This is got to be the most depressing time for Americans for a number of reasons, two of which are the illegal Iraq War and illegal immigration (itself an undeclared war). The Iraq War is an exercise in futility, destroying thousands of American lives and eventually costing American taxpayers over a trillion dollars. The only Americans benefiting are the avaricious wealthy, the likes of Cheney and Bush, who see war as a business investment. The war is already lost because even if America won the war (whatever that might mean), Iraq will be no more a friend of the U.S. than it was under Saddam Hussein.
The other source of America’s melancholy is the Second Mexican-American War, which now looks unwinnable. Whereas the so-called Coalition of nations supporting U.S. in Iraq is a joke (Albania, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, South Korea, and the United Kingdom), the Hispanic Coalition supporting the Mexican invasion of the U.S. is no laughing matter (Cuba and South and Central America, about a half-billion people).
The invaders do suffer a few hundred casualties each year, but hundreds of thousands successfully cross the border, set up bases of operation, establish enclaves, and appropriate communities, cities, and ultimately states, the chief goal being to establish a Hispanic Nation on American soil. So when I read about illegal immigrant invaders suffering injury or death while invading America, I feel no pity for them. Most recently in the news were illegals burned in the California fires and presently costing American taxpayers thousands of dollars each day. I have no more pity for them than I would have for someone who injured himself or herself trying to break into my home.
The Sunday San Diego Union-Tribune did a story on a Mexican woman burned in the fire and hospitalized at the UCSD burn center. Recently she died of her injuries. The woman and her husband had entered the U.S. illegally ten years ago and had four children, who are now U.S. citizens. (Will America ever learn that the children of illegals should not be American citizens?) The woman and her husband had been making a living in the U.S. by selling tamales, which means that American taxpayers have been footing the bill for the social services, such as schooling and medical care, received by the family. Of course, the news article was written as a sob story so that readers feel sorry for, rather than threatened by, these people. Apparently, the woman was crossing the border with her brother who was attempting to enter the country illegally. He too was hospitalized in the burn center.*
The extent of the threat of illegal immigration to America is found in the numbers of illegal immigrant invading the U.S. and the number of their offspring. The family just mentioned had been in the U.S. for ten years and already had four children, the youngest being 18 months. The mother was only twenty-nine years of age. There is every reason to believe that the couple planned on having more children.
Another illustration of the prolificacy of the Hispanic immigrants is to be found in an article on two new cardinals serving the border region. Francisco Robles and Archbishop Daniel DiNardo of the Galveston-Houston diocese. Comparing the families of the two men reveals the future of America and why America is being flooded Katrina-like by Mexicans. Daniel DiNardo, an American, has a twin sister and two other siblings. The San Diego Union-Tribune article said that Francisco Robles, a Mexican, was the third of 16 children. In the article DiNardo is quoted as saying “immigration from Mexico and Central America, Asia and Africa have doubled the membership of his diocese” and that the “Holy See is saying that the whole south and southwestern part of the United States...,obviously a major portion of which are the Hispanics, is a noteworthy and beautiful addition to the Catholic Church in the United State.” Who is this guy kidding? It is perfectly clear that he is no friend of America, but an ally of the illegal alien invaders.
Millions of illegal immigrants are being championed and protected by the Catholic Church. The blogger El Gabo Gringo wrote a blog titled Illegal Immigrants Still Hiding Behind Christ, in which he describes an illegal alien by the name of Elvira Arellano who was taking sanctuary in a Chicago church. El Gabo Gringo is sympathetic with Elvira’s plight because she has a child born illegally in the United States, but is a U.S. citizen, nonetheless. Nevertheless, he is also critical of Elvira’s criminal behavior, explaining that Elvira works the media for sympathy, and the church enhances her ploy by allowing her to hide behind the loving image of Christ and the welcoming words of God. This is a popular strategy among illegals, and the passage from the Bible they quote most often is from Leviticus:
“But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.” (19:34)
If Americans are going to apply this principle to the illegal Hispanic invasion of America, then logically they should welcome with love and open arms burglars who invade their homes during the night.** It is one thing to be nice to strangers (which does not include those who threaten the integrity of one’s culture and homeland) and another to welcome an invading army. Should Tibetans have welcomed the Chinese or Kuwaitis the armies of Hussein? And only fool would allow the fact that the Hispanic invaders are civilians to blind him or her to the political aims of the invaders (which is to transform America into a Hispanic Nation and to annex American territory they call Atzlan, which is defined as follows: “The American Southwest, specifically the territory of northern Mexico ceded to the United States by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. The term is used especially by Chicano-rights activists” (Yahoo Education).
The role of the Catholic Church, and many protestant churches, is similar to that of the Greek’s Trojan Horse used by the Greeks to invade the city of Troy. The horse appeared to be a gift, but once allowed into the city, its occupants, Greek warriors, opened the gates that protected the city and allowed the Greek army to destroy the city. This is exactly what is happening to America today. At least the Trojans put up a fight. Unfortunately, American soldiers are bogged down in an unnecessary and futile conflict in Iraq, designed more to enrich war profiteers and protect Israel than to protect Americans.
Why, you might ask, would the Catholic Church be so interested in protecting illegal aliens? Because the aliens are Catholics and the Church needs to fill the pews vacated when it was discovered that the Catholic Church in America has been operating as a factory of sin run by black-robed pedophiles producing traumatized children. Let’s face it, even Satan would be above fondling children. So now the Catholic Church is making a deal with illegal aliens, sanctuary for membership, and betraying America as Judas betrayed Christ.
American Christians who serve the cause of illegal aliens are in fact aiding and abiding an enemy that is a greater threat to the U.S. than any other in American history. An example of this type of do-gooder (imagine your neighbor helping a burglar break into your home by providing him with a stepladder) is Rosemary Johnston, Board Member, Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights and a contributor to the National Catholic Reporter. In a letter to the editor (San Diego Union-Tribune), she says that “it is a sad commentary on our community when medical personnel have to defend and explain their decision to treat any human being with life-threatening injuries.” What Ms Johnston overlooks is the big picture, which is that illegal aliens are costing American taxpayers billions of dollars, overburdening social services, and criminalizing communities.
Hispanic street gangs are only one example. “Street gangs have existed in the United States since the 1800s. But in the last few years, street gangs have grown more violent, more numerous and more widespread, from the big cities to rural areas. Many gang members are illegal immigrants, mostly from Latin America.” (Voice of America/ And recently we read about the sentencing of Mexican drug lord Arellano FĂ©lix, who admitted moving hundreds of tons of cocaine and marijuana into the U.S., which he could not have done without the presence of Hispanic street gangs. In addition, his trial would “be one of the longest and costliest in San Diego history” (San Diego Union-Tribune)
In a Union-Tribune article by Sandi Dolbee, titled Immigration Issue, March Draw Faith-Based Backing, Ms. Johnston is quoted saying, “We believe our nation stands at a critical tipping point now.” She certainly right about that, just as the Titanic was at a tipping point just before it struck an iceberg. The iceberg threatening America is illegal immigration, and those who are collaborating to ensure the sinking of America into an alien sea are the American Catholic Church; American businessmen; and corrupt, self-serving American politicians. And with the help of the fifth-columnists working on the behalf of illegal immigrants, America’s future looks as bright as that of Troy.
And in spite of what those glassy-eyed Christian (or nonbelieving Marxist) liberals would have you believe, there is never going to be a great reconciliation in America between the members of the Hispanic Nation and Americans. The country is in the process of suffering a great divide, such as existed after the Civil War, but the one that exists today will never heal because it is not between Americans (Yankees and Southerners) but between the invaders and the invaded. America’s future shall be that of continuing resentment and mutual mistrust and increasing conflict, not unlike that existing between the invading Jews and invaded Palestinians of Israel.
So, perhaps America should give up Christianity altogether and become a Moslem nation, because at least Moslems are willing to fight to protect the integrity of their homeland.
*I do not wish to make light of the horrific events suffered by these two people. I wish they had not been injured, but I also will not pretend to have much pity for them because I believe that illegal immigration really is the greatest threat America has ever faced. Mexico, with its Coalition of Southern Nations, is very likely to accomplish what neither the Germans nor the Japanese could have accomplished during WWII.
**A Hispanic house-jacking is described in Travis Barrett’s novel STRANGERS.