This essay explores the motivation of the Biden-Harris Marxist overthrow of America. This is important because the election of Joe Biden and Afro-Jamaican-Indian Kamala Harris brought to fruition a Marxist revolution led by the Democratic Party that seeks not to change America but to destroy it just as the Marxists destroyed Russia. It is a greater threat than the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor because like a cancer the enemy exists within and now has achieved political control of the nation. The ideological motivation is the Jewish Ideology Marxism. The psychological motivation is resentment resulting from a psychological conflict between an empirically justified inferiority complex and Walter-Mitty narcissism. First the issue of anti-Semitism, which this essay will be accused of.
An important aspect of the question concerning anti-Semitism is whether
or not the Jewish people have been innocent victims or have they like other
peoples misbehaved so as to trigger animosity toward them. The American people
have committed many immoral acts, but eventually most of us owned up to them. Usually,
the motivation has been greed; however, the Judeo-Christian ideology has also
played a role. The conquest of North America and the harm that result was
justified in the context of the Old Testament. North America was Christians’
Canaan to be conquered, developed, and transformed. Christians considered
themselves as God’s chosen people. Their mission, as stated in the Book of
Genesis, was to subdue the land and multiply. Christians would be the
instruments of the redemption of Native Americans. If the pagan Indians would
not be redeemed, then they would be slaughters as the pagans were slaughtered
by the Jews, as described in the Old Testament. Other pagans from Africa were
made slaves, but it was believed that as slaves their lives were infinitely
improved because their masters would ensure that they would be redeemed in
Wild nature would be subdued either by domestication or destruction. About these events, endless books have been written by American scholars—mostly white—books about slaves, black pioneers; books about the conquest of Native Americans and about their profound cultures; and books about the destruction of nature’s wild environments and wild creatures. Americans’ mea culpa began quite early in American history. One finds its emergence in Fenimore Cooper’s novel Pioneers published during the first half of the 19th century. Then with the Civil War. My point is that many Americans have recognized the wrongs committed by their nation—even later and most poignantly and disgustingly with the Vietnam War. Yet these were evil events that occurred and ended. And most if not all Americans have admitted their faults and have tried to learn from them.
is not easily done when the cause of harm is an ideology. There, the enmity,
such as that found in the religious ideology of the Old Testament, is
unconditional, absolute, and continuing. That book describes the ancient Jews’
hating non-Jews just for who they were, not personally but categorically as the
enemies of God. And as God’s chosen people, they declared themselves to be
superior to the rest of humanity for that reason alone, not because they had
made contributions to humanity’s welfare and progress but simply because they
created an ideology that declared them as such. Self-elevation via an ideology is not in
itself the problem. That the ideology declares other people as both evil and
without moral rights is the problem.
an ideology is adopted as truth rather than a product of the imagination, it
becomes lenses that influence the believers’ interpretation of reality,
including judgments of morality and value. And when the Jewish ideology was
adopted by pagans who then became Judeo-Christians and Judeo-Muslims, they
turned on their own people for the non-crime of worshiping many gods or no god.
Neither would be a crime even if God existed. If God believed it was a crime,
he would be wrong. Simply declaring a behavior as wrong doesn’t make it wrong
even if the declaration comes from God. The notion that the true God would know
what is moral and immoral makes sense. The problem occurs when believers claim
to know what God believes. They don’t.
The Old Testament contains moral decrees based on the religious opinions of prophets, clerics, and scribes, not moral judgments based on reason, which requires philosophy, not theology. What are actually found in scripture are opinions of religious ideologues that came to be considered the declarations of God. Once the opinions became scripture they became unquestionable dogma. In the Book of Numbers (15:32-36) a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath is sentenced to death. According to Moses the Lord demands that the man be stoned to death. Most likely he was collecting firewood for a family meal. Questions: Why is God’s command always given through a spokesman high up in the religious hierarchy? Why should the spokesman be believed? It is important here to recognize this as authoritarianism that demands that authority be obeyed without question. Today gays are hated and often attacked and killed. Why? Because Jewish ideology introduced into the world the idea that homosexuality is a capital offense because it is an abomination to God. That was not the case in Greco-Roman civilization until Rome adopted Judeo-Christianity as the official religious ideology of the Roman Empire. That not only created enemies and victims where none existed before but also sins that did not exist before, such as being a homosexual or a pagan.
Every Nation’s Hands Are Dirty
question concerning anti-Semitism is whether or not the Jewish people have been
innocent victims or have they misbehaved so as to trigger animosity toward
them. Americans have committed endless immoral acts throughout America’s
history even up to today that have triggered animosity toward America and
Americans. Its reputation has been severely tarnished by slavery, destruction
of nature, the extermination of Native Americans tribes, and endless immoral
wars motivated by greed and ideology.
nation, be it the France, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Russia, China, Iraq,
Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, India, etc., has tainted itself. Are the Jews any
different, simply innocent victims of negative thinking? The answer is no. They
created an ideology that declared all the peoples of the world except their own
and sometime even their own, as evil, worthless, and having no moral
rights. In other words, that
ideology—Judaism—placed all non-members of the ideology in a situation similar
to the anti-Semitism that the Jews condemn. These other-than-us groups weren’t
even opponents of the ideology. And the Old Testament shows that Jews were
aggressed only in response to their aggression, sometimes justified, but were
never aggressed by pagans because of their religious ideology but by the ideological
offspring of Judaism—Christians and Muslims. In fact, the first anti-Semites
were Jews, the writers of the New Testament.
demonic quality of the Jewish ideology is that it embodies a nihilistic
attitude toward others because it declares their value to be that of nothing.
Judaism declared pagans to be without value simply because they were pagans,
not because they were aggressors. The most absurd aspect of the ideology is
that it declares that God considers pagans an abomination. Thus the ideology
uses God to substantiate its nihilistic claims toward others—perhaps for the
first time in history. Unfortunately, this ideology spread via Apostle Paul
like a malignant virus into Greco-Roman civilization, later into Arabia, and
finally throughout the world via bloody conquests.
yet, this negative, nihilistic thinking became encoded in religious scriptures
(the Old Testament, New Testament, and the Quran) thus like Frankenstein’s
monster couldn’t be killed once created. Evil men come and go, but religious
ideologies, unlike empirical and secular value judgments, are forever. It is
important to understand that ideologies are based on nothing more than ideas,
mostly invented. And what the three religious Judaisms did was to transform non-believers
into despicable heathens, infidels, apostates having no worth or moral rights
based on the ideas of religious ideologues such as Abraham, Moses, Apostle
Paul, and Muhammad (though the first two men were inventions like Superman and
Batman). Jesus is not on the list because Jesus the man was forgotten once
Apostle Paul transformed him into the supernatural Superhero Jesus Christ.
Jews would have us believe that they are simply innocent victims. They’re not. They complain about anti-Semitism (hostility toward Jews), often rightly so. Yet, they would have us believe that anti-Semitism is a mysterious phenomenon because it is an attitude without justification. The Holocaust Encyclopedia says, “The term antisemitism was coined only in the nineteenth century, but anti-Jewish hatred and Judeophobia (fear of Jews) date back to ancient times and have a variety of causes.” Yet, the article refers only to pogroms, violent riots launched against Jews, blood libels—false rumors that Jews used the blood of Christian children for ritual purposes, anti-Semitism politics, and publications such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The focus is only on the haters, as if Jews themselves are not and never have been at fault. So, perhaps the topic needs to be revisited, beginning with a visit to ancient times and Jewish religious ideology.
In the Jews’ Own Words: Book of
his YouTube article “The Origins of the Habiru” Seth Fleishman argues that the
Habiru and Hebrew are one and the same. He also says, “The pharaoh’s repeatedly referred to them
[Habiru/Hebrew] as an unstable element in society and if you read the start of Exodus
that is exactly what the pharaoh said is you have these people growing and
uncontrollable.” In Exodus we’re told, “Pharaoh’s officials said to him, ‘How
long will this man be a snare to us? Let the people go, so that they may
worship the Lord their God. Do you not yet realize that Egypt is ruined?’” (10:7).
Interesting point given that is exactly what Jewish ideologies do to endless
nations. Next the Jews bring their havoc
to Canaan.
pharaoh dearly wants to get rid of the Jews, saying, “The Lord be with you—if I
let you go, along with your women and children! Clearly you are bent on evil” (10:10).
Yet Yahweh, torturer, mass murderer, and mischief-maker repeatedly changes the
pharaoh’s heart: “But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he would not let
the Israelites go.” Why? In Yahweh’s words: “The Lord had said to Moses, ‘Pharaoh
will refuse to listen to you—so that my wonders may be multiplied in Egypt’” (11:9).
Wonders = sickness and slaughter. Yahweh has afflicted the Egyptians with endless
plagues, but he desires to slaughter the first born—human and non-human. Big question:
How can anyone worship such a monster?
to the point of this essay, worshipping a God that hates all people except his
own can only lead to making enemies that can only results in anti-Semitism.
Second, worshipping a God that tortures and slaughter allows one’s own people to
torture and slaughter with a clear conscience. What’s good enough for God is
good enough for us! Finally, Yahweh is a Jewish ideological invention, an
us-versus-them ideology, one that will morph into Judeo-Christianity and Judeo-Islam
and into the secular religion Marxism.
Jews Created Enemies Where
there Were None Before
The Old Testament is a religious ideology that declares that God hates non-Jews, considering them an abomination. Yahweh tells his people,
“Destroy completely all the places on the high mountains and on the hills and under every spreading tree where the nations you are dispossessing worship their gods. Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places. You must not worship the LORD your God in their way” (Deuteronomy 12:2-3).
The Book of Exodus gleefully celebrates Yahweh’s inflicting all sorts of plagues upon the Egyptians. And it’s all unnecessary because the Pharaoh is most willing to allow the Jews to leave, but Yahweh wants to show off to the pagan Egyptians. (Actually, the Jews are showing off their God.) And he does this by visiting them with ten very nasty plagues, including the tenth, the death of the first born, the very same behavior that Herod the Great is vilified for supposedly committing, though Yahweh slaughters ALL first born:
“The Lord struck down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the dungeon, and all the firstborn of the livestock. And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he and all his servants and all the Egyptians. And there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where someone was not dead (11:29-30).
Jews still celebrate the slaughter of Egyptian children during Passover. Egypt is supposed to be the bad guy, yet the Jew Joseph was able to advise the Pharaoh on how to prepare for the famine and as a result gained the favor of the Pharaoh who promoted him to Prime Minister. During that time Joseph engages in fraud by giving wealth that belongs to the Pharaoh to his own family. And F.E. Peters tells us in The Harvest of Hellenism that the Jewish population in ancient Egypt during the Hellenistic era may have reached a million, most living in Alexandria where they “grew cultured and prosperous” (296-297). So life couldn’t have been too bad for the Jews. During the Exodus,
"the whole congregation of the people of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness, and said to them, 'Would that we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the fleshpots and ate bread to the full; for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill the whole assembly'" (Exodus 16:2-3).
But the autocrats, rather than the people, always know what is best for the people. And when the people acted on their own such as worshiping a golden calf, the autocrats kill them, acting on orders from God, of course (3000 men murdered to be exact, Exodus 32:28). Even God joins in by sending a plague on the people (32:35). Important here is that scripture (ideology) can be used to justify severely punishing disobedience even when the disobedience was joyful and harmed no one. But the Jews were prisoners of their hateful ideology, as they are today. That is why they couldn’t compromise with the Canaanites then and can’t compromise with the Palestinians today.
Deuteronomy: Death to Jews
Sympathetic to Paganism
“Your own blood brother, your son, your daughter, your beloved wife, or your friend who is like your soul mate may entice you quietly. He may tell you, ‘Let’s go and serve other gods’ (whom neither you nor your ancestors have known from the gods of the people that surround you—whether near or far from you—from one end of the earth to the other). You are not to yield to him, listen to him, look with pity on him, show compassion to him, or even cover up for him. Instead, you are surely to execute him. You must be the first to put him to death with your own hand, and then the hands of the whole community. Stone him to death, because he sought to lure you from the Lord your God, who brought you from the land of Egypt, from the land of slavery” (13:6-10).
Deuteronomy: Conquest and
“When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you—and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire” (7:1-5).
Book of Joshua and the Ethnic Cleansing
of Canaanites
“So Joshua subdued the whole region, including the hill country, the Negev, the western foothills and the mountain slopes, together with all their kings. He left no survivors. He totally destroyed all who breathed, just as the Lord, the God of Israel, had commanded. Joshua subdued them from Kadesh Barnea to Gaza and from the whole region of Goshen to Gibeon. All these kings and their lands Joshua conquered in one campaign, because the Lord, the God of Israel, fought for Israel” (10:40-42). And Netanyahu is damn proud to be following in Joshua's bloody footsteps.
Following Yahweh’s orders, eventually Jews “utterly destroyed all in the city [Jericho], both men and women, young and old, oxen, sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword” (Joshua 6:21). And why? Not because of what the people of Jericho did but because of who they were: people Yahweh declared to be absolutely worthless. Excuse me, but I don't see the difference between the Jews’ treatment of the pagans of Jericho and Hitler's treatment of the Jews.
After long years of wandering in the desert, permission came at last for the Israelites to conquer the Promised Land. The story of Joshua is the story of the conquest. Permission from whom? God, of course. Here we see one of the most devastating notions that the Jews inflicted upon humanity: that conquest and slaughter are justified if done according to God’s bidding. Judeo-Christians and Judeo-Muslims would follow suit.
The Old Testament Is an
Ideology of Hate
is no book other than the Quran (inspired by Judaism) so fill with hatred of
everyone. It is a declaration of hatred on a global scale. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is Lilliputian
by comparison. The Old Testament declares not only that people outside one’s
tribe are to be hated but that they are to be hated just for being outsiders.
More than that, as such they have no moral rights and thus can be destroyed.
In the most sinister fashion, the Abrahamic religions suspend all rights and
values of outsiders so that toward others their religion becomes religious
nihilism. How could the Jews create such an ideology and worldview and expect
not to be hated?
Joshua 6:21 says, “Then they utterly destroyed all in the city, both men and women, young and old, oxen, ship, and asses, with the edge of the sword.” This is bloody nihilism, an absolute absence of morality. And the Holocaust was nothing more than a modern version of this mindset.
Then Came Along a Man Named
I’m not a Judeo-Christian for
two reasons. The first is that I don’t want to be Judaized, which is basically
surrendering my mind to a religious ideology. I want to keep my mind free of
ideological clutter, and I don’t want to become slave to the Jews’ version of
God or any other God for that matter. Second, the Jewish religious ideology is
hideous and toxic. So what about Jesus? The existential, pre-corrupted Jesus
was a man of peace, spirituality, and morality. He argued that women and
children should be defended, not slaughtered. He protects women against
aggressive Pharisees. Traditional
Jews were less gentle than Jesus. About a newly married wife accused of not
being a virgin the Old Testament says, “If, however, the charge is true and no
proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the
door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to
death” (Deuteronomy 22:20-21). Such is the view of a tyrannical, vengeful
masculine God. How different from Jesus’ defense of the adulteress (John 8
verses 6-7) and the prostitute (Luke 7:47). What is seen in each case is the
Jungian anima at work in Jesus.
The uncorrupted, historical,
existential Jesus said Enough! There is a
better way to live, a way that involves helping rather than hurting, peace
rather than war. Jesus’s message concerning violence was, “You have heard
that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth’ (Leviticus 24:19-20).* But
I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right
cheek, turn to them the other cheek also’” (Matthew 5:38-39). The false Christ
savior (Apostle Paul’s construct) says, “Do not suppose that I have come to
bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew
10:34). These are not Jesus’ words but those of the writer of the gospel who is
full of hatred. Jesus ≠ Christ. The latter is an invention by Jews full of
hate. Jesus was the first Jew who believed hatred of the other needed to be
overcome. His parable of the Good Samaritan says as much. For that, the Jews
had him murdered.
* However I do agree with Leviticus 24:21: “whoever kills a human being is to be put to death.” If the killing was murder, that is intentional, and the victim innocent. A criminal who has taken an innocent person’s life has no moral right to live his life. A murderer gives up his right to live when he has denied another person that right. The very notion that criminal monsters have a right to live is ludicrous. Jesus’ morality would make sense if evil monsters would end up in Hell as he believed they did. But they won’t because Hell doesn’t exist except the hell on earth created by evil monsters such as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, and I would include monsters made in America such as slave owners who abused their slaves, Indians killers such as William Henry Harrison and Andrew Jackson, and post-WWII warmongers such as LBJ and G.W. Bush.
Of course Crucifixion wasn’t deicide
because Jesus was just a man. It was Paul who transformed him into a god making
Christianity a binary-theistic religion. His new and improved Judaism preferred
death to life. Jesus’ crime was to offer a new and improved variation of
Judaism that was peopled-centered rather than God-centered. For this he was
declared a heretic. A heretic is a free thinker and the ancient Jews did not tolerate
independent thinking, declaring heresy a capital crime. The Old Testament
describes a number of incidents of independent thinkers being put to death. One
involves a man named Korah who, along with two hundred and fifty leaders,
questions Moses’ authority. Korah’s concern is that Moses had become a
dictator. He says, “You have gone too far! For all the congregation are holy...
Why then do you exalt yourself above the assembly of the Lord” (16:3). The
result is that Korah and his people are destroyed by God.
The Jews introduced into the world
heresy as a capital crime. Important here is the fact that if God (the ideology
in reality) destroys people that is taken as a justification that his followers
can do the same. Charles Freeman tells us that Augustine’s rationale for
persecution would “be exploited in the centuries to come” against the “Cathars,
a sect which preached a return to the ascetic ideals of early Christianity:
‘Nearly twenty thousand of the citizens were put to the sword regardless of age
and sex.” The response of abbot Arnaud Amaury, who played a prominent role in
the Cathar Crusade, was “The workings of divine vengeance have been wondrous’”
(The Closing of the Western Mind 296).
“Augustine’s rationale for persecution was to be used to justify slaughter (as
of the Cathars or the native Peoples of America)” (299).
The effect of the heresy legacy has been catastrophic. It would lead not only to the persecution of specific religious groups within a religion, and there have been dozens, but to endless religious wars such as those between Protestants and Catholics and between Sunni and Shia Muslim sects.
Apostle Paul and the
Destruction of Classical Civilization
Paul introduced the pagan-hating Jewish religious ideology into Rome. Emperor Constantine’s adoption of Judeo-Christian ideology would bring classical civilization to an end. Charles Freeman says at the end of his book, “I would reiterate the central theme of this book: that the Greek intellectual tradition was suppressed rather than simply faded away” (340). This catastrophic event has been recently described in Catherine Nixey’s The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World. This might have been avoided if Christians had let go of the old anti-pagan Judaism and adopted only the teaching of Jesus, not Paul’s Christ. But they didn’t. What happened was Paul and his gang of apostles infected Western civilization with an alien eastern ideology, most likely born in Egypt where the Jews adopted it. Jews were once just like all the other polytheists. So what changed? Freud explains in his book Moses and Monotheism. The Jews’ intolerant monotheism was a corruption of Western civilization would destroy it completely for a time during the Dark Ages, known for its killing of witches and heretics, it destruction of schools of philosophy, it impediment of scientific progress, its inquisitions, and its global program to conquer the entire world in the name of Judeo-Christianity.
Islam Is a Jewish Religious
Muslims are people who have been Judaized, i.e., programmed by a Jewish ideology. That was made possible by Muhammad who adopted
Judaism as a means to power. He wasn’t the first. Moses was perhaps the first.
He was, Freud tells us in Moses and
Monotheism, “an Egyptian whom a people needed to make into a Jew” (16). He
was “perhaps a prince, priest, or high official—to place himself at the head of
a throng of culturally inferior immigrants, and to leave the country with them”
(18). Apostle Paul saw Jesus’ religious ideology as a means to power. His
writing dominates the New Testament. Then there was Augustine of Hippo (who was
no saint) who converted to Catholicism once he realized pagans were doomed in
Rome. He was second only to Paul in bringing to realization the Hebrew conquest
of the pagans. Then Muhammad would join the program, which was more like a
pogrom of pagans. For centuries to follow, Muslims would engage in bloody
conquests of pagan nations until Islam ruled a territory equal to that of the
Roman Empire. Unlike Judeo-Christianity, Jesus had no influence upon Islam.
Islam took its guidance from the Old Testament. Islamic aggression continues
Endless histories describe even celebrate the Islamic conquests. I’ve never understood the celebration of slaughter. In his A History of the World Andrew Marr tells us that “The Muslims wrecked many of the glories of Hindu civilization, smashing old temples and art, Just as Protestant destroyed monasteries and Catholic religious art” (331). In her Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen Nancy Ross says, “There are a number of explanations for the final complete decline of Buddhism in the land of its birth... the arrival on the Indian scene of invading Muslim peoples who, out of their fixed fanatical belief in Allah as the one and only God, made ruthless attacks on Buddhist schools, monasteries, shrines and works of art” (129). That behavior continues today as is illustrated by the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan by the Taliban and 105 students killed in the bombing of a girls’ school by the Taliban. This is how a Jewish ideology turns people into monsters.
Hannah Arendt and the Origins
of Anti-Semitism
the opening of her The Origins of
Totalitarianism she says “Antisemitism, a secular nineteenth-century
ideology—which in name, though not in argument, was unknown before the 1870’s”
(xiii). If anti-Semitism means hatred of Jews, it has been around since ancient
times. It may go back as far as the so-called Jewish exodus. Most likely, the Jews
did not escape from Egypt but were driven out. Freud says in Moses and Monotheism that “After the
supremacy of Egypt had collapsed, hordes of warlike Aramaeans had flooded the
country, conquering and pillaging, and thus had shown where a capable people could
seize new land.... They are called Habiru” (33). The Jews exhibited the same
behavior when they invaded Canaan. In the Old Testament the behavior and
thinking of the Jews give no reason why they would not be hated. Even in the
New Testament the behavior of the Jewish leadership such as the Sadducees and Pharisees
is impossible to like. Jesus stands out because he is so different from the
members of the Jewish religious hierarchy.
here is that the ideologues are a different breed of men (and women in today’s
American political arena) than the common people. They stir up hatred and
fanaticism among the people, just as the Communist leadership and Hitler did,
but ordinary people mostly only want to be allowed to work and raise their
families. Throughout history, leadership bring calamity upon people. Jerusalem
suffered greatly from war throughout ancient times, perhaps because of its
location. Morton Smith tells us in Hellenism
and the Rise of Rome that Jerusalem... was taken a dozen times between 332
and 177 by Greek armies and presumably had a Greek garrison through the whole
period” (251). The Romans would be next. Before the Greeks it was the Assyrians
and Babylonians. Wikipedia says, “During
its long history, Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times, captured and recaptured
44 times, besieged 23 times, and destroyed twice” (“History of Jerusalem”).
In ancient times these were primarily wars of conquest or just a love of war, but they were driven by war-loving leadership. Yet in Homer’s story of the Trojan War there are anti-war elements. When the Trojan War began, the wise Odysseus tried to avoid participating in the war by feigning lunacy. As a result of his fighting in the war, his homeland deteriorated through neglect. A lesson America should have learned after World War II. Even the great Achilles was disguised as a girl to avoid being drafted into the war that would kill him. The ancient Greeks were warriors out of necessity in a militant world but also understood the cost of war, which would eventually destroy the flower of Greek civilization—Athens. They loved life more than they loved war, which is true for most ordinary people, but not for their ever-greedy, ever foolish leadership. Yet, as if there wasn’t enough to fight about, Jewish ideologies gave another reason and justification for warfare. What makes these ideologies especially heinous is that they sanctify the most horrific activity engaged in by men. Yet, all the Jewish ideologies advocate war—with the exception of Jesus’ spiritual philosophy of peace, which was militarized by his followers. What lunacy to go to war over an idea, though the idea was often a cover for greed, conquest, and will to power.
Marxism: Another Us-versus-Them
First of all, have you noticed that the Jewish ideologies just discussed are proletariat in spirit and motivation? As Nietzsche says, they are the product of resentment. In the modern era another Jewish prophet, this time a secular one, emerged with an ideology from hell: Karl Marx. Bloody stages of Judaism. (1) Slaughter of the Canaanites. (2) Judeo-Christians’ assault on the pagans of the Greco-Roman empire as described by Catherine Nixey. (3) Judeo-Islam conquests and slaughter as described by numerous historians. (4) And now Marxism. Like the other Jewish ideologies it embodies an us-versus-them scenario. Yet, the truly bad guys—like corporate management—are a minority. The vast majority are just ordinary people trying to make a living for their families but are declared evil because they refuse to become members of the Marxist club. It’s the same old story: Jews versus pagans; Judeo-Christians versus pagans, Jews, and later on Muslims; and Judeo-Muslims versus pagans, Jews, and Christians, and all against heretics within the fold. Today in the U.S. it’s the followers of the Biden-Harris neo-Marxism against the old America.
The Communist Manifesto
is an us-versus-them Jewish ideology that calls for conquest, the overcoming of
all non-Communist nations. Some would argue that the Manifesto wasn’t only Jewish because Frederick Engels helped to
write it. Wikipedia, however, says, “Although Engels is credited as co-writer, the final draft
was penned exclusively by Marx. From the 26 January letter, Laski infers that
even the Communist League considered Marx to be the sole draftsman and that he
was merely their agent, imminently replaceable. Further, Engels himself wrote
in 1883: ‘The basic thought running through the Manifesto [...] belongs solely
and exclusively to Marx’” (“The Communist
Manifesto”). And in the preface to the English edition of 1888 Engels says,
“The Manifesto being our joint
production, I consider myself bound to state that the fundamental proposition,
which forms its nucleus, belongs to Marx” (Economic
and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 Karl Marx 206). Thus, Communism is a Jewish ideology as the
text itself reveals. And like all the other Jewish ideologies: one man decides
for all men. Be that man Moses, Paul, Muhammad, or Marx.
was an exception. In the story of Jesus and the young rich man or ruler, Jesus allows
the man to decide whether he wants to join Jesus' club, which would require
giving up his wealth. "At this the
man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth" (Gospel of
Mark 10:17–31). The rich man was allowed to walk away. How different from
Marxism, which would demand the rich man be killed for refusing to give up his
wealth to become a proletariat Bolshevik.
begins, “A specter is haunting Europe—the specter of communism” (208). So true!
A specter that would cause the deaths of millions of innocent people and
imprison millions more in terrifying totalitarian regimes. Marx’s mindset
reflects that of all of the Jewish ideologies: “oppressor and oppressed, stood
in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden,
now open fight, a fight that each time ended either in a revolutionary
reconstruction of society at large or in the common ruin of the contending
class” (209). From the very beginning Jews saw life as a war. And all human
beings belonged to one army or the other. Never mind all the accomplishments,
all the love and goodness that have been part of life. And always, the need for
revolution that requires the destruction of the other—men, women, and children
so that the Jewish utopia—be it that of Judaism, Judeo-Christianity,
Judeo-Islam, or Marxism—can be created from the carnage. Recently, we’ve seen
this scenario take place in the U.S. Revolutionary mobs attacking police,
looting stores, and burning streets. What the Biden-Harris neo-Marxists have in
mind as a post-America utopia that is anything but utopian.
it was Jew versus pagan, then Christian versus pagan and Jew, then Islam versus
pagan, Jew, and Christian, each against all others. Now Marx tells us, “Society
as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two
great classes directly facing each other: bourgeoisie and proletariat” (210). That
is certainly true in America. One camp, the presently in power, seeks to
demolish America; the other seeks to preserve it. In Biden-Harris neo-Marxist
agenda the bourgeoisie, the most productive segment of the population remains
the enemy of the people but is color coded as white bourgeoisie. Thus the white
bourgeoisie versus the red revolutionaries. During the Marxist takeover of
Russia the anti-communist forces were
the white army that fought against the reds, the communist Bolsheviks. The red
revolutionaries wanted to overthrow Russia by cleansing it of it cultural and
historical identity. The new nation would become national factory, much like
today’s China, in which citizens were reduced to the status of workers. Their
identity was determined by the ideology, rather than by history, culture, or individual self-realization. They were produced in assembly-line fashion, each modified for a
particular task that would serve the needs of the state.
ideology seeks to turn humanity into robots, the proletariat no longer working
for cash but for the deified State. The robots all think the same because they
have all been programmed by the same ideology. Under communist rule uniqueness
disappears: all are workers for the State. For Marxism the old cultures must disappear
to be replaced by a rational, mechanized universal culture. Imagine a society
managed and operated in a way similar to a corporation like Amazon. The old
faiths and ways of living must disappear. In Biden-Harris neo-Marxism those old
ways are associated with white society and culture. The goal is to transform
America into a society like that of Communist China and North Korea but one in
which the counter-revolutionary bourgeoisie
are white Americans. White Americans seek to preserve their homeland,
and the neo-Marxists want it to disappear.
societies have improved without Communism, without Marxism. The capitalists were
by and large white Westerners. And Marxist ideology is not needed to allow
socialist elements such as government supported minimum wage, education,
retirement, medical care, and unemployment benefits to improve the quality of
life of citizens. The super-wealthy should pay high taxes, but the existence of
such people does not require rioting and burning small businesses. It’s Marx
who makes revolution all about money—“cash
payment.” The neo-Marxists make revolution all about skin color and Western civilization: whites
are inherently evil and people of color are inherently good. Western
civilization, including America and Europe, is inherently evil. Non-Western
cultures, i.e., non-white cultures, are inherently good. The neo-Marxist
Biden-Harris administration seek to create a state in which the controllers are
either people of color or white collaborators who have repudiated themselves
and their fellow Caucasians.
From the neo-Marxist perspective they are sinners and whiteness is their
original sin. They cannot be cleansed of their sinfulness but only make amends
for their sinfulness by supporting the revolution.
Marx says, “The bourgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all, even the most barbarian, nations into civilization.” Incredibly this is a criticism. “The cheap prices of its commodities are the heavy artillery” (213). And who were the hated bourgeois inventors and producers of these technological advancements? Hated White people, at least until Asian nations became Westernized during the closing decades of the twentieth century. Better those commodities be unaffordable? And why else are the barbarians flooding into Western capitalist nations that neo-Marxists consider inferior to the failed states being fled because the Western nations are the nations of white people? The invaders want progress. They want civilization. They want economic opportunity. Marx says that the bourgeoisie “has thus rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life” (213). The same redneck, country bumpkins hated by Hollywood, the propaganda wing of the neo-Marxists. What a snob to equate idiocy with rural life, about which he knew nothing.
The Romantic Movement, which occurred simultaneously with Marx, saw country life differently and offered an understanding the effects of industrialism (and even oppressive, greedy landlords) on the individual and families and on nature that was far more profound and humane than Marxism. And the Romantic Movement was the product of white, Western societies. No wonder the urban proletariat of Russia had to slaughter the peasants who didn’t want Marxist Communism destroying their way of life. To neo-Marxists the great cities are the utopias of America—like New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Albuquerque, Miami, Dayton, Oakland, Daytona Beach, Shreveport, Little Rock, etc. listed among USA Today Money's 50 cities where the American dream has soured. (“These are the worst cities to live in based on quality of life.”) The urban decline in America has accelerated with the neo-Marxists-political nihilists’ takeover of the nation. The situation reminds me of the last stanza of the Joe Cocker song “Now That The Magic Has Gone”:
that the magic has gone
just wanna walk away
left to say, anyway
that the magic has gone
no sense in holding on
now that the magic is gone
that the magic has gone
just wanna walk away
Nothing left to say
bourgeoisie, during its rule of scarce one hundred years, has created more
massive and more colossal productive forces than have all the preceding
generations together. Subjection of nature’s forces to man, machinery,
application of chemistry to industry and agriculture, steam navigation,
railways, electric telegraphs, clearing whole continents for cultivation,
canalization of rivers...” (214). Yet Marx would do away with the bourgeoisie.
One must only compare humanity’s inability to respond to the Black Death (a
bacterial plague) that hit Europe in 1347 and claimed 200 million lives in just
four years to its ability to respond to the COVID-19 virus. Capitalistic
corporations quickly produced vaccines and other technologies to combat the
virus. Today, several classes of antibiotics are effective in treating the
various forms of the plague. These scientific improvements were the work of bourgeois
scientists. Famous People: Virologist
list 34 of the most of the most renown virologists, both men and women,
including Jonas Salk, Robert Gallo,
Hilary Koprowski, Luc Montagnier, Albert Sabin, David Baltimore, and Françoise
Barré-Sinoussi, and Marion Koopmans. Among the list was only one non-white David
Ho. Still, to the neo-Marxist Biden-Harris cult these white scientists are evil
because they are white.
complains that with capitalism “All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their
train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away. All
that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned...” (212). What he
describes is what occurs with Communism, not capitalism. Capitalistic
technology and economics do introduce new ways of living but do not demand the
destruction of the old ways. That is what Marx demands. That is what Communism
demands. That is what the neo-Marxist Biden-Harris cult demands. And that is
what Jewish ideologies—Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Marxism—have always
demanded. Away with the pagan, away with Western civilization, which is
essentially Greco-Roman, not Egyptian, not Persian, not Babylonian, not Indian,
not Chinese, but away with them as well. And certainly not Hebrew. Western
Civilization’s roots are Western as the term indicates, not Eastern. Those
roots were corrupted by the Jewish ideology which replaced reason with
superstition. All that is solid (distinct cultures) has melted into air as a
result of Judaism’s offspring: Christianity, Islam, and Marxism. So much of
humanity are the puppets of Jewish ideologies, and now the neo-puppets of the
neo-Marxist ideology are seeking revolution in the U.S.
Marx concludes after reviewing the successes of bourgeois civilization that “it
becomes evident that the bourgeoisie is unfit any longer to be the ruling
class... [and that] Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie; in other
words, its existence is no longer compatible” (221). The Biden-Harris cult
feels the same about white Americans, who have become the neo-bourgeoisie of
the Biden-Harris cult. Thus white Americans must be exterminated just as the
pagans were exterminated by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. And infamous
communist leaders such as Joseph-Stalin,
Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Fidel-Castro,
Kim Jong-un, and China’s present Communist leadership would replace the
bourgeoisie of every color. Thus, “The immediate aim of the communists:
formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow of the bourgeois
supremacy, conquest of political power by the proletariat” (223). Conquest of
the other (always very bloody) is the central theme of all the Jewish
Biden-Harris neo-Marxist cult seeks to exterminate only one color of the
bourgeoisie: white. Hitler changed the law to legally get rid of Jews.
Biden-Harris changed the law to get rid of white Americans. The former used
extermination. The latter is using minoritization, a disappearing trick to make
white Americans disappear in a flood of non-white refugees, it’s the drowning
of whiteness in America. All that is needed is corruption of the law or simply
not enforcing the law.
“The distinguishing feature of communism is not the abolition of property generally, but the abolition of bourgeois property” (223). In other words, “In the single sentence: Abolition of private property." Is owning nothing but one’s toothpaste and toothbrush really utopian? I see a moral contradiction: serving the people by confiscating their property. Perhaps Prophet Marx’s most terrifying declaration that would be imposed upon millions of individuals is this: “The abolition of bourgeois individuality, bourgeois independence, and bourgeois freedom is undoubtedly aimed at” (225). Who are the bourgeoisie? People who fall into the middle class, own property, traditional, conservative, and work hard to become financially successful. In her biography Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Harriet Jacobs describes that the suppressing of individuality and banning of private property were conditions of the slave: “according to Southern laws, a slave, being property, can hold no property” (8). In fact, life in a communist society is similar to that on an American slave plantation. The Biden-Harris spin on the abolition of property and the abolition of individuality is the abolition of white Americans. That’s what neo-Marxist open-borders movement is all about in America and other Western nations. To make whites disappear via the process of minoritization. Actually, globally whites are already a minority. But that’s not enough for the anti-white neo-Marxists. They want whites to disappear like a sugar cube in a cup of black coffee.
Back to Dismal Marx
Perhaps most bizarre is what Marx says about the Bourgeois and the family, which he would like to see vanish: “The bourgeois claptrap about the family and education, about the hallowed co-relation of parent and child, becomes all the most disgusting, the more, by the action of modern industry, all family ties among the proletarians are torn asunder and their children transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labor” (227). Children were always instruments of labor, and in the Communist state EVERYONE (except the politburo) is an instrument of labor. What changed was the rise of industrial production: the factory. And it was usually bourgeois men who improved working condition:
came in 1833 when the Factory Act was passed. The Act not only created the post
of factory inspector, but also made it illegal for textile factories to employ
children less than 9 years of age. The Act came at a time when reformers like
Richard Oastler were publicising the terrible working conditions of children,
comparing the plight of child labourers to that of slaves. The timing was
significant: slavery was abolished in the British empire in 1833-4” (“Child
labour,” online article). Richard Oastler was the son of Robert Oastler, a bourgeois linen
Engels was a business man. He wrote an important and quite moving exposé titled
The Condition of the Working Class in
England. Perhaps the best known is the wealthy bourgeois businessman Robert
Owen: “The pioneering work of Robert Owen, a Welsh radical, at New Lanark in
Scotland, is sometimes credited as being the birth of British Socialism. He
stopped employing Children under the age of 10, and instead arranged for their
education, and improved the working and living conditions of all his workers.
He also lobbied Parliament over child labour, and helped to create the
co-operative movement, before attempting to create a utopian community at New
preceded Marx, and like Jesus he believed what was needed was a revolution in
morality, not a bloody political revolution. Important here is the difference
between problem-centered socialism and Marxist revolutionary socialism. The one
has the government play a role in addressing specific social problems and
ensuring that essential services such as education and medical care are
available to all citizens; the other seeks the cleansing of the old culture and
the creation of a new culture based on an ideology. The former has produced
nations such as Great Britain, France, Sweden, and Denmark, Switzerland, Netherlands,
and New Zealand. The latter produced the Soviet Union, Communist China,
Communist Cuba, and North Korea.
says, “The bourgeois sees in his wife a mere instrument of production.... Our
bourgeois, not content with having the wives and daughters of their proletarian
at their disposal... take the greatest pleasure in seducing each other wives”
(227-228). He should know given he used Helene Demuth as a housekeeper and got
her pregnant. Marx's wife the beautiful Jenny von Westphalen had been on a trip
abroad nine months prior to the birth. After Marx’s death, Demuth moved to
Engels's home, where she ran the household. These two communists had no
reservations about using women to perform domestic labor. The truth is
bourgeois men do not see their wives as mere instruments of production.
Marx blames the bourgeois for the vanishing of countries and nationality. Yet adds that “The supremacy of the proletariat will cause them to vanish still faster” (228). This is reminiscent of the other Jewish ideologies. 1. Judaism wanting to put an end to paganism or at least subdue it to Judaism: “All nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:3). 2. Judeo-Christianity: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). Judeo-Islam: The Quran is a declaration of war upon humanity. Its goal is to transform global society into a theological monoculture with the entire population submitted to the will of Allah. Islam is from Arabic, meaning surrender to God. Muslim is from the Arabic meaning one who surrenders. No two worldviews are more similar than Marxism and Muhammadanism. Both represent the destruction of the individual. Industrialism may have transformed workers in physical robots. But Marxism and Muhammadanism transform them into mental robots by programming the minds of their followers. Animals have more freedom than do Bolsheviks and Muslims. And the variety of animals and their cultures is endless. That’s what makes the animal and plant kingdoms so wonderful and beautiful as opposed to Marxist and Islamic monocultures. Boring sameness is their distinctive feature.
Marx’s to do list (Manifesto
Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public
A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. Perhaps not a bad idea in the age
of individuals worth many billions of dollars. In part because we’ve discovered
that the super-rich are very often like Marx: revolutionaries who want to
control and to transform society. And they have the money to fund their
Abolition of all right of inheritance. That’s consistent with the State owning
all property and individuals owning none.
Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. Few emigrants who
come to America have property. That's why they come to America. Confiscating
the property of rebels would be a way of keeping critics silent.
Centralization of credit in the hands of the state. No more credit unions or
local independent banks.
Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the
state. The centralization of communication in America has almost been achieved.
(Certainly true today given leftist media now dominate public discourse.) Next
will be the elimination of automobiles. Here is the ideal: in the mid-1970s,
only 0.8 percent of the Soviet population owned a car. That is the mission of the
Biden-Harris Green New Deal: to Sovietize America.
Extension of factories and instruments of production own by the state. We’ve
seen how well that worked in the Soviet Union which made nothing anyone wanted
to buy, not even Soviets. Russia hasn’t recovered.
Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. So much for the
independent American farmer.
Gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more
equable distribution of the population over the country. Like the forced
transfer of various groups from the 1930s up to the 1950s ordered by Joseph
Stalin, in some cases to fill ethnically cleansed territories. “Soviet archives
documented 390,000 deaths during kulak [peasants with over 8 acres of land,
i.e., private property] forced resettlement and up to 400,000 deaths of persons
deported to forced settlements during the 1940s; however, Nicolas Werth places
overall deaths closer to some 1 to 1.5 million perishing as a result of the
deportations” (“Population transfer in the Soviet Union,” Wikipedia). Marx never said the road to his utopia would be easy.
He didn’t want it to be. He was a revolutionary. Besides, like the wealthy left
of Hollywood and big-tech corporations such as Amazon, Facebook, Google,
Microsoft, and Twitter, it wasn’t a road he would have to travel.
“Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the
existing social and political order of things” (Manifesto 243). Thus like Judaism, Judeo-Christianity, and
Judeo-Islam, the revolutionary intention of Marxism was global. Another Jewish
ideology that sought to transform humanity to fit is its idea of how humans
should live and think.
Body Count
unclear whether Marxism’s body count exceeded that of the other Jewish
ideologies. If not, it must have come close because it had the advantage of
murderous modern technology.
Stalin: “the second most lethal mass
killer of modern times. (The first is Mao, the third, Hitler)” (Marr 469). J.M.
Roberts say, “In a new civil war millions of [Russian] peasants were killed or
transported, and grain levies brought back famine....The price in suffering was
enormous. The enforcement of collectivization was only made possible by
brutality on a scale far greater than anything seen under the tsars and it made
Russia a totalitarian state” (History of
the World 727).The first two are monstrous creations of the Jewish
ideology; the third became a monster because he considered Marxism as a threat
to his homeland. Let’s face it; it was. One of the characteristics of Marxism,
like Judeo-Christianity and Judeo-Islam, is its assault on other peoples’ cultures.
It seeks to erase the old cultures and replace them with one created from an
Mao: “Mao’s land seizures and
political purges in the early 1950s killed up to three million people....”
Mao’s gulag system “may well have killed twenty-seven million.” His Great Leap
Forward killed an estimated thirty-eight million people.... Mao showed
absolutely no pity or even much interest” (Marr 537-538). This is the mindset
of an ideologue. If the ideology demands death, then so be it without pity.
This is reminiscing of Jewish conquests described in Old Testament—no pity,
just death.
Somin says that “Collectively, communist states killed as many as 100 million
people, more than all other repressive regimes combined during the same time
period” (“Lessons from a century of communism”). The number of dead
individuals, yes individuals with unique lives, hopes, fears, ambitions, loves,
and so on, is fucking staggering and fucking sickening.
From Marxism: the View from America: reflecting on the Communists’ “deep sense of mission” and on whether Marxism is a religion or ideology, Clinton Rossiter says, “Where else but from Marxism could they get the confidence, zeal, and energy that drive them relentlessly to foment revolution in fifty or more countries around the world?” (258). Clearly, Marxism is a secular religion in which superficially the State has replaced God. Yet, in all the Jewish ideologies the true object of worship is the ideology.
Why Hitler’s Hatred of the
As noted above, John
Toland says in his biography Adolf Hitler
that Hitler’s “simmering hatred of Jews had been activated by what he himself
had witnessed on the streets of Munich. Everywhere Jews in power: first Eisner
[who organized the Socialist Revolution that overthrew the monarchy in Bavaria
(1918)], then anarchists like Toller, and finally Russian Reds like Levine. In
Berlin it had been Rosa Luxemburg; in Budapest Bela Kun, in Moscow Trotsky,
Zinoviev and Kamenev. The conspiracy Hitler had previous suspected was turning
into a reality” (vol. I, 88).
Andrew Marr says, “It is likely, however, that Hitler’s loathing of the Jews really began shortly after Germany’s defeat in 1918, when he returned with his regiment, as a highly decorated corporal, to Munich.... Over the winter and early spring of 1918-19, anarchists and Communists established a revolutionary ‘Red Republic’ in Bavaria mimicking the Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia.... Many of its leaders had been Jewish” (477). And “By the early 1920s Germany seemed to many to be on the edge of Communist revolution” (478). “Hitler equates Bolshevik Communism and Jews, but also finds the Jews pulling the strings of its apparent enemy, international capitalism” (475). It’s amazing that Jews have thrived in capitalist America but hate the country because it is capitalist. They never could free themselves from Marxist ideology. It seems Jews always need an enemy, even among those who allow them to thrive. America is simply a replay of the Jews hatred of Egyptians in ancient times. Today the pagan Egyptians are replaced by bourgeois Americans, for the Squad (no white Americans allowed) and the Biden-Harris neo-Marxist cult it’s white bourgeois Americans. Anti-white Americans are allowed to thrive because their power becomes the power of the revolution.
The Jews and Totalitarianism
already noted, Hannah Arendt says in The
Origins of Totalitarianism, “Antisemitism, a secular nineteenth-century
ideology—which in name, though not in argument, was unknown before the 1870’s”
(xiii). And her discussion of totalitarianism focuses on the Soviet Union and
Nazi Germany. So for her, totalitarianism is a modern phenomenon. Clinton
Rossiter Marxism: the View from America
claims that Marx was not a totalitarian (really!) “for totalitarianism, it is
agreed, is very much an institutional and ideological phenomenon of the
twentieth century...” (244) Again, “I am not saying that he was totalitarian,
for the breed did not exist until the 1920s” (254).
humbly disagree with these two eminent scholars. Judaism is the origin of
totalitarianism. As Rossiter suggests, totalitarianism is a step beyond the
common autocratic systems of government. The key difference is found in the
word total. A totalitarian regime
seeks to control not only behavior but also thought. Since the beginning of
civilization, dictatorships have existed in great numbers without an ideology.
Its methodology made the Catholic Church the first totalitarian institution.
Yet, its roots were Jewish ideology. The Old Testament describes how the
priests controlled both the behavior and thinking of the people. Those who
thought outside the ideological box were killed, as illustrated in stories of
the Golden Calf and Korah, who rebelled against Moses. And of course the
killing of the heretic Jesus. Clearly, Islam is a totalitarian
religious/political system based on Jewish ideology. Dictatorships were common
in ancient times, but totalitarianism was inconsistent with polytheism. Key
here is that embedded in monotheism is the demand that a single idea—forget
about God for the moment—must be adhered to. It is the oppression of an idea
that characterizes totalitarianism.
Forced ideological indoctrination creates aberrant human beings by destroying their humanity rooted in freedom, in particular, freedom of thought. Jesus respected that which makes people human by allowing them to choose for themselves what to believe. This attitude is what makes Jesus an existentialist rather than a totalitarian. His view is consistent with Jean-Paul Sartre’s claim that humans are embodiments of freedom. Thus, to deny them their freedom is to dehumanize them. Jesus respected people’s right to choose. He wanted his disciples to use argumentation to convert people to Christianity, as Paul does, not to torment or threaten them into submission. He never chooses for others, as did the Catholic Church and that other Judaism Islam continues to do.
Neoconservatism: The Fifth
Jewish Ideology
In Taking the Fight to the Enemy:
Neoconservatism and the Age of Ideology, Adam Fuller provides a list of
“the first generation of neoconservatives”: “Irving Kristol, Gertrude
Himmelfarb, Norman Podhoretz, Midge Decter, Daniel Bell, and Nathan Glazer”
(1). They are all Jewish. The title of Fuller's book is noteworthy because it
identifies the defining characteristic of all Jewish ideologies: the presence
of an enemy that must be destroyed.
Stephen Sniegoski: The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative
Agenda, war in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel
About the first generation of neoconservatives Sniegoski says, “Most originated in New York, and most were Jews” (25). According to Gal Beckerman, “[i]f there is an intellectual movement in America to whose invention Jews can lay sole claim, neoconservatism is it.” “Neoconservative Max Boot acknowledged that ‘support of Israel’” had been and remained a ‘key tenet of neoconservatism.’” “In the United States, it is sometimes taboo to say that the neoconservative are primarily Jewish or that they are concerned about Israel” (26). Sniegoski says that “the movement has been Jewish inspired, Jewish-oriented, and Jewish-dominated” (28). “The original flagship of the neoconservative movement was Commentary magazine, which is put out by the American Jewish Committee” (26). Norman Podhoretz was the magazine’s editor-in-chief for 25 years. President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Adam Fuller: Taking the Fight to the Enemy:
Neoconservatism and the Age of Ideology.
“More than anyone
alive, perhaps, Irving Kristol can take credit for reversing the direction of
American political culture,” from the Jewish Marxist left to the Jewish
neoconservative right. As already noted, Fuller provides a list of members of
the first generation of neoconservatives: “Irving Kristol, Gertrude Himmelfarb,
Norman Podhoretz, Midge Decter, Daniel Bell, and Nathan Glazer” (1). Irving
Kristol, “grandfather of neoconservatism” (11) wrote a biographical article
New York Times
Magazine titled “Memoirs of
a Trotskyist.” “It was during his time at City College that Kristol discovered
and adopted Leon Trotsky’s brand of socialism,” more accurately a Russian
Marxist revolutionary, political theorist and politician. Ideologically a Communist.
Kristol met Gertrude
Himmelfarb at a “Trotskyist event,” and they married after graduation (13).
Kristol was drafted into the Army. Murry Friedman tells us that “Kristol found
that his fellow GIs were too easily inclined to rape, loot, and shoot
prisoners. [Only gentiles, of course.] He concluded that only army discipline
kept them in check” (The Neoconservative
Revolution 30). So there were two bad guys in Europe: the Nazis and the
G.I.s. No good deed goes unpunished. Almost a third of a million (291,557)
American soldiers died fighting the fascists. American forces liberated
concentration camps including Buchenwald, Dora-Mittelbau, Flossenbürg, Dachau,
and Mauthausen. Just saying. Once he shifted from left to right, Kristol
sympathized with Joseph McCarthy’s Committee on Un-American Activities because
“He knew that the party actively pursued a forceful overthrow of American’s
government” (Fuller 15). Interestingly, in Kristol we find two Jewish ideology
seeking control of the U.S.
In New York and
Chicago there were “Trotskyists, Stalinists, and trade labor socialists.” Max
Schactman “promoted Trotskyism and as such, was a strong critic of capitalism,
a defender of revolution, and an opponent of America’s entry into World War II”
(Fuller 58-59). “New York Jewish Intellectuals of the twentieth century, whose
interest were the comprehensive study of man and who held predominately Marxist
ideologies” (73). And this from Maurice Isserman:
“When New York City
Was the Capital of American Communism”
It’s interesting that so many Jews came to America as a safe haven but hated the county nonetheless. They arrived with ideologies to revolutionize American society according to their own personal vision of utopia. What Americans wanted was unimportant. Ideological revolution was and is alien to the American temper. Elliot Cohen “was critically important to the first generation of neoconservatives.” He was an “admirer of Trotsky” and had believed that “capitalism had run its course and that communism was the only answer to the crisis confronting the country” (Fuller 74-74). A country where the Jews arrived poor yet became incredibly successful—because America was the land of opportunity. Sidney Hook had been a Marxist but then became a neoconservative. It was he that coined the phrase that the United States must be prepared to “take the fight to the enemy” (Fuller 97). Revealed here is the Jews’ belief that they know best how to run other peoples’ countries in which they are essentially guests. Their plan is always expressed in an ideology, religious or secular. They have a savior mindset but their plans of action have always done more harm than good.
The Jewish Neocons and the Iraq War
Stephen Sniegoski says that “neoconservatives spearheaded the war on Iraq” (321). The Iraq War was neocon Jews way of getting America to take the fight to the Israel’s enemy. “Without the intensive neocon leadership, the United Sates would not have launched a war on Iraq” (322). America was not threatened by Saddam Hussein. “The fundamental justification for the war—the WMD threat—was not true” (33). But Sniegoski notes that the neocons could not have done it alone. First of all, President Bush ”being a veritable empty vessel... could be easily converted to the neocon program” (322). “Bush’s belief in a divine mission enabled him to pursue in an unwavering fashion the neocon agenda.” Bush was a fanatical Christian who truly believed that he was on a “mission from God” (323). Most important here is how a Jewish religious ideology transformed Bush into a golem that could be manipulated by Jews—neocons or Israelis. Here we have three Jewish ideologies (Judaism, Christianity, and neoconservatism) working symbiotically to further the Jewish agenda to protect Israel from an enemy created from Jewish ideology—Islam. Sniegoski suggests that Bush has a “disregard for reality” (323). Of course! That is a defining feature of all Jewish ideologies: Judaism, Judeo-Christianity, Judeo-Islam, and Marxism. True believers live in an ideological bubble that cuts them off from reality. They all exist in a make-believe parallel universe, one that is more like a Resident Evil video game than Louis Armstrong’s “Wonderful World.” And by the way, Armstrong came up from extreme poverty to become a successful musician loved by whites, at least by those with a functioning brain cell.
The Religious Sub-Text of Israel’s Attack
on the USS Liberty
Here I must bring
Lyndon B. Johnson, USS Liberty, and
the Vietnam War into the discussion. The nature of Israel’s loyalty to the U.S.
was made clear when the USS Liberty, a lightly armed auxiliary technical research ship, was attacked in
international waters by Israel’s air and naval forces. The Israeli forces
attacked with full knowledge that it was an American ship and then lied about
it. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members, 21 more than the 13
U.S. service members killed during the recent Kabul airport attack as a result
of President Biden’s ineptitude. The Judaized U.S. government under the
disastrous leadership of President Lyndon Johnson kept the attack secret and had the ship’s crew swear under oath
not to speak of the incident for forty years. Of course, Israel lied, saying
the ship was attacked in error after being mistaken for an Egyptian ship. What
Johnson did is a good example of how Judaizing benefits Jews.
They were able to influence Johnson to make illegal and immoral political
decisions because he had become thoroughly Judaized growing up in Bible-belt
Texas. Johnson’s family were Christadelphians, who believed the Jews are the
chosen people (they actually chose themselves as Yahweh’s chosen people), that
Jesus is the Messiah, and that the Kingdom of Israel would be restored as prophesized in the Bible. (There is no hope for humanity when people will
believe such invented nonsense.) Johnson was a member of the Disciples of
Christ. So Johnson lived in two worlds or histories—one factual and the other
mythological. And of course religious mythology influences the way humans think
thus the way they behave. For example, I assume Johnson thought of himself as
God’s Commander in Chief, as the Christian Roman emperors and European kings
did and like President Bush would when he became president. And certainly
Muslim leaders throughout the ages have thought of themselves in that way.
In other words, Jewish religious fictions have had as much or more
influence on factual history as has the combined influence of real entities
such as the wheel, plow, gunpowder, writing, and fossil-fuel engines.
Furthermore, the influence of religion (or ideologies generally) has been
primarily negative (in the case of the Abrahamic religions) and has increased
the destructive use of human inventions. It’s one thing to kill a man for his
money and another for what he thinks. When the factual reality of the Israeli
Jews attacking the USS Liberty occurred
Johnson’s response was influenced by his belief in the Jewish
mythological/fictional history, which says that Jesus will return to establish
his earthly kingdom but before that can occur a Jewish state had to be
reestablished with Jerusalem as its capital. It is truly amazing how stupid and
unwise educated people can be!
That event occurred while Johnson was president. Since he was a
true-Judaized-believer he had to consider the establishment of the State of
Israel as fulfilling Biblical prophecy. At the time of the attack on the USS Liberty Israel was at war with Arab
nations who saw Israeli Jews as land-grabbers who, with the support of
Christian nations, had invaded and appropriated the homeland of the
Palestinians, just as they had done in Biblical times (and ironically as
Muslims had, beginning with the attack on Jerusalem in 637), though in Biblical
times the Palestinians were pagan Canaanites. In other words, to the Arabs what
the Jews had done was only a factual event having no mythological
justification. Thus, from Johnson’s Biblical perspective the plight of the USS Liberty and its crew and the plight of
the Arabs were of little consequence. The Jews have to be protected at any cost
so that Biblical prophecy could be fulfilled. God’s Big History trumped
humanity’s petty concerns about justice and injustice, life and death.
It’s not surprising that LBJ would be all for fighting the threat of godless Communism in Vietnam. Though the population was Buddhist, the puppet government installed by the U.S. was Catholic, Ngo Dinh Diem which was better to him than Buddhism or Communism because it was Christian. So the U.S. would go to war in Vietnam in order to return that country to its once colonial keeper the French because “While French collaboration with Japan during WWII had angered many officials in Washington, the post-war climate in Europe proved decisive in the U.S. decision to support the reestablishment of French control in Indochina” (Days of Decision by Michael Nojeim and David Kilroy 119). So Americans had fought for their own freedom and that of Europeans but were willing to fight to re-enslave the Vietnamese to their previous colonial masters the French. However, our interest here is that the Vietnam War was a conflict between two Jewish ideologies: Marxism and Judeo-Christianity, with the Buddhists caught in the middle where they would be slaughtered.
A Question Concerning
Jewish Loyalty
The attacks on USS Liberty and
Gaza raise the question of whether or not the Jews place self-benefit about all
else, even morality. Had Hitler not turned against the Jews who they have
served him against the Allies? German Jews served the Central Powers against
the Allies during World War I, which resulted in an “estimated 8.5 million
combatant deaths and 13 million civilian deaths as a direct result of the war”
(“World War I,” Wikipedia). I give
three notable examples of the Jews serving or wanting to serve as German
soldiers during the war. First is the German philosopher Karl Löwith. He was
“born to an assimilated German-Jewish family in Munich... Löwith volunteered
for World War I and was seriously wounded in the Italian campaign of 1915” (Martin Heidegger European Nihilism, Karl
Löwith 3). Second, “Freud’s initial response to World War I was patriotic, and
he closely followed the unfolding events of the war. Two of his sons
volunteered for duty in the Austrian army.” (“Sigmund Freud: Conflict &
Culture,” Library of Congress). Third, though Franz Kafka’s employer got him
exempted serving in the German military, he “later attempted to join the
military but was prevented from doing so by medical problems associated with
tuberculosis” (“Franz Kafka,” Wikipedia).
Wikipedia also tells us that “An
estimated 100,000 German Jewish military personnel served in the German Army
during World War I, of whom 12,000 were killed in action. The Iron Cross was
awarded to 18,000 German Jews during the war” (“German Jewish military
personnel of World War I”). So, German Jews patriotically served Germany during
World War I. The question that lingers is this: had Hitler not turned against
the Jews, would they have served him as they served the Kaiser? Given the
historical evidence, there is no reason to think they would not have served
Hitler had doing so benefitted them. Wikipedia
says as much: “For many German Jews, the war held the hope of being treated
equal to non-Jewish Germans for the first time. Many Jews also held strong
patriotic feelings for Germany and the belief that the war in the East against
the Russian Empire would bring the liberation of their fellow Eastern European
Jews from pogroms and persecution.” The irony here is that had Hitler not
turned against the Jews, they might have built for him the atomic bomb.
Of course, non-Jewish Germans also served the evil German governments, but the Hun never claimed to be God’s chosen people or to be the spiritual saviors of humanity. They were repellent militarists. The lesson here is that Jews, like those in the Old Testament, will do whatever is necessary to benefit themselves.
Back to Bush and His Armageddonites
Bush needed allies
to support his going to war not to protect America but as a divine mission. His
ideological troops were Christian evangelicals, whose numbers ranged from “40
to 80 million” (Sniegoski 325). They believed that “the establishment of Israel
as a Jewish state was tied in with Biblical eschatology.... a necessary prelude
to the second coming of Christ” (324). And being believers in Armageddon they
would welcome war of any kind a prelude to the Rapture. (Check out the 2009
Documentary Waiting for Armageddon.)
Of course, they were in fact troops in the thrall of Jewish ideologues—a
glowing-eyed horde of golems. It’s terribly disheartening that 2000 years after
the Judaisms’ destructing of Greek reason, most of humanity exists in the
thrall of the irrational—even in technologically and scientifically advanced
nations. The Jewish fifth column consisted of men like Joseph Lieberman and
Stephen Solarz, who in 1982 and 1986 “met with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
In 1998 he led a group of neoconservatives urging President Bill Clinton to
overthrow him” (“Solarz,” Wikipedia).
“To summarize, the neocons were the driving force for war.... the original plan, promotion, and initiation of the war on Iraq was mainly the work of neoconservatives. And it was the neoconservatives who planned to expand the war beyond the borders of Iraq” (331-332). I’m thinking Iran: “Podhoretz addressed the failure of the Bush administration to strike Iran.... It was revealing that Podhoritz’s penultimate paragraph* emphasized that an attack on Iran was essential to protect Israel and the Jewish people” even though “It can be wondered why Podhoretz would assume that Israel, possessed of something like 200 to 400 nuclear weapons, would have to depend on other states to prevent the extermination of its citizenry (Sniegoski 305).
“The Case for Bombing Iran, Commentary,
June 2007, online article.
Col. W. Patrick
Lang lists others in his article “Drinking the Kool-Aid” Neo-Conned Again: “One underestimated talent of the neocon group in
the run-up to this war was its ability to manipulate Congress. They were
masters of the game.... The old boy’s club—Abe Shulsky at OSP, Deputy Secretary
of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith,
Middle East Desk Officer at the NSC Elliot Abrams, Defense policy Board
Chairman Richard Perle” (272). That empty vessel Bush was no match for these
guys. They were like Apostle Paul and the disciples who overthrew Greco-Roman classical
civilization—the heart of Western civilization—armed only with a religious
ideology. When it comes to drinking ideological Kool-Aid brewed by Jews, most
of humanity has become intoxicated.
Still a trigger was
needed, and the 9-11 attacks provided that. “The 9-11 attacks made these
average American people angry and fearful” (Sniegoski 326). And certainly
Americans had a right to go into Afghanistan to hunt down and kill those
responsible. Playing on Americans’ fear, which weakens reason already weakened
by ideology, the Bush administration’s neocon propaganda convinced Americans
that “the United States had to strike Iraq before Iraq would somehow attack the
United States. In short, the neocon’s propaganda found fertile soil in America,
though it got virtually nowhere in the rest of the world” (327).
Iraq was not a threat to America. The 9-11 attacks that killed 3,000 people were planned by a Saudi, Osama bin Laden, and carried out by 19 members of his Al-Qaeda group, fifteen of whom were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Lebanon, and one from Egypt. None from Iraq or even Afghanistan. As bad as they are, the Taliban weren’t involved. Most likely they were kept in the dark by the Saudi mastermind bin Laden. Iraq was not a threat to the U.S. It was Israel’s enemy, and that’s all that mattered to the neocons. Most disgusting is the fact that Jews living in and benefitting from America would use a tragedy such as the 9-11 attacks to further their protect-Israel at all costs agenda. America be damned. Yet, America remains Israel’s flunky: In 2016 former president Barack Obama signed an agreement that would give Israel $38 billion in military aid over the decade 2017-2028. According to Matt Spetalnick this was “the largest such aid package in U.S. history” (“U.S., Israel sign $38 billion military aid package,” Reuters). That is until Biden gave the Taliban $80 billion plus in weapons.
Consequences Matter
“As of June 29,
2016, according to the U.S. Department of Defense casualty website, there were
4,424 total deaths (including both killed in action and non-hostile) and 31,952
wounded in action (WIA) as a result of the Iraq War” (“Casualties of the Iraq
War,” Wikipedia). The question that
always comes to my mind is how many dead American soldiers were Jews. In
addition, 182,272 to 204,5751 Iraqi civilians were killed (according to Costs
of War Project). And for what? Not to protect America. In fact, unlike Israel
America would be flooded by Islamic refugees. Did Iraq benefit? Today it ranks
3rd on the World Population
Review “Most Dangerous Countries in the World” list, and 162 (next to the
last Somalia) on Wikipedia’s “Global Peace Index. Then came ISIS. In Richard Engels pithy formulation: No Iraq war, no
ISIS. In his The Atlantic article “The
True Origins of ISIS,” Hassan Hassan suggests that “ISIS grew organically for
at least a decade before the U.S. invasion.” Still, the U.S. invasion removed
the only safety valve in the region preventing the rise of ISIS: Saddam Hussein.
Thus, the neocons got their wish to dispose of Israel’s enemy and the entire
region paid the price.
Conclusion: Motivation or intentions do not matter. What matters are actions and consequences. And of course, the criticism of the role played by Jewish neoconservatives in pushing America into a war with Iraq was brushed off as anti-Semitic. Anti-Semitism is the ad hominem shield always used by Jews to protect themselves from criticism. Ergo, critics of the Israeli bombing of Gaza are all Jew haters. Sniegoski says, “this has been the standard reaction to anyone who violates the existing taboo. In fact, the neocons have been quick to claim that criticism of neoconservatives is really anti-Semitic.... Norman Podhoretz, the doyen of neoconservatism, used the very popularity of the claim of the connection of neocons and Israel to the war as reason to reject it as classical ‘anti-Semitism’” (19).
Neo-Marxism in U.S.
Recently the U.S. has been undergoing a neo-Marxist revolution. The neo-Marxists are now in control of the country after defeating a flimflam man just as empty headed as George Bush and who reads even less, assuming Bush occasionally actually reads the Bible. That man is Donald Trump. Just as America’s Iraq War made it easier for ISIS, Trump made it easier for the left to take control of the country.
Antifa is a left-wing political movement in the United States that is essentially an outgrowth of Marxism. Publicly, Antifa is an anti-fascist and anti-racist organization. In reality, it is an anti-America organization. “Individuals involved in the Antifa movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist, and anti-state views, subscribing to a varied range of left-wing ideologies.... A majority of adherents are anarchists, communists, and other socialists who describe themselves as revolutionaries and criticize liberal democracy.” In other words, they adhere to Marxist and anarchist ideologies. Its membership appears to be primarily middle-class youths. Their modus operandi is primarily violence. The organization has received funding from “liberal financiers like George Soros" (“Antifa,” Wikipedia). Yet, let’s call them what they really are: neo-Marxist nihilists who hate everything.
Black Lives Matter
Lives Matter (BLM) is a decentralized political and social movement protesting
against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence
against black people” (“Black Lives Matter,” Wikipedia). That does seem to be the gist of the BLM movement. The
question that looms large is whether or not the movement was hijacked by the
Marxist left. The Marxist movement that is occurring today in America is unlike
other revolutionary movements such as the French Revolutions and the Russian
Revolution. Those revolutions were fueled by millions of people—the proletariat—starving
and being oppressed by an authoritarian government and class system. Marx would
say there can be no revolution without a large proletariat. With Marxist
revolutions, numbers matter, or at least the once did.
in today’s America 13.7 percent of the population lives in poverty (“2021
Poverty Projections - Urban Institute, online article). On the other hand, 52% of
American adults middle class and upper-income households are 19%. (Rakesh
Kochhar, “The American middle class is stable...” Pew Research Center). That
means 71% of the population is well off. This is not a matter of a minority
oppressing and exploiting a majority. Thus, a different approach was needed to
gain sympathy for a Marxist revolution that lacked a numerically significant
proletariat. Using black people to justify that capitalistic America was evil
was a neo-Marxist strategy. This was “a typically communist tactic.” According
to Walter Reuther, this as was “the way the Communists worked; they put up
Negroes for show” (Glazer 181). The big question is whether or not Black Lives
Matter is just a matter of putting a black face on a Communist movement.
The Social Basis of American Communism
Nathan Glazer says, “The communist Party devoted more resources, more
attention, more effort, to the recruitment of Negro members than it expended on
any other social group...” (169). Why? Compared to industrial workers and
trade-unionists blacks were a minority. However, blacks had name recognition
whereas industrial workers and unionists were amorphous and mattered primarily
to their own membership. Blacks, on the other hand, had been slaves and the
object of hateful racism ever since the Civil War. Having black members among
its ranks would give the Communist movement cachet.
“Negroes were still suspicious of white Communists” (171). Negro members often believed that the Party pushed “Negroes forward simply to have a Negro front behind which white leaders pulled the strings” (173). That could very well be the case today. Leftists don’t have a large proletariat class to fire up so they use black racism as their trigger for revolution. “But the fact was that the Communist organizations always operated this way, with leaders behind the scenes acting with complete disdain for rank-and-file members” (173). “The white-chauvinism charges hit the Jewish membership particularly strongly. Since Jews were largely middle class at his time, and living in middle-call communities and leading middle-class lives, there were many grounds for suspicion. Their communities might be all white; their apartment buildings all white; they went on vacations to Miami; they might even have Negro domestics” (179-180). Most interesting here is that these communist Jews were quite financially successful in capitalistic America, even more so today.
Melina Abdullah
Who pulls the strings today? One such person is Melina Abdullah (born Melina Rachel Reimann, co-founder of the Los Angeles chapter of Black Lives Matter. Her father, John Reimann, was "a union organizer and self-proclaimed Trotskyist. Her paternal grandfather was Günter Reimann, a German-Jewish Marxist economist and member of the Communist Party of Germany. (“Melina Abdullah,” Wikipedia) The disdain is absent but not the Marxism. According to her worth is 5 million of dollars.
Alicia Garza
“The Ford Foundation, one of the most powerful private foundations in the world, with close ties to Wall Street and the US government, recently announced that it is overseeing the funneling of $100 million over six years to several organizations that play leading roles in the Black Lives Matter movement.... The Ford Foundation receives the bulk of its endowment from corporate contributors and very wealthy donors through trusts and bequeathments.... Alicia Garza, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter, “is also on the board of a foundation backed by billionaire George Soros, the Open Society Foundation’s Southern Initiative” (Gabriel Black, “Billionaires back Black Lives Matter,” World Socialist Web Site). According to Alicia Garza net worth or net income is estimated to be between $1 Million – $5 Million dollars.
Patrisse Cullors
“Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” (Yaron Steinbuch, “Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist,’” New York Post).
“The Communists were, therefore, always on the lookout for victims of injustice who might allow them to take over their ‘defense’” (Glazer 174). Yet, the motivation was first and foremost was to promote and progress the Communist revolution. Yet, apparently blacks were poor material for Bolshevization. It’s understandable that the decedents of slaves would resist collectivization. Still, the institution of slavery was similar in many ways to the concentrations camps of the Nazi. Once closed, racist white Americans continued to do their part in bringing about the revolution. It’s called karma.
A note on Slavery and the Civil
seems that before the Civil War there was a least among non-slaveowners a
modicum of sympathy for black slaves being exploited and treated as less than
human. And I suspect it was that sympathy that was responsible for the growing
intolerance toward slavery. As an institution, slavery went against Jesus’,
though not Christianity’s, view that each and every person was of value to God
and had inherent value that should be respected. Wikipedia says, “It was Christian activists, attracted by strong
religious elements, who initiated and organized an abolitionist [of slavery]
movement” (“Christian abolitionism”). I would assume that even slave owners had
no reason to hate slaves, most of whom did not own plantations but were simple
farmers who owned a single slave or used slaves as domestics. This is only an
assumption. I read Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents
in the Life of a Slave Girl looking for evidence for my assumption. What I
found was exploitation, cruelty, and hatefulness—vicious among some slave
owners. Being a lover of non-human creatures, I find it difficult to comprehend
the attitudes and behavior of the slave-owning Flints (pseudonym for the family
of Dr. James Norcom) described in the story. I am capable of hate, but my
hatred is directed toward people who harm other people, especially women and
children, or even mistreat animals, but not toward skin color.
maybe the cruelty of the Flints doesn’t require hatred, simply meanness, which
is a form of stupidity. Jacobs describes an abundance of brutish meanness
during the Nat Turner Rebellion, during which thuggish whites behaved like the bandit
clans in the video game Rage. Lacking
moral sensibility such people are subhuman. We’ve seen that educated people
such politicians can be quite stupid. Today American blacks overlook the fact
that early Americans were not a Renaissance people. Few were morally or
philosophically sophisticated or enlightened. Brutality was an accepted norm. Killing was part of life. Most Americans were farmers and they didn't buy their meat at a supermarket. It was a brutish way of life in part because circumstance demanded it to be. The
American frontier was a Darwinian environment. Three thinkers who should not be
ignored are Thomas Hobbes, Darwin, and Freud because they understood best
humanity’s primeval origins and pre-civilized state of mind that civilization has only recently attempted
once again to overcome.
Dr. James Norcom’s meanness is surprising, though it shouldn’t be when an
entire nation of such men became Nazis in Germany. Dr. Norcom was not some poor
dirt farmer who owned a single slave nor was he himself a half slave to drudgery. Dr. Norcom was well off. A slave prepared his
meals. I considered that perhaps Norcom’s meanness was à la Freud a redirecting
of his own self-loathing as a slave owner toward his slaves. But that would
require some internal decency (ego ideal?) being offended. I wanted to believe
that was the case, but find no reason to. That is one of the lessons history
teaches. I was always disgusted when my dog or cat killed a bird, yet men have
been in the game of killing one another since forever. Ergo, kindness and
benevolence are not inherent in humans. They have ids but no souls. The moral
superego is the product of the later stages of civilization. If you want to see
the soul of men, take a close look at Yahweh created from the masculine mindset
of Jews. He was the first slave owner.
her memoir, Harriet begins to doubt God’s benevolence, and condemned the faith
her mother lovingly preached to her. Not unexpected given she was living in a
society of Christian hypocrites. And anyone who has read the Old Testament or
Quran knows that their God is hardly benevolent; to the contrary, his thinking
and behavior are malevolent, the deification of a typical American slave
master. In one passage Harriet refers to her brother’s (John) “God-given
nature,” meaning his goodness. Of course, that is a false notion. We are not
the children of God but the siblings of cats and dogs. However, Harriet’s
comment is suggestive because “God-given nature” could apply to slave owners
like Dr. Norcom who abused his slaves because he read in the Good Book that
Yahweh’s behavior justified such abuse. The Jews were in reality God’s chosen
slaves to make slaves of the rest of humanity. This is what might be called
Old-Testament Christianity that justifies mistreating others. It is a form of
Christianity in which Jesus’ life fails to inspire and his death matters only
because it means Christians don’t have to die regardless how many slaves they
says that slaves were thrilled when they finally were allowed to attend church.
But the lessons weren’t what they had hoped for: “Servants, be obedient to them
that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the
singleness of your hear, as unto Christ” (79). This message comes from Apostle
Paul: “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with
sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ... because you know that the
Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or
free” (Ephesians 6:5-8). So slaves held on to the belief that life would be
better in postmortem. That was a lie, a lie slave owners could use to placate
their slaves.
Harriet tells of her teaching Uncle Fred to read because “He thought he should know how to serve God better if he could only read the Bible” (84). However, the bible should not have been needed for Uncle Fred to know God. God should have revealed himself though acts of goodness, such as by sending Christ with a sword to liberate the slaves. Instead, all-knowing and all-seeing, he watched their torment from above and did nothing to end it. As it turned out, humans themselves with no help from God would have to end slavery. Would the slaves have been better off knowing that the divine hope was a delusion? Probably not given the slave owners were all-powerful with their dogs and guns. Marx call religion “the opium of the people," but his utopian State was no different. Marxism could be used to tell the slaves of Communism that utopia was just around the corner, if not for them then for their children. That too was a lie.
Greek Philosophers’ Search for
ancient Greek philosophers were looking for a way of understanding humanity
that would create unanimity. The Stoics were certainly on the right track. The
philosophers’ insights were two. First of all the Greeks idolized the human body
as beautiful, which all humans share common. (The root word of idolize is idol,
and thus that which would be hated by three Judaisms: Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam.) So there is an aesthetic shared physically by all human beings. We
even come in different shades and colors. Second, all humans beings have reason
in common. Epicurus recognized that both together are what make us human, and
for that reason he accepted all humans into his philosophical gabfests—not
about ideology but philosophy.
are imprisoned by a single idea, thus make lousy philosophers. That is contrary
to what Greek philosophers were trying to do—free the mind from a Single Vision
especially that of religion. They had been cleaning the philosophical house
before Apostle Paul and the Judeo-Christian Catholic Church destroyed the
broom, which was philosophy. They didn’t hate ideas but were skeptical of them,
especially those that claimed to be the one and only correct ideas. Pyrrhonism
and Academic Skepticism were the two schools of skeptical philosophy. And their
begetters were Buddhism and Socrates.
the Jewish ideology disrupted the process that was looking for commonality
based on aesthetics and reason. With its myth-based lie and hateful tribalism, the
ideology of Judaism created a false justification for animosity, hostility,
hatred of the other, antipathy, enmity, and malevolence instead of unanimity.
Once the ideology’s divisiveness took hold, there would be no going back. One
has to remember that the Greek philosophers were working within a polytheistic
world in which all ideas thus cultures were tolerated.* That would end once
Judeo-Christianity took control of Greco-Roman civilization. Jacobs says, “There
is a great difference between Christianity and religion at the south” (86).
Unfortunately, that is not true.
greatly influence what cultures become. Logically, good ideas create good
cultures, and bad ideas create bad cultures. As far as I can tell, cultures
based on a single controlling idea (ideology) are never good. Best would be a
collection of good guiding ideas rather than a single idea. Two criteria for
good idea/culture are the following: the idea/culture should not violate Kant’s
principle of autonomy, which says that people’s autonomy should not be
interfered with as long as they do not interfere with other people’s autonomy.
People should be left to behave and thinks as they wish as long as they allow
other people to do the same. None of the Jewish ideologies follow this
principle.* The second principle has to do with the Earth and all its
creatures. The value of the Earth and its creatures (creations really) should
not be reduced to utility value. One of the greatest harms resulting from the
Jewish religious ideologies is the idea that the Earth and its creature were
provided by God for human to use as they see fit. It’s a false idea based on an
invented (false) ideology. The idea was also adopted by Marx for his secular
religion: that all of nature is to serve humanity. Both ideologies reduce
nature to a storehouse of raw materials.
*The Jewish religions weren’t the only evil religions on the globe. The Maya and Aztec religions demanded human sacrifice. The difference is that the Jewish religious and secular ideologies became global.
finds in thinking of Native Americans a totally different way of relating to
nature and its creatures, a relationship defined by respect and appreciation. This relationship is described in many scholarly books on Native
American tribes, but two popular works are Black Elk Speaks and Land of the Spotted Eagle by Luther
Standing Bear. What is absent in the worldview of Native Americans is the
belief that humanity was the purpose of creation and that humans are
categorically superior to nature and its creatures, not simply in ability but
in value. They considered nature their home, and it was literally, and all life
forms were members of a single family to which they belonged.
Greeks, who had a very high opinion of themselves given they considered their
culture superior to all others, did not consider nature as inferior to
themselves. Many of their gods were the creatures and forces of nature. In
other words, their religion celebrated nature rather than denigrate it. The
only value nature has for the Abrahamic religions that isn’t utilitarian is its being God’s creation. Nature was one of the fundamental illustrations of God’s
power and goodness. Remove nature as his creation and there is little left in
God to admire. In truth, nature is self-creating.
is true that Native Americans believed in a Great Spirit, which is given
different names. But this notion of God is a deification of nature—combination
provider and operating system (logos
or Nous in Greek philosophy or Gaia
according to environmentalist James Lovelock). In his novel Christopher Thomas Smith’s Excursion into
the Interdict Zone Frank Kyle does a good job of exploring the idea of the
Great Spirit.
However, one really has to turn to poets and artists to find an appreciation of nature for itself without the clutter of ideology, and there is much to appreciate and value. Ideology corrupts and degrades our understanding of the nature. I will offer the poet and truly wise man Matsuo Bashō as an example of appreciative awareness:
butterfly flits
alone—and on the field,
A shadow in the sunlight.
from a nail,
Quietly, quietly,
mountain roses fall—
of the rapids.
the Crescent moon
earth looms hazily—
Buckwheat flowers.
Selected from Makoto Ueda’s The Master Haiku Poet Matsuo Bashō. A similar view of the world, greatly influenced by Basho is found in Frank Kyle’s collection of poems title Tatiana. There is no ideological corruption in Basho thinking. In fact, his goal was to overcome the ethnocentric understanding of our relationship with nature. It was, to use a phrase from phenomenologist Edmund Husserl, a return to things themselves. He sought to be a camera that captures the entity in itself without modifying it with religion or romanticizing it as the Romantics do.
use an idea taken from the Taoist Lao Tzu what value would a cup have if there was
nothing for it to contain? What would be the value of a camera if there was nothing
for it to photograph? In the great cosmic scheme of things humans have no
greater purpose than other creatures, though unlike other creatures humans can
invent purposes for themselves such as becoming an artist, thinker, or athlete.
They have no cosmic purpose because nothing does, not even the Universe. That’s
one reason Jews invented Yahweh, to give themselves a cosmic purpose, which was
to serve the God they invented—Yahweh. Yet, there is one cosmic purpose humans can give themselves that is not a matter of invention: to be
intelligent, appreciative observers. Their cosmic role would be to observe,
understand, and appreciate. Because the reality is that humans are nothing more than
tourists in the cosmos, visitors from nowhere. And appreciative observers are
exactly what artists and scientists are. Without nature humans would be like
the cup that has nothing to fill it or the camera with nothing to photograph.
Basho’s central theme is a return to reality as it is, not as we want it to be. The Jewish religious ideologies cut humanity off from reality. And like Basho, scientists rooted in the Aristotelian (not Platonic) tradition sought to return to reality, scientists who found the world fascinating and worth investigating and exploring just for what it is. These are not scientists who work in commercial or military laboratories. They are men and women such as Carl Sagan, Jane Goodall, Rosalind Franklin, Rachel Carson, Edward O. Wilson, Charles Lyell, and Charles Darwin. What Basho understood is that the human condition is the same for all creatures, the only difference being we are thinking creatures and our thoughts and feelings are interactive. There is an image of Basho sitting on a branch next to a crow. Apparently the image was inspired by this poem:
On a
withered branch
A crow
is perched
An autumn evening
Our predicament in life is that of the crow with the difference that we are capable of intelligent appreciative awareness, which the poem illustrates. I must add the word intelligent because I have dog that is capable of appreciative awareness. Love is appreciative awareness. As Basho show the essence of life is quite simple, but ideologies and general stupidity prevent most humans from understanding life's simple truth. This seems more the case than ever in the U.S.
The Civil War Destroyed
Emerging White Sympathy toward Blacks
Civil War made reconciliation between whites and blacks impossible. The
attitude of white Americans would change for the worse as a result of a war
that brought millions of American men into the war, resulting in 620,000 to
750,000 Northern and Southern soldiers killed along with an undetermined number
of civilians. The Civil War remains the deadliest military conflict in American
history. Until the Vietnam War was added, it killed more Americans than all
previous wars combined.
of 174,206 known wounds of the extremities treated by Union surgeons, nearly
30,000 wounded soldiers had amputations with approximately a twenty-seven
percent fatality rate.... Historians estimate another 25,000 Confederate
amputations were performed with a similar fatality rate” (“The Wounded” by
Glenna R. Schroeder-Lein,” Essential
Civil War Curriculum, online article). So, thousands of veterans limped back to
their homes. And the war didn’t just kill men but destroyed cities and
economically wrecked the lives of millions of Americans. Almost no Americans
were unaffected by the war. As a result, the war left an avalanche of hatred
much or most of which was directed toward blacks.
my belief that the Civil War is the original cause of endemic hated toward
blacks in America. That war killed more Americans and destroyed more cities
than any other war. It erased an entire culture. Both the South and the North
lost thousands husbands, sons, brothers, and boyfriends. Americans were angry and
they needed some group to hate for the war. Blacks got the blame even though
they had nothing to do with starting the war. It made sense that racism was
strongest in the South, but it existed in the north as well. (“Free States
sustain a law which hurls fugitives back into slavery,” Jacobs, 50) The big
problem with America's leaders has been their use of war to solve problems.
Slavery would have ended within a decade or two, simply due to economic and
attitudinal changes.
spite of the pervasive influence of slavery throughout the three or four
decades before the Civil War, a large majority of the white population of the
South had, in actuality, no direct connection with the institution. In the
Southern states as a whole, not more than a quarter of the white heads of
families were slave–owners, and even in the cotton states the proportion was
less than one-third.... Like their ancestors during the colonial period, the
inhabitants of these regions [non-slave owning regions of the South] were
generally hostile to the plantation aristocracy and to the institution of
slavery, although at the same time they had no sympathy for the Negroes”
(Parkes, The United States of America
211-212). Parkes also points out that illiteracy was common in the South and
though the arts and sciences and liberal opinions flourish in close proximity
to urban centers “Much of the South... was still essentially frontier country”
(215). And “The limits of slavery were fixed by soil and climate; no matter
what the federal government might do, the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountain
regions could never accommodate slave plantations” (The American Experience 227). And at the time of the Civil War
there were only thirty-four states. Thus pioneering was still a part of
American life.
an anachronism to claim that Americans then were like Americans are now, and a
self-serving distortion to claim Americans now are like them. Though human
nature is a constant (most unfortunately in the case of men), the cultural
mindsets are not the same. Certainly, slavery had been abolished by the British
in 1833, but the way of life and culture of Great Britain was totally different
from that of America just before the Civil War. Great Britain was complete with
centuries of civilization behind it. It was perhaps the most enlightened society
(not perfect but wanting to be) on the planet in spite of its self-degrading
colonialism. The way of life in America was far more Darwinian in which
individuals were struggling to survive, many doing so on their own. As a
society, America was as barbaric as it was civilized. A national Jekyll and
Hyde. To expect humanitarian concern for blacks among whites struggling to
survive is unrealistic. Slavery and the destruction of the Native American
nations were tragedies, but it was a Darwinian environment in which survival of
the fittest also meant being indifferent to the suffering of people who were
not members of your own tribe and often to them as well, as the television miniseries
Into the West* testifies. Things
haven’t changed much in the world today. Tribalism continues and now dominates American
culture—dignified with the label multiculturalism.
series is not a tribute to the American pioneer but a demonization of white American
settlers. It could have been titled The Evil White Man or Capitalism Run Amok.
The intent of the series seems to be to celebrate Native Americans, and they
should be celebrated (they are my heroes), but also to shame and revile white
Americans, to create among white Americans a sense of self-loathing. The series
does a pretty good job of doing this. The wheel serves as the uniting theme of
the narrative. In reference to Native Americans it is a spiritual symbol. In
reference to the American pioneers its represents conquest, perhaps even
technology. The movie accomplishes its agenda by cherry picking the cruelest
tragedies and greatest moral lapses associated with white Americans during the
westward movement—such as slavery, Indian massacres, and the slaughter of the
American bison. These awful events occurred and white men were responsible. The
opening of North America to Europeans encouraged the worst in human behavior manifested
in masculine id: greed, bloodlust, and will to power.
the gold miners, Indian killers, outlaws, and buffalo killers were a minority
of the pioneer population. Just as the slave owners in the south were the
exception rather than the rule. What the series ignores are the covered wagon
pioneers. They were the majority population of the westward movement. They
sought their forty acres of land upon which to plant crops and raise a family. In the 1800s 90 percent of the population
lived on farms. Americans were a nation of farmers, not gold seekers, not
outlaws, not Indian killers. But focusing on the farm folk would make it
impossible to demonize white Americans. Was the westward movement unbridled
capitalism as the movie suggests? There was some of that certainly, but most of
all it was a Darwinian struggle for wealth and territory. And most of all it
was a failure of political and military leadership, which continues today in
America. Wisdom and decency have been pretty much absent among the men who have
the greatest influence on America’s destiny.
began to hate America sometime after World War II, hatred fueled by an infusion
of Marxist ideology into moviemaking. The film noir were the earliest examples
of Hollywood’s hatred of America. The general theme of film noir is that
everyone is guilty because the capitalistic mindset (greed, in other words) rules
in America. Criminals aren’t the exception but simply an outlaw version of capitalism. There
are bankers and bank robbers. Both are capitalists though Marxist Hollywood
glorifies the latter. The evil America is depicted in the movies High Noon and Mad Men. Americans are demonized in Steven Spielberg’ Marxist fable
An American Tail, a cartoon
about the Mousekewitzes,
a Russian-Jewish family of mice who migrate to the United States a country
where there are thought to be no cats. But of course there are cats, that is, white anti-Semites.
It’s not surprising that Spielberg was the executive producer of Into the West that shows white Americans
to be racists haters of blacks, Indians, and Chinese.
is overlooked is the role of Jewish religious ideology—Judeo-Christianity—or what
I call Old Testament Christianity that made North America appear as the new Canaan,
a promise land given to white Judeo-Christians to conquer and subdue just as
Canaan was given by God to Jews to invade and conquer. During their invasion of
Canaan Jews engaged in ethnic cleansing and the slaughter of men, women,
children, and even animals. From Joshua the slaughter of the pagans of Jericho:
“They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living
thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys” (6:21).
That sounds a lot like the Sand Creek Massacre and the massacre at Broken Knee
depicted in the film. In other words, the Bible enabled whites to murder the
pagan Indians with a clear conscience. White Judeo-Christians believed they
were the new chosen people, that America was the new Promise Land, and that the
Indians were the new Canaanites. It was all a matter of prophecy.
Land of the Spotted Eagle Luther
Standing Bear (portrayed in the movie) says something that is revealing about
the two views of the afterlife: “Nothing so proves a soft and humane spirit as
the conception and ideals of the life hereafter, and it was the very beneficence
of the Indian’s attitude that left him unprepared for the harshness of the
white man’s vindictive religion” (212). The reference is to Hell as a form of
punishment. What is overlooked is that this notion is not that of the white man
but of Jewish ideology. The roots of the so-called white man are not Jewish but
Greco-Roman. The Greeks’ view of the
afterlife was no happy hunting ground but neither was it a lake of fire. The
Judeo-Christians attempted to cleanse Indian of their Indianness and transform them
into Christian white-man clones. This is described in the movie, which is taken
from Luther Standing Bear’s memoir.
the same thing happened to Greeks and Romans who were cleansed of their
cultural identity by being Judaized into Christians. And as Ramsay MacMullen
explains in Christianizing the Roman
Empire and Catherine Nixey describes in The
Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, the process was more
violent than what Native Americans experienced. My ancient ancestors were
Judaized just as Native Americans were. What the Jews created was a religious
ideology that invented the pagan or heathen. Before the Jews came along
everyone was a pagan so the term was meaningless. With the Jews pagans became
people who are non-Jews, non-Judeo-Christians, non-Judeo-Muslims, or heathens.
Jewish ideology demonized pagan peoples—which included Native Americans. And
that demonization made possible conquering and killing them with a clear
Then there is the question of the Jews 20th century bloody invasion of Palestine. Palestinian Muslims could be slaughtered with a clear conscience just as the Native Americans were. Palestinians refer to the invasion as “Al Nakba,” which literally translates as “The Catastrophe.” Yet, to Jews and Judeo-Christians it was not a catastrophe but a divine event fulfilling Jewish prophecy. Thus, slaughtering Palestinians and driving them from their homes and homeland was divinely justified.
expecting a high level of humanitarianism from the South would be to expect it
today from Afghanistan. This is where blacks today get it wrong criticizing
white people for slavery. Most Americans were not involved. In fact, most were
struggling-to-survive farmers and wage earners, and later the so-called “white
slaves” of the Industrial Revolution. “Whereas a Northern wage-earner might be
thrown out to starve when he grew old or whenever business succumbed to a
depression [as during the Great Depression], a Southern slave could always be
sure of a home and livelihood” (Parkes, The
United States of America 209). Still, “For the blacks, slavery was a regime
of sorrow, of degradation, of unremitting toil, and dreadful personal
insecurity and perpetual frustration” (Hugh Brogan, Longman History of the United States of America 289). However,
“Cruel toil was as much the law in the factories of New England, the slums of
New York and on the farming frontier as it was in Alabama” (Brogan 290). And
“In parts of the South, especially in Georgia and Alabama, there were white
families who had settled in pine barrens or other infertile areas where
successful farming was impossible” (The
United States of America 212).
doubt black slaves were hated before the war except by really evil slave
owners, or generally mean people; there are a lot of them. If there is any
truth to the TV series The Wire, many
blacks have been guilty of the same meanness toward other blacks, and it wasn’t
displacement, just meanness. Between 1980-2008 93% of Black victims killed by
Black perpetrators (Reuters, “Fact
check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates,” online article). Henry Parkes says in The American Experience that “Three
quarters of the white population did not belong to the slaveowning classes, and
a majority even of the slaveowners were small farmers rather than planters [who
according to Harriet Jacobs were the very worst] and were accustomed to work in
the fields alongside their Negroes” (219) “and often regarded them much as
Northern farmers regarded their hired men” (Parkes, The United States of America 207).
is no doubt that the dependent position of the Negro invited cruelty.... But
the balance of the evidence supports the Southern belief that the majority of
the slaveowners accepted responsibility for the welfare of their dependents and
that the majority of the slaves submitted to servitude without conscious
resentment” (The American Experience
223). They were used but not hated. My view is that put a population in a state
of powerlessness and its members will be taken advantage of by people with
power. It’s true for animals and human are animals. We see barbarity—worse than
anything found among animals—in our own society. Women, children, and homeless
people are preyed upon every day.
Ironically, human culture can encourage the worst tendencies of human
nature. And that is exactly what the Jewish ideologies have done. In Afghanistan Judeo-Muslims killed at least 50 people and
wounded more than 100 in three explosions targeting girls outside a school in
Kabul. Is that abnormal human behavior? Unfortunately not, uncivilized and
inhumane (an advanced moral notion) yes, abnormal no. Consider the behavior of
mass murderers in the U.S.
Parkes says, “In spite of the pervasive influence of slavery throughout the
three or four decades before the Civil War, a large majority of the white
population of the South had, in actuality, no direct connection with the
institution”(The United States of America
211-212), yet once this plantation aristocracy was destroyed and the post-war
South “was unable to protect herself from exploitation by Northern banking and
business corporations or to maintain her agrarian way of life...” and “low
wages and long hours” (The American
Experience 236) became the norm, that hostility shifted toward the blacks—as
a scapegoat if nothing else. And “in the South and in the North race
discrimination continued to be an apparently indissoluble element the American
pattern of behavior” (237). Racist attitudes would remain not because blacks
were thought of in the context of slavery but because the hatred, that was the
result of the war.
Americans probably had little or no contact with blacks. But the Civil War
changed all that. Alexander the Great was no racist. He was fascinated by other
cultures, other races. But he was a brutal conqueror. He slaughtered thousands
of people, and not just soldiers. And unlike Jews, Christians, Muslims, and
Marxists, he wasn't motivated by ideology. The aggressive streak in men has
nothing to do with color but can be directed toward color in given circumstances.
My Civil War explanation for racism in America might be all wrong. I don't
know. What I do know is that Black Lives Matter, like the Civil War, has
increased the divide between blacks and whites. Of course, BLM is a Marxist
driven organization thus depends on division to succeed.
is a requirement for a Marxist revolution. So it could very well be that
blacks’ new master is Marxist ideology. Between the end of the Civil War and
the rise of the black left, black culture possessed an existential cool envied
by young white Americans. Their music in particular illustrated that blacks
march to the beat of a different drummer, one that was unique and their own.
Then came along the Marxist Pied Piper. Cool and Marxism are incompatible.
Black Lives Matter has nothing to teach whites except self-loathing or hatred
of blacks. And that they want a big pay out for the suffering of their
ancestors is like putting their ancestors on the auction block. Or is it
another form of revenge, though not against the slave owners but against
taxpayers who just happen to be white and never owned a slave? The whites they
attract are the likes of Antifa, an organization fueled by hatred and a
nihilistic ideology that loves nothing but hates everything and everyone other
than its own members and probably them as well.
says something interesting about the Marxists’ attempt to recruit blacks into
the Communist Party: Recruiting blacks “was a permanent problem, and it was
plainly based on the fact that since the greatest efforts were being made to
bring Negroes into the party, they entered with the lowest degree of
indoctrination, with the least commitment, and with the least knowledge [of
Marxist ideology], and consequently found it easiest to leave” (176). Clearly,
the most indoctrinated members are the most devoted to the party line. Second,
it could be that American blacks had a much more complex view of who they were.
They didn’t see themselves simply as proletariat or Bolsheviks. They had a
culture that was invisible to the Marxists but not to all whites especially
young whites. So, perhaps blacks didn’t want to surrender their cool to become
Marxist foot soldiers.
Finally, less than a century earlier their people had been slaves. Perhaps they preferred not to become slaves to Marxists, who were mostly white men. Glazer finally says, “the same factors in Negro work that led to high fluctuation led to an over-all poor quality of the Negro membership, from the point of view of developing good Bolsheviks” (176). What becomes clear reading Glazer’s book The Social Basis of American Communism is that the Communist Party in the U.S. wasn’t interested in helping various ethnic groups but only in increasing party membership. From a Marxist perspective, ethnicity is simply an obstacle to be overcome. The goal was to create a society of devoted Bolsheviks like the authoritarian goons in video games such as Rage and Half-Life 2.
Enters George Soros King of
Open Borders
Marxist revolution could not depend on blacks alone. They represent only 13.4%
of the U.S. With basically open borders, they have been surpassed by Hispanics,
who represent 18% of the population, almost 59 million people. And that was in
2017. The share of black men who are in the upper-income bracket rose from 13%
in 1960 to 23% in 2016. Lois M. Collins says, “Nearly 6 in 10 black men reach
the middle class or higher by middle age, a nearly 20 percent increase compared
to 1960. And the share living in poverty has dropped from 41 percent to 18 percent
over the same time period” (“Most black males reach the middle class or higher.
Here's what drives their success” Desert
News 2018). In other words, the black proletariat has declined considerably
with the increase in bourgeois blacks.
compensate for the decline of the proletariat, the left needed a plan to
augment the proletariat class in America. Putting out the welcome mat to the
world’s proletariat was the solution, in particular a big welcome mat on the
southern border. Anna
Brown says, “The Hispanic population grew to 53 million in 2012, a 50% increase
since 2000 and nearly six times the population in 1970, according to the most
recent U.S. Census Bureau data. Meanwhile, the overall U.S. population
increased by only 12% from 2000 to 2012. Hispanic population growth accounted
for more than half of the country’s growth in this time period” (“The U.S.
Hispanic population has increased sixfold since 1970,” Pew Research Center).
serve only as bait in a Marxist bait-and-switch tactic. For the revolution to
really take hold a proletariat class was required. Thus open borders. Hungarian
Prime Minister Viktor Orban accused billionaire investor George Soros of being
a prominent open borders activist. “His name is perhaps the strongest example
of those who support anything that weakens nation states, they support
everything that changes the traditional European lifestyle," Orban said in
an interview on public radio Kossuth. In response, Soros said in an e-mailed
statement that Orban’s “plan treats the protection of national borders as the
objective and the refugees as an obstacle.” “Our plan treats the protection of
refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle” (link on “George
Soros,” Wikipedia). Thus, perhaps
Soros’ plan is the same as Antifa’s, chanted at protests: “No borders, no
walls, no USA at all.” In any case, Soros is another Jews who has a big plan for humanity because he knows best how others should live. He follows in the footsteps of a very long ideological tradition.
Both Soros and Antifa remind one of Bazarov in Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. The left must stoke violence and destruction in order to stoke us-versus-them hatred because that hatred is required to fuel a Marxist revolution. The left also causes chaos and destruction so that it can promise to restore order and rebuild cities. This is not simply part of a narrative but an ideology, a blueprint for revolution. Clearly the threat here is that the philosophy of this movement (and it is a single movement) is one of violence and nihilism. It seeks to undermine Western civilization. These are Bazarov radicals. Historically, the Bazarovs won when the Marxist revolution succeeded in Russia and transformed Russia into the USSR. An anti-American version of the USSR is what the left wants. The left’s goal in America is not a new America but no America at all.
Organic Nationalism versus
Ideological Nationalism
One’s nation is one’s homeland and culture. Not to have a national home is to be homeless. My national home is America, the cultural soil I grew from. In spite of its faults, and it has had many, some egregious, it remains the soil that gave me birth. And it isn’t all bad. It gave me the freedom to find my own way to self-realization. The followers of Soros and Antifa are hollow people, homeless, stuffed with ideology like scarecrows stuffed with straw. They are empty in the way Bazarov is empty. He is rootless, and believing in nothing of substance he can only destroy. Native Americans are nationalists. Each has his or her tribe. Anyone who reads about the lives of Native Americans such as Luther Standing Bear or Black Elk understand the tribe was everything. It was one’s extended family. Without it one was nothing. Native American tribes were organic nations. They were both wholesome and appealing because they were not based on an ideology, some ideologue’s blueprint of what they should be and how they should live. Many Native American children were sent to Indian schools the purpose of which was to cleanse Indian children of Indian heritage. The slogan was “kill the Indian, save the man.” In reality it was a process that killed the Indian and created a hollow man or artificial man, a process applied to the girls as well. It continues today: “Stealing Indian kids continues,”
Americans believed in God, the Great Spirit, which was a label for the workings
of nature similar to the already mentioned Greek philosophers’ nous (mind) or logos (reason)—a rational, beneficial operating system unique to
Earth. Like the pagans of ancient Greece, they were not God’s slaves because no
such God existed. Thus they lived freely but loyal to their tribe rooted in a
particular place. Some tribes were close to perfection (Havasupai, Mohave, Hopi,
and endless others), peaceful rather than warlike toward other tribes. Some
were less than perfect because they were warlike toward other tribes, which
would be their weakness when the white man arrived. Many joined the white man
to fight against other tribes. But it was a Darwinian world in which territory
was fought over and the warrior cultures enjoyed fighting. It took the arrival
to the white man for them to realize what was at stake: a way of life. So
nations and tribes can behave like individual men and act as aggressive
bullies. But Native Americans never killed another Native American for what he
believed. As far as I know, cultural cleansing was not part of the warrior game
they played.
Americans celebrated tribalism, which is not the same as multiculturalism
because multiculturalism destroys the nation. That’s why Indians don’t want it,
Muslims don’t want it, Israelis don’t want it, though Jews insist hypocritically
that America become a multicultural nation—a collective of cultural odds and
ends. Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the
one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the
other” (Matthew 6:24). The Jewish ideologies of Judeo-Christianity,
Judeo-Islam, and Marxism installed a false master based on ideology in unique
organic cultures that prevented serving the traditional national culture.
who invaded North America did that to the native cultures. In other words, they
Judaized them by converting them to Judeo-Christianity, often telling Indians
that they had to cut their hair, change their dress, give up their native
language, and certainly give up their native beliefs, which were superior to
the unnatural Jewish ideology being imposed on them. Native Americans did not
live in a multicultural society. They lived in a multinational environment that
was not a society but a collection of nations across the continent, similar to
the collection of nations that make up Europe. We refer the Navajo Nation, the
Hopi Nation, etc., and armed conflicts between the U.S. government and Native
American nations. Multicultural societies threaten tribes and destroy nations.
We see today in America tribes turning against America, in part because America
has a knack for making enemies then accepting them as immigrants. It’s the
story of the Trojan Horse multiplied and magnified. The first loyalty of
post-American immigrants is to their homeland, to their home culture, not to
the nation that abused their own people.
biologists tell us that invasive plant and animal species from other regions of
the world that are alien in their new environment can change both the
demographics and environment of their adopted home. In the regions where they
have become dominant, invasive species can lead to the extinction of native
plants and animals. They permanently alter habitats. With humans invasive
species become invasive cultures. Where they have become dominant, invasive
cultures have created alien zones resulting in the disappearance of traditional
American culture, which today is usually declared unwanted. The most extreme
examples are the Muslim no-go zones where non-Muslims are forcefully unwelcome.
Hispanic gangs have driven gringos and blacks from their old neighborhoods
transforming them into barrios. And each alien culture is fueled by its
connection with the homeland or home culture, which usually is not threatened
by multiculturalism because invasive cultures are considered disruptive or
corrupting thus unwanted or not allowed. America as a multicultural society
sounds great but reality shows otherwise. It has become a hodgepodge of angry
cultures—most of the anger directed toward the people who allowed them in. But
once the old America is subdued, the invasive cultures will turn on one
another. Their hatred of America is what unites them for the time being.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that America doesn’t deserve the animosity it has received from blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, and Muslims. It is guilty of crimes committed against these people. The U.S. annexed Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam and acquired the Hawaiian Islands. All of these actions were immoral in the extreme. “Before the end of the First World War, American armed forces had assumed partial or complete control over Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua, and had also intervened in Mexico” (Parkes, The American Experience 332), which it had no moral right to do. I’ve already noted the invasion of Vietnam and Iraq. Only the Vietnamese seem willing to forgive America for its sins against them, but then again their roots are Buddhist. Jews are the only group that holds a grudge against America for no reason other than ideology. The encryption on the Statue of Liberty is that of a Jew. America helped liberate Jews from the evils of Hitlerism, offered them refuge after the war, and even supported their Zionist ambitions. And what did America get in return. Ideological hatred, political manipulation, and ingratitude. Yet they continue to live in the country they hate, for the sake of the continuing revolution perhaps.
A Democratic Marxist Revolution
neo-Marxists got what they wanted. They are now the dominant political power in
the U.S. And they can claim that their revolution was democratic, which it was,
in part due to the indoctrinated dolts on the other side of the aisle. They
used blacks as their rioting jackboots to fuel the anger needed energize the
revolution. Their claim was unarmed blacks have been hunted down and murdered
by white police officers. That claim angered both whites and blacks. However, “The Washington Post has created a
database of every known deadly police shooting in America since 2015. As of this writing, 6,211 people have been
shot and killed by law enforcement officers.
46% of them—2,883 to be exact—were white, while 24% (1,496 total) were
black. Just 6% were unarmed” (“The Truth About Police Shootings in America,” MacIver
Institute, April 14, 2021). A sad statistic in any case; nevertheless, hardly
one that justifies a revolution.
more was needed: a proletariat population that would vote left, that is,
Democratic since the Democratic Party has morphed into a Marxist Party. Since a
substantial proletariat population didn’t exist in America, it had to be
imported—legally and illegally. “The most recent Pew Research estimate puts the
total number of unauthorized immigrants at 10.5 million in 2017. Overall, this
represents a minority of the foreign-born population, which in 2017 numbered
44.5 million—45% of whom are naturalized citizens, and 27% of whom are lawful
permanent residents” (Elaine Kamarck and Christine Stenglein, “How many
undocumented immigrants are in the United States and who are they?” The Brookings Institution, November 12,
2019). And “More than 41 million immigrants lived in the U.S. as of 2013, more
than four times as many as was the case in 1960 and 1970.” 14% come from Europe
and Canada, 28% from Mexico, 24% from other Latin America, 26% from South and
East Asia, and 8% other. (“Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million to U.S.,” Pew Research Center). Key here is that
only 14% are white. Thus the importance of vilifying white Americans: to attract
the 86% to the Democratic Party. That is where Black Lives Matter and Antifa
come in.
Of course, now there are no illegal aliens, only asylum seekers, all of whom are welcome. Most recently, “Border Patrol agents have made more than 381,000 arrests along the border during the fiscal year that began in October, about 82% of which were single adults. That is more than double the 161,000 arrests [more accurately brief detention for food and medical care] during the year-earlier period, roughly 68% of which were adults” (Michelle Hackman and Alicia A. Caldwell, “Biden’s Immigration Plan for Surge of Migrants at U.S. Southern Border: What You Need to Know,” The Wall Street Journal, May 12, 2021). If you want to see the future that the Biden-Harris cult has in store for America, watch the movie Sicario. Their goal is to transform America into an American version of Ciudad Juárez. It is the third-worlding of America, a nation in which no one except the very rich is safe, a nation under the influence of Hispanic drug cartels and corrupt politicians.
The Demographic Consequences
Marxist Mission
have taken control of the government and have set up an immigration plan that
will ensure that they will retain control at the federal level, as they have in
many states such as California (39% Latino, 36% white, 15% are Asian or Pacific
Islander, 6% are African American, fewer than 1% are Native American) and New
Mexico (46% Hispanic, white 36.9, Native America 8.78%, African American 1.9%).
This is the Marxist ideal for America’s future. Sometime during the past couple
of decades the bourgeois villain became the white man villain. The demographic
groups that have historical and cultural roots in nation’s history and culture
have become marginalized. Once the French Revolution was over, the demographic
of France was still French. The same was true for Russian and Chinese
revolutions. Russia remained Russian and China remained Chinese. In America,
however, the immigrant proletariat used to drive the Marxist revolution also
changed the nation’s demographic. State by state immigrants have become and
will continue to become the dominant demographic. Traditional white and even
black Americans will become increasingly marginalized. The good news is that
white politicians in the Democratic Party will one day find themselves
marginalized. The melting pot has been broken and now like Humpty Dumpty can
never be put together again.
And the influx of Marxists from the old world is the origin of this revolution. The new America will be made up of a population having no roots in American history or culture. They are carpetbaggers who come to America not to become Americans but for their own personal gain and to establish micro-nation enclaves. Their loyalty will always be to their home nation. America is becoming a multicultural nation consisting of tribes, though not like Native American Tribes, all of which are made up of Indians. America no longer has a unifying foundation, which can come only from a nation’s history and its historical culture. We already see that the American flag, national anthem, and 4th of July have become vilified. Marxists believe that the Marxist ideology will unify the country. That will not happen. That can happen only if a nation’s demographic is unified. At least religious ideologies have a god to believe in. A political ideology is in itself without life. On the other hand, keeping the country in a state of disunity keeps the revolution going. To what end? The total marginalization of white Americans, apparently?
The Israeli-Palestine Conflict
irony of the Israeli-Palestine conflict is that it isn’t between people but
between two Jewish ideologies. And it is taking place in the same place where
Judaism condemned Canaanites as an ungodly people who could, as a result, be
slaughtered and their homeland appropriated. In 1948 the Jewish invasion was
repeated, but now the pagans were Muslims, followers of a Jewish ideology. The
two Jewish ideologies make reconciliation impossible, which is the nature of
Jewish ideologies—no compromise. Dictators, wars, conquests, even slavery come
and go, but ideologies are forever. The only solution is to modify the two
ideologies so that they are compatible, but that will never happen since each
side considers its ideology sacrosanct. The best ideology is no ideology.
Though based on false claims, Jewish ideologies have taken on a life of their own. They can’t be killed by truth because their adherents ignore the truth. And that would be fine except each and every one—Judaism, Judeo-Christianity, Judeo-Islam, and Marxism are essentially declaration of war against non-believers. Each and every one creates enemies where none existed before.
Condemning this Article as
Most likely this article will be compared to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. I’ve never read the work and have no desire to because it’s a fabrication. Yet, isn’t that true for all the Jewish ideologies based on myth? There is no historical record of Moses. And there is no historical record of Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob. Biblical stories are based mostly on legends. The truth seekers Israel Finkelstein and Niel Asher Silberman say that the search for the historical patriarchs was ultimately unsuccessful. “The biblical stories should thus be regarded as a national mythology with no more historical basis than the Homeric saga of Odysseus’s travel or Virgil’s saga of Aeneas’s founding of Rome” (The Bible Unearthed 36). And basically the same can be said of Marx’s idea of historical materialism that states history demands the destruction of capitalistic societies.
The Origins of Totalitarianism Hannah
Arendt says in regard to The Protocols,
“The point for the historian is that the Jews, before becoming the main victims
of modern terror, were the center of Nazi ideology. And an ideology which has
to persuade and mobilize people cannot choose its victim arbitrarily. In other
words, if a patent forgery like the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ is
believed by so many people that it can become the text of a whole political
movement, the task of the historian is no longer to discover a forgery” (8).
Arendt gives the impression that Jews have been innocent victims of
anti-Semitic ideologies. By innocent I mean only that they have never
themselves created similar ideologies that became "the text of a whole
political movement" against an enemy declared as such by the ideology. But
they have. And each of their ideologies has had a boomerang effect of creating
enemies of the Jews where none had existed before.
she notes that Jews have been the victims of “eternal hostility,” yet Jewish
ideologies have resulted in eternal hostility toward one group or another. How
many people and nations have suffered because of Judaism, Judeo-Christianity,
Judeo-Islam, Marxism, and neoconservatism? And often the victims are members of
one of the ideologies, as illustrated today by the conflict between Jewish
Israelis and Muslim Palestinians. The first ideology that encouraged
anti-Semitism was Judaism, which declared non-Jews as being an abomination
in God’s eyes and thus having no moral rights. It is obvious that such an
ideology would create enemies. Jews really couldn’t expect to be liked or even
tolerated by the people they themselves hated. Hatred breeds hatred. It’s that
simple. The second ideology that encouraged anti-Semitism was
Judeo-Christianity, created by Jews, Jesus’ apostles but not Jesus. He forgave
the Jews, very unJewish response (see the story of Dinah and the Shechemites,
Genesis 34).
Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice provides an insight into the situation of Palestine. The hatred that exists between the Jew Shylock and the Christian Venetians is not caused by his being a moneylender. In fact, his service is valued; otherwise, it would not have been used. Money had to be borrowed for all sorts of risky enterprises. The hatred is between two ideologies. The lovers Lorenzo and Jessica relate to one another unaffected or untainted by ideology. Love transcends ideology. And significantly, love is natural and ideology is artificial. Yet, young love is quite powerful; that no so true for adults. Palestinians and Jews don’t even like one another because they are unable to transcend the ideologies that demand they hate each other.
Violette Reine Elizabeth Szabo
Was a Hero
She was a British/French Special Operations Executive (SOE) agent who was sent on two missions in occupied France. Szabo was captured by the German army, interrogated, tortured, and deported to Ravensbrück concentration camp in Germany, where she was executed (Wikipedia). My first encounter with her was the video game she inspired: Velvet Assassin. She was a remarkable woman and a true hero. There were thousands if not millions of such heroes fighting in World War II but not one was a Nazi. She fought an enemy that had killed her husband and that was trying to invade her homeland. The Nazis fought not for Germany but for an evil dictator and his evil ideology. Thus, by putting themselves in the service of evil, their actions and the consequences of those actions were evil as were they. Those who serve evil, be it an individual or an ideology, become evil.
Intentions and
motives Are Irrelevant
all evil behavior is caused by evil men.
In most cases their intentions and motives are evil. Numerous countries in the
world are controlled by such men, evil men. But even if their intentions and
motives were good, they would still be evil men. The only two criteria for good
and evil that matter are actions and consequences. I’m sure Lyndon Johnson
(Vietnam War) and George Bush (Iraq War) thought they had the best of motives
with their disastrous wars. Yet they were responsible for commanding men (most
forced into the Vietnam War via the draft) to perform evil actions that
resulted in the injury, destruction, and death. Thus, Lyndon Johnson and George
W. Bush are evil men. Key here is that both men acted aggressively. Elizabeth
Szabo’s actions were defensive. The two presidents said as much, but it was
clear to everyone that they were lying; neither Vietnam nor Iraq was a threat
to the U.S. Most important, the motivation of the two presidents was
ideological, the Judeo-Christian ideology. Szabo’s motivation was personal. Her
homeland had been bombed, her fellow citizens injured or killed, and her
husband killed. The principle here is to do no harm unless harmed.
is true for leaders is true for ideologies. Ideologies that encourage men to
engage in actions that harm others for only ideological reasons are evil
ideologies. And the men who invent such ideologies are evil men. Most heinous
of all is the ideology that declares non-believers to be an abomination to God
and enemies of God. It is not only heinous; it’s idiocy to believe that God
would be offended by non-believers. Such a view of God is primitive similar to
the way the common ancient Greeks understood the Olympian gods (though most
were good and none were as evil as the Jewish deity) as oppose to view of the
Greek philosophers such as the Stoics who believed God was a creative
course, as Nietzsche tells us, the motivation of the ancient Jews was
resentment toward pagans, especially toward those who had created impressive
civilizations, such as the Egyptians. In other words, the Jews deified their
hatred. It is interesting that Jews invented themselves as God’s chosen people
just after leaving Egypt. The First Dynasty period of Egypt was about 3000 BC.
The so-called Jewish Exodus occurred about 1300 BC, meaning that Egypt had been
a great civilization seventeen centuries before the Jews invented their
ego-enhancing religion. The first pyramids had already existed for thirteen
centuries. It’s not surprising that the Jews would have an inferiority complex.
So, instead of creating their own civilization, which would be impossible for a
tribe of pastoral nomads to accomplish, they imagined, as if having smoked too
much Kerouac cannabis, themselves as God’s chosen people, thus the most
important people in the Universe and create an ideology to verify the fact.
Judeo-Christians and Judeo-Muslims emerged in a similar manner among the proletariat
of Rome and the Hejaz of Arabia.
Mitty syndrome is a mental state of low self-esteem remedied by escaping into
an ego enhancing fantasy. For youngsters, it is a means of exploring ways of
self-realization. For adults it can be an indicator of dissatisfaction with the
realization of one’s life. But I’m talking about individuals, not societies.
Such fantasies need not be harmful as long as they remain in the realm of
fantasy. Today, video-games players can become heroes by killing make-believe
enemies. The problems with the
ego-enhancing fantasies of the Abrahamic religions are two. First, the
make-believe enemies being killed are real people. Second is the belief that no
moral crime is committed because the killing is doing God’s will.
Two characteristics that fuel the Walter Mitty syndrome of the Abrahamic religions are resentment (envy) and narcissism. In the narcissist low self-esteem creates an unbearable internal conflict very often resulting in hatred and anger toward people who are successful be they pagans or bourgeoisie. They are declared evil according to some impersonal, made-up criterion to protect ego from the realization that it is engaging in self-deception—such as the people envied are the enemies of God or property-loving demons. Daydreams and video games are temporary. Eventually, the dreamer or player returns to reality. Not so with ideologies. Once programmed the believer remains in the alternate reality created from the ideology. And like replicating robots they replicate into the future.
an America. I don’t belong to any ethnic group. My ancestors were farmers;
their only roots were the earth. They were Christians but being Christians
meant only getting together once a week and helping neighbors when they needed
help. Most said prayers at meals. Religion was a personal matter except on
Sunday. The church was also good for bringing people together for births,
marriages, and funerals. They wore no religious paraphernalia. Women wore
dresses; girls wore shorts when playing sports. Overalls were popular with
farmers; jeans were worn by cowboys or by guys and gals just whenever. There
was no God talk. That was left to the preacher. Men talked about the farm,
weather, commodity prices, and machines. Women talked about their children and
family and about the goings on in the town. Young people were most interested
in one another and school and sports. Everyone loved horses and dogs. God was
rarely discussed because he was taken for granted.
things saved me from being programmed by an ideology, religious or otherwise.
My parents were not churchgoers. They endured the Great Depression and World
War II so probably did some praying. When their prayers weren’t answered, they
must have concluded that no one was listening and that humans had to rely on
themselves, as they did during the depression and the war. Second was the
Vietnam War. It was an evil war begun by stupid politicians, but it taught
young people to think for themselves, which is the first step in becoming free.
And free thinking led me to existentialism, third, which is essentially an
anti-ideology philosophy. Don’t believe those who claim to be religious
existentialists or Marxist existentialists. They are cowards. Existentialists
were not my heroes. My philosophical heroes were the philosophers who were
skeptical to the core. Socrates comes to mind. The last influence was the music
of the anti-war era, country-western, folk, and rock-n-roll. The music seemed
to make just being alive worthwhile in spite of all the bullshit. When one
leaves the church, temple, or synagogue, gets off the prayer rug, walks out on
the cabal meetings with its secret handshakes, or cuts class to get some fresh
air, what one discovers is himself or herself and the world that awaits. Life
teaches the truth; ideology distorts the truth or abandons its altogether.
America offered me refuge from the mind imprisoning web of ideology. America
never produced any great philosophies or philosophers, but it did produce some
great independent thinkers. Favorites of mine: Thomas Paine, Black Hawk, Nathaniel
Hawthorne, James Fenimore Cooper, Herman Melville, Henry David Thoreau, Walt
Whitman, Henry Adams, Mary Austin, Kate Chopin, Stephen Crane, Emily Dickinson,
Theodore Dreiser, Hamlin Garland, Frank Norris, E.E. Cummings, William Faulkner,
Ernest Hemingway, Oliver La Farge, Edith Wharton, Edward Abbey, James Agee, Edward
Albee, Isaac Asimov, Wendell Berry, Ray Bradbury, William Gibson, A.B. Guthrie
Jr., Ken Kesey, Joseph Wood Krutch, Ursula K. Le Guin, Marge Piercy, Sylvia
Plath, Carl Sagan, J.D. Salinger, Mari
Sandoz, Leslie Marmon Silko, Luther Standing Bear, Black Elk, John Steinbeck, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Paolo Bacigalupi, Robert
Penn Warren, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Philip K. Dick, Chris McCandless, Jon Krakauer,
and Jack Kerouac, most of all Jack Kerouac whose novel The Town and the City is pure American.
That’s America—transcending the ideological, the cult, the collective. Celebrating the individual and just being alive in a glorious, too often tragic, world. You have to find your own books and your own way—but never ever rely on a single book. A single book is trap that will enslave you. The really cool thing about all those books is that they can’t be patched into a unified ideology. They resist the Single Vision. They won’t all fit into one ideological box. Combined they are anti-ideology. Life is more than black and white. It’s a rainbow of experiences and meanings. They gather within a single self to become a unique view and experience of the world. I am an American, which means I am a conglomerate. My ideas have been gathered not from prophets but from ordinary people. Some of whom were writers; most were not and will never be found on any list of any kind. I am legion, a composite of unique, disparate individuals, points of view, and experiences. I have no loyalty except to my family, friends, and neighbors. I have no allegiance to any single idea and no ideology whatsoever.
Norman Podhoretz, Hater of Jack
Kerouac and American Culture
only sixteen years old Norman Podhoretz “Godfather of Neoconservatism” was a
college student whose “political views were Marxist.” First a Marxist then a
neoconservative. His was a life lived in ideological boxes. That’s fine with me
as long as he doesn’t think he knows best how Americans should live and what wars
their government should engage in. But he did think he knew both as a
first-generation U.S. citizen. Can one who disassociates himself from an
America truly be an American? Kerouac didn’t like war nor did he believe he
should tell others how to live their lives, and he had deep American roots in
family, community, and work.
hates Kerouac. Add hating Kerouac to hating America because Jack was 100% America, not a fake American, not a paper American. Podhoretz wrote, “[1] Being
against what the Beat generation stands for has to do with denying that
incoherence is superior to precision; [2] that ignorance is superior to
knowledge; [3] that the exercise of mind and discrimination is a form of death.
[4] It has to do with fighting the notion that sordid acts of violence are
justifiable so long as they are committed in the name of ‘instinct.’ [5] It
even has to do with fighting the poisonous glorification of the adolescent in
American popular culture. [6] It has to do, in other words, with one’s attitude
toward intelligence itself (Fuller 37).
1. “Precision,” like jackboot precision, like Nazi precision? Or is it the precision of having one’s mind locked in an ideological box and moving the pieces within the box about with precision? Or perhaps the precision of smart bombs dropped by people who are very precise, though not wise, on people who live ordinary, less technical, less precise lives?
2. Weird coming from a person who is a member of a tribe of make-believers. No, Norman, what Kerouac was saying is that experience is superior to knowledge, and usually a requirement for knowledge. In a moment of unwisdom Plato thought knowledge (represented by the forms, disembodied ideas) was superior to experience, and as a result he got it all wrong as Aristotle had to point out. Experiencing life is superior to having knowledge about life—especially if it comes from an ideology, which is not knowledge. A man who has never loved can have no knowledge of love. And using the word “ignorance” is simply an ad hominem slur indicating that your understanding of Kerouac is ignorance. You never got out of the ideological box long enough to experience life. Muhammad got it right when he called Jews “people of the book.” The book of one sort or another has been their box forever.
3. If you weren’t blinded by hatred you would know that Kerouac exercised his mind plenty. His writings are still immensely popular; yours never were. That is because unlike you he wrote about life. What is death to the mind are Jewish, Marxist, and neoconservative ideologies—and death to the body as well, literally. You belonged to all three.
4. Acts of violence such as boxing, football, and other contact sports expressions of physical instinct (we have bodies by the way), even random acts of violence are less heinous than that violence encouraged and committed by political ideologues like yourself called war. I supposed the Jewish slaughter of pagans described in the Old Testament was justified in the way the Israeli Skynet bombing of Gaza was justified.
5. You don’t get it,
Norman. Popular culture of adolescent American, especially during the 50s and
60s when America was militarily involved in the clashes of two Jewish
ideologies, Judeo-Christianity and Judeo-Marxism, was magnificent. You didn’t
get because you skipped adolescence by becoming a college student and Marxist
at sixteen planning the overthrow of the America you weren’t even part of and
that you hated. 6. You confused intelligence with ideology. Ideology is the
negation of intelligence—which is freedom of thought. During the Hellenistic
era your people hunted down and killed intellectually and culturally
freethinking Jews sympathetic to Greek culture that was infinitely superior to
the Jewish cult that had priests but no philosophers, scientists, or artists.
I’m sorry but Philo was an intellectual joke. Your people had Jesus crucified
because he was a free thinker and a better, more humane thinker than the
Essenes and cruel Pharisees. Your people banned, shunned, ostracized, expelled,
and excommunicated Spinoza because he was a free thinker and declared him to be
evil, when in fact he got right what your people have always got wrong. Your
people’s ideology created the Judeo-Christianity, Judeo-Islam, and
Judeo-Marxism, three of the most intellectually oppressive organizations the
world has ever known. Your people more than any other have been against
intelligence. Your people didn’t even learn to think until the twentieth
century, when Europeans taught them to think.
Fuller says that Podhoretz condemned the Beats as “fundamental sources of the West’s moral demise” (193), overlooking the fact that Judaism destroyed Western civilization with its Judeo-Christian ideology and the Beats having never killed a Palestinian mother or her baby. He blames the Beat Generation for “increased violent crime, high divorce rates, high school dropout rates, illegitimacy, adultery” and a dozen other cultural failures (Fuller 193-194) but makes no mention of the Vietnam War that caused young people to reject the values of their society. And the war continued on and on and as always Jewish ideology was involved. It’s not surprising young people opted for carpe diem approach to life given the adults had failed them. Yet, none of this is surprising. The Beats were essentially pagans. And the counter-couture was very much like those Jews who decided to take a break from their oppressive religious ideology and celebrate life represented by a golden calf. Finally, let’s not forget the bloodshed caused by the Jewish ideologies: Judaism, Judeo-Christianity, Judeo-Islam, Judeo-Marxism, and Judeo-neoconservatism.
Kerouac Knew America: Past, Present, and Future
yeah, Norman, you overlooked the following passage in Kerouac’s The Town and the City. Peter’s, that is,
Kerouac’s, father, angrily laments America’s decline: “The country’s going
straight to hell if something doesn’t happen. Some mighty funny things have
been going on in the past ten years. Like I say, they’ve overturned the cup and
they’re trying to drain the country dry of
whatever it used to have that made it strong. It’s all these foreign ideas! I call it gall
if nothing else, that they should come over here from Europe,” he roared, “and
get themselves jobs and then turn around and tell American citizens who they
should vote for and how they should spend their money, and on top of all that
do their damnedest to change our form of government and economy after they
themselves lived for centuries like beggars in the old countries. Why the hell
do they think we fought all our wars—for the fun of fighting? Or just so they could come here and bring Europe
back again? But don’t you see,” minced the old man savagely, “they’re cultured and we’re not, they know what should be done, they read Karl
Marx or whatever his name is and they read this one and that one, while we’re
just a bunch of ignorant blockheads who just do nothing but work” (Penguin
Classics 407).
the mother speaks up. “I don’t know,” said Marguerite Martin with a wistful
air, “but the best kind of life, as far as I’m concerned, was the life we used
to live on my grandfather’s farm in New Hampshire...” “On a Saturday morning your Aunt Alice and I plucked
turnip and cabbage and carrots and potatoes and peas fresh out of the garden
and made a big stew—oh, a delicious stew, with all the vegetables still juicy
from the ground....” The father, George Martin, responds “I also went fishing
with the old man [the grandfather] at the creek, remember?” And at night they
made molasses candy, in the morning the cows were milked and a “pail full of
thick cream you cut with a knife” was brought in, brisket and eggs were cooked
for breakfast and eaten with homemade bread with cream and “Vermont maple
syrup.” Ducks were shot, plucked, and broiled over a fire.
concludes, “They [her still farming uncles] work hard all right, but they get
rewarded for their work, they live, and they’re happy and healthy, and they’re
independent, no one can tell them what to do. You can have your Communists and
your neurotics and all that stuff, but give me a good old church-going farmer
for a man, a real man... New York’s all right... for shows and stores and
excitement and a lot of people, but when
it comes to living the way people were intended
to live, give me the country and the small town” (408-409).
Peter/Kerouac has his own revelation triggered by an old lady’s remembering Missouri
in 186O: “These places and raw simplicities had now gone into the night, far
beyond the incomprehensible sprawl, the cancerous smoky suburbs, the
street-demented scab and wreckage of New York City and its outflung Chicagos,
Cincinnatis, Milwaukees, Detroits, and Clevelands—so easily forgotten in the
turmoils of city-time and city-talk and city-life and city-sarcasm and
city-weariness, in all the Brooklyns and Babylons, Baltimores and Gomorrahs,
Gazas and Philadelphias, and the pitted and blasted black Pittsburghs with all
their Toledos and Bridgeports, ruined Newarks and Jersey Cities and the
satellites thereof, the smoke-smothered Hobokens and Akrons and Garys of the
land.” That is pretty much America today, worse with the self-loathing, hatred, and the burning and looting of cities.
In the old woman’s voice Peter/Kerouac heard “his own mother’s voice, the
voices of his grandfathers and grandmothers, the voices he wanted to hear
again, the voices that soothed in a harsh world, in a world of real struggle
and true hope” (428). The old lady would die a week later, as America has in
our time.
Not surprising that New York City was the crystal ball in which the father (George Martin/Leo Kerouac) and Peter/Kerouac saw America’s decline and fall. The passages take place at the end of World War II. Today we know that the father's prognosis was correct. The country has gone to hell and the cup has been drained dry of what made it strong. And now the intruders come not as Marxists from Europe but as proletariat from the third-world countries. It wasn’t the beatniks or hippies who ruined America. It has been corrupt, stupid politicians who were interested in furthering their careers and realizing their pet ideologies and who didn’t give a damn about protecting Americans and preserving America. And, of course, the America-hating Marxists from the old country provided the ideology of destruction. Today, invading proletariat from failed states are finishing the job of destroying America started by New York Marxists. Don't blame Kerouac, Norman. Look in the mirror.
In the end, the father dies of cancer. In agony he laments “there are so many things I could have done!... If I had done the right thing... By gosh, I wish I could start all over again!” Those words could serve as an epitaph for America. If the country had only done things right—morally right. But it too has been afflicted with cancer, multiple cancers, the cancers of greed, corruption, ideology, and stupidity. Now it’s too late for America as well. And what will emerge from the ashes won’t be pretty but grotesque.
When Peter/Kerouac addresses his dead father he says, “Pa! Are you dead, for God’s sake? Pa!... You poor old man, you poor old man!” Today, a sad, confused, mournful, patriotic American could say something similar: “America! Are you dead, for God’s sake? You poor old country, my poor old homeland. You’re dead, aren’t you.”
The Dissolution of America
father’s death brings together the scattered old friends, fellow workers, and
family members. He did not hold them together but united, linked them together,
served as the hub of their relationships. As long as he lived, they shared the
linking values of time, place, history, and flesh, importantly not ideology. At
the time of the funeral the story offers an elegiac overview of family members,
families of friends, fellow workers and neighbors, and of shared times and
places. This was the old America. Once the father is buried links kept alive by
his existence dissolve. Among the children this process had already begun with
the siren call of big cities, other places, and the disruption caused by the
breaking away has always been a facet of American society because the spirit of
individualism is a dominant theme of American culture. Americans have always
been a people who have left home to pursue new opportunities and experiences; this
too was rooted in the concrete, not in ideology. Yet, the spirit of adventure
and opportunity competed spatially with the commitment to the family. America
is a big country, but there were always letters and later phone calls. Today
there is social media but it’s different—corrupted by decadence, politics,
ideology, and commercialism. Because it is public communication, not just personal, it encourages exhibitionism and voyeurism. The
death of the father breaks the hub that united even at a distance everyone who
knew him.
That breakage can be interpreted as a metaphor for what is happening to America, an idea representing a place, history, people, and culture that became an ideal that unified the American people. Became because that wasn’t always the case. When reading Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie, one finds no mention of national homeland. Indians are an object of both fear and fascination but not hatred. Soldiers are not presented as heroes but as an arm of government. Family, friends, and neighbors were all that matted. I don’t know precisely when American nationalism began to emerge, but certainly it was an idea entertained by politicians and commercial wheeler-dealers before it reached homesteaders. However, the threat of Marxism and communism intensified the nationalistic mindset—threats that we now know were real and were more internal than external. And with the rise of nationalism came ideology, not from the people but from politicians. And the ideology corrupted what which was natural—rooted in family, soil, factory, and history. Ideology is an abstraction, always a dangerous one in its ability to manipulate and control people.
Cracks and Fissures Led to a
Broken America
know that much. One resulted in the Civil War. But now America has been broken
beyond repair. These fatal cracks and fissures emerged with the Vietnam War and
the South’s vicious resistance to
integration—not allowing black Americans (the distant offspring of slaves)
the freedom to live, work, shop, and
attend school wherever they wish. Hammer blows recently began once Marxists
began to acquire control of the entertainment and news media and control of the
Democratic Party. Powerful social media tech corporations came into existence
with an anti-America Marxist bias. Conventional corporations took the side of
the Marxists out of fear of boycotts and being publically condemned as racist.
Essentially, this was the trashing of America, some or most of which it brought
upon itself.
Traditional values are no longer enough to unite a fractured, corrupted, splintered population. The onslaught has come from multiple directions, not simply political and ideological. In modern America one’s commitment to family, home, and community has grown weaker. Families dissolve or never congealed in the first place. Children came into the world without a family, just a mother. In addition, attachments and loyalties to ethnic and political groups grew stronger and replaced for many the attachment and loyalty to America especially with the influx of immigrants whose loyalties are to homelands elsewhere. Most recently Marxist Democrats have encouraged severing ties with America. They offer nothing in its place. The party has become the lords of chaos fueled by hatred. Theirs is not a revolution with a unifying goal in mind, some kind of utopia. Instead the goal is a multicultural third-worlding of America, which has been achieved in most big cities such as Los Angeles: Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 47.5%, Non-Hispanic Whites: 29.4%, and Black or African American: 9.8% (Wikipedia, “Demographics of Los Angeles”). The result is revealed in a YouTube video article titled “Los Angeles Gang Capital of the World.” See website below.
Are White Supremacists really
the Problem?
controlling for the number of gang members reported in each jurisdiction, the
1996 National Youth Gang Survey revealed that Hispanics and African-Americans
constituted the majority of gang members. The following aggregate percentages [of U.S. population] were reported nationally: “Hispanic—44 percent, African-American—35 percent,
Caucasian—14 percent, Asian—5 percent, and other—2 percent" (1996 National Youth Gang Survey, “Race/Ethnicity).
The survey was taken two decades ago, but it contents remain accurate.
The prison population reflects that: “From the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2018 black males accounted for 34% [but only 12% of the U.S. population] of the total male prison population, white males 29% [but 57.8% of the U.S. population], and Hispanic males 24% [18.7%of the U.S. population] (Wikipedia, “Incarceration in the United States”). It must be kept in mind that “According to the 2020 Census, Non-Latino whites [Caucasians] make up 57.8% of the country's population,” a decrease from 63.7% in 2010. For 2020, the Hispanic or Latino population was the second-largest racial or ethnic group, comprising 18.7% of the total population, blacks 12.1% (United States Census Bureau, “2020 U.S. Population More Racially and Ethnically Diverse than Measured in 2010”).
of prison population:
males 34%
males 24%
of total U.S. population:
males 12%
males 18.7%
White 57.8%
The Marxist left argues that blacks and Hispanics have a higher percentage of incarcerations compared to their percentage of the total population because the American penal system is racist thus bias against non-whites. This is why gang statistics are important. For decades gangs have been home grown. It can be argued however that original emergence of black gangs was due to white racism. The L.A. Crips, for example, came into being because black youth were isolated from white society and participation in the American Dream. Gangs gave black youths a sense of identity, dignity, and pride. The Bloods, however, formed to protect blacks from the Crips (Wikipedia, “Crips”). Then the two gangs declared war on one another. This was an important transition in the evolution of black culture, a self-inflicted tragedy—that of blacks turning on one another when they already had plenty of enemies. A corollary of gang life is that it became an accepted subculture in back society, which meant that internecine black contra black gang warfare would be unending. Tragically, many young blacks today voluntarily choose the road to ruin, though it must be recognized that white society for the longest time prevented them from choosing otherwise. As a consequence, a fatalistic slave mentality was adopted by them that encouraged failure through resignation: “What the fuck! The system is against me.”
From Freddy’s Freaky America Life by Frank Kyle
“Blacks are
more like prisoners of a war that took place a long time ago in Africa and were
brought to America and put in prison camps called plantations. Knowing that
they had no chance at winning since they were stuck in enemy territory, all
they could do was pray to god hoping he’d take pity on them because god’s
supposed to be all about love, but that didn’t happen. I mean now that I think
about it, that’s a lot to expect from a guy who creates a lake of fire so he
can torture millions of sinners who were probably mostly losers anyway. Besides,
why would a white god care about a bunch of black people? If he was such a nice
guy he’d of made them white in the first place so they wouldn’t of ended up
slaves which he knew was going to happen because he’s supposed to know
everything. So when black people finally figured out god wasn’t going to help
them all they could do was wait and hope white people would one day suddenly be
nice and let them out of the plantation prisons.
“As it turned out they kind of did and didn’t. You see, they let them out of the plantation prisons but then put them in ghetto prisons. By then black people pretty much decided that neither god or white people was going to help them out. So what did they do? They became cool, a style of life created by black people. After that they could still feel good about themselves even if white people weren’t going to let them out of their ghetto prisons. Then white people wanted to be cool but they never have been able to pull it off. Elvis Presley was one of the first to try to do it but just ended up looking ridiculous, and you know what he looked like when he got fat, like Moby-Dick with a guitar.”
Today, the gang plague has morphed into a nemesis far more complex and dangerous to American communities. The video below points out that as the white threat to black communities lessened, in part because blacks transformed their communities into killing grounds whites avoid, blacks turned on one another became both predator and prey. Then came the Hispanic invasion with gangs that are ethnic adversaries of blacks and engaged in the ethnic cleansing of black communities. By allowing and even encouraging the invasion of ethnic groups each represented by its own gangs the U.S. government once again betrayed black Americans. White Americans have been fleeing invaded cities for decades.
L.A.’s demographic evolution indicates that and reflects what is occurring in the country at large. Now there are Asian gangs, Middle-Eastern gangs, East African gangs (Sudanese gangs, Ethiopian gangs and Somali gangs), East Coast, Caribbean ethnic-based gangs include Dominican, Haitian, and Jamaican gangs. From Wikipedia : “Approximately 1.4 million people were part of gangs as of 2011, and more than 33,000 gangs were active in the United States” (“Gangs in the United States”). This from National Youth Gang Survey Analysis: Demographics: “The most recent figures provided by law enforcement are 46 percent Hispanic/Latino gang members, 35 percent African-American/black gang members, more than 11 percent white gang members, and 7 percent other race/ethnicity of gang members.” The U.S. had a gang problem, and what do politicians do about the problem? They make it worse.
And these gangs are more than just dangerous street gangs who effect is local, as seen in movies like The Warriors and The Wanderers. Gangs have become big business in the U.S. like the Italian and Russian mafias. 12 Biggest Organized Crime Groups in America provides a list: Artistas Asensios (Mexican), Norteño (Mexican), Crips and Bloods, Texas Syndicate (Mexican), MS-13 (Salvadoran), Latin Kings (Puerto Rican), Paisa (Colombian), Mexican Mafia, Tango Blast (Hispanic), Barrio Azteca (Mexican), and Sureños (Mexican) Do you see a pattern? Of course these are only big players. The list of gangs is almost endless. “Approximately 1.4 million people were part of gangs as of 2011, and more than 33,000 gangs were active in the United States” (“Gangs in the United States,” Wikipedia). And it’s unlikely that the situation has improved with open borders. Take as an example from Texas alone: Tango Blast gangs consist of “Incarcerated Hispanic men from major Texas cities (including Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin), [that] have banded together for protection from established security threat groups like Mexikanemi and the Texas Syndicate” and Barrio Azteca. (“Puro Tango Blast,” Wikipedia). If you don’t notice a positive feedback, you should.
L.A. America’s Multicultural
Future: “Los Angeles Gang Capital of the World”
Take a
knee for open borders. Three words that spell betrayal: Democrats, Biden, and
And white Supremacists are today’s big threat to America! Go figure. The New York Times writers have a passion for criticizing the threat of white supremacists. So what is the body count for white supremacists? Newsweek, hardly a conservative magazine, says, that “In the U.S., 64 victims were killed in 34 terrorist attacks by white supremacists and white nationalists between 2015 and 2019, the report [Global Terrorism Database] showed” (“White Supremacists Killed More Americans than Muslim Extremists in Recent Years, Terrorism Report Shows” online article). A Newsweek word game because killings by Muslim extremists are used for a false comparison—overlooking the 9-11 attacks 2,996 killed and over 25,000 injured and the mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, 49 killed and 53 wounded. “According to the FBI, white supremacists were responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016 … more than any other domestic extremist movement.” (Sound Vision “Facts and Statistics on White Supremacists in the United State,” online article). And “The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) estimated in 2016 that there were 3,000 active members.” But what about comparing the white supremacist nemesis to the body count and criminal activity of 33,000 gangs active in the United States, mostly imported? And as far as I know, white supremacists or skin heads or whatever are not involved in crimes such as making and selling illegal drugs, selling illegal weapons, thefts, muggings, drive-by shootings, burglary, robbery, gang rape, vehicle thefts, prostitution, human trafficking, and so on. There are more gangs than there are card-carrying white supremacists. The only way the left can get around that disparity is to claim that all white people are racist and wannabe card-carrying white supremacists. It’s a word game.
Just More Bad News for Black
It is important to note that of the 12 biggest organized crime groups in America, 10 are Hispanic. Thus, it’s not as if black Americans didn’t have enough problems originating with white Americans. Now they must defend themselves against endless vicious black-hating gangs from south of the border. Who gets the blame for that? Big greedy business and stupid, self-centered, fuck Main-Street-America politicians. Who were American blacks before the gangster mentality infiltrated their culture? There are some really cool books that answer that question: Black Cowboys of the Old West and African American Women of the Old West by Tricia Martineau Wagner, Black Cowboys of Texas by Sara R. Massey and Alwyn Barr, Black Pioneers: Images of Black Experience on the North American Frontier by John W. Ravage, and The black towns America's Black Towns and Settlements by Morris Turner. There are also books on black Indians and soldiers (Buffalo Soldiers).
these books reveal is that all post-Civil War blacks sought to live ordinary
lives, like those white folks lived. They just wanted to work, fall in
love, have a family, and live in a community of good people. Referencing
Clifford Geertz’s The Interpretation of
Cultures, the cultural DNA of black Americans was the same as that of white
Americans. White America, however, did everything possible to prevent black
Americans from realizing the cultural DNA they inherited from whites. As a
result, a huge amount of bad karma was created that has destroyed America
today. That’s right—destroyed. Until about the 1950s there wasn't much difference
between white and black Americans except skin color and whites not having lived
as slaves. (In case you don’t want to read a former slave’s memoir such as
Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of
a Slave Girl, you can watch Steve McQueen’s 12 Years a Slave.)
harassing black Americans and isolating them in black ghettos, white Americans
cause black culture to mutate, creating a new cultural DNA that is revealed in
the celebrated television series The Wire.
How do non-blacks view black culture? By what is visible in the media: sports,
yes, but also drugs, violence, imprisonment, welfare, single mothers &
absent dads, gangs, drive-by shootings, and failure in school? Their
communities are the most dangerous and degraded in the U.S. A culture in which
72% of black kids are raised by single parent because dad is either gone, dead,
gangbanging, or in prison. A culture in which 90% of blacks who are murdered
are murdered by other blacks, though white racists continue to be considered primary
threat to black people. This new cultural DNA is a youth culture that has split
off from the mainstream culture of adults who value most work, family,
children, community, and most likely religion. The youth culture celebrates sports,
sex, bling, drugs, gangbanging, murder, and general mayhem that competes with the
old American cultural DNA of working, falling in love, getting married, having
a family, and living in a community of good people? The new cultural DNA remains a minority in
terms of number but dominant in terms of influence and daily life.
In the video a cop says that the gangbangers probably represent 1% of the population of the neighborhood. That should be a wake-up call, though too late, for America as a whole. Just a small percentage of the population can transform a civilized nation into an uncivilized nation, like the one just south of the border—excuse me, there is no border. Mexico ranks 24 from the top among the Most Dangerous Countries in the World out of the world’s 161 nations, sandwiched between India and Iran. So, the immigrants are bringing their dangerous waysto America, all expenses paid by American taxpayers. Wow, think about it— subsidizing our destruction.
The Morality of Gangbanging and
conservatism does not believe in moral absolutes; thus it cannot declare
gangbanging and gangsterism to be immoral or evil in an absolute sense. That
does not mean rational conservatives believe such behavior is good, only that
it is considered such by gangbangers and gangsters. Rational conservatives condemn
such behavior as immoral or evil in a relative sense. It is such to them if not
to the individuals who participate in the lifestyle, which is all it is, a way
of living that is a matter of choice. There are no objective, absolute,
transcendent criteria for the moral judgment of actions. Such judgments are not
like logical or empirical claims, which can be objectively verified. The claim
the Sun revolves around the Earth is false and can be objectively proven to be
false using observation. The claim 2 + 2 = 5 is logically false and can be
objectively proven to be false. Empirical and logical claims are
verifiable, but moral claims are not; thus gangbanging and gangsterism cannot
be proven to be an evil way to live in the same way that the two other
statements can be proven to be false.
gangbangers and gangsters living a life that causes harm is not immoral or evil
but good. That does not mean such a way of life is good in an absolute or
objective sense in the way 2 + 2 = 4 is true in an absolute, objective sense.
To other people, living as a gangbanger and gangster is immoral, even evil,
because it’s behavior contrary to their values. Religious and Republican
conservatives reject moral relativism. The first claims God sets the standards
for moral and immoral behavior. That’s not true. If God exists, his standards
can be judged by human. Just because God claims action X is right or wrong
doesn’t make it right or wrong. Such a view believes that the basis for moral
judgments is arbitrary—a matter of will rather than reason. Religious believers
have claimed that if God said 2 + 2 = 5 then 2 + 2 = 5 is true, and is true because
God is the final arbiter of all claims. That is how the belief in God thwarts both reason and morality. For example, endless believers accept the view that if God
says pagans, infidels, gays, atheists, etc., ought to be killed, then they
ought to be killed and killing them isn’t wrong because it is doing what God
wants done. The 9-11 terrorists believed they were doing Allah's will. Bush said
God told him to go to war against Iraq. This is how religion leads to nihilism.
the God of the Abrahamic religions is a moral monster—he drowns the world,
innocent and guilty alike; he murders the Egyptians’ first born, humans and
animals alike; he orders the slaughter of pagans and even joins in the
slaughter; and he creates a lake of fire in which to torture atheists and
members of other religions. These behaviors contradict his being qualified to
be an arbiter of moral norms.
the problem of evil. For example, the Black Death was a bubonic plague pandemic
that occurred 1346 to 1353, the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history, killing
75–200 million individuals. Being all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good, God
should have acted to prevent so much unnecessary suffering and death. But he
didn’t. The Good Samaritan is morally superior to God—many good humans are. We
call them heroes. And that’s the other thing, saving humans by destroying or
preventing evil requires no sacrifice on God's part. We expect people to aid
others if doing so is without risks. Human heroes even some animals risk their
lives to aid people in danger. One would expect as much from God. Tolerating so
much evil that he could have prevented, disqualifies him as an arbiter of what
is good and evil.
Finally, if there is no convincing evidence that God exists, basing moral judgments on a hypothetical is irrational.
The Ideal Moral Principle:
Jesus versus Immanuel Kant
the evil, unknowable, or non-existent
God out of picture, we can now turn to the only legitimate arbiters of
morality—human beings. Generally and historically they have been as bad as God
when it comes to determining and living the moral life. Let’s face it. They
invented God so it’s not surprising that he thinks and acts as they do. When it
comes to morality, wise men have been far and few between. Two are Jesus and
Kant. However, our knowledge of Jesus has been severely corrupted by Apostle
Paul and his followers the other writers of the New Testament. The concern here
is finding a moral cardinal principle upon which a civilized, humane system of
morality can be based. So one cardinal moral principle that will serve as a
guide endless moral corollaries.
beginning, a word about Buddha’s worldview is necessary. For a number of
reasons he does not rank with Jesus and Kant. His greatest virtue is his
concern for suffering of all creatures. Wanting to keep suffering to a minimum
is a great virtue. The biggest problem with Buddha’s moral philosophy is that
it refuses to cause suffering to prevent it. H.W. Schumann says in his The Historical Buddha that “When the
native Indian religions were being persecuted by Islam in the eleventh and
twelfth centuries, several thousands of bhikkhus [Buddhist monks] allowed
themselves to be murdered without resistance” (202). Schumann describes their
behavior as illustrating “heroic self-discipline.” Allowing one to be passively
sliced and diced is not heroic. The principle was not to cause suffering to the
subhuman monsters attacking them. (In each case is seen how ideologies corrupt
people’s thinking and behavior.) It can be correctly said that they had a right
to passively die. But that is not the whole story, of course. What is left
unsaid is the killing, destroying, raping, torturing that others suffered
because the Buddhist pacifists would not defend the innocent men, women, and
children of their homeland against the most heinous evil. They would allow
their parents and siblings to be butchered rather than harm the butcher.
the motivation was selfish. Only by not causing suffering could the bhikkhus
end the cycle of death and rebirth. Not defending one family, friends, and members
of one community is not moral (and likely to be immoral) and is inconsistent
with one of humanity’s noblest virtues: defending loved ones. It’s behavior
that is contrary to the dominant principle of life found even in animals—to
defend life from harm. Other morally questionable behaviors of Buddhist monks
reveal by Schumann is the abandonment of family (which Buddha/ Siddhattha Gotama did) and
begging rather than working thus living off of people who do work. When not
begging they are meditating. Such a life is selfish, leaching, and
nonproductive thus hardly morally praiseworthy. However, to keep causing
suffering to a minimum is a humane principle. To make the principle reasonable
a qualification is needed: causing suffering to prevent suffering is justified. So
much for Buddhism.
JudeoChristianity is morally inferior to Buddhism, which might come as a
surprise after what was just said about Buddhism. First, its afterlife
metaphysics is far crueler than that found in Buddhism, in which there is no
lake of fire (a notion most likely originating with an apostle of hate either
Paul (2 Thessalonians 1:7-8) or Matthew (13:42) though the words are attributed
to Jesus. If true, then Jesus must be rejected on moral grounds. Such
punishment is hardly consistent with turning the other cheek. Ironically, in
Buddhism life is hell, a notion also common to JudeoChristianity. Buddhism is
not a hateful, us-versus-them religion as are Judaism, JudeoChristianity, and
JudeoIslam. It doesn’t preach hate toward non-believers and it is less
oppressive of women—who were allowed by Buddha to become monks—though it
encouraged men to abandon wives and their children leaving them vulnerable to
aggressors: “Households with many women and few men fall an easy prey to
robbers and thieves of the household treasures” (Schumann 117). In addition,
Jesus preaches loving one’s enemies, going beyond Buddhism, which I
believe doesn’t require loving the people who will kill you, your family,
friends, and members of your community: “When someone strikes your right cheek,
turn the other one to him as well” and “I say to you, love your enemies, and
pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:39 and 5:44). So not much progress
Old Testament Christianity ignored Jesus’ preaching loving rather than hating
one’s neighbors. Love expressed by the Abrahamic religions is limited to the
members of the faith, and not always to them if they are backsliders or
homosexual. Certainly, American slaveowners were not Jesus-Christians but Old
Testament Christians or perhaps worse just plain evil. And the history of
Judaism, JudeoChristianity, and JudeoIslam has been a history of hatred, of
others and of one another, that has continued into the 21st century.
Unlike Buddhism, the Abrahamic religions created enemies where there were none
before. In that way, Jesus was an exception, a rebel who rejected hatred of
others, those that was not true for Paul and the other writers of the New
Testament. Jesus must be judge by his actions, the existential Jesus, and what
he says that is consistent with those actions: his cardinal parable being the parable of the Good Samaritan.
The Golden Rule
to others whatever you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12). This Golden
Rule is well intended but quite flawed. Jesus lacked a modern, let’s say
Freudian/Darwinian, understanding of human nature. He says, for example,
“everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her
in his heart” (Matthew 5:28). The one to blame is his divine father who
programmed men to be Horny 24/7 so they would “Be fruitful and multiply, and
fill the earth and subdue it” to overcrowding, I might add. Humans are not like
nature’s wonders—plants, animals, mountains, buttes, canyons, deserts, rivers,
valleys, lakes, oceans, clouds, snow, and so on that make living on planet
Earth a glorious experience. More the
merrier doesn’t apply to hordes of humans who plunge cities and nations
into chaos and diminish the earth’s ability to sustain life. Occasionally,
humans do enhance the world—ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome for example—but
mostly they are nature’s and their own greatest source of misery. Look at the
world today.
life be better for everyone and everything if the human global population
growth had plateaued at about 4 billion in the 1970s? Is the U.S. quality of
life really better with its present population of 331,449,281. Will it be
even better in 2050 when the population will according to PEW Research Center
reach 438 million? No. Mega cities will become larger as will their crime and
poverty rate. There is a reason RVers warn not to camp near big cities. Big
cities are petri dishes for crime, poverty, disease, and desperation. And why
didn’t God see all this and design men to be in heat only a month or so during
the year? Sorry for the digression. Comes with being a pessimist. Really, is
there today any reason for optimism?
Democrats and Republicans
moral authority of both parties is corrupted. The morality of the Democrats is essentially negative and
nihilistic. They are Marxist nihilists who want America destroyed and the
wealth of Americans to be appropriated—through taxation or looting—and given
away to their anti-America supporters. It is the morality of the Old Testament
Jews who hated pagans and sought their destruction and the confiscation of
their land and wealth, or the morality of Old Testament JudeoChristians who
hated the Native American pagans and sought their destruction and the
confiscation of their homelands in addition to the their hatred of blacks whom
they made slaves even if they were JudeoChristians, or the morality of Marxists
who hate the bourgeoisie and want them and their society destroyed. The
morality of the Democrats is an us-versus-them moral system. So the
other—specifically white Americans—are the enemy. That principle co-opts other
moral principles such as the principle of autonomy and the Good Samaritan
principle. Why is that? It’s because an
absolute, categorical enemy has no moral rights just because of who they are,
not because of what they’ve done: pagans had no moral rights to the ancient
Jews even when they did not aggress the Jews, non-believers (such as Native
Americans) had no moral rights to JudeoChristians (ditto that for black slaves)
even if they were peaceful, infidels have no moral rights to Muslims just
because they are nonMuslims, and the bourgeoisie have no rights to Marxists
just because they belong to the Bourgeois class. This is how us-versus-them
ideologies lead to moral nihilism.
Republicans should not be judges of
morality because their judgments are usually biased by religious ideology
(e.g., their condemnation and hatred of gays), political ideology (neoconservatism),
by personal political ambitions (ditto that for Democratic politicians), by
greed, by loyalty to specific interest groups (the military industrial complex
(greed), big corporations, and big money financial institutions). Of course,
none of these institutions consider their views as being immoral. The ancient
Jews considered their conquest of Canaan to be moral, JudeoChristians believed
their conquests of homelands and peoples throughout the world to be morally
justified, ditto that for the Muslim conquests, for the Marxists’ conquest of
Russia and China that that killed millions of people, for Hitler’s war and the
Holocaust, for the Islamic States’ bloody rampage, and so on.
Many people would consider such moralities as evil. The important conclusion here is that one’s person’s morality is considered evil to another person. That moral ideologies can be manipulated is one of the general weaknesses of morality. Moral ideologies are often used to justified heinous crimes against individuals and populations. That is one reason why our understanding of ethics has progressed greatly but that progress has not eliminated men’s propensity to cause harm. Gangbangers and criminals reject moral principles that are the basis of a humane, civil society. That is a conundrum for humanity. And all that can be done is for good men and women stand up against those who would harm their families, friends, communities, and nation. And the fundamental goal is to protect one’s own and one’s allies. This does not and should not mean sacrificing the blood and treasure of one’s own people to save other nations that have brought failure upon themselves. What about being a Good Samaritan? Putting in harm’s way others in order to play the role of Good Samaritan is immoral. A cardinal principle in this regard is to protect one’s own people. Not to do so is a betrayal of one’s own people. The Vietnam War was such a betrayal as was the Iraq War. And in those wars American, Vietnamese, and Iraqis were betrayed by American politicians. Was America’s involvement in World War I and World War II morally justified? Defending friends and allies is a moral and practical good.
Is Open-Borders a Moral
answer is no. First of all, what was the Good Samaritan’s motive? It can be one
of two. The first could be emotional. Most people have helped out people in
need because (1) doing so made them feel good or they felt pity or (2) sympathy
or love for the needy person. The second motivation could be a sense of duty.
That seems to be Jesus’ motivation to help others. The philosopher Immanuel
Kant believed that moral acts should be motivated by a sense of duty, meaning
that the motivation is the action itself, not how it makes one feel. Both are good
reasons for helping others. Good Samaritan ethics fall into the category of
positive ethics—doing good when doing good is not a moral obligation.
may come as a surprise that ethics does not demand behaving as a Good
Samaritan. A person is not morally required to give money to a beggar. However,
the situation does matter. In some cases not helping would be immoral. Not to
save a drowning child when the only risk of doing so is getting wet would be morally
wrong. However, generally helping others is not a moral obligation or
imperative; otherwise, doing so would not be praiseworthy. Negative ethics are
obligatory. Not to harm a beggar or a child is demanded by negative ethics. We
do not praise men for not raping women or not looting stores and burning
buildings not engaging in pedophilia. It is expected that such behavior is
avoided. A person is not required to love or help his neighbor but is required
not to harm him or her. Now all this assumes that a person cares about being
moral—helping, not hurting—but there are a lot people who don’t give a damn and
even enjoy harming others. If that were not the case, there would be no reason
for morality in the first place.
Certainly, however, being a Good Samaritan is immoral if the Good Samaritan action harms others. For example, stealing money from a passerby in order to give it to the beggar would be immoral because negative morality based on the principle of autonomy supersedes positive Good Samaritan morality.
Open-Borders Is not Moral
can open-borders qualify as a moral rather than an immoral Good-Samaritan
program? It must be kept in mind that Good-Samaritanism is not a moral obligation
nor unconditionally good. It cannot morally condone robbing (harming) Peter to
pay (being a Good Samaritan to) Paul. For one thing, robbing Peter violates an
unconditional rule of negative morality: Robbing Peter would violate his autonomy thus would be immoral. To repeat, positive morality
cannot justify violating negative morality principles.
The Majority must Approve Open
majority of a nation’s population must approve opening the nation’s border to
immigrants. In the U.S. a Marxist, anti-America oligarchy has opened the
nation’s borders without the approval of a majority of Americans. Doing so
violated their autonomy as members of a democratic nation. The decision
certainly benefits immigrants, but the benefit to non-Americans cannot morally
justify the program without majority approval. The only duty of politicians is
to serve the people they represent, not others, not themselves and certainly
not a personal political agenda. Thus the Marxist Biden-Harris oligarchy acted authoritarianly
rather than democratically. In some cases, even representatives can violate the
authority of the electorate. The majority of the members of the Congress and
Senate approved both the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. The lessons here are (1)
politicians cannot be trusted to do the right thing for the people they
represent and (2) they definitely are not more intelligent than the average
American, too often less so.
No Harm to the Invaded
This means that if open borders harm a minority of the invaded population, even if a majority of the population agreed to an open borders policy, the policy is immoral. To put a minority population at risk violates the autonomy of the minority population. The video “Los Angeles Gang Capital of the World” is an illustration of a minority suffering from open borders (and even restricted) immigration. A fundamental purpose of the nation state and its borders is to protect its people. It is the same principle that is applied to the sanctity of the home. The home is an inviolable space, a sanctuary, where home owners/renters can feel safe. Entering a home without permission is considered criminal and immoral. What is true for the home is true for the homeland. In the video the intrusion of Hispanics into black neighborhoods results in blacks not being safe in their homes or on their streets. Allowing this to occur U.S. politicians (they can hardly be call American politicians) betrayed black Americans—again.
The Open-Borders Sham
Good Samaritan justification of the open-borders policy is a sham. The
motivation of the policy is not to benefit the immigrants flooding over the
southern border—though it has that effect—but to destroy America by making it
disappear in a multi-cultural (euphemistically call diversification) morass. The
motivation of the destruction is two-fold. Anti-American whites hate the
country and want it destroyed. The white rulers of the Democratic Party are the
most powerful group of American haters. Non-whites haters of America want America destroyed to
benefit their own people. They serve their own ethnic group first and foremost.
They are praised for doing so while white Americans are condemned for doing.
The sham is that destroying America can hardly benefit the nation and its
people. Vice President Kamala Harris claimed to be the first African American.
She’s not simply because her ancestors were not American slaves. She’s a
Jamaican-Indian U.S. citizen, thus it’s not surprising that her commitment
would be to non-white immigrants.
her support for the rioters burning cities and looting stores reveals her
hateful agenda to see America disappear:
is a movement, I’m telling you,” Harris said in the interview. “They’re not
going to stop. And everyone beware, because they’re not going to stop. They’re
not going to stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not going to
stop after Election Day. And that should be — everyone should take note of
that, on both levels, that they’re not going to let up, and they should not,
and we should not.” This view can be summed up with Antifa motto: No borders/No
walls/No USA at all. Will genuine black Americans benefit from the
destroy-American movement? The YouTube video suggests that will not be the
case. In 1790 blacks were 19.3% of the U.S. population. 10% in 1910. Today,
13.4%, some increase, yet Hispanics represent 18.5%. Worse for blacks is the
projection that by 2050 their percentage of the population will increase by
only .6% to 14% while Hispanics will increase to 29% from 3.5% in 1960. And how
many of those future blacks will be genuine black Americans with slave ancestors?
Consequential Ethics and Open
the name suggests consequential ethics evaluates an action according to the
consequences of the action. The evaluation, however, can be based on any number
of desirable criteria. The consequences of action X may be considered good to person
A yet bad to person B. Thus, person A would judge action X as morally good
whereas person B would judge it as morally bad. Consequentialism appears to be
relativistic ethics, which it is because the moral value of action X varies
with the beliefs, feelings, views, and attitudes of the people who judge the
action. Most people believe in transcendent moral truths. Yet, what would be
the absolute criterion for deciding the morality of action X? Essentially
another person. It has been argued that God and God alone is the one and only
source of absolute, unchanging, universal moral truths. Yet, it is always other
persons who tell us what God’s views on morality are, or scripture, written by
other persons. They may claim to know God’s views on morality, but what they
claim comes down to being their opinions.
unlike what people who deny moral relativism believe, it’s really no less
effective than absolute moral claims based on religion or whatever. When the
Catholic Church ruled Europe with an iron fist based on God's law, there was just
as much misbehavior, including that of the Catholic Church. Islamic societies
are ruled according to God’s/Allah’s law, yet Islamic states are cruelly
oppressive as were the society of the ancient Jews ruled by totalitarian priests and European society during the Dark Ages under the heel of the
Catholic Church. The totalitarian character of these societies disqualifies
their God-based morality. Morality really comes down to whether people want to
live in a society rife with crime, corruption, brutality, oppression, chronic
fear or one that is civilized—one in which those evils don’t exist or are kept
to a minimum and Kant’s principle of autonomy determines people’s behavior. It
is not a matter of absolute ethics versus relative ethics but a matter of
back to a consequentialist evaluation the open-borders policy adopted
arbitrarily by the Biden-Harris-Democrat Oligarchy. From the point of view of
the Oligarchy, their open-borders policy--to create a demographic shift benefiting the Democrat Party--will be a success if it throws America
into a state of chaos and reduces white Americans to just another minority among
endless others. We saw how they celebrated the looting, rioting, and arson. (And they won the election anyway using what became their greatest political WMD Donald Trump, given to them by the Republican Party. How ironic is that!) And if the nation
becomes a formless monster of chaos consisting of spasmodic violent impulses
and emotions rooted in ethnic tribalism, a nation in which drive-by shootings
and looting and setting fires become a form of play, the Oligarchy will still claim open borders a success, a moral good, because the country has become multicultural, the highest good. The fact is open-borders was never motivated by humanitarianism but initially by economics and today by revolutionary politics. But Main Street America will consider
the policy immoral if it returns America to a primeval tribalism in which the
quality of life becomes “poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” A viable society
requires order. What the Oligarchy values and wants most for America is
disorder, which negates a social morality based on the principle of autonomy
and Good Samaritanism.
In The Non-Suicidal Society Andrew Oldenquist describes such a society as one in which a person is unable to predict the behavior of others. In a society based on an ethics of consideration for others (like the Golden Rule), a person knows that most likely he or she will be treated with respect. If the ethics of a society are in a state of disarray, predicting others’ behavior becomes uncertain. In a society of violent tribalism, a person can expect to be safe only within the confines of his or her tribe (though less certain for females*). In such a society power rather than morality rules, the power of law (if it hasn’t been disbanded) and the power possessed by tribes be they ethnic, political, or financial. It is a society where women carry a gun or mace in their purse to protect themselves. It is a return to the chaotic core of masculine primitivism.
*”In another study, African American adolescents reported the highest proportion of forced sexual intercourse, which is consistent with results from the National Violence Against Women Survey showing that black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaskan Native women are at greater risk for rape victimization than white women” (“Race, Ethnicity, Substance Use, and Unwanted Sexual Intercourse among Adolescent Females in the United States,” WestJEM: Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, online article).
Now It’s Too Late To Save the
would have been so simple (1) to allow blacks, mostly ex-slaves after the Civil
War, to participate in the American Dream and (2) to prevent Main Street America
from being invaded by cultures that would inundate American society with gangs
and organized crime. Now it’s too late to save America from being swallowed by
societal chaos. A new cultural DNA also emerged in white culture. It rebelled
against what it considered the sterility of the conventional culture of the
adults. However, initially the rebellion was edgy but joyful. That can be found
in the music of the 1950s, but the negativity of the rebellion intensified with
the Vietnam War, and would continue to intensify in response to the toxic
behavior of big business and the government. That too can be found in the hauntingly
beautiful music inspired by the war.
Beginning with the Vietnam War young Americans’ disenchantment with government and big business became increasingly infused with hatred. This is true for young people on the right and left. They may side with the Republicans but they hate Republican politicians. They may side with the Democrats but they hate Democratic politicians. And they hate America's commercial juggernauts that are transforming America into a giant, boring, oppressive, decadent franchised shopping arcade. They may buy from but hate Jeff Bezos. They visit Starbuck’s now and then for a latte but hate the company’s coffee tsars. They probably never enter a Walmart because they hate the store and the Waltons. They hate them for destroying America’s small towns and neighborhood stores.
They may use Facebook but hate Mark Zuckerberg. They certainly use Microsoft products but hate plutocrat Bill Gates. They hate megacorporations that crush or buy out competitors. They most likely use Apple made-in-China products but hate Apple for either being a slave state supporter or for collaborating with the enemy. They use YouTube but hate its censoring controllers. Most likely they use Google but hate the Google’s autarchs. They hate them all for transforming America into a plutocracy of consumer junkies. Without question they hate Monsanto, oil companies, credit card companies, big banks and investment firms just because they believe they are evil. In other words, right or left, young Americans hate the corporate and political wheeler-dealers of modern America. And now they hate one another. Hate rules America. What has been lost is good will, trust, and the friendliness America was once known for across the globe.
of course, is exactly the America the Marxist Democratic left wanted, and they
got what they worked so hard to get—a nation ruled by hatred and existing in a
state of self-destructive chaos. They are not solely responsible for this state
of affairs. The seeds of America’s decline were planted early in the nation’s
history. But the Marxist Democrats were the first political party to
want America destroyed. So rather than attempting to prevent the nation’s
destruction they accelerated the process. The destruction desired wasn’t just
about pulling down statues and setting fire to buildings. What was desired was
the destruction of the society, a way of life, a culture to be replaced not with
a Marxist utopia (which always turn out to be dystopias), but an anti-society
society if society means order, cultural integrity, moral behavior, that is, to
be civilized.
Jack Kerouac: Lover of life
mattered to Kerouac. Reading him one encounters one name after another of
people he believed should never be forgotten but are forgotten in the sweep of
time. He knew them and loved them even when he didn’t like them. They all were
who they were in the colorful, mysterious ebb and flow of existence. Al Buckle,
Charley Low, Gerardo, Enrique, John J. Coppertwang, Charley W. Jones, Carmelita
O, and so on. Sometime, most of the time,
there were no names just descriptions: girls throwing flowers, children
playing, men smoking, working, talking, old timers sitting. Negros, white men,
Latinos. He loved equally the names of streets, neighborhoods, and towns. They
are where life is to be found and his mind whirled with life. Names mattered because Kerouac knew they and he and everything would eventually disappear in
the void. No writer gets you closer to life with words than Kerouac does. To
Kerouac each noun, adjective, and verb was a memorial.
recall Kerouac sitting in a church contemplating the void. Jack was a
modern-day Jesus who had nothing to offer except love. He couldn’t offer God or
life eternal because the almighty was the Void and there is no forever in the
Void. So, he loved life, every particle of it. ”Happiness consists in realizing
that it is all a great strange dream” full of sound and fury, signifying
nothing. He traveled life with a deep sense of sympathy and nostalgia. He felt
nostalgia for that which had been lost and for that which would soon be gone. The invisible sack he carried everywhere
was filled with memories. Each person and every thing mattered to Kerouac, so
he would put each person and every thing he encountered into that sack. A few
he would put in his books. Every person and every thing mattered because they
are here today and gone tomorrow. Unlike the Jewish ideologies of hate his
vision of the world was inspired by love and was humane and kindly. He was
about life, not about God, ideology, conquest, killing, ethnic cleansing, or
marching in lockstep to some religious or secular ideology.
is the story Kerouac told “in which his mother and father were walking together
in a Jewish neighborhood on the Lower East Side of New York. He recalled
"a whole bunch of rabbis walking arm in arm ... teedah- teedah – teedah
... and they wouldn't part for this Christian man and his wife, so my father
went POOM! and knocked a rabbi right in the gutter” (“Kerouac,” Wikipedia). The rabbis thought they own
the sidewalk, just like their ideologies believe they own the world. Why should
they move for a gentile woman? We are God’s people chosen to tell the rest of
humanity how to live. Kerouac knew we lived in a wonderland filled with beauty
and mystery. Even the ugly possessed a terrible beauty. Each thing, each
creature, each person was meaningful to him. His values were rooted in
experience and feeling, not ideology, not some book like the Bible, Quran, Das Kapital, and Mein Kampf. In a church in Mexico he sees the truth. First Jesus on
cross. He thinks “had I been there I would have yelled ‘Stop it’ and got
crucified too.” Crucifixion is the way of the Judaisms. All that is unique, free,
and wonderful must be crushed under the wheels of the Jewish ideological Juggernaut.
Yet crucifixion is also the way of life. In the end, we all die. He knew that
followed the advice of two Jews infinitely wiser than Podhoretz, phenomenologist
Edmund Husserl and astronomer Carl Sagan, both of whom rejected mythologies and
ideologies to return to things themselves. For Husserl the return was to things
close at hand. For Sagan it was investigating the origin and evolution of the
Universe, instead of studying the Torah and visiting the Wailing Wall. It was a
matter of leaving the temple, church, or mosque and experiencing the world at
large. In fact, Podhoretz’s condemnation of Kerouac is a condemnation of the
most accurate, sensible book in the Old Testament, the only one worth reading,
the one that has inspired endless Kerouacs and Hemingways for generations:
Ecclesiastes, written during the Hellenistic period and full of Greek wisdom,
in particular Epicureanism, reminiscent of the sixties in the U.S. so despised
by Podhoretz.
example: “All things are full of weariness; a man cannot utter it; the eye is
not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing” (1:8). Could it be
that expresses the mindset of American youth after World War II and the Korean
War and during the Vietnam War and the Cold War? Adults will never get it
right, certainly not evil politicians, so let’s party. Better free love
than slaughter.
“In my vain life I have seen everything; there is a righteous man who perishes
in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man who prolongs his life in his
evil doing” (7:15). Such as slavery, Native Americans being extinguished, Jews
being systematically slaughtered with great intellect and precision (precision
was what the Germans were all about), Palestinians being displaced, Vietnamese
villagers being napalmed, the people of Gaza being bombed, and God is nowhere
to be found. So what is the point of believing in him especially when he
encourages carnage in the Old Testament, New Testament (Book of Revelation),
and Quran?
“There is nothing better for a man than that he should eat and drink and find
enjoyment in his toil” (2:24). Might that be the conclusion the youth
generation came to? “Go, eat your bread with enjoyment, and drink your wine
with a merry heart; for God has already approved what you do” (10:7).
Apparently, God also approves of what wicked men do, and that is why we don’t
need his approval.
“If a man lives many years, let him rejoice in them all; but let him remember that the days of darkness will be many. All that comes is vanity” (11:8). And Kerouac remembered both though he did not live many years. And Podhoretz learned nothing from the preacher or from life though he has lived many years. And what about the drinking, smoking, drug taking, and endless sex? The tragedy of Kerouac is that he too was pulled into the maelstrom of decadence that overtook America, as his On the Road attests. Yet he gave plenty of warning even his own life. He saw himself as an experiment. He gives us repeated warnings about not overdoing drinking, drugs, smoking, etc., such as the alcoholic “Crazy Polock” who “drreenk and drreenk” and gets sick and loses his job. Or one might end up dead in the morning or shorten his or her life, as was the case for Kerouac. Kerouac teaches how to live and how not to live. And how was he to know everything as a young man just beginning that turbulent voyage that would be his life. Kerouac teaches us about life. The Jewish ideologies teach only about death, essentially causing others to die. And who are the movers and shakers of decadence today, sin city Hollywood, always, and equally influential the super-decadent super-rich tech & media moguls.
The Biden-Harris Administration
of Hate
is what drives today’s Democratic Party and the Biden-Harris administration is
at the wheel of government. Their multicultural Marxism is a facade for what is
essentially a nihilistic agenda. Like the master nihilist George Soros they
characterize their open-borders program as being a humanitarian effort to save
all of the have-nots of the world by allowing them to flood into America to be
cared for. But the real motive is the destruction of America. Unlike
traditional Marxist they have no plan for their new utopia. The program is in
reality a great giveaway—the giving away of everything that belong to
Americans, including their homeland, to the immigrants who are able to escape
their failed states and make their way to America and transform it into a
failed state. The goal, of course, is not to save them but the destruction of
America and the American people. In his book Nihilism Helmut Thielicke, a Christian, says, “The viciousness of
this nihilistic inversion consists in the fact that it takes place behind an
unchanging facade, and that so ‘Satan disguises himself as an angel of light’
and appears, not in attack upon the house of God, but within the house of God.
Here again we are dealing with camouflaged nihilism...” (36).
facade of the Democratic Party and the Biden-Harris administration is a Marxist
utopia. That is not their purpose. Marxism is their weapon, not their goal. Destruction of America is their purpose and goal.
What is their motivation? It’s similar to the motivation that inspired the ancient Jews’ hatred of pagans: resentment. Both Biden and Harris are
narcissists afflicted with a debilitating inferiority complex. Biden thinks of
himself as a great man. He’s not. He never accomplished anything of note. Even
the flimflam narcissist Trump has attracted more attention and applause (both
undeserved). The same is true for Harris. She has aspired to be a great
American black woman, but is an ordinary black woman who isn’t even a true
black American. Her roots are alien, i.e., having no historical roots that reach back
to slavery, the only criterion for being a black American. Both are second-raters
who believe they are the greatest, but have never proven themselves as such. So
now they are angry with America for not recognizing their non-existing greatness.
And they have acquired an army of followers just like them, angry,
American-hating ne'er-do-wells (contraction of phrase never do well) filled
with resentment who have taken up the banner of Marxism to disguise and ennoble
their nihilistic hatred of America.
Biden Dies with a
Biden’s goal has always been to
kill America. Like the Las Vegas shooter he is filled with hatred. But unlike Stephen
Paddock he acquired the power to kill a nation. The motivation is the same. Americans consider Biden’s death-wish for America a deep betrayal, Judas like, because he once was an American just as Judas was a follower of Jesus before he betrayed him.
His partner in crime shares Biden’s motivation, hatred, but her action is not
betrayal because she was never an American except on paper. She is guilty of obscene ingratitude. She hates the country that enabled her to achieve the second
highest office in the land. She returns the favor with a knife in the back smiling at the sight of her victim's blood. When
Biden is on his deathbed a few of his closest America hating conspirators will
gather around him, Nancy Pelosi, Charles E. Schumer, Adam Schiff, Elizabeth
Warren, members of the Squad, and others. All wearing Halloween grins. Though death is near, he too smiles. Wiping away bit of drool from his chin, Harris says, “You did good, Mr. President. You killed America, with our help, of course. And President Trump's. He should be
here. We couldn’t have done it without him. Rest in peace, Mr. President.”
Wisdom of Luther Standing Bear
Luther Standing Bear said the white man attempted the transformation of the Indian and what resulted was chaos (248). “Tyranny, stupidity, and lack of vision” brought about the problem. That exactly describes Democrats’ attempt to transform America. Such an attempt upon Native Americans was made in government Indian schools, and the attempt to de-Americanize Americans is occurring today in public schools. What is the Marxist democrats’ vision for America? A laissez-faire society where everything goes, a Mardi Gras funded by American taxpayers. Laws will not be enforced, anyone who desires will be on the dole. Cities will be filled with criminals, homeless people, drug addicts, the mentally insane, and anarchists. Cities will become Babylons. The model for America’s future is seen in cities such as L.A., New York City, Albuquerque, San Francisco, Chicago, Portland, and others that have become urban islands ruled by the Democratic lords of flies.
Luther Standing Bear says that the Indian can save America. Once but no longer. That time has passed. Numbers matter. For the Indians there was a numerical a tipping point beyond which their nations could not be saved from the invaders. This is also true for America. The tipping point has passed. Now nothing can save America.