its victim, just ask the Palestinian who lost their homeland to invading Hebrews who where exercising their freedom to take what didn’t belong to them. But I digress.

You see when freedom becomes the supreme value then all other values (moral and otherwise) are subordinated to the value of freedom. The freedom of the theft is of greater value than the moral value that says you should take what belongs to somebody else. The country that has the greatest individual freedom is Mexico. Mexicans do whatever they want. That’s why Mexico is in a state of chaos. And that’s why Mexicans believe it’s okay to invade America—because their freedom to do so is of greater value than America’s right not to be invaded.

And actually the Mexicans are doing what gringo Americans have always done: whatever they fucking want. The Americans took slaves because they could. They Americans conquered, displaced, and killed Indians because they could. The Americans stole a big chunk of Mexico because they could. America invaded the Philippines and Vietnam (slaughtering thousands in the former case and millions in the latter) because it could. America supports the Jews suppression of the Palestinian people because they can. Freedom to do whatever it fucking well pleases is the American way.

So what we see happening in America is emerging chaos, but that’s a good thing. Chaos is nothing else but freedom gone wild. :-))