Having made the most of celebrating the shooting of his three companions, the U.S. Government brings the surviving pirate, Abduhl Wali-i-Musi (apparently he has another name but one of these is enough!), to a million-dollar show trial. America just can’t resist bringing aliens into the homeland. There will be a media show, an AMERICAN TRIUMPH. Remember the Romans when they would parade captured barbarians before screaming crowds and then execute them—by crucifixion or strangulation? It’s great fun and so meaningful to see that America’s half-trillion-dollar military machine was able to bring the great water warrior Wali-i-Musi to his knees just as the Romans did Vercingetorix.
And after the show trial that will make him famous, we will lock Wali away at $20,000 per year at taxpayers’ expense in a federal prison, fulfilling Wali’s greatest dream—to come to America. He will be fed three squares a day and probably get a television on which he can watch news about himself—maybe later a movie. I suppose after a period of time he will become an American citizen, get a girlfriend and conjugal visits, and have a bunch of little Walis who will grow up in America at the expense of the American taxpayer and probably end up in a cell next to their famous dad. Certainly he will be indoctrinated into some Islamic prison brotherhood, write a book, and become the most famous pirate of the 21st century, inspiring millions of down-and-outers back home to follow his footsteps, like Jesus, on the sea, hoping to be captured. If captured does a pirate have the right to bring to this country his five wives and twenty-five children?
America, you are sick and stupid. The Dutch did the smart thing. They let their pirates go back home, which is worse than prison. The Dutch already have too many Muslims in their country and their prisons are probably like hotels. Don’t you remember the murder of Dutch artist Theodoor van Gogh (the name might ring a bell if you are not completely stupid) by Muslim nut-case Mohammed Fahmi Bouyeri. Being a Muslim means being nuts, which is fine as long as you don’t import the nuts into your own country. Wikipedia tells us, “Mohammed Bouyeri's strict interpretation of Islam and insistence on segregation of the sexes did not prevent him from using pornographic material in his personal life, where his pornographic material showed a predilection for amputee fetishism, child pornography and necrophilia.” Imagine getting a blow job from a decapitated head! And there is more good news: “He is said to have formed the Hofstad Network, a Dutch terrorist cell. He claims to have murdered van Gogh to fulfill his duty as a Muslim.” Of course. Killing is what Muslims do. They are like a religious version of the Mexican drug cartels. And this piece of Muslim shit was born in Holland and given all the benefits of civilization, which he rejected. He even kept duel citizenship: Dutch–Moroccan. You know to stay in touch with his terrorist buddies back home. Apparently, the Dutch have finally leaned that when you discover something like the human version of AIDS or EBOLA, you don’t bring it home.
But Americans are too fucking stupid. They are like General Motors, keep doing business as usual even though business as usual means self-destruction. Well yeah, the Italians are pretty stupid too. I guess you read about the Italian government welcoming 140 African illegals into Italy. How much is that going to cost? I guess the Italian economy must be doing better than those of the rest of Europe. And did the government ask Italians what they thought about importing more alien trouble into their country? No. That’s not what governments do—you know, consult the people. Cheers for Malta, which keeps out aliens because it knows that with them comes lots of fucking problems. The Malta minister said, “If there is anyone who expects Malta to take illegal immigrants that are his responsibility, he can forget it.” Right on, dude!
The truth of the matter is that the illegals are not Europe’s responsibility. The boat should have been sunk. That would have sent a clear message to the millions of illegals heading north to Europe. Or at the very least the illegals should have been put on a boat and sent back to whatever shithole they came from. And once again, why is their country a shithole (like the pirates’ Somalia), because they make it that way. The only things they are really good at are reproducing, fighting, and crime. The problem with civilization is that being civil is its Achilles heel. The aliens WILL destroy Europe.
Back to the pirates, do you really think capturing a few of these guys will make any difference at all. Look at Afghanistan. We have been killing people there by the thousands and there are always more where they came from. It’s like using an old antibiotic on antibiotic resistant bacteria. You kill a lot of bacteria but you also make it stronger and there will always a lot more bacteria than antibiotics. Avoidance is the best remedy in this case. DON’T BRING THE DISEASE HOME. If Mohammed Fahmi Bouyeri’s parents had been kept out of Europe, van Gogh would still be alive.
The way you deal piracy is to protect your ships in the first place and do what the SEALS did. Kill the pirates if you have a chance. It’s a deadly game that will go on as long as there is no government in Somalia. Besides these guys are probably telling themselves that if they get killed they will go to Paradise. They may not get the full 40 wives, but at least 20 wives for being Muslims, minus 20 for not taking the head of an infidel.
But America loves to beat its chest in public, and by doing so make Wali a hero to the rest of the world and a mockery of itself. In fact, you are already seeing sympathy stories about Wali in the American press. Next he will be interview by Larry King. And by the way who do you think is the hero in Somaliland and the rest of the world—the SEALS? Hell no. The little pirate who took on America is (you know the America that has been engaged in an illegal and immoral war that has wrecked the country and killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis). Do we really think parading Wali will make Americans look like the good guys to the rest of the world? Americans want to see those brave, desperate pirates as EVIL DOERS and themselves as heroes—but it’s okay for our CIA to engage in torture. Go figure. Americans just never learn that the good guys don’t start unnecessary wars and torture. You can’t create a half-million widows in Iraq and suddenly be the good guy because you killed three hapless pirates.