Saturday, April 25, 2009

The United States Government Killed Nick Adenhart


Part 1: The ugly head of anti-alien racism is beautiful.

I’m assuming not that the hispanic thug Andrew Thomas Gallo is an illegal alien but that either one of his parents or grandparents is, the assumption is based on the statistical probability of this being the case since the country has been overrun by millions of illegal immigrants and their offspring. And if his hispanic ancestor had been kept out of this country by the United State Government, then Nick Adenhart would still be alive.

In her article “Andrew Thomas Gallo Represents Drunk Drivers Not Immigrants” Canadian Tina Kells points out that the “other victims were equally as promising; Courtney Frances Stewart, 20, a pretty blonde Cal State sophomore and Henry Nigel Pearson, 25, a Manhattan Beach law school student.” And what I wish to argue is that Gallo was not solely responsible for killing these young Americans so full of potential, but that the United States Government is equally responsible.

Kells goes on to say something quite significant: “The all-American appeal of Adenhart, Stewart, and Pearson sits in stark contrast to the face of their killer, Andrew Thomas Gallo. Gallo’s surname betrays his ethnicity and his track record with the courts is wholly unsympathetic. In his mug shots Gallo looks cold and uncaring, like most arrest photo subjects do.” And there are millions of hispanics living in America that look just like him.

Kells has that much right. The killed are all-American, the killer is the criminal face of the criminal Hispanic Nation that is destroying America. Check it out at ttp://

This is the face that will increasingly threaten the lives of American children. The Hispanic Nation is a nation of thugs given birth by the criminal act of entering our country illegally.

The sentimental, leftist multiculturalist Kells, goes on to say, “Lives have been destroyed, not just the lives of the people who were injured or killed, but those of anybody who knew and loved any of the parties involved, including Andrew Thomas Gallo.” I say fuck Gallo and that Kells should keep her fucking Canadian nose out of our business. The Canadian airhead also says, Gallo’s “nationality has no bearing what-so-ever on the crime and killings.” More nonsensical bullshit. Who in the fuck does this pontificator think she is living north of the alien infested pit that much of America has become and suggesting to us, including the parents of the American young people Gallo killed, that we should sympathize with Gallo and his fucking Hispanic family. I don’t think so bitch. Unless you live in or near the barrio, you got nothing to say. Unless your kid has to attend a school overrun by hispanic thugs and you have to worry about whether she is going to be bullied, beaten, humiliated, or killed, you’ve got nothing to say. This is a drunk driving issue only to you. To Americans it is a race issue.

The issue is all about nationality and race. The Hispanic race has been invading America and criminalizing American society. What is it—you don’t follow the news about the thousands of Hispanics gangs, the Mexican Mafia, the hispanic drug cartels, the epidemic crime waves that have destroyed Mexico? Hey baby, maybe you should Google MS-13, a nonMexican hispanic gang. It’s like if all the Spanish speaking nations south of the border are infected with gangitus and the plague infected zombies are heading north like in a Resident Evil game to infect what’s left of civilization in the U.S. And living in Canada I guess the CRIME WATCH section of Tina’s local newspaper isn’t filled with stories involving hispanic crime. Mexico is a nation that produces damage merchandise and exports it illegally into the U.S. For example, maybe the Canadian airhead should take a look at the demographic statistics for California prisons:
The race/ethnic distribution in California shifted during the 1990’s with the White Non-Hispanic population’s share of the total decreased, while the Hispanic and Asian & Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic populations’ shares notably increased. White Non-Hispanics were 57 percent of the population in 1990 but only 47 percent of the population by 2000. The Hispanic population increased from 26 percent in 1990 to 32 percent of the population in 2000. The Asian & Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic population grew from 9 to 12 percent of the total over the same period. The shares of both the Black or African American Non-Hispanic and American Indian and Alaskan Native Non-Hispanic populations have remained constant over the course of the decade, at 7 percent and 1 percent, respectively.

With whites a shrinking minority and Hispanics increasing the prison population will likely continue to growth faster than the state's total population. The costs from crime, the criminal justice system, and prisons will rise along with the Hispanic population growth.
And if you want to use the word “race” to distinguish the various ethnic groups, that’s fine with me. And if I’m a racist because I don’t want unAmerican cultures in my country, then fine—I’m a racist. So fucking what? Ugly—yeah it’s ugly but life has become very ugly in the U.S. The Greeks were ugly to the Trojans, the Vikings were ugly to the British Celts, the Europeans were ugly to Indians and to all the other native peoples whose countries were invaded by them, and the Hispanic Nation is ugly to Americans whose communities are being transformed into gangland barrios. Have you ever hung out with bangers, white bitch! (That’s what you would be there.)

What the air-head Tina Kells can’t accept living in the safety of a civilized nation that hasn’t been overrun by hordes of alien barbarians and probably living in a civilized, mostly white-bread community, is that we live in a Darwinian world and the name of the game is SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. Socially that means you protect you homeland in order to preserve your tribe so that you can protect your family. Demographically that means protecting one’s own people from invaders. The process of destruction by alien invasion can be seen in hundreds of once-American communities across the United States—like Fullerton, where Adenhart and the other young Americans were slaughtered by Gallo, and neighboring community Santa Ana. Even more so L.A. I would love to see Tina Kells raising her sweet little family in East L.A., sending her children to a public school. No way in hell that will ever happen. She is a fair-weather liberal in the sense that she is willing to preach multiculturalism also long as she her family doesn’t have to be exposed to the multicultural nightmare—which caught up with Nick Adenhart and his friends. And America keeps proving itself unfit to survive.

And what do you really think Nick Adenhart’s family and friends see when they look at Gallo’s mugshot—a misguided youth who is struggling with a drinking problem? What fucking planet are you from? Oh, I forgot, Canada, where 80% of the population is still white European. Fullerton, California, where Adenhart and the other Americans were slaughtered by the dunk, hit-and-run hispanic driver Gallo, is 30% hispanic and growing. White European American stock is 40% of the population. The entire area has been overrun by aliens. For example, Santa Ana, which is next door to Fullerton, is 80% of hispanic.

And by the way, alien gangs are plentiful in Fullerton:

Asian Gangs in Fullerton:
1. Luzon Visayan Mobsters (LVM)
2. Korean Monkeys (KMS)
3. Sarzana (SZA)
4. Koreans Gone Loco (KGL)
5. United Asian Mafia (UAM)

I couldn’t find a list of hispanic gangs in Fullerton, but about Orange County we are told: “Orange County has 314 gangs, mostly Hispanic, law-enforcement officials say, with 92 of them in 350,000-resident Santa Ana. Other hot spots are in Garden Grove, Fullerton and Costa Mesa, police said.”

So I will tell you what Nick Adenhart’s family and friends see when they look at Gallo’s mugshot, they see a LATINO thug.

What moronic Ms Sunshine Tina Kells doesn’t fucking get is that Gallo's being an illegal (which he apparently isn’t) is only a secondary issue. His being hispanic is the main issue, because hispanics are ruling and ruining America just as Gallo destroyed and ruined the lives of dozens of good Americans. And Ms Sunshine overlooks the fact that Gallo was a criminal before the accident and fled the scene of the crime. Ms Sunshine keeps trying to find ways to see Gallo as a poor, misguided boy. He isn’t. He’s a typical young hispanic thug who will grow up to be an old hispanic thug like the thugs listed on “Most Wanted: Apprehending Fugitives on Its Top-10 List”:

Abidi Jama Adan, Julio esar Jacobo-Curiel, Ivan Javier Alvarado, Chang Chi Kao, Jaun Carlos Bracamontes, Imeldo Molina Laurel, Fidel Rowan Flores, Jorge Alberto Naranjo, Guy Emmitt Fulkerson (the only gringo) and Elio Sosa aka Elio Arriola Correa (San Diego Union-Tribune, 4/19/09). These guys are the gifts of MULTICULTURALISM.

Finally, Tina says, “What is unmerited is the racism, toward immigrants, and illegal immigrants in particular, that has reared its ugly head in this case.” Sorry Tina Airhead, the ugly heads are the decapitated heads rolling in the streets of Mexico, like that of San Diego County native George Norman Harrison: “On Feb. 3, three gunmen abducted the 38-year-old U.S. citizen from the pizzeria and held him captive for one month, extracting two ransom payments from his family in San Diego County. Then his captors beheaded him, chopped off his arms and legs and tossed his body in a weed-choked lot beside those of two other men, with a taunting sign warning about "snitches."

The fact is, Tina, you don’t know shit about life, but you can learn something about the wonderful world of Mexico by reading some of the articles at Or buy or rent all the episodes of The Shield or at least watch Disc 2, the sixth season, of CSI: Las Vegas: episodes “A Bullet Runs Through it,” parts I & II. Then you will get a better picture what is going on in the Hispanic Nation of America. If you were a reader you could peruse Travis Barrett Immigration Trilogy, though those books are not for the fainthearted. Barrett has been trying to warn America for a long time about how aliens will destroy America as America. The problem is he also reveals the nakedness of all the emperors worshiped by foolish Americans.

And what about disease? Well it looks like Americans are now living in the year of the alien plagues.

--The proportion of TB cases diagnosed in foreign-born people is increasing, a reflection of high TB rates in their countries of origin.

--Tuberculosis has been increasing among homeless people in Chicago every year since 2003.

--National rates among Hispanics and blacks were nearly eight times higher last year than those among non-Hispanic whites, and rates among Asians were nearly 23 times higher.
And in the April 24 San Diego Union-Tribune in an article titled “Swine Flu cases Mount, More Expected,” “All of the cases have been along the border region with Mexico, so CDC investigators are talking with their counterparts in that country. No swine flu infections have been reported in Mexico.” No swine flu has been reported in Mexico. I wonder why? Their doctors wouldn’t know if it bit them. Or Mexico is too busy with that malignancy the drug cartels. Or perhaps they figure their tourist industry could bear any more bad news. The paper mentions cases but never identifies ethnicity to protect the guilty. It’s interesting that the Canadian Press tells us, “Mexico has put the confirmed toll at 20 dead, but 40 other fatalities were being investigated, and at least 943 across the country were sick from the suspected flu.” Could it be that the Union-Tribune doesn’t want to offend the LARGE hispanic population living in and around San Diego? The Union-Tribune article also reminds us, that “in one extreme example, strains of swine flu helped to create a global pandemic and killed millions of people in 1918 and 1919.”

That one was called the Spanish Flu; this one will be called the Mexican Flu. That’s exactly what these third-world immigrants are going to do to the U.S. and the American press and government are contributing to this and all the other alien related problems by keeping the facts from the American people. (The next day the Union-Tribune finally had to admit the ugly truth: “Spread of Swine Flu Feared: Viral Strain Kills Perhaps 70 in Mexico, Infects 4 in County.”) Americans living in barrios may want to think about homeschooling their children.

Looks like America is infected with a fatal form of Alienitus for which there is a cure but the U.S. Government doesn’t have the patriotic balls to use it. So it seems that Americans didn’t learn from the experience of the Native Americans, who were decimated by diseases brought by the European aliens. If you don’t learn from history then you repeat it. Just ask you former idiot president George Bush.

From now on, Tina, why don’t you keep your fucking pollyanna nose out of our affairs since you know apparently nothing about what you’re talking about, sitting at your computer in little castle high above the fray—which just killed Nick Adenhart.

Part 2: That’s right, the United State Government killed Nick Adenhart, just as it's killing America.

Now let’s get down to the real business of this rant, which isn’t poor deluded, simpleminded Tina Pollyanna Kells. It’s about how the United States Government killed Nick Adenhart. I am going out on a limb to assume that the hispanic killer, Andrew Thomas Gallo, has a parent, grandparent or great grandparent who entered America illegally, and therefore, he would not have been in America in the first place if the U.S. Government had been doing its Constitutional duty to protect America and to preserve America for Americans. Almost all U.S. politicians since the GREAT ALIEN MIGRATION began share some blame, but some share a lot more blame for forcing Americans to swallow the alien cyanide pill, the pill that has killed America in hundreds of cities across this once great land and will bury America by the end of this century.

Some of traitorous politicians and traitorous acts that have transformed America into an AlienNation:

The Jones-Shafroth Act
, which opened the flood gates Puerto Ricans.

The Magnuson Act (Warren Grant "Maggie" Magnuson), which opened the flood gates to Asians.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which pushed the gates wide open to the alien hordes flooding toward America’s shores. Traitorous politicians involved: “It was proposed by Emanuel Celler, co-sponsored by Philip Hart and heavily supported by United States Senator Ted Kennedy.” “During debate on the Senate floor, Kennedy, speaking of the effects of the act, said, ‘First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset.... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia.... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.... The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.’" BULLSHIT! This piece of leftist shit deserves brain cancer. President Benedict Arnold Lyndon B. Johnson signed the legislation into law. REMEMBER MARY JO KOPECHNE!

The Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 (under U.S. traitor Lyndon B. Johnson) and the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1996,(under U.S. traitor Bill Clinton which opened the floodgates to Cubans, who have now taken over much of Florida (such as Westchester, Florida, 65% Cubans). Also, “Since the mid-1990s, after the implementation of the ‘Wet Foot, Dry Foot’ policy immigration patterns changed. Many Cuban immigrants departed from the southern and western coasts of Cuba and arrived at the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico; many landed on Isla Mujeres. From there Cuban immigrants traveled to the Texas-Mexico border and found asylum. Many of the Cubans who did not have family in Miami settled in Houston; this has caused Houston's Cuban American community to increase in size.” (Wikipedia) Tell me why in the fuck Cubans should get even more special treatment than other aliens?

It’s really fucking weird how the fucking U.S. Government thinks the Cubans in Cuba are the enemy just because the country was taken over by OH HORROR OF HORRORS a communist, Fidel Crabs-in-My-Beard Castro, who is a fucking idiot who could have done something for his people but instead did nothing. But he can’t take all the blame. It’s really hard to be successful when the richest bully nation in the world (the United States) won’t allow anyone to do business with you. And that’s because American politicians didn’t have the guts to stand up to the fucking Cuban aliens occupying Florida. They are not Cuban-Americans but Cubans occupying part of American territory.

Anyway, I have nothing against the Cubans in Cuba, or the Vietnamese in Vietnam, or the Chinese in China, or the Iraqis in Iraq, etc. However, I hate those people here because here they are intruders who are destroying America. I don’t want to live around them because they are not my people. But the U.S. Gnovernment won’t allow Americans to keep their communities America. (As far as Mexicans are concerned, I don’t like Mexicans here or in Mexico because Mexico is a nation of really dislikable people—you know, people who rape, kill, and bury girls for recreation, who behead just about anybody for the same reason, and who kidnap people and cut off their ears and fingers to get a ransom and once they get the ransom they kill the people anyway, for fun.

The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which legalized MILLIONS of illegals and sounded the HISPANIC DEATH NELL for the DisUnited State of America. Who signed the bill? That phony American Ronald Reagan, the fake hero of the REPUBLICAN PARTY OF TRAITORS. Of course, what did this rich pig care; he wouldn’t be living in a barrio but on his Rancho del Cielo. The act was signed beside the Statue of Liberty—the best reason for hating France. But God is punishing France with a plague of Muslims.

The unAmerican, arch-traitor president George Bush, who waved Mexican flags of surrender to the hispanic hordes in the U.S., betraying the American people for votes. And then appointing hundreds of hispanic operatives to important political and legal posts—such as that Mexican piece of shit Alberto R. Gonzales. And not surprising “no immigration documentation exists for three of his grandparents and thus they may have entered and resided in the United States illegally.” (Wikipedia) Of course, Albert isn’t a traitor since he isn’t an American but a citizen of the HISPANIC NATION.

The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, which would give legal status to millions more of the alien criminals who entered the U.S. illegally (which is THE reason they are ALL CRIMINALS). The American traitors who wrote the bill? Well of course that old traitor Ted Brain-Rot Kennedy and the newer traitor Senator from Arizona John McCain. He might have been an American hero-patriot once, but he sold out for votes. Remember Arizona is filling up with Mexicans, so what is a politician to do to get elected? He/she is going to do what Bush did—sell out America to Mexico.

Now President Hussein Obama (president of the U.S., just in case some state in Africa or Indonesia came to mind) is visiting the President of Mexico, to whom he said, "All across the United States, we have benefited from the culture, the language, the food, the insights, the literature, the energy, and the ambitions of people who have migrated from our southern neighbor." BULLSHIT. He ain’t speaking for Americans. I assume he told the president not to worry about the Mexicans living in the U.S. because he was arranging the surrender of the United States to the Hispanic Nation now occupying the country, suggesting a fitting place for the surrender ceremony would be the Alamo. As soon as the latest amnesty bill is passed America will belong to the Hispanic Nation.

And now Janet Napolitano, Homeland Insecurity Czar, is having the agency target "Right-wing Extremists” meaning AMERICAN PATRIOT GROUPS like the patriot militia groups, Minuteman Project, Mothers Against Illegal Aliens. This traitor is not about HOMLAND SECURITY but about crushing AMERICAN PATRIOT GROUPS that are about securing the homeland. Of course, she uses Bush jargon by calling them “terrorist groups,” but I say America is being terrorized by the unAmerican U.S. Government. And let me add, I find the right wing idiotic most the time, worrying about communism, homosexual marriage, abortion, Israel, Afghanistan and Iraq, and even taxes when their country is being usurped by aliens. But these right-wingers are MY PEOPLE. I am not a big fan of Christianity (Bush and child molesting priests spoiled it for me), but I value the role of the community small-town church that takes care of it flock at home and stays out of politics. The right-wing extremists are all about preserving America, Napolitano isn't. How can se be working for the Czar of Multiculturalism.

In other words, I may not even like many right-wing Americans, but they are my people. They are the only people I have. And those who attack them have declared war upon me, such as that fucking Canadian Jew, David Frum, former speech write for George Benedict Arnold Bush, who attacked Rush Limbaugh. I wonder why the Jew was such a big fan of Bush’s. Maybe because he thinks that America should be Israel’s guard dog. I mean take a look at Jew Rep. Jane Harman, D-Venice who it turns out is an operative for Israel. Harman is a big supporter of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), a fucking antiAmerica Jewish organization. (Check out She is also pro-illegals:

• Voted NO on building a fence along the Mexican border. (Sep 2006)
• Voted NO on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment.

We all know the Jews are multiculturalists because they want America to become a nation of minorities so they can run the show, which they do pretty much already. American isn’t their homeland; Israel is. America is just their base of operation. That the Jews’ payback for the thousands of American soldiers who died fighting Hitler’s armies of the night—two stabs in the back, one for Israel and one for their multicultural agenda which is their power grab for America. AIPAC likes to say that the U.S. and Israel are partners. In fucking what? Allowing Israel to spy on the U.S.? What in the fuck has Israel ever done for the U.S. except get us into trouble? Nothing, that’s what. Even now when the U.S. tells Israel that it supports a two-state solution for Palestine, the Jews tell America to go and fuck itself. That’s what they have always done. You can read about the traitor Harman on your own. Do it with a bucket nearby for your vomit.

Back to Frum. His criticisms of Limbaugh are right on, but Frum is a member of the Jewish elite that would like to see the old America melt away and be replaced with multicultural, pro-Israel nonAmerica. He is not an American. Like most multiculturalist Jews, he is anti-America. I don’t like Rush Limbaugh because he’s nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Republican Party, a guy who is a lot like that disgusting piece of political shit Karl Rove (remember, Bush’s Iago?). He doesn’t think but only responds. If the democrats say yes, he says no. If they say no, he says yes. I mean this is a guy who could have worked for Hitler. Remember when he said torture was “just having a good time.”

And now Rush is bragging about what a great thing unbridled (radical laissez faire) capitalism is even though it has led to the collapse of the American economy. If the idiot had read Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, the first great novel about capitalism, he would have seen that laissez faire capitalism means you can sell your friends and engage in slavery, just as it has meant in this country hiring millions of illegal aliens. You can do anything you fucking well want to make money, often including breaking the laws of the land. The face of Rush's version of capitalism is that of Bernard Madoff. But the beast, Rush, that is, is a member of my tribe, and I am not a member of any of the other tribes now destroying America. So when the line is drawn in the sand, I will stand with Rush, Glen Beck, and all the other right-wing nut cases. Fuck Frum.

JUST IN! The fucking SUPREME COURT has made it easier for illegal immigrants seeking to avoid deportation to get another chance at a court hearing. I don’t give a shit if the alien will be skinned alive if sent back to his shithole nation. Most the people in the world live in nations where their lives are in jeopardy. It’s not the responsibility of Americans to save these billions of people. If the Supreme Court is on the side of the aliens, then I say fuck the Obscene Court because it is an enemy of America. I never thought I would take the side of Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, but like I said, “My enemy who becomes the enemy of my nation’s enemies becomes my friend—pubic hairs and all.”

Part 3: If taxes are all Americans are worried about, then they deserve to lose their country.

So who killed Nick Adenhart? Andrew Thomas Gallo pulled the trigger, but unAmerican politicians allowed the country to be flooded with hispanic criminals. And what are Americans worried about? TAXES. What a joke. Don’t blame Obama (not just yet), blame Mrs. Barbara Bush’s idiot child who has been throwing away billions of dollars on nonsensical wars. But most of all blame the traitorous politicians and businessmen who allowed millions of aliens into the country. Why do you think California can’t pay its bills? It’s not just the unions but millions of aliens who are reproducing like flies and like flies sucking the blood out of the American taxpayer. They ARE NOT paying their way. They are choking the school with their own form of stupidity (clearly seen destroying their own country) and overburdening the welfare system. In fact they are just like flies. They come here illegally, suck our blood, spread their various form of social, cultural, and biological diseases, and lay their eggs.

Didn’t you see the article titled “Female Crafters Feel Tourism Slump” in San Diego Union-Tribune. It’s about women who sell bracelets on Avenida Revolución in Tijuana. Sells have dropped. I wonder why. Could it be that tourists have gotten tired of tripping over decapitated heads? Anyway we are told one of the women makes about $5 a day doing this. Furthermore, “With ever-smaller incomes and little or no public assistance, these women are sinking deeper into poverty; sometimes they can't afford to buy even tortillas to feed their children. In many instances, fathers are not living with their families.” Yeah, like where are the fathers? Sounds fishy. And then we are told, “The problem is that many of them [the women] abuse their children and use them to beg.”

That’s Mexico for ya—one horror story after another. And then we are told that for one woman selling trinkets is her only source of income BUT, “She has managed to support her seven children, including a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old, on the meager profits. Because her sales plummeted, her teenage daughter dropped out of high school to help support the family.” First off, if she was able to support the kids, then why did the daughter have to drop out of school, like the Mexicans do here in the U.S.? Secondly, tell me what this woman is doing with 7 kids if all she can make is 5 bucks a day. Fucking and reproducing like animals, and the downward cycle continues, except now it also continues in the U.S. The Mexican immigrants have been to America what an anchor is to a drowning man.

And what has America gotten from its toleration and generosity? Their hatred. They hate us even more than we hate them (if that’s possible). Remember President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil famously blaming the "irrational behavior of white, blue-eyed people" for the economic crisis. He’s probably right, but fuck him anyway. The point is THEY HATE US and WE SHOULD BE HATING THEM. Check out stupid! And the battlefield is on American soil, and they are winning.

I mean you have all these so-called tea parties about taxes when the BIG problem is the aliens, who are also part of the tax problem. The fucking conservatives are really stupid and they deserve to lose the country to the unAmerican liberals. They worry about the dumbest things like gay marriage (like all those heterosexual guys are such nice people slaughtering their families) and abortion, as if those issues have anything to do with saving America. They don’t. Imagine the passengers on the USS Titanic worrying about a couple of queers getting married and some gal getting an abortion in the engine room because she got knocked up by Uncle Joe while the ship is headed for the alien iceberg that will sink it. Personally I don’t want to live in an alienized America. If the country is going to be taken over by Wongs, Husseins, and Gonzaleses then I don’t give a fuck if a meteorite destroys it—because it won’t be destroying America. American will have already destroyed itself.

Take for example the Tea Party Tax protesters in Oceanside, California. We are told that they were angry about government bailouts of AIG and GM. Take the airhead named Ronda who called in to the Roger Headcock show. She said she was at the rally to take back America from those lefties who believe in global warming, gay marriage, etc., you know all the hot button issues that that I have no interest in if I'm going to lose my country. Besides she doesn’t have a clue. You know she hasn't read book in years, maybe Twilight, but no way science because she don’t know nothin’ about science. Like most Americans the airhead ain’t about reading but loves American Idol. Did she read April 27 issue of Time? Of course not. It’s just another leftist magazine. On p. 35 countries are rated in math and reading. Interestingly, SOCIALIST Finland takes first place in both categories. (And isn’t it interesting that COMMUNISTIC China’s economy will expand this year while CAPITALISTIC America’s economy will shrink.) America ranks 25th in reading (just behind the French, oh shame!)and 15th in math, and you can believe we would have been at the bottom of the list were not for the Asians living here giving the American students a well-deserved inferiority complex. And France would be a lot higher on the list if the country wasn't overrun by Arabs who live on the dole the stupid government provides and pick the pockets or steal the purses and cameras of unwary tourists for a little extra spending money.

It's true that socialism doesn't work when you let non- or barely productive immigrants take advantage of it. Socialist programs (like Social Security, Medicare, public education, police and firefighting protections, public transportation, maintenance of city infrastructure, parks, and beaches, etc.) work when they serve hardworking, educated and productive citizens but not when the country is overrun by invaders from the hispanic Third-World who bring with them all the horrors they are fleeing. (Didn't you realize that those are socialistic programs because they are own and operated by the government? NO you don't want the government to run businesses, but you do want them to regulate them, you know like maintaining certain sanitation standards in restaurants. That's what happen to the finance system; it got lucre filthy.)

What Ronda relies on for information are the mostly uneducated right-wing talk jocks like Glenn Beck (dropped out of college after one class), Sean Patrick Hannity (college drop out), Mike Gallagher (college dropout), and what about the god of right-wing radio Rush Limbaugh? Another college dropout. Now there are some well-educated R-W jocks, but they tend to be Jews whose mind have been poisoned by the Biblical thinking. Take Michael Alan Weiner Savage as an example. Because of his Jewishness his response to the swine flu outbreak in the Mexico and the U.S. is to suspect Al-Qaeda rather than the Mexicans and the illegals who brought it into the U.S. Israel has had the same effect on Jewish thinkers as a lobotomy. Ronda the airhead had called in to the Roger Hedgecock. He’s one of the right-wing chicken-hawks who supported the Iraq war but were able to get out of serving in Vietnam. And shady Hedgecock was alleged to have illegally failed to report over $350,000 from former Del Mar mayor Nancy Hoover. ("Roger Hedgecock," Wikipedia)

What airhead Ronda doesn’t seem to get is that it was shady conservatives who brought down the economy, not Obama. And to see how these greedy guys have influenced the debate on global warming maybe Ronda the airhead should read “Industry Ignored Its Scientists on Climate” article that came out 4/24/09. One scientist, Dr. Santer, said, “I’m amazed and astonished that the Global Climate Coalition [anti global warming business organization] had in their possession scientific information that substantiated our cautious findings and then chose to suppress that information.”

Yeah right, big fucking surprise. But Ronda the airhead won’t get this info. because she doesn’t read. She doesn’t want to know that Right-Wing talk jocks are like scientists who work for the big energy companies. They aren’t interested in the truth. They are phonies. Phony Americans as far as I’m concerned.

Okay, so Ronda isn’t very bright, but most Americans aren’t. How else can you explain America’s rapid decline? For example, Ronda the airhead bragged to Headcock about there being a lot of Latinos and Filipinos at the anti-Obama rally. The thing illustrated here is about conservatives is all they think about is the Bible, hating democrats (okay I can do that), and money (I don’t give a fuck about money if I have to live in a barrio, except to have enough to buy a Glock). And then Headcock praises the airhead.

You know one thing I love about Mike Savage when I’m not hating him, is that he will tell callers to go fuck themselves (not literally of course) if he thinks they’re idiots—and most the time they are. He would probably tell me to go fuck myself, but that’s okay. At least he has the balls to speak what he believes in, not just what his listeners want to hear or what the Republican Party or businessmen are willing to pay him to say. I should hate the guy, but I don’t—because he’s got passion and he knows in his heart that America is a lost cause. He’ll often say something like (I’m paraphrasing) “Why in the fuck I’m I doing this radio shit. The American sheeple are too fucking stupid to be saved.” He’s right. He is the first mate on the USS Titanic telling the passengers that the ship is sinking there are not enough lifeboats since the aliens have taken most of them. And the death of American makes him sad because he is old enough to remember the good old days. I think that’s the problem. Most Americans don’t remember the good old days. They were fucking great. Sorry you missed out.

Let’s talk a little about Mrs. Moron’s city by the sea, Oceanside, CA, which used to be a terrific American seaside community but is now 30% hispanic. The North County Times tells us quoting Detective Sean Marchand, “In Oceanside, there are 1,100 documented gang members and associates.” He added that ”there are more gang members and associates who police have not yet documented, because detectives would rather spend time in the field trying to head off violence than just documenting everyone that meets the criteria.” Also, “Last year the city had a rash of 20 gang-related shootings in which three people died and 18 were wounded. Many of the shootings were linked to a feud between rival black and Samoan gangs in the same neighborhoods.” (“Documenting Gang Members an Involved Process”) In other words, the aliens and our own blacks have turned Oceanside into a social-cultural sewer. So maybe those people who have been prejudiced against the dark-skin people weren’t so wrong. Black-American culture has morphed into a Mau Mau culture of drugs, violence, and death. I mean is it really unreasonable that white people want avoid living near a culture that is fatal to just about everything they value? On the other hand, the black gangs are fighting our battles against the hispanics gangs. AND black Americans (I don't mean the recently arrived Obama-types whose ancestors WERE NOT slaves in this country) did not betray white America. It was the other way around. Just another example of how WHITE AMERICANS have fucked up the country. You'll notice in the list above, all the traitors are white.

And you might have read about Meki Gaono and Penifoti “CJ” Taeotui, who police say shot and killed an Oceanside police officer Dan Bessant, 25. These two scumbags aren’t hispanic, but they aren’t American either. They are ALIENS. They are also gangbangers, street gangs being the greatest gift the aliens have given to America (though the swine flu may soon take the #1 spot), you know like giving somebody cancer. I will let you read about that garbage on your own, though I will tell you that Meki Guano was found guilty for killing Bessant, so the American taxpayer will be paying for his life in prison. My point is that the Americans in Oceanside are like Titanic passengers complaining about tipping the waiters being required when they and their children will soon be drowning in an alien sea before they finish their meal.

Go figure. If you do, you will see that Americans, who think they are so fucking smart, are about as bright as the members of Heaven's Gate cult members who believed they would be rescued by aliens. That’s what Americans thought about allowing millions of illegals into their country—that the millions of aliens would recue them economically (thinking basically, fuck the America and its culture). Yeah, the mass immigration recue plan worked out really well. Just ask Nick Adenhart. So I guess I can’t blame just the U.S. Government for Nick’s death since Americans didn’t think the country was worth saving from the alien invaders. They may be having second thoughts once the plague arrives.

And now the aliens have taken control of the U.S. Government. What are Americans going to do? Texas Governor Rick Perry suggests that Texas should secede, but this idiot like Ronda the airhead is upset mostly about taxes. He doesn’t seem to care that Texas is quickly becoming a state of Mexico (Austen is already 30% hispanic, Texas 35%). When the swine flu version of the hispanic plague hits Texas, it will be payback for their contribution to the alien invasion, which is, by the way, costing Texans how much in TAX DOLLARS to support the Hispanic Nation now occupying much of Texas? The Feds aren’t the only ones guilty of hiring, aiding, and abetting the enemy.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pirate Wali-i-Musi Is Brought to America: Let the Circus Begin

Having made the most of celebrating the shooting of his three companions, the U.S. Government brings the surviving pirate, Abduhl Wali-i-Musi (apparently he has another name but one of these is enough!), to a million-dollar show trial. America just can’t resist bringing aliens into the homeland. There will be a media show, an AMERICAN TRIUMPH. Remember the Romans when they would parade captured barbarians before screaming crowds and then execute them—by crucifixion or strangulation? It’s great fun and so meaningful to see that America’s half-trillion-dollar military machine was able to bring the great water warrior Wali-i-Musi to his knees just as the Romans did Vercingetorix.

And after the show trial that will make him famous, we will lock Wali away at $20,000 per year at taxpayers’ expense in a federal prison, fulfilling Wali’s greatest dream—to come to America. He will be fed three squares a day and probably get a television on which he can watch news about himself—maybe later a movie. I suppose after a period of time he will become an American citizen, get a girlfriend and conjugal visits, and have a bunch of little Walis who will grow up in America at the expense of the American taxpayer and probably end up in a cell next to their famous dad. Certainly he will be indoctrinated into some Islamic prison brotherhood, write a book, and become the most famous pirate of the 21st century, inspiring millions of down-and-outers back home to follow his footsteps, like Jesus, on the sea, hoping to be captured. If captured does a pirate have the right to bring to this country his five wives and twenty-five children?

America, you are sick and stupid. The Dutch did the smart thing. They let their pirates go back home, which is worse than prison. The Dutch already have too many Muslims in their country and their prisons are probably like hotels. Don’t you remember the murder of Dutch artist Theodoor van Gogh (the name might ring a bell if you are not completely stupid) by Muslim nut-case Mohammed Fahmi Bouyeri. Being a Muslim means being nuts, which is fine as long as you don’t import the nuts into your own country. Wikipedia tells us, “Mohammed Bouyeri's strict interpretation of Islam and insistence on segregation of the sexes did not prevent him from using pornographic material in his personal life, where his pornographic material showed a predilection for amputee fetishism, child pornography and necrophilia.” Imagine getting a blow job from a decapitated head! And there is more good news: “He is said to have formed the Hofstad Network, a Dutch terrorist cell. He claims to have murdered van Gogh to fulfill his duty as a Muslim.” Of course. Killing is what Muslims do. They are like a religious version of the Mexican drug cartels. And this piece of Muslim shit was born in Holland and given all the benefits of civilization, which he rejected. He even kept duel citizenship: Dutch–Moroccan. You know to stay in touch with his terrorist buddies back home. Apparently, the Dutch have finally leaned that when you discover something like the human version of AIDS or EBOLA, you don’t bring it home.

But Americans are too fucking stupid. They are like General Motors, keep doing business as usual even though business as usual means self-destruction. Well yeah, the Italians are pretty stupid too. I guess you read about the Italian government welcoming 140 African illegals into Italy. How much is that going to cost? I guess the Italian economy must be doing better than those of the rest of Europe. And did the government ask Italians what they thought about importing more alien trouble into their country? No. That’s not what governments do—you know, consult the people. Cheers for Malta, which keeps out aliens because it knows that with them comes lots of fucking problems. The Malta minister said, “If there is anyone who expects Malta to take illegal immigrants that are his responsibility, he can forget it.” Right on, dude!

The truth of the matter is that the illegals are not Europe’s responsibility. The boat should have been sunk. That would have sent a clear message to the millions of illegals heading north to Europe. Or at the very least the illegals should have been put on a boat and sent back to whatever shithole they came from. And once again, why is their country a shithole (like the pirates’ Somalia), because they make it that way. The only things they are really good at are reproducing, fighting, and crime. The problem with civilization is that being civil is its Achilles heel. The aliens WILL destroy Europe.

Back to the pirates, do you really think capturing a few of these guys will make any difference at all. Look at Afghanistan. We have been killing people there by the thousands and there are always more where they came from. It’s like using an old antibiotic on antibiotic resistant bacteria. You kill a lot of bacteria but you also make it stronger and there will always a lot more bacteria than antibiotics. Avoidance is the best remedy in this case. DON’T BRING THE DISEASE HOME. If Mohammed Fahmi Bouyeri’s parents had been kept out of Europe, van Gogh would still be alive.

The way you deal piracy is to protect your ships in the first place and do what the SEALS did. Kill the pirates if you have a chance. It’s a deadly game that will go on as long as there is no government in Somalia. Besides these guys are probably telling themselves that if they get killed they will go to Paradise. They may not get the full 40 wives, but at least 20 wives for being Muslims, minus 20 for not taking the head of an infidel.

But America loves to beat its chest in public, and by doing so make Wali a hero to the rest of the world and a mockery of itself. In fact, you are already seeing sympathy stories about Wali in the American press. Next he will be interview by Larry King. And by the way who do you think is the hero in Somaliland and the rest of the world—the SEALS? Hell no. The little pirate who took on America is (you know the America that has been engaged in an illegal and immoral war that has wrecked the country and killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis). Do we really think parading Wali will make Americans look like the good guys to the rest of the world? Americans want to see those brave, desperate pirates as EVIL DOERS and themselves as heroes—but it’s okay for our CIA to engage in torture. Go figure. Americans just never learn that the good guys don’t start unnecessary wars and torture. You can’t create a half-million widows in Iraq and suddenly be the good guy because you killed three hapless pirates.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The New Tiananmen Square: Somali Pirates versus the U.S. Navy (Revisited)

This blog rant was originally published April 10, 20009, and shortly afterwards became invisible to web and blog search engines, setting off in my paranoiac brain the suspicion that rants considered radically politically incorrect are sentenced by BIG BROTHER to forever confinement in a never-to-be-found-again Butcher-Bay like cyber dungeon where the cyber light never shines.

Could it be that censors decided that the good news of Capt. Richard Phillips rescue was not to be compromised by some cyber cynic sympathetic with the raggaty-taggaty pirates, who might even be kissing kin to our commander in chief, Hussein Obama? Who knows for sure? Well, we do know one thing for sure: that BIG BROTHER’s eyes (CIA/FBI/NSA and a host of lesser agencies) are always watching. But like the obstinate Riddick I decided to allow this rant one more opportunity to escape from the darkness into the cyberlight, if only briefly.

Stupid America is doing it again—looking like a fucking global bully. Here you’ve got four natives and a good captain in a small lifeboat (imagine four Fridays and Captain Crusoe) looking like Winslow Homer’s The Gulf Stream surround by a monstrous American warship. Oh yeah, it plays really well for the American audience back home, fills them pride knowing those four little darkies are no match for the U.S.S. Terminator. But it don’t look that way to the rest of the world. What they see is a Tiananmen Square being played out on the Indian Ocean. Remember the little Chinaman staring down a Chinese tank? Now you’ve got four little Somali pirates in a lifeboat staring down an American warship.

You know who really loves this shit? Republicans like hubris infected Newt Gingrich who wanted to shoot down little North Korea’s missile. But it’s okay for America to have 1000’s of nukes. These guys love playing the bully (but they themselves are chicken-hawks), and that is what America has been doing, bullying small nations like Vietnam, Iraq, Cuba, Iran, etc. We don’t have to talk to others because we got bigger guns. You might have heard some State Department flunky saying on CNN that America doesn’t make deals with terrorists. That the way the American government works. Pass a law and then use the law to justify all further action. Bush was all about that. Pass a law making torture legal then your actions have legal justification. In this case, the U.S Government says its policy is never to make deals with the bad guys because doing so makes the U.S. look weak and like losers, and the pirates like winners. And if everything goes to shit and the captain dies then government will say “Sorry, we were just following policy.”

Take gay marriage for an example (I mean queers and pirates, they're all the same). Pass a law that states gay marriage is illegal and there you go, it’s illegal by decree. Or find in the Bible where it says it’s prohibited, and Voila! it’s wrong. (Oh, but what about the parts of the Bible that say slavery is okay? Like, Leviticus 25:44-46, which says, "Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.) And the Bible is the Republican's favorite game book.

It’s interesting that Republican scum like Gingrich can get on his high-horse about the sanctity of heterosexual marriage but get divorced three times. About his first wife, Jackie Battley, Wikipedia tells us, “She claims he ‘discussed divorce terms with her while she was recuperating in the hospital from cancer surgery.'” What a fucking hypocrite. That’s why in his way of thinking it is okay to beat up on Cuba and North Korea for being bad boys but not to criticize America’s destruction of Iraq. You will get my point if you have read Sophocles’ Antigone. In other words, America very often looks like pigheaded Creon. But you haven’t read it because you don’t read.

Getting back to the pirates, in the U.S. they have been characterized as terrorists, but they are not terrorists. They are pirates and they do what they do for money. As far as I know, unlike the Mexican drug cartels, they try to avoid hurting and killing the people who are on the ships they highjack. In fact, it seems that they are taking most the risks. So what’s the solution? Give them some money and send them on their way. Chris Voss, a former FBI, said “the situation could worsen if the pirates try to bargain their escape by trading Capt. Richard Phillips for fuel. With any luck, that won't happen." What! If all they want is fuel for the captain, give it to them. Oh, I forgot we don’t make deals with terrorist pirates. That wouldn’t be macho-American.

You know the thugs running the U.S. Government could learn something from Capt. Phillips. His thinking is what is called utilitarian (rather than the prideful selfishness that dominates the thinking of the apparatchiks who have been running the U.S. Government for the past couple of generations). Just in case you are an idiot who doesn’t know Defoe’s novel, Greek tragedy or Winslow Homer’s painting, or has never taken a philosophy class, utilitarianism is an ethical system that believes one should act to promote the greatest good. Capt. Phillips sacrificed himself for the greater good of his crew. But U.S. Government is unwilling to lose face just a little bit in order to save the good captain.

Already he has suffered longer than he should have had to. Every effort should have been made to save the good captain, including money. I mean that what insurance is for. But weapons and intimidation are America’s preferred means of negotiating. I’m sure the lifeboat is in the crosshairs of Navy sharpshooters. And yet, what has American hyper-militarism gotten the country thus far? Broke and friendless. It’s no wonder that the Europeans don’t want to get involve in that ugly affair the war in Afghanistan. The reason was clearly seen in the streets of Baghdad during the anniversary celebration of the fall of Saddam Hussein. They were filled with thousand of American hating Iraqis.

The recent movie The Day the Earth Stood Still does a good job of illustrating how America is seen by the rest of the world and by millions of Americans. A totally militarized nation not unlike that of Hitler’s. In the movie you see a paranoid, arrogant American government sending armed predator drones after the aliens—to no effect—like the ones used to blow up villages, and the men, women, and children in them, in Afghanistan. And a drone circles above that little lifeboat with its 5 puny inhabitants in the Indian Ocean. America loves to show off its Terminator-like weapons of war, but in doing so we have lost our humanity. The fact is we are not a very attractive nation and have little to offer the rest of the world except for having become the world’s largest refugee camp. And now even if America is able to rescue the good captain but at the loss of the lives of the pirates, it will come off looking like Goliath and the pirates looking like four Davids. In this case, romance favors the pirates, not the United States Navy.

And you know that whether you’re a good pirate or a bad pirate depends on what side you are on. Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir John Hawkins, Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Richard Grenville are famous Elizabethan pirates. In the eyes of the English they were the good guys. If you know anything about Christopher Columbus you will know that he was as much a pirate as the Somalis, just on a bigger scale. You might recall that pirates in the old days raided cities as well as boats. For example, “During his second voyage, Columbus and his men instituted a policy in Hispaniola which has been referred to by numerous historians as genocide. The native Taino people of the island were systematically enslaved and murdered. Hundreds were rounded up and shipped to Europe to be sold; many died en route. For the rest of the population, Columbus demanded that all Taino under his control should bring the Spaniards GOLD. Those that didn't were to have their hands cut off” (“Christopher Columbus,” Wikipedia). One of the remarkable revelations in The Conquest of Paradise by Kirkpatrick Sale is how often Columbus talks about obtaining GOLD. But I forgot, you don’t know any of that because you don’t read novels, visit museums, or don’t know much about history.

Finally, it’s clear to the rest of the world that the purpose of the world’s largest armada, the U.S. Navy, is to serve America’s political and economic interests, and that’s all, just as Columbus served the interests of Spain. Fuck the natives. And let’s not forget that British, French, and Italian imperialism played an active role in the region that is now Somalia. In fact, colonialism (the West’s pirating the rest of the world) would not have been possible without the navies of Europe. Remember the U.S. Navy cruise missiles landing in Baghdad when America decided to raid Iraq for Israel, black gold, and other forms of war profiteering? The rest of the world hasn’t forgotten. The hundreds of thousands of Iraqi widows haven’t forgotten. So America really does look silly when it starts rocking upon its high horse of outrage concerning rag-tag pirates of Somalia.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The New Tiananmen Square: Somali Pirates Versus the U.S. Navy

Stupid America is doing it again—looking like a fucking global bully. Here you’ve got four natives and a good captain in a small lifeboat (imagine four Fridays and Captain Crusoe) looking like Winslow Homer’s The Gulf Stream surround by a monstrous American warship. Oh yeah, it plays really well for the American audience back home, fills them pride knowing those four little darkies are no match for the U.S.S. Terminator. But it don’t look that way to the rest of the world. What they see is a Tiananmen Square being played out on the Indian Ocean. Remember the little Chinaman staring down a Chinese tank? Now you’ve got four little Somali pirates in a lifeboat staring down an American warship.

You know who really loves this shit? Republicans like hubris infected Newt Gingrich who wanted to shoot down little North Korea’s missile. But it’s okay for America to have 1000’s of nukes. These guys love playing the bully (but they themselves are chicken-hawks), and that is what America has been doing, bullying small nations like Vietnam, Iraq, Cuba, Iran, etc. We don’t have to talk to others because we got bigger guns. You might have heard some State Department flunky saying on CNN that America doesn’t make deals with terrorists. That the way the American government works. Pass a law and then use the law to justify all further action. Bush was all about that. Pass a law making torture legal then your actions have legal justification. In this case, the U.S Government says its policy is never to make deals with the bad guys because doing so makes the U.S. look weak and like losers, and the pirates like winners. And if everything goes to shit and the captain dies then government will say “Sorry, we were just following policy.”

Take gay marriage for an example (I mean queers and pirates, they're all the same). Pass a law that states gay marriage is illegal and there you go, it’s illegal by decree. Or find in the Bible where it says it’s prohibited, and Voila! it’s wrong. (Oh, but what about the parts of the Bible that say slavery is okay? Like, Leviticus 25:44-46, which says, "Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.) And the Bible is the Republican's favorite game book.

It’s interesting that Republican scum like Gingrich can get on his high-horse about the sanctity of heterosexual marriage but get divorced three times. About his first wife, Jackie Battley, Wikipedia tells us, “She claims he ‘discussed divorce terms with her while she was recuperating in the hospital from cancer surgery.'” What a fucking hypocrite. That’s why in his way of thinking it is okay to beat up on Cuba and North Korea for being bad boys but not to criticize America’s destruction of Iraq. You will get my point if you have read Sophocles’ Antigone. In other words, America very often looks like pigheaded Creon. But you haven’t read it because you don’t read.

Getting back to the pirates, in the U.S. they have been characterized as terrorists, but they are not terrorists. They are pirates and they do what they do for money. As far as I know, unlike the Mexican drug cartels, they try to avoid hurting and killing the people who are on the ships they highjack. In fact, it seems that they are taking most the risks. So what’s the solution? Give them some money and send them on their way. Chris Voss, a former FBI, said “the situation could worsen if the pirates try to bargain their escape by trading Capt. Richard Phillips for fuel. With any luck, that won't happen." What! If all they want is fuel for the captain, give it to them. Oh, I forgot we don’t make deals with terrorist pirates. That wouldn’t be macho-American.

You know the thugs running the U.S. Government could learn something from Capt. Phillips. His thinking is what is called utilitarian (rather than the prideful selfishness that dominates the thinking of the apparatchiks who have been running the U.S. Government for the past couple of generations). Just in case you are an idiot who doesn’t know Defoe’s novel, Greek tragedy or Winslow Homer’s painting, or has never taken a philosophy class, utilitarianism is an ethical system that believes one should act to promote the greatest good. Capt. Phillips sacrificed himself for the greater good of his crew. But U.S. Government is unwilling to lose face just a little bit in order to save the good captain.

Already he has suffered longer than he should have had to. Every effort should have been made to save the good captain, including money. I mean that what insurance is for. But weapons and intimidation are America’s preferred means of negotiating. I’m sure the lifeboat is in the crosshairs of Navy sharpshooters. And yet, what has American hyper-militarism gotten the country thus far? Broke and friendless. It’s no wonder that the Europeans don’t want to get involve in that ugly affair the war in Afghanistan. The reason was clearly seen in the streets of Baghdad during the anniversary celebration of the fall of Saddam Hussein. They were filled with thousand of American hating Iraqis.

The recent movie The Day the Earth Stood Still does a good job of illustrating how America is seen by the rest of the world and by millions of Americans. A totally militarized nation not unlike that of Hitler’s. In the movie you see a paranoid, arrogant American government sending armed predator drones after the aliens—to no effect—like the ones used to blow up villages, and the men, women, and children in them, in Afghanistan. And a drone circles above that little lifeboat with its 5 puny inhabitants in the Indian Ocean. America loves to show off its Terminator-like weapons of war, but in doing so we have lost our humanity. The fact is we are not a very attractive nation and have little to offer the rest of the world except for having become the world’s largest refugee camp. And now even if America is able to rescue the good captain but at the loss of the lives of the pirates, it will come off looking like Goliath and the pirates looking like four Davids. In this case, romance favors the pirates, not the United States Navy.

And you know that whether you’re a good pirate or a bad pirate depends on what side you are on. Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir John Hawkins, Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Richard Grenville are famous Elizabethan pirates. In the eyes of the English they were the good guys. If you know anything about Christopher Columbus you will know that he was as much a pirate as the Somalis, just on a bigger scale. You might recall that pirates in the old days raided cities as well as boats. For example, “During his second voyage, Columbus and his men instituted a policy in Hispaniola which has been referred to by numerous historians as genocide. The native Taino people of the island were systematically enslaved and murdered. Hundreds were rounded up and shipped to Europe to be sold; many died en route. For the rest of the population, Columbus demanded that all Taino under his control should bring the Spaniards GOLD. Those that didn't were to have their hands cut off” (“Christopher Columbus,” Wikipedia). One of the remarkable revelations in The Conquest of Paradise by Kirkpatrick Sale is how often Columbus talks about obtaining GOLD. But I forgot, you don’t know any of that because you don’t read novels, visit museums, or don’t know much about history.

Finally, it’s clear to the rest of the world that the purpose of the world’s largest armada, the U.S. Navy, is to serve America’s political and economic interests, and that’s all, just as Columbus served the interests of Spain. Fuck the natives. And let’s not forget that British, French, and Italian imperialism played an active role in the region that is now Somalia. In fact, colonialism (the West’s pirating the rest of the world) would not have been possible without the navies of Europe. Remember the U.S. Navy cruise missiles landing in Baghdad when America decided to raid Iraq for Israel, black gold, and other forms of war profiteering? The rest of the world hasn’t forgotten. The hundreds of thousands of Iraqi widows haven’t forgotten. So America really does look silly when it starts rocking upon its high horse of outrage concerning rag-tag pirates of Somalia.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hey Jiverly Wong, America Feels Your Pain


Aliens attacking Americans and aliens attacking aliens. The Fucking country is becoming a video game like F.E.A.R 2. I guess you know by now that two-pistol-packing Jiverly Wong shot up the Un-American Civic Association, which is an organization that helps aliens to infiltrate America, killing 14. I suppose he was trying to beat Seung-Hui Cho’s (another alien) record of 32 dead.

At least Jiverly Wong was killing the invaders and not Americans, probably accomplishing more to dissuade illegals than U.S. Immigration and certainly more than the U.S. soldiers in Iraq. In fact, the Iraq War will drive thousands of Iraqis into this country, like the father of Octomom Suleman, another alien monstrosity (remember the alien baby producing insect in the movie ALIENS? Scary!), just as the Vietnam War brought hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese into the U.S. Apparently the father of alien exterminator Wong was in the Vietnamese army. Just another example of how the inept American government does the double fuck up by starting illegal wars and then bringing thousand if not millions of the people they have been slaughtering into the U.S. so that they can infect American cities, causing Americans to flee their once American communities. Beware America! One day there will be no escape, and the alien beast shall consume your children.

Let’s stop just for a second and look at how fucking evil America has behaved in their unwarranted aggression against countries like Vietnam and Iraq. The politicians that got America involved in the those two wars were FUCKING EVIL, you know men like Kennedy, Johnson, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc., who started these wars with the help of equally evil senators and congressmen. The government didn't allow Americans to vote on going to war, and they could have because there was obviously no immediate threat to America, no Pearl Harbor. They did it because the United States Government has been on a military power trip since the old Cold War days.

Even Obama has been infected with war mania, has taken up Bush’s war spear and is now doing the war dance around the old campfire—Ooh wha wha, ooh wha wha, you know like in Lord of the Flies, if you are not totally illiterate. Obama tells the Europeans that “America can’t meet its global challenges alone,” meaning the war in Afghanistan and other military operations. Doesn’t the idiot know that the war can’t be won because the so-called enemy is the people and culture of Afghanistan? I mean does he really have any idea what the NEW AMERICAN VERSION of Afghanistan would look like? He says he wants to defeat the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and the Afghan drug cartels. Hell, we can't defeat the Mexican drug cartels on American soil!

Imagine a house the size of Afghanistan that’s filled with termites. It’s too big to be tented (the nuclear option), so you send in those guys with the poison spray hoses, like the U.S. military. They spray here and they spray there, killing lots of termites but there are always plenty more. The French told the idiot Bush to stay out of Iraq, but Bush being an idiot surrounded by other idiot puppets of Zionism went to war anyway. And what did that get America? A bad reputation; lots of dead and wounded soldiers who wasted their lives, limbs, and/or time; and tons of money thrown away, though a few American rich war pigs got richer. (Is that really capitalism when the government can spend billions of tax dollars to make war profiteers rich? Like where is the free market in all that?)

Now the Europeans are sending the same message: WE DON’T WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR FOREVER WARS—YOU FUCKING IDIOT. But they have to at least pretend to be nice to America’s first black president so they promise to send some troops as long as they won’t need bullets. Of course, it would be great if American troops were put on the American border to use extreme drone-like measures to dissuade the civilian soldiers of the Hispanic Armies invading the U.S., spearheaded by their special forces assassination teams and gangbangers, but the U.S. Government doesn’t have the guts or patriotism to really protect America—in part because they are a bunch of patsies for alien insurgents carrying out OPERATION DIVERSITY.

And why would OBAMA be interested. HE IS ONE OF THEM! He’s really not a black American. If he were he would be beating the hell out of Michelle (the Chris Brown workout so popular with black men), killed in a drive-bye bye shooting, smoking crack and doing rap, or in prison. He is exactly how the aliens want to see America become—half American and half alien. The problem is the alien half is an American hating and devouring Medusa with a thousand venomous viper heads, each one capable of killing an American community.

And now our half-alien president, Mr. Hussein Obama is telling the Europeans to open the floodgates to millions of Turkish Muslims. Doesn’t that sound like fun. Just look at how much France, Germany, and England are enjoying their Muslim guests. What Hussein Obama is doing is extending the DIVERSITY AGENDA, which has so thoroughly fucked up America, to Europe. If we are going to shoot ourselves in the head, we want Europe to do the same thing. And why? Why is the U.S. cozying up to the fucking Turks? I bet you anything it has something to do with fucking military operations and nothing to do with protecting the fucking American people. EUROPE, don’t let Hussein Obama fool you. He IS NOT one of you. Stay away from the tar baby.

But what I really wanted to share with gullible America is something I read in Wikipedia about the Vietnam War: “The Battle of Dien Bien Phu marked the end of French involvement in Indochina. The Viet Minh and their mercurial commander Vo Nguyen Giap handed the French a stunning military defeat. France had earlier declined the American offer of nuclear weapons to break the Vietnamese siege.” That’s right, the U.S. Government offered the French nuclear weapons to be used on the Vietnamese people by a colonialist power that didn’t belong in Vietnam in the first place. And you, stupid America, may have never learned that Vietnam had been America’s ally during W.W.II. You know when we were fighting the Japs. And that’s how we offered to pay them back.

The French learned their lesson: that being in another people’s country is immoral and self-defeating. That was the wisdom France’s president Jacques Chirac offered idiot boy Bush. Of course, now the French have been on such a colonialism guilt trip that they have allowed France to be inundated by the people they once ruled and hate their guts—like the Algerians and other irrationals. The future of France (and U.S.) can be seen in the French movie The Class. Imagine what happens when a small tribe called the Rationals are attacked by a much larger tribe called the Irrationals. What do you get? What you see in the movie, or L.A.

One other lesson. Do you really think the Vietnamese offspring are going to love Americans once they have found out how America treated their people back home? Do you really think the Iraqi people are going to love Americans after America has made widows of 740,000 wives? (Which means Bush is just as guilty of committing crimes against humanity as Hussein. But he won’t be hanged. Too bad. Life is so unjust.) Do you really think the people of Afghanistan are going to love Americans after hundreds of their villages have been destroyed and innocent men, women, and children killed, after having to endure America’s cruel DRONE WAR against them? (Remember the AGENT ORANGE WAR against the Vietnamese people?)

You are a stupid fucking idiot if you think so. The U.S. Government has this strange notion that you can make friends by making war. Nevertheless, when America allows these people to come into the U.S., it is being stupid twice. Don’t get me wrong. Just because I see the evil the U.S. has brought upon these people doesn’t mean I want them in my neighborhood. I don’t. I’m an American, not Vietnamese. My ancestors were Americans, not Iraqis.

Getting back to that alien alien hunter Wong, who were the people at the Un-American Civic Association (Americans stop giving to the UNITED WAY!)? Russians, Kurds, Chinese, Arabs, Laotians, and other alien tribes. And one of them was named Tokhtabayeva. No way will a person with a name like that ever be an American. Americans have names like Smith, Jones, Jefferson, Washington, etc., not Aorjoqhfnnwliakhjfrm, Wong, Hernandez, Suleman, Ho Chi Minh, etc. What in the fuck are any of these people doing in America? Who in fuck is allowing America to be taken over by these alien hordes? It does piss you off (if you are an American and not a traitor).

For example, I drove over to a Target store and thought I had been transported to some third-world nation that consists of a distressing mix of Hispanics, Arabs, Asians, and other aliens. I thought for sure I would come down with tuberculosis or some other imported, exotic, incurable disease. I already suffer acute attacks of depression each time I walk into what should be an American store but turns out to be an alien bazaar. The few dazed Americans there look like they just woke up on the alien planet Sinkola and were wondering what happen to the USA. I will tell you. It has been given away by their own government and businessmen like Jeff Moorad, the Padres' new chief executive, Jeff Moorad, who is all about the new Hispanic menu at Petco Park.

Jeff said, “I have a soft spot for anything Mexican.” Right away I thought, you mean like the Mexican Mafia, the hundreds of Mexican street gangs, the drug cartels, the Mexican assassination squads operating in the U.S., and the epidemic of Hispanic crime in San Diego. I guess like most American men he doesn’t read anything but the sports page. But some of us do read CRIME WATCH in the SDU-T and read items like “Border Tunnel Discovered, Arrest Made in Otay Mesa.” But hey if it’s good for business who gives a fuck. And it does kind of make sense given that baseball has become a Hispanic dominated sport in the U.S. Soccer is more American. A San Diego Union-Tribune article said, “Capitalizing on San Diego's proximity to the border, the Padres also will introduce a street-style taco stand where the pork will be roasted on a spit and then chopped to order.” The fact is the Mexican border now includes San Diego. So it’s good-bye to the all-American hot dog and hello to the taco-dog.

And, America, you can’t do a fucking thing about it. You can’t even keep the alien-language-speaking hordes out of your business. Who says? Our government that has been taken over by aliens such as Chinaman Senator Leland Yee says so. Read all about it: “The Senate Judiciary Committee today approved (3-2) legislation authored by Senator Leland Yee (D-San Francisco/San Mateo) to add the use of any language to the list of protections under the Unruh Civil Rights Act.”

Yee said, “No one should be discriminated against simply for speaking their language.” I say Fuck you! Believe me I didn’t hear much English being spoken at Target, which means that that Target doesn’t feel like America to me, and that makes my blood boil because I want to live around my own people, not around a bunch of aliens. Don’t you fucking get it, Yeeeeee, that Americans don’t feel at home when everyone around them is jabbering in some foreign lingo?

One article quotes Yee telling what it was like for him growing up: "As we were walking out, the salesman said, 'go back to where you came from,'" Yee said. "These things stick with you. I grew up in this environment, where on almost a daily basis, you go into a store and you see someone that's denying service because that person didn't speak English" ( Well, Yee that is because we hate your fucking guts. Your people invaded the American homeland thinking it was okay just because our fucking, traitorous government said it was okay, but IT WASN’T AND ISN’T OKAY! Then the aliens get into the government like the disease AIDS, take over, and dismantle the American defense system by promoting the fucking DIVERSITY AGENDA.

Apparently Yee received a HATE call from a woman who said, “Tell him to go back to China. He's an immigrant. This is the United States. We speak English." God bless her! His response was, "There's still a lot of individuals who don't get it, don't understand diversity." Bullshit! Americans understand diversity. Millions of them, like me, see it everyday in their communities, which are being transformed in alien ghettos. We get it, stupid, just like the Indians got it, but at least they didn’t get it in the back by their own leaders. Americans built this country, not the fucking Chinese. Oh I know they worked on the railroads and did laundry in mining camps. Who gives a shit! That’s not building the country. But that’s not the point. The point is that most the fucking Chinese, like your family and like the Mexicans, flooded into America during the past fifty years and your ancestors had nothing to do with building the nation or creating it’s culture—which your MULTICULTURAISM is all about destroying.

NPR said that Yee said something to the effect that we need to do a better job of educating our children so that they can see the benefits of a MULTICULTURAL society. You mean BRAINWASHING American children. Yeah we see the benefits everyday: crime, gangs, shootings, unsafe school, financial burden, loss of job opportunities for Americans, and the loss of our communities. What I know is that a MULTICULTURAL society is a NON-AMERICAN society. DIVERSITY and MULTICULTURALISM are propaganda tricks used by those who seek to destroy America so they can take it over. There is no fucking benefit to diversity that is worth losing your homeland for. The BENEFIT goes only to the ALIENS. I also wish Yee would go back to wherever alien shithole he came from. (Let’s face it, if it wasn’t a shithole he or his parents wouldn't have left.) And now his kind are turning America into an alien SLUMDOG shithole.

This blog rant is supposed to be about that other Asian alien Jiverly Wong, who in his twisted, ironic way ended up fighting America’s fight. Joseph Zikuski, Binghamton’s dazed and confused police chief, said about Wong, “He must have been a coward... When he heard the sirens, he decided to take his own life.” By that You mean like he was afraid to be shot so he shot himself? Or he was like the cowardly Saudis who killed themselves by flying planes into buildings? Or like the cowardly Muslims who shot up the place in India and got themselves killed or captured and soon to be tortured? Or like the suicide bombers who straps on the vest and blows themselves to pieces? But not like the drone operators who used a remotely controlled drone predators to blow up a village in Afghanistan or Pakistan 7000 miles away. You know most of the outright slaughter carried out in Iraq was not done by the fighting boots-on-the-ground soldiers risking their lives but soldiers using advanced forms of military technology—such as helicopters, tanks, ships, airplanes, etc. But they are not cowards (and I’m not saying they are), but Wong was? And by the way, according to Zikuski's definition who would be a brave man? I suppose a guy like Richard Poplawski who shot it out with the Pittsburgh police, killing three cops. He also took gunshot wounds to the legs.

It’s true Wong killed unarmed people, but he did so knowing he was going to his death. So I don’t think he was a coward. If he were, there would be a shooting like his everyday in the country. Lot’s of Americans are killing mad but don't have the guts to do what the killers do. The whole purpose of the police and the penal system is to make people too afraid to commit crimes. Actually, society owes a lot to cowards who don’t commit crimes for fear of being either caught or shot—because a hell of a lot of people would commit crimes of one type or another if they thought they could get away with it. Just look at Wall Street. Don’t get me wrong. I hate Wong’s alien guts, but he wasn’t coward. We just hate the idea that people we hate can be brave.

Finally, the article I read about the un-American Civic Association shooting had a photo showing a bunch of sad faces. I’m not sad, nor are millions of Americans who are watching their country being overrun by aliens. They feel Wong’s I’m-pissed pain, but we are still grateful that he blew out his brains after he did what he felt he had to do.