Sunday, July 11, 2021

What Is Gay Pride Really All About?

What Is It that Homosexual Want?

On the surface, their movement’s goal is tolerance for homosexuals. And perhaps that was the movement original goal, but no longer. Now, the movement has become a revolution that seeks to transform America into a culture devoted to sex, sexual pleasure and sexual orientation, whereas traditionally the culture has resisted emphasis on sexuality and hedonism in all forms because such emphasis was considered a threat to the traditional values of the nation. More recently, sexuality movement has aligned itself with the Marxist movement, which has a long history in America. To say the least, it is a bizarre amalgamation. The difference is significant. What started out as a movement for tolerance of homosexuality, because a revolutionary moment. And this is where, I believe, gays and lesbians took separate paths. But first, the origin of the vicious intolerance homosexuals in Western society. The origin was not Western. 

Biblical Intolerance

The Bible reflects the attitude of the ancient Jews toward homosexuality—which became the norm in Judeo-Christianity (which is not Jesus’ religion) and Judeo-Islam. Yes, the latter two religions are Judaisms. The Bible is a bunch of hooey filled with hatefulness. The ancient Jews hated everyone but themselves and projected that hatefulness onto their God Yahweh. However, their hatred of homosexuals equals their hatred of pagans, which is absolute. Apostle Paul, essentially an Old Testament Jew who corrupted Jesus for self-promotion, also hated homosexuals. 

Greek Tolerance

The ancient Greeks, totally unlike the ancient Jews, were a people of great accomplishment in philosophy, science, and art. They did not condemn homosexual behavior or want homosexuals dead. What was the difference? Attitude was the difference. Unfortunately, the Jewish ideology of hatred of homosexuals caught on in the two religiious offshoots of Judaism mentioned above and went global. After the destruction of the pagan polytheistic religions and with it the cultures of the pagan Greeks and Romans, tolerance toward homosexuality disappeared. Essentially, the pagan world underwent forced conversion once the Catholic Church emerged in Rome and Muhammad became Judaized in Arabia. What occurred in virus fashion was the spread of the Jewish religious ideology. Ideologies are infections of the mind. Some, perhaps all, transform people into robots whose thinking and behavior is programmed. Weirdly and dangerously, almost any idea can be inflated into an ideology as endless cults have proven. If a cult becomes big enough, it is declared a religion and receives status it does not deserve. Some philosophies such as Buddhism, the skepticism, and existentialism struggled against the mind being imprisoned in an ideological box. Of course, ideologues try to turn them into ideologies as well. Buddha had good reason to be suspicious of ideas. 

Greek and Roman Moderation

However, Greek philosophers such as Plato and Epicurus warned about overdoing any sensual pleasure. And let’s face it, that is all sex is in itself. It’s nature’s way of compelling animals into producing offspring. They fuck for the fun and babies result. Unlike many humans, out of heat most animals forget about sexual pleasure and get on with the job caring for and raising their offspring. Nature played a dirty trick on humans by having them in heat (randy, horny) all year long. Animals really do put us to shame, as Native Americans understood. Of course, too much of anything can cause problems—for the individual and the society. Plato’s view was that overdoing sex and drinking (fortunately for them, drugs were not a problem) is demeaning. We’ve all witnessed the sloppy drunk and the Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion unforgettable nausea inducing performance of 'WAP' for GRAMMY Awards. There is a similar scene in the posh porn series Outlanders in which two men rolling about on a prison cell floor engaging in a sadomasochistic sexual orgy.

Someone who finds such scenes entertaining should see a psychotherapist. A simple question that can be asked is whether what is witnessed is inspiring, disgusting, or titillating. The latter two categories indicate decadent, sensualist entertainment. If humans were an insect species such behavior would represent the highest level of self-realization. However, as the ancient Greeks illustrated, humans are capable of higher levels of achievement—intellectually and physically. J.S. Mill  reflects Plato’s view when he says, “It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.” The ancient Greeks illustrated remarkable intellectual and physical achievements. They made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, literature, theater, sculpture, and architecture. Dozens of their technological inventions are used today. They also invented the Olympic Games. However, the Greeks were not prudes or puritans. They loved the flesh as their sculpture indicates. Hating the flesh came with Christianity, in particular Apostle Paul and the unsaintly theologian Augustine.

The issue is moderation, self-discipline, and self-control. These are virtues admired by great cultures. Surrendering to one’s sensual appetites and passions was considered demeaning and often self-destructive. The seven deadly sins predate Christianity: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. In each case, the individual surrenders control of the self to immoderate sensate desires or strong passions. And in moderation, none is wicked, bad, or depraved because (1) they all are part of what is human, and (2) each can serve a beneficial purpose. Though the idea of sin is ludicrous, it has some relevance. It is ludicrous as a transgression of divine law. The greatest sinner is Yahweh because the greatest sin is abusing others. And he is a monster of abuse. Abusing oneself is not a sin. Also, unless an action harms others, then it is not immoral even if it's disgusting.

I will use the ancient Native Americans as an illustration. Most if not all tribes engaged in games and exuberant celebrations. Certain tribes such as the Huron even tolerated premarital sex. A girl would be sexually involved with a number of suitors. However, once pregnant she chooses the father, who may or may not be the biological father, and the two remain committed to one another. What is remarkable about this is the absence of violence and the autonomy given women. (The Indians of the Western Great Lakes: 1615-1760, Vernon Kinietz 93-98.) Of course, the absence of venereal disease was helpful. What we learn from the Indians is that family, tribe, and personal dignity are more important than sexual pleasure. In addition, each represents a higher level of self-realization, as do hunting, farming, and crafting skills. Native American cultures were very humanistic—human-centered rather than God-centered. 

Fucking Is Not an Accomplishment

Fucking is not an accomplishment, no matter who’s fucking whom. Really, what is to be proud of? Having sex with someone of the same gender? I mean that's it? It comes down to having sex: men having sex with men and women having sex with women. It's all about sex. Sex is not something to be ashamed of but it hardly merits pride. Consider masturbation. What’s to be proud of? Basically it comes down to this: being a slave to the penis or clitoris. Freely pursuing pleasure as a raison d'être is not ennobling or dignifying. To the contrary, both categories of behavior are degrading, which means a lowering of character, perhaps going back to Neanderthal stage,* though their behavior was most likely more dignified than that of Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion and so-called movie stars who engage in public displays of various forms of fucking. Dryopithecus (great apes) engage in fucking behaviors; thus humans’ taking pride in sex acts is dubious to say the least.

*In The Greeks and the Irrational E.R. Dodds describes this decline as a regression to the primitive: “cracks appeared [in Greece] in the fabric, and disagreeably primitive things poked up where and there through the cracks. When that happened, there was no longer any effective check  on their growth... instead of simply worshipping as their fathers had done; and, left without guidance, a growing number relapsed with a sigh of relief into the pleasures and comforts of the primitive... [the] regression may be seen in the fashion for foreign cults, mostly of the highly emotional, ‘orgiastic kind, which developed with surprising suddenness during the Peloponnesian war’” (192-193).

What conservative pundits, who are incredibly still supporting the swamp creatures of the Republican Party, including that idiosaur Donald Trump, fail to admit is the disastrous presidential political leadership the U.S. has suffered from since World War II. America was at its apex after that war but then entered into a rapid state of decline while being led by white presidents—Republican and Democrat, not BLM or Antifa. The Vietnam War caused and mismanaged by Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon (see Jesse Greenspan’s “How the Vietnam War Ratcheted Up under 5 U.S. Presidents “) would deepen the U.S. in the decades-long conflicts at home. Kennedy and LBJ dug the country deep into the war and by doing so divided the young from their parents’ generation, a divide that would never heal. “The war would eventually claim the lives of more than 58,000 Americans and some 3 million Vietnamese.” In an atmosphere of political idiocy the first tear in the cultural fabric was the rise of the Beat movement. When civil rights should have been the main focus of presidency, LBJ led the country deeper into a war that was seen as essentially meaningless and cruel. And it can be argued that the war turned Hollywood against America. Whereas the Beat movement was primarily an intellectual movement, the war would transform it into the hippy movement, which was a political movement that engaged in demonstrations, which perhaps are the roots of recent, more violent demonstrations. By then the social-cultural fabric of America was torn to shreds. Wise leadership never arrived. With Trump and Biden the country has now hit bottom. And the conservative pundits still see Trump as America’s savior. This indicates that the conservative movement in the U.S. has also abandoned reason. The Republican Party needs to be purged of politicians over the age of fifty. That’s the only way to bring it back to life. 

Fucking Is Not an Accomplishment, cont’d

Parents take pride in their children, not in the sex that produced them. And gay sex, like masturbation, doesn’t produce children, which is nothing to be ashamed of given there are already almost 8 billion people in the world. We are discovering more isn’t always merrier. According to a 2019 Forbes article (“Ranked: The World’s 10 Worst Cities To Live”), three among the ten worst are New York City, L.A., and San Francisco. All three are Democratic cities. These cities were once the great meccas of America. They are still meccas, but not for Americans. The first two are the most populated in the U.S. If one looks at the most populated cities in the U.S. one also see the cities with low quality of life ratings. According to Pew Research, “The nation’s population will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and fully 82% of the growth during this period will be due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050 and their descendants.” How is approaching a half-billion people in the U.S. a good thing? More people, more environmental destruction, more waste, and more pollution. And the population growth will be in America’s megacities. Cities are by their very nature energy hogs, and there is a tipping point in their population growth beyond which the quality of life begins to deteriorate, as in New York City, L.A., and San Francisco. The so-called green deal is technological fix that will be very temporary if the national and global populations continue to grow. But I digress. 

Homosexual and Heterosexual Sensualists Are the Same

Let’s take a closer look. We’re talking about sexual orientation, but really what is the big difference? Both homosexuals and heterosexuals engage in anal sex. And anal sex isn’t difficult with a little Vaseline. Yet, heteros don’t take pride in engaging in anal sex, so why would homos?  Both engage in oral sex, which really isn’t difficult, thus not really an accomplishment to take pride in. It is as much an accomplishment as eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. And often in both cases the participant feels a little sick afterwards. Homosexuals are sexually attracted to people of their own sex. Heterosexual are sexually attracted to the opposite sex. In both cases I don’t see what there is to take pride in. One sexual orientation isn’t better than the other.  Neither is in-itself prideworthy. Though I fine the gentle sex far more enchanting, as have most poetics throughout history. Just look at John William Waterhouse paint La Belle Dame sans Mercy inspired by John Keats’ poem. Or any of Waterhouse’s paintings of women. Or Sandro Botticelli’s Birth of Venus, Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring , Claude Monet’s Woman with a Parasol, or any of the paintings and statues of Mary. This isn’t to say the male body—when fit as during the time of the ancient Greeks—lacks beauty. The Greeks celebrated its form. To me, however, its beauty is that of a well-made machine. The female is pure beauty, beauty that transforms function. No art form expresses the difference more clearly than does ballet. Nevertheless, as sublime as feminine beauty is, it too is not an accomplishment. 

Sex Addiction and Hollywood

In both cases, sex addiction can occur, and sex addiction is similar to drug addiction: both are addictions to physical sensation. Most of the heterosexual population believes that addiction to sexual pleasure is degrading to the person, just as drug addiction and alcoholism are degrading to the person. Both are considered pathetic states being. Ditto that for individuals addicted to sex, no matter how famous, rich, or important they are. All three addictions can harm others as well as the addict. Sex addict celebrities include Russell Brand, David Duchovny, Tiger Woods, Rob Lowe, Lindsay Lohan, and Colin Farrell. Heterosexuals generally find such behavior disgusting. After finding out about Duchovny, I could no longer watch the X-Files. The character was no long inspiring because the actor was disgusting.

And is recreational sex harmless? Take a look: “WEDNESDAY, April 14, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Statistics for 2019 -- the latest data available from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- show that sexually transmitted disease (STD) rates in the United States hit a new high again for the sixth straight year. The CDC STD Surveillance Report was released April 13. In 2019, nearly 2.5 million Americans had an infection of chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphilis, the CDC said. And early data from 2020 suggest that these trends are continuing” (CDC: U.S. STD Rate at Record High Again,” Health Day online). And this is only three STDs, and there are at least 20 different sexually transmitted infections. (“Sexually Transmitted Infections,” Healthlink online.) And, of course, the consequences are greater for women: unwanted pregnancies, single motherhood, aspirations cut short, abortion, life on welfare, or life simply becoming more difficult. Kids are great when adults plan to have them. When adults don’t, then the kids can become a hardship and are often unfairly resented as such.

Times are changing for the worse with mainstream movies presenting simulated (or not) pornography. Two examples of series would be Outlander with endless graphic sex scenes and Deadwood, about which one blogger said, “Deadwood is not all blowjobs, cocksuckers and titlickers.” That said, the behavior is prominent in the series. According to the Internet, one of the greatest moments of the series occurs when one of the main characters Al Swearengen goes off on long soliloquy while receiving a blow job. A movie in which one of its greatest moments is getting a blowjob is as great as movies sold in sex shops. Actually, Hollywood has become a cinema producing sex shop. In the case of Outlander, a blowjob saves a relationship. I suspect that the obsession with sex is not seen by gays as being a problem. More a way of life. In his book Social and Cultural Dynamics, Pitirim Sorokin describes the decline of societies from the Ideation, to the Idealistic, to the Sensate. The sensate being the decadent stage when a society comes undone. That is where America is today. A clever writer of history needs to write the unravelling of America since World War II. The phrase that comes to mind is “Oh how the mighty have fallen!” A child born during that war would witness in his or her lifetime the unravelling of America. 

Today’s Despised American Western

Despised because it is quintessentially American. The difference from sensualists’ blowjob movies and traditional westerns such as The Searchers, Shane, and My Darlin Clementine is fundamental. The movie Heaven's Gate is a bloated spectacle like the 1963 epic drama Cleopatra. It lacks the simplicity of the best western movies, which are few in number. Still, it keeps faith with the central, mythic role of the female (not to be degraded as she is in Deadwood). The American western expresses in the context of American history the primary elements of life that have inspired individuals for centuries. In Heaven's Gate the importance of the female is expressed in a love scene involving Kris Kristofferson and Isabelle Huppert. There is no sex even though we see Huppert completely nude. Her beauty is inspiring to us as it is to Kristofferson’s character, in the way Praxiteles’ Venus Braschi inspires (four centuries before the Judeo-Christian denigration of the female*). To show her being humped by Kristofferson would be degrading to her and to idea of feminine beauty the scene intends to convey.

*By making the female the embodiment of sin, Judeo-Christianity degraded her, and by making her an object of religious revulsion has encouraged abuse toward her, by turning her into a forbidden sex object, an object of hatred by serial killers, an object of sexual exploitation by sex-trade criminals, and an object of temptation that must be concealed in public by Islam. 

Hollywood Today: The Downward Spiral

About the time Heaven’s Gate was made, the sensualists or decadents were already taking over Hollywood, what was once was clean, beautiful, and inspiring became dirty, besmirched, tarnished by sensate sensualism. What are lacking in today’s Hollywood movies are nobility and inspiring characters based on inspiring ideas. Wallowing in decadence, Hollywood is unable to produce nobility because decadence is its negation. What the film makers of today’s Hollywood worship besides money are the penis and the clitoris. Violence, graphic violence, serves no purpose than to be itself a spectacle. Graphic sex and violence are the two movers of Hollywood film making. Recently added has been LGBT sex cult propaganda. The film Moonlight (Academy Award winner for Best Picture) celebrates a homosexual drug dealer.  In The Shape of Water sex becomes really weird when a woman has sex with a humanoid salamander. And in Outlander violence become sickeningly perverse when two men rolling about on a cell floor engage in S&M sex. In this worldview, sexual normalcy no longer exists. We would be told, however, that normalcy is just a construct, which very might be the case. Yet, that does not mean sexual attitudes and behavior cannot be examined and judged critically.

Once upon a time, viewers went to the movies to be transported and inspired, not just entertained. Moviegoers, especially young moviegoers, wanted heroes and heroines who offered some direction in how to live one’s life. During the sixties and seventies when avant-garde foreign films were all the rage among young people. But inspiring ideas are needed for such movies. Also, propaganda movies that focus on human failure, as do Zola’s naturalistic novels, cannot inspire. They either become like medical case studies or Marxist diatribes. Chloé Zhao's film Nomadland (another Oscar winner) is both at once. Relevant here is that Zhao is a representative of Communist China, so of course America would be to blame for all the hardship and suffering that occurs in the movie. It relates the lives of the motorized proletariat who have taken to the road, as hobos did during the Great Depression, though the hobos had no choice. It’s about death, job loss, shitty jobs, hard times, illness, old age, and more death. The movie is a diatribe against capitalism and a plea to help the struggling underclass. It is a movie that could be watch by a socialist discussion group examining reasons to hate America, fucking America, or by social workers.

You’re thinking I’m an anti-socialist Trump voter. I’m not. Out of a sense of futility, I stopped voting long ago. Voting makes a difference only when one has a choice. My complaint here is that the film’s propaganda unfairly condemns America and fails to inspire except fellow comrades.  Why do I find inspiring both the novel and the movie The Grapes of Wrath but cannot relate to Comrade Zhao's Nomadland? One reason is that Steinbeck’s story is heart wrenching but inspiring is tht like the old western movies it is mythic and its values ancient and very American. It is about saving the family, not hitting the road like proletariat tourists. Sadly, Steinbeck “joined the League of American Writers, a Communist organization, in 1935... In 1939, he signed a letter with some other writers in support of the Soviet invasion of Finland and the Soviet-established puppet government” (“John Steinbeck,” Wikipedia). That’s where communism leads: revolution, conquest, and oppression. A terrific ideology! Again let’s not forget that Marx gave birth to two of history’s greatest mass murders.

The hardships suffered by today’s American proletariat do not compare to the hardships endured by the pioneers or the people of the Great Depression. Then, there were no medical care centers or emergency rooms, no work at Amazon, drugstores, or sugar beet processing plants. Yet, those people were inspiring in part because they never lost hope or faith in the America dream. And they certainly didn't want to live in a Communist utopia in which a government politburo would tell the how to live. They were the giants of the earth (a title of a novel about pioneers), proud of being self-reliant. Great movies should not be just about failure, hardship, old age and death; they should inspire.

The element of friendship seems to be the dominant good in Nomadland, but it's a Facebook form of friendship that requires little responsibility. (In one scene we see the protagonist Fern using her smart phone.)The nomads are a pretend community of dispersed individuals. This in not a community like the one found in  Laura Wilder's autobiographical novel Little House on the Prairie that describes the life of a pioneer family. In that story friends are neighbors who help one another build homes and barns, who are there all years long to help when needed. That is why there is a sense hope in Wilder's American story and a sense of hopelessness that runs through the Zhao's Marxist Nomadland, a despair and hopelessness for which America is to blame.

Then there is the movie Boyhood that also won a number of awards and was nominated for Best Picture. Both convey an unending sense of fatigue and hopelessness. Like Nomadland, Boyhood might appeal to psychologists and sociologists interested in family pathology, but I found the movie depressing, uninspiring, and unentertaining. The story follows the history of a boy that includes a flaky biological father; an alcoholic, abusive stepfather; a stepfather who is military and intolerant of slacker behavior; followed by mom going it alone with the two kids. The subliminal message that flashes throughout the story is “White Trash.” All the white adult men are losers and/or abusers: the series of fathers, the grandfather who gives the boy a shotgun as a birthday present, a teacher and employer who lectures the boy to death, etc. In fact the boy gets a lot of lectures, but they pretty much don’t sink in because they are out of date. They would only confine a free spirit, and that is pretty much the attitude of the film. Yet, what is the purpose of being a free spirit? The film doesn’t answer that question. The truth is freedom without purpose is meaningless or worse destructive. Certainly better than being a slave, but that’s about it.

At the end of the story the boy is sitting next to a pretty girl he has just met, but we know nothing will come of that relationship because the boy has no idea of what he wants from life other than freedom, and the story itself negates the possibility of long-term relationship. The story ends with his new roommate giving nature the finger, as if that is supposed to mean something. It doesn’t. Apparently the finger flipper never read John Muir’s My First Summer in the Sierra or Jack Kerouac’s The Dharma BumsThere are no truly likable characters in the story. They are the people one meets at a fast-food restaurant or Walmart.

Back to Nomadland, the problem with the Marxist view of things: it always sees the human condition in a negative light until the post-revolution utopia is achieved (like the one Biden is creating for America*). Chris McCandless, also based on real life, is inspiring in both the book and the movie though his story ends with his dying young. The reason is that a grand idea inspired McCandless’ life. It was an idea worth dying for. Jack Kerouac was very much a nomad, to me best described in his book Lonesome Traveler. Materially his life was poor, yet the focus is not what he lacked materially but on the significance of the infinite expression of what was all surrounded him—life. His life was inspired by both the world and the ideas that celebrated the world that was beautiful, magnificent, and ultimately temporary and meaningless beyond the appreciation of individuals. Yet, like McCandless, Kerouac did not focus on the negative, diseased, ugly, or unhealthy.

*The problem with the Marxist utopia Biden and Harris have planned for America is that it is a repudiation of America. In 2015 Biden announced his desire to see European Americans to become a minority in the country their ancestors explored and built with the help of blacks. What he says, sums up the Biden-Harris agenda for America: “An unrelenting stream of immigration. Nonstop, nonstop. Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent... we'll be an absolute minority in the United States of America.” However, the states will not be united and there will be no America. The word itself they find repugnant. Essentially, he wants the utopia America to cut ties with the old traditional America of the preceding centuries.

Harris has no roots in American history or culture. She is not a black American, which requires American slave ancestors (nor was Obama). Her mother was born in Madras, India, and her father was born in St. Ann Parish, Jamaica. Unlike Biden’s repudiation America, it’s not surprising that she would want to transform America to reflect her parents’ origins. To the revolutionaries they represent, the most appealing feature of the Biden-Harris utopia will be the absence of the old America, except for shall-town, anti-revolutionary holdouts scattered throughout the backcountry. Both Biden and Harris are engaged in nation building that involves tearing down the old nation and replacing it with a post-American society, the blueprint for which is Marxist ideology. 

What stimulates pity cannot inspire. Suffering without a grand idea that is organically rooted in family, community, history, culture, and soil, rather than in ideological blueprint, results in discouragement and despair. Marxism is an abstract blueprint that seeks to transform nations into politburo managed corporations in which citizens become workers of state.  That is why both McCandless and Kerouac inspire. They possessed what the movers and shakers of Hollywood lack. The movie producers and actors are rich and famous, so they don’t need to be inspired. They’ve got what they wanted—wealth and fame, neither of which should inspire because they are vacuous, an emptiness filled with expensive cars and clothes and mansions. The lives of actors (as the word indicates) are as fake as the characters they portray. They live on movie sets and in ritzy, exclusive communities. Unlike Kerouac and McCandless, they never go out into the world to explore real life, certainly never on their own. They are experts on nothing but the fake world in which they live.

Hollywood cannot produce what is healthy and inspiring because the town is so unhealthy and uninspiring. Again, this is evidenced in the film Moonlight, which is about sexual orientation (sensualism) and criminality. Neither is a lofty idea nor an ideal to aspire to. In a way, this way of thinking is rooted the celebration of the down-and-outers of the world, Marx’s proletariat, the people of little achievement and accomplishment, the anti-hero rather than heroes and heroines, the Willy Lomans of the world rather than the Kerouacs, McCandlesses, and Gary Snyders or Marie Curie, Rachel Carson, Rosalind Franklin, Katherine Johnson, Hypatia, George Eliot, Erin Brockovich, Carolyn Merchant, World War II heroes Violette Szabo and Rose Valland, and all those pioneer women who kept diaries or slave women who wrote their stories and overcame slavery.

But such stories no longer inspire in Hollywood, which prefers to celebrate disenfranchised victims, victims of circumstances, but never as a result of their own poor choices, victims of society, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, capitalists, and misogynists whose color is mostly white and gender is mostly masculine. This rather than celebrating strong, confident, good, and capable characters. Today’s America is no longer inspiring. And a big part of the reason it’s not is Hollywood, which has become, disastrously, the cultural hub of the nation. Its emphasis on sex, sex, sex, violence, and hatred of the nation has been a recipe for failure—for individuals and the nation. What are we supposed to aspire to? Sex? Sexual orientation? Drugs? Violence? Being a member of the underclass, the proletariat, the criminal class, the looters and rioters, the revolutionaries whose utopia is a society where satisfies all one’s material needs and the way of life is a carnival? Hollywood has lost the art of art because it has become a culture as decadent as the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, so hypocritically despised by Jews. The sensualists took over and what was clean, beautiful, and inspiring has been replaced by that which is dirty. If one wants to see into the tarnish soulless void of Hollywood, he or she only needs to read RayMungo’s Palm Springs Babylon. 

Hollywood Metastasizes: Video Games and the Sex Cult

Certain video games have surrendered to the sickness of the sex cult. The once noble game Mass Effect is one; The Last of Us is another. They began as noble games then became corrupted. Some like Grand Theft Auto began corrupt and celebrated a worldview of sexualism, criminality, and nihilism. In all three cases, unbridled freedom is the dominant theme of life. To be prevented from raping a woman is an unjust restriction of a man’s freedom. In Grand Theft Auto law and moral rules don’t matter. Might makes right. That view of life is adopted by the sequel of The Last of Us, not surprising by an Israeli. Might makes right is the attitude of Israelis toward the Palestinians, and has been since ancient times, when the Palestinians were Canaanites.

There is an article titled “Making Mass Effect Recognize My Queerness Was Worth the Wait.” Of course that is the LGBT’s sex cult’s agenda: to get American culture to recognize the worldview, values, and behaviors lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders as being equal to those heterosexuals, even though LGBTs make up only 5% of the U.S. population. Why would the 95% see the 5% as being essentially the same as themselves when in fact that is not true? The way of life, values, and behavior of the 5% are totally different from those of the 95%. A cult, in this case, is a group or sect bound together by veneration of the something the majority population shuns. It is a subculture that is considered as a cult by other cultures that reject its worldview, values, and behaviors as sinful (from a religious perspective), as immoral (carnal, lascivious, degrading, or harmful), as abnormal (biologically deviant), or as too strange and bizarre to be considered acceptable as a harmless fad. (Two illustrations: transgender (modified) men competing against unmodified, natural born women; in an L.A. spa a transgender male exposing his genitalia to women and young girls in the women's locker room.) Tolerance is one thing; acceptance and respect are quite different, especially if the cult is considered harmful to others.

The author of the above article says, “Coming into Bioware’s recent release of its beloved sci-fi saga Mass Effect in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, I knew that I wanted to re-experience the video games’ journey in a way I had tried and failed to as a young teenager: to cast my Commander Shepard as a proud, gay man.” So it was important to play Commander Shepard as a gay man, rather than just a man? I’ve never played a male protagonist in a video game as a heterosexual man. I never gave sexual orientation any consideration at all because I don’t play video games for sex. Ditto that for watching movies because I believe watching porn is demeaning. Immoral? No. Demeaning? Yes. But the LGBT cult has demanded that sexual orientation be the end-all of all movies and video games. My interest in video games began with the Resident Evil games. Never was sex a consideration. But LGBT cult isn’t satisfied simply with having representative of the cult in movies and games. They want sex—fucking.

The absent of LGBT relationship in video games caused the writer to say a “reminder of just how far behind seemingly progressive visions of our future can be sometimes.” So sexual orientation is an important element in humanity’s future and the Earth’s future? As important as nuclear weapons, endless wars, hostile nations, overpopulation, environmental degradation, increasing poverty, failed states, and so on and on. The author is obsessed with his sexual orientation being recognized as being so important (it’s not) that he should be able to have gay relationships (i.e., gay sex) in video games. To the contrary, making video games about sexual relationships and having sex corrupts the games. It is the pornification of video games. Once upon a time, the attractive aspect of video gaming, unlike movies, was the gamer was able to forget about sex. The pre-sexualized Mass Effect was about friendship and comradery, not fucking a fellow crew member.

The author continues: “it took much longer [for the series] to embrace relationship options for queer male players who wanted to see themselves in their space action hero.” I never played the game seeing a male Shepard as a heterosexual character. Why is sexual orientation important unless having sex in the game is important? And of course, that is what is important to the LGBT sex cult: being able to fuck the same gender or to fuck both genders for bisexuals. Honestly, this emphasis on sexual relationships or even romantic relationships is creepy and transforms the game into something sleazy. Mass Effect was intended for all ages but mostly teens or even younger. Now the game is like a red-light district or Grand Theft Auto. By comparison, the Call of Duty series seems downright wholesome and noble.

There’s more: “It took until Mass Effect 3 for Bioware to add two queer romance options for male Shepards: Kaidan Alenko, a party member in the first and third games, became a bisexual option for male and female players after being explicitly romanceable by female Shepards in the first game, and Steve Cortez, a new character who was exclusively available to male Shepards in Mass Effect 3.” “Explicitly romanceable” is right, meaning in bed having sex. Or in the shower together.

For the author, having to wait to have vicarious, simulated sex with a male character was “an exercise in both extreme delayed gratification and a harsh reminder of just how unwelcomed I could feel playing a game series that I loved as it disregarded my experience and desire as a queer man.” Are we supposed to take this seriously? “Delayed gratification” in hopes of having sex in a video game! Get a fucking life! Go to a gay bar and hook up with a buddy. And the game “disregarded” your "experience and desire as a queer man”! It’s a fucking game! This sort of expectation transforms video games into smut games. Why not just rent a gay porno-film or easier yet watch gay men having sex on the Internet and pretend you are one of men as you do (but most gamers don’t) in a video game. But why must you ruin a video game for the other 95% or more players by infusing it with sexual relationships?

Finally: “To play Mass Effect as a story where Commander Shepard is explicitly a gay, male hero is not just to play the waiting game, but to push back against the series’ almost constant heterosexual assault on your senses.” Assault! You really are a sensitive soul. And so now 95% heterosexual gamers will be assaulted by homosexual sex scenes. The subtext of your message is that heterosexuals are the enemy, more so than the Collectors who couldn't care less about sexual orientation. What you fail to understand is that most heterosexuals don’t consciously play video games as heterosexuals because romance and/or fucking is not the reason they play the games. And really it’s asking a lot of video game designers to please every sexual orientation especially given that today there are apparently dozens. Next, we will have fucking robots, which actually occurs in the novel Robots of Gotham. (Read Kyle’s Her Quest for a sensible depiction of robots, a novel with both gays and lesbians who are heroes—though without descriptions of their fucking one another, so you may not like the story. Rape occurs but no fun fucking, sorry!) And I expect that you would be thrilled with a multiplayer version of Mass Effect in which you could virtual fuck dozens and dozens of gay avatars and perhaps score points for the number of sexual encounters.

What is corrupting is not the sexual orientation but the sex—heterosexual, homosexual, whatever. Mass Effect was once my favorite game, but I no longer play it because it surrendered itself to the demands of the LGBT sex cult. Ditto that for another favorite game The Last of Us. Of course, the pockets full of cash, woke elite couldn't care less. The scary thing is someday sexual sleaze will become unavoidable in movies and video games. Did heterosexuals ever demand that the game offer the opportunity for engaging in heterosexual sex? Generally, sex euphemized as romantic relationships (which usually end up as fucking encounters) don’t make much sense in video games. They come off as silly. The murder of a wife or daughter is often used as in Max Paine for a revenge narrative, but that is not randomly hooking up and fucking. Generally, I dislike watching characters in movies or games having sex because watching such scenes makes me into a voyeur. Video games are interactive entertainment, which means the gamer can actively, though vicariously, participate in sex acts in the game. This goes beyond looking at pornographic magazines or watching pornography on Internet porn sites, which is undignified enough. 

Friendship ≠ Fucking

Friendship isn’t enough for the author, just as tolerance isn’t enough for the LGBT community. A gay or straight Shepard can be a good friend to Steve Cortez without fucking him in bed. And really Steve’s willingness to hook up with a new love buddy is a sleazy betrayal given his former love buddy wasn’t killed too long ago. Fuck away the sorrow! Or will the hookup be a boner one-night stand. Worse would be the gay commander’s taking advantage of Steve’s depression, like a Bob who will befriend Sue, who has just lost her husband Pete, saying, “Let me fuck you and you’ll forget all about Pete.” Some friend! And really, one of the notorious characteristic of male homosexuals is their promiscuity: “The 2013 British NATSAL study found that gay men typically had 19 sexual partners in a lifetime” (“Promiscuity,” Wikipedia).  Straight men are probably not much better if they don’t marry and settle down. Yet, straight culture condemns such behavior whereas gay culture celebrates it, as any gay-pride parade illustrates. One of Jesus’ admirable qualities is that he refuses to become a slave to sex. He prefers altruism to sensualism, helping people rather than fucking them. 

The Amorality of the Sex Cult

The sex cult doesn’t get that certain sexual relationships are out of bounds morally, personally, and professionally. For Shepard to have sex with a subordinate is both a violation of professional ethics and simply disgusting. Both men are disgraced. But there is more here. Imagine gay man like the author sitting in a darkened room having virtual sex with another man who is a video game character. This is not young boys in the school yard sharing a photo of a naked woman taken from a Playboy magazine. The author of the article is an adult engaging in a bizarre form of interactive voyeurism in which he vicariously participates in simulated sex. Such behavior is unwholesome, undignified, and degrading. Is masturbation used to heighten the sexual experience? Pornography is writings, pictures, films, etc., designed to stimulate sexual excitement and having little or no artistic merit. Pornography in can reduce a great game to a morally disgusting game inappropriate for young gamers.

Scenes of people having sex do not elevate the artistic or narrative quality of the game. Watching them going at it is puerile behavior for adults, yet unsuitable for teenage viewers 21% of video game players are under the age of 18, which is somewhat reassuring if it means the other 79% are engaged in mental and physical activities that result in higher levels of self-realization. Again, gay sex isn’t the issue. Sex is. Thus, ditto that for heterosexual sex scenes in the game. It’s misleading to call these liaisons romance options. They’re not. They are who-are-you-going-to-have-sex-with options. Most likely many young gamers simply laugh at the sex scenes, but making sex a mockery is also unhealthy.

And this: “the gaze of straight male sexuality frames your interaction with the series.” Maybe if you are a hypersensitive homosexual. To me neither male nor female sexuality frames my interaction. I have comrades, male, female, and a gay in the case Steve Cortez that I go into battle with. Yes, I can tell the difference between the males and females, but their sexuality—fuckability—doesn’t register unless it’s forced on me as when that sex-for-brains Kaidan came on to my female Shepard. Because he did that, I went back to an earlier part of the game and with pleasure chose to let him die. Feminists should applaud my decision. Feminists should realize that this celebration of sex is letting the male beast out of his cage, what Freud explained as being a socially constructed superego, inculcated morality, the purpose of which is to protect weaker members of society from beast men.

As a result, “On average, there are 463,634 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States” (RAINN: The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, online). This is a dismal statistic. The truth is that laws are not especially effective in protecting women and children from rapists. That’s because rapists are impulsive and irrational. And that is why civilized cultures try to encourage respecting women. Respect is their best defense: the idea that abusing a woman or child is terrible wrong, not just illegal. Unfortunately, sex performers like Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion, and nasty little Natalie Portman undermine that respect by conveying the idea that women are essentially sex object rather than truly special persons. The sexaulization of women by the entertainment industry is a dangerous game for which women and young girls pay the price. It makes society a hazardous, unpredictable environment for them.

And this: “Everywhere you look in the world of Mass Effect, even beyond its romance subplots, the gaze of straight male sexuality frames your interaction with the series. There are the gyrating, scantily clad bodies of Asari dancers...” Thus, the game would be improved if male dancers in G-strings were added like those in gay pride parades? The computerized motions of the dancers are mesmerizing, and yes they capture the sensuality of the female. Still, a heterosexual male who takes a seat to watch one of them is behaving like a male in a strip bar. Such behavior is decadent and self-degrading. The men in the game who sit gawking at them are not supposed to be admired. Did you ever notice Joker’s criticism of Asari culture most notable in the game for its nude (basically) dancing girls in bars and nightclubs? Joker’s point is that humanity has higher concerns and higher levels of self-realization, such as being a great pilot. Yes, he gets his sex bot packaged in a sexy female body, and you would prefer EDI’s persona to be that of Jason Statham and a gay Joker piloting the ship. Of course, 95% of humanity would disagree with you.

Your preference transforms the game into something bizarre and demeaning. Joker admires IDE’s beauty, but he is not a sensualist. And fortunately, we do not have to watch him and IDE fucking—as the sensualists would love to see. He loves her. All he wants is to be with her; he doesn’t need to fuck her. She is his metallic girlfriend. We admire her because Jack is wrong about her and just about just everything else. EDI is not a sex bot. She’s a compassionate, considerate, and highly intelligent—morality driven—companion. Their relationship isn’t ruined by sensualist images. Hollywood, however, is the origin of legitimizing carnality as life’s raison d'être, once the sensualists took over. Now its main product, other than ideological propaganda, is sexually demeaning comedies such as Sex Tape and American Pie. It was only a matter of time before Hollywood’s carnality would infect video games. For America, Hollywood has been a cultural lymphoma. The rapid transformation of America’s cultural decline is illustrated by the video games The Last of Us and The Last of Us 2. The first is wholesome and embodies traditional American values. The second game is bloated with the sexualism, ideology, decadence, and the feminist and LGBT sex cult hatred of traditional American values and with them traditional Americans. It is as if the two games were written by different writers, or the Israeli’s thinking was infected by the cult, thus transformed him into a subversive, or perhaps he was always a Judas. Ironically, the response of the fans, not the critics in the pockets of the industry but the gamers who love games, was to switch from love for the game and its creators to hatred of both.

The Last Of Us Part 2 Is Worse Than You Think

The Last of Us Part II - Angry Review


Sex ≠ Love

And this: The author quotes : “We’ve got oceans, beautiful women, and this emotion called love” and adds “Sexuality, and specifically heteronormative sexuality, is inextricably linked to the texture of Mass Effect’s galaxy.” Sorry gay boy, sex ≠ love. Sex is a sensual experience. Men will harm women and children to achieve it. Love refers to a person or creature that is loved. Love can inspire jealousy, but sex can’t. Didn’t you notice that the superior intellect EDI, which in fact transcends the body she placed herself in out of necessity, never dwells on sexuality? Her focus is to achieve a level of self-actualization that transcends sexuality. Her relationship with Joker is one of loving, altruistic, gratitude, not sexual, regardless of how Joker sees her. And you might think a robot named Eddy would mean the same to the 95% percent of gamers, but you would be wrong (and really, you and the cult don’t give a fuck about others as long as you get what you want).

There is a difference between femininity and masculinity that transcends sexual orientation. The difference is clearly expressed Michelangelo’s Pietà or Le Champs Des Coquelicots by Claude Monet that shows a woman a mother and child walking through a field of poppies, most likely the artist's wife, Camille, and their son Jean. What you don’t understand that Michelangelo, Monet, and other great artists understand is the archetypal significance of the female that can never be matched by the male. And it’s not because they are heterosexual males so can’t envision the gay male having similar significance. He doesn’t. The ancient Greek sculptures saw the beauty in the male body, but the meaning of that beauty lacked the depth of the female who was associated with nature, homeland, family, hearth, and the earth. A quick look at the Greek gods reveals the difference: 

The Goddesses

Aphrodite: Goddess of beauty, love, desire, and pleasure.

Artemis: Virgin goddess of the hunt, wilderness, animals, the Moon and young girls.

Athena: Goddess of reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy, and handicrafts.

Demeter: Goddess of grain, agriculture, harvest, growth, and nourishment.

Hera: Queen of the gods, and goddess of marriage, women, childbirth, heirs, kings, and empires.

Hestia: Virgin goddess of the hearth, home, domesticity and chastity.

Gaia:   Personification of the Earth (Mother Earth).

Sophia is a feminine figure representing wisdom. At Library of Celsus are the statues Sophia (wisdom), Episteme (knowledge), Ennoia (intelligence) and Arete (excellence), all females. These statues like so many others were disfigured, damaged faces and missing arms, by Christians. Muslims would do the same. The fanatical thugs were all heterosexual males. 

Now let’s look at the guys:

Apollo: god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, and more. He probably belongs at the top of the list of male deities.

Dionysus: god of wine, fruitfulness, parties, festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, vegetation, ecstasy, and the theater. I imagine Dionysus would be the god of the LGBT sex cult.

Hephaestus: god of fire, metalworking, and crafts.

Hermes: god of boundaries, travel, trade, communication, language, writing, cunning and thieves.

Hades: King of the underworld and the dead. He is also a god of wealth.

Ares: god of courage, war, bloodshed, and violence.

Poseidon: God of the sea, rivers, floods, droughts, and earthquakes.

Zeus: King of the gods, god of the sky, essentially a ruler. Not a particularly attractive ruler. 

The Masculine-Feminine Dichotomy

The masculine roles are important, though the world would be a better place without war, bloodshed, and violence caused by unbridled masculinity. However, the masculine roles are mostly about possessing skills (or destructive forms of nature). What the goddesses represent are values linked to life itself. Their roots are organic. In a sense, what the male gods represent are abilities that can protect what the goddesses represent: beauty, love, fertility, family, children, the hearth, and nature. You may think that homosexual masculinity can represent such values, but you’re wrong. In fact, gays and the cult of sensualism exist outside the ancient world’s masculine-feminine dichotomy. They are most closely associated with Dionysus, a divine outsider from the East and a divine party animal. He defends nothing other than himself and the bacchanalia he represents—doing anything that one pleases.

True masculinity protects society and the women and children who are its archē (a Greek word meaning beginning, origin, or source).  Today, women can do that as well. Fucking does not distinguish the two principles. Fucking is fucking whether the fucker is male or female. Animals fuck, so it’s not a big deal. Your view, of course, is yours, though 95% of humanity disagrees and their minds won’t be changed by gay pride parades or homosexuals having sex in video games. In fact, their reaction will be negative because they will see the sex cult’s agenda to sexualize society as an assault on their values and the integrity of their societies. But the sex cult, like the ancient Jews, doesn’t care about how many enemies it makes as long as it gets its wants.

Because of your obsession with sex, sexuality, sexual orientation, romance, and fucking, you missed the view of the original game (before corrupted by the cult of sex) concerning what is the highest good in life, which is moral rather than sexual. Aspiring to this highest good is what heroes do. Aspiring to fucking your friend, comrade, or commander is not heroic. Interestingly, Shepard does not represent the highest good a human can aspire to because he/she can choose to ignore moral duty and to live ignobly by engaging in evil acts (especially acts of betrayal, the worst being harming innocent, good people and even killing heroes, such as Mordin Solus , who seeks to defend good, innocent people) or engaging in self-degrading sleazy acts such as fucking crew members. One either/or choice is to become Jack’s mentor or to fuck her. The sex cult goes with fucking her rather than being her friend and mentor. It’s this type of semi-porn sleaze that prevents Mass Effect being a work of art rather than a raunchy video game such as Singles, Seduce Me, and one the author would like Succulent.

This is ambiance the sex cult would like for the Normandy starship:

An otome game and there are 50 or more waiting to be played. And that’s really sad.

You dress up your article with lots of slick vocabulary (heteronormative systems, gay textually, mono-gendered race, metatextual acknowledgement, etc.), but its appeal and persuasiveness does not reach beyond your fellow gays who already agree with you, though most of them prefer to pursue relationships in the real world rather than in video games. That attitude would mirror my own. I have no interest in pursuing sexual-romantic relationships in video games. That’s not what video games about heroes should be about. Mass Effect allows the gamer to choose to become scumbag, fucking people and fucking them over. I find that choice to be evil an odd one. Video games should inspire fighting evil rather than becoming evil.

Love ≠ Fucking

The purist form of love is unrelated to sex or sensualism. It’s rooted in the emotions and the intellect. Erich Fromm would give the example of a mother’s love, which is unconditional. There is also the altruistic love of the Good Samaritan, also known as brotherly love. The highest form of love is agape. Christians consider agape "the love of God for man and of man for God." This interpretation is nonsensical because God doesn’t exist, and we can be thankful for his absence given the descriptions of him in the Bible and Quran. He is a monster of hatred, and people who love such a monster become themselves monsters. Let’s not forget that he flooded the world and murdered all life but a boatload. A mother’s love for her child is infinitely superior to God’s so-called love for mankind because his love is absolutely conditional. Apostle Paul and his followers the Gospel writers infected Jesus’ unconditional love with Yahweh’s conditional love, thus the Lake of Fire. That is pure Yahweh, as the Quran reveals, which has no use for Jesus. Christians also claim that love originated from God or Christ for humankind. It didn’t. Love originated among animals. This should be clear to anyone who has seen animal mothers protecting their babies from danger:

If you don’t feel the love, then you’re a lost cause. The scene of the hyenas attacking water buffalo reminds me of the sex cults attack on Mass Effect. 

Jesus≠ Christ

Jesus’ spiritual philosophy of love comes closer to agape. His life was devoted to the welfare of others. That he is deluded by Judaism can’t be held against him. In fact, he sought to overcome that religion of hatred and offer a different view of God. Paul corrupted Jesus’ religion with Old Testament theology, resulting in Old Testament Christianity. Hate-filled Evangelists followed Paul’s lead. Two inspiring forms of love in Mass Effect are illustrated when Shepard is played as a female. The first is Ashley Williams, who is duty bound and completely devoted to humanity. She can be annoying, yet her love is rooted in camaraderie—philia. It is a form of love defined by virtue in the context of a shared mission. The other Miranda Lawson’s love for Shepard that emerges late in the game once Shepard has earned her respect, and the two have endured combat together.

We see this form of love in the painting Oath of the Horatii by the French artist Jacques-Louis David. Wikipedia says the painting illustrates “masculine self-sacrifice,” on the behalf of Rome, in this case, and self-sacrifice is the highest expression of love whether by men or women. Wikipedia adds that the painting “stresses the importance of patriotism,” yes but that is hardly the whole story expressed by the painting. In the painting are also women and children. They represent what the men are protecting and willing to die defending. The fundamental importance of the cities is that they serve as a protective space for a people’s women and children against the dangers that threaten them thus the society itself. Without the women and their children the fighting would have no purpose other than masculine martial pride and love of carnage. This is what has been forgotten by the sensualists who demand more sexual encounters in Mass Effect. Gamers who desire to fuck Williams and Lawson are depraved, the root meaning being crooked or perverse, perhaps lowly in seeking that which is the lowest of values: carnality. Certainly undignified and not an expression love but rather self-centered sensualism.

An interesting form of love is represented by the AI Legion. His commitment to others is rooted in the intellect. It can’t be rooted in the emotions because as a machine he has no emotions. (Is EDI the same? I don’t know.) His love could be considered Kantian— love as a duty. Kant believed duty possesses the highest goodness of all actions because it is above any form of self-gratification. This duty, however, is not blind loyalty to nations, autocrats, or crime lords. It’s determined by moral reason, which can be digitized. In a world populated by autonomous machines, the commitment to others would be a machine’s form of love, love that is unfelt. 

Bottom Feeders

When comes to values, sensualists are bottom feeders. A gay, bi-sexual, transgender Hugh Hefner would be their hero. My question to the author is if you have a boyfriend, why are you longing for a boyfriend in a video game? If not, why don’t you go out into the real world and find one? Ditto that for heterosexuals who want to engage in virtual sex via a video-game character. And really, why would you discuss wanting to fuck a video-game character? That should be embarrassing. What comes to mind are cops, nurses, doctors, emergency personnel, soldiers, firefighters, mechanics, plumbers, and all the other people devoted to helping people in distress. They live in the real world and are devoted to helping people rather than talking about how great it is to fuck video-game characters. Mass Effect has been degraded because it surrendered to the demands of the sex cult to which you belong. The game would have been great had it left out romance of any kind and just stuck with friendship. America’s present condition is reflected in three video games: the nihilism of Grand Theft Auto, the sexualization of Mass Effect, and the rampant hatred of The Last of Us 2, in particular the hatred of the traditional white American males represented by Joel. I sometimes wonder if Casey Hudson, director of the Mass Effect Trilogy, ever feels like Melanie when she sings “Look What They've Done To My Song, Ma.” Probably not. 

Sensualism and Nihilism

There is a deeper meaning to sensualism: nihilism, the loss of faith in anything other than physical pleasure. Whatever gives an individual pleasure is good; whatever prevents an individual getting pleasure is bad. Unfortunately, humans get pleasure from all sorts of behaviors. In a sense Euripides’ tragedy the Bacchae is about people rebelling against restraint.  In his The Greeks and the Irrational E.R. Dodds suggest that what the tragedy calls into doubt is the assumption of the Stoics and other philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle that humans are essentially rational animals. That assumption was already being doubted by the ancient Greeks. It came full blown with Freud. Sensualists assume that because the passions are natural that they are good. “’Be natural,’ says the Unjust Cause in the Clouds; ‘kick up your heels, laugh at the world, take no shame for anything.’” “’There’s nothing shameful but think makes it so.’” “’Nature willed it,’ says an erring daughter, ‘and nature pays no heed to rules: we women were made for this’” (187). Before seeing the cavorting of Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion performing WAP at the Grammys I would have thought the Bacchae offered an unfair depiction of women. But times have changed. Unfortunately, incest, pedophilia, and rape are natural impulsesergo, okay. In these cases, nature pays no heed to rules. And in fact morality is a convention—not rooted in nature but in society—to rein in behaviors deemed undesirable by society. Thus, the relativism of social and individual morality. There are those who believe acts that harm others are immoral thus should be prohibited. Others, tragically, don't agree. 


Homosexuals got what they wanted—tolerance for homosexual relationships—or perhaps not. Perhaps what they really want is respect for a life devoted to sexual debauchery. A life in which engaging in sex is the raison d’etre for human existence, which seem to be the case according to their parades and demands that LGBT sex to be included in movies and video games. The goal is the hyper-sexualisation of American culture, which has been pretty much achieved but with greater or greatest emphasis on LGBT sex. Because of human nature, the obsession with sex has always been a threat to society. For all its theological meanness, the Old Testament’s prohibition of sexual promiscuity reveals a concern that licentiousness can corrupt a culture and by doing so undo a tribe. Fucking your neighbor’s wife or husband doesn’t create harmony. The Ten Commandments have nothing to do with God, who is used to give the commandments transcendent authority and to justify severe punishment of violators. They have everything to do with maintaining the harmony, cultural health, and thus strength of the tribe. Too late for America. The unreformed Jack and the Illusive Man have taken control of the Normandy while Commander Shepard is busy fucking the rest of the crew.  In the end the Normandy crashes and earth is left in ruins, but sex cult on board couldn’t give a shit about the Normandy or Earth as long as they get their jollies. 

Gay Pride Parades Celebrate Sex, not Orientation

It comes down to the same thing: the sex act. Actually, the parading gay men should be holding a processional penis similar to the processional cross. The penis is the deity they worship. The subordinate deities are the orifices it is inserted into. In other words, gay pride is sex pride. Which is nothing to take pride in because it is intended to accomplish nothing worthy (certainly not babies) but only to produces sensual pleasure.

Gay pride parades celebrate the value of sexual free-for-all or sexual Bacchanalia. They are celebrations of the orgasm. The lowest of Maslow's physiological needs (which are at the bottom of his hierarchy of needs): air, water, food, sleep, health, clothes, shelter, and sex. And actually, sex is an unnecessary need for the individual—unlike clothes needed for a given climate. Thus, it is at the bottom of the bottom category. One can do without sex, so level of the level of the individual, life can be lived without it, and many humans have chosen to be sexual abstinent in order to achieve higher levels of self-realization or self-actualization. In fact, having sex, alone or with others, doesn’t belong in the category of self-actualization no more eating, drinking, and defecating do. The fact that animals and insects can perform these functions indicates they are not accomplishments. And forms of entertainment that celebrate such functions hardly merit praise.

Self-actualization involves the realization of potential abilities: physical, intellectual, and social. The realization of these potentialities requires work, commitment, and education, including the acquisition of skills. 

I’m a Pro-Marriage Monogamist

Having multiple sex partners is decadently licentious and become immoral when others are publicly encouraged to join the club of licentious behavior. Sensualism is not a duty to others. It is a form of corruption that causes harm, and causing harm is what makes it immoral, evil when children are affected. Madonna’s book Sex is an illustration of promoting decadent licentiousness.  Seeing Madonna today reminds me of the painting Into the World There Came a Soul Called Ida by Ivan Albright. I don’t know what Madonna sees when she looks into a mirror, but Ida is what she looks like to me. What Ida represents is Madonna’s soul. And the situation has become worse now that young girls have become the target of corruption and exploitation such as in the movie Cuties that encourages pedophilia. Such movies present young girls as targets for sexual predators or simply encourage girls to engage in self-destructive behavior. 

Immanuel Kant, God, & Ethics

Kant provides the essential principle of morality: Don’t interfere with another person’s autonomy. It’s based on two assumptions and one moral right. The first is that freedom is a fundamental feature of being human. To deny a person his or her freedom destroys his or her humanity. Thus, American slaves were dehumanized by inhuman masters. The masters dehumanized themselves by becoming immoral monsters who denied others their freedom. Thus, the exercise of one’s freedom becomes immoral when it denies others their freedom. Such monsters are with us today and many are controllers of nations.

Kant’s principle of autonomy means there is no moral basis for condemning or punishing homosexuality. The horrific character of punishing homosexuality is illustration by the ignorant British government’s wicked punishment of World War II hero Alan Turing for gross indecency. According to Rose Eveleth, the British government pardoned Turning. ( All I can say to the British government is FUCK YOU! Turing is a hero of mine. You’re not. In the movie Flawless Philip Seymour Hoffman plays a transvestite. I find her way of life decadent and degenerate, though Hoffman makes Rusty quite likable, which means that the individual and the lifestyle are not the same.

And what about God’s condemnation of homosexuality in the Old Testament? It would be irrelevant even if he did exist. Thank god he doesn’t. Moral principles and judgments logically cannot be based on authority alone. In the Old Testament Yahweh, the Jewish God, says slaughtering pagans is moral. He even joins in the slaughter. He’s wrong. Just because he says so don’t make it right—reasonably or morally. Authority can never be the final justification of anything. If our doctor says we have cancer, we take what he says seriously, not because it’s his opinion but because his opinion is based on empirical data. Kant’s principle of autonomy is tautologically true: “An axiom is a statement or proposition that is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.” The principle is not true in the way 2 + 2 = 4 is tautologically true, basically saying that A = A. But if we are to have a system of morality, it must be based on the principle of autonomy if it is not to be meaningless or inconsistent. It’s simple: the cardinal moral principle comes to leaving other people alone. 


Sensualist Pestilence

The sensualist pestilence has infected the entertainment industry, especially in the U.S. and Great Britain, including movies, music, and video games. Sex addiction is similar to drug addiction: both are addictions to physical sensation. One of many ideas that has corrupted Hollywood is the belief that sex = love. It doesn’t. The sex addicts prove that. They have sex with women or men they don’t love. They only want pleasure. Actually, sex is as common as eating, and love is quite rare because it is selective. Love has to be earned in one way or another. That which is loved—be it a human, plant or animal, a work of art—has to be lovable for reasons that are not sensate. Licentious and basically stupid Hollywood does not understand that sex ≠ love. Love is an emotion; sex is a physical sensation. The emotional response has to be earned; the sexual sensation doesn’t. Hollywood doesn’t know the difference or more likely doesn’t care. Hollywood worships two things: money and sex. The Me-Too scandal revealed that much.

Hollywood wants us to believe that sex can be elevated to love. It can’t. What sex can do is degrade our understanding of love. The Hollywood sensualists want us to believe what they believe—that life is essentially play, because play is their industry. Like children they make up stories and then perform in them. Then they get rich and engage in the play of celebritism. Marx was right in believing that humans are homo faber, essentially workers. It is through work, not sensualism, that humans achieve self-realization. In the U.S. people have been duped into believing the raison d'être of human existence is play, rather than work. Work has become an odious prerequisite for play to occur because money is needed. Though sexual play costs nothing, thus its danger. Americans want to win the lottery that will provide money without working for it so that a life of play can be engaged in. Of course, if the government will provide comfort checks, then the lottery isn’t needed. 

Sex as the Raison d’etre of Life

It’s not. Sexuality is not a basis for pride. Accomplishment is. The penis is the most unproductive appendage on the male body. The clitoris is the most unproductive appendage in the female body. The creation of children notwithstanding, they have caused more harm than good, especially for girls and women who are very often the victims of sexual aggression and/or insane, immoral religious beliefs that denigrate women and justify oppressing and physically harming them. The two organs produce nothing but a narrow band of intense pleasure not unrelated to the pleasure that comes from urinating or having a bowl movement, except those two sources of pleasure at least rid the body of waste that can be harmful if not removed.

Even the tongue proves a greater array of pleasurable experiences. Sex is a simple pleasure that sexual sensualists prolong and manipulate. That is why there are no chefs for sex, because sex is sex. Yet even for the enjoyment of food people who overdo it are not admired. They are looked down upon.  Gluttony is not a virtue; it’s a vice. In fact, restraint and fasting are consider virtuous. However, gluttony is not a sin in Biblical sense of sinfulness. It’s simply disgusting. Being called a pig is not a compliment, nor is developing the physique of a pig from overeating. Sex pigs are also pleasure gluttons. They often end up developing lesions or having unwanted children. Remember Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion wriggling on the floor doing the lesbian hump for the Grammys? The memory is disgusting, like watching flies or dogs copulating. Yes, from flies to dogs to humans, sex humping is universal. It is not uniquely human, no more than shitting and pissing are uniquely human.

Such behavior is as dignified as masturbating in public. Remember Natalie Portman masturbating in Black Swan. Now for her reputation she claims doing it was disgusting. Un huh. So why did she consent to do it? Come on, it was fun masturbating in front of all those men in the filming crew, getting them excited and frustrated because you’re too good for them. Now you say you disown it but you don’t. You love it when another actress says to you, “You were so brave to masturbate publicly.” And to Reese Witherspoon, “You were so brave in the movie Wild getting fucked with your tits shaking about, that was really wild!” And to Caitríona Balfe, “You were so brave stripping down and stripping down and stripping down and giving Sam Heughanin a blow job. Such courage is beyond words.”

Sorry, Natalie, you prostituted yourself for fame and money. You were a pig, à la John Stuart Mill, a pretty pig but a pig nonetheless. You’ve joined the Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion exhibitionist sensualist red light club and can’t get out because the Internet won’t allow it. And there is nothing lovable about women who are sex performers like Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion, and nasty little Natalie Portman. Of their own making they have become sexualized objects and by doing so degraded themselves to performing meat. They are as enchanting as a nudist colony.

Non-sensualists, often called conservatives, believe certain behaviors should be done in private: pissing, shitting, fucking, and masturbating. But not the new Hollywood that now specializes in various forms of depravity (from Latin depravare “distort, disfigure,” i.e. to make ugly). Hollywood has become a metastasizing tumor of sensualism within the national body. So sad, so sick. Biblical Jews complained about Babylon being evil, but modern Jews love living in Hollywood, America’s Babylon. It was not always though. To quote Melanie, “Look what they’ve done to our song, Ma.” (Oh, how I miss sweet Melanie.) Hollywood now engages in various forms of masturbation, things that no one wants to watch except the performers and their adoring audience of sensualists. The Oscar should be The Penis, The Testicles, or The Clitoris for the contributions of women. A woman fucking a fish with a human head. Need I say more? Remember the movie The Fly? Imagine a woman fucking a fly with a human head or with a female head. It will come! Nothing is out of bounds for today’s Babylon Hollywood. Degradation is good; modesty bad. When degradation is celebrated then nothing is degrading, not even having sex with children. Degradation becomes a meaningless word. 

Gays and Homosexual Priests

Like it or not, pedophile priests are seen as an offshoot of male homosexuality: having sex with their own gender, in this case, kids of the same gender. Priests are men and pedophilic priests like tiny penises. Ergo, such priests are a subgenre of homosexuality. Sexualism (the “the stress upon sex or sexuality as a central concern”) becomes immoral when it harms others. Evil when it harms and exploits children. To many of today’s sensualists, however, pedophilia is now accepted as a legitimate form of sexual enjoyment. In the Church of Sensualism a naked child is crucified on the cross. That was the subterranean religion of the Catholic Church. If gays don’t defend children, they will become guilty by association. 

Gays and the Rest of the World

Conservative anti-gay nations will see the decadence of the U.S. as an indication of the harm that the sex-worshiping LGBT community (only 4.5% of the population in the U.S. but now a population that controls politics, business, and entertainment) can do to a nation, thus a justification for suppressing the LGBT sex cult. The sex worshipers may take pride in their way of life, but others will be hostile to it not so much for what it is but for its ambition to transform society’s culture so that it mirror their values and way of life. Given that it makes up only 4.5% of the U.S. population, the LGBT community should avoid being seen as a threat to the other 95.5% of the population. People are quite will to tolerate quirky subgroups that are not liked but are considered harmless. If the group is considered a threat, the tolerance disappears or has to be enforced by laws, police, and jails, which will only increase the negativity.

Decadent America Cannot Be Saved

That's because half the population supports the anti-America sensualists, people who reject America and embrace decadence: “Moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.” Anti-America means the rejection of American history, culture, and values. The sensualists’ anti-America agenda is contrary to the American work ethic and principle of self-reliance, contrary to the culture of self-restraint and discipline, and contrary to the devotion to spiritual values rather than to sensualism and hedonism. The sex cult or the cult of sensualism mocks Americans’ anti-libertine values as puritanical, prudish, moral fanaticism, priggish, and hedonophobic thus homophobic. The decadents or sensualists believe that embracing decadence is saving the country, and they have the backing of movers and shakers of the entertainment and broadcast media, corporations, and the Democratic Party. Numbers count: as does the character of the people in power. The anti-America controllers of the nation have been growing in power and number. They have abandoned America. In some cases the motivation has been financial; in others it has been political. Both will embrace decadence if doing so mean more money or more votes. But at the heart of the anti-America movements—BLM, Antifa, and the Democratic Partyis a Marxist ideology fueled by a hatred of America.