Aliens attacking Americans and aliens attacking aliens. The Fucking country is becoming a video game like F.E.A.R 2. I guess you know by now that two-pistol-packing Jiverly Wong shot up the Un-American Civic Association, which is an organization that helps aliens to infiltrate America, killing 14. I suppose he was trying to beat Seung-Hui Cho’s (another alien) record of 32 dead.
At least Jiverly Wong was killing the invaders and not Americans, probably accomplishing more to dissuade illegals than U.S. Immigration and certainly more than the U.S. soldiers in Iraq. In fact, the Iraq War will drive thousands of Iraqis into this country, like the father of Octomom Suleman, another alien monstrosity (remember the alien baby producing insect in the movie ALIENS? Scary!), just as the Vietnam War brought hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese into the U.S. Apparently the father of alien exterminator Wong was in the Vietnamese army. Just another example of how the inept American government does the double fuck up by starting illegal wars and then bringing thousand if not millions of the people they have been slaughtering into the U.S. so that they can infect American cities, causing Americans to flee their once American communities. Beware America! One day there will be no escape, and the alien beast shall consume your children.
Let’s stop just for a second and look at how fucking evil America has behaved in their unwarranted aggression against countries like Vietnam and Iraq. The politicians that got America involved in the those two wars were FUCKING EVIL, you know men like Kennedy, Johnson, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc., who started these wars with the help of equally evil senators and congressmen. The government didn't allow Americans to vote on going to war, and they could have because there was obviously no immediate threat to America, no Pearl Harbor. They did it because the United States Government has been on a military power trip since the old Cold War days.
Even Obama has been infected with war mania, has taken up Bush’s war spear and is now doing the war dance around the old campfire—Ooh wha wha, ooh wha wha, you know like in Lord of the Flies, if you are not totally illiterate. Obama tells the Europeans that “America can’t meet its global challenges alone,” meaning the war in Afghanistan and other military operations. Doesn’t the idiot know that the war can’t be won because the so-called enemy is the people and culture of Afghanistan? I mean does he really have any idea what the NEW AMERICAN VERSION of Afghanistan would look like? He says he wants to defeat the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and the Afghan drug cartels. Hell, we can't defeat the Mexican drug cartels on American soil!
Imagine a house the size of Afghanistan that’s filled with termites. It’s too big to be tented (the nuclear option), so you send in those guys with the poison spray hoses, like the U.S. military. They spray here and they spray there, killing lots of termites but there are always plenty more. The French told the idiot Bush to stay out of Iraq, but Bush being an idiot surrounded by other idiot puppets of Zionism went to war anyway. And what did that get America? A bad reputation; lots of dead and wounded soldiers who wasted their lives, limbs, and/or time; and tons of money thrown away, though a few American rich war pigs got richer. (Is that really capitalism when the government can spend billions of tax dollars to make war profiteers rich? Like where is the free market in all that?)
Now the Europeans are sending the same message: WE DON’T WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR FOREVER WARS—YOU FUCKING IDIOT. But they have to at least pretend to be nice to America’s first black president so they promise to send some troops as long as they won’t need bullets. Of course, it would be great if American troops were put on the American border to use extreme drone-like measures to dissuade the civilian soldiers of the Hispanic Armies invading the U.S., spearheaded by their special forces assassination teams and gangbangers, but the U.S. Government doesn’t have the guts or patriotism to really protect America—in part because they are a bunch of patsies for alien insurgents carrying out OPERATION DIVERSITY.
And why would OBAMA be interested. HE IS ONE OF THEM! He’s really not a black American. If he were he would be beating the hell out of Michelle (the Chris Brown workout so popular with black men), killed in a drive-bye bye shooting, smoking crack and doing rap, or in prison. He is exactly how the aliens want to see America become—half American and half alien. The problem is the alien half is an American hating and devouring Medusa with a thousand venomous viper heads, each one capable of killing an American community.
And now our half-alien president, Mr. Hussein Obama is telling the Europeans to open the floodgates to millions of Turkish Muslims. Doesn’t that sound like fun. Just look at how much France, Germany, and England are enjoying their Muslim guests. What Hussein Obama is doing is extending the DIVERSITY AGENDA, which has so thoroughly fucked up America, to Europe. If we are going to shoot ourselves in the head, we want Europe to do the same thing. And why? Why is the U.S. cozying up to the fucking Turks? I bet you anything it has something to do with fucking military operations and nothing to do with protecting the fucking American people. EUROPE, don’t let Hussein Obama fool you. He IS NOT one of you. Stay away from the tar baby.
But what I really wanted to share with gullible America is something I read in Wikipedia about the Vietnam War: “The Battle of Dien Bien Phu marked the end of French involvement in Indochina. The Viet Minh and their mercurial commander Vo Nguyen Giap handed the French a stunning military defeat. France had earlier declined the American offer of nuclear weapons to break the Vietnamese siege.” That’s right, the U.S. Government offered the French nuclear weapons to be used on the Vietnamese people by a colonialist power that didn’t belong in Vietnam in the first place. And you, stupid America, may have never learned that Vietnam had been America’s ally during W.W.II. You know when we were fighting the Japs. And that’s how we offered to pay them back.
The French learned their lesson: that being in another people’s country is immoral and self-defeating. That was the wisdom France’s president Jacques Chirac offered idiot boy Bush. Of course, now the French have been on such a colonialism guilt trip that they have allowed France to be inundated by the people they once ruled and hate their guts—like the Algerians and other irrationals. The future of France (and U.S.) can be seen in the French movie The Class. Imagine what happens when a small tribe called the Rationals are attacked by a much larger tribe called the Irrationals. What do you get? What you see in the movie, or L.A.
One other lesson. Do you really think the Vietnamese offspring are going to love Americans once they have found out how America treated their people back home? Do you really think the Iraqi people are going to love Americans after America has made widows of 740,000 wives? (Which means Bush is just as guilty of committing crimes against humanity as Hussein. But he won’t be hanged. Too bad. Life is so unjust.) Do you really think the people of Afghanistan are going to love Americans after hundreds of their villages have been destroyed and innocent men, women, and children killed, after having to endure America’s cruel DRONE WAR against them? (Remember the AGENT ORANGE WAR against the Vietnamese people?)
You are a stupid fucking idiot if you think so. The U.S. Government has this strange notion that you can make friends by making war. Nevertheless, when America allows these people to come into the U.S., it is being stupid twice. Don’t get me wrong. Just because I see the evil the U.S. has brought upon these people doesn’t mean I want them in my neighborhood. I don’t. I’m an American, not Vietnamese. My ancestors were Americans, not Iraqis.
Getting back to that alien alien hunter Wong, who were the people at the Un-American Civic Association (Americans stop giving to the UNITED WAY!)? Russians, Kurds, Chinese, Arabs, Laotians, and other alien tribes. And one of them was named Tokhtabayeva. No way will a person with a name like that ever be an American. Americans have names like Smith, Jones, Jefferson, Washington, etc., not Aorjoqhfnnwliakhjfrm, Wong, Hernandez, Suleman, Ho Chi Minh, etc. What in the fuck are any of these people doing in America? Who in fuck is allowing America to be taken over by these alien hordes? It does piss you off (if you are an American and not a traitor).
For example, I drove over to a Target store and thought I had been transported to some third-world nation that consists of a distressing mix of Hispanics, Arabs, Asians, and other aliens. I thought for sure I would come down with tuberculosis or some other imported, exotic, incurable disease. I already suffer acute attacks of depression each time I walk into what should be an American store but turns out to be an alien bazaar. The few dazed Americans there look like they just woke up on the alien planet Sinkola and were wondering what happen to the USA. I will tell you. It has been given away by their own government and businessmen like Jeff Moorad, the Padres' new chief executive, Jeff Moorad, who is all about the new Hispanic menu at Petco Park.
Jeff said, “I have a soft spot for anything Mexican.” Right away I thought, you mean like the Mexican Mafia, the hundreds of Mexican street gangs, the drug cartels, the Mexican assassination squads operating in the U.S., and the epidemic of Hispanic crime in San Diego. I guess like most American men he doesn’t read anything but the sports page. But some of us do read CRIME WATCH in the SDU-T and read items like “Border Tunnel Discovered, Arrest Made in Otay Mesa.” But hey if it’s good for business who gives a fuck. And it does kind of make sense given that baseball has become a Hispanic dominated sport in the U.S. Soccer is more American. A San Diego Union-Tribune article said, “Capitalizing on San Diego's proximity to the border, the Padres also will introduce a street-style taco stand where the pork will be roasted on a spit and then chopped to order.” The fact is the Mexican border now includes San Diego. So it’s good-bye to the all-American hot dog and hello to the taco-dog.
And, America, you can’t do a fucking thing about it. You can’t even keep the alien-language-speaking hordes out of your business. Who says? Our government that has been taken over by aliens such as Chinaman Senator Leland Yee says so. Read all about it: “The Senate Judiciary Committee today approved (3-2) legislation authored by Senator Leland Yee (D-San Francisco/San Mateo) to add the use of any language to the list of protections under the Unruh Civil Rights Act.”
Yee said, “No one should be discriminated against simply for speaking their language.” I say Fuck you! Believe me I didn’t hear much English being spoken at Target, which means that that Target doesn’t feel like America to me, and that makes my blood boil because I want to live around my own people, not around a bunch of aliens. Don’t you fucking get it, Yeeeeee, that Americans don’t feel at home when everyone around them is jabbering in some foreign lingo?
One article quotes Yee telling what it was like for him growing up: "As we were walking out, the salesman said, 'go back to where you came from,'" Yee said. "These things stick with you. I grew up in this environment, where on almost a daily basis, you go into a store and you see someone that's denying service because that person didn't speak English" ( Well, Yee that is because we hate your fucking guts. Your people invaded the American homeland thinking it was okay just because our fucking, traitorous government said it was okay, but IT WASN’T AND ISN’T OKAY! Then the aliens get into the government like the disease AIDS, take over, and dismantle the American defense system by promoting the fucking DIVERSITY AGENDA.
Apparently Yee received a HATE call from a woman who said, “Tell him to go back to China. He's an immigrant. This is the United States. We speak English." God bless her! His response was, "There's still a lot of individuals who don't get it, don't understand diversity." Bullshit! Americans understand diversity. Millions of them, like me, see it everyday in their communities, which are being transformed in alien ghettos. We get it, stupid, just like the Indians got it, but at least they didn’t get it in the back by their own leaders. Americans built this country, not the fucking Chinese. Oh I know they worked on the railroads and did laundry in mining camps. Who gives a shit! That’s not building the country. But that’s not the point. The point is that most the fucking Chinese, like your family and like the Mexicans, flooded into America during the past fifty years and your ancestors had nothing to do with building the nation or creating it’s culture—which your MULTICULTURAISM is all about destroying.
NPR said that Yee said something to the effect that we need to do a better job of educating our children so that they can see the benefits of a MULTICULTURAL society. You mean BRAINWASHING American children. Yeah we see the benefits everyday: crime, gangs, shootings, unsafe school, financial burden, loss of job opportunities for Americans, and the loss of our communities. What I know is that a MULTICULTURAL society is a NON-AMERICAN society. DIVERSITY and MULTICULTURALISM are propaganda tricks used by those who seek to destroy America so they can take it over. There is no fucking benefit to diversity that is worth losing your homeland for. The BENEFIT goes only to the ALIENS. I also wish Yee would go back to wherever alien shithole he came from. (Let’s face it, if it wasn’t a shithole he or his parents wouldn't have left.) And now his kind are turning America into an alien SLUMDOG shithole.
This blog rant is supposed to be about that other Asian alien Jiverly Wong, who in his twisted, ironic way ended up fighting America’s fight. Joseph Zikuski, Binghamton’s dazed and confused police chief, said about Wong, “He must have been a coward... When he heard the sirens, he decided to take his own life.” By that You mean like he was afraid to be shot so he shot himself? Or he was like the cowardly Saudis who killed themselves by flying planes into buildings? Or like the cowardly Muslims who shot up the place in India and got themselves killed or captured and soon to be tortured? Or like the suicide bombers who straps on the vest and blows themselves to pieces? But not like the drone operators who used a remotely controlled drone predators to blow up a village in Afghanistan or Pakistan 7000 miles away. You know most of the outright slaughter carried out in Iraq was not done by the fighting boots-on-the-ground soldiers risking their lives but soldiers using advanced forms of military technology—such as helicopters, tanks, ships, airplanes, etc. But they are not cowards (and I’m not saying they are), but Wong was? And by the way, according to Zikuski's definition who would be a brave man? I suppose a guy like Richard Poplawski who shot it out with the Pittsburgh police, killing three cops. He also took gunshot wounds to the legs.
It’s true Wong killed unarmed people, but he did so knowing he was going to his death. So I don’t think he was a coward. If he were, there would be a shooting like his everyday in the country. Lot’s of Americans are killing mad but don't have the guts to do what the killers do. The whole purpose of the police and the penal system is to make people too afraid to commit crimes. Actually, society owes a lot to cowards who don’t commit crimes for fear of being either caught or shot—because a hell of a lot of people would commit crimes of one type or another if they thought they could get away with it. Just look at Wall Street. Don’t get me wrong. I hate Wong’s alien guts, but he wasn’t coward. We just hate the idea that people we hate can be brave.
Finally, the article I read about the un-American Civic Association shooting had a photo showing a bunch of sad faces. I’m not sad, nor are millions of Americans who are watching their country being overrun by aliens. They feel Wong’s I’m-pissed pain, but we are still grateful that he blew out his brains after he did what he felt he had to do.