Here in barrio San Diego the Swine Flu is in all the Schools. It’s already killed 1,000 people in the country. Hey where is the vaccine? The alien-loving government is spending billions of dollars killing Afghan warriors and getting American soldiers killed but isn’t protecting Americans (that the soldiers over there are supposed to be protecting) from a virus that is already killing them.
And who is alien Hussein Obama making sure is getting vaccinated? In this part of the country Illegal alien mothers and their anchor babies are getting vaccinated at clinics. Those who will have to wait are the OLD GRINGOS. And we all know that the present—pro-Israel, pro-illegal alien—government believes that the country would be better off without them anyway because they are an obstacle to the country becoming a full-fledged multicultural District 9.
Here it is from the L.A. Times:
Illegal immigrants deserve medical care for swine flu
Aside from the moral imperative, it just makes sense to treat all people for the illness -- before they have to go to the emergency room.
May 04, 2009
George Skelton From Sacramento — The swine flu scare may be hype. Maybe not. Either way, it's reassuring to know that hospital emergency rooms and community clinics are treating anyone who's sick, including illegal immigrants.
"Swine flu knows no borders," notes Carmela Castellano-Garcia, chief executive of the California Primary Care Assn., an organization of roughly 700 clinics. "It pays no regard to income or immigration status."
“SWINE FLU KNOWS NO BORDERS”! I guess that makes the SWINE FLU and the ILLEGAL ALIENS a lot alike.
Obama, KING OF DISTRICT 9 USA, has declared a national emergency—which means no questions asked. In other words, illegal mamas and their anchor babies and anchor babies’ babies will be lining up at the DISTRICT 9 free clinics to get free vaccine, no questions asked. Don’t you just love diversity? Sure you do if you’re an illegal alien.
The poor GRINGOS will be left on the rooftops like all those black Americans during Karina (Laura Bush thinking how lucky they were to sunbathe on the roof while their homes floated gently away). The GRINGOS will be waiting for the vaccination that will never come because their tax dollars have been wasted on stupid wars and taking care of illegal aliens and their anchor children.
Let's play FIND THE GRINGO in this line of people waiting for the vaccine in L.A.:
And now President Barack Hinsane Obama has overturn a 22-year-old travel and immigration ban against people with HIV. The U.S. has been among a dozen countries that bar entry to travelers with visas or anyone seeking a green card based on their HIV status. Next HIV status will qualify you for citizenship. Why not, entering the country illegally qualifies you to most of the rights of citizenship already. So one epidemic isn’t enough for the Savior of the Third-World, the messianic Obama. Now he wants to open the doors to all the diseased aliens of the earth, as if the United States was a international general hospital. It makes sense, the country's already become an international welfare center. However, we will need to get a nurse's uniform and a surgical mask for the Statue of Liberty.
"Give me your diseased, your poor,
your ignorant, crime-ridden huddled masses
yearning to live free off the American taxpayer,
to displace the old-time Americans
from their homes and communities.
The wretched criminally insane
refuse of your teeming shore,
send these, and the homeless, penniless,
tempest-tossed dregs of society to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden doors
of our prisons, hospitals, schools
red pen and checkbook in hand!"
And now in Washington House leaders unveiled their health bill. Which will mean that the millions and millions of illegals and their anchor babies’ babies will be getting free health care on the GRINGO DIME. Then will come the AMNESTY BILL (waving the white flag of surrender to Mexico and other south of the border nations) which will allow millions and millions of alien felons to receive health care paid by the STUPID GRINGOS while they steal America by demographically transforming it into a DISTRIC 9 NATION.
Don’t know District 9? Take a look:
Here is the new District 9 Hispanic America: