Ruben Navarrette, a Hispanic propagandist and spokesperson for the San Diego Union-Tribune, says it isn’t too late for Republican politicians to woo Hispanic voters. Of course, he is speaking on the behalf of Hispanics in general and Mexican illegal immigrants in particular, not Americans. In his articles it is as if Americans do not exist, only U.S. politicians and Hispanics, in other words, as if America has already become a Hispanic Nation. From a slightly different perspective, Navarrette’s role is that of a representative of Mexico negotiating America’s surrender in the present Mexican-American War. Let’s call it MAWII. You will notice that he is smiling in his photograph, and he has every reason to smile because this time around it looks like Mexico is going to win the war. Thus, America is in one of those rare situations in which a nation is losing two wars at once, one abroad and one at home.
In his article “Still a Chance To Woo Hispanic Voters” Navarrette refers to the GOP “condemning itself to years in the electoral wilderness by alienating an influential constituency.” In other words, the Republican Party should get out of the electoral wilderness by selling out to that influential constituency the people who have been invading the country for the last half-century and who are more committed to Mexico and the political party of La Raza Unida than to America or to either of its major political parties.*
The reason Navarrette is appealing to Republican politicians is because America has already been sold out to the illegal aliens by the Democratic Party either for votes or their Marxist ideology (that Americans should surrender their nation to the world’s downtrodden multitudes). The only difference between the democratic candidates in the presidential election is how much they are willing to grovel for Hispanic votes. Ironically, it is a Republican who may have set the lowest standard of obsequiousness, and that would be Senator John McCain. Among the Democratic candidates Senator Hillary Clinton most deserves the Benedict Arnold Medal of Dishonor for, as Navarrette puts it, “aggressively going after the Hispanic vote by racking up the endorsements of seemingly every Latino officeholder from East Los Angeles to the South Bronx.” In other words, voting for Hillary is raising the white flag of surrender to Mexico and the armies of illegals encamped in hundreds of cites across America.** Of course, she has been greatly helped by her husband Bill, whose sense of loyalty was pretty much demonstrated by his affair with Monica.
As you probably already know, Benedict Arnold was an American Revolutionary general and traitor whose planned to surrender West Point to the British for 20,000 pounds. The Benedict Arnold Medal of Dishonor should be given to American politicians who contribute to the surrender of America to those armies of the night that have been marching northward from Mexico, Central America, and South America into America. Of course, this means that most if not all Democratic politicians, many Republican politicians, and certainly the President of the United State should receive this medal.
Actually, Navarrette isn’t interest in the Republicans winning the election but only in Hispanics winning the election. And this should not be held against him. He is, first and foremost, a Chicano (note the title of his book A Darker Shade of Crimson: Odyssey of a Harvard Chicano) and totally committed to his people, unlike many Anglo-American politicians, businessmen, and American Catholics who are in favor of giving sanctuary to illegal immigrants. However, the Republicans can win the election without surrendering to the illegals if they are willing to be, unlike their rabid leader President Bush, flexible on some key and difficult issues. Two candidates who could pull this off are Thomas G. Tancredo and Michael D. Huckabee. The strategy would be to appeal to Democratic and undecided American voters, rather than to Hispanics, because what many Americans are looking for is a president who is interested in saving America for Americans and not for Mexico or the Hispanic Coalition called the Hispanic Nation.
What these politicians would need to do is create a triage that distinguishes the most important election issues from secondary issues. Below, some of those issues are examined.
Illegal Immigration
First and foremost, they should stand up against the illegal aliens and require that they return home and apply to enter the United States legally. Mexico is the greatest threat to the integrity of America, not Iraq***, not Iran, and not the terrorists. If Americans lose the present Mexican-American War, they can expect that their country will soon become totally criminalized as Mexico has been for decades if not forever. A glimpse of America’s Hispanicized future can be seen in a recent San Diego Union-Tribune article titled “Troubling Signs in Baja.” It describes recent attacks upon Americans foolish enough to visit Mexico by “paramilitary-style criminals.” Pat Weber, owner of San Diego Surfing Academy in Carlsbad, watched while Mexican gunmen “sexually assaulted his girlfriend before stealing $10,000 worth of computers, video cameras, and other gear.” Welcome to the land of Su Casa Es Mi Case. And as always, Mexican law-enforcement officers cannot be trusted because there is a good chance that they are corrupt and linked to criminal groups. Hundreds of cities and communities in the U.S. have already been criminalized by illegal aliens and their offspring. If it were not for Hispanic immigrants, the jails and prisons in California would not be overflowing. If Americans do not have the gumption to elect a president (and congressmen/women and senators) who is willing to stand up to Mexico and its civilian armies, then they deserve whatever they get (like the tourists visiting gangsterlandia south of the border) and they had better start arming lifeguards with AK-47s.
If American voters are unwilling to support the fight against illegal aliens, then it doesn’t matter who wins the election because America will have become a lost cause for everyone but those invading the country.
The Iraq War
The next president needs to get American troops out of Iraq because the Iraq war is bleeding America of American lives and of oceans of money, and because the war is unwinnable. Anyone who thinks the Iraqis are going to be friends of America after the war’s end (win—whatever that means—or lose) is an idiot. Eventually, Iraq will have a leader like Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez who will be more interested in serving his people than in being America’s friend. America could use such a leader, one not interested primarily in serving wealthy special interest groups but in serving the American people. Besides, almost all Iraqis have suffered harm as a result of the U.S. invasion of their homeland, and only a madman would think they will feel any loyalty toward us after the war.
The Homosexual Issue
Homosexuals are not a threat to America. I am not an advocate of their lifestyle and certainly don’t appreciate their influence upon Hollywood movies (such as Brokeback Mountain). However, the vast majority of American boys and girls do not want to be homosexuals. The biggest threat sexually to American values is the celebration of promiscuity in popular culture, not homosexuality. Mexican gangs and drug lords are a far greater threat to American communities than homosexuals are. Thus, I suggest that Republican presidential candidates take the position (a traditionally Republican position) that the states should decide how to handle the various issues regarding homosexuality, such as whether or not they should be able to marry. Personally, I could care less if they marry. If doing so is a sin, then let God punish them. Americans have other more pressing problems to worry about, such as water scarcity, deadly bacterial diseases killing young Americans inside and outside of high schools, spreading STDs, growing debt, a weakening dollar, a demoralized military, a weakening economy, skyrocketing gas prices, declining values of homes and increasing home foreclosures, etc.
As with Homosexuality, let each state deal with the issue of abortion. It is an ugly issue and a dilemma at best. From a practical standpoint, I don’t want unprepared, uneducated, uninterested mothers raising children. Each child might be a blessing but only if it is brought up by caring, intelligent parents who have the wherewithal to care for the child properly, and not to use the child as a source of welfare income, which is exactly what many immigrants do through agencies such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
Protecting the Environment
An important issue, but again I would allow states, such as California, lead the way. However, the environmental change that is presently the greatest threat to America is demographic, the alienation of American society, which works out great for aliens, especially Mexicans, but is a disaster for Americans. In his book Gringo, Travis Barrett discusses the destruction of the America’s cultural ecology by the introduction of alien ecologies.
Universal Health-Care Coverage
Personally, I would be all for universal health-care coverage if it were not for the fact that I do not think the American government should be providing medical care (or any other social service) to people who entered the country illegally or to their children. If the democrats get into office, Americans can expect not only tens of millions of new Hispanic U.S. citizens, but also tens of billions of tax dollar to pay for their medical expensive. Of course, if the illegal aliens had to return home, the health care program might even be affordable.****
Kissing was actually on the list of political issues that I consulted. I would say that if Americans vote for Hillary Clinton or any other candidate who does not have the cahones to stand up to the alien armies presently occupying America and to Mexico for its poorly kept secret war against the U.S., then Americans can expect their politicians to continue kissing the asses of illegal aliens and of those who sponsor them, which will mean very soon that Americans will be kissing America good-bye. And, by the way, expect the next alien invasion to come from Iraq—a little bad karma payback. Already in many American cities one can hear five times a day the Islamic calls to prayer, five times a day the sounds of a defeated America.
Perhaps the most important issue is the Direction for America. Democrats, many Republicans, businessmen, Catholics (and many other Christians) envision America’s becoming a multicultural society in which Americans will be just another alien minority by the end of this century. If America is to remain America and not a Hispanic Nation or simply a nation of strangers, then American voters must act now while they still are a majority. If they do not, their children can expect to live in an America not so different from what the surfers encountered on the beaches of Mexico. If that is what Americans decide to vote for, then they too will deserve the bad karma that will result. And if they think God will come to their rescue, then they need to take another look at the Iraq War, and perhaps another look a Genesis. By choosing unwisely, Adam and Eve also lost paradise.
*Another Hispanic propagandist and spokesperson is Linda Chavez, whose articles appear often in the San Diego Union-Tribune. In a recent article titled “Immigration Issue Can’t Save GOP” she basically argues that the Republicans ought to give up on the Mexican American War and wave the white flag of surrender before the millions of illegal immigrants currently invading and occupying cities across America, because, in her words, a “tough stand on immigration is a big loser with Hispanic voters, who are becoming a larger share of the electorate.” In other words, if you want votes, sell out America. She can count on most if not all Democratic politicians to do just that, and I expect the Republicans will come around to way of thinking because the two things they value most are money and votes. What this means for illegal immigrants is something they have known all along: crime does pay. Whose side is Chavez on? The immigrants’ side, of course. She is a buddy of Mexico’s most powerful ally in America, George W. Bush, who in 2001 nominated her for Secretary of Labor, but the nomination was withdrawn after it was revealed that she had allegedly given money to an illegal immigrant from Guatemala who lived in her home. (Is this an example of providing residential sanctuary to illegals?) She also was U.S. Expert to the U.N. Sub-commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. You have to give Chavez her due: unlike many American politicians, she has remained faithful to her people.
**You might have heard about the new two-punch theory of how the dinosaurs were driven into extinction. First there was a series of volcanic eruptions that caused a greenhouse effect, which put stress on the environment, and then an asteroid tipped the environment into negative territory for the big creatures. Well, it seems that America is facing a similar situation. First, George Bush and his predecessors allowed the threat of illegal immigration to grow catastrophically, and now I am afraid that if Hillary or any of the other democratic candidates get into office the result will be similar to the asteroids upon the existence of the dinosaurs: America’s extinction.
*** It was only after America invaded Iraq did Iraq become a threat to America, killing thousands of American soldiers and draining the American treasury of hundreds of billions of dollars.
****There might even be fewer fires like the ones that recently ravaged Southern California. Today’s San Diego Union-Tribune contains a story about Steven Santos Robles Jr., who volunteered to helped battle one of last month's wildfires in San Diego County but who is also on parole for setting seven San Diego County wildfires that charred thousands of acres and destroyed about a dozen homes.