Traitor Hillary Clinton Blames America for the Carnage-Causing Mexican Drug Cartels. She just paid a visit to American’s number one enemy and threat—MEXICO. Instead of telling the enemy to clean up their act, the traitorous bitch blames Americans for the marauding killers that have transformed Mexico into a Resident Evil wasteland and are doing the same to hundreds of American cities.
She says, "Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade.” That’s right, don’t blame the fucking U.S. Government for not protecting the borders instead of nation building in shithole countries like Iraq (which we destroyed so we could rebuild it) and Afghanistan. (Rebuilding Afghanistan is like trying to cure cancer with an aspirin; besides, how many Afghans/Talibanis were in on the 9-11 attacks? None.) BITCH! As if a bunch of potheads and wealthy cocaine users are responsible for the fucking MONSTERS that work for the drug cartels and who make up the HISPANIC street gangs terrorizing American cities.
Just like all the other traitorous politicians, Hilary the Bitch is to busy thinking about how to change America into a MULITICULTURAL SOCIETY to worry about Americans losing their communities to the tattooed armies of the HISPANIC DRUG CARTELS. But why should she give a shit. Just like George W. Brutus Bush she’s rich and has her own security people watching over her and her family. The unAmerican politicians who have been running the country for decades have become like the corrupt, filthy politicos who run Mexico.
MEXICANS are destroying America, not Iraqis and Afghans. And soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are wasting their time and are not defending America. Sorry for the bad news, guys. You were fucked over by the Bush administration and will be by the Obama administration. Get out of the service and fight for your families at home. They are the ones who need to be protected. Get an education. Enjoy life. But don’t throw your life away to make industrial-military complex wealthy. It no longer has anything to do with protecting America, only with... What? Protecting Israel? The U.S. military is what is called a rogue BOSS in videogame speak—an out of control killing machine but one that is made to meow along the U.S.-Mexican border it is supposed to protect. And have you noticed the thousands of aliens serving in the U.S. military that received citizenship each year? That pretty much tells you whose side the U.S. military is on. They are no different from the baseball team owners who hire aliens to play the all-American game (once was, no more). If the military isn’t going be used to protect America, then fuck it!
Traitorous Hilary goes on to say, “Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the deaths of police officers, soldiers and civilians.” If she is talking about Mexican police officers, soldiers, and civilians, I don’t give a shit. They created the problem, let them deal with it. But if Mexican killers are running lose like thousands of killer, bloodthirsty zombies, why isn’t the U.S. military protecting our border? I will tell you why: political correctness. Did you forget that Hilary, Obama, and all the other political filth that ran in the presidential race reached out to the millions of illegal zombies and their offspring who are now occupying and in the process of destroying American communities? The truth is this: American politicians are not on the side of Americans. They serve themselves.
Mrs. Fraternizing with the Enemy Clinton doesn’t seem to get that millions of white Americans own guns and don’t turn into the roving gangs of MONSTERS the Hispanics do. Has the bitch ever seen photographs of tattooed gang members? Maybe the old battle-axe should watch a few episodes of THE SHIELD (I recommend season 6) or No Country for Old Men or America Me. These people are not civilized, and American guns didn’t turn them into monsters. Their poisonous cultures did. You have heard that there are good germs and bad germs. Americans are the good germs that built the America that every alien despises but wants to break into and ruin. (Ruin reminds me of Octomom and her alien tribe. Do the math and you'll find that by the end of the century the Sulemans will be an independent ethic group on their own. Their language will be Welfarese.)
The Mexican and the other Hispanic germs are like the drug resistant tuberculosis they bring into the country: a civilization eating bacteria. If the Hispanics didn’t have guns they would cut your throat like the Russian Mafiosi living in England do (watch Eastern Promises). And if they didn’t have knives they would rip your throat out with their teeth.
And so what does our traitorous government do instead of patrolling the border with armed drones shooting anything crossing the border illegally? We give Mexico millions of dollars that will go into the pockets of corrupt politicians. And the Mexicans are costing us money here at home. Millions of federal dollars are being spent in California to fight gangs. Just on the news, $400,000 to barrio Oceanside, CA, alone. And these aren’t white gangs or black gangs for that matter. They are HISPANIC GANGS.
And what about AMERICAN BUSINESS and THE AMERICAN CHURCH? The truth is they have been betraying America for a long time. Well, take a look at the N.Y. Times sympathy for the enemy article titled “A Slippery Place in the Workforce”:
The first paragraph tells us: “MORRISTOWN, Tenn. — The faithful stand and hold their hands high, raising a crescendo of prayer for abundance and grace. In the evangelical church where they are gathered, the folding chairs are filled with IMMIGRANTS FROM LATIN AMERICA.”
Of course these immigrants are illegals, which means the church should be called AMERICAN TRAITORS FOR CHRIST. Have you forgotten that churches in America, but especially the Catholic Church, have provided sanctuaries for the illegal invaders, pretending that what they are doing is something noble like the Underground Railroad when in reality they are harboring America’s greatest enemy—members of the HISPANIC NATION who have completely taken over hundreds of American cities such as Santa Ana, California (80% Hispanic, in other words, American Dead Zone).
Then we are told: “Balbino López Hernández, who came here illegally from Mexico, closes his eyes to join the hallelujahs. But after the service Mr. López, 28, a factory worker who has been unemployed since June, shares his worries about jobs and immigration raids with other worshipers.”
I say who gives a fuck about Señor López. I sure in the hell don’t because he doesn’t belong in this country and ought to be sent back to his crime-ridden, dysfunctional homeland. And the filthy traitors who hired him should be shot for treason.
Then the article says: “Instead, as the recession deepens, illegal immigrants who have settled into American towns are receding from community life.”
Hey, except for graffiti, dropping out of school, not learning English, burdening the welfare rolls and prisons, gangbanging, etc. these people ARE NOT a part of the American community and never will be. They belong to the emerging HISPANIC NATION. How convenient that the enemy sympathizers have forgotten the MILLIONS of MEXICANS protesting in American cities waving thousands of MEXICAN FLAGS—because they fucking hate us. Check out .
Then we are told: “Despite the mounting pressures, many of the illegal immigrants are resisting leaving the country. After years of working here, they say, they have homes and education for their children, while many no longer have a stake to return to in their home countries.”
Hey, it’s not their fucking choice, just as it wasn't that filthy Mexican scum JUAN ALVAREZ’S choice about going to prison for parking his gasoline-soaked vehicle on railroad tracks in January 2005 in Glendale, causing one train to derail and strike another that was traveling in the opposite direction. Eleven people were murdered, and about 180 were injured. And since we are talking about HISPANIC caused train wrecks, let’s not forget Metrolink engineer and Hispanic retard ROBERT SANCHEZ who murdered 25 people because he was text messaging when he was supposed to be driving the train. He was twice warned by supervisors about improper use of cell phones while in train control cabins. On the day of the crash, he sent and received 57 text messages, including one 22 seconds before the crash.
WISE UP, AMERICA! That’s what happens when you allow the HISPANIC NATION to transform American into a THIRD-WORLD NATION. They are taking over The country and we see the train wreck approaching. One fatality: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
I hate that the fucking newspapers talk about these people as if they were Americans. THEY’RE NOT! I say get the fuck out of my country. You invaded it illegally, so you are a criminal and an enemy. America should do as the country of Dubai does. When an immigrant is out of work for over a month, then he is sent back to where he came from. The problem is Americans don’t have the guts to do that. What America has become is a nation of girls. Ann Douglas wrote a book titled The Feminization of American Culture. What Douglas argues is that women castrated American clergy during the 19th century, turning them into a bunch of sissies and then the girls and sissies joined together to transform America into a semimetal, wimpy society. Why were the ministers willing to sacrifice their ball to a bunch of girls? For the same reason they are willing to sacrifice their patriotism to a bunch of anti-American illegals: MONEY.
You know everybody is so excited about EARTH DAY (April 22). I don’t give a fuck about Earth Day. And I once was all about saving the animals and American wilderness, unlike the fucking Republicans who don’t give a shit about America’s natural heritage any more than they give a shit about preserving America. All those stupid asses talk about is ABORTION and GAY MARRIAGE. I don’t give a shit about any of those things since I wish alien OCTOMOM had been given an Octoabortion (or keep the kids and abort the mother) and heterosexuals like to talk about the importance of marriage even while they are getting a divorce. Take Reagan and McCain as two examples. I say let the fucking queers play house if they want. Unlike the Hispanics, they aren’t going to be shooting up dope and the neighborhood and raping children (that’s allowed only if they become Catholic priests).
Republicans seem to have forgotten that led by their idiot boy Bush (I hear he’s writing his biography with crayolas) they haven’t done a fucking thing to save this country and everything to ruin it, including it’s being turned over the our alien leader Obama. They sold out US out (as in to make a profit)—to alien-hiring business, American-exploiting businesses (as in Wall Street), the any-war’s-a-good-war industry, and to the Israeli operatives living in the U.S., i.e., all Jews). The Republicans are the real phony, hypocritical Americans. We all know that the Democrats hate America and (led by aliens, Jews, and Hollywood leftist types) can’t wait to see it looking like the U.N. Americans don’t expect loyalty from Democrats, only welfare, but the Republicans like to identify themselves with John Wayne and yet it was their beloved Ronald Reagan who signed the first ALIEN AMNESTY BILL. And why did he sell out America? Votes and filthy lucre, just like that phony American George Fuck-America-for-a-buck Bush.
Getting back to EARTH DAY, that’s why I don’t give a fuck about the polar bears. I mean the one thing Americans and polar bears have in common is that each day their homeland gets a little smaller. So sure I love the polar bears, even feel their pain, but if I am not going to have a home of my own, then why should I give a shit about their having a home of their own, regardless of what rich Hollywood assholes like Edward Norton and other celebrities say. I mean most Americans can’t afford to flee the alien blight when it infects their communities.
I’m hoping a meteorite heads our way and wipes out all life on earth because I agree with Mr. Manhattan in the graphic novel Watchmen, not the obscene piece of shit the movie, another Hollywood desecration) says about Mars, “In my opinion, [life’s] a highly overrated phenomenon.” Of course, what he has mostly in mind is human life, which is proving itself nature’s biggest fuckup. So if we’re told that a big meteorite will be arriving the day after tomorrow. I’m going out and buy myself some FOSTER’S beer in honor of Australia’s former Prime Minister John Howard who told the Muslims infecting Aussie civilization with their barbarous ways to fuck off. What did you think I would be drinking—Budweiser? Don’t you know Bud was taken over by Belgian beer giant InBev? That right, polar bear, another piece of America ice just broke off. So grab a FOSTER and kiss your American ass good-bye because if the meteorite don’t get you, the aliens will.
So maybe it’s time it’s time to cut out the political correctness crap. I mean when the American patriots who fought at the Alamo saw Santa Anna soldiers charging they didn’t say, “It looks like our Latino brothers have come to pray.” No, they knew that they had come to kill. And that’s what’s happening today: the alien are KILLING AMERICA. So all the political correctness is just a form of lying. For example, “Dennis Blair, the national intelligence director, told reporters on Thursday... ‘Mexico is in no danger of becoming a failed state.’” Bullshit. IT IS A FAILED STATE. It’s like living next to Darfur. I mean it’s a country where they play soccer with the heads of police officers. And let’s quit pretending that the criminals are an aberrant element. THEY ARE MEXICANS, stupid! Mexican culture celebrates the drug trade and all the violence that goes with, like in the Mexican drug ballads. All you have to do is go to Mexico City North, LOS ANGELES, and you will see what Mexican culture is. These people come to the land of opportunity and what do they do? Drop out of school to become gangsters. Our prisons are budging with Hispanic gang members. Let’s call a spade a spade. Culturally Mexico is a cancerous tumor spewing out malignant cells that are infecting and killing the U.S. So let’s quit calling it a beauty mark.
Did you see the photo of that idiot Hillary being shown by Mexico’s Monsignor Diego Monroy Ponce an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe? That’s the problem. Mexico still lives in the Dark Ages. I know, we have a lot of people over here, like George W. Bush, who also live in the Dark Ages, but look at the damage he did. But we also have Cape Canaveral and the Space Shuttle. America is still pretty much a NATION OF REASON, but that is changing rapidly. We don’t have to show visiting dignitaries Puff the Magic Dragon because we are a culture that was born of reason. The American Founding Fathers were the children of the Enlightenment, the AGE OF REASON. Mexico has never pulled itself out of it irrational origins (like the Aztecs who practiced human sacrifice, such as when “they sacrificed 84,400 prisoners over the course of four days,” which is pretty much the same behavior that's going on today. (Check out: “Aztecs,” Wikipedia.) Mexico has more in common with Afghanistan than with the U.S. Truth be told, the gangsters running and ruining the country are not Christians. They are demons in Christian dress. You have to be a fucking idiot to think that these monsters have anything in common with Jesus, who represents the antithesis of what these thugs are.
And what about all the Catholics and other Christians here who think because we’re all God’s children that the ALIEN HORDES should be allowed to take over America just as long as they are Christian? Let me tell all the cotton-candy American Christians that if you turn the other cheek to the Mexicans, they’ll cut off your head. Just Friday (March 27) there was an article about “Two men who kidnapped and sexually assaulted a girl as she walked home from school a month ago.” She is 14 years old and was abducted while walking through Chicano Park (San Diego). “She was forced into a truck and blindfolded, then taken to a house in an unknown location and sexually assaulted.” “BOTH MEN ARE LATINO.” (“Police Seek Two Men in Chicano Park Assault,” San Diego Union-Tribune.) There you go. They probably used her in an aggressive-sex porno film, another popular Hispanic art form of the Hispanic gangbangers. Idiot Hilary would blame the lost souls who watch pornography, not the kidnappers.
And what the Mexicans and other Hispanics are doing to American cities is transforming them into Chicano Parks, where our children, American children, are not safe. The Mexicans pretend to be Christians, but in reality their game book isn’t the New Testament but Darwin’s Origin of Species. Americans need to understand that as long as they think God will make things right in the end, like he did for the Jews during the Holocaust, they are going to be the losers in this game of survival. The game here on Earth is fundamentally SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, and Americans aren’t as fit as they were up until W.W.II. They better get real or else their homeland will be gone.
I know. I live in one of those American communities dissolving in the acid of the emerging BARRIO that is taking over. And I feel really sorry for the handful of American children who have to go to the local schools overrun by thuggish looking Chicano boys whose aspiration in life is to become full-fledge gangbangers. And you let it happen, Mr. and Mrs. America. It’s as if you allowed an asbestos factory to be built in your community. You have betrayed your children. You have stabbed your children in back just as the politicians you have foolishly elected have been stabbing America in the back. So fuck you too for allowing wolves into your communities to ambush and devour your children—just like in the story about Little Red Riding Hood. In olden days the wolves were shot to protect the children. Now they are prayed over. And where was God when the little girl was kidnapped and taken to some room to be sexually mauled? By the way, why should God be doing your job?
Final item. I am sick and tired of listening to politicians like Clinton calling Mexico our PARTNER, OUR ALLY, OUR FRIEND, OUR NEIGHBOR, etc. It’s none of these. Had it been it would not have allowed MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS to pour into America, bringing with them into the AMERICAN HOMELAND drugs, violence, gangs, ignorance, welfare dependency, disease, etc. They are no more our friends than the Germans were to the Belgians before they invaded the country. And by the way, where were the HISPANIC NATIONS during WORLD WAR II? Our friends—what bullshit! And just look at what the alien invaders of the world are doing to Western Civilization—invading each country and pulling it downward to into the morass of third-world barbarity? It’s reverse colonialism in more ways than one. Because of the Hispanic invaders, America is now culturally in reverse—heading for Mexico’s version of the Stone Age.
HATE THE GOVERNMENT FOR THEY HAVE BETRAYED AMERICA. Americans had no choice in the last election. The choice was between the illegal-alien loving McCain and the illegal-alien (half-alien himself) loving Obama. AND A FRIEND OF MY ENEMY IS MY ENEMY.